static void getcpuid (char *id) { uint32_t ax[3],cx[3],dx[3]; cpuid(1); LM(veax,ax); cpuid(3); LM(vecx,cx); LM(vedx,dx); sprintf(id,"%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u%u",ax[0],ax[1],ax[2],cx[0],cx[1],cx[2],dx[0],dx[1],dx[2]); }
bool TCNN_opt_function::write_func_to_file(double x_begin, double x_end, unsigned steps, const char* file_name) { if (x_end < x_begin) { LM(LW, "x_begin should be less than x_end"); return false; } std::vector<std::vector<double> > function_values; double delta = (x_end - x_begin) / steps; for (double x = x_begin; x < x_end; x += delta) { std::vector<double> row; row.push_back(x); std::vector<double> tmp_data; tmp_data.push_back(x); tmp_data.push_back(x); row.push_back(optimized_function->fVal(tmp_data)); function_values.push_back(row); } write_to_file(file_name, function_values); return true; }
static void apply(const EncryptedArrayDerived<type>& ea, std::vector<zzX>& unpackSlotEncoding) { FHE_NTIMER_START(buildUnpackSlotEncoding); RBak bak;; ea.restoreContext(); // the NTL context for mod p^r long nslots = ea.size(); // how many slots long d = ea.getDegree(); // size of each slot const Mat<R>& CBi=ea.getNormalBasisMatrixInverse(); // CBi contains a description of the normal-basis inverse transformation std::vector<RX> LM(d); for (long i = 0; i < d; i++) // prepare the linear polynomial LM[i] = CBi[i][0]; std::vector<RX> C; ea.buildLinPolyCoeffs(C, LM); // "build" the linear polynomial unpackSlotEncoding.resize(d); // encode the coefficients for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) { std::vector<RX> v(nslots, C[j]); ea.encode(unpackSlotEncoding[j], v); } }
// dump statistics and weighted average void dump(std::ostream& os, std::string msg="PRS") throw(Exception) { try { was.setMessage(msg); os << was << std::endl; if(ndof > 0) { // scale covariance double sig(::sqrt(APV/ndof)); Matrix<double> Cov(was.getCov()); for(size_t i=0; i<Cov.rows(); i++) for(size_t j=i; j<Cov.cols(); j++) Cov(i,j) = Cov(j,i) = Cov(i,j)*sig; // print cov as labelled matrix Namelist NL; NL += "ECEF_X"; NL += "ECEF_Y"; NL += "ECEF_Z"; LabeledMatrix LM(NL,Cov); LM.scientific().setprecision(3).setw(14); os << "Covariance: " << msg << std::endl << LM << std::endl; os << "APV: " << msg << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << " sigma = " << sig << " meters with " << ndof << " degrees of freedom."; } else os << " Not enough data for covariance."; } catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); } }
void dynLagrangianCsBound::correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU) { LESModel::correct(gradU); volSymmTensorField S(dev(symm(gradU()))); volScalarField magS(mag(S)); volVectorField Uf(filter_(U())); volSymmTensorField Sf(dev(symm(fvc::grad(Uf)))); volScalarField magSf(mag(Sf)); volSymmTensorField L(dev(filter_(sqr(U())) - (sqr(filter_(U()))))); volSymmTensorField M(2.0*sqr(delta())*(filter_(magS*S) - 4.0*magSf*Sf)); volScalarField invT ( (1.0/(theta_.value()*delta()))*pow(flm_*fmm_, 1.0/8.0) ); volScalarField LM(L && M); fvScalarMatrix flmEqn ( fvm::ddt(flm_) + fvm::div(phi(), flm_) == invT*LM - fvm::Sp(invT, flm_) ); flmEqn.relax(); flmEqn.solve(); bound(flm_, flm0_); volScalarField MM(M && M); fvScalarMatrix fmmEqn ( fvm::ddt(fmm_) + fvm::div(phi(), fmm_) == invT*MM - fvm::Sp(invT, fmm_) ); fmmEqn.relax(); fmmEqn.solve(); bound(fmm_, fmm0_); updateSubGridScaleFields(gradU); }
bool TCNN_opt_function::isInitialConditionsHasSameDimentions(std::vector<std::vector<double> > const &init_initial_conditions) { if (init_initial_conditions.size() != chaos_fuctions.size()) { LM(LE, "Size of vector with initial conditions are not equal to size of vector chaotic functions"); return false; } return true; }
void CLMBlockModel::optimise() { this->run(); //Full recompute of all the 0-states, which will never be recomputed again. CLMFullModel fullModelFn(this); CLevMar LM(fullModelFn, true, 1e-7); Eigen::VectorXd params = fullModelFn.init(); cout << params.transpose() << endl; LM.minimise(params, 5); cout << "Optimisation complete" << endl; }
matf TriangulateNonLinear(const matf & P1, const matf & P2, const TrackedPoint & p) { matf X(4,1); X(0,0) = p.x1; X(1,0) = p.y1; X(2,0) = p.x2; X(3,0) = p.y2; DistTriangulateNL dtnl(P1, P2); matf a_; LM(X, Triangulate(P1, P2, p), dtnl, a_); return a_; }
void baseODE45::solve(std::vector<double> init_initial_conditions, double init_step_length, unsigned init_amount_steps) { step_length = init_step_length; amount_steps = init_amount_steps; res.clear(); res.push_back(init_initial_conditions); // tmp_log_ostringstream.clear(); // tmp_log_ostringstream << "Start solve for ODE45 with configure ALL parameters step_length:" << step_length << " steps:" << amount_steps; LM(LI, "Start solve for ODE45 with configure ALL parameters step_length:" << step_length << " steps:" << amount_steps); //LM(LI, "Start solve for ODE45 with configure ALL parameters step_length:" + std::to_string(step_length) + " steps:" + std::to_string(amount_steps)); solve(); }
void baseODE45::solve() { if (res.size() == 0) { LM(LE, "Need to set initial conditions for ODE"); assert(false); } std::vector<double> X, C, K1, K2, K3, K4; X = res.back(); for (unsigned step = 0; step < amount_steps; ++step) { solve_one_step(X, C, K1, K2, K3, K4); } }
/** * @brief Extract coefficients from ciphertext polynomial * @param coeffs extracted coefficients * @param ctxt ciphertext * @param n extract "n" lowest degree coefficients */ void extractCoeffs(EncryptedArray& ea, vector<Ctxt>& coeffs, Ctxt& ctxt, long n) { long d = ea.getDegree(); if (d < n) n = d; coeffs.clear(); vector<Ctxt> conj; for (int coeff = 0; coeff < n; ++coeff) { vector<ZZX> LM(d); LM[coeff] = ZZX(0, 1); // "building" the linearized-polynomial coefficients vector<ZZX> C(d); ea.buildLinPolyCoeffs(C, LM); coeffs.push_back(ctxt); applyLinPoly1(ea, coeffs[coeff], C, conj); } }
void TSPsolver::init_chaotic(unsigned cities) { double rand_initial_cond; srand (time(0)); for(auto elem : chaos) { for(auto *sub_elem : elem) { delete sub_elem; } } chaos.clear(); for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) { rand_initial_cond = 2.0 * (static_cast<double>(rand())/RAND_MAX-0.5) * 0.2; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < cities; ++i) { std::vector<baseODE45*> city_row; for (unsigned j = 0; j < cities; ++j) { rand_initial_cond = 2.0 * (static_cast<double>(rand())/RAND_MAX-0.5) * 0.2; LM(LI, "rand initial cond: " << rand_initial_cond) std::vector<double> X; X.push_back(0); X.push_back(rand_initial_cond); X.push_back(0); X.push_back(0); city_row.push_back(new Chaotic1); city_row.back()->solve_init(X, step_length); } chaos.push_back(city_row); city_row.clear(); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //Load the AEM system specification files for the Skytem moments //only do this once //LM = Low moment pulse and cTDEmSystem LM("..\\..\\examples\\bhmar-skytem\\stmfiles\\Skytem-LM.stm"); //HM = high moment pulse cTDEmSystem HM("..\\..\\examples\\bhmar-skytem\\stmfiles\\Skytem-HM.stm"); //Load the system geometry (same for both moments) //This changes every fiducial/station cTDEmGeometry G; G.tx_height = 30; G.tx_roll = 0; G.tx_pitch = 0; G.tx_yaw = 0; G.txrx_dx = -12.62; G.txrx_dy = 0; G.txrx_dz = +2.16; G.rx_roll = 0; G.rx_pitch = 0; G.rx_yaw = 0; //Create the earth structure //This changes every fiducial/station cEarth1D E(3); E.conductivity[0] = 0.010; E.conductivity[1] = 0.100; E.conductivity[2] = 0.001; E.thickness[0] = 20; E.thickness[1] = 40; //bottom layer is infinite thickness and not set //Create a response object for each moment (they have different numbers of windwos) cTDEmResponse LMR; cTDEmResponse HMR; //Run the forward model for each moment LM.forwardmodel(G, E, LMR); HM.forwardmodel(G, E, HMR); //Merge the secondary field vertical (Z) components data into one data vector std::vector<double> data = concaternate(LMR.SZ, HMR.SZ); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++){ printf("%d %g\n", i, data[i]); } }
IGL_INLINE void igl::min_quad_dense_precompute( const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& A, const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& Aeq, const bool use_lu_decomposition, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& S) { typedef Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Mat; // This threshold seems to matter a lot but I'm not sure how to // set it const T treshold = igl::FLOAT_EPS; //const T treshold = igl::DOUBLE_EPS; const int n = A.rows(); assert(A.cols() == n); const int m = Aeq.rows(); assert(Aeq.cols() == n); // Lagrange multipliers method: Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> LM(n + m, n + m); LM.block(0, 0, n, n) = A; LM.block(0, n, n, m) = Aeq.transpose(); LM.block(n, 0, m, n) = Aeq; LM.block(n, n, m, m).setZero(); Mat LMpinv; if(use_lu_decomposition) { // if LM is close to singular, use at your own risk :) LMpinv = LM.inverse(); }else { // use SVD typedef Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vec; Vec singValues; Eigen::JacobiSVD<Mat> svd; svd.compute(LM, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV ); const Mat& u = svd.matrixU(); const Mat& v = svd.matrixV(); const Vec& singVals = svd.singularValues(); Vec pi_singVals(n + m); int zeroed = 0; for (int i=0; i<n + m; i++) { T sv = singVals(i, 0); assert(sv >= 0); // printf("sv: %lg ? %lg\n",(double) sv,(double)treshold); if (sv > treshold) pi_singVals(i, 0) = T(1) / sv; else { pi_singVals(i, 0) = T(0); zeroed++; } } printf("min_quad_dense_precompute: %i singular values zeroed (threshold = %e)\n", zeroed, treshold); Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic> pi_diag(pi_singVals); LMpinv = v * pi_diag * u.transpose(); } S = LMpinv.block(0, 0, n, n + m); //// debug: //mlinit(&g_pEngine); // //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "A", A); //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "Aeq", Aeq); //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "LM", LM); //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "u", u); //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "v", v); //MatrixXd svMat = singVals; //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "singVals", svMat); //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "LMpinv", LMpinv); //mlsetmatrix(&g_pEngine, "S", S); //int hu = 1; }
KA, KA, KA, KA, /* 1 *//* Z *//* B */ KB, KB, KB, KC, KB, KB, KB, KC, KD, KD, KB, KC, KD, KD, KA, KA, /* 2 *//* A0 */ KD, KD, KB, KC, KB, KB, KB, KC, KB, KB, KB, KC, KA, KA, KA, KA, /* 3 *//* Bottom border */ KD, KD, KD, KD, /* New Data label */ LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x00F0), LM (0xFF0F), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0x0F00), LM (0x0FF0), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0x0F00), LM (0x0F00), LM (0xF0F0), LM (0xFF0F), LM (0x0F00), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0x00F0), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0xFF00), LM (0x0FF0), LM (0x00F0), LM (0xFF0F), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0x0F00), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0FF0), LM (0xFF00), LM (0xFFF0), LM (0x0FF0), LM (0xF0F0), LM (0x00F0), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0xF00F), LM (0xF0F0), LM (0xFFF0), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0xFFFF), LM (0xF0F0), LM (0x00F0), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0xF00F), LM (0x0FF0), LM (0x00F0), LM (0x0F0F), LM (0xF00F), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000), LM (0x0000) };
void dynamicLagrangian<BasicTurbulenceModel>::correct() { if (!this->turbulence_) { return; } // Local references const surfaceScalarField& phi = this->phi_; const volVectorField& U = this->U_; LESeddyViscosity<BasicTurbulenceModel>::correct(); tmp<volTensorField> tgradU(fvc::grad(U)); const volTensorField& gradU = tgradU(); volSymmTensorField S(dev(symm(gradU))); volScalarField magS(mag(S)); volVectorField Uf(filter_(U)); volSymmTensorField Sf(dev(symm(fvc::grad(Uf)))); volScalarField magSf(mag(Sf)); volSymmTensorField L(dev(filter_(sqr(U)) - (sqr(filter_(U))))); volSymmTensorField M ( 2.0*sqr(this->delta())*(filter_(magS*S) - 4.0*magSf*Sf) ); volScalarField invT ( (1.0/(theta_.value()*this->delta()))*pow(flm_*fmm_, 1.0/8.0) ); volScalarField LM(L && M); fvScalarMatrix flmEqn ( fvm::ddt(flm_) + fvm::div(phi, flm_) == invT*LM - fvm::Sp(invT, flm_) ); flmEqn.relax(); flmEqn.solve(); bound(flm_, flm0_); volScalarField MM(M && M); fvScalarMatrix fmmEqn ( fvm::ddt(fmm_) + fvm::div(phi, fmm_) == invT*MM - fvm::Sp(invT, fmm_) ); fmmEqn.relax(); fmmEqn.solve(); bound(fmm_, fmm0_); correctNut(gradU); }
/*! This function decodes some data into image changes. Returns the number of bytes consumed. */ int QGIFFormat::decode(QImage *image, const uchar *buffer, int length, int *nextFrameDelay, int *loopCount, QSize *nextSize) { // We are required to state that // "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of // CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of // CompuServe Incorporated." #define LM(l, m) (((m)<<8)|l) digress = false; int initial = length; while (!digress && length) { length--; unsigned char ch=*buffer++; switch (state) { case Header: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==6) { // Header gif89=(hold[3]!='8' || hold[4]!='7'); state=LogicalScreenDescriptor; count=0; } break; case LogicalScreenDescriptor: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==7) { // Logical Screen Descriptor swidth=LM(hold[0], hold[1]); sheight=LM(hold[2], hold[3]); gcmap=!!(hold[4]&0x80); //UNUSED: bpchan=(((hold[4]&0x70)>>3)+1); //UNUSED: gcmsortflag=!!(hold[4]&0x08); gncols=2<<(hold[4]&0x7); bgcol=(gcmap) ? hold[5] : -1; //aspect=hold[6] ? double(hold[6]+15)/64.0 : 1.0; trans_index = -1; count=0; ncols=gncols; if (gcmap) { ccount=0; state=GlobalColorMap; globalcmap = new QRgb[gncols+1]; // +1 for trans_index globalcmap[gncols] = Q_TRANSPARENT; } else { state=Introducer; } } break; case GlobalColorMap: case LocalColorMap: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==3) { QRgb rgb = qRgb(hold[0], hold[1], hold[2]); if (state == LocalColorMap) { if (ccount < lncols) localcmap[ccount] = rgb; } else { globalcmap[ccount] = rgb; } if (++ccount >= ncols) { if (state == LocalColorMap) state=TableImageLZWSize; else state=Introducer; } count=0; } break; case Introducer: hold[count++]=ch; switch (ch) { case ',': state=ImageDescriptor; break; case '!': state=ExtensionLabel; break; case ';': // ### Changed: QRect(0, 0, swidth, sheight) state=Done; break; default: digress=true; // Unexpected Introducer - ignore block state=Error; } break; case ImageDescriptor: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==10) { int newleft=LM(hold[1], hold[2]); int newtop=LM(hold[3], hold[4]); int newwidth=LM(hold[5], hold[6]); int newheight=LM(hold[7], hold[8]); // disbelieve ridiculous logical screen sizes, // unless the image frames are also large. if (swidth/10 > qMax(newwidth,200)) swidth = -1; if (sheight/10 > qMax(newheight,200)) sheight = -1; if (swidth <= 0) swidth = newleft + newwidth; if (sheight <= 0) sheight = newtop + newheight; QImage::Format format = trans_index >= 0 ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_RGB32; if (image->isNull() || (image->size() != QSize(swidth, sheight)) || image->format() != format) { (*image) = QImage(swidth, sheight, format); memset(image->bits(), 0, image->numBytes()); // ### size of the upcoming frame, should rather // be known before decoding it. *nextSize = QSize(swidth, sheight); } disposePrevious(image); disposed = false; left = newleft; top = newtop; width = newwidth; height = newheight; right=qMax(0, qMin(left+width, swidth)-1); bottom=qMax(0, qMin(top+height, sheight)-1); lcmap=!!(hold[9]&0x80); interlace=!!(hold[9]&0x40); //bool lcmsortflag=!!(hold[9]&0x20); lncols=lcmap ? (2<<(hold[9]&0x7)) : 0; if (lncols) { if (localcmap) delete [] localcmap; localcmap = new QRgb[lncols+1]; localcmap[lncols] = Q_TRANSPARENT; ncols = lncols; } else { ncols = gncols; } frame++; if (frame == 0) { if (left || top || width<swidth || height<sheight) { // Not full-size image - erase with bg or transparent if (trans_index >= 0) { fillRect(image, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, color(trans_index)); // ### Changed: QRect(0, 0, swidth, sheight) } else if (bgcol>=0) { fillRect(image, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, color(bgcol)); // ### Changed: QRect(0, 0, swidth, sheight) } } } if (disposal == RestoreImage) { int l = qMin(swidth-1,left); int r = qMin(swidth-1,right); int t = qMin(sheight-1,top); int b = qMin(sheight-1,bottom); int w = r-l+1; int h = b-t+1; if (backingstore.width() < w || backingstore.height() < h) { // We just use the backing store as a byte array backingstore = QImage(qMax(backingstore.width(), w), qMax(backingstore.height(), h), QImage::Format_RGB32); memset(image->bits(), 0, image->numBytes()); } for (int ln=0; ln<h; ln++) { memcpy(backingstore.scanLine(ln), image->scanLine(t+ln)+l, w*sizeof(QRgb)); } } count=0; if (lcmap) { ccount=0; state=LocalColorMap; } else { state=TableImageLZWSize; } x = left; y = top; accum = 0; bitcount = 0; sp = stack; firstcode = oldcode = 0; needfirst = true; out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; } break; case TableImageLZWSize: { lzwsize=ch; if (lzwsize > max_lzw_bits) { state=Error; } else { code_size=lzwsize+1; clear_code=1<<lzwsize; end_code=clear_code+1; max_code_size=2*clear_code; max_code=clear_code+2; int i; for (i=0; i<clear_code; i++) { table[0][i]=0; table[1][i]=i; } state=ImageDataBlockSize; } count=0; break; } case ImageDataBlockSize: expectcount=ch; if (expectcount) { state=ImageDataBlock; } else { state=Introducer; digress = true; newFrame = true; } break; case ImageDataBlock: count++; accum|=(ch<<bitcount); bitcount+=8; while (bitcount>=code_size && state==ImageDataBlock) { int code=accum&((1<<code_size)-1); bitcount-=code_size; accum>>=code_size; if (code==clear_code) { if (!needfirst) { code_size=lzwsize+1; max_code_size=2*clear_code; max_code=clear_code+2; } needfirst=true; } else if (code==end_code) { bitcount = -32768; // Left the block end arrive } else { if (needfirst) { firstcode=oldcode=code; if (!out_of_bounds && image->height() > y && firstcode!=trans_index) ((QRgb*)image->scanLine(y))[x] = color(firstcode); x++; if (x>=swidth) out_of_bounds = true; needfirst=false; if (x>=left+width) { x=left; out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; nextY(image); } } else { incode=code; if (code>=max_code) { *sp++=firstcode; code=oldcode; } while (code>=clear_code+2) { *sp++=table[1][code]; if (code==table[0][code]) { state=Error; break; } if (sp-stack>=(1<<(max_lzw_bits))*2) { state=Error; break; } code=table[0][code]; } *sp++=firstcode=table[1][code]; code=max_code; if (code<(1<<max_lzw_bits)) { table[0][code]=oldcode; table[1][code]=firstcode; max_code++; if ((max_code>=max_code_size) && (max_code_size<(1<<max_lzw_bits))) { max_code_size*=2; code_size++; } } oldcode=incode; const int h = image->height(); const QRgb *map = lcmap ? localcmap : globalcmap; QRgb *line = 0; if (!out_of_bounds && h > y) line = (QRgb*)image->scanLine(y); while (sp>stack) { const uchar index = *(--sp); if (!out_of_bounds && h > y && index!=trans_index) { if (index > ncols) line[x] = Q_TRANSPARENT; else line[x] = map ? map[index] : 0; } x++; if (x>=swidth) out_of_bounds = true; if (x>=left+width) { x=left; out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; nextY(image); if (!out_of_bounds && h > y) line = (QRgb*)image->scanLine(y); } } } } } partialNewFrame = true; if (count==expectcount) { count=0; state=ImageDataBlockSize; } break; case ExtensionLabel: switch (ch) { case 0xf9: state=GraphicControlExtension; break; case 0xff: state=ApplicationExtension; break; #if 0 case 0xfe: state=CommentExtension; break; case 0x01: break; #endif default: state=SkipBlockSize; } count=0; break; case ApplicationExtension: if (count<11) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==hold[0]+1) { if (qstrncmp((char*)(hold+1), "NETSCAPE", 8)==0) { // Looping extension state=NetscapeExtensionBlockSize; } else { state=SkipBlockSize; } count=0; } break; case NetscapeExtensionBlockSize: expectcount=ch; count=0; if (expectcount) state=NetscapeExtensionBlock; else state=Introducer; break; case NetscapeExtensionBlock: if (count<3) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==expectcount) { *loopCount = hold[1]+hold[2]*256; state=SkipBlockSize; // Ignore further blocks } break; case GraphicControlExtension: if (count<5) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==hold[0]+1) { disposePrevious(image); disposal=Disposal((hold[1]>>2)&0x7); //UNUSED: waitforuser=!!((hold[1]>>1)&0x1); int delay=count>3 ? LM(hold[2], hold[3]) : 1; // IE and mozilla use a minimum delay of 10. With the minimum delay of 10 // we are compatible to them and avoid huge loads on the app and xserver. *nextFrameDelay = (delay < 2 ? 10 : delay) * 10; bool havetrans=hold[1]&0x1; trans_index = havetrans ? hold[4] : -1; count=0; state=SkipBlockSize; } break; case SkipBlockSize: expectcount=ch; count=0; if (expectcount) state=SkipBlock; else state=Introducer; break; case SkipBlock: count++; if (count==expectcount) state=SkipBlockSize; break; case Done: digress=true; /* Netscape ignores the junk, so we do too. length++; // Unget state=Error; // More calls to this is an error */ break; case Error: return -1; // Called again after done. } }
/*! This function decodes some data into image changes. Returns the number of bytes consumed. */ int QGIFFormat::decode(QImage& img, QImageConsumer* consumer, const uchar* buffer, int length) { // We are required to state that // "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of // CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of // CompuServe Incorporated." #define LM(l, m) (((m)<<8)|l) digress = FALSE; int initial = length; QRgb** line = (QRgb **)img.jumpTable(); while (!digress && length) { length--; unsigned char ch=*buffer++; switch (state) { case Header: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==6) { // Header gif89=(hold[3]!='8' || hold[4]!='7'); state=LogicalScreenDescriptor; count=0; } break; case LogicalScreenDescriptor: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==7) { // Logical Screen Descriptor swidth=LM(hold[0], hold[1]); sheight=LM(hold[2], hold[3]); gcmap=!!(hold[4]&0x80); //UNUSED: bpchan=(((hold[4]&0x70)>>3)+1); //UNUSED: gcmsortflag=!!(hold[4]&0x08); gncols=2<<(hold[4]&0x7); bgcol=(gcmap) ? hold[5] : -1; //aspect=hold[6] ? double(hold[6]+15)/64.0 : 1.0; trans_index = -1; count=0; ncols=gncols; if (gcmap) { ccount=0; state=GlobalColorMap; globalcmap = new QRgb[gncols+1]; // +1 for trans_index globalcmap[gncols] = Q_TRANSPARENT; } else { state=Introducer; } } break; case GlobalColorMap: case LocalColorMap: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==3) { QRgb rgb = qRgb(hold[0], hold[1], hold[2]); if ( state == LocalColorMap ) { if ( ccount < lncols ) localcmap[ccount] = rgb; } else { globalcmap[ccount] = rgb; } if (++ccount >= ncols) { if ( state == LocalColorMap ) state=TableImageLZWSize; else state=Introducer; } count=0; } break; case Introducer: hold[count++]=ch; switch (ch) { case ',': state=ImageDescriptor; break; case '!': state=ExtensionLabel; break; case ';': if (consumer) { if ( out_of_bounds ) // flush anything that survived consumer->changed(QRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); consumer->end(); } state=Done; break; default: digress=TRUE; // Unexpected Introducer - ignore block state=Error; } break; case ImageDescriptor: hold[count++]=ch; if (count==10) { int newleft=LM(hold[1], hold[2]); int newtop=LM(hold[3], hold[4]); int width=LM(hold[5], hold[6]); int height=LM(hold[7], hold[8]); // disbelieve ridiculous logical screen sizes, // unless the image frames are also large. if ( swidth/10 > QMAX(width,200) ) swidth = -1; if ( sheight/10 > QMAX(height,200) ) sheight = -1; if ( swidth <= 0 ) swidth = newleft + width; if ( sheight <= 0 ) sheight = newtop + height; if (img.isNull()) { img.create(swidth, sheight, 32); memset( img.bits(), 0, img.numBytes() ); if (consumer) consumer->setSize(swidth, sheight); } img.setAlphaBuffer(trans_index >= 0); line = (QRgb **)img.jumpTable(); disposePrevious( img, consumer ); disposed = FALSE; left = newleft; top = newtop; // Sanity check frame size - must fit on "screen". if (left >= swidth) left=QMAX(0, swidth-1); if (top >= sheight) top=QMAX(0, sheight-1); if (left+width >= swidth) { if ( width <= swidth ) left=swidth-width; else width=swidth-left; } if (top+height >= sheight) { if ( height <= sheight ) top=sheight-height; else height=sheight-top; } right=QMAX( 0, left+width-1); bottom=QMAX(0, top+height-1); lcmap=!!(hold[9]&0x80); interlace=!!(hold[9]&0x40); //bool lcmsortflag=!!(hold[9]&0x20); lncols=lcmap ? (2<<(hold[9]&0x7)) : 0; if (lncols) { if ( localcmap ) delete [] localcmap; localcmap = new QRgb[lncols+1]; localcmap[lncols] = Q_TRANSPARENT; ncols = lncols; } else { ncols = gncols; } frame++; if ( frame == 0 ) { if ( left || top || width!=swidth || height!=sheight ) { // Not full-size image - erase with bg or transparent if ( trans_index >= 0 ) { fillRect(img, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, color(trans_index)); if (consumer) consumer->changed(QRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); } else if ( bgcol>=0 ) { fillRect(img, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, color(bgcol)); if (consumer) consumer->changed(QRect(0,0,swidth,sheight)); } } } if ( disposal == RestoreImage ) { int l = QMIN(swidth-1,left); int r = QMIN(swidth-1,right); int t = QMIN(sheight-1,top); int b = QMIN(sheight-1,bottom); int w = r-l+1; int h = b-t+1; if (backingstore.width() < w || backingstore.height() < h) { // We just use the backing store as a byte array backingstore.create( QMAX(backingstore.width(), w), QMAX(backingstore.height(), h), 32); memset( img.bits(), 0, img.numBytes() ); } for (int ln=0; ln<h; ln++) { memcpy(backingstore.scanLine(ln), line[t+ln]+l, w*sizeof(QRgb)); } } count=0; if (lcmap) { ccount=0; state=LocalColorMap; } else { state=TableImageLZWSize; } x = left; y = top; accum = 0; bitcount = 0; sp = stack; needfirst = FALSE; out_of_bounds = FALSE; } break; case TableImageLZWSize: { lzwsize=ch; if ( lzwsize > max_lzw_bits ) { state=Error; } else { code_size=lzwsize+1; clear_code=1<<lzwsize; end_code=clear_code+1; max_code_size=2*clear_code; max_code=clear_code+2; int i; for (i=0; i<clear_code && i<(1<<max_lzw_bits); i++) { table[0][i]=0; table[1][i]=i; } for (i=clear_code; i<(1<<max_lzw_bits); i++) { table[0][i]=table[1][i]=0; } state=ImageDataBlockSize; } count=0; break; } case ImageDataBlockSize: expectcount=ch; if (expectcount) { state=ImageDataBlock; } else { if (consumer) { consumer->frameDone(); digress = TRUE; } state=Introducer; } break; case ImageDataBlock: count++; accum|=(ch<<bitcount); bitcount+=8; while (bitcount>=code_size && state==ImageDataBlock) { int code=accum&((1<<code_size)-1); bitcount-=code_size; accum>>=code_size; if (code==clear_code) { if (!needfirst) { int i; code_size=lzwsize+1; max_code_size=2*clear_code; max_code=clear_code+2; for (i=0; i<clear_code; i++) { table[0][i]=0; table[1][i]=i; } for (i=clear_code; i<(1<<max_lzw_bits); i++) { table[0][i]=table[1][i]=0; } } needfirst=TRUE; } else if (code==end_code) { bitcount = -32768; // Left the block end arrive } else { if (needfirst) { firstcode=oldcode=code; if (!out_of_bounds && line && firstcode!=trans_index) line[y][x] = color(firstcode); x++; if (x>=swidth) out_of_bounds = TRUE; needfirst=FALSE; if (x>right) { x=left; if (out_of_bounds) out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; nextY(img,consumer); } } else { incode=code; if (code>=max_code) { *sp++=firstcode; code=oldcode; } while (code>=clear_code) { *sp++=table[1][code]; if (code==table[0][code]) { state=Error; break; } if (sp-stack>=(1<<(max_lzw_bits))*2) { state=Error; break; } code=table[0][code]; } *sp++=firstcode=table[1][code]; code=max_code; if (code<(1<<max_lzw_bits)) { table[0][code]=oldcode; table[1][code]=firstcode; max_code++; if ((max_code>=max_code_size) && (max_code_size<(1<<max_lzw_bits))) { max_code_size*=2; code_size++; } } oldcode=incode; while (sp>stack) { --sp; if (!out_of_bounds && *sp!=trans_index) line[y][x] = color(*sp); x++; if (x>=swidth) out_of_bounds = TRUE; if (x>right) { x=left; if (out_of_bounds) out_of_bounds = left>=swidth || y>=sheight; nextY(img,consumer); } } } } } if (count==expectcount) { count=0; state=ImageDataBlockSize; } break; case ExtensionLabel: switch (ch) { case 0xf9: state=GraphicControlExtension; break; case 0xff: state=ApplicationExtension; break; #if 0 case 0xfe: state=CommentExtension; break; case 0x01: break; #endif default: state=SkipBlockSize; } count=0; break; case ApplicationExtension: if (count<11) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==hold[0]+1) { if (qstrncmp((char*)(hold+1), "NETSCAPE", 8)==0) { // Looping extension state=NetscapeExtensionBlockSize; } else { state=SkipBlockSize; } count=0; } break; case NetscapeExtensionBlockSize: expectcount=ch; count=0; if (expectcount) state=NetscapeExtensionBlock; else state=Introducer; break; case NetscapeExtensionBlock: if (count<3) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==expectcount) { int loop = hold[0]+hold[1]*256; if (consumer) consumer->setLooping(loop); state=SkipBlockSize; // Ignore further blocks } break; case GraphicControlExtension: if (count<5) hold[count]=ch; count++; if (count==hold[0]+1) { disposePrevious( img, consumer ); disposal=Disposal((hold[1]>>2)&0x7); //UNUSED: waitforuser=!!((hold[1]>>1)&0x1); int delay=count>3 ? LM(hold[2], hold[3]) : 1; // IE and mozilla use a minimum delay of 10. With the minumum delay of 10 // we are compatible to them and avoid huge loads on the app and xserver. if ( delay < 10 ) delay = 10; bool havetrans=hold[1]&0x1; trans_index = havetrans ? hold[4] : -1; if (consumer) consumer->setFramePeriod(delay*10); count=0; state=SkipBlockSize; } break; case SkipBlockSize: expectcount=ch; count=0; if (expectcount) state=SkipBlock; else state=Introducer; break; case SkipBlock: count++; if (count==expectcount) state=SkipBlockSize; break; case Done: digress=TRUE; /* Netscape ignores the junk, so we do too. length++; // Unget state=Error; // More calls to this is an error */ break; case Error: return -1; // Called again after done. } }
void TestIt(long R, long p, long r, long d, long c, long k, long w, long L, long m) { cerr << "\n\n******** TestIt: R=" << R << ", p=" << p << ", r=" << r << ", d=" << d << ", c=" << c << ", k=" << k << ", w=" << w << ", L=" << L << ", m=" << m << endl; FHEcontext context(m, p, r); buildModChain(context, L, c); // context.lazy = false; if (context.lazy) cerr << "LAZY REDUCTIONS\n"; else cerr << "NON-LAZY REDUCTIONS\n"; context.zMStar.printout(); cerr << endl; #ifdef DEBUG cerr << context << endl; #endif FHESecKey secretKey(context); const FHEPubKey& publicKey = secretKey; secretKey.GenSecKey(w); // A Hamming-weight-w secret key ZZX G; if (d == 0) { G = context.alMod.getFactorsOverZZ()[0]; d = deg(G); } else G = makeIrredPoly(p, d); cerr << "G = " << G << "\n"; cerr << "generating key-switching matrices... "; addSome1DMatrices(secretKey); // compute key-switching matrices that we need addFrbMatrices(secretKey); // compute key-switching matrices that we need cerr << "done\n"; cerr << "computing masks and tables for rotation..."; EncryptedArray ea(context, G); cerr << "done\n"; long nslots = ea.size(); // L selects even coefficients vector<ZZX> LM(d); for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) if (j % 2 == 0) LM[j] = ZZX(j, 1); vector<ZZX> C; ea.buildLinPolyCoeffs(C, LM); PlaintextArray p0(ea); p0.random(); Ctxt c0(publicKey); ea.encrypt(c0, publicKey, p0); Ctxt res(c0); applyLinPoly1(ea, res, C); PlaintextArray pp0(ea); ea.decrypt(res, secretKey, pp0); p0.print(cout); cout << "\n"; pp0.print(cout); cout << "\n"; }