/** integrates an absolute measurement. */
	void receiveAbsolute( const Measurement::Rotation& m )
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Received absolute measurement: " << m );
		LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "state before: " << m_kf.getState() );

		m_kf.addRotationMeasurement( m );

		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "computed state: " << m_kf.getState() );
	/** integrates an absolute measurement. */
	void receiveVelocity( const Measurement::RotationVelocity& m )
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Received velocity measurement: " << m );
		LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "state before: " << m_kf.getState() );

		m_kf.addVelocityMeasurement( m );

		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "computed state: " << m_kf.getState() );
exitCode CommandDispatcher::setDefaultCommand(Command * command) {

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "CommandDispatcher::setDefaultCommand(Command * command)");

    if ( d_command != command ) {
        LOG4CPP_WARN(log, "Associated default command updated");
        LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "Previous command overwritten but NOT released: ensure to release any provious command's memory!");
        d_command = command;

    return OK;

void globFiles( const std::string& directory, const std::string & patternString, std::list< boost::filesystem::path >& files, bool globDirectories)
	boost::filesystem::path testPath( directory );
	if ( boost::filesystem::is_directory( testPath ) && boost::filesystem::exists( testPath ) )
		boost::regex ext( patternString.c_str() );

		// iterate directory
		boost::filesystem::directory_iterator dirEnd;
		for ( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it( testPath ); it != dirEnd; it++ )
			boost::filesystem::path p( it->path() );
			boost::filesystem::path p( *it );
			// check for files with suitable extension
			if ( boost::filesystem::exists( p ) && ! boost::filesystem::is_directory( p ) && boost::regex_match( p.filename().string(), ext ) )
				LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "Adding file " << p << " to list" );

				files.push_back( p );
			// glob directories, if desired
			else if ( globDirectories && boost::filesystem::exists( p ) && boost::filesystem::is_directory( p ) )
				files.push_back( p );

		// sort, since directory iteration is not ordered on some file systems

		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Sorted list of files" );		
		for ( std::list< boost::filesystem::path >::iterator iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); iter ++ )
			LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, *iter );		
	else if ( boost::filesystem::exists( testPath ) ) {
		files.push_back( testPath );
	else {
		UBITRACK_THROW( "Invalid path specified" );

	if ( files.size() == 0 ) {
		UBITRACK_THROW( "No suitable files found at the specified location" );	
void   PollEventGenerator::run (void) {


    while (true) {
        LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "Next poll within %d ms", d_pollTime);
        LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "Polling");


void Cross2D::crossPositionIn( const Ubitrack::Measurement::Position2D& pos )
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "received cross position " << pos );
	boost::mutex::scoped_lock l( m_positionLock );
	m_crossPosition = pos;
	m_pModule->invalidate( this );
	/** Method that returns a predicted measurement. */
	Measurement::Rotation sendOut( Measurement::Timestamp t )
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Computing rotation for t=" << t );
		LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "state: " << m_kf.getState() );

		return m_kf.predict( t );
exitCode QueryRegistry::registerQuery(Querible * querible, t_pQdesc queryDescriptor) {
    t_queryRegistry::iterator queryIt;
    std::string const & query = (queryDescriptor->name);

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "QueryRegistry::registerQuery(query=%s, querible=%p)", query.c_str(), querible);

    if ( !querible ) {
        LOG4CPP_ERROR(log, "Unable to register a query [%s] without an associated querible", query.c_str());
        return QR_MISSING_QUERIBLE;

    // Avoid query name duplication
    queryIt = d_queryRegistry.find(query);
    if ( (queryIt != d_queryRegistry.end()) ) {
        LOG4CPP_WARN(log, "Query already registered [%s]", query.c_str());
        return QR_QUERY_DUPLICATE;

    d_queryRegistry.insert(t_queryRegistryEntry(query, querible));
    d_queribleRegistry.insert(t_queribleRegistryEntry(querible, queryDescriptor));

    LOG4CPP_INFO(log, "Registered new query [%s] exported by Querible [%s]", query.c_str(), querible->name().c_str());

    return OK;

exitCode CommandDispatcher::flushQueue(bool discard) {

	LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "CommandDispatcher::flushQueue(bool discard=%d)", discard);

	if ( discard ) {

		LOG4CPP_WARN(log, "Flushing Command Queue: Discarding all commands");

		while ( !d_queuedCommands.empty() && !d_suspended ) {


	} else {

		LOG4CPP_INFO(log, "Flushing Command Queue: Notifying all commands");

		while ( !d_queuedCommands.empty() && !d_suspended ) {
			d_handler->notify( d_queuedCommands.front() );

	return OK;

} //namespace comsys
	 * Handler method for input of perturbed measurement data. All
	 * measurements are collected and will contribute to the finally
	 * generated distribution which will be computed and pushed onward
	 * as soon as the configured amount of trials is reached.
	 * It is not necessary to trigger the compoent before via the
	 * {@code TriggerInput} input and noisy data may be pushed
	 * asynchronously. However, each push will result in an event to
	 * be issued on the {@code Sync} output.
    void dataIn( const EventType& e )
		LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, getName() << " Received perturbed measurement with timestamp " << e.time() );

		if ( m_bStopped ) 
			LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, getName() << " Covariance estimation has not been triggered yet, ignore measurement" );
		m_counter ++;
		LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, getName() << " Current counter: " << m_counter << ", go on until: " << m_size );

		// Compute incremental covariance
		typename ResultType::value_type estimate = incrementalEstimate ( *e );

		// Check list size
		if ( m_counter == m_size )
			// push onward final result
			LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, getName() << " Terminate and push final result" );
			m_outPortDist.send( ResultType ( e.time(), estimate ) );

			boost::mutex::scoped_lock l( m_mutex );
			m_bStopped = true;

		// If not reached, send next trigger event
		LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, getName() << " Triggering computation..." );
		m_outPortSync.send( Measurement::Button( Measurement::now(), m_button ) );
timeout_t PollEventGenerator::pollTime() const {

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "PollEventGenerator::pollTime()");

    return d_pollTime;

CommandDispatcher::CommandDispatcher(Handler * handler, bool suspended):
        EventDispatcher(handler, suspended, "cd"),
        d_command(0) {

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "CommandDispatcher::CommandDispatcher(Handler * handler, bool suspended)");

    /** Method that returns a predicted measurement. */
    Measurement::ErrorPose sendOut( Measurement::Timestamp t )
        LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Computing pose for t=" << t );
        LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "state: " << m_pKF->getState() << std::endl << m_pKF->getCovariance() );

        return m_pKF->predictPose( t );
	 * UTQL component constructor.
	 * @param sName Unique name of the component.
	 * @param subgraph UTQL subgraph
	CovarianceEstimation( const std::string& sName, boost::shared_ptr< Graph::UTQLSubgraph > subgraph )
		: Dataflow::Component( sName )
		, m_inPortPerturbed( "PerturbedInput", *this, boost::bind( &CovarianceEstimation::dataIn, this, _1 ) )
		, m_inPortTrigger( "TriggerInput", *this, boost::bind( &CovarianceEstimation::triggerIn, this, _1 ) )
		, m_outPortSync( "Sync", *this )
		, m_outPortDist ( "Distribution", *this )
		, m_bStopped( true )
		, m_counter ( 0 )
		, m_size( 100 )
		, m_button( ' ' )
		, m_inButton( ' ' )
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Setup CovarianceEstimation component" );

		// read configuration for amount of samples to use
		subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeData( "size", m_size );

		// read button key
		std::string button( " " );
		std::string inButton( " " );

		if ( subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.hasAttribute( "button" ) )
			button = subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeString( "button" );
		if ( subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.hasAttribute( "inButton" ) )
			inButton = subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeString( "inButton" );
		m_button = Math::Scalar< int >( button[ 0 ] );
		m_inButton = Math::Scalar< int >( inButton[ 0 ] );

		mean = Math::Vector< double, 7 >::zeros();
		outProd = Math::Matrix< double, 7, 7 >::zeros( );
exitCode CommandDispatcher::suspend() {

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "CommandDispatcher::suspend()");
    d_suspended = true;

    return OK;
QueryRegistry::~QueryRegistry() {

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "QueryRegistry::~QueryRegistry()");

    // flushing the registry <map>

void Undistortion::initMap( int width, int height, int origin )
	// skip if already initialized with same values
	if ( m_pMapX && m_pMapX->width == width && m_pMapX->height == height )
	LOG4CPP_INFO( logger, "Creating undistortion map" );
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "coeffs=" << m_coeffs );
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "intrinsic=" << m_intrinsics );
	// copy ublas to OpenCV parameters
	CvMat* pCvCoeffs = cvCreateMat( 1, 8, CV_32FC1 );
	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
		pCvCoeffs->data.fl[ i ] = static_cast< float >( m_coeffs( i ) );
	CvMat* pCvIntrinsics = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 );
	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		for ( unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
			cvmSet( pCvIntrinsics, i, j, m_intrinsics( i, j ) );
	// compensate for left-handed OpenCV coordinate frame
	for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		cvmSet( pCvIntrinsics, i, 2, cvmGet( pCvIntrinsics, i, 2 ) * -1 );
	// compensate if origin==0
	if ( !origin )
		cvmSet( pCvIntrinsics, 1, 2, height - 1 - cvmGet( pCvIntrinsics,  1, 2 ) );
		cvmSet( pCvCoeffs, 0, 2, cvmGet( pCvCoeffs, 0, 2 ) * -1 );

	// initialize the distortion map
	// create map images
	m_pMapX.reset( new Image( width, height, 1, IPL_DEPTH_32F ) );
	m_pMapY.reset( new Image( width, height, 1, IPL_DEPTH_32F ) );
	cvInitUndistortMap( pCvIntrinsics, pCvCoeffs, *m_pMapX, *m_pMapY );
	LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "origin=" << origin );
	Math::Vector< double, 2 > startPixel( *reinterpret_cast< float* >( m_pMapX->imageData ), *reinterpret_cast< float* >( m_pMapY->imageData ) );
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "first pixel (0, 0) mapped from " << startPixel );
	// release data
	cvReleaseMat( &pCvCoeffs );
	cvReleaseMat( &pCvIntrinsics );
exitCode DeviceGPIO::ttyLock(unsigned short port) {

	if (port==TTYMUX_SINGLE)
		return OK;

	// Acquiring mux lock to satefly use the port
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for MUX1 lock...");

	LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "TTY mux lock acquired by port [%c]", 'A'-1+port);

	// Switching MUX to te required port

	return OK;

exitCode PollEventGenerator::setPollTime(timeout_t p_pollTime, bool reset) {

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "PollEventGenerator::setPollTime(timeout_t, bool");

    d_pollTime = p_pollTime;

    return OK;

void ImageFileRecorder::saveImage( const ImageMeasurement &img )
	char fileName[256]; 

	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "saveImage(): ");

	std::ostream os( &filebuffer );
	std::sprintf ( fileName, "%s%.5u%s", m_prefix.c_str(), m_counter++, m_suffix.c_str() );
	boost::filesystem::path path = m_imgDir;
	path /= fileName;
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "saveImage(): Saving image to file " << path );
	if( cvSaveImage( path.string().c_str(), *img ) == 0 )
		LOG4CPP_ERROR( logger, "Error saving image " << path );
	os << (unsigned long long)( img.time() / 1000000.)  << " " << path.filename() << std::endl;
Transparency::Transparency( const std::string& name, boost::shared_ptr< Graph::UTQLSubgraph > subgraph,
	const VirtualObjectKey& componentKey, VirtualCamera* pModule )
	: VirtualObject( name, subgraph, componentKey, pModule )
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Transparency::Transparency(), initialize alpha to " << alpha );

	alpha = 0.5;
	m_pPush.reset( new PushConsumer< Ubitrack::Measurement::Distance >( "Input", *this, boost::bind( &Transparency::alphaIn, this, _1 ) ) );
void PoseErrorVisualization::draw3DContent( Measurement::Timestamp& t, int )
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Drawing ellipsoids" );

	// save old state
	GLboolean oldCullMode;
	glGetBooleanv( GL_CULL_FACE, &oldCullMode );

	GLboolean oldLineSmooth = glIsEnabled( GL_LINE_SMOOTH );

	GLfloat oldLineWidth;
	glGetFloatv( GL_LINE_WIDTH, &oldLineWidth );

	// set new state
	glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
	glLineWidth( 1 );
	glEnable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH );

	// position error
	glColor3f( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f );

	// x-axis rotation error
	glColor3f( 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	glBegin( GL_LINES );
		glVertex3d( 0, 0, 0 );
		glVertex3d( m_rotXEllipsoid.position()( 0 ), m_rotXEllipsoid.position()( 1 ), m_rotXEllipsoid.position()( 2 ) );

	// y-axis rotation error
	glColor3f( 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f );

	glBegin( GL_LINES );
		glVertex3d( 0, 0, 0 );
		glVertex3d( m_rotYEllipsoid.position()( 0 ), m_rotYEllipsoid.position()( 1 ), m_rotYEllipsoid.position()( 2 ) );

	// z-axis rotation error
	glColor3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f );

	glBegin( GL_LINES );
		glVertex3d( 0, 0, 0 );
		glVertex3d( m_rotZEllipsoid.position()( 0 ), m_rotZEllipsoid.position()( 1 ), m_rotZEllipsoid.position()( 2 ) );

	// restore old state
	if ( !oldCullMode )
		glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE );

	if ( !oldLineSmooth )
		glDisable( GL_LINE_SMOOTH );
	glLineWidth( oldLineWidth );
QueryRegistry * QueryRegistry::getInstance() {

    if ( !d_instance ) {
        d_instance = new QueryRegistry();

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(d_instance->log, "QueryRegistry::getInstance()");

    return d_instance;
exitCode DeviceGPIO::ttyUnLock(unsigned short port) {

	if (port==TTYMUX_SINGLE)
		return OK;

	LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "TTY mux lock released by port [%c]", 'A'-1+port);

	return OK;
ImageFileRecorder::ImageFileRecorder( const std::string& sName, boost::shared_ptr< Graph::UTQLSubgraph > subgraph )
	: Dataflow::Component( sName )
	, m_bStop( false )
	, m_prefix( "img" )
	, m_suffix( "png" )
	, m_imgDir( "" )
	, m_logfile( "frames.txt" )
	, m_counter( 0 )
	, m_inPort( "Input", *this, boost::bind( &ImageFileRecorder::saveImage, this, _1 ) )
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "ImageFileRecorder(): Configuring..." );

	if ( subgraph -> m_DataflowAttributes.hasAttribute( "file" ) ) {
		m_logfile = subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeString( "file" );
		m_logfile = "frames.txt";
	if ( subgraph -> m_DataflowAttributes.hasAttribute( "prefix" ) )
		m_prefix = subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeString( "prefix" );
	if ( subgraph -> m_DataflowAttributes.hasAttribute( "suffix" ) )
		m_suffix = "." + subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeString( "suffix" );

	boost::filesystem::path path = "";
	if ( subgraph -> m_DataflowAttributes.hasAttribute( "path" ) )
		path = subgraph->m_DataflowAttributes.getAttributeString( "path" );
	m_imgDir /= path;
	if ( ! boost::filesystem::is_directory( m_imgDir ) )
		UBITRACK_THROW( "Invalid path specified for images." );
	boost::filesystem::path testPath = path;
	testPath /= m_prefix;
	testPath /= "XXXXX";
	testPath /= m_suffix;
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "ImageFileRecorder(): Image path pattern: " << testPath );
	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "ImageFileRecorder(): Timestamp file: " << m_logfile );
void Color2Grayscale::pushImage(const ImageMeasurement& m )
	IplImage* img = *m;
	if(img->nChannels == 1)
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Got grayscale image: pushing unmodified" );
		m_outPort.send( m );
		// TODO: why should we clone the image instead of just pushing the measurement?
		//boost::shared_ptr< Image > pImage(new Image(cvCloneImage(img)));
		//m_outPort.send( ImageMeasurement( m.time(), pImage ) );
		LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Got color image: pushing converted" );
		boost::shared_ptr< Image > pImage( new Image( img->width, img->height, 1 ) );
		pImage->origin = img->origin; //inserted by CW to have correct origin
		m_outPort.send( ImageMeasurement( m.time(), pImage ) );
void Transparency::alphaIn( const Ubitrack::Measurement::Distance &a ) 
	if ( *a < 0.0 )
		alpha = 0.0;
	else if ( *a > 1.0 )
		alpha = 1.0;
		alpha = *a;

	LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Transparency::alphaIn() " << a );
    /** integrates an inverse rotation velocity measurement. */
    void receiveInverseRotationVelocity( const Measurement::RotationVelocity& m )
        LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "Received inverse rotation velocity measurement: " << m );
        LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "state before: " << m_pKF->getState() << std::endl << m_pKF->getCovariance() );

        m_pKF->addInverseRotationVelocityMeasurement( m );

        checkSend( m.time() );

        LOG4CPP_TRACE( logger, "state after: " << m_pKF->getState() << std::endl << m_pKF->getCovariance() );
DeviceGPIO::DeviceGPIO(std::string const & logName) :
	Device(Device::DEVICE_GPIO, 0, logName),
	log(Device::log) {

	LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "DeviceGPIO(const std::string &, bool)");

	// Registering device into the DeviceDB

exitCode FileWriterCommandHandler::notify(comsys::Command * command)
throw (exceptions::IllegalCommandException) {
    std::string xmlCommand;

    LOG4CPP_DEBUG(log, "FileWriterCommandHandler::notify(Command * command)");

    d_fwcategory->info("%s", xmlCommand.c_str());

    return OK;
