void SynthesisFilter(
						short *output,
						short *input,
						short *coef,
						short *memory,
						short order,
						short length
	register short i, j;
	long acc;

	/* iir filter for each subframe */
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		acc = L_deposit_h(*input++);
		acc = L_shr(acc, 3);

		for (j = order - 1; j > 0; j--)
			/* acc = L_sub(acc, L_mult(memory[j], coef[j])); */
			acc = L_msu(acc, memory[j], coef[j]);
			memory[j] = memory[j - 1];
		/* acc = L_sub(acc, L_mult(memory[0], coef[0])); */
		acc = L_msu(acc, memory[0], coef[0]);
		acc = L_shl(acc, 3);

		*output++ = round(acc);
		memory[0] = round(acc);

文件: lpcfunc.c 项目: sippet/g729
static void Get_lsp_pol(int16_t *lsp, int32_t *f)
  int16_t i,j, hi, lo;
  int32_t t0;

   /* All computation in Q24 */

   *f = L_mult(4096, 2048);             /* f[0] = 1.0;             in Q24  */
   *f = L_msu((int32_t)0, *lsp, 512);    /* f[1] =  -2.0 * lsp[0];  in Q24  */

   lsp += 2;                            /* Advance lsp pointer             */

   for(i=2; i<=5; i++)
     *f = f[-2];

     for(j=1; j<i; j++, f--)
       WebRtcG729fix_L_Extract(f[-1] ,&hi, &lo);
       t0 = WebRtcG729fix_Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, *lsp);         /* t0 = f[-1] * lsp    */
       t0 = L_shl(t0, 1);
       *f = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW32(*f, f[-2]);                /* *f += f[-2]         */
       *f = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW32(*f, t0);                   /* *f -= t0            */
     *f   = L_msu(*f, *lsp, 512);            /* *f -= lsp<<9        */
     f   += i;                               /* Advance f pointer   */
     lsp += 2;                               /* Advance lsp pointer */
static void Get_lsp_pol(Word16 *lsp, Word32 *f)
  Word16 i,j, hi, lo;
  Word32 t0;

   /* All computation in Q24 */

   *f = L_mult(4096, 2048);             /* f[0] = 1.0;             in Q24  */
   *f = L_msu((Word32)0, *lsp, 512);    /* f[1] =  -2.0 * lsp[0];  in Q24  */

   lsp += 2;                            /* Advance lsp pointer             */

   for(i=2; i<=5; i++)
     *f = f[-2];

     for(j=1; j<i; j++, f--)
       L_Extract(f[-1] ,&hi, &lo);
       t0 = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, *lsp);         /* t0 = f[-1] * lsp    */
       t0 = L_shl(t0, 1);
       *f = L_add(*f, f[-2]);                /* *f += f[-2]         */
       *f = L_sub(*f, t0);                   /* *f -= t0            */
     *f   = L_msu(*f, *lsp, 512);            /* *f -= lsp<<9        */
     f   += i;                               /* Advance f pointer   */
     lsp += 2;                               /* Advance lsp pointer */

 * The decimation-in-time complex FFT is implemented below.
 * The input complex numbers are presented as real part followed by
 * imaginary part for each sample.  The counters are therefore
 * incremented by two to access the complex valued samples.
void r_fft(Word16 * farray_ptr, Flag *pOverflow)

    Word16 ftmp1_real;
    Word16 ftmp1_imag;
    Word16 ftmp2_real;
    Word16 ftmp2_imag;
    Word32 Lftmp1_real;
    Word32 Lftmp1_imag;
    Word16 i;
    Word16 j;
    Word32 Ltmp1;

    /* Perform the complex FFT */
    c_fft(farray_ptr, pOverflow);

    /* First, handle the DC and foldover frequencies */
    ftmp1_real = *farray_ptr;
    ftmp2_real = *(farray_ptr + 1);
    *farray_ptr = add(ftmp1_real, ftmp2_real, pOverflow);
    *(farray_ptr + 1) = sub(ftmp1_real, ftmp2_real, pOverflow);

    /* Now, handle the remaining positive frequencies */
    for (i = 2, j = SIZE - i; i <= SIZE_BY_TWO; i = i + 2, j = SIZE - i)
        ftmp1_real = add(*(farray_ptr + i), *(farray_ptr + j), pOverflow);
        ftmp1_imag = sub(*(farray_ptr + i + 1),
                         *(farray_ptr + j + 1), pOverflow);
        ftmp2_real = add(*(farray_ptr + i + 1),
                         *(farray_ptr + j + 1), pOverflow);
        ftmp2_imag = sub(*(farray_ptr + j),
                         *(farray_ptr + i), pOverflow);

        Lftmp1_real = L_deposit_h(ftmp1_real);
        Lftmp1_imag = L_deposit_h(ftmp1_imag);

        Ltmp1 = L_mac(Lftmp1_real, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[i], pOverflow);
        Ltmp1 = L_msu(Ltmp1, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[i + 1], pOverflow);
        *(farray_ptr + i) = pv_round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1, pOverflow), pOverflow);

        Ltmp1 = L_mac(Lftmp1_imag, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[i], pOverflow);
        Ltmp1 = L_mac(Ltmp1, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[i + 1], pOverflow);
        *(farray_ptr + i + 1) = pv_round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1, pOverflow), pOverflow);

        Ltmp1 = L_mac(Lftmp1_real, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[j], pOverflow);
        Ltmp1 = L_mac(Ltmp1, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[j + 1], pOverflow);
        *(farray_ptr + j) = pv_round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1, pOverflow), pOverflow);

        Ltmp1 = L_negate(Lftmp1_imag);
        Ltmp1 = L_msu(Ltmp1, ftmp2_imag, phs_tbl[j], pOverflow);
        Ltmp1 = L_mac(Ltmp1, ftmp2_real, phs_tbl[j + 1], pOverflow);
        *(farray_ptr + j + 1) = pv_round(L_shr(Ltmp1, 1, pOverflow), pOverflow);

}                               /* end r_fft () */
Word32 Inv_sqrt(   /* (o) Q30 : output value   (range: 0<=val<1)           */
  Word32 L_x       /* (i) Q0  : input value    (range: 0<=val<=7fffffff)   */
  Word16 exp, i, a, tmp;
  Word32 L_y;

  if( L_x <= (Word32)0) return ( (Word32)0x3fffffffL);

  exp = norm_l(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalize */

  exp = sub(30, exp);
  if( (exp & 1) == 0 )                  /* If exponent even -> shift right */
      L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);

  exp = shr(exp, 1);
  exp = add(exp, 1);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 */
  a   = a & (Word16)0x7fff;

  i   = sub(i, 16);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(tabsqr[i]);         /* tabsqr[i] << 16          */
  tmp = sub(tabsqr[i], tabsqr[i+1]);    /* tabsqr[i] - tabsqr[i+1])  */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -=  tmp*a*2         */

  L_y = L_shr(L_y, exp);                /* denormalization */

文件: dspfunc.c 项目: sippet/g729
void WebRtcG729fix_Log2(
  int32_t L_x,       /* (i) Q0 : input value                                 */
  int16_t *exponent, /* (o) Q0 : Integer part of Log2.   (range: 0<=val<=30) */
  int16_t *fraction  /* (o) Q15: Fractional  part of Log2. (range: 0<=val<1) */
  int16_t exp, i, a, tmp;
  int32_t L_y;

  if( L_x <= (int32_t)0 )
    *exponent = 0;
    *fraction = 0;

  exp = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalized */

  *exponent = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(30, exp);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 of fraction */
  a   = a & (int16_t)0x7fff;

  i   = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(i, 32);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(WebRtcG729fix_tablog[i]);         /* tablog[i] << 16        */
  tmp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_tablog[i], WebRtcG729fix_tablog[i+1]);    /* tablog[i] - tablog[i+1] */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -= tmp*a*2        */

  *fraction = extract_h( L_y);
  extract elementary LSP from composed LSP with previous LSP
void Lsp_prev_extract(
  Word16 lsp[M],                 /* (i) Q13 : unquantized LSP parameters  */
  Word16 lsp_ele[M],             /* (o) Q13 : target vector               */
  Word16 fg[MA_NP][M],           /* (i) Q15 : MA prediction coef.         */
  Word16 freq_prev[MA_NP][M],    /* (i) Q13 : previous LSP vector         */
  Word16 fg_sum_inv[M]           /* (i) Q12 : inverse previous LSP vector */
  Word16 j, k;
  Word32 L_temp;                    /* Q19 */
  Word16 temp;                      /* Q13 */

  for ( j = 0 ; j < M ; j++ ) {
    L_temp = L_deposit_h(lsp[j]);
    for ( k = 0 ; k < MA_NP ; k++ )
      L_temp = L_msu( L_temp, freq_prev[k][j], fg[k][j] );

    temp = extract_h(L_temp);
    L_temp = L_mult( temp, fg_sum_inv[j] );
    lsp_ele[j] = extract_h( L_shl( L_temp, 3 ) );

文件: dspfunc.c 项目: sippet/g729
int32_t WebRtcG729fix_Inv_sqrt( /* (o) Q30 : output value (range: 0<=val<1) */
  int32_t L_x       /* (i) Q0  : input value    (range: 0<=val<=7fffffff)   */
  int16_t exp, i, a, tmp;
  int32_t L_y;

  if( L_x <= (int32_t)0) return ( (int32_t)0x3fffffffL);

  exp = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalize */

  exp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(30, exp);
  if( (exp & 1) == 0 )                  /* If exponent even -> shift right */
      L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);

  exp = shr(exp, 1);
  exp = WebRtcSpl_AddSatW16(exp, 1);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 */
  a   = a & (int16_t)0x7fff;

  i   = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(i, 16);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i]);         /* tabsqr[i] << 16          */
  tmp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i], WebRtcG729fix_tabsqr[i+1]);    /* tabsqr[i] - tabsqr[i+1])  */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -=  tmp*a*2         */

  L_y = L_shr(L_y, exp);                /* denormalization */

文件: maxeloc.c 项目: bigrpg/evrcc
void maxeloc(INT16 *maxloc,
			 INT32 *maxener,
			 INT16 *signal,
			 INT16 dp,
			 INT16 length,
			 INT16 ewl)
	INT32 ener;
	register int i;
	int tail, front;

	ener = 0;
	front = add(dp, ewl);
	tail = sub(dp, ewl);
	for (i = tail; i <= front; i++)
		ener = L_mac(ener, signal[i], signal[i]);

	*maxloc = 0;
	*maxener = ener;
	for (i = 1; i < length; i++)
		ener = L_msu(ener, signal[tail], signal[tail]);
		ener = L_mac(ener, signal[front], signal[front]);

		if (*maxener < ener)
			*maxloc = i;
			*maxener = ener;
	*maxloc = add(*maxloc,dp);
	*maxener = L_shr(*maxener, 1);
void get_pq_polynomials(
    Word32 *f,     /* Q23 */
    Word16 *lsp)   /* Q15 */
    Word16 i, n, hi, lo;
    Word16 index, offset, coslsp, c;
    Word32 a0;

    f[0] = L_mult(2048, 2048);                                        // 1.0 Q23
    for(i = 1; i <= LPCO ; i++)
        f[i]= 0;

    for(n=1; n<=(LPCO>>1); n++) {

        /* cosine mapping */
        index = shr(lsp[2*n-2],9);                                     // Q6
        offset = lsp[2*n-2]&(Word16)0x01ff;                            // Q9
        a0 = L_mult(sub(costable[index+1], costable[index]), offset);  // Q10
        coslsp = add(costable[index], intround(L_shl(a0, 6)));            // Q15 cos((double)PI*lsp[2*n-2])

        c = coslsp;                                                    // Q14 c = 2. * cos((double)PI*lsp[2*n-2])

        for(i = 2*n; i >= 2; i--) {
            L_Extract(f[i-1], &hi, &lo);

            f[i] = L_add(f[i], f[i-2]);                                 // Q23 f[i] += f[i-2]
            a0 = Mpy_32_16(hi, lo, c);                                  // Q22
            f[i] = L_sub(f[i], L_shl(a0,1));                            // Q23 f[i] += f[i-2] - c*f[i-1];
        f[1] = L_msu(f[1], c, 256);                                    // Q23 f[1] -= c;

static Word16 Chebps_10(Word16 x, Word16 f[], Word16 n)
  Word16 i, cheb;
  Word16 b0_h, b0_l, b1_h, b1_l, b2_h, b2_l;
  Word32 t0;

 /* Note: All computation are done in Q23. */

  b2_h = 128;                    /* b2 = 1.0 in Q23 DPF */
  b2_l = 0;

  t0 = L_mult(x, 256);                  /* 2*x in Q23          */
  t0 = L_mac(t0, f[1], 4096);           /* + f[1] in Q23       */
  L_Extract(t0, &b1_h, &b1_l);          /* b1 = 2*x + f[1]     */

  for (i = 2; i<n; i++)
    t0 = Mpy_32_16(b1_h, b1_l, x);      /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1              */
    t0 = L_shl(t0, 1);
    t0 = L_mac(t0,b2_h,(Word16)-32768L); /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2         */
    t0 = L_msu(t0, b2_l, 1);
    t0 = L_mac(t0, f[i], 4096);         /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2 + f[i]; */

    L_Extract(t0, &b0_h, &b0_l);        /* b0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2 + f[i]; */

    b2_l = b1_l;                 /* b2 = b1; */
    b2_h = b1_h;
    b1_l = b0_l;                 /* b1 = b0; */
    b1_h = b0_h;

  t0 = Mpy_32_16(b1_h, b1_l, x);        /* t0 = x*b1;              */
  t0 = L_mac(t0, b2_h,(Word16)-32768L);  /* t0 = x*b1 - b2          */
  t0 = L_msu(t0, b2_l, 1);
  t0 = L_mac(t0, f[i], 2048);           /* t0 = x*b1 - b2 + f[i]/2 */

  t0 = L_shl(t0, 7);                    /* Q23 to Q30 with saturation */
  cheb = extract_h(t0);                 /* Result in Q14              */

*  Function    : Chebps
*  Purpose     : Evaluates the Chebyshev polynomial series
*  Description : - The polynomial order is   n = m/2 = 5
*                - The polynomial F(z) (F1(z) or F2(z)) is given by
*                   F(w) = 2 exp(-j5w) C(x)
*                  where
*                   C(x) = T_n(x) + f(1)T_n-1(x) + ... +f(n-1)T_1(x) + f(n)/2
*                  and T_m(x) = cos(mw) is the mth order Chebyshev
*                  polynomial ( x=cos(w) )
*  Returns     : C(x) for the input x.
static Word16 Chebps (Word16 x,
                      Word16 f[], /* (n) */
                      Word16 n)
    Word16 i, cheb;
    Word16 b0_h, b0_l, b1_h, b1_l, b2_h, b2_l;
    Word32 t0;

    b2_h = 256;                    move16 (); /* b2 = 1.0 */
    b2_l = 0;                      move16 (); 

    t0 = L_mult (x, 512);          /* 2*x                 */
    t0 = L_mac (t0, f[1], 8192);   /* + f[1]              */
    L_Extract (t0, &b1_h, &b1_l);  /* b1 = 2*x + f[1]     */

    for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
        t0 = Mpy_32_16 (b1_h, b1_l, x);         /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1        */
        t0 = L_shl (t0, 1);
        t0 = L_mac (t0, b2_h, (Word16) 0x8000); /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2   */
        t0 = L_msu (t0, b2_l, 1);
        t0 = L_mac (t0, f[i], 8192);            /* t0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2 + f[i] */

        L_Extract (t0, &b0_h, &b0_l);           /* b0 = 2.0*x*b1 - b2 + f[i]*/

        b2_l = b1_l;               move16 ();   /* b2 = b1; */
        b2_h = b1_h;               move16 (); 
        b1_l = b0_l;               move16 ();   /* b1 = b0; */
        b1_h = b0_h;               move16 (); 

    t0 = Mpy_32_16 (b1_h, b1_l, x);             /* t0 = x*b1; */
    t0 = L_mac (t0, b2_h, (Word16) 0x8000);     /* t0 = x*b1 - b2   */
    t0 = L_msu (t0, b2_l, 1);
    t0 = L_mac (t0, f[i], 4096);                /* t0 = x*b1 - b2 + f[i]/2 */

    t0 = L_shl (t0, 6);

    cheb = extract_h (t0);

    return (cheb);
Word32 sqrt_l_exp(      /* o : output value,                          Q31 */
    Word32 L_x,         /* i : input value,                           Q31 */
    Word16 *pExp,       /* o : right shift to be applied to result,   Q1  */
    Flag   *pOverflow   /* i : pointer to overflow flag */

    Word16 e;
    Word16 i;
    Word16 a;
    Word16 tmp;
    Word32 L_y;

          y = sqrt(x)
          x = f * 2^-e,   0.5 <= f < 1   (normalization)
          y = sqrt(f) * 2^(-e/2)
          a) e = 2k   --> y = sqrt(f)   * 2^-k  (k = e div 2,
                                                 0.707 <= sqrt(f) < 1)
          b) e = 2k+1 --> y = sqrt(f/2) * 2^-k  (k = e div 2,
                                                 0.5 <= sqrt(f/2) < 0.707)

    if (L_x <= (Word32) 0)
        *pExp = 0;
        return (Word32) 0;

    e = norm_l(L_x) & 0xFFFE;               /* get next lower EVEN norm. exp  */
    L_x = L_shl(L_x, e, pOverflow);         /* L_x is normalized to [0.25..1) */
    *pExp = e;                              /* return 2*exponent (or Q1)      */

    L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9, pOverflow);
    i = (Word16)(L_x >> 16);               /* Extract b25-b31, 16 <= i <= 63
                                            because of normalization          */

    L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1, pOverflow);
    a = (Word16)(L_x);                      /* Extract b10-b24 */
    a &= (Word16) 0x7fff;

    i = sub(i, 16, pOverflow);              /* 0 <= i <= 47                   */

    L_y = L_deposit_h(sqrt_l_tbl[i]);       /* sqrt_l_tbl[i] << 16            */

    /* sqrt_l_tbl[i] - sqrt_l_tbl[i+1]) */
    tmp = sub(sqrt_l_tbl[i], sqrt_l_tbl[i + 1], pOverflow);

    L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a, pOverflow);    /* L_y -= tmp*a*2                 */

    /* L_y = L_shr (L_y, *exp); */          /* denormalization done by caller */

    return (L_y);
void Syn_filte(
  Word16 m,        /* (i)    : LPC order                         */
  Word16 a[],     /* (i) Q12 : a[m+1] prediction coefficients   (m=10)  */
  Word16 x[],     /* (i)     : input signal                             */
  Word16 y[],     /* (o)     : output signal                            */
  Word16 lg,      /* (i)     : size of filtering                        */
  Word16 mem[],   /* (i/o)   : memory associated with this filtering.   */
  Word16 update   /* (i)     : 0=no update, 1=update of memory.         */
  Word16 i, j;
  Word32 s;
  Word16 tmp[80];     /* This is usually done by memory allocation (lg+M) */
  Word16 *yy;

  /* Copy mem[] to yy[] */

  yy = tmp;

  for(i=0; i<m; i++)
    *yy++ = mem[i];

  /* Do the filtering. */

  for (i = 0; i < lg; i++)
    s = L_mult(x[i], a[0]);
    for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)
      s = L_msu(s, a[j], yy[-j]);

    s = L_shl(s, 3);
    *yy++ = round(s);

  for(i=0; i<lg; i++)
    y[i] = tmp[i+m];

  /* Update of memory if update==1 */

  if(update != 0)
     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
       mem[i] = y[lg-m+i];

* Function  search_ixiy()                                           *
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                           *
* Find the best positions of 2 pulses in a subframe.                *
static void search_ixiy(
  Word16 track_x,       /* (i) track of pulse 1 */
  Word16 track_y,       /* (i) track of pulse 2 */
  Word16 *ps,           /* (i/o) correlation of all fixed pulses */
  Word16 *alp,          /* (i/o) energy of all fixed pulses */
  Word16 *ix,           /* (o) position of pulse 1 */
  Word16 *iy,           /* (o) position of pulse 2 */
  Word16 dn[],          /* (i) corr. between target and h[] */
  Word16 cor_x[],       /* (i) corr. of pulse 1 with fixed pulses */
  Word16 cor_y[],       /* (i) corr. of pulse 2 with fixed pulses */
  Word16 rrixiy[][MSIZE]  /* (i) corr. of pulse 1 with pulse 2 */
    Word16 x, y, pos;
    Word16 ps1, ps2, sq, sqk;
    Word16 alp1, alp2, alpk;
    Word16 *p0, *p1, *p2;
    Word32 s;

    p0 = cor_x;
    p1 = cor_y;
    p2 = rrixiy[track_x];
    sqk = -1;
    alpk = 1;
    for (x=track_x; x<L_SUBFR; x+=STEP) {
        ps1 = add(*ps, dn[x]);
        alp1 = add(*alp, *p0++);
        pos = -1;
        for (y=track_y; y<L_SUBFR; y+=STEP) {
            ps2 = add(ps1, dn[y]);
            alp2 = add(alp1, add(*p1++, *p2++));
            sq = mult(ps2, ps2);
            s = L_msu(L_mult(alpk,sq),sqk,alp2);
            if (s > 0) {
                sqk = sq;
                alpk = alp2;
                pos = y;
        p1 -= NB_POS;
        if (pos >= 0) {
            *ix = x;
            *iy = pos;
    *ps = add(*ps, add(dn[*ix], dn[*iy]));
    *alp = alpk;

文件: Lsp.c 项目: afxabc/resiprocate
** Function:            Lsp_Int()
** Description:     Computes the quantized LPC coefficients for a
**          frame.  First the quantized LSP frequencies
**          for all subframes are computed by linear
**          interpolation.  These frequencies are then
**          transformed to quantized LPC coefficients.
** Links to text:   Sections 2.7, 3.3
** Arguments:
**  Word16 *QntLpc      Empty buffer
**  Word16 CurrLsp[]    Quantized LSP frequencies for the current frame,
**               subframe 3 (10 words)
**  Word16 PrevLsp[]    Quantized LSP frequencies for the previous frame,
**               subframe 3 (10 words)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 QntLpc[]     Quantized LPC coefficients for current frame, all
**               subframes (40 words)
** Return value:        None
void  Lsp_Int( Word16 *QntLpc, Word16 *CurrLsp, Word16 *PrevLsp )
    int   i,j   ;

    Word16   Tmp   ;
    Word16  *Dpnt  ;

    Word32   Acc0  ;

  * Initialize the interpolation factor
    Tmp = (Word16) (MIN_16 / SubFrames ) ;

    Dpnt = QntLpc ;

  * Do for all subframes
    for ( i = 0 ; i < SubFrames ; i ++ ) {

  * Compute the quantized LSP frequencies by linear interpolation
  * of the frequencies from subframe 3 of the current and
  * previous frames
        for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ ) {
            Acc0 = L_deposit_h( PrevLsp[j] ) ;
            Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tmp, PrevLsp[j] ) ;
            Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, Tmp, CurrLsp[j] ) ;
            Dpnt[j] = round( Acc0 ) ;

  * Convert the quantized LSP frequencies to quantized LPC
  * coefficients
        LsptoA( Dpnt ) ;
        Dpnt += LpcOrder ;

        /* Update the interpolation factor */
        Tmp = add( Tmp, (Word16) (MIN_16 / SubFrames ) ) ;

void Preemph_(
     Word16 x[],         /* (i/o)   : input signal overwritten by the output */
     Word16 mu,          /* (i) Q15 : preemphasis coefficient                */
     Word16 lg           /* (i)     : lenght of filtering                    */
    Word16 i;
    Word32 L_tmp;

    for (i = lg - 1; i > 0; i--)
        L_tmp = (Word32)x[i] << 16;
        L_tmp = L_msu(L_tmp, x[i - 1], mu);
        x[i] = round16(L_tmp);

文件: dspfunc.c 项目: sippet/g729
int32_t WebRtcG729fix_Pow2(        /* (o) Q0  : result       (range: 0<=val<=0x7fffffff) */
  int16_t exponent,  /* (i) Q0  : Integer part.      (range: 0<=val<=30)   */
  int16_t fraction   /* (i) Q15 : Fractional part.   (range: 0.0<=val<1.0) */
  int16_t exp, i, a, tmp;
  int32_t L_x;

  L_x = L_mult(fraction, 32);           /* L_x = fraction<<6           */
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b15 of fraction */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b0-b9   of fraction */
  a   = a & (int16_t)0x7fff;

  L_x = L_deposit_h(WebRtcG729fix_tabpow[i]);         /* tabpow[i] << 16        */
  tmp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(WebRtcG729fix_tabpow[i], WebRtcG729fix_tabpow[i+1]);    /* tabpow[i] - tabpow[i+1] */
  L_x = L_msu(L_x, tmp, a);             /* L_x -= tmp*a*2        */

  exp = WebRtcSpl_SubSatW16(30, exponent);
  L_x = L_shr_r(L_x, exp);

Word32 Pow2(        /* (o) Q0  : result       (range: 0<=val<=0x7fffffff) */
  Word16 exponent,  /* (i) Q0  : Integer part.      (range: 0<=val<=30)   */
  Word16 fraction   /* (i) Q15 : Fractional part.   (range: 0.0<=val<1.0) */
  Word16 exp, i, a, tmp;
  Word32 L_x;

  L_x = L_mult(fraction, 32);           /* L_x = fraction<<6           */
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b15 of fraction */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b0-b9   of fraction */
  a   = a & (Word16)0x7fff;

  L_x = L_deposit_h(tabpow[i]);         /* tabpow[i] << 16        */
  tmp = sub(tabpow[i], tabpow[i+1]);    /* tabpow[i] - tabpow[i+1] */
  L_x = L_msu(L_x, tmp, a);             /* L_x -= tmp*a*2        */

  exp = sub(30, exponent);
  L_x = L_shr_r(L_x, exp);

void Log2(
  Word32 L_x,       /* (i) Q0 : input value                                 */
  Word16 *exponent, /* (o) Q0 : Integer part of Log2.   (range: 0<=val<=30) */
  Word16 *fraction  /* (o) Q15: Fractional  part of Log2. (range: 0<=val<1) */
  Word16 exp, i, a, tmp;
  Word32 L_y;

  if( L_x <= (Word32)0 )
    *exponent = 0;
    *fraction = 0;

  exp = norm_l(L_x);
  L_x = L_shl(L_x, exp );               /* L_x is normalized */

  *exponent = sub(30, exp);

  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 9);
  i   = extract_h(L_x);                 /* Extract b25-b31 */
  L_x = L_shr(L_x, 1);
  a   = extract_l(L_x);                 /* Extract b10-b24 of fraction */
  a   = a & (Word16)0x7fff;

  i   = sub(i, 32);

  L_y = L_deposit_h(tablog[i]);         /* tablog[i] << 16        */
  tmp = sub(tablog[i], tablog[i+1]);    /* tablog[i] - tablog[i+1] */
  L_y = L_msu(L_y, tmp, a);             /* L_y -= tmp*a*2        */

  *fraction = extract_h( L_y);

*  Function    : Az_lsp
*  Purpose     : Compute the LSPs from  the LP coefficients
void Az_lsp (
    Word16 a[],         /* (i)  : predictor coefficients (MP1)               */
    Word16 lsp[],       /* (o)  : line spectral pairs (M)                    */
    Word16 old_lsp[]    /* (i)  : old lsp[] (in case not found 10 roots) (M) */
    Word16 i, j, nf, ip;
    Word16 xlow, ylow, xhigh, yhigh, xmid, ymid, xint;
    Word16 x, y, sign, exp;
    Word16 *coef;
    Word16 f1[M / 2 + 1], f2[M / 2 + 1];
    Word32 t0;

     *  find the sum and diff. pol. F1(z) and F2(z)                *
     *    F1(z) <--- F1(z)/(1+z**-1) & F2(z) <--- F2(z)/(1-z**-1)  *
     *                                                             *
     * f1[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     * f2[0] = 1.0;                                                *
     *                                                             *
     * for (i = 0; i< NC; i++)                                     *
     * {                                                           *
     *   f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] ;                       *
     *   f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] ;                       *
     * }                                                           *

    f1[0] = 1024;                  move16 (); /* f1[0] = 1.0 */
    f2[0] = 1024;                  move16 (); /* f2[0] = 1.0 */

    for (i = 0; i < NC; i++)
        t0 = L_mult (a[i + 1], 8192);   /* x = (a[i+1] + a[M-i]) >> 2  */
        t0 = L_mac (t0, a[M - i], 8192);
        x = extract_h (t0);
        /* f1[i+1] = a[i+1] + a[M-i] - f1[i] */
        f1[i + 1] = sub (x, f1[i]);move16 (); 

        t0 = L_mult (a[i + 1], 8192);   /* x = (a[i+1] - a[M-i]) >> 2 */
        t0 = L_msu (t0, a[M - i], 8192);
        x = extract_h (t0);
        /* f2[i+1] = a[i+1] - a[M-i] + f2[i] */
        f2[i + 1] = add (x, f2[i]);move16 (); 

     * find the LSPs using the Chebychev pol. evaluation           *

    nf = 0;                        move16 (); /* number of found frequencies */
    ip = 0;                        move16 (); /* indicator for f1 or f2      */

    coef = f1;                     move16 (); 

    xlow = grid[0];                move16 (); 
    ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);move16 (); 

    j = 0;
    test (); test (); 
    /* while ( (nf < M) && (j < grid_points) ) */
    while ((sub (nf, M) < 0) && (sub (j, grid_points) < 0))
        xhigh = xlow;              move16 (); 
        yhigh = ylow;              move16 (); 
        xlow = grid[j];            move16 (); 
        ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

        test (); 
        if (L_mult (ylow, yhigh) <= (Word32) 0L)

            /* divide 4 times the interval */

            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                /* xmid = (xlow + xhigh)/2 */
                xmid = add (shr (xlow, 1), shr (xhigh, 1));
                ymid = Chebps (xmid, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

                test (); 
                if (L_mult (ylow, ymid) <= (Word32) 0L)
                    yhigh = ymid;  move16 (); 
                    xhigh = xmid;  move16 (); 
                    ylow = ymid;   move16 (); 
                    xlow = xmid;   move16 (); 

             * Linear interpolation                                        *
             *    xint = xlow - ylow*(xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow);            *

            x = sub (xhigh, xlow);
            y = sub (yhigh, ylow);

            test (); 
            if (y == 0)
                xint = xlow;       move16 (); 
                sign = y;          move16 (); 
                y = abs_s (y);
                exp = norm_s (y);
                y = shl (y, exp);
                y = div_s ((Word16) 16383, y);
                t0 = L_mult (x, y);
                t0 = L_shr (t0, sub (20, exp));
                y = extract_l (t0);     /* y= (xhigh-xlow)/(yhigh-ylow) */

                test (); 
                if (sign < 0)
                    y = negate (y);

                t0 = L_mult (ylow, y);
                t0 = L_shr (t0, 11);
                xint = sub (xlow, extract_l (t0)); /* xint = xlow - ylow*y */

            lsp[nf] = xint;        move16 (); 
            xlow = xint;           move16 (); 

            test (); 
            if (ip == 0)
                ip = 1;            move16 (); 
                coef = f2;         move16 (); 
                ip = 0;            move16 (); 
                coef = f1;         move16 (); 
            ylow = Chebps (xlow, coef, NC);
                                   move16 (); 

        test (); test (); 

    /* Check if M roots found */

    test (); 
    if (sub (nf, M) < 0)
        for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
            lsp[i] = old_lsp[i];   move16 (); 

文件: dct4_a.c 项目: yfang1644/DSP55X
void dct_type_iv_a (Int16 *input, Int16 *output, Int16 dct_length)
	Int16   *in_ptr, *in_ptr_low, *in_ptr_high, *next_in_base;
	Int16   *out_ptr_low, *out_ptr_high, *next_out_base;
	Int16   *out_buffer, *in_buffer, *buffer_swap;
	Int16   *outptr[2] = {buffer_a, buffer_b};
	Int16   in_val_low, in_val_high;
	Int16   in_low_even, in_low_odd;
	Int16   in_high_even, in_high_odd;
	Int16   out_low_even, out_low_odd;
	Int16   out_high_even, out_high_odd;
	Int16   *pair_ptr;
	Int16   cosine, sine;
	Int32   sum, acca;
	Int16   set_span, set_count, set_count_log, pairs_left, sets_left;
	Int16   k, temp;
	cos_msin_t  **table_ptr_ptr, *cos_msin_ptr;

	/* Do the sum/difference butterflies, the first part of */
	/* converting one N-point transform into N/2 two-point  */
	/* transforms, where N = 1 << DCT_LENGTH_LOG. = 64/128  */

	if (dct_length == 320)        /* Add bias offsets */
		DSP_add(input, anal_bias, dct_length);

	in_buffer  = input;
	set_span = dct_length;
	set_count = 1;
	for (set_count_log = 0; set_count_log < DCT_LENGTH_LOG - 1; set_count_log++)
		out_buffer = outptr[0];
		outptr[0] = outptr[1];
		outptr[1] = out_buffer;
		/* Initialization for the loop over sets at the current size */

		in_ptr        = in_buffer;
		next_out_base = out_buffer;

		/* Loop over all the sets of this size */

		for (sets_left = set_count; sets_left > 0; sets_left--)
			/* Set up output pointers for the current set */

			out_ptr_low    = next_out_base;
			next_out_base += set_span;
			out_ptr_high   = next_out_base;

			/* Loop over all the butterflies in the current set */

				in_val_low      = *in_ptr++;
				in_val_high     = *in_ptr++;
				acca            = (Int32)in_val_low + (Int32)in_val_high;
				*out_ptr_low++  = (Int16)(acca >> 1);

				acca            = (Int32)in_val_low - (Int32)in_val_high;
				*--out_ptr_high = (Int16)(acca >> 1);
			} while (out_ptr_low < out_ptr_high);

		} /* End of loop over sets of the current size */

		/* Decide which buffers to use as input and output next time. */
		/* Except for the first time (when the input buffer is the    */
		/* subroutine input) we just alternate the local buffers.     */

		in_buffer = out_buffer;
		set_span >>= 1;
		set_count <<= 1;
	} /* End of loop over set sizes */

	/* Do N/2 two-point transforms,   */
	/* where N =  1 << DCT_LENGTH_LOG */

	pair_ptr = in_buffer;

	buffer_swap = buffer_c;

	for (pairs_left = 1<<(DCT_LENGTH_LOG-1); pairs_left > 0; pairs_left--)
		for (k = 0; k < CORE_SIZE; k++)
			*buffer_swap++ = DSP_mac(pair_ptr, dct_core_a[k], CORE_SIZE);

/*		for (k = 0; k < CORE_SIZE; k++)
			for (i = 0; i < CORE_SIZE; i++)
				sum = L_mac(sum, pair_ptr[i], dct_core_a[k][i]);

			*buffer_swap++ = round16(sum);
        /* address arithmetic */
        pair_ptr    += CORE_SIZE;

	DSP_memcpy(in_buffer, buffer_c, dct_length>>1);
//	for (i = 0; i < dct_length; i++)
//		in_buffer[i] = buffer_c[i];

	table_ptr_ptr = a_cos_msin_table;

	/* Perform rotation butterflies */
	out_buffer = outptr[0];
	set_span   = 10;
	for (set_count_log = DCT_LENGTH_LOG -2; set_count_log >= 0; set_count_log--)
		/* Initialization for the loop over sets at the current size */
		/*    set_span      = 1 << (DCT_LENGTH_LOG - set_count_log); */
		set_span    <<= 1;
		set_count     = 1 << set_count_log;
		next_in_base  = in_buffer;
		next_out_base = (set_count_log) ? out_buffer : output;

		/* Loop over all the sets of this size */
		for (sets_left = set_count; sets_left > 0; sets_left--)
			/* Set up the pointers for the current set */
			in_ptr_low     = next_in_base;
			temp           = set_span >> 1;

			/* address arithmetic */
			in_ptr_high    = in_ptr_low + temp;
			next_in_base  += set_span;
			out_ptr_low    = next_out_base;
			next_out_base += set_span;
			out_ptr_high   = next_out_base;
			cos_msin_ptr   = *table_ptr_ptr;

			/* Loop over all the butterfly pairs in the current set */

				/* address arithmetic */
				in_low_even     = *in_ptr_low++;
				in_low_odd      = *in_ptr_low++;
				in_high_even    = *in_ptr_high++;
				in_high_odd     = *in_ptr_high++;
				cosine          = (*cos_msin_ptr).cosine;
				sine            = (*cos_msin_ptr++).minus_sine;

				sum = L_mult(cosine, in_low_even);
				sum = L_msu(sum, sine, in_high_even);
				out_low_even = round16(sum);

				sum = L_mult(sine, in_low_even);
				sum = L_mac(sum, cosine, in_high_even);
				out_high_even = round16(sum);

				cosine          = (*cos_msin_ptr).cosine;
				sine            = (*cos_msin_ptr++).minus_sine;

				sum = L_mult(cosine, in_low_odd);
				sum = L_mac(sum, sine, in_high_odd);
				out_low_odd = round16(sum);

				sum = L_mult(sine, in_low_odd);
				sum = L_msu(sum, cosine, in_high_odd);
				out_high_odd = round16(sum);

				*out_ptr_low++  = out_low_even;
				*--out_ptr_high = out_high_even;
				*out_ptr_low++  = out_low_odd;
				*--out_ptr_high = out_high_odd;
			} while (out_ptr_low < out_ptr_high);

		} /* End of loop over sets of the current size */

		/* Swap input and output buffers for next time */

		buffer_swap = in_buffer;
		in_buffer   = out_buffer;
		out_buffer  = buffer_swap;
** Function:           Calc_Exc_Rand()
** Description:        Computation of random excitation for inactive frames:
**                     Adaptive codebook entry selected randomly
**                     Higher rate innovation pattern selected randomly
**                     Computes innovation gain to match curGain
** Links to text:
** Arguments:
**  Word16 curGain     current average gain to match
**  Word16 *PrevExc    previous/current excitation (updated)
**  Word16 *DataEXc    current frame excitation
**  Word16 *nRandom    random generator status (input/output)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 *PrevExc
**  Word16 *DataExc
**  Word16 *nRandom
** Return value:       None
void Calc_Exc_Rand(Word16 curGain, Word16 *PrevExc, Word16 *DataExc,
                                      Word16 *nRandom, LINEDEF *Line)
    int i, i_subfr, iblk;
    Word16 temp, temp2;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 TabPos[2*NbPulsBlk], TabSign[2*NbPulsBlk];
    Word16 *ptr_TabPos, *ptr_TabSign;
    Word16 *ptr1, *curExc;
    Word16 sh1, x1, x2, inter_exc, delta, b0;
    Word32 L_acc, L_c, L_temp;
    Word16 tmp[SubFrLen/Sgrid];
    Word16 offset[SubFrames];
    Word16 tempExc[SubFrLenD];

  * generate LTP codes
    Line->Olp[0] = random_number(21, nRandom) + (Word16)123;
    Line->Olp[1] = random_number(21, nRandom) + (Word16)123;
    for(i_subfr=0; i_subfr<SubFrames; i_subfr++) {  /* in [1, NbFilt] */
        Line->Sfs[i_subfr].AcGn = random_number(NbFilt, nRandom) + (Word16)1;
    Line->Sfs[0].AcLg = 1;
    Line->Sfs[1].AcLg = 0;
    Line->Sfs[2].AcLg = 1;
    Line->Sfs[3].AcLg = 3;

  * Random innovation :
  * Selection of the grids, signs and pulse positions

    /* Signs and Grids */
    ptr_TabSign = TabSign;
    ptr1 = offset;
    for(iblk=0; iblk<SubFrames/2; iblk++) {
        temp    = random_number((1 << (NbPulsBlk+2)), nRandom);
        *ptr1++ = temp & (Word16)0x0001;
        temp    = shr(temp, 1);
        *ptr1++ = add( (Word16) SubFrLen, (Word16) (temp & 0x0001) );
        for(i=0; i<NbPulsBlk; i++) {
            *ptr_TabSign++= shl(sub((temp & (Word16)0x0002), 1), 14);
            temp = shr(temp, 1);

    /* Positions */
    ptr_TabPos  = TabPos;
    for(i_subfr=0; i_subfr<SubFrames; i_subfr++) {

        for(i=0; i<(SubFrLen/Sgrid); i++) tmp[i] = (Word16)i;
        temp = (SubFrLen/Sgrid);
        for(i=0; i<Nb_puls[i_subfr]; i++) {
            j = random_number(temp, nRandom);
            *ptr_TabPos++ = add(shl(tmp[(int)j],1), offset[i_subfr]);
            temp = sub(temp, 1);
            tmp[(int)j] = tmp[(int)temp];

  * Compute fixed codebook gains

    ptr_TabPos = TabPos;
    ptr_TabSign = TabSign;
    curExc = DataExc;
    i_subfr = 0;
    for(iblk=0; iblk<SubFrames/2; iblk++) {

        /* decode LTP only */
        Decod_Acbk(curExc, &PrevExc[0], Line->Olp[iblk],
                    Line->Sfs[i_subfr].AcLg, Line->Sfs[i_subfr].AcGn);
        Decod_Acbk(&curExc[SubFrLen], &PrevExc[SubFrLen], Line->Olp[iblk],
            Line->Sfs[i_subfr+1].AcLg, Line->Sfs[i_subfr+1].AcGn);

        temp2 = 0;
        for(i=0; i<SubFrLenD; i++) {
            temp = abs_s(curExc[i]);
            if(temp > temp2) temp2 = temp;
        if(temp2 == 0) sh1 = 0;
        else {
            sh1 = sub(4,norm_s(temp2)); /* 4 bits of margin  */
            if(sh1 < -2) sh1 = -2;

        L_temp = 0L;
        for(i=0; i<SubFrLenD; i++) {
            temp  = shr(curExc[i], sh1); /* left if sh1 < 0 */
            L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, temp, temp);
            tempExc[i] = temp;
        }  /* ener_ltp x 2**(-2sh1+1) */

        L_acc = 0L;
        for(i=0; i<NbPulsBlk; i++) {
            L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, tempExc[(int)ptr_TabPos[i]], ptr_TabSign[i]);
        inter_exc = extract_h(L_shl(L_acc, 1)); /* inter_exc x 2-sh1 */

        /* compute SubFrLenD x curGain**2 x 2**(-2sh1+1)    */
        /* curGain input = 2**5 curGain                     */
//        L_acc = L_mult(curGain, SubFrLen);
		L_MULT(curGain, SubFrLen, L_acc);
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, 6);
        temp  = extract_l(L_acc);   /* SubFrLen x curGain : avoids overflows */
 //       L_acc = L_mult(temp, curGain);
		L_MULT(temp, curGain, L_acc);
        temp = shl(sh1, 1);
        temp = add(temp, 4);
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp); /* SubFrLenD x curGain**2 x 2**(-2sh1+1) */

        /* c = (ener_ltp - SubFrLenD x curGain**2)/nb_pulses_blk */
        /* compute L_c = c >> 2sh1-1                                */
        L_acc = L_sub(L_temp, L_acc);
        /* x 1/nb_pulses_blk */
        L_c  = L_mls(L_acc, InvNbPulsBlk);

 * Solve EQ(X) = X**2 + 2 b0 X + c
        /* delta = b0 x b0 - c */
        b0 = mult_r(inter_exc, InvNbPulsBlk);   /* b0 >> sh1 */
        L_acc = L_msu(L_c, b0, b0);             /* (c - b0**2) >> 2sh1-1 */
        L_acc = L_negate(L_acc);                /* delta x 2**(-2sh1+1) */

        /* Case delta <= 0 */
        if(L_acc <= 0) {  /* delta <= 0 */
            x1 = negate(b0);        /* sh1 */

        /* Case delta > 0 */
        else {
            delta = Sqrt_lbc(L_acc);  /* >> sh1 */
            x1 = sub(delta, b0);      /* x1 >> sh1 */
            x2 = add(b0, delta);      /* (-x2) >> sh1 */
            if(abs_s(x2) < abs_s(x1)) {
                x1 = negate(x2);

        /* Update DataExc */
        sh1 = add(sh1, 1);
        temp = shl(x1, sh1);
        if(temp > (2*Gexc_Max)) temp = (2*Gexc_Max);
        if(temp < -(2*Gexc_Max)) temp = -(2*Gexc_Max);
        for(i=0; i<NbPulsBlk; i++) {
            j = *ptr_TabPos++;
            curExc[(int)j] = add(curExc[(int)j], mult(temp,
                                                (*ptr_TabSign++)) );

        /* update PrevExc */
        ptr1 = PrevExc;
        for(i=SubFrLenD; i<PitchMax; i++)   *ptr1++ = PrevExc[i];
        for(i=0; i<SubFrLenD; i++)  *ptr1++ = curExc[i];

        curExc += SubFrLenD;
        i_subfr += 2;

    } /* end of loop on LTP blocks */

文件: fndppf.c 项目: arulk77/gpu.evrc
void fndppf(short *delay, short *beta, short *buf, short dmin, short dmax, short length)
	static short b = -10224;	/* rom storage */

	static short a[3] =
	{-18739, 16024, -4882};		/* a[] scaled down by 4 */

	short dnew = 0;
	short sum;
	long Lsum;
	register short m, i, n;
	static short DECbuf[FrameSize / 4];
	long Lcorrmax, Lcmax, Ltmp;
	short tap1;
	short M1, M2, dnewtmp = 0;
	static short lastgoodpitch = 0;
	static short lastbeta = 0;
	static short memory[3];
	static int FirstTime = 1;
	short Lsum_scale;
	short shift, Lcorr_scale, Lcmax_scale;
	short n1, n2, nq, nq1;
	long Ltempf;
	/* init static variables (should be in init routine for implementation) */
	if (FirstTime)
		FirstTime = 0;
		n1 = (shr(FrameSize, 2));
		for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
			DECbuf[i] = 0;
		memory[0] = memory[1] = memory[2] = 0;

	/* Shift  memory of DECbuf */
	for (i = 0; i < shr(length, 3); i++)
		DECbuf[i] = DECbuf[i + shr(length, 3)];
	/* filter signal and decimate */
	for (i = 0, n = shr(length, 3); i < shr(length, 1); i++)
		Ltempf = L_shr(L_deposit_h(buf[i + shr(length, 1)]), 4);
		Ltempf = L_msu(Ltempf, memory[0], a[0]);
		Ltempf = L_msu(Ltempf, memory[1], a[1]);
		Ltempf = L_msu(Ltempf, memory[2], a[2]);
		Ltempf = L_shl(Ltempf, 2);

		shift = 0;
		if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0)
			Lsum = L_add(Ltempf, L_deposit_h(memory[2]));
			Lsum = L_mac(Lsum, memory[0], b);
			Lsum = L_mac(Lsum, memory[1], b);

			DECbuf[n++] = round(L_shl(Lsum, 1));
		memory[2] = memory[1];
		memory[1] = memory[0];
		memory[0] = round(Ltempf);

	/* perform first search for best delay value in decimated domain */
	Lcorrmax = (LW_MIN);
        Lcorr_scale = 1;

	for (m = shr(dmin, 2); m <= shr(dmax, 2); m++)
                n1 = 1;
		for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(shr(length, 2), m); i++)
			Ltempf = L_mult(DECbuf[i], DECbuf[i + m]);
			Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
			Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
			if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
				Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);
		if (
		    ((Lcorr_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcorr_scale, n1)) > Lcorrmax))
		 || ((Lcorr_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcorrmax, sub(n1, Lcorr_scale))))
			Lcorrmax = Lsum;
			Lcorr_scale = n1;
			dnew = m;


	/* Compare against lastgoodpitch */
	if (lastgoodpitch != 0 && (abs_s(sub(lastgoodpitch, shl(dnew, 2))) > 2))
		M1 = sub(shr(lastgoodpitch, 2), 2);
		if (M1 < shr(dmin, 2))
			M1 = shr(dmin, 2);
		M2 = add(M1, 4);
		if (M2 > shr(dmax, 2))
			M2 = shr(dmax, 2);

		Lcmax = LW_MIN;
                Lcmax_scale = 1;
		for (m = M1; m <= M2; m++)
                        n1 = 1;
			for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(shr(length, 2), m); i++)
				Ltempf = L_mult(DECbuf[i], DECbuf[i + m]);
				Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
				Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
				if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
					Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

			if (
			    ((Lcmax_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcmax_scale, n1)) > Lcmax))
			 || ((Lcmax_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcmax, sub(n1, Lcmax_scale))))
			{					/* Gives some bias to low delays */
				Lcmax = Lsum;
				Lcmax_scale = n1;
				dnewtmp = m;
		Lsum = L_mpy_ls(Lcorrmax, 27361);
		if (
		    ((Lcmax_scale >= Lcorr_scale) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcmax_scale, Lcorr_scale)) < Lcmax))
		 || ((Lcmax_scale < Lcorr_scale) && (Lsum < L_shr(Lcmax, sub(Lcorr_scale, Lcmax_scale))))
			dnew = dnewtmp;

	/* perform first search for best delay value in non-decimated buffer */
	M1 = Max(sub(shl(dnew, 2), 3), dmin);
	if (M1 < dmin)
		M1 = dmin;
	M2 = Min(add(shl(dnew, 2), 3), dmax);
	if (M2 > dmax)
		M2 = dmax;
	Lcorrmax = LW_MIN;
        Lcorr_scale = 1;
	for (m = M1; m <= M2; m++)
                n1 = 1;
		for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(length, m); i++)
			Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i + m]);

			Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
			Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
			if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
				Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

		if (
		    ((Lcorr_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcorr_scale, n1)) > Lcorrmax))
		 || ((Lcorr_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcorrmax, sub(n1, Lcorr_scale))))
			Lcorrmax = Lsum;
			Lcorr_scale = n1;
			dnew = m;
        Lsum_scale = 1;
	for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < sub(length, dnew); i++)
		Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i + dnew], buf[i + dnew]);
		Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lsum_scale);
		Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
		if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
			Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

        Lcmax_scale = 1;
	for (i = 0, Lcmax = 0; i < length - dnew; i++)
		Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i]);
		Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lcmax_scale);
		Lcmax = L_add(Lcmax, Ltempf);
		if (L_abs(Lcmax) >= 0x40000000)
			Lcmax = L_shr(Lcmax, 1);
	nq = norm_l(Lsum);
	Lsum = L_shl(Lsum, nq);
	nq1 = norm_l(Lcmax);
	Lcmax = L_shl(Lcmax, nq1);
	Lsum = L_mpy_ll(Lsum, Lcmax);
	n1 = norm_l(Lsum);
	Lsum = L_shl(Lsum, n1);
	sum = sqroot(Lsum);
	n1 = add(add(n1, nq), nq1);
	n1 = sub(sub(n1, Lcmax_scale), Lsum_scale);
	n2 = shr(n1, 1);

	if (n1 & 1)
		Lsum = L_mult(sum, 23170);
		Lsum = L_deposit_h(sum);

	n2 = add(n2, Lcorr_scale);
	Lcorrmax = L_shl(Lcorrmax, n2);

	if ((Lsum == 0) || (Lcorrmax <= 0))
		*beta = 0;
	else if (Lcorrmax > Lsum)
		*beta = 0x7fff;
		*beta = round(L_divide(Lcorrmax, Lsum));

	/* perform search for best delay value in around old pitch delay */
	if (lastgoodpitch != 0)
		M1 = lastgoodpitch - 6;
		M2 = lastgoodpitch + 6;

		if (M1 < dmin)
			M1 = dmin;
		if (M2 > dmax)
			M2 = dmax;

		if (dnew > M2 || dnew < M1)
			Lcmax = LW_MIN;
                        Lcmax_scale = 1;
			for (m = M1; m <= M2; m++)
                                n1 = 1;
				for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < length - m; i++)
					Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i + m]);
					Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, n1);
					Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
					if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
						Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

				if (
				    ((Lcmax_scale >= n1) && (L_shr(Lsum, sub(Lcmax_scale, n1)) > Lcmax))
				 || ((Lcmax_scale < n1) && (Lsum > L_shr(Lcmax, sub(n1, Lcmax_scale))))
					Lcmax = Lsum;
					dnewtmp = m;
					Lcmax_scale = n1;
                        Lcorr_scale = 1;
			for (i = 0, Ltmp = 0; i < length - dnewtmp; i++)
				Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i + dnewtmp], buf[i + dnewtmp]);
				Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lcorr_scale);
				Ltmp = L_add(Ltmp, Ltempf);
				if (L_abs(Ltmp) >= 0x40000000)
					Ltmp = L_shr(Ltmp, 1);

                        Lsum_scale = 1;
			for (i = 0, Lsum = 0; i < length - dnewtmp; i++)

				Ltempf = L_mult(buf[i], buf[i]);
				Ltempf = L_shr(Ltempf, Lsum_scale);
				Lsum = L_add(Lsum, Ltempf);
				if (L_abs(Lsum) >= 0x40000000)
					Lsum = L_shr(Lsum, 1);

			nq = norm_l(Ltmp);
			Ltmp = L_shl(Ltmp, nq);
			nq1 = norm_l(Lsum);
			Lsum = L_shl(Lsum, nq1);
			Ltmp = L_mpy_ll(Ltmp, Lsum);
			n1 = norm_l(Ltmp);
			Ltmp = L_shl(Ltmp, n1);
			sum = sqroot(Ltmp);

			n1 = add(add(n1, nq), nq1);
			n1 = sub(sub(n1, Lsum_scale), Lcorr_scale);
			n2 = shr(n1, 1);

			if (n1 & 1)
				Ltmp = L_mult(sum, 23170);
				Ltmp = L_deposit_h(sum);

			n2 = add(n2, Lcmax_scale);
			Lcmax = L_shl(Lcmax, n2);

			if ((Ltmp == 0) || (Lcmax <= 0))
				tap1 = 0;
			else if (Lcmax >= Ltmp)
				tap1 = 0x7fff;
				tap1 = round(L_divide(Lcmax, Ltmp));

			/* Replace dnew with dnewtmp if tap1 is large enough */
			if ((dnew > M2 && (shr(tap1, 1) > mult_r(9830, *beta))) ||
				(dnew < M1 && (shr(tap1, 1) > mult_r(19661, *beta))))
				dnew = dnewtmp;
				*beta = (tap1);

	*delay = dnew;
	if (*beta > 13107)
		lastgoodpitch = dnew;
		lastbeta = *beta;
		lastbeta = mult_r(24576, lastbeta);
		if (lastbeta < 9830)
			lastgoodpitch = 0;
static Word16 Lag_max(  /* o : lag found                               */
    vadState *vadSt,    /* i/o : VAD state struct                      */
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                   */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i : scaled signal.                          */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i : length of frame to compute pitch        */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i : maximum lag                             */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i : minimum lag                             */
    Word16 old_lag,     /* i : old open-loop lag                       */
    Word16 *cor_max,    /* o : normalized correlation of selected lag  */
    Word16 wght_flg,    /* i : is weighting function used              */
    Word16 *gain_flg,   /* o : open-loop flag                          */
    Flag dtx,           /* i : dtx flag; use dtx=1, do not use dtx=0   */
    Flag   *pOverflow   /* o : overflow flag                           */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 *p;
    Word16 *p1;
    Word32 max;
    Word32 t0;
    Word16 t0_h;
    Word16 t0_l;
    Word16 p_max;
    const Word16 *ww;
    const Word16 *we;
    Word32 t1;
    Word16 temp;

    ww = &corrweight[250];
    we = &corrweight[123 + lag_max - old_lag];

    max = MIN_32;
    p_max = lag_max;

    for (i = lag_max; i >= lag_min; i--)
        t0 = corr[-i];

        /* Weighting of the correlation function.   */
        L_Extract(corr[-i], &t0_h, &t0_l, pOverflow);
        t0 = Mpy_32_16(t0_h, t0_l, *ww, pOverflow);
        if (wght_flg > 0)
            /* Weight the neighbourhood of the old lag. */
            L_Extract(t0, &t0_h, &t0_l, pOverflow);
            t0 = Mpy_32_16(t0_h, t0_l, *we, pOverflow);

        /*       if (L_sub (t0, max) >= 0) */
        if (t0 >= max)
            max = t0;
            p_max = i;
    p  = &scal_sig[0];
    p1 = &scal_sig[-p_max];
    t0 = 0;
    t1 = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++, p++, p1++)
        t0 = L_mac(t0, *p, *p1, pOverflow);
        t1 = L_mac(t1, *p1, *p1, pOverflow);

    if (dtx)
    {   /* no test() call since this if is only in simulation env */
#ifdef VAD2
        /* Save max correlation */
        vadSt->L_Rmax = L_add(vadSt->L_Rmax, t0, pOverflow);
        /* Save max energy */
        vadSt->L_R0 =   L_add(vadSt->L_R0, t1, pOverflow);
        /* update and detect tone */
        vad_tone_detection_update(vadSt, 0, pOverflow);
        vad_tone_detection(vadSt, t0, t1, pOverflow);

    /* gain flag is set according to the open_loop gain */
    /* is t2/t1 > 0.4 ? */
    temp = pv_round(t1, pOverflow);
    t1 = L_msu(t0, temp, 13107, pOverflow);
    *gain_flg = pv_round(t1, pOverflow);

    *cor_max = 0;

    return (p_max);
void L_Extract(Word32 L_32, Word16 *hi, Word16 *lo)
  *hi  = extract_h(L_32);
  *lo  = extract_l( L_msu( L_shr(L_32, 1) , *hi, 16384));  /* lo = L_32>>1   */
void rmlt_coefs_to_samples(Int16 *coefs,     
                           Int16 *out_samples,           
                           Int16 dct_length,
                           Int16 mag_shift,
                           Uint16 chn)
    Int16	i;
    Int16	*new_ptr, *old_ptr;
    Int16	*win_new, *win_old;
    Int16	*out_ptr;
    Int16   half_dct_size;
    Int32   sum;

    half_dct_size = dct_length >> 1;

    /* Perform a Type IV (inverse) DCT on the coefficients */
    dct_type_iv_s(coefs, windowed_data, dct_length);

	if(mag_shift != 0)
	    for(i =  dct_length; i--; )
    	    windowed_data[i] = shr(windowed_data[i], mag_shift);

    /* Get the first half of the windowed samples */

    out_ptr = out_samples;
    if (dct_length != MAX_DCT_LENGTH)
        win_new = rmlt_to_samples_window;
        win_new = max_rmlt_to_samples_window;

	win_old = win_new + dct_length;

    old_ptr = &old_samples[chn * dct_length];
    new_ptr = windowed_data + half_dct_size;

    for (i = half_dct_size; i--; )
        sum = L_mult(*win_new++, *--new_ptr);
        sum = L_mac(sum, *--win_old, *old_ptr++);
        *out_ptr++ = round16(L_shl(sum, 2));

    /* Get the second half of the windowed samples */

    for (i = half_dct_size; i--; )
        sum = L_mult(*win_new++, *new_ptr++);
        sum = L_msu(sum, *--win_old, *--old_ptr);
        *out_ptr++ = round16(L_shl(sum, 2));

    /* Save the second half of the new samples for   */
    /* next time, when they will be the old samples. */

    /* pointer arithmetic */

	DSP_memcpy(&old_samples[chn*dct_length], &windowed_data[half_dct_size], half_dct_size);
//  new_ptr = windowed_data + (DCT_LENGTH>>1);
//    old_ptr = old_samples;
//    for (i = 0; i < (DCT_LENGTH>>1); i++)
//        *old_ptr++ = *new_ptr++;
 * Function  ACELP_10i40_35bits()                                    *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                    *
 * Algebraic codebook; 35 bits: 10 pulses in a frame of 40 samples.  *
 * The code length is 40, containing 10 nonzero pulses: i0...i9.     *
 * All pulses can have two (2) possible amplitudes: +1 or -1.        *
 * Each pulse can have eight (8) possible positions:                 *
 *                                                                   *
 * i0,i5 :  0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.                            *
 * i1,i6 :  1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36.                            *
 * i2,i7 :  2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37.                            *
 * i3,i8 :  3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38.                            *
 * i4,i9 :  4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39.                            *
void ACELP_10i40_35bits(
  Word16 x[],    /* (i) Q0 : target vector                                 */
  Word16 cn[],   /* (i) Q0 : residual after long term prediction           */
  Word16 H[],    /* (i) Q12: impulse response of weighted synthesis filter */
  Word16 code[], /* (o) Q12: algebraic (fixed) codebook excitation         */
  Word16 y[],    /* (o) Q11: filtered fixed codebook excitation            */
  Word16 indx[]  /* (o)    : index 5 words: 7,7,7,7,7 = 35 bits            */
    Word16 i, j, k, ix, iy, pos, track;
    Word16 psk, ps, alpk, alp, itrk[3];
    Word32 s, corr[NB_TRACK], L_tmp;
    Word16 *p0, *p1, *h, *h_inv;

    /* these vectors are not static */
    Word16 dn[L_SUBFR], sign[L_SUBFR], vec[L_SUBFR];
    Word16 ip[10], codvec[10], pos_max[NB_TRACK];
    Word16 cor_x[NB_POS], cor_y[NB_POS];
    Word16 h_buf[4*L_SUBFR];
    Word16 rrixix[NB_TRACK][NB_POS], rrixiy[NB_TRACK][MSIZE];

    h = h_buf;
    h_inv = h_buf + (2*L_SUBFR);
    for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        *h++ = 0;
        *h_inv++ = 0;

    /* Compute correlation between target x[] and H[] */
    cor_h_x_e(H, x, dn);

    /* find the sign of each pulse position */
    set_sign(32767, cn, dn, sign, vec, pos_max, corr);

    /* Compute correlations of h[] needed for the codebook search. */
    cor_h_e(H, sign, vec, h, h_inv, rrixix, rrixiy);

    * Search starting position for pulse i0 and i1.                     *
    *    In the deep first search, we start 4 times with different      *
    * position for i0 and i1.  At all, we have 5 possible positions to  *
    * start (position 0 to 5).  The following loop remove 1 position    *
    * to keep 4 positions for deep first search step.                   *
    s = L_add(corr[4], corr[0]);
    for (k=0; k<NB_TRACK-1; k++) corr[k] = L_add(corr[k], corr[k+1]);
    corr[4] = s;

    for (k=0; k<3; k++) {
        s = corr[0];
        track = 0;
        for (i=1; i<NB_TRACK; i++) {
            L_tmp = L_sub(corr[i], s);
            if (L_tmp > 0) {
                s = corr[i];
                track = i;
        corr[track] = -1;
        itrk[k] = track;

    * Deep first search: 4 iterations of 256 tests = 1024 tests.        *
    *                                                                   *
    * Stages of deep first search:                                      *
    *     stage 1 : fix i0 and i1 --> 2 positions is fixed previously.  *
    *     stage 2 : fix i2 and i3 --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *     stage 3 : fix i4 and i5 --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *     stage 4 : fix i6 and i7 --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *     stage 5 : fix i8 and i9 --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    psk = -1;
    alpk = 1;
    for (pos=0; pos<3; pos++) {
        k = itrk[pos];       /* starting position index */

    /* stage 1: fix pulse i0 and i1 according to max of correlation */
        ix = pos_max[ipos[k]];
        iy = pos_max[ipos[k+1]];
        ps = add(dn[ix], dn[iy]);
        i = mult(ix, Q15_1_5);
        j = mult(iy, Q15_1_5);
        alp = add(rrixix[ipos[k]][i], rrixix[ipos[k+1]][j]);
        i = add(shl(i,3), j);
        alp = add(alp, rrixiy[ipos[k]][i]);
        ip[0] = ix;
        ip[1] = iy;

        for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) vec[i] = 0;

        /* stage 2..5: fix pulse i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8 and i9 */
        for (j=2; j<10; j+=2) {

            * Store all impulse response of all fixed pulses   *
            * in vector vec[] for the "cor_h_vec()" function.  *
            if (sign[ix] < 0) p0 = h_inv - ix;
            else p0 = h - ix;

            if (sign[iy] < 0) p1 = h_inv - iy;
            else p1 = h - iy;

            for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
                vec[i] = add(vec[i], add(*p0, *p1));
                p0++; p1++;

            * Calculate correlation of all possible positions  *
            * of the next 2 pulses with previous fixed pulses. *
            * Each pulse can have 8 possible positions         *
            cor_h_vec(h, vec, ipos[k+j], sign, rrixix, cor_x);
            cor_h_vec(h, vec, ipos[k+j+1], sign, rrixix, cor_y);

            * Fix 2 pulses, try 8x8 = 64 positions.            *
            search_ixiy(ipos[k+j], ipos[k+j+1], &ps, &alp, &ix, &iy,
                  dn, cor_x, cor_y, rrixiy);
            ip[j] = ix;
            ip[j+1] = iy;

        /* memorise new codevector if it's better than the last one. */
        ps = mult(ps,ps);
        s = L_msu(L_mult(alpk,ps),psk,alp);

        if (s > 0) {
            psk = ps;
            alpk = alp;
            for (i=0; i<10; i++) codvec[i] = ip[i];

    } /* end of for (pos=0; pos<3; pos++) */

    * index of 10 pulses = 35 bits on 5 words                           *
    * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                           *
    * indx[0] = 7 bits --> 3(pos#6) + 1(sign#1) + 3(pos#1)              *
    * indx[1] = 7 bits --> 3(pos#7) + 1(sign#2) + 3(pos#2)              *
    * indx[2] = 7 bits --> 3(pos#8) + 1(sign#3) + 3(pos#3)              *
    * indx[3] = 7 bits --> 3(pos#9) + 1(sign#4) + 3(pos#4)              *
    * indx[4] = 7 bits --> 3(pos#10)+ 1(sign#5) + 3(pos#5)              *
    build_code(codvec, sign, 10, H, code, y, indx);

    for (i=0; i<NB_TRACK; i++) indx[i] = indx[i] & (Word16)127;


static Word16 D4i40_17_fast(/*(o) : Index of pulses positions.               */
    Word16 dn[],          /* (i)    : Correlations between h[] and Xn[].       */
    Word16 rr[],          /* (i)    : Correlations of impulse response h[].    */
    Word16 h[],           /* (i) Q12: Impulse response of filters.             */
    Word16 cod[],         /* (o) Q13: Selected algebraic codeword.             */
    Word16 y[],           /* (o) Q12: Filtered algebraic codeword.             */
    Word16 *sign          /* (o)    : Signs of 4 pulses.                       */
    Word16 i0, i1, i2, i3, ip0, ip1, ip2, ip3;
    Word16 i, j, ix, iy, track, trk, max;
    Word16 prev_i0, i1_offset;
    Word16 psk, ps, ps0, ps1, ps2, sq, sq2;
    Word16 alpk, alp, alp_16;
    Word32 s, alp0, alp1, alp2;
    Word16 *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;
    Word16 sign_dn[L_SUBFR], sign_dn_inv[L_SUBFR], *psign;
    Word16 tmp_vect[NB_POS];
    Word16 *rri0i0, *rri1i1, *rri2i2, *rri3i3, *rri4i4;
    Word16 *rri0i1, *rri0i2, *rri0i3, *rri0i4;
    Word16 *rri1i2, *rri1i3, *rri1i4;
    Word16 *rri2i3, *rri2i4;

    Word16  *ptr_rri0i3_i4;
    Word16  *ptr_rri1i3_i4;
    Word16  *ptr_rri2i3_i4;
    Word16  *ptr_rri3i3_i4;

    /* Init pointers */
    rri0i0 = rr;
    rri1i1 = rri0i0 + NB_POS;
    rri2i2 = rri1i1 + NB_POS;
    rri3i3 = rri2i2 + NB_POS;
    rri4i4 = rri3i3 + NB_POS;
    rri0i1 = rri4i4 + NB_POS;
    rri0i2 = rri0i1 + MSIZE;
    rri0i3 = rri0i2 + MSIZE;
    rri0i4 = rri0i3 + MSIZE;
    rri1i2 = rri0i4 + MSIZE;
    rri1i3 = rri1i2 + MSIZE;
    rri1i4 = rri1i3 + MSIZE;
    rri2i3 = rri1i4 + MSIZE;
    rri2i4 = rri2i3 + MSIZE;

     * Chose the sign of the impulse.                                        *

    for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++)
        if (dn[i] >= 0)
            sign_dn[i] = MAX_16;
            sign_dn_inv[i] = MIN_16;
            sign_dn[i] = MIN_16;
            sign_dn_inv[i] = MAX_16;
            dn[i] = negate(dn[i]);

     * Modification of rrixiy[] to take signs into account.              *

    p0 = rri0i1;
    p1 = rri0i2;
    p2 = rri0i3;
    p3 = rri0i4;

    for(i0=0; i0<L_SUBFR; i0+=STEP)
        psign = sign_dn;
        if (psign[i0] < 0) psign = sign_dn_inv;

        for(i1=1; i1<L_SUBFR; i1+=STEP)
            *p0++ = mult(*p0, psign[i1]);
            *p1++ = mult(*p1, psign[i1+1]);
            *p2++ = mult(*p2, psign[i1+2]);
            *p3++ = mult(*p3, psign[i1+3]);

    p0 = rri1i2;
    p1 = rri1i3;
    p2 = rri1i4;

    for(i1=1; i1<L_SUBFR; i1+=STEP)
        psign = sign_dn;
        if (psign[i1] < 0) psign = sign_dn_inv;

        for(i2=2; i2<L_SUBFR; i2+=STEP)
            *p0++ = mult(*p0, psign[i2]);
            *p1++ = mult(*p1, psign[i2+1]);
            *p2++ = mult(*p2, psign[i2+2]);

    p0 = rri2i3;
    p1 = rri2i4;

    for(i2=2; i2<L_SUBFR; i2+=STEP)
        psign = sign_dn;
        if (psign[i2] < 0) psign = sign_dn_inv;

        for(i3=3; i3<L_SUBFR; i3+=STEP)
            *p0++ = mult(*p0, psign[i3]);
            *p1++ = mult(*p1, psign[i3+1]);

     * Search the optimum positions of the four pulses which maximize    *
     *     square(correlation) / energy                                  *

    psk = -1;
    alpk = 1;

    ptr_rri0i3_i4 = rri0i3;
    ptr_rri1i3_i4 = rri1i3;
    ptr_rri2i3_i4 = rri2i3;
    ptr_rri3i3_i4 = rri3i3;

    /* Initializations only to remove warning from some compilers */


    /* search 2 times: track 3 and 4 */
    for (track=3, trk=0; track<5; track++, trk++)
         * depth first search 3, phase A: track 2 and 3/4.                  *

        sq = -1;
        alp = 1;

        /* i0 loop: 2 positions in track 2 */

        prev_i0  = -1;

        for (i=0; i<2; i++)
            max = -1;
            /* search "dn[]" maximum position in track 2 */
            for (j=2; j<L_SUBFR; j+=STEP)
                if ((sub(dn[j], max) > 0) && (sub(prev_i0,j) != 0))
                    max = dn[j];
                    i0 = j;
            prev_i0 = i0;

            j = mult(i0, 6554);        /* j = i0/5 */
            p0 = rri2i2 + j;

            ps1 = dn[i0];
            alp1 = L_mult(*p0, _1_4);

            /* i1 loop: 8 positions in track 2 */

            p0 = ptr_rri2i3_i4 + shl(j, 3);
            p1 = ptr_rri3i3_i4;

            for (i1=track; i1<L_SUBFR; i1+=STEP)
                ps2 = add(ps1, dn[i1]);       /* index increment = STEP */

                /* alp1 = alp0 + rr[i0][i1] + 1/2*rr[i1][i1]; */
                alp2 = L_mac(alp1, *p0++, _1_2);
                alp2 = L_mac(alp2, *p1++, _1_4);

                sq2 = mult(ps2, ps2);
                alp_16 = round(alp2);

                s = L_msu(L_mult(alp,sq2),sq,alp_16);
                if (s > 0)
                    sq = sq2;
                    ps = ps2;
                    alp = alp_16;
                    ix = i0;
                    iy = i1;

        i0 = ix;
        i1 = iy;
        i1_offset = shl(mult(i1, 6554), 3);       /* j = 8*(i1/5) */

         * depth first search 3, phase B: track 0 and 1.                    *

        ps0 = ps;
        alp0 = L_mult(alp, _1_4);

        sq = -1;
        alp = 1;

        /* build vector for next loop to decrease complexity */

        p0 = rri1i2 + mult(i0, 6554);
        p1 = ptr_rri1i3_i4 + mult(i1, 6554);
        p2 = rri1i1;
        p3 = tmp_vect;

        for (i3=1; i3<L_SUBFR; i3+=STEP)
            /* rrv[i3] = rr[i3][i3] + rr[i0][i3] + rr[i1][i3]; */
            s = L_mult(*p0, _1_4);
            p0 += NB_POS;
            s = L_mac(s, *p1, _1_4);
            p1 += NB_POS;
            s = L_mac(s, *p2++, _1_8);
            *p3++ = round(s);

        /* i2 loop: 8 positions in track 0 */

        p0 = rri0i2 + mult(i0, 6554);
        p1 = ptr_rri0i3_i4 + mult(i1, 6554);
        p2 = rri0i0;
        p3 = rri0i1;

        for (i2=0; i2<L_SUBFR; i2+=STEP)
            ps1 = add(ps0, dn[i2]);         /* index increment = STEP */

            /* alp1 = alp0 + rr[i0][i2] + rr[i1][i2] + 1/2*rr[i2][i2]; */
            alp1 = L_mac(alp0, *p0, _1_8);
            p0 += NB_POS;
            alp1 = L_mac(alp1, *p1, _1_8);
            p1 += NB_POS;
            alp1 = L_mac(alp1, *p2++, _1_16);

            /* i3 loop: 8 positions in track 1 */

            p4 = tmp_vect;

            for (i3=1; i3<L_SUBFR; i3+=STEP)
                ps2 = add(ps1, dn[i3]);       /* index increment = STEP */

                /* alp1 = alp0 + rr[i0][i3] + rr[i1][i3] + rr[i2][i3] + 1/2*rr[i3][i3]; */
                alp2 = L_mac(alp1, *p3++, _1_8);
                alp2 = L_mac(alp2, *p4++, _1_2);

                sq2 = mult(ps2, ps2);
                alp_16 = round(alp2);

                s = L_msu(L_mult(alp,sq2),sq,alp_16);
                if (s > 0)
                    sq = sq2;
                    alp = alp_16;
                    ix = i2;
                    iy = i3;

         * depth first search 3: compare codevector with the best case.   *

        s = L_msu(L_mult(alpk,sq),psk,alp);
        if (s > 0)
            psk = sq;
            alpk = alp;
            ip2 = i0;
            ip3 = i1;
            ip0 = ix;
            ip1 = iy;

         * depth first search 4, phase A: track 3 and 0.                    *

        sq = -1;
        alp = 1;

        /* i0 loop: 2 positions in track 3/4 */

        prev_i0  = -1;

        for (i=0; i<2; i++)
            max = -1;
            /* search "dn[]" maximum position in track 3/4 */
            for (j=track; j<L_SUBFR; j+=STEP)
                if ((sub(dn[j], max) > 0) && (sub(prev_i0,j) != 0))
                    max = dn[j];
                    i0 = j;
            prev_i0 = i0;

            j = mult(i0, 6554);        /* j = i0/5 */
            p0 = ptr_rri3i3_i4 + j;

            ps1 = dn[i0];
            alp1 = L_mult(*p0, _1_4);

            /* i1 loop: 8 positions in track 0 */

            p0 = ptr_rri0i3_i4 + j;
            p1 = rri0i0;

            for (i1=0; i1<L_SUBFR; i1+=STEP)
                ps2 = add(ps1, dn[i1]);       /* index increment = STEP */

                /* alp1 = alp0 + rr[i0][i1] + 1/2*rr[i1][i1]; */
                alp2 = L_mac(alp1, *p0, _1_2);
                p0 += NB_POS;
                alp2 = L_mac(alp2, *p1++, _1_4);

                sq2 = mult(ps2, ps2);
                alp_16 = round(alp2);

                s = L_msu(L_mult(alp,sq2),sq,alp_16);
                if (s > 0)
                    sq = sq2;
                    ps = ps2;
                    alp = alp_16;
                    ix = i0;
                    iy = i1;

        i0 = ix;
        i1 = iy;
        i1_offset = shl(mult(i1, 6554), 3);       /* j = 8*(i1/5) */

         * depth first search 4, phase B: track 1 and 2.                    *

        ps0 = ps;
        alp0 = L_mult(alp, _1_4);

        sq = -1;
        alp = 1;

        /* build vector for next loop to decrease complexity */

        p0 = ptr_rri2i3_i4 + mult(i0, 6554);
        p1 = rri0i2 + i1_offset;
        p2 = rri2i2;
        p3 = tmp_vect;

        for (i3=2; i3<L_SUBFR; i3+=STEP)
            /* rrv[i3] = rr[i3][i3] + rr[i0][i3] + rr[i1][i3]; */
            s = L_mult(*p0, _1_4);
            p0 += NB_POS;
            s = L_mac(s, *p1++, _1_4);
            s = L_mac(s, *p2++, _1_8);
            *p3++ = round(s);

        /* i2 loop: 8 positions in track 1 */

        p0 = ptr_rri1i3_i4 + mult(i0, 6554);
        p1 = rri0i1 + i1_offset;
        p2 = rri1i1;
        p3 = rri1i2;

        for (i2=1; i2<L_SUBFR; i2+=STEP)
            ps1 = add(ps0, dn[i2]);         /* index increment = STEP */

            /* alp1 = alp0 + rr[i0][i2] + rr[i1][i2] + 1/2*rr[i2][i2]; */
            alp1 = L_mac(alp0, *p0, _1_8);
            p0 += NB_POS;
            alp1 = L_mac(alp1, *p1++, _1_8);
            alp1 = L_mac(alp1, *p2++, _1_16);

            /* i3 loop: 8 positions in track 2 */

            p4 = tmp_vect;

            for (i3=2; i3<L_SUBFR; i3+=STEP)
                ps2 = add(ps1, dn[i3]);       /* index increment = STEP */

                /* alp1 = alp0 + rr[i0][i3] + rr[i1][i3] + rr[i2][i3] + 1/2*rr[i3][i3]; */
                alp2 = L_mac(alp1, *p3++, _1_8);
                alp2 = L_mac(alp2, *p4++, _1_2);

                sq2 = mult(ps2, ps2);
                alp_16 = round(alp2);

                s = L_msu(L_mult(alp,sq2),sq,alp_16);
                if (s > 0)
                    sq = sq2;
                    alp = alp_16;
                    ix = i2;
                    iy = i3;

         * depth first search 1: compare codevector with the best case.   *

        s = L_msu(L_mult(alpk,sq),psk,alp);
        if (s > 0)
            psk = sq;
            alpk = alp;
            ip3 = i0;
            ip0 = i1;
            ip1 = ix;
            ip2 = iy;

        ptr_rri0i3_i4 = rri0i4;
        ptr_rri1i3_i4 = rri1i4;
        ptr_rri2i3_i4 = rri2i4;
        ptr_rri3i3_i4 = rri4i4;


    /* Set the sign of impulses */

    i0 = sign_dn[ip0];
    i1 = sign_dn[ip1];
    i2 = sign_dn[ip2];
    i3 = sign_dn[ip3];

    /* Find the codeword corresponding to the selected positions */

    for(i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        cod[i] = 0;

    cod[ip0] = shr(i0, 2);         /* From Q15 to Q13 */
    cod[ip1] = shr(i1, 2);
    cod[ip2] = shr(i2, 2);
    cod[ip3] = shr(i3, 2);

    /* find the filtered codeword */

    for (i = 0; i < ip0; i++) y[i] = 0;

    if(i0 > 0)
        for(i=ip0, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = h[j];
        for(i=ip0, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = negate(h[j]);

    if(i1 > 0)
        for(i=ip1, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = add(y[i], h[j]);
        for(i=ip1, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = sub(y[i], h[j]);

    if(i2 > 0)
        for(i=ip2, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = add(y[i], h[j]);
        for(i=ip2, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = sub(y[i], h[j]);

    if(i3 > 0)
        for(i=ip3, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = add(y[i], h[j]);
        for(i=ip3, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = sub(y[i], h[j]);

    /* find codebook index;  17-bit address */

    i = 0;
    if(i0 > 0) i = add(i, 1);
    if(i1 > 0) i = add(i, 2);
    if(i2 > 0) i = add(i, 4);
    if(i3 > 0) i = add(i, 8);
    *sign = i;

    ip0 = mult(ip0, 6554);         /* ip0/5 */
    ip1 = mult(ip1, 6554);         /* ip1/5 */
    ip2 = mult(ip2, 6554);         /* ip2/5 */
    i   = mult(ip3, 6554);         /* ip3/5 */
    j   = add(i, shl(i, 2));       /* j = i*5 */
    j   = sub(ip3, add(j, 3));     /* j= ip3%5 -3 */
    ip3 = add(shl(i, 1), j);

    i = add(ip0, shl(ip1, 3));
    i = add(i  , shl(ip2, 6));
    i = add(i  , shl(ip3, 9));

    return i;
 * Function  ACELP_12i40_44bits()                                    *
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                    *
 * Algebraic codebook; 44 bits: 12 pulses in a frame of 40 samples.  *
 * The code length is 40, containing 12 nonzero pulses: i0...i11.    *
 * 12 pulses can have two (2) possible amplitudes: +1 or -1.         *
 * 10 pulses can have eight (8) possible positions:                  *
 * i2,i7  :  0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.  --> t0                   *
 * i3,i8  :  1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36.  --> t1                   *
 * i4,i9  :  2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37.  --> t2                   *
 * i5,i10 :  3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38.  --> t3                   *
 * i6,i11 :  4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39.  --> t4                   *
 *                                                                   *
 * The 2 other pulses can be on the following track:                 *
 *   t0-t1,t1-t2,t2-t3,t3-t4,t4-t0.                                  *
void ACELP_12i40_44bits(
  Word16 x[],    /* (i) Q0 : target vector                                 */
  Word16 cn[],   /* (i) Q0 : residual after long term prediction           */
  Word16 H[],    /* (i) Q12: impulse response of weighted synthesis filter */
  Word16 code[], /* (o) Q12: algebraic (fixed) codebook excitation         */
  Word16 y[],    /* (o) Q11: filtered fixed codebook excitation            */
  Word16 indx[]  /* (o)    : index 5 words: 13,10,7,7,7 = 44 bits          */
  Word16 i, j, k, ix, iy, itrk[3], track, pos, index, idx[NB_TRACK];
  Word16 psk, ps, alpk, alp;
  Word32 s, corr[NB_TRACK];
  Word16 *p0, *p1, *h, *h_inv;

  Word16 dn[L_SUBFR], sign[L_SUBFR], vec[L_SUBFR];
  Word16 ip[12], codvec[12], pos_max[NB_TRACK];
  Word16 cor_x[NB_POS], cor_y[NB_POS];
  Word16 h_buf[4*L_SUBFR];
  Word16 rrixix[NB_TRACK][NB_POS], rrixiy[NB_TRACK][MSIZE];
  Word32 L_tmp;

    h = h_buf;
    h_inv = h_buf + (2*L_SUBFR);
    for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
        *h++ = 0;
        *h_inv++ = 0;

    /* Compute correlation between target x[] and H[] */
    cor_h_x_e(H, x, dn);

    /* find the sign of each pulse position */
    set_sign(32767, cn, dn, sign, vec, pos_max, corr);

    /* Compute correlations of h[] needed for the codebook search. */
    cor_h_e(H, sign, vec, h, h_inv, rrixix, rrixiy);

    * Search position for pulse i0 and i1.                              *
    s = L_add(corr[4], corr[0]);
    for (k=0; k<NB_TRACK-1; k++) corr[k] = L_add(corr[k], corr[k+1]);
    corr[4] = s;

    for (k=0; k<3; k++) {
        s = corr[0];
        track = 0;
        for (i=1; i<NB_TRACK; i++) {
            L_tmp = L_sub(corr[i], s);
            if (L_tmp > 0) {
                s = corr[i];
                track = i;
        corr[track] = -1;
        itrk[k] = track;

    * Deep first search: 3 iterations of 320 tests = 960 tests.         *
    *                                                                   *
    * Stages of deep first search:                                      *
    *   stage 1 : fix i0  and i1  --> 2 positions is fixed previously.  *
    *   stage 2 : fix i2  and i3  --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *   stage 3 : fix i4  and i5  --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *   stage 4 : fix i6  and i7  --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *   stage 5 : fix i8  and i9  --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *
    *   stage 6 : fix i10 and i11 --> try 8x8 = 64 positions.           *

    /* stage 0: fix pulse i0 and i1 according to max of correlation */
    psk = -1;
    alpk = 1;
    for (pos=0; pos<3; pos++)  {
        k = itrk[pos];       /* starting position index */

        /* stage 1: fix pulse i0 and i1 according to max of correlation */
        ix = pos_max[ipos[k]];
        iy = pos_max[ipos[k+1]];
        ps = add(dn[ix], dn[iy]);
        i = mult(ix, Q15_1_5);
        j = mult(iy, Q15_1_5);
        alp = add(rrixix[ipos[k]][i], rrixix[ipos[k+1]][j]);
        i = add(shl(i,3), j);
        alp = add(alp, rrixiy[ipos[k]][i]);
        ip[0] = ix;
        ip[1] = iy;

        for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) vec[i] = 0;

        /* stage 2..5: fix pulse i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8 and i9 */
        for (j=2; j<12; j+=2) {
            * Store all impulse response of all fixed pulses   *
            * in vector vec[] for the "cor_h_vec()" function.  *
            if (sign[ix] < 0) p0 = h_inv - ix;
            else p0 = h - ix;

            if (sign[iy] < 0) p1 = h_inv - iy;
            else p1 = h - iy;

            for (i=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++) {
                vec[i] = add(vec[i], add(*p0, *p1));
                p0++; p1++;

            * Calculate correlation of all possible positions  *
            * of the next 2 pulses with previous fixed pulses. *
            * Each pulse can have 8 possible positions         *
            cor_h_vec(h, vec, ipos[k+j], sign, rrixix, cor_x);
            cor_h_vec(h, vec, ipos[k+j+1], sign, rrixix, cor_y);

            * Fix 2 pulses, try 8x8 = 64 positions.            *
            search_ixiy(ipos[k+j], ipos[k+j+1], &ps, &alp, &ix, &iy,
                  dn, cor_x, cor_y, rrixiy);

            ip[j] = ix;
            ip[j+1] = iy;


        /* memorise new codevector if it's better than the last one. */
        ps = mult(ps,ps);
        s = L_msu(L_mult(alpk,ps),psk,alp);
        if (s > 0) {
            psk = ps;
            alpk = alp;
            for (i=0; i<12; i++) codvec[i] = ip[i];
    } /* end of for (pos=0; pos<3; pos++) */

    * index of 12 pulses = 44 bits on 5 words                           *
    * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                           *
    * indx[0] =13 bits --> 3(track) +                                   *
    *                      3(pos#11) + 3(pos#6) + 1(sign#1) + 3(pos#1)  *
    * indx[1] =10 bits --> 3(pos#12) + 3(pos#7) + 1(sign#2) + 3(pos#2)  *
    * indx[2] = 7 bits -->             3(pos#8) + 1(sign#3) + 3(pos#3)  *
    * indx[3] = 7 bits -->             3(pos#9) + 1(sign#4) + 3(pos#4)  *
    * indx[4] = 7 bits -->             3(pos#10)+ 1(sign#5) + 3(pos#5)  *
    build_code(codvec+2, sign, 10, H, code, y, idx);

    for (k=0; k<2; k++) {

        pos = codvec[k];
        index = mult(pos, Q15_1_5);    /* index = pos/5       */
        track = sub(pos, extract_l(L_shr(L_mult(index, 5), 1)));
        if (sign[pos] > 0) {
            code[pos] = add(code[pos], 4096);     /* 1.0 in Q12 */
            for (i=pos, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = add(y[i], H[j]);
        else {
            code[pos] = sub(code[pos], 4096);     /* 1.0 in Q12 */
            for (i=pos, j=0; i<L_SUBFR; i++, j++) y[i] = sub(y[i], H[j]);
            index = add(index, 8);

        ix = shr(idx[track], (Word16)4) & (Word16)15;
        iy = idx[track] & (Word16)15;

        index = pack3(ix, iy, index);
        if (k == 0) index = add(shl(track, 10), index);
        indx[k] = index;


    for (k=2; k<NB_TRACK; k++) {
        track = add(track, 1);
        if (track >= NB_TRACK) track = 0;
        indx[k] = (idx[track] & (Word16)127);
