MonoObject* ScriptSerializableUtility::internal_Create(MonoReflectionType* reflType) { if (reflType == nullptr) return nullptr; ::MonoClass* monoClass = MonoUtil::getClass(reflType); MonoClass* engineClass = MonoManager::instance().findClass(monoClass); SPtr<ManagedSerializableTypeInfo> typeInfo = ScriptAssemblyManager::instance().getTypeInfo(engineClass); if (typeInfo == nullptr) { LOGWRN("Cannot create an instance of type \"" + engineClass->getFullName() + "\", it is not marked as serializable."); return nullptr; } SPtr<ManagedSerializableFieldData> data = ManagedSerializableFieldData::createDefault(typeInfo); MemorySerializer ms; // Note: This code unnecessarily encodes to binary and decodes from it. I could have added a specialized create method that does it directly, // but didn't feel the extra code was justified. UINT32 size = 0; UINT8* encodedData = ms.encode(data.get(), size); SPtr<ManagedSerializableFieldData> createdData = std::static_pointer_cast<ManagedSerializableFieldData>(ms.decode(encodedData, size)); createdData->deserialize(); return createdData->getValueBoxed(typeInfo); }
void GUICanvas::drawPolyLine(const Vector<Vector2I>& vertices, const Color& color) { if(vertices.size() < 2) { LOGWRN("Invalid number of vertices. Ignoring call."); return; } mElements.push_back(CanvasElement()); CanvasElement& element = mElements.back(); element.type = CanvasElementType::Line; element.color = color; element.dataId = (UINT32)mTriangleElementData.size(); element.vertexStart = (UINT32)mVertexData.size(); element.numVertices = (UINT32)vertices.size(); mTriangleElementData.push_back(TriangleElementData()); TriangleElementData& elemData = mTriangleElementData.back(); elemData.matInfo.groupId = 0; elemData.matInfo.tint = color; for (auto& vertex : vertices) { Vector2 point = Vector2((float)vertex.x, (float)vertex.y); point += Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); // Offset to the middle of the pixel mVertexData.push_back(point); } mForceTriangleBuild = true; _markContentAsDirty(); }
void GUICanvas::drawTriangleStrip(const Vector<Vector2I>& vertices, const Color& color) { if (vertices.size() < 3) { LOGWRN("Invalid number of vertices. Ignoring call."); return; } mElements.push_back(CanvasElement()); CanvasElement& element = mElements.back(); element.type = CanvasElementType::Triangle; element.color = color; element.dataId = (UINT32)mTriangleElementData.size(); element.vertexStart = (UINT32)mVertexData.size(); element.numVertices = (UINT32)(vertices.size() - 2) * 3; // Convert strip to list for(UINT32 i = 2; i < (UINT32)vertices.size(); i++) { mVertexData.push_back(Vector2((float)vertices[i - 2].x, (float)vertices[i - 2].y)); mVertexData.push_back(Vector2((float)vertices[i - 1].x, (float)vertices[i - 1].y)); mVertexData.push_back(Vector2((float)vertices[i - 0].x, (float)vertices[i - 0].y)); } mTriangleElementData.push_back(TriangleElementData()); TriangleElementData& elemData = mTriangleElementData.back(); elemData.matInfo.groupId = 0; elemData.matInfo.tint = color; elemData.matInfo.type = SpriteMaterial::ImageAlpha; mForceTriangleBuild = true; _markContentAsDirty(); }
void PhysXRigidbody::setFlags(Flag flags) { bool ccdEnabledOld = mInternal->getRigidBodyFlags() & PxRigidBodyFlag::eENABLE_CCD; bool ccdEnabledNew = ((UINT32)flags & (UINT32)Flag::CCD) != 0; if(ccdEnabledOld != ccdEnabledNew) { if(ccdEnabledNew) { if (!gPhysics().hasFlag(PhysicsFlag::CCD_Enable)) LOGWRN("Enabling CCD on a Rigidbody but CCD is not enabled globally."); } mInternal->setRigidBodyFlag(PxRigidBodyFlag::eENABLE_CCD, ccdEnabledNew); // Enable/disable CCD on shapes so the filter can handle them properly UINT32 numShapes = mInternal->getNbShapes(); PxShape** shapes = (PxShape**)bs_stack_alloc(sizeof(PxShape*) * numShapes); mInternal->getShapes(shapes, sizeof(PxShape*) * numShapes); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) { Collider* collider = (Collider*)shapes[i]->userData; collider->_getInternal()->_setCCD(ccdEnabledNew); } } Rigidbody::setFlags(flags); }
void GUICanvas::drawPolyLine(const Vector<Vector2I>& vertices, const Color& color) { if(vertices.size() < 2) { LOGWRN("Invalid number of vertices. Ignoring call."); return; } mElements.push_back(CanvasElement()); CanvasElement& element = mElements.back(); element.type = CanvasElementType::Line; element.color = color; element.dataId = (UINT32)mTriangleElementData.size(); element.vertexStart = (UINT32)mVertexData.size(); element.numVertices = (UINT32)vertices.size(); // TODO - Add actual triangle line data here for (auto& vertex : vertices) mVertexData.push_back(Vector2((float)vertex.x, (float)vertex.y)); mTriangleElementData.push_back(TriangleElementData()); TriangleElementData& elemData = mTriangleElementData.back(); elemData.matInfo.groupId = 0; elemData.matInfo.tint = color; elemData.matInfo.type = SpriteMaterial::ImageAlpha; // TODO - Use line material here mForceTriangleBuild = true; _markContentAsDirty(); }
D3DDECLTYPE D3D9Mappings::get(VertexElementType vType) { switch (vType) { case VET_COLOR: case VET_COLOR_ABGR: case VET_COLOR_ARGB: return D3DDECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR; case VET_FLOAT1: return D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1; case VET_FLOAT2: return D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2; case VET_FLOAT3: return D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3; case VET_FLOAT4: return D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4; case VET_SHORT2: return D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT2; case VET_SHORT4: return D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4; case VET_UBYTE4: return D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4; default: LOGWRN("Invalid vertex element type for DX9."); break; } return D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3; }
void GLGpuBufferCore::initialize() { LOGWRN("Generic buffers are not supported in OpenGL. Creating a dummy buffer. All operations on it will either be no-op or return a nullptr."); BS_INC_RENDER_STAT_CAT(ResCreated, RenderStatObject_GpuBuffer); GpuBufferCore::initialize(); }
void GUICanvas::drawTriangleList(const Vector<Vector2I>& vertices, const Color& color) { if (vertices.size() < 3 || vertices.size() % 3 != 0) { LOGWRN("Invalid number of vertices. Ignoring call."); return; } mElements.push_back(CanvasElement()); CanvasElement& element = mElements.back(); element.type = CanvasElementType::Triangle; element.color = color; element.dataId = (UINT32)mTriangleElementData.size(); element.vertexStart = (UINT32)mVertexData.size(); element.numVertices = (UINT32)vertices.size(); for (auto& vertex : vertices) mVertexData.push_back(Vector2((float)vertex.x, (float)vertex.y)); mTriangleElementData.push_back(TriangleElementData()); TriangleElementData& elemData = mTriangleElementData.back(); elemData.matInfo.groupId = 0; elemData.matInfo.tint = color; mForceTriangleBuild = true; _markContentAsDirty(); }
void TGpuParamStruct<Core>::get(void* value, UINT32 sizeBytes, UINT32 arrayIdx) const { if (mParent == nullptr) return; GpuParamBufferType paramBlock = mParent->getParamBlockBuffer(mParamDesc->paramBlockSet, mParamDesc->paramBlockSlot); if (paramBlock == nullptr) return; UINT32 elementSizeBytes = mParamDesc->elementSize * sizeof(UINT32); #if BS_DEBUG_MODE if (sizeBytes > elementSizeBytes) { LOGWRN("Provided element size larger than maximum element size. Maximum size: " + toString(elementSizeBytes) + ". Supplied size: " + toString(sizeBytes)); } if (arrayIdx >= mParamDesc->arraySize) { BS_EXCEPT(InvalidParametersException, "Array index out of range. Array size: " + toString(mParamDesc->arraySize) + ". Requested size: " + toString(arrayIdx)); } #endif sizeBytes = std::min(elementSizeBytes, sizeBytes); paramBlock->read((mParamDesc->cpuMemOffset + arrayIdx * mParamDesc->arrayElementStride) * sizeof(UINT32), value, sizeBytes); }
void D3D11RenderAPI::applyInputLayout() { if(mActiveVertexDeclaration == nullptr) { LOGWRN("Cannot apply input layout without a vertex declaration. Set vertex declaration before calling this method."); return; } if(mActiveVertexShader == nullptr) { LOGWRN("Cannot apply input layout without a vertex shader. Set vertex shader before calling this method."); return; } ID3D11InputLayout* ia = mIAManager->retrieveInputLayout(mActiveVertexShader->getInputDeclaration(), mActiveVertexDeclaration, *mActiveVertexShader); mDevice->getImmediateContext()->IASetInputLayout(ia); }
void PhysXRigidbody::setInertiaTensor(const Vector3& tensor) { if (((UINT32)mFlags & (UINT32)Flag::AutoTensors) != 0) { LOGWRN("Attempting to set Rigidbody inertia tensor, but it has automatic tensor calculation turned on."); return; } mInternal->setMassSpaceInertiaTensor(toPxVector(tensor)); }
void PhysXRigidbody::setCenterOfMass(const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation) { if (((UINT32)mFlags & (UINT32)Flag::AutoTensors) != 0) { LOGWRN("Attempting to set Rigidbody center of mass, but it has automatic tensor calculation turned on."); return; } mInternal->setCMassLocalPose(toPxTransform(position, rotation)); }
bool ScriptSceneObject::checkIfDestroyed(ScriptSceneObject* nativeInstance) { if (nativeInstance->mSceneObject.isDestroyed()) { LOGWRN("Trying to access a destroyed SceneObject with instance ID: " + toString(nativeInstance->mSceneObject.getInstanceId())); return true; } return false; }
void PhysXRigidbody::setMass(float mass) { if(((UINT32)mFlags & (UINT32)Flag::AutoMass) != 0) { LOGWRN("Attempting to set Rigidbody mass, but it has automatic mass calculation turned on."); return; } mInternal->setMass(mass); }
const GUIElementStyle* GUISkin::getStyle(const String& guiElemType) const { auto iterFind = mStyles.find(guiElemType); if(iterFind != mStyles.end()) return &iterFind->second; LOGWRN("Cannot find GUI style with name: " + guiElemType + ". Returning default style."); return &DefaultStyle; }
void D3D11RenderAPI::dispatchCompute(UINT32 numGroupsX, UINT32 numGroupsY, UINT32 numGroupsZ) { mDevice->getImmediateContext()->Dispatch(numGroupsX, numGroupsY, numGroupsZ); #if BS_DEBUG_MODE if (mDevice->hasError()) LOGWRN(mDevice->getErrorDescription()); #endif BS_INC_RENDER_STAT(NumComputeCalls); }
void FMODAudio::setActiveDevice(const AudioDevice& device) { for(UINT32 i = 0; i < (UINT32)mAllDevices.size(); i++) { if( == mAllDevices[i].name) { mFMOD->setDriver(i); return; } } LOGWRN("Failed changing audio device to: " + toString(; }
void HandleManager::updateInput(const SPtr<Camera>& camera, const Vector2I& inputPos, const Vector2I& inputDelta) { if(!mInputStarted) { LOGWRN("Updating handle input without calling beginInput() first. Input won't be processed."); return; } if (mSettings != nullptr && mSettingsHash != mSettings->getHash()) updateFromEditorSettings(); mSliderManager->update(camera, inputPos, inputDelta); }
ManagedResource::ManagedResource(MonoObject* managedInstance) :Resource(false), mManagedInstance(nullptr) { SPtr<ManagedResourceMetaData> metaData = bs_shared_ptr_new<ManagedResourceMetaData>(); mMetaData = metaData; MonoUtil::getClassName(managedInstance, metaData->typeNamespace, metaData->typeName); MonoClass* managedClass = MonoManager::instance().findClass(metaData->typeNamespace, metaData->typeName); if (managedClass == nullptr) { LOGWRN("Cannot create managed component: " + metaData->typeNamespace + "." + metaData->typeName + " because that type doesn't exist."); return; } }
FileEncoder::FileEncoder(const Path& fileLocation) :mWriteBuffer(nullptr) { mWriteBuffer = (UINT8*)bs_alloc(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE); Path parentDir = fileLocation.getDirectory(); if (!FileSystem::exists(parentDir)) FileSystem::createDir(parentDir);, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); if ( { LOGWRN("Failed to save file: \"" + fileLocation.toString() + "\". Error: " + strerror(errno) + "."); } }
void CRigidbody::checkForNestedRigibody() { HSceneObject currentSO = SO()->getParent(); while(currentSO != nullptr) { if(currentSO->hasComponent<CRigidbody>()) { LOGWRN("Nested Rigidbodies detected. This will result in inconsistent transformations. To parent one " \ "Rigidbody to another move its colliders to the new parent, but remove the Rigidbody component."); return; } currentSO = currentSO->getParent(); } }
void ObjectRenderer::initElement(RendererObject& owner, BeastRenderableElement& element) { SPtr<Shader> shader = element.material->getShader(); if (shader == nullptr) { element.perCameraBindingIdx = -1; LOGWRN("Missing shader on material."); return; } // Note: Perhaps perform buffer validation to ensure expected buffer has the same size and layout as the provided // buffer, and show a warning otherwise. But this is perhaps better handled on a higher level. const Map<String, SHADER_PARAM_BLOCK_DESC>& paramBlockDescs = shader->getParamBlocks(); for (auto& paramBlockDesc : paramBlockDescs) { if (paramBlockDesc.second.rendererSemantic == RBS_PerFrame) element.params->setParamBlockBuffer(, mPerFrameParamBuffer, true); else if (paramBlockDesc.second.rendererSemantic == RBS_PerObject) { element.params->setParamBlockBuffer(, owner.perObjectParamBuffer, true); } else if (paramBlockDesc.second.rendererSemantic == RBS_PerCall) { element.params->setParamBlockBuffer(, owner.perCallParamBuffer, true); } } const Map<String, SHADER_OBJECT_PARAM_DESC>& bufferDescs = shader->getBufferParams(); String boneMatricesParamName; for(auto& entry : bufferDescs) { if (entry.second.rendererSemantic == RPS_BoneMatrices) boneMatricesParamName =; } if (!boneMatricesParamName.empty()) { MaterialParamBuffer boneMatricesParam = element.material->getParamBuffer(boneMatricesParamName); boneMatricesParam.set(element.boneMatrixBuffer); } }
void TMaterialParamStruct<Core>::set(const void* value, UINT32 sizeBytes, UINT32 arrayIdx) const { if (mMaterial == nullptr) return; if (arrayIdx >= mArraySize) { LOGWRN("Array index out of range. Provided index was " + toString(arrayIdx) + " but array length is " + toString(mArraySize)); return; } SPtr<MaterialParamsType> params = mMaterial->_getInternalParams(); const MaterialParams::ParamData* data = params->getParamData(mParamIndex); params->setStructData(*data, value, sizeBytes, arrayIdx); mMaterial->_markCoreDirty(); }
MonoObject* ScriptSceneObject::internal_getChild(ScriptSceneObject* nativeInstance, UINT32 idx) { if (checkIfDestroyed(nativeInstance)) return nullptr; UINT32 numChildren = nativeInstance->mSceneObject->getNumChildren(); if(idx >= numChildren) { LOGWRN("Attempting to access an out of range SceneObject child. Provided index: \"" + toString(idx) + "\". Valid range: [0 .. " + toString(numChildren) + ")"); return nullptr; } HSceneObject childSO = nativeInstance->mSceneObject->getChild(idx); ScriptSceneObject* childScriptSO = ScriptGameObjectManager::instance().getOrCreateScriptSceneObject(childSO); return childScriptSO->getManagedInstance(); }
void ScriptSerializableProperty::internal_CreateInstance(MonoObject* instance, MonoReflectionType* reflType) { if (reflType == nullptr) return; ::MonoClass* monoClass = MonoUtil::getClass(reflType); MonoClass* engineClass = MonoManager::instance().findClass(monoClass); SPtr<ManagedSerializableTypeInfo> typeInfo = ScriptAssemblyManager::instance().getTypeInfo(engineClass); if (typeInfo == nullptr) { LOGWRN("Cannot create an instance of type \"" + engineClass->getFullName() + "\", it is not marked as serializable."); return; } new (bs_alloc<ScriptSerializableProperty>()) ScriptSerializableProperty(instance, typeInfo); }
int SThread::join() { SMutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (mThread == getThreadId()) { LOGWRN( "Thread (this=%p): don't call join() from this " "Thread object's thread. It's a guaranteed deadlock!", this); return SMP_WOULD_BLOCK; } while (mRunning == true) { mThreadExitedCondition.wait(mLock); } return mStatus; }
void MultiRenderTextureCore::initialize() { RenderTargetCore::initialize(); mColorSurfaces.resize(BS_MAX_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS); for (size_t i = 0; i < mDesc.colorSurfaces.size(); i++) { if (mDesc.colorSurfaces[i].texture != nullptr) { if (i >= BS_MAX_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS) { LOGWRN("Render texture index is larger than the maximum number of supported render targets. Index: " + toString((int)i) + ". Max. number of render targets: " + toString(BS_MAX_MULTIPLE_RENDER_TARGETS)); continue; } SPtr<TextureCore> texture = mDesc.colorSurfaces[i].texture; if (texture->getProperties().getUsage() != TU_RENDERTARGET) BS_EXCEPT(InvalidParametersException, "Provided texture is not created with render target usage."); mColorSurfaces[i] = TextureCore::requestView(texture, mDesc.colorSurfaces[i].mipLevel, 1, mDesc.colorSurfaces[i].face, mDesc.colorSurfaces[i].numFaces, GVU_RENDERTARGET); } } if (mDesc.depthStencilSurface.texture != nullptr) { SPtr<TextureCore> texture = mDesc.depthStencilSurface.texture; if (texture->getProperties().getUsage() != TU_DEPTHSTENCIL) BS_EXCEPT(InvalidParametersException, "Provided texture is not created with depth stencil usage."); mDepthStencilSurface = TextureCore::requestView(texture, mDesc.depthStencilSurface.mipLevel, 1, mDesc.depthStencilSurface.face, 0, GVU_DEPTHSTENCIL); } throwIfBuffersDontMatch(); }
void OAAudioClip::getSamples(UINT8* samples, UINT32 offset, UINT32 count) const { Lock lock(mMutex); // Try to read from normal stream, and if that fails read from in-memory stream if it exists if (mStreamData != nullptr) { if (mNeedsDecompression) {;, count); } else { UINT32 bytesPerSample = mDesc.bitDepth / 8; UINT32 size = count * bytesPerSample; UINT32 streamOffset = mStreamOffset + offset * bytesPerSample; mStreamData->seek(streamOffset); mStreamData->read(samples, size); } return; } if (mSourceStreamData != nullptr) { assert(!mNeedsDecompression); // Normal stream must exist if decompressing UINT32 bytesPerSample = mDesc.bitDepth / 8; UINT32 size = count * bytesPerSample; UINT32 streamOffset = offset * bytesPerSample; mSourceStreamData->seek(streamOffset); mSourceStreamData->read(samples, size); return; } LOGWRN("Attempting to read samples while sample data is not available."); }
void D3D11RenderAPI::draw(UINT32 vertexOffset, UINT32 vertexCount, UINT32 instanceCount) { THROW_IF_NOT_CORE_THREAD; applyInputLayout(); if(instanceCount <= 1) mDevice->getImmediateContext()->Draw(vertexCount, vertexOffset); else mDevice->getImmediateContext()->DrawInstanced(vertexCount, instanceCount, vertexOffset, 0); #if BS_DEBUG_MODE if(mDevice->hasError()) LOGWRN(mDevice->getErrorDescription()); #endif UINT32 primCount = vertexCountToPrimCount(mActiveDrawOp, vertexCount); BS_INC_RENDER_STAT(NumDrawCalls); BS_ADD_RENDER_STAT(NumVertices, vertexCount); BS_ADD_RENDER_STAT(NumPrimitives, primCount); }
void ColorGradient::setKeys(const Vector<ColorGradientKey>& keys) { #if BS_DEBUG_MODE // Ensure keys are sorted if(!keys.empty()) { float time = keys[0].time; for (UINT32 i = 1; i < (UINT32)keys.size(); i++) { assert(keys[i].time >= time); time = keys[i].time; } } #endif if(keys.size() > MAX_KEYS) { LOGWRN("Number of keys in ColorGradient exceeds the support number (" + toString(MAX_KEYS) + "). Keys will be ignored."); } if(!keys.empty()) mDuration = keys.back().time; else mDuration = 0.0f; mNumKeys = 0; for(auto& key : keys) { if(mNumKeys >= MAX_KEYS) break; mColors[mNumKeys] = key.color.getAsRGBA(); mTimes[mNumKeys] = Bitwise::unormToUint<16>(key.time / mDuration); mNumKeys++; } }