/* ****************************************************************************
* socketHttpConnect -
int socketHttpConnect(const std::string& host, unsigned short port)
  int                 fd;
  struct addrinfo     hints;
  struct addrinfo*    peer;
  char                port_str[10];

  LM_VVV(("Generic Connect to: '%s'  port: '%d'", host.c_str(), port));

  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
  hints.ai_protocol = 0;

  if (ipVersionUsed == IPV4) 
    hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
    LM_VVV(("Allow IPv4 only"));
  else if (ipVersionUsed == IPV6)
    hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
    LM_VVV(("Allow  IPv6 only"));
    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    LM_VVV(("Allow IPv4 or IPv6"));

  snprintf(port_str, sizeof(port_str), "%d" , (int) port);

  if (getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), port_str, &hints, &peer) != 0) {
    LM_RE(-1, ("getaddrinfo('%s'): %s", host.c_str(), strerror(errno)));

  if ((fd = socket(peer->ai_family, peer->ai_socktype, peer->ai_protocol)) == -1) {
    LM_RE(-1, ("socket: %s", strerror(errno)));

  if (connect(fd, peer->ai_addr, peer->ai_addrlen) == -1)
    LM_E(("connect(%s, %d): %s", host.c_str(), port, strerror(errno)));
    return -1;
  return fd;
/* ****************************************************************************
* parseUrl -
* Breaks an URL into pieces. It returns false if the string passed as first
* argument is not a valid URL. Otherwise, it returns true.
bool parseUrl(std::string url, std::string& host, int& port, std::string& path)

    /* Sanity check */
    if (url == "") {
        return false;

    /* First: split by the first '/' to get host:ip and path */
    std::vector<std::string>  urlTokens;
    int                       components = stringSplit(url, '/', urlTokens);

    /* http://some.host.com/my/path
     *      ^^             ^  ^
     *      ||             |  |
     * -----  ------------- -- ----
     *   0          2       3    4  position in urlTokens vector
     *   1  23             4  5     coponentes

    if ((components < 3) || (components == 3 && urlTokens[2].length() == 0)) {
        return false;

    path = "";
    /* Note that components could be 3, in which case we don't enter in the for. This is
     * the case of URL without '/' like eg. "http://www.google.com" */
    for (int ix = 3; ix < components; ++ix ) {
        path += "/" + urlTokens[ix];
    if (path == "") {
        /* Minimum path is always "/" */
        path = "/";

    /* Second: split third token for host and port */

    std::string  auxIp;
    std::string  auxPort;

    // First we check if it is IPv6
    if (getIPv6Port(urlTokens[2], auxIp, auxPort))  
      // IPv6
      host = auxIp;
      port = atoi(auxPort.c_str());
      LM_VVV(("Parsed IPv6: '%s' and port: '%d'", host.c_str(), port));
      // IPv4
      std::vector<std::string>  hostTokens;
      components = stringSplit(urlTokens[2], ':', hostTokens);

      /* some.host.com:8080
       *              ^
       *              |
       * ------------- ----
       *   0             1  position in urlTokens vector
       * 1            2     components

      /* Sanity check */
      if (components > 2) {
          return false;

      host = hostTokens[0];

      if (components == 2) {
          port = atoi(hostTokens[1].c_str());
      else {
        port = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;

    return true;
