// manually connect to a server void dlgMain::OnManualConnect(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString ted_result = _T(""); wxTextEntryDialog ted(this, _T("Please enter IP Address and Port"), _T("Please enter IP Address and Port"), _T("")); // show it ted.ShowModal(); ted_result = ted.GetValue(); wxString ped_result = _T(""); wxPasswordEntryDialog ped(this, _T("Enter an optional password"), _T("Enter an optional password"), _T("")); ped.ShowModal(); if (!ted_result.IsEmpty() && ted_result != _T("")) LaunchGame(ted_result, launchercfg_s.odamex_directory, launchercfg_s.wad_paths, ped.GetValue()); }
// manually connect to a server void dlgMain::OnManualConnect(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString ped_result; wxString ted_result; wxTextEntryDialog ted(this, wxT("Please enter IP Address and Port"), wxT("Please enter IP Address and Port"), wxT("")); wxPasswordEntryDialog ped(this, wxT("Enter an optional password"), wxT("Enter an optional password"), wxT("")); // Keep asking for a valid ip/port number while (1) { if (ted.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return; ted_result = ted.GetValue(); if (IsAddressValid(ted_result) == false) { wxMessageBox(wxT("Invalid IP address/Port number")); continue; } else break; } // Show password entry dialog if (ped.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return; LaunchGame(ted_result, launchercfg_s.odamex_directory, launchercfg_s.wad_paths, ped.GetValue()); }
// Launch button click void dlgMain::OnLaunch(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString Password; wxString UsrPwHash; wxString SrvPwHash; wxInt32 i; i = GetSelectedServerArrayIndex(); if (i == -1) return; // If the server is passworded, pop up a password entry dialog for them to // specify one before going any further SrvPwHash = QServer[i].Info.PasswordHash; if (SrvPwHash.IsEmpty() == false) { wxPasswordEntryDialog ped(this, wxT("Please enter a password"), wxT("This server is passworded"), wxT("")); SrvPwHash.MakeUpper(); while (1) { // Show the dialog box and get the resulting value ped.ShowModal(); Password = ped.GetValue(); // User possibly hit cancel or did not enter anything, just exit if (Password.IsEmpty()) return; UsrPwHash = MD5SUM(Password); UsrPwHash.MakeUpper(); // Do an MD5 comparison of the password with the servers one, if it // fails, keep asking the user to enter a valid password, otherwise // dive out and connect to the server if (SrvPwHash != UsrPwHash) { wxMessageDialog Message(this, wxT("Incorrect password"), wxT("Incorrect password"), wxOK | wxICON_HAND); Message.ShowModal(); // Reset the text so weird things don't happen ped.SetValue(wxT("")); } else break; } } LaunchGame(QServer[i].GetAddress(), launchercfg_s.odamex_directory, launchercfg_s.wad_paths, Password); }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: { //LG g_hwndMain = hwnd; DWORD color = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); unsigned int c_r = 0, c_g = 0, c_b = 0; c_r = GetRValue(color); c_g = GetGValue(color); c_b = GetBValue(color); g_hbr = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(c_r-3, c_g-3, c_b-1)); CreateDialog(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INTERFACE), g_hwndMain, (DLGPROC)InterfaceProc); RECT rect; GetWindowRect(g_hwndInterface, &rect); AdjustWindowRect(&rect, g_dwWindowStyle, GetMenu(g_hwndMain) != NULL ? true : false); SetWindowPos(g_hwndMain, NULL, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOREPOSITION); ShowWindow(g_hwndInterface, SW_SHOW); } return 0; case WM_COMMAND: switch(wParam) { case ID_HELP_ABOUT: { //LG CreateDialog(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUT), g_hwndMain, (DLGPROC)AboutProc); } return 0; case ID_FILE_PLAYFF8: LaunchGame(g_lpCmdLine); return 0; case ID_FILE_EXIT: DestroyWindow(g_hwndMain); } break; case WM_DESTROY: DeleteObject(g_hbr); DestroyWindow(g_hwndInterface); PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
void CLauncherWindow::BeforeNavigate(Framework::Win32::CWebBrowser::BEFORENAVIGATE_INFO* beforeNavigateInfo) { const auto& navigateUrl = beforeNavigateInfo->navigateUrl; const int partSize = 256; TCHAR scheme[partSize]; TCHAR hostName[partSize]; TCHAR urlPath[partSize]; URL_COMPONENTS components; memset(&components, 0, sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS)); components.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); components.lpszScheme = scheme; components.dwSchemeLength = partSize; components.lpszHostName = hostName; components.dwHostNameLength = partSize; components.lpszUrlPath = urlPath; components.dwUrlPathLength = partSize; BOOL result = InternetCrackUrl(navigateUrl.c_str(), 0, ICU_ESCAPE, &components); if(result == FALSE) return; if(_tcscmp(components.lpszScheme, _T("ffxiv"))) return; if(_tcscmp(components.lpszHostName, _T("login_success"))) return; auto parameters = GetUrlParameters(components.lpszUrlPath); auto sessionIdIterator = parameters.find(_T("sessionId")); if(sessionIdIterator != std::end(parameters)) { auto sessionId = string_cast<std::string>(sessionIdIterator->second); try { LaunchGame(sessionId.c_str()); } catch(const std::exception& except) { auto message = _T("Failed to launch game: ") + string_cast<std::tstring>(except.what()); MessageBox(m_hWnd, message.c_str(), APP_NAME, MB_ICONERROR); LoadLoginPage(); beforeNavigateInfo->cancel = true; return; } } }
void HelloWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *message) { char filename[512]; //printf("recieved:%d\n",message); switch ( message->what ) { case B_SIMPLE_DATA : { entry_ref ref; if( message->FindRef("refs", &ref) == B_OK ) { strcpy (filename,"DynaMate - "); strcpy ((char *)filename+11,ref.name); SetTitle(filename); level[256]=255; load256(&ref,257,level); KillGame(); KillTitle(); LaunchGame(); gameView->totalmoves=0; // added 981018 } } break; case LEVELCOMPLETE : { KillGame(); uint16 temp=level[256]; //gamla rekordet if (totalmoves<level[256]){ level[256]=totalmoves; saverec(level); level[256]=temp; } LaunchTitle(); } break; case LEVELABANDONED : { KillGame(); LaunchTitle(); } break; default : BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
void HelloWindow::Zoom(BPoint punkt, float w, float h) { if (SIZE==24){ SIZE=16; ResizeTo(255,255); }else{ ResizeTo(24*16-1,24*16-1); SIZE=24; } if (gameView){ KillGame(); LaunchGame(); }else{ KillTitle(); LaunchTitle(); } }
// Launch button click void dlgMain::OnLaunch(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (!m_LstCtrlServers->GetItemCount() || !m_LstCtrlServers->GetSelectedItemCount()) return; wxInt32 i = m_LstCtrlServers->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); wxListItem item; item.SetId(i); item.SetColumn(7); item.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_TEXT); m_LstCtrlServers->GetItem(item); i = FindServer(item.GetText()); wxPasswordEntryDialog ped(this, _T("Please enter a password"), _T("Server is passworded"), _T("")); if (QServer[i].info.passworded) { ped.ShowModal(); if (ped.GetValue().IsEmpty()) return; } if (i > -1) { LaunchGame(QServer[i].GetAddress(), launchercfg_s.odamex_directory, launchercfg_s.wad_paths, ped.GetValue()); } }
// Quick-Launch button click void dlgMain::OnQuickLaunch(wxCommandEvent &event) { LaunchGame(_T(""), launchercfg_s.odamex_directory, launchercfg_s.wad_paths); }
LRESULT CALLBACK InterfaceProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { //LG g_hwndInterface = hwnd; memset(&g_config, 0, sizeof(g_config)); g_config.fullscreen = TRUE; LoadConfig(g_config); //Populate controls HWND hwndDispMode = GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_DDDISPLAYMODE); for(UINT i = 0; i < displaymode_options_count; i++) { ComboBox_AddString(hwndDispMode, displaymode_options[i].name); } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndDispMode, g_config.displaymode); HWND hwndFSAA = GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_DDFSAA); for(UINT i = 0; i < fsaa_options_count; i++) { ComboBox_AddString(hwndFSAA, fsaa_options[i].name); } ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndFSAA, g_config.fsaa); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_FULLSCREEN), (g_config.fullscreen ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_8BITPFIX), (g_config.b8_paletted_textures_fix ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_KEEP43AR), (!g_config.stretch_4_3_ar ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_BLACKBARS), (g_config.eliminate_black_bars ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_LFILTER), (g_config.force_texture_filtering ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_ALPHA), (g_config.force_alpha_transparency ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_EXPERTMODE), (g_config.expert_mode ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED)); return true; } case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BTPLAY: LaunchGame(g_lpCmdLine); return TRUE; case IDC_DDDISPLAYMODE: g_config.displaymode = ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_DDDISPLAYMODE)); SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_DDFSAA: g_config.fsaa = ComboBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_DDFSAA)); SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_FULLSCREEN: g_config.fullscreen = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_FULLSCREEN)) == BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_8BITPFIX: g_config.b8_paletted_textures_fix = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_8BITPFIX)) == BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_KEEP43AR: g_config.stretch_4_3_ar = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_KEEP43AR)) != BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_BLACKBARS: g_config.eliminate_black_bars = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_BLACKBARS)) == BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_LFILTER: g_config.force_texture_filtering = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_LFILTER)) == BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_ALPHA: g_config.force_alpha_transparency = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_ALPHA)) == BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; case IDC_EXPERTMODE: g_config.expert_mode = Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(g_hwndInterface, IDC_EXPERTMODE)) == BST_CHECKED; SaveConfig(g_config); return TRUE; } //Sets background of child dialog boxes to transparent /*case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: { HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam; SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); } return (INT_PTR)GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH); case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: return (INT_PTR)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: return (INT_PTR)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam; SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); } return (INT_PTR)g_hbr; */ } return FALSE; }
int DoWinMain ( HINSTANCE hLauncherInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { AddUtf8FileHooks(); #if defined(_DEBUG) SharedUtil_Tests (); #endif // // Init // // Let install manager figure out what MTASA path to use GetInstallManager()->SetMTASAPathSource( lpCmdLine ); // Start logging.....now BeginEventLog(); // Start localization if possible InitLocalization( false ); // Handle commands from the installer HandleSpecialLaunchOptions(); // Check MTA is launched only once HandleDuplicateLaunching(); // Show logo ShowSplash( g_hInstance ); // Other init stuff ClearPendingBrowseToSolution(); // // Update // // Continue any update procedure SString strCmdLine = GetInstallManager()->Continue(); // // Launch // // Ensure localization is started InitLocalization( true ); // Setup/test various counters and flags for monitoring problems PreLaunchWatchDogs(); // Stuff HandleCustomStartMessage(); ForbodenProgramsMessage(); CycleEventLog(); BsodDetectionPreLaunch(); MaybeShowCopySettingsDialog (); // Make sure GTA is not running HandleIfGTAIsAlreadyRunning(); // Find GTA path to use ValidateGTAPath(); // Maybe warn user if no anti-virus running CheckAntiVirusStatus(); // Ensure logo is showing ShowSplash( g_hInstance ); // Check MTA files look good CheckDataFiles(); CheckLibVersions(); // Go for launch int iReturnCode = LaunchGame( strCmdLine ); PostRunWatchDogs( iReturnCode ); // // Quit // HandleOnQuitCommand(); // Maybe show help if trouble was encountered ProcessPendingBrowseToSolution(); AddReportLog ( 1044, SString ( "* End (0x%X)* pid:%d", iReturnCode, GetCurrentProcessId() ) ); RemoveUtf8FileHooks(); return iReturnCode; }
void LaunchTwoPlayerGame() { LaunchGame(TwoPlayerApp); }
void LaunchOnePlayerGame() { LaunchGame(OnePlayerApp); }