 SocietyImpl::UpdatePairFormationRates( const IdmDateTime& rCurrentTime, float dt )
     LOG_INFO_F( "%s: --------------------========== START society->UpdatePairFormationRates() ==========--------------------\n", __FUNCTION__ );
     LOG_DEBUG_F("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
     for( int irel = 0; irel < RelationshipType::COUNT; irel++ )
         controller[ irel ]->UpdateEntryRates( rCurrentTime, dt );
     LOG_INFO_F( "%s: --------------------========== society->UpdatePairFormationRates() FINISH ==========--------------------\n", __FUNCTION__ );
 bool IncidenceCounterSurveillance::notifyOnEvent( IEventCoordinatorEventContext *pEntity, const EventTriggerCoordinator& trigger )
     LOG_INFO_F(" notifyOnEvent received: %s,  %s\n", pEntity->GetName().c_str(), trigger.ToString().c_str());
     if( Find( m_PercentageEventsToCountCoordinator, trigger ) )
     if( Find( m_TriggerConditionListCoordinator, trigger ) )
         LOG_INFO_F( "notifyOnEvent received: %s   m_Count: %d\n", trigger.ToString().c_str(), m_Count );
     return true;
 * PRIVATE. Insert a region in a context.
static inline int
bfwork_region_insert(bam_fwork_t *fwork, bam_region_t *region)
	linked_list_t *list;
	size_t list_l;



	//List handle
	list = fwork->regions_list;
	list_l = linked_list_size(list);

	if(list_l >= FWORK_REGIONS_MAX)

		//Wait for free slots
			if(omp_get_num_threads() == 2)
				#pragma omp taskwait	//Force processing

		//LOG_FATAL_F("Not enough region slots, current: %d\n", list_l);

	//This lock must be always locked until regions buffer have regions free

	//Add region to list
	linked_list_insert_last(region, list);

	LOG_INFO_F("Inserting region %d:%lu-%lu with %d reads\n",
				region->chrom + 1, region->init_pos + 1,
				region->end_pos + 1, region->size);
	LOG_INFO_F("Regions to process %lu\n", linked_list_size(list));


	return NO_ERROR;
 void IncidenceCounterSurveillance::StartCounting()
     m_CounterPeriod_current = m_CounterPeriod;
     m_Count = 0;
     m_PercentageEventsCounted = 0;
     LOG_INFO_F( "StartCounting(),  m_CounterPeriod_current = %f m_Count = %f\n", m_CounterPeriod_current, m_Count );
    void FlowControllerImpl::UpdateDesiredFlow( const IdmDateTime& rCurrentTime, float dt )
        LOG_DEBUG_F("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);

        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // --- Count the total number of people eligible for pairing
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        float cumulative_base_flow = 0.0f;
        for( int risk_group = 0; risk_group < RiskGroup::COUNT; risk_group ++)
            auto& eligible_population = pair_formation_stats->GetEligible((RiskGroup::Enum)risk_group);
            for (auto& entry : eligible_population)
                for (float flow : entry.second)
                    cumulative_base_flow += flow;

            if (LOG_LEVEL(INFO))
                LOG_INFO_F( "%s: eligible population for %s risk group:\n", __FUNCTION__, RiskGroup::pairs::lookup_key(risk_group) );
                for (auto& entry : eligible_population) {
                    cout << "{ " << entry.first << ", [ ";
                    for (int count : entry.second) {
                        cout << count << ' ';
                    cout << "] }" << endl;

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // --- Multiply the total number of people eligible times the base rate
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        cumulative_base_flow *= parameters->FormationRate( rCurrentTime, dt );

        if (cumulative_base_flow > 0.0f)
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // --- Determine the desired rate for each gender and age bin
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            for (int sex = Gender::MALE; sex <= Gender::FEMALE; sex++)
                auto& desired = desired_flow.at(sex);       // important, use a reference here so we update desired_flow
                auto& marginal = parameters->MarginalValues().at(sex);   // use a reference here to avoid a copy
                int bin_count = desired.size();
                for (int bin_index = 0; bin_index < bin_count; bin_index++)
                    desired[bin_index] = 0.5f * cumulative_base_flow * marginal[bin_index];
            memset(desired_flow[Gender::MALE].data(), 0, desired_flow[Gender::MALE].size() * sizeof(float));
            memset(desired_flow[Gender::FEMALE].data(), 0, desired_flow[Gender::FEMALE].size() * sizeof(float));
    void MultiInterventionEventCoordinator::DistributeInterventionsToNodes( INodeEventContext* event_context )
        const json::Array & interventions_array = json::QuickInterpreter( intervention_config._json ).As<json::Array>();
        LOG_DEBUG_F( "interventions array size = %d\n", interventions_array.Size() );
        for( int idx = 0; idx < interventions_array.Size(); idx++ )
            const json::Object& actualIntervention = json_cast<const json::Object&>(interventions_array[ idx ]);
            Configuration * config = Configuration::CopyFromElement( actualIntervention );
            assert( config );

            LOG_DEBUG_F( "Attempting to instantiate intervention of class %s\n",
                std::string( (*config)[ "class" ].As<json::String>() ).c_str() );

            INodeDistributableIntervention *ndi = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateNDIIntervention( config );
            if( ndi == nullptr )
                throw NullPointerException( __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, "Should have constructed a node-level intervention." );
            if( ndi->Distribute( event_context, this ) )
                LOG_INFO_F( "UpdateNodes() distributed '%s' intervention to node %d\n", ndi->GetName().c_str(), event_context->GetId().data );

            delete config;
            config = nullptr;
        INodeEventContext *nec
        LOG_DEBUG_F( "Contains node ID = %d ?\n", nec->GetId().data );
        if( vertices_raw.length() > 0 ) // clear this after parse.
            // haven't parsed raw list yet.
            // Go through list and parse out.
            if( polygon_format == PolygonFormatType::SHAPE )
            // don't need else here because enum parser already catches such errors

        if( polygon_format == PolygonFormatType::SHAPE && nec->IsInPolygon( points_array, int(num_points) ) )
            LOG_INFO_F( "Node ID = %d is contained within intervention polygon\n", nec->GetId().data );
            return true;

        LOG_DEBUG("Polygon apparently does not contain this node.\n");

        /*else if( polygon_format == PolygonFormatType::GEOJSON && nec->IsInPolygon( poly ) )
            return true;
        return false;
char* __cdecl
GetEModuleVersion(char* sVer, const Environment * pEnv)
    ProgDllVersion pv;
    LOG_INFO_F("GetEModuleVersion called with ver=%s\n", pv.getVersion());
    if (sVer) strcpy(sVer, pv.getVersion());
    return sVer;
    void MultiInterventionEventCoordinator::DistributeInterventionsToIndividuals( INodeEventContext* event_context )
        // For now, distribute evenly across nodes. 
        int limitPerNode = -1;

        int totalIndivGivenIntervention = event_context->VisitIndividuals( this, limitPerNode );

        LOG_INFO_F( "UpdateNodes() gave out %d interventions at node %d\n", totalIndivGivenIntervention, event_context->GetId().data );
 bool IncidenceCounterSurveillance::notifyOnEvent( INodeEventContext *pEntity, const EventTriggerNode& trigger )
     LOG_INFO_F( "notifyOnEvent received: %s\n", trigger.ToString().c_str() );
     if ( m_NodePropertyRestrictions.Qualifies( pEntity->GetNodeContext()->GetNodeProperties() ) &&
         !IsDoneCounting() )
         if( Find( m_PercentageEventsToCountNode, trigger ) )
         if( Find( m_TriggerConditionListNode, trigger ) )
             LOG_INFO_F( "notifyOnEvent received: %s   m_Count: %d\n", trigger.ToString().c_str(), m_Count );
     return true;
 HumanStateChange IndividualHumanPy::GetStateChange() const
     HumanStateChange retVal = StateChange;
     //auto parsed = IdmString(state_to_report).split();
     if( state_to_report == "D" )
         LOG_INFO_F( "[GetStateChange] Somebody died from their infection.\n" );
         retVal = HumanStateChange::KilledByInfection;
     return retVal;
 // Obviously don't need this if it's not doing anything useful.
 void ReferenceTrackingEventCoordinator::Update( float dt )
     // Check if it's time for another distribution
     if( parent->GetSimulationTime().Year() >= end_year )
         LOG_INFO_F( "ReferenceTrackingEventCoordinator expired.\n" );
         distribution_complete = true;
     LOG_DEBUG_F( "Update...ing.\n" );
     return StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator::Update( dt );
    SocietyImpl::UpdatePairFormationAgents( const IdmDateTime& rCurrentTime, float dt )
        LOG_INFO_F( "%s: --------------------========== START society->UpdatePairFormationAgents() ==========--------------------\n", __FUNCTION__ );
        LOG_DEBUG_F("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
        for( int irel = 0; irel < RelationshipType::COUNT; irel++ )
            pfa[ irel ]->Update( rCurrentTime, dt );
        LOG_INFO_F( "%s: --------------------========== society->UpdatePairFormationAgents() FINISH ==========--------------------\n", __FUNCTION__ );

        if (LOG_LEVEL(INFO)) 
            for( int irel = 0; irel < RelationshipType::COUNT; irel++ )
                pfa[ irel ]->Print( RelationshipType::pairs::lookup_key(irel) );
 void IncidenceCounterSurveillance::UnregisterForEvents( ISimulationEventContext* context )
     switch( m_CounterEventType )
         case   EventType::NODE:
             for( EventTriggerNode& ect : m_TriggerConditionListNode )
                 context->GetNodeEventBroadcaster()->UnregisterObserver( this, ect );
                 LOG_INFO_F( "Unregister Trigger: %s\n", ect.c_str() );
             for( EventTriggerNode& ect : m_PercentageEventsToCountNode )
                 if( !Find( m_TriggerConditionListNode, ect ) )
                     context->GetNodeEventBroadcaster()->UnregisterObserver( this, ect );
                     LOG_INFO_F( "Unregister Percentage_Events_To_Count: %s\n", ect.c_str() );
         case EventType::COORDINATOR:
             for( EventTriggerCoordinator& ect : m_TriggerConditionListCoordinator )
                 context->GetCoordinatorEventBroadcaster()->UnregisterObserver( this, ect );
                 LOG_INFO_F( "Unregister Trigger: %s\n", ect.c_str() );
             for( EventTriggerCoordinator& ect : m_PercentageEventsToCountCoordinator )
                 if( !Find( m_TriggerConditionListCoordinator, ect ) )
                     context->GetCoordinatorEventBroadcaster()->UnregisterObserver( this, ect );
                     LOG_INFO_F( "Unregister Percentage_Events_To_Count: %s\n", ect.c_str() );
         // no default here 
 void IncidenceCounterSurveillance::UnregisterForEvents( INodeEventContext* pNEC )
     IncidenceCounter::UnregisterForEvents( pNEC );
     for( EventTrigger& ect : m_PercentageEventsToCountIndividual )
         if( !Find( m_TriggerConditionListIndividual, ect ) )
             pNEC->GetIndividualEventBroadcaster()->UnregisterObserver( this, ect );
             LOG_INFO_F( "Unregistered Percentage_Events_To_Count: %s\n", ect.c_str() );
    void FlowControllerImpl::UpdateEntryRates( const IdmDateTime& rCurrentTime, float dt )
        LOG_DEBUG_F("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);

        // -------------------------
        // --- Update desired rates
        // -------------------------
        UpdateDesiredFlow( rCurrentTime, dt );

        if (LOG_LEVEL(INFO))
            LOG_INFO_F( "%s: desired flow:\n", __FUNCTION__ );
            for (auto& entry : desired_flow) {
                cout << "{ " << entry.first << ", [ ";
                for (float flow : entry.second) {
                    cout << flow << ' ';
                cout << "] }" << endl;

        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // --- Get the desired rate(s) from the pfa,
        // --- Normalize by the number of eligible from the stats object
        // --- Update the desired rates in the rate table
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        auto& eligible_population_LOW  = pair_formation_stats->GetEligible(RiskGroup::LOW);
        auto& eligible_population_HIGH = pair_formation_stats->GetEligible(RiskGroup::HIGH);

        for (int sex = Gender::MALE; sex <= Gender::FEMALE; sex++)
            auto& desired = desired_flow.at(sex);
            auto& eligible_LOW  = eligible_population_LOW.at(sex);
            auto& eligible_HIGH = eligible_population_HIGH.at(sex);
            for (int bin_index = 0; bin_index < desired_flow[sex].size(); bin_index++)
                int eligible_count_LOW = eligible_LOW[bin_index];
                int eligible_count_HIGH = eligible_HIGH[bin_index];
                int effective_eligible_count = rate_ratio[sex] * eligible_count_HIGH + eligible_count_LOW;
                float rate_LOW = (effective_eligible_count > 0) ? desired[bin_index] / effective_eligible_count : 0.0f;
                float rate_HIGH = rate_ratio[sex] * rate_LOW;
                rate_table->SetRateForBinAndSexAndRiskGroup(bin_index, sex, RiskGroup::LOW, rate_LOW);
                rate_table->SetRateForBinAndSexAndRiskGroup(bin_index, sex, RiskGroup::HIGH, rate_HIGH);

        if (LOG_LEVEL(INFO))
 void NodeEventContextHost::PurgeExisting( const std::string& iv_name )
     for (auto intervention : node_interventions)
         std::string cur_iv_type_name = typeid( *intervention ).name();
         if( cur_iv_type_name == iv_name )
             LOG_INFO_F("Found an existing intervention by that name (%s) which we are purging\n", iv_name.c_str());
             node_interventions.remove( intervention );
             delete intervention;
 * Configure BAM framework data structure for wandering.
bfwork_configure(bam_fwork_t *fwork, const char *in_file, const char *out_file, const char *reference, bfwork_context_t *context)

	//Set I/O
	fwork->input_file_str = (char *)in_file;
	fwork->output_file_str = (char *)out_file;
	fwork->reference_str = (char *)reference;

	//Initial context have been specified?
		//Set context
		fwork->context = context;

		//Add to context list
		fwork->v_context[0] = context;
		fwork->v_context_l = 1;

	LOG_INFO("Framework configured\n");
		LOG_INFO_F("Input file: %s\n", fwork->input_file_str);
		LOG_INFO_F("Output file: %s\n", fwork->output_file_str);
		LOG_INFO_F("Reference file: %s\n", fwork->reference_str);

	return NO_ERROR;
        const Configuration * inputJson
        initConfigTypeMap( "Base_Year",  &base_year, Base_Year_DESC_TEXT, MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR, DEFAULT_BASE_YEAR );

        bool ret = Simulation::Configure( inputJson );
        if( ret )
            LOG_INFO_F("Setting Base_Year to %f\n", base_year );
            currentTime.setBaseYear( base_year );

        return ret;
    std::list<INodeDistributableIntervention*> NodeEventContextHost::GetInterventionsByType(const std::string& type_name)
        std::list<INodeDistributableIntervention*> interventions_of_type;
        LOG_INFO_F("Looking for intervention of type %s", type_name.c_str());
        for (auto intervention : node_interventions)
            std::string cur_iv_type_name = typeid( *intervention ).name();
            if( cur_iv_type_name == type_name )
                LOG_INFO( "Found one..." );
                interventions_of_type.push_back( intervention );

        return interventions_of_type;
    void IndividualHumanPy::Update( float currenttime, float dt)
        static auto pFunc = PythonSupportPtr->IdmPyInit( PythonSupport::SCRIPT_PYTHON_FEVER.c_str(), "update" );
        if( pFunc )
            // pass individual id AND dt
            static PyObject * vars = PyTuple_New(2);
            vars = Py_BuildValue( "ll", GetSuid().data, int(dt) );
            auto pyVal = PyObject_CallObject( pFunc, vars );
            if( pyVal != nullptr )
                char * state = "UNSET";
                PyArg_ParseTuple(pyVal,"si",&state, &state_changed ); //o-> pyobject |i-> int|s-> char*
                state_to_report = state;
                state_to_report = "D";
#if !defined(_WIN32) || !defined(_DEBUG)
        LOG_DEBUG_F( "state_to_report for individual %d = %s; Infected = %d, change = %d.\n", GetSuid().data, state_to_report.c_str(), IsInfected(), state_changed );

        if( state_to_report == "S" && state_changed && GetInfections().size() > 0 )
            LOG_DEBUG_F( "[Update] Somebody cleared their infection.\n" );
            // ClearInfection
            auto inf = GetInfections().front();
            IInfectionPy * inf_pydemo  = NULL;
            if (s_OK != inf->QueryInterface(GET_IID(IInfectionPy ), (void**)&inf_pydemo) )
                throw QueryInterfaceException( __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, "inf", "IInfectionPy ", "Infection" );
            // get InfectionPy pointer
        else if( state_to_report == "D" && state_changed )
            LOG_INFO_F( "[Update] Somebody died from their infection.\n" );
        return IndividualHuman::Update( currenttime, dt);
    void NodeEventCoordinator::UpdateNodes( float dt )
        // Intervention class names for informative logging
        std::ostringstream intervention_name;
        intervention_name << std::string( json::QuickInterpreter(intervention_config._json)["class"].As<json::String>() );

        // Simplest NDI distribution without repetition
        INodeDistributableIntervention *ndi = nullptr;
        for(auto *nec : cached_nodes)
            auto tmp_config = Configuration::CopyFromElement( intervention_config._json );
            ndi = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateNDIIntervention( tmp_config );
            delete tmp_config;
            tmp_config = nullptr;
                if (!ndi->Distribute( nec, this ) )
                    ndi->Release(); // a bit wasteful for now, could cache it for the next fellow
                    LOG_INFO_F("UpdateNodes() distributed '%s' intervention to node %d\n", intervention_name.str().c_str(), nec->GetId().data );
                // add NDI-only exception
                std::string err = "Unable to create an instance of " + intervention_name.str() + " as an INodeDistributableIntervention.";
                throw GeneralConfigurationException(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, err.c_str());

        // Dispose
        if(ndi) ndi->Release();
        distribution_complete = true;
    // copy/paste to remove single-intervention-specific logging
    // TODO: could be handled more gracefully
    // also not robust in case of array containing NTI not just ITI
    void MultiInterventionEventCoordinator::UpdateNodes( float dt )
        // Only call VisitNodes on first call and if countdown == 0
        if( tsteps_since_last != tsteps_between_reps )

        int grandTotal = 0;
        int limitPerNode = -1;

        LOG_DEBUG_F("[UpdateNodes] limitPerNode = %d\n", limitPerNode);
        for (auto nec : cached_nodes)
                // For now, distribute evenly across nodes. 
                int totalIndivGivenIntervention = nec->VisitIndividuals( this, limitPerNode );
                grandTotal += totalIndivGivenIntervention;
                LOG_INFO_F( "UpdateNodes() gave out %d interventions at node %d\n", totalIndivGivenIntervention, nec->GetId().data );
            catch(json::Exception &e)
                // ERROR: not ITI???
                // ERROR: ::cerr << "exception casting intervention_config to array! " << e.what() << std::endl;
                throw GeneralConfigurationException( __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, e.what() ); // ( "Intervention_Configs json problem: intervention_config is valid json but needs to be an array." );

        tsteps_since_last = 0;
        if( num_repetitions == 0 )
            distribution_complete = true; // we're done, signal disposal ok
int run_association_test(shared_options_data_t* shared_options_data, assoc_options_data_t* options_data) {
    list_t *output_list = (list_t*) malloc (sizeof(list_t));
    list_init("output", shared_options_data->num_threads, INT_MAX, output_list);

    int ret_code = 0;
    vcf_file_t *vcf_file = vcf_open(shared_options_data->vcf_filename, shared_options_data->max_batches);
    if (!vcf_file) {
        LOG_FATAL("VCF file does not exist!\n");
    ped_file_t *ped_file = ped_open(shared_options_data->ped_filename);
    if (!ped_file) {
        LOG_FATAL("PED file does not exist!\n");
    LOG_INFO("About to read PED file...\n");
    // Read PED file before doing any processing
    ret_code = ped_read(ped_file);
    if (ret_code != 0) {
        LOG_FATAL_F("Can't read PED file: %s\n", ped_file->filename);

    // Try to create the directory where the output files will be stored
    ret_code = create_directory(shared_options_data->output_directory);
    if (ret_code != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
        LOG_FATAL_F("Can't create output directory: %s\n", shared_options_data->output_directory);
    LOG_INFO("About to perform basic association test...\n");

#pragma omp parallel sections private(ret_code)
#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 0, omp_get_num_threads());
            double start = omp_get_wtime();

            ret_code = vcf_read(vcf_file, 0,
                                (shared_options_data->batch_bytes > 0) ? shared_options_data->batch_bytes : shared_options_data->batch_lines,
                                shared_options_data->batch_bytes <= 0);

            double stop = omp_get_wtime();
            double total = stop - start;

            if (ret_code) {
                LOG_FATAL_F("Error %d while reading the file %s\n", ret_code, vcf_file->filename);

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);


#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 10, omp_get_num_threads());
            // Enable nested parallelism
            volatile int initialization_done = 0;
            // Pedigree information
            individual_t **individuals = NULL;
            khash_t(ids) *sample_ids = NULL;
            // Create chain of filters for the VCF file
            filter_t **filters = NULL;
            int num_filters = 0;
            if (shared_options_data->chain != NULL) {
                filters = sort_filter_chain(shared_options_data->chain, &num_filters);
            FILE *passed_file = NULL, *failed_file = NULL;
            get_filtering_output_files(shared_options_data, &passed_file, &failed_file);
            double start = omp_get_wtime();

            double *factorial_logarithms = NULL;
            int i = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(shared_options_data->num_threads) shared(initialization_done, factorial_logarithms, filters, individuals)
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 11, omp_get_num_threads()); 

            char *text_begin, *text_end;
            vcf_reader_status *status;
            while(text_begin = fetch_vcf_text_batch(vcf_file)) {
                text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin);
                if (text_begin == text_end) { // EOF
# pragma omp critical
                    status = vcf_reader_status_new(shared_options_data->batch_lines, i);
                if (shared_options_data->batch_bytes > 0) {
                    ret_code = run_vcf_parser(text_begin, text_end, 0, vcf_file, status);
                } else if (shared_options_data->batch_lines > 0) {
                    ret_code = run_vcf_parser(text_begin, text_end, shared_options_data->batch_lines, vcf_file, status);
                // Initialize structures needed for association tests and write headers of output files
                if (!initialization_done && vcf_file->samples_names->size > 0) {
# pragma omp critical
                    // Guarantee that just one thread performs this operation
                    if (!initialization_done) {
                        // Create map to associate the position of individuals in the list of samples defined in the VCF file
                        sample_ids = associate_samples_and_positions(vcf_file);
                        // Sort individuals in PED as defined in the VCF file
                        individuals = sort_individuals(vcf_file, ped_file);
                        printf("num samples = %zu\n", get_num_vcf_samples(file));
                        printf("pos = { ");
                        for (int j = 0; j < get_num_vcf_samples(file); j++) {
                            printf("%s ", individuals[j]->id);
                        // Add headers associated to the defined filters
                        vcf_header_entry_t **filter_headers = get_filters_as_vcf_headers(filters, num_filters);
                        for (int j = 0; j < num_filters; j++) {
                            add_vcf_header_entry(filter_headers[j], vcf_file);
                        // Write file format, header entries and delimiter
                        if (passed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, passed_file); }
                        if (failed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, failed_file); }
                        LOG_DEBUG("VCF header written\n");
                        if (options_data->task == FISHER) {
                            factorial_logarithms = init_logarithm_array(get_num_vcf_samples(vcf_file) * 10);
                        initialization_done = 1;
                // If it has not been initialized it means that header is not fully read
                if (!initialization_done) {
                vcf_batch_t *batch = fetch_vcf_batch(vcf_file);
                if (i % 100 == 0) {
                    LOG_INFO_F("Batch %d reached by thread %d - %zu/%zu records \n", 
                            i, omp_get_thread_num(),
                            batch->records->size, batch->records->capacity);

                // Launch association test over records that passed the filters
                array_list_t *failed_records = NULL;
                int num_variables = ped_file? get_num_variables(ped_file): 0;
                array_list_t *passed_records = filter_records(filters, num_filters, individuals, sample_ids, num_variables, batch->records, &failed_records);
                if (passed_records->size > 0) {
                    assoc_test(options_data->task, (vcf_record_t**) passed_records->items, passed_records->size, 
                                individuals, get_num_vcf_samples(vcf_file), factorial_logarithms, output_list);
                // Write records that passed and failed filters to separate files, and free them
                write_filtering_output_files(passed_records, failed_records, passed_file, failed_file);
                free_filtered_records(passed_records, failed_records, batch->records);
                // Free batch and its contents

            double stop = omp_get_wtime();
            double total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);

            // Free resources
            for (int i = 0; i < num_filters; i++) {
                filter_t *filter = filters[i];
            if (sample_ids) { kh_destroy(ids, sample_ids); }
            if (individuals) { free(individuals); }

            // Decrease list writers count
            for (int i = 0; i < shared_options_data->num_threads; i++) {

#pragma omp section
            // Thread that writes the results to the output file
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 20, omp_get_num_threads());
            double start = omp_get_wtime();
            // Get the file descriptor
            char *path;
            FILE *fd = get_assoc_output_file(options_data->task, shared_options_data, &path);
            LOG_INFO_F("Association test output filename = %s\n", path);
            // Write data: header + one line per variant
            write_output_header(options_data->task, fd);
            write_output_body(options_data->task, output_list, fd);
            // Sort resulting file
            char *cmd = calloc (40 + strlen(path) * 4, sizeof(char));
            sprintf(cmd, "sort -k1,1h -k2,2n %s > %s.tmp && mv %s.tmp %s", path, path, path, path);
            int sort_ret = system(cmd);
            if (sort_ret) {
                LOG_WARN("Association results could not be sorted by chromosome and position, will be shown unsorted\n");
            double stop = omp_get_wtime();
            double total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dW] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dW] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);
    ped_close(ped_file, 1,1);
    return ret_code;
    void SusceptibilityTyphoid::Update(float dt)
        age += dt; // tracks age for immune purposes
        // if cross N year age boundary

        //end of maternal antibodies at 6 months
        float age_boundary = 0.5f * DAYSPERYEAR;
        if( ( age >= age_boundary ) && ( ( age - dt ) < age_boundary ) && ( mod_acquire == 0 ) )
            if( parent->GetRng()->SmartDraw( IndividualHumanTyphoidConfig::typhoid_6month_susceptible_fraction ) )
                LOG_DEBUG_F("id %lu 6-month old being made susceptible.\n", parent->GetSuid().data);
                mod_acquire = 1.0f;

        float age_boundary_2 = 3 * DAYSPERYEAR;
        if( ( age >= age_boundary_2 ) && ( ( age - dt ) < age_boundary_2 ) && ( mod_acquire == 0 ) )
            if( parent->GetRng()->SmartDraw( IndividualHumanTyphoidConfig::typhoid_3year_susceptible_fraction ) )
                LOG_DEBUG_F("id %lu 3-yo being made susceptible.\n", parent->GetSuid().data);
                mod_acquire = 1.0f;

        float age_boundary_3 = 6 * DAYSPERYEAR;
        if( ( age >= age_boundary_3 ) && ( ( age - dt ) < age_boundary_3 ) && ( mod_acquire == 0 ) )
            if( parent->GetRng()->SmartDraw( IndividualHumanTyphoidConfig::typhoid_6year_susceptible_fraction ) )
                LOG_DEBUG_F("id %lu 6-yo being made susceptible.\n", parent->GetSuid().data);
                mod_acquire = 1.0f;

#define LAMBDA_THRESHOLD (1000)
        if (IndividualHumanTyphoidConfig::typhoid_exposure_lambda < LAMBDA_THRESHOLD )
            float twenty_years_old_days = SUSPCEPT_INTRO_YEAR*DAYSPERYEAR;
            if( ( age < twenty_years_old_days ) && mod_acquire == 0 )
                double perc = 0.0f;
                double perc1 = 0.0f;
                double perc2 = 0.0f;
                double num = 0.0f;
                double denom = 0.0f;
                float lambda = IndividualHumanTyphoidConfig::typhoid_exposure_lambda; 

                perc2 = 1.0f - ((twenty_years_old_days - age) / (age*lambda + twenty_years_old_days ));
                perc1 = 1.0f - ((twenty_years_old_days - (age-1)) / ((age-1)*lambda + twenty_years_old_days ));
                perc = (perc2 - perc1) / (1 - perc1);

                if( parent->GetRng()->SmartDraw( perc ) )
                    mod_acquire = 1.0f;
                    LOG_VALID_F("id %lu , age %f being made susceptible.\n", parent->GetSuid().data, age);
                    //LOG_INFO_F("SUSCEPTIBLE %f %f\n", perc, mod_acquire);

        float intro_year = 10; // magic number?
        if (IndividualHumanTyphoidConfig::typhoid_exposure_lambda < LAMBDA_THRESHOLD )
            intro_year = SUSPCEPT_INTRO_YEAR;
        float age_boundary_4 = intro_year * DAYSPERYEAR;
        if (age >= age_boundary_4 && age - dt < age_boundary_4 && mod_acquire == 0)
            LOG_DEBUG_F("id %lu Schoolkids being made susceptible.\n", parent->GetSuid().data);
            mod_acquire = 1.0f;

        if( ( age > age_boundary_4 + dt ) && ( mod_acquire == 0 ) )
            LOG_INFO_F("SOMEONE WAS MISSED AGE %f CUTOFF DAY %f MODACQUIRE %f\n", age, age_boundary_4 + dt, mod_acquire);
int ped_ragel_read(list_t *batches_list, size_t batch_size, ped_file_t *file)
    int cs;
    char *p = file->data;
    char *pe = p + file->data_len;
    char *eof = pe;
    char *ts;
    int custom_field_count = 0;

    current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

#line 41 "ped_reader.c"
	cs = ped_start;

#line 46 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( p == pe )
		goto _test_eof;
	switch ( cs )
case 21:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 10: goto st22;
		case 35: goto st16;
	if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 126 )
		goto tr36;
	goto tr0;
#line 53 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'family' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 65 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'individual' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 77 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'father' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 89 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'mother' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 109 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'sex' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 124 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'phenotype' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 141 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'header' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	goto st0;
#line 161 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in '%s' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename, current_record->custom_field);
	goto st0;
#line 108 "ped_reader.c"
cs = 0;
	goto _out;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof22;
case 22:
	if ( (*p) == 10 )
		goto st22;
	goto st0;
#line 22 "ped.ragel"
        current_record = create_ped_record();
        genotype = 0;
#line 45 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st1;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof1;
case 1:
#line 134 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 9 )
		goto tr1;
	if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 126 )
		goto st1;
	goto tr0;
#line 49 "ped.ragel"
        set_ped_record_family_id(strndup(ts, p-ts), current_record);
	goto st2;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof2;
case 2:
#line 150 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 95 )
		goto tr4;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr4;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr4;
	} else
		goto tr4;
	goto tr3;
#line 57 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st3;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof3;
case 3:
#line 172 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr5;
		case 95: goto st3;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st3;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto st3;
	} else
		goto st3;
	goto tr3;
#line 61 "ped.ragel"
        set_ped_record_individual_id(strndup(ts, p-ts), current_record);
	goto st4;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof4;
case 4:
#line 196 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 46: goto tr8;
		case 95: goto tr9;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr9;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr9;
	} else
		goto tr9;
	goto tr7;
#line 69 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st5;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof5;
case 5:
#line 220 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 9 )
		goto tr10;
	goto tr7;
#line 73 "ped.ragel"
        set_ped_record_father_id(strndup(ts, p-ts), current_record);
	goto st6;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof6;
case 6:
#line 234 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 46: goto tr12;
		case 95: goto tr13;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr13;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr13;
	} else
		goto tr13;
	goto tr11;
#line 81 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st7;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof7;
case 7:
#line 258 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 9 )
		goto tr14;
	goto tr11;
#line 85 "ped.ragel"
        set_ped_record_mother_id(strndup(ts, p-ts), current_record);
	goto st8;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof8;
case 8:
#line 272 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 46 )
		goto tr16;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr17;
	goto tr15;
#line 93 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st9;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof9;
case 9:
#line 288 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 9 )
		goto tr18;
	goto tr15;
#line 97 "ped.ragel"
        char *field = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        enum Sex sex = UNKNOWN_SEX;
        if (atoi(field) == 1) {
            sex = MALE;
        } else if (atoi(field) == 2) {
            sex = FEMALE;
        set_ped_record_sex(sex, current_record);
        free(field);    // Not set as ped_record_t variable -> not freed later
	goto st10;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof10;
case 10:
#line 310 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 32: goto tr20;
		case 95: goto tr20;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr20;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr20;
	} else
		goto tr20;
	goto tr19;
#line 113 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st23;
#line 117 "ped.ragel"
        if (strncmp(".", ts, 1)) {
            char *field = strndup(ts, p-ts);
            set_ped_record_phenotype(field, current_record, file);
#line 145 "ped.ragel"
        custom_field_count = 6;
	goto st23;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof23;
case 23:
#line 347 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr39;
		case 10: goto tr40;
		case 32: goto tr42;
		case 95: goto st23;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 11 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 13 )
			goto tr41;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st23;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
			goto st23;
	} else
		goto st23;
	goto tr19;
#line 117 "ped.ragel"
        if (strncmp(".", ts, 1)) {
            char *field = strndup(ts, p-ts);
            set_ped_record_phenotype(field, current_record, file);
#line 145 "ped.ragel"
        custom_field_count = 6;
	goto st24;
#line 153 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (custom_field_count == file->num_field) {
            set_ped_record_custom_field(field_name, current_record, file);
	goto st24;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof24;
case 24:
#line 393 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto st24;
		case 10: goto tr46;
	if ( (*p) > 13 ) {
		if ( 32 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 126 )
			goto tr48;
	} else if ( (*p) >= 11 )
		goto st26;
	goto tr44;
#line 117 "ped.ragel"
        if (strncmp(".", ts, 1)) {
            char *field = strndup(ts, p-ts);
            set_ped_record_phenotype(field, current_record, file);
#line 145 "ped.ragel"
        custom_field_count = 6;
#line 27 "ped.ragel"
        // If batch is full, add to the list of batches and create a new, empty one
        if (ped_batch_is_full(current_batch))
            list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch);
            list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records\n", current_batch->length);
            current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

        // Add current record to current batch
        if (current_record) {
            add_record_to_ped_batch(current_record, current_batch);
        current_record = NULL;
#line 18 "ped.ragel"
	goto st25;
#line 27 "ped.ragel"
        // If batch is full, add to the list of batches and create a new, empty one
        if (ped_batch_is_full(current_batch))
            list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch);
            list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records\n", current_batch->length);
            current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

        // Add current record to current batch
        if (current_record) {
            add_record_to_ped_batch(current_record, current_batch);
        current_record = NULL;
#line 18 "ped.ragel"
	goto st25;
#line 153 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (custom_field_count == file->num_field) {
            set_ped_record_custom_field(field_name, current_record, file);
#line 27 "ped.ragel"
        // If batch is full, add to the list of batches and create a new, empty one
        if (ped_batch_is_full(current_batch))
            list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch);
            list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records\n", current_batch->length);
            current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

        // Add current record to current batch
        if (current_record) {
            add_record_to_ped_batch(current_record, current_batch);
        current_record = NULL;
#line 18 "ped.ragel"
	goto st25;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof25;
case 25:
#line 499 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 10: goto tr46;
		case 32: goto st26;
	if ( (*p) < 33 ) {
		if ( 9 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 13 )
			goto st26;
	} else if ( (*p) > 34 ) {
		if ( 36 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 126 )
			goto tr36;
	} else
		goto tr36;
	goto tr0;
#line 117 "ped.ragel"
        if (strncmp(".", ts, 1)) {
            char *field = strndup(ts, p-ts);
            set_ped_record_phenotype(field, current_record, file);
#line 145 "ped.ragel"
        custom_field_count = 6;
	goto st26;
#line 153 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (custom_field_count == file->num_field) {
            set_ped_record_custom_field(field_name, current_record, file);
	goto st26;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof26;
case 26:
#line 540 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 10: goto tr46;
		case 32: goto st26;
	if ( 9 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 13 )
		goto st26;
	goto st0;
#line 149 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st27;
#line 153 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (custom_field_count == file->num_field) {
            set_ped_record_custom_field(field_name, current_record, file);
	goto st27;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof27;
case 27:
#line 568 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr49;
		case 10: goto tr50;
		case 32: goto tr52;
	if ( (*p) > 13 ) {
		if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 126 )
			goto st27;
	} else if ( (*p) >= 11 )
		goto tr51;
	goto tr44;
#line 93 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st11;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof11;
case 11:
#line 590 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr18;
		case 46: goto st12;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto st11;
	goto tr15;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof12;
case 12:
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto st13;
	goto tr15;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof13;
case 13:
	if ( (*p) == 9 )
		goto tr18;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto st13;
	goto tr15;
#line 81 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st14;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof14;
case 14:
#line 624 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr14;
		case 95: goto st14;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st14;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto st14;
	} else
		goto st14;
	goto tr11;
#line 69 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st15;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof15;
case 15:
#line 648 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr10;
		case 95: goto st15;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st15;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto st15;
	} else
		goto st15;
	goto tr7;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof16;
case 16:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto st17;
		case 32: goto tr28;
		case 95: goto tr29;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr29;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr29;
	} else
		goto tr29;
	goto tr26;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof17;
case 17:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 32: goto tr29;
		case 95: goto tr29;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr29;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr29;
	} else
		goto tr29;
	goto tr26;
#line 128 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st18;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof18;
case 18:
#line 707 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr30;
		case 10: goto tr31;
		case 32: goto st18;
		case 95: goto st18;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st18;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto st18;
	} else
		goto st18;
	goto tr26;
#line 132 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (file->variable_field && !strcmp(field_name, file->variable_field)) {
            file->num_field = custom_field_count;
	goto st19;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof19;
case 19:
#line 738 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto st19;
		case 10: goto st28;
		case 32: goto tr29;
		case 95: goto tr29;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr29;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr29;
	} else
		goto tr29;
	goto tr26;
#line 132 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (file->variable_field && !strcmp(field_name, file->variable_field)) {
            file->num_field = custom_field_count;
	goto st28;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof28;
case 28:
#line 769 "ped_reader.c"
	if ( (*p) == 10 )
		goto st22;
	if ( (*p) > 34 ) {
		if ( 36 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 126 )
			goto tr36;
	} else if ( (*p) >= 33 )
		goto tr36;
	goto tr0;
#line 128 "ped.ragel"
        ts = p;
	goto st20;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof20;
case 20:
#line 788 "ped_reader.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr30;
		case 10: goto tr31;
		case 32: goto tr29;
		case 95: goto tr29;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr29;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr29;
	} else
		goto tr29;
	goto tr26;
	_test_eof22: cs = 22; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof1: cs = 1; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof2: cs = 2; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof3: cs = 3; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof4: cs = 4; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof5: cs = 5; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof6: cs = 6; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof7: cs = 7; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof8: cs = 8; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof9: cs = 9; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof10: cs = 10; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof23: cs = 23; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof24: cs = 24; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof25: cs = 25; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof26: cs = 26; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof27: cs = 27; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof11: cs = 11; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof12: cs = 12; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof13: cs = 13; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof14: cs = 14; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof15: cs = 15; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof16: cs = 16; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof17: cs = 17; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof18: cs = 18; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof19: cs = 19; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof28: cs = 28; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof20: cs = 20; goto _test_eof; 

	_test_eof: {}
	if ( p == eof )
	switch ( cs ) {
	case 24: 
	case 25: 
	case 26: 
#line 27 "ped.ragel"
        // If batch is full, add to the list of batches and create a new, empty one
        if (ped_batch_is_full(current_batch))
            list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch);
            list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records\n", current_batch->length);
            current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

        // Add current record to current batch
        if (current_record) {
            add_record_to_ped_batch(current_record, current_batch);
        current_record = NULL;
	case 1: 
#line 53 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'family' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 2: 
	case 3: 
#line 65 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'individual' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 4: 
	case 5: 
	case 15: 
#line 77 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'father' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 6: 
	case 7: 
	case 14: 
#line 89 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'mother' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 8: 
	case 9: 
	case 11: 
	case 12: 
	case 13: 
#line 109 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'sex' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 10: 
#line 124 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'phenotype' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 16: 
	case 17: 
	case 18: 
	case 19: 
	case 20: 
#line 141 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR_F("Line %zu (%s): Error in 'header' field\n", lines + 1, file->filename);
	case 27: 
#line 153 "ped.ragel"
        char* field_name = strndup(ts, p-ts);
        if (custom_field_count == file->num_field) {
            set_ped_record_custom_field(field_name, current_record, file);
#line 27 "ped.ragel"
        // If batch is full, add to the list of batches and create a new, empty one
        if (ped_batch_is_full(current_batch))
            list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch);
            list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records\n", current_batch->length);
            current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

        // Add current record to current batch
        if (current_record) {
            add_record_to_ped_batch(current_record, current_batch);
        current_record = NULL;
	case 23: 
#line 117 "ped.ragel"
        if (strncmp(".", ts, 1)) {
            char *field = strndup(ts, p-ts);
            set_ped_record_phenotype(field, current_record, file);
#line 145 "ped.ragel"
        custom_field_count = 6;
#line 27 "ped.ragel"
        // If batch is full, add to the list of batches and create a new, empty one
        if (ped_batch_is_full(current_batch))
            list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch);
            list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records\n", current_batch->length);
            current_batch = ped_batch_new(batch_size);

        // Add current record to current batch
        if (current_record) {
            add_record_to_ped_batch(current_record, current_batch);
        current_record = NULL;
#line 973 "ped_reader.c"

	_out: {}

#line 221 "ped.ragel"

    // Insert the last batch
    if (!ped_batch_is_empty(current_batch))
        list_item_t *item = list_item_new(num_records, 1, current_batch); 
        list_insert_item(item, batches_list);
        LOG_DEBUG_F("Batch added - %zu records (last)\n", current_batch->length);

    if ( cs < 
#line 992 "ped_reader.c"
#line 231 "ped.ragel"
        LOG_ERROR("The file was not successfully read\n");
        LOG_INFO_F("Last state is %d, but %d was expected\n", 
#line 1000 "ped_reader.c"
#line 235 "ped.ragel"

    LOG_INFO_F("PED records read = %zu\n", num_records);

    return cs < 
#line 1009 "ped_reader.c"
#line 240 "ped.ragel"
static void parse_effect_response(int tid, char *output_directory, size_t output_directory_len, cp_hashtable *output_files, 
                                  list_t *output_list, cp_hashtable *summary_count, cp_hashtable *gene_list) {
    int *SO_found = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int)); // Whether the SO code field has been found
    int *count;
    char tmp_consequence_type[128];
    int num_lines;
    char **split_batch = split(effect_line[tid], "\n", &num_lines);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
        int num_columns;
        char *copy_buf = strdup(split_batch[i]);
        char **split_result = split(copy_buf, "\t", &num_columns);
        // Find consequence type name (always after SO field)
        *SO_found = 0;
        if (num_columns == 25) {
//             LOG_DEBUG_F("gene = %s\tSO = %d\tCT = %s\n", split_result[17], atoi(split_result[18] + 3), split_result[19]);
            if (!cp_hashtable_contains(gene_list, split_result[17])) {
                cp_hashtable_put(gene_list, strdup(split_result[17]), NULL);
            *SO_found = atoi(split_result[18] + 3);
           memset(tmp_consequence_type, 0, 128 * sizeof(char));
           strncat(tmp_consequence_type, split_result[19], strlen(split_result[19]));
        } else {
            if (strlen(split_batch[i]) == 0) { // Last line in batch could be only a newline
                for (int s = 0; s < num_columns; s++) {
            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Non-valid line found (%d fields): '%s'\n", tid, num_columns, split_batch[i]);
            for (int s = 0; s < num_columns; s++) {
        for (int s = 0; s < num_columns; s++) {
        if (!*SO_found) { // SO:000000 is not valid
            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Non-valid SO found (0)\n", tid);

//         LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] SO found = %d\n", tid, *SO_found);
        size_t consequence_type_len = strlen(tmp_consequence_type);
        // If file does not exist, create its descriptor and summary counter
        FILE *aux_file = cp_hashtable_get(output_files, SO_found);
        if (!aux_file) {
#pragma omp critical
                // This construction avoids 2 threads trying to insert the same CT
                aux_file = cp_hashtable_get(output_files, SO_found);
                if (!aux_file) {
                    char filename[output_directory_len + consequence_type_len + 6];
                    memset(filename, 0, (output_directory_len + consequence_type_len + 6) * sizeof(char));
                    strncat(filename, output_directory, output_directory_len);
                    strncat(filename, "/", 1);
                    strncat(filename, tmp_consequence_type, consequence_type_len);
                    strncat(filename, ".txt", 4);
                    aux_file = fopen(filename, "a");
                    // Add to hashtables (file descriptors and summary counters)
                    int *SO_stored = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int));
                    *SO_stored = *SO_found;
                    cp_hashtable_put(output_files, SO_stored, aux_file);

                    LOG_INFO_F("[%d] New consequence type found = %s\n", tid, tmp_consequence_type);
        // Write line[tid] to file corresponding to its consequence type
        if (aux_file) { 
#pragma omp critical
                // TODO move critical one level below?
                count = (int*) cp_hashtable_get(summary_count, tmp_consequence_type);
                if (count == NULL) {
                    char *consequence_type = (char*) calloc (consequence_type_len+1, sizeof(char));
                    strncat(consequence_type, tmp_consequence_type, consequence_type_len);
                    assert(!strcmp(consequence_type, tmp_consequence_type));
                    count = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int));
                    *count = 0;
                    cp_hashtable_put(summary_count, consequence_type, count);
//                     LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] Initialized summary count for %s\n", tmp_consequence_type);
                // Increment counter for summary
//             LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] before writing %s\n", tid, tmp_consequence_type);
            list_item_t *output_item = list_item_new(tid, *SO_found, strdup(split_batch[i]));
            list_insert_item(output_item, output_list);
//             LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] after writing %s\n", tid, tmp_consequence_type);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
int run_effect(char **urls, shared_options_data_t *shared_options_data, effect_options_data_t *options_data) {
    int ret_code = 0;
    double start, stop, total;
    vcf_file_t *vcf_file = vcf_open(shared_options_data->vcf_filename, shared_options_data->max_batches);
    if (!vcf_file) {
        LOG_FATAL("VCF file does not exist!\n");
    ped_file_t *ped_file = NULL;
    if (shared_options_data->ped_filename) {
        ped_file = ped_open(shared_options_data->ped_filename);
        if (!ped_file) {
            LOG_FATAL("PED file does not exist!\n");
        LOG_INFO("About to read PED file...\n");
        // Read PED file before doing any processing
        ret_code = ped_read(ped_file);
        if (ret_code != 0) {
            LOG_FATAL_F("Can't read PED file: %s\n", ped_file->filename);
    char *output_directory = shared_options_data->output_directory;
    size_t output_directory_len = strlen(output_directory);
    ret_code = create_directory(output_directory);
    if (ret_code != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
        LOG_FATAL_F("Can't create output directory: %s\n", output_directory);
    // Remove all .txt files in folder
    ret_code = delete_files_by_extension(output_directory, "txt");
    if (ret_code != 0) {
        return ret_code;
    // Initialize environment for connecting to the web service
    ret_code = init_http_environment(0);
    if (ret_code != 0) {
        return ret_code;
    // Output file descriptors
    static cp_hashtable *output_files = NULL;
    // Lines of the output data in the main .txt files
    static list_t *output_list = NULL;
    // Consequence type counters (for summary, must be kept between web service calls)
    static cp_hashtable *summary_count = NULL;
    // Gene list (for genes-with-variants, must be kept between web service calls)
    static cp_hashtable *gene_list = NULL;

    // Initialize collections of file descriptors and summary counters
    ret_code = initialize_output_files(output_directory, output_directory_len, &output_files);
    if (ret_code != 0) {
        return ret_code;
    initialize_output_data_structures(shared_options_data, &output_list, &summary_count, &gene_list);
    // Create job.status file
    char job_status_filename[output_directory_len + 10];
    sprintf(job_status_filename, "%s/job.status", output_directory);
    FILE *job_status = new_job_status_file(job_status_filename);
    if (!job_status) {
        LOG_FATAL("Can't create job status file\n");
    } else {
        update_job_status_file(0, job_status);
#pragma omp parallel sections private(start, stop, total)
#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Thread %d reads the VCF file\n", omp_get_thread_num());
            start = omp_get_wtime();
            ret_code = vcf_read(vcf_file, 1,
                                (shared_options_data->batch_bytes > 0) ? shared_options_data->batch_bytes : shared_options_data->batch_lines,
                                shared_options_data->batch_bytes <= 0);

            stop = omp_get_wtime();
            total = stop - start;

            if (ret_code) {
                LOG_ERROR_F("Error %d while reading the file %s\n", ret_code, vcf_file->filename);

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);

#pragma omp section
            // Enable nested parallelism and set the number of threads the user has chosen
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Thread %d processes data\n", omp_get_thread_num());
            // Filters and files for filtering output
            filter_t **filters = NULL;
            int num_filters = 0;
            if (shared_options_data->chain != NULL) {
                filters = sort_filter_chain(shared_options_data->chain, &num_filters);
            FILE *passed_file = NULL, *failed_file = NULL, *non_processed_file = NULL;
            get_filtering_output_files(shared_options_data, &passed_file, &failed_file);
            // Pedigree information (used in some filters)
            individual_t **individuals = NULL;
            khash_t(ids) *sample_ids = NULL;
            // Filename structure outdir/vcfname.errors
            char *prefix_filename = calloc(strlen(shared_options_data->vcf_filename), sizeof(char));
            get_filename_from_path(shared_options_data->vcf_filename, prefix_filename);
            char *non_processed_filename = malloc((strlen(shared_options_data->output_directory) + strlen(prefix_filename) + 9) * sizeof(char));
            sprintf(non_processed_filename, "%s/%s.errors", shared_options_data->output_directory, prefix_filename);
            non_processed_file = fopen(non_processed_filename, "w");
            // Maximum size processed by each thread (never allow more than 1000 variants per query)
            if (shared_options_data->batch_lines > 0) {
                shared_options_data->entries_per_thread = MIN(MAX_VARIANTS_PER_QUERY, 
                            ceil((float) shared_options_data->batch_lines / shared_options_data->num_threads));
            } else {
                shared_options_data->entries_per_thread = MAX_VARIANTS_PER_QUERY;
            LOG_DEBUG_F("entries-per-thread = %d\n", shared_options_data->entries_per_thread);
            int i = 0;
            vcf_batch_t *batch = NULL;
            int ret_ws_0 = 0, ret_ws_1 = 0, ret_ws_2 = 0;
            start = omp_get_wtime();

            while (batch = fetch_vcf_batch(vcf_file)) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    // Add headers associated to the defined filters
                    vcf_header_entry_t **filter_headers = get_filters_as_vcf_headers(filters, num_filters);
                    for (int j = 0; j < num_filters; j++) {
                        add_vcf_header_entry(filter_headers[j], vcf_file);
                    // Write file format, header entries and delimiter
                    if (passed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, passed_file); }
                    if (failed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, failed_file); }
                    if (non_processed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, non_processed_file); }
                    LOG_DEBUG("VCF header written\n");
                    if (ped_file) {
                        // Create map to associate the position of individuals in the list of samples defined in the VCF file
                        sample_ids = associate_samples_and_positions(vcf_file);
                        // Sort individuals in PED as defined in the VCF file
                        individuals = sort_individuals(vcf_file, ped_file);
//                     printf("batch loaded = '%.*s'\n", 50, batch->text);
//                     printf("batch text len = %zu\n", strlen(batch->text));

//                 if (i % 10 == 0) {
                    LOG_INFO_F("Batch %d reached by thread %d - %zu/%zu records \n", 
                            i, omp_get_thread_num(),
                            batch->records->size, batch->records->capacity);
//                 }

                int reconnections = 0;
                int max_reconnections = 3; // TODO allow to configure?

                // Write records that passed to a separate file, and query the WS with them as args
                array_list_t *failed_records = NULL;
                int num_variables = ped_file? get_num_variables(ped_file): 0;
                array_list_t *passed_records = filter_records(filters, num_filters, individuals, sample_ids, num_variables, batch->records, &failed_records);
                if (passed_records->size > 0) {
                    // Divide the list of passed records in ranges of size defined in config file
                    int num_chunks;
                    int *chunk_sizes;
                    int *chunk_starts = create_chunks(passed_records->size, shared_options_data->entries_per_thread, &num_chunks, &chunk_sizes);
                    do {
                        // OpenMP: Launch a thread for each range
                        #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(shared_options_data->num_threads)
                        for (int j = 0; j < num_chunks; j++) {
                            int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
                            LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] WS invocation\n", tid);
                            LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] -- effect WS\n", tid);
                            if (!reconnections || ret_ws_0) {
                                ret_ws_0 = invoke_effect_ws(urls[0], (vcf_record_t**) (passed_records->items + chunk_starts[j]), 
                                                            chunk_sizes[j], options_data->excludes);
                                parse_effect_response(tid, output_directory, output_directory_len, output_files, output_list, summary_count, gene_list);
                                effect_line[tid] = (char*) calloc (max_line_size[tid], sizeof(char));
                            if (!options_data->no_phenotypes) {
                                if (!reconnections || ret_ws_1) {
                                    LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] -- snp WS\n", omp_get_thread_num());
                                    ret_ws_1 = invoke_snp_phenotype_ws(urls[1], (vcf_record_t**) (passed_records->items + chunk_starts[j]), chunk_sizes[j]);
                                    parse_snp_phenotype_response(tid, output_list);
                                    snp_line[tid] = (char*) calloc (snp_max_line_size[tid], sizeof(char));
                                if (!reconnections || ret_ws_2) {
                                    LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] -- mutation WS\n", omp_get_thread_num());
                                    ret_ws_2 = invoke_mutation_phenotype_ws(urls[2], (vcf_record_t**) (passed_records->items + chunk_starts[j]), chunk_sizes[j]);
                                    parse_mutation_phenotype_response(tid, output_list);
                                    mutation_line[tid] = (char*) calloc (mutation_max_line_size[tid], sizeof(char));
                        LOG_DEBUG_F("*** %dth web services invocation finished\n", i);
                        if (ret_ws_0 || ret_ws_1 || ret_ws_2) {
                            if (ret_ws_0) {
                                LOG_ERROR_F("Effect web service error: %s\n", get_last_http_error(ret_ws_0));
                            if (ret_ws_1) {
                                LOG_ERROR_F("SNP phenotype web service error: %s\n", get_last_http_error(ret_ws_1));
                            if (ret_ws_2) {
                                LOG_ERROR_F("Mutations phenotype web service error: %s\n", get_last_http_error(ret_ws_2));
                            // In presence of errors, wait 4 seconds before retrying
                            LOG_ERROR_F("Some errors ocurred, reconnection #%d\n", reconnections);
                        } else {
                    } while (reconnections < max_reconnections && (ret_ws_0 || ret_ws_1 || ret_ws_2));
                // If the maximum number of reconnections was reached still with errors, 
                // write the non-processed batch to the corresponding file
                if (reconnections == max_reconnections && (ret_ws_0 || ret_ws_1 || ret_ws_2)) {
                #pragma omp critical
                        write_vcf_batch(batch, non_processed_file);
                // Write records that passed and failed filters to separate files, and free them
                write_filtering_output_files(passed_records, failed_records, passed_file, failed_file);
                free_filtered_records(passed_records, failed_records, batch->records);
                // Free batch and its contents

            stop = omp_get_wtime();

            total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);

            // Free resources
            if (passed_file) { fclose(passed_file); }
            if (failed_file) { fclose(failed_file); }
            if (non_processed_file) { fclose(non_processed_file); }
            // Free filters
            for (i = 0; i < num_filters; i++) {
                filter_t *filter = filters[i];
            // Decrease list writers count
            for (i = 0; i < shared_options_data->num_threads; i++) {
#pragma omp section
            // Thread which writes the results to all_variants, summary and one file per consequence type
            int ret = 0;
            char *line;
            list_item_t* item = NULL;
            FILE *fd = NULL;
            FILE *all_variants_file = cp_hashtable_get(output_files, "all_variants");
            FILE *snp_phenotype_file = cp_hashtable_get(output_files, "snp_phenotypes");
            FILE *mutation_phenotype_file = cp_hashtable_get(output_files, "mutation_phenotypes");
            while ((item = list_remove_item(output_list)) != NULL) {
                line = item->data_p;
                // Type greater than 0: consequence type identified by its SO code
                // Type equals to -1: SNP phenotype
                // Type equals to -2: mutation phenotype
                if (item->type > 0) {
                    // Write entry in the consequence type file
                    fd = cp_hashtable_get(output_files, &(item->type));
                    int ret = fprintf(fd, "%s\n", line);
                    if (ret < 0) {
                        LOG_ERROR_F("Error writing to file: '%s'\n", line);
                    // Write in all_variants
                    ret = fprintf(all_variants_file, "%s\n", line);
                    if (ret < 0) {
                        LOG_ERROR_F("Error writing to all_variants: '%s'\n", line);
                } else if (item->type == SNP_PHENOTYPE) {
                    ret = fprintf(snp_phenotype_file, "%s\n", line);
                    if (ret < 0) {
                        LOG_ERROR_F("Error writing to snp_phenotypes: '%s'\n", line);
                } else if (item->type == MUTATION_PHENOTYPE) {
                    ret = fprintf(mutation_phenotype_file, "%s\n", line);
                    if (ret < 0) {
                        LOG_ERROR_F("Error writing to mutation_phenotypes: '%s'\n", line);

    write_summary_file(summary_count, cp_hashtable_get(output_files, "summary"));
    write_genes_with_variants_file(gene_list, output_directory);
    write_result_file(shared_options_data, options_data, summary_count, output_directory);

    free_output_data_structures(output_files, summary_count, gene_list);
    update_job_status_file(100, job_status);
    return ret_code;
    void StandardInterventionDistributionEventCoordinator::UpdateNodes( float dt )
        // Only call VisitNodes on first call and if countdown == 0
        if( tsteps_since_last != tsteps_between_reps )

        int limitPerNode = -1;

        // intervention class names for informative logging
        std::ostringstream intervention_name;
        intervention_name << std::string( json::QuickInterpreter(intervention_config._json)["class"].As<json::String>() );

        auto qi_as_config = Configuration::CopyFromElement( (intervention_config._json) );
        _di = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateIntervention(qi_as_config);

        // including deeper information for "distributing" interventions (e.g. calendars)
        formatInterventionClassNames( intervention_name, &json::QuickInterpreter(intervention_config._json) );

        // Only visit individuals if this is NOT an NTI. Check...
        // Check to see if intervention is an INodeDistributable...
        INodeDistributableIntervention *ndi = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateNDIIntervention(qi_as_config);
        INodeDistributableIntervention *ndi2 = nullptr;

        //LOG_DEBUG_F("[UpdateNodes] limitPerNode = %d\n", limitPerNode);
        LOG_DEBUG_F("[UpdateNodes] visiting %d nodes per NodeSet\n", cached_nodes.size());
        for (auto event_context : cached_nodes)
            if( ndi )
                ndi2 = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateNDIIntervention(qi_as_config);
                    if( ndi2->Distribute( event_context, this ) )
                        LOG_INFO_F("UpdateNodes() distributed '%s' intervention to node %d\n", intervention_name.str().c_str(), event_context->GetId().data );

                // For now, distribute evenly across nodes. 
                int totalIndivGivenIntervention = event_context->VisitIndividuals( this, limitPerNode );

                // Create log message 
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << "UpdateNodes() gave out " << totalIndivGivenIntervention << " '" << intervention_name.str().c_str() << "' interventions ";
                std::string restriction_str = demographic_restrictions.GetPropertyRestrictionsAsString();
                if( !restriction_str.empty() )
                    ss << " with property restriction(s) " << restriction_str << " " ;
                ss << "at node " << event_context->GetId().data << "\n" ;
                LOG_INFO( ss.str().c_str() );
        delete qi_as_config;
        qi_as_config = nullptr;
        tsteps_since_last = 0;
        if( num_repetitions == 0 )
            distribution_complete = true; // we're done, signal disposal ok

        //distribution_complete = true; // we're done, signal disposal ok
        // this signals each process individually that its ok to clean up, in general if the completion times might be different on different nodes 
        // we'd want to coordinate the cleanup signal in Update()
    void CalendarEventCoordinator::UpdateNodes( float dt )
        // Now issue events as they come up, including anything currently in the past or present
        while( parent->GetSimulationTime().time >= times_and_coverages.begin()->first)
            int grandTotal = 0;
            int limitPerNode = -1;

            // intervention class names for informative logging
            std::ostringstream intervention_name;
            intervention_name << std::string( json::QuickInterpreter(intervention_config._json)["class"].As<json::String>() );

            auto qi_as_config = Configuration::CopyFromElement( (intervention_config._json), "campaign" );
            _di = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateIntervention(qi_as_config);
            // including deeper information for "distributing" interventions (e.g. calendars)
            formatInterventionClassNames( intervention_name, &json::QuickInterpreter(intervention_config._json) );

            // Only visit individuals if this is NOT an NTI. Check...
            // Check to see if intervention is an INodeDistributable...
            INodeDistributableIntervention *ndi = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateNDIIntervention(qi_as_config);
            INodeDistributableIntervention *ndi2 = nullptr;

            LOG_DEBUG_F("[UpdateNodes] limitPerNode = %d\n", limitPerNode);
            for (auto nec : cached_nodes)
                if (ndi)
                    throw NotYetImplementedException( __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ );
#if 0
                    ndi2 = InterventionFactory::getInstance()->CreateNDIIntervention( qi_as_config );
                        float duration = -1;
                        if (times_and_coverages.size() > 1)
                            auto iter = times_and_coverages.end(); 
                            //A node-targeted intervention issued through the calender coordinator lasts until the next NDI.  
                            //Is there an overlap of one day here?  Should there be a -1?
                            duration = (float)(prev(iter,2)->first - prev(iter, 1)->first);   
                        INodeDistributableInterventionParameterSetterInterface* pNDIPSI = nullptr;
                        if (s_OK == ndi2->QueryInterface(GET_IID(INodeDistributableInterventionParameterSetterInterface), (void**)&pNDIPSI) )
                        if (!ndi2->Distribute( nec, this ) )
                            LOG_INFO_F("UpdateNodes() distributed '%s' intervention to node %d\n", intervention_name.str().c_str(), nec->GetId().data );
                        // For now, distribute evenly across nodes. 
                        int totalIndivGivenIntervention = nec->VisitIndividuals( this, limitPerNode );
                        grandTotal += totalIndivGivenIntervention;
                        LOG_INFO_F( "UpdateNodes() gave out %d interventions at node %d\n", totalIndivGivenIntervention, nec->GetId().data );
                    catch( const json::Exception &e )
                        throw GeneralConfigurationException( __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, e.what() );
            delete qi_as_config;
            qi_as_config = nullptr;

            LOG_DEBUG_F("%d Distributions remaining from CalendarEventCoordinator\n", times_and_coverages.size());
            if( times_and_coverages.empty() )
                LOG_DEBUG_F("Signaling for disposal of CalendarEventCoordinator\n");
                distribution_complete = true; // we're done, signal disposal ok