static mspace createMspace(void *base, size_t startSize, size_t maximumSize)
    /* Create an unlocked dlmalloc mspace to use as
     * a heap source.
     * We start off reserving startSize / 2 bytes but
     * letting the heap grow to startSize.  This saves
     * memory in the case where a process uses even less
     * than the starting size.
    LOGV_HEAP("Creating VM heap of size %zu", startSize);
    errno = 0;

    mspace msp = create_contiguous_mspace_with_base(startSize/2,
            maximumSize, /*locked=*/false, base);
    if (msp != NULL) {
        /* Don't let the heap grow past the starting size without
         * our intervention.
        mspace_set_max_allowed_footprint(msp, startSize);
    } else {
        /* There's no guarantee that errno has meaning when the call
         * fails, but it often does.
        LOGE_HEAP("Can't create VM heap of size (%zu,%zu): %s",
            startSize/2, maximumSize, strerror(errno));

    return msp;
 * Allocates <n> bytes of zeroed data.
void* dvmHeapSourceAlloc(size_t n)

    HeapSource *hs = gHs;
    Heap* heap = hs2heap(hs);
    if (heap->bytesAllocated + n > hs->softLimit) {
         * This allocation would push us over the soft limit; act as
         * if the heap is full.
        LOGV_HEAP("softLimit of %zd.%03zdMB hit for %zd-byte allocation",
                  FRACTIONAL_MB(hs->softLimit), n);
        return NULL;
    void* ptr = mspace_calloc(heap->msp, 1, n);
    if (ptr == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    countAllocation(heap, ptr);
     * Check to see if a concurrent GC should be initiated.
    if (gDvm.gcHeap->gcRunning || !hs->hasGcThread) {
         * The garbage collector thread is already running or has yet
         * to be started.  Do nothing.
        return ptr;
    if (heap->bytesAllocated > heap->concurrentStartBytes) {
         * We have exceeded the allocation threshold.  Wake up the
         * garbage collector.
    return ptr;
 * Allocates <n> bytes of zeroed data.
void* dvmHeapSourceAlloc(size_t n)

    HeapSource *hs = gHs;
    Heap* heap = hs2heap(hs);
    if (heap->bytesAllocated + n > hs->softLimit) {
         * This allocation would push us over the soft limit; act as
         * if the heap is full.
        LOGV_HEAP("softLimit of %zd.%03zdMB hit for %zd-byte allocation",
                  FRACTIONAL_MB(hs->softLimit), n);
        return NULL;
    void* ptr;
    if (gDvm.lowMemoryMode) {
        /* This is only necessary because mspace_calloc always memsets the
         * allocated memory to 0. This is bad for memory usage since it leads
         * to dirty zero pages. If low memory mode is enabled, we use
         * mspace_malloc which doesn't memset the allocated memory and madvise
         * the page aligned region back to the kernel.
        ptr = mspace_malloc(heap->msp, n);
        if (ptr == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        uintptr_t zero_begin = (uintptr_t)ptr;
        uintptr_t zero_end = (uintptr_t)ptr + n;
        /* Calculate the page aligned region.
        uintptr_t begin = ALIGN_UP_TO_PAGE_SIZE(zero_begin);
        uintptr_t end = zero_end & ~(uintptr_t)(SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
        /* If our allocation spans more than one page, we attempt to madvise.
        if (begin < end) {
            /* madvise the page aligned region to kernel.
            madvise((void*)begin, end - begin, MADV_DONTNEED);
            /* Zero the region after the page aligned region.
            memset((void*)end, 0, zero_end - end);
            /* Zero out the region before the page aligned region.
            zero_end = begin;
        memset((void*)zero_begin, 0, zero_end - zero_begin);
    } else {
        ptr = mspace_calloc(heap->msp, 1, n);
        if (ptr == NULL) {
            return NULL;

    countAllocation(heap, ptr);
     * Check to see if a concurrent GC should be initiated.
    if (gDvm.gcHeap->gcRunning || !hs->hasGcThread) {
         * The garbage collector thread is already running or has yet
         * to be started.  Do nothing.
        return ptr;
    if (heap->bytesAllocated > heap->concurrentStartBytes) {
         * We have exceeded the allocation threshold.  Wake up the
         * garbage collector.
    return ptr;
 * Initiate garbage collection.
 * - If we don't hold gDvm.threadListLock, it's possible for a thread to
 *   be added to the thread list while we work.  The thread should NOT
 *   start executing, so this is only interesting when we start chasing
 *   thread stacks.  (Before we do so, grab the lock.)
 * We are not allowed to GC when the debugger has suspended the VM, which
 * is awkward because debugger requests can cause allocations.  The easiest
 * way to enforce this is to refuse to GC on an allocation made by the
 * JDWP thread -- we have to expand the heap or fail.
void dvmCollectGarbageInternal(const GcSpec* spec)
    GcHeap *gcHeap = gDvm.gcHeap;
    u4 gcEnd = 0;
    u4 rootStart = 0 , rootEnd = 0;
    u4 dirtyStart = 0, dirtyEnd = 0;
    size_t numObjectsFreed, numBytesFreed;
    size_t currAllocated, currFootprint;
    size_t percentFree;
    int oldThreadPriority = INT_MAX;

    /* The heap lock must be held.

    if (gcHeap->gcRunning) {
        LOGW_HEAP("Attempted recursive GC");

    gcHeap->gcRunning = true;

    rootStart = dvmGetRelativeTimeMsec();

     * If we are not marking concurrently raise the priority of the
     * thread performing the garbage collection.
    if (!spec->isConcurrent) {
        oldThreadPriority = os_raiseThreadPriority();
    if (gDvm.preVerify) {
        LOGV_HEAP("Verifying roots and heap before GC");


    /* Set up the marking context.
    if (!dvmHeapBeginMarkStep(spec->isPartial)) {
        LOGE_HEAP("dvmHeapBeginMarkStep failed; aborting");

    /* Mark the set of objects that are strongly reachable from the roots.

    /* dvmHeapScanMarkedObjects() will build the lists of known
     * instances of the Reference classes.
    assert(gcHeap->softReferences == NULL);
    assert(gcHeap->weakReferences == NULL);
    assert(gcHeap->finalizerReferences == NULL);
    assert(gcHeap->phantomReferences == NULL);
    assert(gcHeap->clearedReferences == NULL);

    if (spec->isConcurrent) {
         * Resume threads while tracing from the roots.  We unlock the
         * heap to allow mutator threads to allocate from free space.
        rootEnd = dvmGetRelativeTimeMsec();

    /* Recursively mark any objects that marked objects point to strongly.
     * If we're not collecting soft references, soft-reachable
     * objects will also be marked.

    if (spec->isConcurrent) {
         * Re-acquire the heap lock and perform the final thread
         * suspension.
        dirtyStart = dvmGetRelativeTimeMsec();
         * As no barrier intercepts root updates, we conservatively
         * assume all roots may be gray and re-mark them.
         * With the exception of reference objects and weak interned
         * strings, all gray objects should now be on dirty cards.
        if (gDvm.verifyCardTable) {
         * Recursively mark gray objects pointed to by the roots or by
         * heap objects dirtied during the concurrent mark.

     * All strongly-reachable objects have now been marked.  Process
     * weakly-reachable objects discovered while tracing.
                             spec->doPreserve == false,

#if defined(WITH_JIT)
     * Patching a chaining cell is very cheap as it only updates 4 words. It's
     * the overhead of stopping all threads and synchronizing the I/D cache
     * that makes it expensive.
     * Therefore we batch those work orders in a queue and go through them
     * when threads are suspended for GC.



     * Live objects have a bit set in the mark bitmap, swap the mark
     * and live bitmaps.  The sweep can proceed concurrently viewing
     * the new live bitmap as the old mark bitmap, and vice versa.

    if (gDvm.postVerify) {
        LOGV_HEAP("Verifying roots and heap after GC");

    if (spec->isConcurrent) {
        dirtyEnd = dvmGetRelativeTimeMsec();
    dvmHeapSweepUnmarkedObjects(spec->isPartial, spec->isConcurrent,
                                &numObjectsFreed, &numBytesFreed);
    LOGD_HEAP("Cleaning up...");
    if (spec->isConcurrent) {


    /* Now's a good time to adjust the heap size, since
     * we know what our utilization is.
     * This doesn't actually resize any memory;
     * it just lets the heap grow more when necessary.

    currAllocated = dvmHeapSourceGetValue(HS_BYTES_ALLOCATED, NULL, 0);
    currFootprint = dvmHeapSourceGetValue(HS_FOOTPRINT, NULL, 0);

    LOGV_HEAP("GC finished");

    gcHeap->gcRunning = false;

    LOGV_HEAP("Resuming threads");

    if (spec->isConcurrent) {
         * Wake-up any threads that blocked after a failed allocation
         * request.

    if (!spec->isConcurrent) {
        dirtyEnd = dvmGetRelativeTimeMsec();
         * Restore the original thread scheduling priority if it was
         * changed at the start of the current garbage collection.
        if (oldThreadPriority != INT_MAX) {

     * Move queue of pending references back into Java.

    gcEnd = dvmGetRelativeTimeMsec();
    percentFree = 100 - (size_t)(100.0f * (float)currAllocated / currFootprint);
    if (!spec->isConcurrent) {
        u4 markSweepTime = dirtyEnd - rootStart;
        u4 gcTime = gcEnd - rootStart;
        bool isSmall = numBytesFreed > 0 && numBytesFreed < 1024;
        ALOGD("%s freed %s%zdK, %d%% free %zdK/%zdK, paused %ums, total %ums",
             isSmall ? "<" : "",
             numBytesFreed ? MAX(numBytesFreed / 1024, 1) : 0,
             currAllocated / 1024, currFootprint / 1024,
             markSweepTime, gcTime);
    } else {
        u4 rootTime = rootEnd - rootStart;
        u4 dirtyTime = dirtyEnd - dirtyStart;
        u4 gcTime = gcEnd - rootStart;
        bool isSmall = numBytesFreed > 0 && numBytesFreed < 1024;
        ALOGD("%s freed %s%zdK, %d%% free %zdK/%zdK, paused %ums+%ums, total %ums",
             isSmall ? "<" : "",
             numBytesFreed ? MAX(numBytesFreed / 1024, 1) : 0,
             currAllocated / 1024, currFootprint / 1024,
             rootTime, dirtyTime, gcTime);
    if (gcHeap->ddmHpifWhen != 0) {
        LOGD_HEAP("Sending VM heap info to DDM");
        dvmDdmSendHeapInfo(gcHeap->ddmHpifWhen, false);
    if (gcHeap->ddmHpsgWhen != 0) {
        LOGD_HEAP("Dumping VM heap to DDM");
        dvmDdmSendHeapSegments(false, false);
    if (gcHeap->ddmNhsgWhen != 0) {
        LOGD_HEAP("Dumping native heap to DDM");
        dvmDdmSendHeapSegments(false, true);