  // clean up and additional data
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("[liqRibData] freeing additional ribdata: %s\n", objDagPath.fullPathName().asChar() );
  // Class destructor should be called
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("[liqRibData] finished freeing additional ribdata: %s\n", objDagPath.fullPathName().asChar() );
static void _write(liqRibSurfaceData* pData, const structJob &currentJob__)

    LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> writing nurbs surface\n" );

    LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> writing nurbs surface trims\n" );
    if ( pData->hasTrims )
        RiTrimCurve( pData->nloops,
                     const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->ncurves[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->order[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->knot[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->minKnot[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->maxKnot[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->numCVs[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->u[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->v[ 0 ] ),
                     const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->w[ 0 ] ) );

    if ( !pData->tokenPointerArray.empty() )
        unsigned numTokens( pData->tokenPointerArray.size() );
        boost::scoped_array< RtToken > tokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
        boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > pointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );
        assignTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );



            pointerArray.get() );
        LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> ignoring nurbs surface\n" );
    LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> done writing nurbs surface\n" );
/** Bump reference count down by one and delete if necessary.
void liqRibObj::unref()
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> unreferencing ribobj.\n" );
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> number of ribobj references prior: %d\n", referenceCount );
  assert ( referenceCount >= 0 );

  if ( referenceCount <= 0 ) 
    LIQDEBUGPRINTF(  "-> deleting this ribobj.\n" );
    //delete this;
/** Bump reference count up by one.
void liqRibObj::ref()
  //printf("-> referencing ribobj: %s\n", data->objDagPath.fullPathName().asChar() );
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> number of ribobj references prior: %d\n", referenceCount );
/** Write the RIB for this coordinate system.
void liqRibCoordData::_write(const structJob &currentJob)

  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> writing coord"); 
  RiCoordinateSystem( const_cast<char *> ( name.asChar() ) );
	static void _write(liqRibCoordData* pData, const structJob &currentJob__)

		LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> writing coord"); 
		RiCoordinateSystem( const_cast<char *> ( pData->getName().asChar() ) );
/** Compare this coordinate system to otherObj.
 *  The purpose is usually to determe if the coordinate system is animated.
bool liqRibCoordData::compare( const liqRibData & otherObj ) const

  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> comparing coord\n");
  return ( otherObj.type() != MRT_Coord )? false : true;
/** Create a RIB compatible representation of a Maya coordinate system.
liqRibCoordData::liqRibCoordData( MObject coord )
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> creating coord\n");
  MFnDependencyNode fnNode( coord );
  this->name = fnNode.name();
  //cout <<"created coord "<<this->name.asChar()<<endl;
  // clean up and additional data
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> freeing additional ribdata: " );
  // Class destructor should be called
#if 0
  std::vector<rTokenPointer>::iterator iter = tokenPointerArray.begin();
  while ( iter != tokenPointerArray.end() ) {
    LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> freeing addition ribdata: %s\n", iter->tokenName );
    if ( iter->tokenFloats != NULL ) {
      lfree( iter->tokenFloats );
      iter->tokenFloats = NULL;
    if ( iter->tokenString != NULL ) {
      lfree( iter->tokenString );
      iter->tokenString = NULL;
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> finished freeing additional ribdata: " );
/** Compare the two object's geometry.
 *  This comparision is used to determine if motion blurring should be done.
AnimType liqRibObj::compareBody( const liqRibObjPtr o ) const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> comparing rib node handle body\n");
  //cout <<"-> comparing rib node handle body"<<endl;
  AnimType cmp( MRX_Const );
  if ( !data || !o->data ) cmp = MRX_Const;
  else if ( !data->compare( *( o->data.get() ) ) ) cmp = MRX_Animated;
  return cmp;
/** Return the RenderMan handle handle for this light.
RtLightHandle liqRibObj::lightHandle() const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> creating light node handle rep\n");
  //assert( type == MRT_Light );
  RtLightHandle lHandle( NULL );
  if ( type == MRT_Light ) 
    liqRibLightData* light( ( liqRibLightData* )data.get() );
    lHandle = light->lightHandle();
  return lHandle;
/** Compare this curve to the other for the purpose of determining
 *  if it is animated.
bool liqRibPfxToonData::compare( const liqRibData & otherObj ) const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> comparing pfxToon curves\n");
  if ( otherObj.type() != MRT_PfxToon ) return false;
  //const liqRibPfxToonData & other = (liqRibPfxToonData&)otherObj;

  // // Check CVs
  // last = nverts[0] * 3;
  // for ( i = 0; i < last; ++i ) {
  //     if ( !equiv( CVs[i], other.CVs[i] ) ) return false;
  // }

  return true;
/** Write the RIB for this paint effects toon line.
void liqRibPfxToonData::write()
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> writing pfxToon curve\n" );

  if ( 0 < ncurves  ) 
    unsigned numTokens( tokenPointerArray.size() );
    scoped_array< RtToken > tokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
    scoped_array< RtPointer > pointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );
    assignTokenArraysV( tokenPointerArray, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

    RiCurvesV( "linear", ncurves, nverts.get(), "nonperiodic", numTokens, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );
  } else 
    RiIdentity(); // Make sure we don't create empty motion blocks
liqGenericShader &liqShaderFactory::getShader( MObject shaderObj, bool withAllParameters )
	MString rmShaderStr;
	MFnDependencyNode shaderNode( shaderObj );
	MPlug rmanShaderNamePlug = shaderNode.findPlug( MString( "rmanShaderLong" ) );
	rmanShaderNamePlug.getValue( rmShaderStr );
	LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> Using Renderman Shader %s\n",  rmShaderStr.asChar() );
	vector<liqGenericShader*>::iterator iter = m_shaders.begin();
	while ( iter != m_shaders.end() )
		//string shaderNodeName = shaderNode.name().asChar();
		if ( (*iter)->m_mObject == shaderObj )
			// Already got it : nothing to do
			return **iter;
	liqGenericShader *currentShader = NULL;

	MTypeId typeId = shaderNode.typeId();

	if(	typeId==liqSurfaceNode::id ||
		typeId==liqDisplacementNode::id ||
		typeId==liqVolumeNode::id ||
		typeId==liqLightNode::id || 
		)	// classic shader
		currentShader = new liqShader( shaderObj, withAllParameters );
	else	// switcher
		currentShader = new liqSwitcher( shaderObj, withAllParameters );
	if( currentShader->hasErrors )
		printf("[liqShaderFactory] error while creating liqObject for node '%s'\n", shaderNode.name().asChar() );
	m_shaders.push_back( currentShader );
	return *(m_shaders.back());
/** Compare the two object's world transform matrices.
 *  This method also works with instanced objects.
 *  This comparision is used to determine if motion blurring should be done.
AnimType liqRibObj::compareMatrix( const liqRibObjPtr o, int instance ) const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> comparing rib node handle rep matrix\n");
  return ( matrix( instance ) == o->matrix( instance ) ? MRX_Const : MRX_Animated );
	static void _write(liqRibParticleData* pData, const structJob &currentJob__)

		LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> writing particles\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
		RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Number of Valid Particles: %d", pData->m_numValidParticles );
		RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Number of Discarded Particles: %d", pData->m_numParticles - pData->m_numValidParticles );
		MString notes("Make sure the particle is generated(e.g. sometimes particle is not generated, drag the time slider from frame0 to generate particles.)");
		if(pData->m_numValidParticles <= 0 ){
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Number of Valid Particles: %d. %s", pData->m_numValidParticles, notes.asChar() );
			liquidMessage2(messageError, "%s. [%s]", notes.asChar(), pData->getFullPathName().asChar());

		unsigned numTokens( pData->tokenPointerArray.size() );
		boost::scoped_array< RtToken > tokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
		boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > pointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );
		assignTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

		switch( pData->particleType ) 
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTBlobbies: 
				// Build an array that can be given to RiBlobby
				std::vector< RtString > stringArray;
				for( int i(0); i < pData->m_stringArray.size(); i++ ) 
					stringArray.push_back( const_cast<char *>( pData->m_stringArray[i].c_str()) );
				RiBlobbyV( pData->m_numValidParticles,
					pData->m_codeArray.size(), const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->m_codeArray[0] ),
					pData->m_floatArray.size(), const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->m_floatArray[0] ),
					stringArray.size(), const_cast< RtString* >( &stringArray[0] ),
					const_cast< RtPointer* >( pointerArray.get() ) );
				pData->grain = 0;

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTMultiPoint:
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTPoints:
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "normal has to be reversed to show the MultiPoint/Points particles. //  [10/9/2012 yaoyansi]" );
#ifdef DELIGHT
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSpheres:
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSprites:
				RiPointsV( pData->m_numValidParticles * pData->m_multiCount, numTokens, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTMultiStreak:
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTStreak: 
				unsigned nStreaks( pData->m_numValidParticles * pData->m_multiCount / 2 );
				std::vector< RtInt > verts( nStreaks, 2 );
				// Alternatively:
				//   scoped_array< RtInt >verts( new RtInt[ nStreaks ] );
				//   fill( verts.get(), verts.get() + nStreaks, ( RtInt )2 );
				// Both ways are way faster than the frickin for() lop that was here before -- Moritz

				RiCurvesV( "linear", nStreaks, &verts[ 0 ], "nonperiodic", numTokens, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );
#ifndef DELIGHT
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSpheres: 
				int posAttr  = -1,
					radAttr  = -1,
					colAttr  = -1,
					opacAttr = -1;

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->tokenPointerArray.size(); i++ )
					const std::string tokenName( pData->tokenPointerArray[i].getTokenName() );
					if ( "P" == tokenName )
						posAttr = i;
					else if ( "radius" == tokenName )
						radAttr = i;
					else if ( "Cs" == tokenName )
						colAttr = i;
					else if ( "Os" == tokenName )
						opacAttr = i;

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->m_numValidParticles; i++)
					if ( colAttr != -1 )
						RiColor( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[colAttr])[i*3] );
					if ( opacAttr != -1 )
						RiOpacity( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[opacAttr])[i*3] );

					RtFloat radius = ((RtFloat*)pointerArray[radAttr])[i];
					RiSphere(radius, -radius, radius, 360, RI_NULL);

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTSprites: 
				int posAttr   = -1,
					numAttr    = -1,
					twistAttr  = -1,
					scaleXAttr = -1,
					scaleYAttr = -1,
					colAttr    = -1,
					opacAttr   = -1;

				for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < pData->tokenPointerArray.size(); i++ )
					const std::string tokenName( pData->tokenPointerArray[i].getTokenName() );
					if ( "P" == tokenName )
						posAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteNum" == tokenName )
						numAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteTwist" == tokenName )
						twistAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteScaleX" == tokenName )
						scaleXAttr = i;
					else if ( "spriteScaleY" == tokenName )
						scaleYAttr = i;
					else if ( "Cs" == tokenName )
						colAttr = i;
					else if ( "Os" == tokenName )
						opacAttr = i;

				MVector camUp( 0, 1, 0 );
				MVector camRight( 1, 0, 0 );
				MVector camEye( 0, 0, 1 );

				camUp    *= currentJob__.camera[0].mat.inverse();
				camRight *= currentJob__.camera[0].mat.inverse();
				camEye   *= currentJob__.camera[0].mat.inverse();

				for( unsigned ui( 0 ); ui < pData->m_numValidParticles; ui++ ) 
					MVector up( camUp );
					MVector right( camRight );

					float spriteRadiusX( 0.5 );
					float spriteRadiusY( 0.5 );

					RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "normal has to be reversed to show the Sprite particles. //  [10/9/2012 yaoyansi]" );

					if ( -1 != colAttr ) 
						RiColor( &( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ colAttr ] )[ ui * 3 ] );

					if ( -1 != opacAttr ) 
						RiOpacity( &( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ opacAttr ] )[ ui * 3 ] );

					if ( -1 != twistAttr ) 
						float twist( -( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ twistAttr ] )[ ui ] * M_PI / 180 );
						MQuaternion twistQ( twist, camEye );
						right = camRight.rotateBy( twistQ );
						up    = camUp.rotateBy( twistQ );

					if ( scaleXAttr != -1 ) 
						spriteRadiusX *= ( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ scaleXAttr ] )[ ui ];

					if ( scaleYAttr != -1 ) 
						spriteRadiusY *= ( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ scaleYAttr ] )[ ui ];

					if ( posAttr != -1 ) 
						float *P( &( ( RtFloat* ) pointerArray[ posAttr ] )[ ui * 3 ] );
						float spriteNumPP = 0;
						if ( numAttr != -1 ) 
							spriteNumPP = ( ( RtFloat* )pointerArray[ numAttr ] )[ ui ];

						float x0 = P[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y0 = P[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z0 = P[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];
						float x1 = P[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y1 = P[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z1 = P[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];
						float x2 = P[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y2 = P[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z2 = P[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];
						float x3 = P[ 0 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 0 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 0 ];
						float y3 = P[ 1 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 1 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 1 ];
						float z3 = P[ 2 ] + spriteRadiusX * right[ 2 ] - spriteRadiusY * up[ 2 ];

						float patch[ 12 ] = { x0, y0, z0,
							x1, y1, z1,
							x2, y2, z2,
							x3, y3, z3 };
						// !!! if not GENERIC_RIBLIB use RiPatch( "bilinear", "P", &patch, "float spriteNum", &spriteNum, RI_NULL );                                  
						// RiPatch( "bilinear", "P", &patch, "float spriteNum", (RtFloat*)&spriteNumPP, RI_NULL );
						// Patch "bilinear"  "P" [0.446265 0.316269 -0.647637 1.27725 0.316269 -1.20393 0.615752 -0.636188 -0.39446 1.44674 -0.636188 -0.950756 ]  "float spriteNum" [2 0 0 0 ]
						RiArchiveRecord( RI_VERBATIM, "Patch \"bilinear\" \"P\" [%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f] \"float spriteNum\" [%f]", 
							x0, y0, z0,x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2,x3, y3, z3,
							spriteNumPP ); 
					else {

#endif // #ifndef DELIGHT

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTCloudy:
				int posAttr  = -1,
					radAttr  = -1,
					colAttr  = -1,
					opacAttr = -1,
					rotAttr  = -1;

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->tokenPointerArray.size(); i++ )
					const std::string tokenName( pData->tokenPointerArray[i].getTokenName() );
					if ( "P" == tokenName )
						posAttr = i;
					else if ( "radius" == tokenName )
						radAttr = i;
					else if ( "Cs" == tokenName )
						colAttr = i;
					else if ( "Os" == tokenName )
						opacAttr = i;
					else if ( "rotation" == tokenName )
						rotAttr = i;
				// Build an array that can be given to RiBlobby
				std::vector< RtString > stringArray;
				for( unsigned int i(0); i < pData->m_stringArray.size(); i++ ) {
					stringArray.push_back( const_cast<char *>( pData->m_stringArray[i].c_str()) );
				if(stringArray.size()==0)//added by yaoyansi, or it leads a crash on windows
					stringArray.push_back( "" );

				boost::scoped_array< RtToken > ithTokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
				boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > ithPointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );

				for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pData->m_numValidParticles; i++)
					assignIthTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, ithTokenArray.get(), ithPointerArray.get(), i );
					if ( colAttr != -1 )
						RiColor( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[colAttr])[i*3] );
					if ( opacAttr != -1 )
						RiOpacity( &((RtFloat*)pointerArray[opacAttr])[i*3] );

					if ( rotAttr != -1 )
						RiRotate( (( RtFloat *) pointerArray[rotAttr])[i*3] * 360.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
						RiRotate( (( RtFloat *) pointerArray[rotAttr])[i*3+1] * 360.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
						RiRotate( (( RtFloat *) pointerArray[rotAttr])[i*3+2] * 360.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

					RtFloat radius = ((RtFloat*)pointerArray[radAttr])[i];
					RiScale( radius, radius, radius );
					//RiSphere(radius, -radius, radius, 360, RI_NULL);
					float dummy[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; // Worst case : three floats are needed
					RiBlobbyV( 1,
						pData->m_codeArray.size(), const_cast< RtInt* >( &pData->m_codeArray[0] ),
						pData->m_floatArray.size(), const_cast< RtFloat* >( &pData->m_floatArray[0] ),
						stringArray.size(), const_cast< RtString* >( &stringArray[0] ),
						numTokens, ithTokenArray.get(), ithPointerArray.get() );
//						"vertex color incandescence", (RtPointer *)( dummy ),
//						"vertex color Cs", (RtPointer *)( dummy ),
//						"vertex float selfshadow", (RtPointer *)( dummy ),
//						RI_NULL );

		case liqRibParticleData::MPTNumeric:
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Numeric Particles are not supported" );
		case liqRibParticleData::MPTTube:
			RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Tube Particles are not supported" );

void tShadowRibWriterMgr::framePrologue_display(const structJob &currentJob)

	//refactor 14-1 begin from liqRibTranslator::framePrologue()
	if( currentJob.pass != rpShadowMap && liqglo.liqglo_rotateCamera  == true )
		// philippe : Rotated Camera Case
		RiFormat( currentJob.height, currentJob.width, currentJob.aspectRatio );
		RiFormat( currentJob.width, currentJob.height, currentJob.aspectRatio );
	//refactor 14-1 end

	if( currentJob.pass != rpShadowMap )
		//refactor 14 begin to tHeroRibWriterMgr::framePrologue_display()
		// Smooth Shading
		RiShadingInterpolation( "smooth" );
		// Quantization
		// overriden to floats when in rendering to Maya's renderView
		if( !liqglo.m_renderView && liqglo.quantValue != 0 )
			int whiteValue = (int) pow( 2.0, liqglo.quantValue ) - 1;
			RiQuantize( RI_RGBA, whiteValue, 0, whiteValue, 0.5 );
			RiQuantize( RI_RGBA, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
		if( liqglo.m_rgain != 1.0 || liqglo.m_rgamma != 1.0 )
			RiExposure( liqglo.m_rgain, liqglo.m_rgamma );
		//refactor 14 end

			if( currentJob.pass == rpShadowMap &&(currentJob.shadowType != stDeep || currentJob.samples == 1 ) )
				//refactor 15
				if( liqglo.liquidRenderer.renderName == MString("Pixie") )
					liqFloat zero = 0;
					RiHider( "hidden", "jitter", &zero, RI_NULL );
					liqInt zero = 0;
					RiHider( "hidden", "int jitter", &zero, RI_NULL );
				//refactor 15
			if( currentJob.pass == rpShadowMap && currentJob.shadowType == stMidPoint )
				//refactor 16
				liqString midPoint = "midpoint";
				liqFloat midRatio = /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.midPointRatio;

				RiHider( "hidden", "depthfilter", &midPoint, RI_NULL );

				if ( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.midPointRatio != 0 )
					RiHider( "hidden", "midpointratio", &midRatio, RI_NULL ); // Output to rib jami
							//refactor 16
			LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> Setting Display Options\n" );
			//if( currentJob.pass == rpShadowMap )
			//MString relativeShadowName( liquidSanitizePath( liquidGetRelativePath( liqglo_relativeFileNames, liqglo_currentJob.imageName, liqglo_projectDir ) ) );
			//refactor 17 begin
			if( currentJob.shadowType != stMinMax )
				if( currentJob.shadowType == stDeep )
					// RiDeclare( "volumeinterpretation", "string" );
					liqString volume = "continuous";

					if ( currentJob.volume != viContinuous )
						volume = "discrete"; 

					if( liqglo.liquidRenderer.renderName == MString("3Delight") )
						RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Display 1");
						RiDisplay( const_cast< char* >( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.imageName.asChar()),
							const_cast< char* >( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.format.asChar() ),
							"string volumeinterpretation", &volume,
							RI_NULL );
						// Deep shadows cannot be the primary output driver in PRMan & co.
						// We need to create a null output zfile first, and use the deep
						// shadows as a secondary output.
						if( liqglo.liquidRenderer.renderName != MString("Pixie") )
							RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Display 2");
							RiDisplay( "null", "null", "z", RI_NULL );

						MString deepFileImageName = "+" + /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.imageName;

						RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Display 3");
						RiDisplay( const_cast< char* >( deepFileImageName.asChar() ),
							const_cast< char* >( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.format.asChar() ),
							"string volumeinterpretation", &volume,
							RI_NULL );
				}//if( liqglo.liqglo_currentJob.deepShadows )
					RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Display 4");
					liqInt aggregate( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.shadowAggregation );
					RiDisplay( const_cast< char* >( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.imageName.asChar() ),
						const_cast< char* >( /*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.format.asChar() ),
						"int aggregate", &aggregate,
						RI_NULL );
			}//if( !liqglo.liqglo_currentJob.isMinMaxShadow )
				RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Display 5");
				RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Display Driver:" );
				liqInt minmax = 1;
				RiDisplay( const_cast< char* >( (/*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.imageName+(int)liqglo.liqglo_lframe).asChar() ),//const_cast< char* >( parseString(liqglo_currentJob.imageName).asChar() ),
					const_cast< char* >(/*liqglo.liqglo_*/currentJob.format.asChar()),
					"minmax", &minmax,
					RI_NULL );
			exportJobCamera( currentJob, currentJob.camera );
			//refactor 17 end
/** Return the geometry type
ObjectType liqRibPfxToonData::type() const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> returning pfxToon curve type\n" );
  return MRT_PfxToon;
void liqRibData::addAdditionalSurfaceParameters( MObject node )
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> scanning for additional rman surface attributes \n");
  MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
  unsigned i;

  // work out how many elements there would be in a facevarying array if a mesh or subD
  // faceVaryingCount is a private data member
  if ( ( type() == MRT_Mesh ) || ( type() == MRT_Subdivision ) ) {
    faceVaryingCount = 0;
    MFnMesh fnMesh( node );
    for ( uint pOn = 0; pOn < fnMesh.numPolygons(); pOn++ ) {
      faceVaryingCount += fnMesh.polygonVertexCount( pOn );

  // find how many additional
  MFnDependencyNode nodeFn( node );

  // find the attributes
  MStringArray floatAttributesFound  = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanF", nodeFn );
  MStringArray pointAttributesFound  = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanP", nodeFn );
  MStringArray vectorAttributesFound = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanV", nodeFn );
  MStringArray normalAttributesFound = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanN", nodeFn );
  MStringArray colorAttributesFound  = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanC", nodeFn );
  MStringArray stringAttributesFound = findAttributesByPrefix( "rmanS", nodeFn );

  if ( floatAttributesFound.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < floatAttributesFound.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = floatAttributesFound[i].substring(5, floatAttributesFound[i].length());
      MPlug fPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( floatAttributesFound[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = fPlug.getValue( plugObj );
      if ( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kDoubleArrayData ) {
        MFnDoubleArrayData  fnDoubleArrayData( plugObj );
        MDoubleArray doubleArrayData = fnDoubleArrayData.array( &status );
        tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                              ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                              doubleArrayData.length() );
        for( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < doubleArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, doubleArrayData[kk] );
        if ( ( type() == MRT_NuCurve ) && ( cutString == MString( "width" ) ) ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVarying);
        } else if ( ( ( type() == MRT_Mesh ) || ( type() == MRT_Subdivision ) ) && ( doubleArrayData.length() == faceVaryingCount ) ) {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rFaceVarying);
        } else {
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
      } else {

        if( fPlug.isArray() ) {

          int nbElts = fPlug.evaluateNumElements();
          float floatValue;
          tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                true, // philippe :passed as uArray, otherwise it will think it is a single float
                                nbElts );
          MPlug elementPlug;
          for( unsigned int kk = 0; kk < nbElts; kk++ ) {
            elementPlug = fPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(kk);
            elementPlug.getValue( floatValue );
            tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, floatValue );
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );

        } else {

          float floatValue;
          tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                                0 );
          fPlug.getValue( floatValue );
          tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( 0, floatValue );
          tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );


      tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );

  if ( pointAttributesFound.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < pointAttributesFound.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = pointAttributesFound[i].substring(5, pointAttributesFound[i].length());
      MPlug pPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( pointAttributesFound[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = pPlug.getValue( plugObj );
      if ( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kPointArrayData ) {
        MFnPointArrayData  fnPointArrayData( plugObj );
        MPointArray pointArrayData = fnPointArrayData.array( &status );
        tokenPointerPair.set( cutString.asChar(),
                              ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                              pointArrayData.length() );
        if ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) {
          for ( int kk = 0; kk < pointArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
            tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, pointArrayData[kk].x, pointArrayData[kk].y, pointArrayData[kk].z, pointArrayData[kk].w );
        } else {
          for ( int kk = 0; kk < pointArrayData.length(); kk++ ) {
            tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( kk, pointArrayData[kk].x, pointArrayData[kk].y, pointArrayData[kk].z );
        tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
      } else {
        // Hmmmm float ? double ?
        float x, y, z;
                ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
                0 );
        // Hmmm should check as for arrays if we are in nurbs mode : 4 values
        pPlug.child(0).getValue( x );
        pPlug.child(1).getValue( y );
        pPlug.child(2).getValue( z );
        tokenPointerPair.setTokenFloat( 0, x, y, z );
        tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );
      tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );
  parseVectorAttributes( nodeFn, vectorAttributesFound, rVector );
  parseVectorAttributes( nodeFn, normalAttributesFound, rNormal );
  parseVectorAttributes( nodeFn, colorAttributesFound,  rColor  );

  if ( stringAttributesFound.length() > 0 ) {
    for ( i = 0; i < stringAttributesFound.length(); i++ ) {
      liqTokenPointer tokenPointerPair;
      MString cutString = stringAttributesFound[i].substring(5, stringAttributesFound[i].length());
      MPlug sPlug = nodeFn.findPlug( stringAttributesFound[i] );
      MObject plugObj;
      status = sPlug.getValue( plugObj );
        ( type() == MRT_Nurbs || type() == MRT_NuCurve ) ? true : false,
        0 );
      MString stringVal;
      sPlug.getValue( stringVal );
      tokenPointerPair.setTokenString( 0, stringVal.asChar(), stringVal.length() );
      tokenPointerPair.setDetailType( rConstant );
      tokenPointerArray.push_back( tokenPointerPair );
/** Return the geometry type.
ObjectType liqRibClipPlaneData::type() const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> returning clipPlane type\n"); 
  return MRT_Coord;
/** Compare this coordinate system to otherObj.
 *  The purpose is usually to determe if the coordinate system is animated.
bool liqRibCoordData::compare( const liqRibData & otherObj ) const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> comparing coord\n");
  return ( otherObj.type() != MRT_Coord )? false : true;
/** Create a RIB compatible representation of a Maya pfxToon node as RiCurves.
liqRibPfxToonData::liqRibPfxToonData( MObject pfxToon )
  : nverts(),
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> creating pfxToon curves\n" );
  MStatus status( MS::kSuccess );

  // Update the pfxToon node with the renderCamera's position
  // otherwise the resulting outline might be incorrect
  MDagPath cameraPath;
  MSelectionList camList;
  camList.add( liqglo_renderCamera );
  camList.getDagPath( 0, cameraPath );
  MMatrix cam_mat( cameraPath.inclusiveMatrix() );
  MFnDependencyNode pfxToonNode( pfxToon );
  pfxToonNode.findPlug( "cameraPointX" ).setValue( cam_mat( 3, 0 ) );
  pfxToonNode.findPlug( "cameraPointY" ).setValue( cam_mat( 3, 1 ) );
  pfxToonNode.findPlug( "cameraPointZ" ).setValue( cam_mat( 3, 2 ) );

  MFnPfxGeometry pfxtoon( pfxToon, &status );

  if ( status == MS::kSuccess ) 
    MRenderLineArray profileArray;
    MRenderLineArray creaseArray;
    MRenderLineArray intersectionArray;

    bool doLines          = true;
    bool doTwist          = false;
    bool doWidth          = true;
    bool doFlatness       = false;
    bool doParameter      = false;
    bool doColor          = true;
    bool doIncandescence  = false;
    bool doTransparency   = true;
    bool doWorldSpace     = false;

    status = pfxtoon.getLineData( profileArray, creaseArray, intersectionArray, doLines, doTwist, doWidth, doFlatness, doParameter, doColor, doIncandescence, doTransparency, doWorldSpace );

    if ( status == MS::kSuccess ) 
      // Het the lines and fill the arrays.
      ncurves = profileArray.length();
        MFnDependencyNode pfxNode( pfxToon );
        MString info( "[liquid] pfxToon node " );
        info += pfxNode.name() + " : " + ncurves + " curves.";
        cout << info << endl << flush;

      unsigned totalNumberOfVertices( 0 );

      if ( ncurves > 0 ) 
        nverts = shared_array< RtInt >( new RtInt[ ncurves ] );

        // Calculate storage requirments.
        // This is a lot more efficient than all those reallocs()
        // (or resize()s if we used a vector) that were done before
        // in the main loop below.
        for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < ncurves; i++ ) 
          MRenderLine theLine( profileArray.renderLine( i, &status ) );
          if ( MS::kSuccess == status ) 
            MVectorArray vertices( theLine.getLine() );
            totalNumberOfVertices += vertices.length();

        // Allocate memory
        CVs = shared_array< RtFloat >( new RtFloat[ totalNumberOfVertices * 3 ] );
        if ( !CVs ) 
          MString err( "liqRibPfxToonData failed to allocate CV memory!" );
          cout << err << endl << flush;
          throw( err );

        curveWidth = shared_array< RtFloat >( new RtFloat[ totalNumberOfVertices ] );
        if ( !curveWidth ) 
          MString err( "liqRibPfxToonData failed to allocate per vertex width memory!" );
          cout << err << endl << flush;
          throw( err );

        cvColor = shared_array< RtFloat >( new RtFloat[ totalNumberOfVertices * 3 ] );
        if ( !cvColor ) 
          MString err( "liqRibPfxToonData failed to allocate CV color memory!" );
          cout << err << endl << flush;

        cvOpacity = shared_array< RtFloat >( new RtFloat[ totalNumberOfVertices * 3 ] );
        if ( !cvOpacity ) 
          MString err("liqRibPfxToonData failed to allocate CV opacity memory !");
          cout << err << endl << flush;
          throw( err );

        RtFloat* cvPtr;
        RtFloat* widthPtr;
        RtFloat* colorPtr;
        RtFloat* opacityPtr;

        totalNumberOfVertices = 0;

        for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < ncurves; i++ ) 
          MRenderLine theLine( profileArray.renderLine( i, &status ) );

          if ( MS::kSuccess == status ) {

            const MVectorArray& vertices(           theLine.getLine() );
            const MDoubleArray& width(              theLine.getWidth() );
            const MVectorArray& vertexColor(        theLine.getColor() );
            const MVectorArray& vertexTransparency( theLine.getTransparency() );

            //cout <<"line "<<i<<" contains "<<vertices.length()<<" vertices."<<endl;
            //cout <<vertexColor<<endl;

            nverts[i] = vertices.length();
            totalNumberOfVertices += vertices.length();

            cvPtr      = CVs.get()        + ( totalNumberOfVertices * 3 - nverts[ i ] * 3 ) ;
            widthPtr   = curveWidth.get() + ( totalNumberOfVertices     - nverts[ i ] ) ;
            colorPtr   = cvColor.get()    + ( totalNumberOfVertices * 3 - nverts[ i ] * 3 ) ;
            opacityPtr = cvOpacity.get()  + ( totalNumberOfVertices * 3 - nverts[ i ] * 3 ) ;

            for ( unsigned vertIndex( 0 ); vertIndex < vertices.length(); vertIndex++ ) 
              *cvPtr++      = ( RtFloat ) vertices[ vertIndex ].x;
              *cvPtr++      = ( RtFloat ) vertices[ vertIndex ].y;
              *cvPtr++      = ( RtFloat ) vertices[ vertIndex ].z;

              *widthPtr++   = ( RtFloat )width[ vertIndex ];

              *colorPtr++   = ( RtFloat )vertexColor[ vertIndex ].x ;
              *colorPtr++   = ( RtFloat )vertexColor[ vertIndex ].y ;
              *colorPtr++   = ( RtFloat )vertexColor[ vertIndex ].z ;

              *opacityPtr++ = ( RtFloat )( 1.0f - vertexTransparency[ vertIndex ].x ) ;
              *opacityPtr++ = ( RtFloat )( 1.0f - vertexTransparency[ vertIndex ].y ) ;
              *opacityPtr++ = ( RtFloat )( 1.0f - vertexTransparency[ vertIndex ].z ) ;

        // Store for output
        liqTokenPointer points_pointerPair;
        if ( !points_pointerPair.set( "P", rPoint, true, false, totalNumberOfVertices ) ) 
          MString err( "liqRibPfxToonData: liqTokenPointer failed to allocate CV memory !" );
          cout << err << endl;
        points_pointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
        points_pointerPair.setTokenFloats( CVs );
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( points_pointerPair );

        // Store width params
        liqTokenPointer width_pointerPair;
        if ( !width_pointerPair.set( "width", rFloat, true, false, totalNumberOfVertices ) ) 
          MString err("liqRibPfxToonData: liqTokenPointer failed to allocate width memory !");
          cout <<err<<endl;
        width_pointerPair.setDetailType( rVarying );
        width_pointerPair.setTokenFloats( curveWidth );
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( width_pointerPair );

        // Store color params
        liqTokenPointer color_pointerPair;
        if ( !color_pointerPair.set( "pfxToon_vtxColor", rColor, true, false, totalNumberOfVertices ) ) 
          MString err("liqRibPfxToonData: liqTokenPointer failed to allocate color memory !");
          cout <<err<<endl;
        color_pointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
        color_pointerPair.setTokenFloats( cvColor );
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( color_pointerPair );

        // Store opacity params
        liqTokenPointer opacity_pointerPair;
        if ( !opacity_pointerPair.set( "pfxToon_vtxOpacity", rColor, true, false, totalNumberOfVertices ) ) 
          MString err("liqRibPfxToonData: liqTokenPointer failed to allocate opacity memory !");
          cout <<err<<endl<<flush;
        opacity_pointerPair.setDetailType( rVertex );
        opacity_pointerPair.setTokenFloats( cvOpacity );
        tokenPointerArray.push_back( opacity_pointerPair );

        addAdditionalSurfaceParameters( pfxToon );

/** Create a RIB representation of the given node in the DAG as a ribgen.
liqRibObj::liqRibObj( const MDagPath &path, ObjectType objType )
  written( 0 ),
  objectHandle( NULL ),
  referenceCount( 0 ),
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> creating dag node handle rep\n");

  MStatus status;
  MObject obj( path.node() );
  MObject skip;

  //lightSources = NULL;
  MFnDagNode nodeFn( obj );

  // Store the matrices for all instances of this node at this time
  // so that they can be used to determine if this node's transformation
  // is animated.  This information is used for doing motion blur.
  MDagPathArray instanceArray;
  nodeFn.getAllPaths( instanceArray );
  unsigned last( instanceArray.length() );
  instanceMatrices.resize( last );
  for ( unsigned i( 0 ); i < last; i++ ) instanceMatrices[ i ] = instanceArray[ i ].inclusiveMatrix();

  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> checking handles display status\n");

  ignore = !areObjectAndParentsVisible( path );
  if ( !ignore ) ignore = !areObjectAndParentsTemplated( path );
  if ( !ignore ) ignore = !isObjectPrimaryVisible( path );

  // check that the shape's transform does not a have a liqIgnoreShapes attribute.
  ignoreShapes = false;
  MDagPath searchPath( path );
  while ( searchPath.apiType() != ( MFn::kTransform ) && searchPath.length() > 1 ) searchPath.pop();
  MFnDagNode transformDN( searchPath );
  MPlug ignorePlug = transformDN.findPlug( "liqIgnoreShapes", &status );
  if ( status == MS::kSuccess ) ignorePlug.getValue( ignoreShapes );

  ignoreShadow = !isObjectCastsShadows( path );
  if ( !ignoreShadow ) ignoreShadow = !areObjectAndParentsVisible( path );
  if ( !ignoreShadow ) ignoreShadow = !areObjectAndParentsTemplated( path );
  receiveShadow = isObjectReceivesShadows( path );

  // don't bother storing it if it's not going to be visible!
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> about to create rep\n");

  if ( !ignore || !ignoreShadow ) 
    if ( objType == MRT_RibGen ) 
      type = MRT_RibGen;
      data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibGenData( obj, path ) );
      // check to see if object's class is derived from liqCustomNode
      liqCustomNode *customNode( NULL );
      MFnDependencyNode mfnDepNode( obj, &status );
      if ( status ) 
        MPxNode *mpxNode( mfnDepNode.userNode() );
        if ( mpxNode ) 
          customNode = dynamic_cast< liqCustomNode* >( mpxNode ); // will be NULL if cast is not invalid
      // Store the geometry/light/shader data for this object in RIB format
      if ( customNode ) 
        type = MRT_Custom;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibCustomNode( (( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ), customNode ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface) ) 
        type = MRT_Nurbs;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibSurfaceData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn(MFn::kSubdiv) ) 
        type = MRT_Subdivision;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibMayaSubdivisionData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve) ) 
        type = MRT_NuCurve;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibNuCurveData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn(MFn::kPfxGeometry) ) 
	      type = objType;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibPfxData( (( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip), objType ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kPfxToon ) ) 
        type = MRT_PfxToon;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibPfxToonData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kPfxHair ) ) 
        type = MRT_PfxHair;
        //LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "--> new liqRibPfxHairData\n");
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibPfxHairData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kParticle ) || obj.hasFn( MFn::kNParticle ) ) 
        type = MRT_Particles;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibParticleData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      // if you want to use plugin shapes as placeholders for example
			// i.e. you want to use shave & haircut and attach a custom shader to it
			else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kPluginShape ) )
				type = MRT_Weirdo; // lets use this at least once :)
				data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibSurfaceData( skip ) ); // you could use any here
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kMesh ) ) 
        float   	areaIntensity;
        // may be explicit "areaLight" attribute would be better ...
        liquidGetPlugValue( nodeFn, "areaIntensity", areaIntensity, status );
        if ( status == MS::kSuccess )
          // it should be AreaLight ( until better solution...)
          type = MRT_Light;
          data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqAreaLightData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
          // we know we are dealing with a mesh here, now we check to see if it
          // needs to be handled as a subdivision surface
          bool usingSubdiv ( false );
          liquidGetPlugValue( nodeFn, "liqSubdiv", usingSubdiv, status );

          bool usingSubdivOld ( false );
          liquidGetPlugValue( nodeFn, "subDMesh", usingSubdivOld, status );
          // make Liquid understand MTOR subdiv attribute
          bool usingSubdivMtor ( false );
          if ( liqglo_useMtorSubdiv ) 
            liquidGetPlugValue( nodeFn, "mtorSubdiv", usingSubdivMtor, status );

          usingSubdiv |= usingSubdivMtor | usingSubdivOld;
          if ( usingSubdiv ) 
            // we've got a subdivision surface
            bool useHierarchicalSubdiv ( false );
            liquidGetPlugValue( nodeFn, "liqHierarchicalSubdiv", useHierarchicalSubdiv, status );
            type = MRT_Subdivision;
					  if ( useHierarchicalSubdiv )
						  data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibHierarchicalSubdivisionData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
						  data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibSubdivisionData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
            // it's a regular mesh
            type = MRT_Mesh;
            data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibMeshData( ( !ignoreShapes )? obj : skip ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kLight ) ) 
        type = MRT_Light;
        data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibLightData( path ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kLocator ) ) 
        if ( mfnDepNode.typeName() == "liquidCoordSys" ) 
          MStatus status;
          int coordSysType = 0;
          MPlug typePlug( mfnDepNode.findPlug( "type", &status ) );
          if ( MS::kSuccess == status ) typePlug.getValue( coordSysType );
          if ( coordSysType == 5 ) 
            type = MRT_ClipPlane;
            data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibClipPlaneData( obj ) );
            type = MRT_Coord;
            data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibCoordData( obj ) );
          bool isCurveGroup( false );
				  if ( mfnDepNode.typeName() == "liqBoundingBoxLocator" )
            liquidGetPlugValue( mfnDepNode, "liquidCurveGroup", isCurveGroup, status );
					  if ( isCurveGroup )
						  type = MRT_Curves;
						  //if ( liqglo_renderAllCurves ) data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibCurvesData( obj ) );
						  //else                          data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibCurvesData( skip ) );
              data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibCurvesData( obj ) );
				  if ( !isCurveGroup )
					  type = MRT_Locator;
					  data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibLocatorData( obj ) );
      else if ( obj.hasFn( MFn::kImplicitSphere ) ) 
        type = MRT_ImplicitSphere;
        if ( !ignoreShapes ) data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibImplicitSphereData( obj ) );
        else                 data = liqRibDataPtr( new liqRibImplicitSphereData( skip ) );

    data->objDagPath = path;
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "==> done creating rep %s\n", path.fullPathName().asChar() );
/** Write the RIB for this coordinate system.
void liqRibCoordData::write()
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> writing coord"); 
  RiCoordinateSystem( const_cast<char *> ( name.asChar() ) );
	static void _write(liqRibMeshData* pData, const structJob &currentJob)

		if( pData->isEmpty() )
			liquidMessage( "Could not export degenerate mesh", messageError );
		//RiArchiveRecord( RI_COMMENT, "Sometimes the polygon cant be rendered correctly, so I try to reverse the normal. //- yaoyansi" );

			RtLightHandle handle = INVALID_LIGHT_INDEX;

			{ // What happens if we're inside a motion block????? This whole approach of Liquid is flawed...
				LIQDEBUGPRINTF( "-> mesh is area light\n" );
				//	RiAttributeBegin();
				RtString ribname = const_cast< char* >( pData->getFullPathName().asChar() );
				RiAttribute( "identifier", "name", &ribname, RI_NULL );
				RtMatrix tmp;
				memcpy( tmp, pData->getTransformationMatrixPtr(), sizeof( RtMatrix ) );
				RiTransform( tmp );
				float areaIntensity = pData->getAreaIntensity();
				handle = RiAreaLightSource( "arealight", "intensity", &areaIntensity, RI_NULL );
			//mesh data begin
			// Each loop has one polygon, so we just want an array of 1's of
			// the correct size. Stack version.
			//vector< RtInt > nloops( numFaces, 1 );
			// Alternatively (heap version):
			boost::scoped_array< RtInt > nloops( new RtInt[ pData->getNumFaces() ] );
			std::fill( nloops.get(), nloops.get() + pData->getNumFaces(), ( RtInt )1 );

			unsigned numTokens( pData->tokenPointerArray.size() );
			boost::scoped_array< RtToken > tokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
			boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > pointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );
			assignTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

			RiPointsGeneralPolygonsV( pData->getNumFaces(),
				&nloops[ 0 ],
				pointerArray.get() );
			//mesh data end

				// RiAttributeEnd();
				RiIlluminate( handle, 1 );
			//mesh data begin
			// Each loop has one polygon, so we just want an array of 1's of
			// the correct size. Stack version.
			//vector< RtInt > nloops( numFaces, 1 );
			// Alternatively (heap version):
			boost::scoped_array< RtInt > nloops( new RtInt[ pData->getNumFaces() ] );
			std::fill( nloops.get(), nloops.get() + pData->getNumFaces(), ( RtInt )1 );

			unsigned numTokens( pData->tokenPointerArray.size() );
			boost::scoped_array< RtToken > tokenArray( new RtToken[ numTokens ] );
			boost::scoped_array< RtPointer > pointerArray( new RtPointer[ numTokens ] );
			assignTokenArraysV( pData->tokenPointerArray, tokenArray.get(), pointerArray.get() );

			RiPointsGeneralPolygonsV( pData->getNumFaces(),
				&nloops[ 0 ],
				pointerArray.get() );
			//mesh data end//	
/** Return the geometry type.
ObjectType liqRibCoordData::type() const
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> returning coord type\n"); 
  return MRT_Coord;
/** Write the RIB for this coordinate system.
void liqRibClipPlaneData::write()
  LIQDEBUGPRINTF("-> writing clipPlane");
  RiArchiveRecord( RI_VERBATIM, "ClippingPlane 0 0 -1 0 0 0\n" );