ASFlagType DigestWinListAlign( WinListConfig *Config, ASFlagType align ) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "Align = 0x%8.8lx, IconAlign = 0x%8.8lx, Location = %d", align, Config->IconAlign, Config->IconLocation ); if( !get_flags( Config->set_flags, WINLIST_IconLocation ) ) { if( get_flags(align, PAD_H_MASK) == ALIGN_RIGHT ) Config->IconLocation = 6 ; else if( get_flags(align, PAD_H_MASK) == ALIGN_LEFT ) Config->IconLocation = 4 ; } if( !get_flags( Config->set_flags, WINLIST_IconAlign ) ) { if( get_flags(align, PAD_H_MASK) == PAD_H_MASK ) { if( Config->IconLocation == 0 || Config->IconLocation == 4 ) { Config->IconAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT ; align = (align&(~PAD_H_MASK))|ALIGN_LEFT ; }else if( Config->IconLocation == 6 ) { Config->IconAlign = ALIGN_LEFT ; align = (align&(~PAD_H_MASK))|ALIGN_RIGHT ; } }else if( get_flags(align, PAD_H_MASK) == ALIGN_LEFT && (Config->IconLocation == 0 || Config->IconLocation == 4) ) Config->IconAlign = ALIGN_VCENTER ; else if( get_flags(align, PAD_H_MASK) == ALIGN_RIGHT && Config->IconLocation == 6 ) Config->IconAlign = ALIGN_VCENTER ; } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "Align = 0x%8.8lx, IconAlign = 0x%8.8lx, Location = %d", align, Config->IconAlign, Config->IconLocation ); return align ; }
Bool timer_delay_till_next_alarm (time_t * sec, time_t * usec) { Timer *timer; long tsec, tusec = 0; if (timer_first == NULL) return False; tsec = 0x7fffffff; for (timer = timer_first; timer != NULL; timer = (*timer).next) if ((*timer).sec < tsec || ((*timer).sec == tsec && (*timer).usec <= tusec)) { tsec = (*timer).sec; tusec = (*timer).usec; } timer_get_time (sec, usec); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "next : sec = %ld, usec = %ld( curr %ld, %ld)", tsec, tusec, *sec, *usec ); timer_subtract_times (&tsec, &tusec, *sec, *usec); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "waiting for sec = %ld, usec = %ld( curr %ld, %ld)", tsec, tusec, *sec, *usec ); *sec = tsec; *usec = tusec; if (tsec < 0 || tusec < 0) { *sec = 0 ; *usec = 1; } return True; }
static void asgtk_imview_view_size_alloc (GtkWidget * widget, GtkAllocation * allocation, gpointer user_data) { ASGtkImageView *iv = ASGTK_IMAGE_VIEW (user_data); int view_w, view_h; int w = allocation->width - 4; int h = allocation->height - 4; (void) view_w; (void) view_h; view_w = GTK_WIDGET (iv->view)->requisition.width; view_h = GTK_WIDGET (iv->view)->requisition.height; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("####!!! SizeAlloc for %p is %dx%d%+d%+d", widget, allocation->width, allocation->height, allocation->x, allocation->y); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("####!!! recquisition was %dx%d", widget->requisition.width, widget->requisition.height); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("####!!! view size is %dx%d", iv->view_width, iv->view_height); #if 1 /* if size changed - refresh */ if (iv->view_width != w || iv->view_height != h) { iv->view_width = w; iv->view_height = h; display_image_view (iv); } #endif }
void ASCloseOnExec() { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "pid(%d),shutting down modukes...", getpid() ); ShutdownModules(True); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "pid(%d),closing x_fd...", getpid() ); if( x_fd ) close(x_fd); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "pid(%d),complete...", getpid() ); }
Bool convert_xml_file( const char *syntax_dir, const char *file, ASXMLInterpreterState *state ) { char *source_file ; char *doc_str ; Bool empty_file = False ; source_file = make_file_name( syntax_dir, file ); doc_str = load_file(source_file); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "file %s loaded", source_file ); /*LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "file %s loaded into {%s}", source_file, doc_str ); */ if( doc_str != NULL ) { xml_elem_t* doc; xml_elem_t* ptr; if( file[0] == '_' && !get_flags( state->flags, ASXMLI_ProcessingOptions )) state->pre_options_size += strlen(doc_str) ; else set_flags( state->flags, ASXMLI_ProcessingOptions ); doc = xml_parse_doc(doc_str, DocBookVocabulary); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "file %s parsed, child is %p", source_file, doc->child ); if( doc->child ) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "child tag = \"%s\", childs child = %p", doc->child->tag, doc->child->child); empty_file = ( doc->child->tag_id == DOCBOOK_section_ID && doc->child->child == NULL ); if( doc->child->child ) { empty_file = ( doc->child->child->tag_id == XML_CDATA_ID && doc->child->child->next == NULL ); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "childs child tag = \"%s\", parm = \"%s\"", doc->child->child->tag, doc->child->child->parm); } } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "file %s %s", source_file, empty_file?"empty":"not empty" ); if( !empty_file ) { for (ptr = doc->child ; ptr ; ptr = ptr->next) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "converting child <%s>", ptr->tag ); convert_xml_tag( ptr, NULL, state ); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "done converting child <%s>", ptr->tag ); } } /* Delete the xml. */ LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "deleting xml %p", doc ); xml_elem_delete(NULL, doc); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "freeing doc_str %p", doc_str ); free( doc_str ); } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "done with %s", source_file ); free( source_file ); fprintf( state->dest_fp, "\n" ); return !empty_file; }
action_t *get_action_by_name(const char *needle) { int i; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT("needle: %s", needle); for( i = 0; Actions[i].name != NULL; i++) if(mystrcasecmp(Actions[i].name, needle) == 0) return &Actions[i]; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT("get_action_by_name returns NULL"); return NULL; }
void updateVolumeContents (ASVolume *v){ int align = Config->Align, h_spacing = 1, v_spacing = 1; ASFlagType context_mask = 0; if (v->contents == NULL ) { v->contents = create_astbar (); v->contents->context = C_TITLE ; } else /* delete label if it was previously created : */ delete_astbar_tile (v->contents, -1 ); if (!ASVolume_isRequestPending(v)) { if (ASVolume_isEjectable(v)) set_flags (context_mask, EJECT_CONTEXT); if (ASVolume_isMounted(v)) set_flags (context_mask, UNMOUNT_CONTEXT); else set_flags (context_mask, MOUNT_CONTEXT); } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("volume %s context mask 0x%lx", v->name, context_mask); set_astbar_style_ptr (v->contents, -1, Scr.Look.MSWindow[ASVolume_isMounted(v)?BACK_UNFOCUSED:BACK_FOCUSED] ); set_astbar_hilite (v->contents, BAR_STATE_FOCUSED, Config->MountedBevel); set_astbar_hilite (v->contents, BAR_STATE_UNFOCUSED, Config->UnmountedBevel); set_astbar_composition_method(v->contents, BAR_STATE_FOCUSED, TEXTURE_TRANSPIXMAP_ALPHA); set_astbar_composition_method(v->contents, BAR_STATE_UNFOCUSED, TEXTURE_TRANSPIXMAP_ALPHA); if (v->iconIm){ safe_asimage_destroy (v->iconImScaled); #if 0 v->iconImScaled = scale_asimage (Scr.asv, v->iconIm, AppState.tileWidth-5, AppState.tileHeight-5-(AppState.buttons[0]->height + 4), ASA_ASImage, 100, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT); add_astbar_icon(v->contents, 0, 0, False, 0, v->iconImScaled); #else v->iconImScaled = scale_asimage (Scr.asv, v->iconIm, AppState.tileWidth*2/3, (AppState.tileHeight-(AppState.buttons[0]->height + 4)), ASA_ASImage, 100, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT); add_astbar_icon(v->contents, 0, 0, False, ALIGN_CENTER, v->iconImScaled); #endif } add_astbar_label (v->contents, 0, 0, False, align|AS_TilePadRight, h_spacing, v_spacing, v->name, AS_Text_UTF8 ); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("mount_button.width = %d, mount_button.height = %d, image %dx%d", AppState.buttons[0]->width, AppState.buttons[0]->height, AppState.buttons[0]->pressed.image->width, AppState.buttons[0]->pressed.image->height); add_astbar_btnblock (v->contents, 0, 2, True, align, AppState.buttons, context_mask, BUTTONS_NUM, 2, 2, 5, 0); if (get_flags(Config->flags, ASMOUNT_ShowHints)) { char* hint = ASVolume_toString (v); set_astbar_balloon (v->contents, C_TITLE, hint, AS_Text_UTF8); safefree(hint); set_astbar_balloon (v->contents, MOUNT_CONTEXT, "Mount volume", AS_Text_UTF8); set_astbar_balloon (v->contents, EJECT_CONTEXT, "Eject drive", AS_Text_UTF8); set_astbar_balloon (v->contents, UNMOUNT_CONTEXT, "Un-mount volume", AS_Text_UTF8); } }
void process_message (send_data_type type, send_data_type *body) { time_t now = 0; static time_t last_time = 0; int code = -1 ; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "received message %lX", type ); if( type == M_PLAY_SOUND ) { CARD32 *pbuf = &(body[4]); char *new_name = deserialize_string( &pbuf, NULL ); SetupSoundEntry( EVENT_PlaySound, new_name); free( new_name ); code = EVENT_PlaySound ; }else if( (type&WINDOW_PACKET_MASK) != 0 ) { struct ASWindowData *wd = fetch_window_by_id( body[0] ); WindowPacketResult res ; /* saving relevant client info since handle_window_packet could destroy the actuall structure */ ASFlagType old_state = wd?wd->state_flags:0 ; show_activity( "message %lX window %X data %p", type, body[0], wd ); res = handle_window_packet( type, body, &wd ); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "result = %d", res ); if( res == WP_DataCreated ) { code = EVENT_WindowAdded ; }else if( res == WP_DataChanged ) { }else if( res == WP_DataDeleted ) { code = EVENT_WindowDestroyed ; } }else if( type == M_NEW_DESKVIEWPORT ) { code = EVENT_DeskViewportChanged ; }else if( type == M_NEW_CONFIG ) { code = EVENT_Config ; }else if( type == M_NEW_MODULE_CONFIG ) { code = EVENT_ModuleConfig ; } now = time (0); if( code >= 0 ) if ( now >= (last_time + (time_t) Config->delay)) if( audio_play ( code ) ) last_time = now; }
void add_glossary_item( xml_elem_t* doc, ASXMLInterpreterState *state ) { xml_elem_t *cdata = find_tag_by_id( doc->child, XML_CDATA_ID ); char *term_text = mystrdup(cdata?cdata->parm:"") ; char *orig_term_text = term_text ; int i ; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "term_text = \"%s\"", term_text ); while(*term_text) { if( isalnum(*term_text) ) break; ++term_text ; } i = 0 ; while( isalnum(term_text[i]) ) ++i ; term_text[i] = '\0' ; if( term_text[0] != '\0' ) /* need to add glossary term */ { char *target = NULL, *target2 ; char *term = NULL, *term2 ; char *ptr = &(state->dest_file[strlen(state->dest_file)-4]); if( state->doc_type == DocType_PHP && *ptr == '.') *ptr = '\0' ; target = safemalloc( strlen( state->dest_file)+5+1+strlen(state->curr_url_anchor)+1); sprintf( target, "%s#%s", state->dest_file, state->curr_url_anchor ); if( state->doc_type == DocType_PHP && *ptr == '\0' ) *ptr = '.' ; target2 = mystrdup(target); term2 = mystrdup(term_text); if( add_hash_item( Links, AS_HASHABLE(term2), (void*)target2 ) != ASH_Success ) { free( target2 ); free( term2 ); } term = safemalloc( strlen( term_text)+ 1 + 1 +strlen( state->doc_name ) + 1 +1 ); sprintf( term, "%s (%s)", term_text, state->doc_name ); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "term = \"%s\"", term ); if( add_hash_item( Glossary, AS_HASHABLE(term), (void*)target ) != ASH_Success ) { free( target ); free( term ); } } free(orig_term_text); }
void asgtk_image_view_refresh (ASGtkImageView * iv, Bool reload_file) { g_return_if_fail (ASGTK_IS_IMAGE_VIEW (iv)); if (iv->image_entry) { if (reload_file && iv->image_entry->type <= ASIT_Supported) { if (iv->image_entry->preview) { safe_asimage_destroy (iv->image_entry->preview); iv->image_entry->preview = NULL; } /* show empty screen while loading background for now : */ display_image_view (iv); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("imman = %p, fullname = \"%s\"", get_screen_image_manager (NULL), iv->image_entry->fullfilename); iv->image_entry->preview = get_asimage (get_screen_image_manager (NULL), iv->image_entry->fullfilename, 0xffffffff, 100); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT (" ASGtk image view loaded image %p", iv->image_entry->preview); } if (iv->image_entry->preview) { Bool ratio_changed = False; char *details_text; details_text = format_asimage_list_entry_details (iv->image_entry, GTK_IS_VBUTTON_BOX (iv-> details_hbox)); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (iv->details_label), details_text); free (details_text); if (iv->aspect_x <= 0 || iv->aspect_y <= 0) ratio_changed = set_aspect_ratio_from_image (iv); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT (" ASGtk image view refreshing image %p", iv->image_entry->preview); /* redisplay */ if (!ratio_changed) display_image_view (iv); else gtk_image_set_from_stock (GTK_IMAGE (iv->view), GTK_STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON); } } }
ASFlagType ParseAlignOptions( FreeStorageElem * options ) { ASFlagType align = 0 ; while( options ) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "options(%p)->keyword(\"%s\")", options, options->term->keyword ); if (options->term != NULL) { switch( options->term->id ) { case ALIGN_Center_ID : set_flags( align, ALIGN_CENTER ); break ; case ALIGN_HCenter_ID : set_flags( align, ALIGN_HCENTER ); break ; case ALIGN_VCenter_ID : set_flags( align, ALIGN_VCENTER ); break ; default: ReadFlagItem (NULL, &align, options, AlignFlagsXref); } } options = options->next; } return align; }
int check_xml_contents( const char *syntax_dir, const char *file ) { char *source_file ; char *doc_str ; int size = 0 ; source_file = make_file_name( syntax_dir, file ); doc_str = load_file(source_file); if( doc_str != NULL ) { xml_elem_t* doc; size = strlen( doc_str ); doc = xml_parse_doc(doc_str, DocBookVocabulary); if( doc->child ) { if( doc->child->tag_id == DOCBOOK_section_ID && doc->child->child == NULL ) size = 0 ; else if( doc->child->child ) { if( doc->child->child->tag_id == XML_CDATA_ID && doc->child->child->next == NULL ) size = 0; } } /* Delete the xml. */ LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "xml_elem_delete for doc %p", doc ); xml_elem_delete(NULL, doc); free( doc_str ); } free( source_file ); return size; }
/********************************************************************** * If no application window was indicated on the command line, prompt * the user to select one *********************************************************************/ Window get_target_window () { XEvent eventp; int val = -10, trials; Window target = None; trials = 0; while ((trials < 100) && (val != GrabSuccess)) { val = XGrabPointer (dpy, Scr.Root, True, ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, Scr.Root, XCreateFontCursor (dpy, XC_crosshair), CurrentTime); if( val != GrabSuccess ) sleep_a_little (100); trials++; } if (val != GrabSuccess) { show_error( "Couldn't grab the cursor!\n", MyName); DeadPipe(0); } XMaskEvent (dpy, ButtonReleaseMask, &eventp); XUngrabPointer (dpy, CurrentTime); ASSync(0); target = eventp.xbutton.window; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "window = %lX, root = %lX, subwindow = %lX", eventp.xbutton.window, eventp.xbutton.root, eventp.xbutton.subwindow ); if( eventp.xbutton.subwindow != None ) target = eventp.xbutton.subwindow; return target; }
void process_message (send_data_type type, send_data_type *body) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "received message %lX", type ); if( type == M_END_WINDOWLIST ) { fill_window_data(); display_window_data(); }else if( (type&WINDOW_PACKET_MASK) != 0 ) { struct ASWindowData *wd = fetch_window_by_id( body[0] ); WindowPacketResult res ; show_progress( "message %X window %X data %p", type, body[0], wd ); res = handle_window_packet( type, body, &wd ); if( res == WP_DataCreated ) { /* we may need to translate frame window into client window, * as Window Data is hashed by client, and get_target_window * return the frame */ if( wd->frame == MyArgs.src_window ) MyArgs.src_window = wd->client ; }else if( res == WP_DataChanged ) { }else if( res == WP_DataDeleted ) { } } }
void ASVolume_parseGnomeIconString (ASVolume *v) { if (v) { static char signature[] = ". GThemedIcon "; destroy_string (&(v->idString)); if (v->icon) { ASImage *tmp = GIcon2ASImage (v->icon); gchar* str = g_icon_to_string (v->icon); show_activity ("volume added with icon \"%s\".", str); if (str) { if (strncmp (str, signature, sizeof(signature)-1) == 0) parse_token (&str [sizeof(signature)-1], &(v->idString)); safefree (str); } if (tmp) { int l, t, r, b; get_asimage_closure (tmp, &l, &t, &r, &b, 10); v->iconIm = tile_asimage (Scr.asv, tmp, l, t, r+1-l, b+1-t, 0x4F7F7F7F, ASA_ASImage, 100, ASIMAGE_QUALITY_DEFAULT); safe_asimage_destroy (tmp); } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("Icon asim = %p", v->iconIm); } if (!v->idString) v->idString = mystrdup ("unknown"); } }
static void destroy_desktop_category( ASDesktopCategory **pdc ) { if( pdc ) { ASDesktopCategory *dc = *pdc ; if( dc ) { if( dc->name ) free( dc->name ); if( dc->index_name ) free( dc->index_name ); if( dc->entries ) { char **pe = PVECTOR_HEAD(char*,dc->entries); int i = PVECTOR_USED(dc->entries); while( --i >= 0 ) if( pe[i] ) free( pe[i] ); destroy_asvector( &(dc->entries) ); } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "dc = %p, ref_count = %d", dc, dc->ref_count ) ; free( dc ); *pdc = NULL ; } }
Bool timer_handle (void) { Bool success = False; Timer *timer, *good_timer = NULL; time_t sec, usec; timer_get_time (&sec, &usec); for (timer = timer_first; timer != NULL; timer = timer->next) if (timer->sec < sec || (timer->sec == sec && timer->usec <= usec)) { /* oldest event gets executed first ! */ if( good_timer != NULL ) if( good_timer->sec < timer->sec || (timer->sec == good_timer->sec && timer->usec > good_timer->usec )) continue; good_timer = timer ; } if (good_timer != NULL) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "handling task for sec = %ld, usec = %ld( curr %ld, %ld)", good_timer->sec, good_timer->usec, sec, usec ); timer_extract (good_timer); good_timer->handler (good_timer->data); mytimer_delete (good_timer); success = True; } return success; }
static int match_int (ASDatabase * db, DBMatchType type) { register ASDatabaseRecord *db_rec; register int i = 0; int value = 0 ; for( i = 0 ; db->match_list[i] >= 0 ; ++i ) { db_rec = get_asdb_record (db, db->match_list[i]); if (get_flags (db_rec->set_data_flags, type)) { switch (type) { case MATCH_Desk: value = db_rec->desk; break; case MATCH_layer: value = db_rec->layer; break; case MATCH_ViewportX: LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "viewport_x = %d", db_rec->viewport_x ); value = db_rec->viewport_x; break; case MATCH_ViewportY: value = db_rec->viewport_y; break; case MATCH_border_width: value = db_rec->border_width; break; case MATCH_resize_width: value = db_rec->resize_width; break; case MATCH_gravity: value = db_rec->gravity; break; case MATCH_window_opacity: value = db_rec->window_opacity; break; default: break; } } } return value; }
void no_args_wrapper(ASWinCommandState *state, const char *action) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT("no_args_wrapper called: %s", action); ascom_do(action, NULL); }
void get_layout_fixed_size( ASLayout *layout, CARD32 *fixed_width, CARD32 *fixed_height ) { int width = 0, height = 0; if( layout && layout->count > 0 ) { if( fixed_width ) { width = get_layout_fixed_width( layout, 0, layout->dim_x ); if( width > 0 ) width += layout->v_border + layout->v_border + layout->offset_east + layout->offset_west ; } if( fixed_height ) { height = get_layout_fixed_height( layout, 0, layout->dim_y ); if( height >0 ) height += layout->h_border+ layout->h_border + layout->offset_north+ layout->offset_south ; } } LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( " layout %lX FIXED WIDTH is %d FIXED HEIGHT is %d", (unsigned long)layout, width, height ); if( fixed_width ) *fixed_width = width < 0 ? 0 : width ; if( fixed_height ) *fixed_height = height < 0 ? 0 : height ; }
static unsigned int get_layout_fixed_height( ASLayout *layout, unsigned int start_row, unsigned int end_row ) { register int i ; unsigned int height = 0 ; for( i = start_row ; i < end_row ; i++ ) { register ASLayoutElem *pelem = layout->rows[i]; register int fh = 0 ; while ( pelem ) { if( get_flags( pelem->flags, LF_FixedHeight ) ) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( " layout %lX found item with fixed height %d at %dx%d", (unsigned long)layout, pelem->fixed_height, pelem->row, pelem->column ); if( pelem->fixed_height+pelem->bw > fh ) fh = pelem->fixed_height+pelem->bw ; } pelem = pelem->right ; } if( fh > 0 ) height += fh+layout->h_spacing ; } if( height >0 ) height -= layout->h_spacing ; return height; }
/* fixed size handling : */ static unsigned int get_layout_fixed_width( ASLayout *layout, unsigned int start_col, unsigned int end_col ) { register int i ; unsigned int width = 0 ; for( i = start_col ; i < end_col ; ++i ) { register ASLayoutElem *pelem = layout->cols[i]; register int fw = 0 ; while ( pelem ) { if( get_flags( pelem->flags, LF_FixedWidth ) ) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( " layout %lX found item with fixed width %d at %dx%d", (unsigned long)layout, pelem->fixed_width, pelem->row, pelem->column ); if( pelem->fixed_width+pelem->bw > fw ) fw = pelem->fixed_width+pelem->bw ; } pelem = pelem->below ; } if( fw > 0 ) width += fw+layout->v_spacing ; } if( width > 0 ) width -= (int)layout->v_spacing ; return width ; }
ThemeConfig * ParseThemeFile (const char *filename, char *myname) { ThemeConfig *config ; ConfigData cd ; ConfigDef *ConfigReader; FreeStorageElem *Storage = NULL, *pCurr; ConfigItem item; cd.filename = filename ; ConfigReader = InitConfigReader (myname, &ThemeSyntax, CDT_Filename, cd, NULL); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "ConfigReader is %p", ConfigReader ); if (!ConfigReader) return NULL; config = safecalloc( 1, sizeof(ThemeConfig ) ); PrintConfigReader (ConfigReader); ParseConfig (ConfigReader, &Storage); /* getting rid of all the crap first */ StorageCleanUp (&Storage, &(config->more_stuff), CF_DISABLED_OPTION); for (pCurr = Storage; pCurr; pCurr = pCurr->next) { if (pCurr->term == NULL) continue; if (!ReadConfigItem (&item, pCurr)) continue; switch (pCurr->term->id) { case FEEL_Function_ID : if( mystrncasecmp(, THEME_INSTALL_FUNC_NAME, sizeof(THEME_INSTALL_FUNC_NAME))== 0 ) { if( config->install ) really_destroy_complex_func( config->install ); config->install = FreeStorage2ComplexFunction( pCurr, &item, NULL ); }else if( mystrncasecmp(, THEME_APPLY_FUNC_NAME, sizeof(THEME_APPLY_FUNC_NAME) )== 0 ) { if( config->apply ) really_destroy_complex_func( config->apply ); config->apply = FreeStorage2ComplexFunction( pCurr, &item, NULL ); } break ; default: item.ok_to_free = 1; } } ReadConfigItem (&item, NULL); DestroyConfig (ConfigReader); DestroyFreeStorage (&Storage); return config; }
void aftershow_set_string_property (AfterShowContext *ctx, Window w, Atom property, char *data) { if (w != None && property != None && data) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "setting property %lX on %lX to \"%s\"", property, w, data ); XChangeProperty (ctx->gui.x.dpy, w, property, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)data, strlen (data)); } }
/* SendCommand - send a preparsed AfterStep command : */ void SendCommand (FunctionData * pfunc, send_ID_type window) { LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("sending command %p to the astep", pfunc); if (pfunc != NULL && as_module_out_buffer.fd >= 0) { send_module_msg_header (window, 0); send_module_msg_function (pfunc->func, pfunc->name, pfunc->text, pfunc->func_val, pfunc->unit_val); send_module_msg_tail (); } }
void change_desk_session_look (ASSession * session, int desk, struct MyLook *look) { #ifdef MYLOOK_HEADER_FILE_INCLUDED if (session && look ) { ASDeskSession *d = NULL; MyLook *old_look ; #ifdef DIFFERENTLOOKNFEELFOREACHDESKTOP if( IsValidDesk(desk) && session->overriding_look == NULL ) { d = get_desk_session (session, desk); if( d->feel_file == NULL ) d = session->defaults ; } #endif if( d == NULL ) d = session->defaults ; old_look = d->look ; d->look = look ; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "new look = %p, desk_session = %p (default is %p ), scr is %p ", look, d, session->defaults, session->scr ); if( !AS_ASSERT(session->scr) ) { ScreenInfo *scr = session->scr ; if( d == session->defaults || scr->DefaultLook == old_look ) { MyLook *old_default_look = scr->DefaultLook ; scr->DefaultLook = look ; if( scr->OnDefaultLookChanged_hook ) scr->OnDefaultLookChanged_hook( scr, old_default_look ); /* There is a possibility for contention here, if DefaultLook was * taken from session other then default one */ if( old_default_look && old_default_look != old_look ) mylook_destroy(&(old_default_look)); } } if( session->on_look_changed_func ) { session->on_look_changed_func( session->scr, desk, old_look ); if( d->desk != desk ) session->on_look_changed_func( session->scr, d->desk, old_look ); } if ( old_look ) mylook_destroy(&(old_look)); } #endif }
void handle_ShmCompletion (ASEvent * event) { #ifdef XSHMIMAGE XShmCompletionEvent *sev = (XShmCompletionEvent *) & (event->x); LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("XSHMIMAGE> EVENT : offset %ld(%lx), shmseg = %lx", (long)sev->offset, (unsigned long)(sev->offset), sev->shmseg); destroy_xshm_segment (sev->shmseg); #endif /* SHAPE */ }
void send_to_desk_wrapper(ASWinCommandState *state, const char *action) { send_to_desk_params p; p.desk = state->desk; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT("send_to_desk_wrapper called: %s, desk = %d", action, p.desk); ascom_do(action, &p); }
Bool volumeByName(void *data, void *aux_data) { ASVolume *v = (ASVolume*)data; ASVolumeByName *adata = (ASVolumeByName*) aux_data; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("name = \"%s\", volume_name = \"%s\"", adata->name, v->name); if (v->name && strcmp(v->name, adata->name) == 0) { adata->v = v; return False; } return True; }
void addTimeout() { time_t sec, usec; if (timers_count <= 0 && timer_delay_till_next_alarm (&sec, &usec)){ SHOW_CHECKPOINT; time_t tout = ((sec * 1000) + (usec / 1000))+100; LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT ("timeout in %ld millisecs", tout); g_timeout_add (tout,(GSourceFunc)my_timer_handle, NULL); timers_count++; } }