AutoAwayPlugin::AutoAwayPlugin(unsigned base, Buffer *config)
        : Plugin(base), EventReceiver(HighPriority)
    load_data(autoAwayData, &data, config);
#ifdef WIN32
    HINSTANCE hLib = GetModuleHandleA("user32");
    if (hLib != NULL){
        (DWORD&)_GetLastInputInfo = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hLib,"GetLastInputInfo");
        hLibUI = LoadLibraryA("idleui.dll");
        if (hLibUI != NULL)
            (DWORD&)_IdleUIGetLastInputTime = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hLibUI, "IdleUIGetLastInputTime");
#elif defined(HAVE_CARBON_CARBNON_H) && !defined(HAVE_X)
CFBundleRef carbonBundle;
    if (LoadFrameworkBundle( CFSTR("Carbon.framework"), &carbonBundle ) == noErr) {
        InstallEventLoopIdleTimerPtr myInstallEventLoopIdleTimer = (InstallEventLoopIdleTimerPtr)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(carbonBundle, CFSTR("InstallEventLoopIdleTimer"));
        if (myInstallEventLoopIdleTimer){
            EventLoopIdleTimerUPP timerUPP = NewEventLoopIdleTimerUPP(Private::IdleTimerAction);
            (*myInstallEventLoopIdleTimer)(GetMainEventLoop(), kEventDurationSecond, kEventDurationSecond, timerUPP, 0, &mTimerRef);
    Event ePlugin(EventGetPluginInfo, (void*)"_core");
    pluginInfo *info = (pluginInfo*)(ePlugin.process());
    core = static_cast<CorePlugin*>(info->plugin);
    bAway = false;
    bNA   = false;
    bOff  = false;
    m_timer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout()));
bool Kopete::IdlePlatform::init()
	// May already be init'ed.
	if ( d->mTimerRef )
		return true;

	// According to the docs, InstallEventLoopIdleTimer is new in 10.2.
	// According to the headers, it has been around since 10.0.
	// One of them is lying.  We'll play it safe and weak-link the function.

	// Load the "Carbon.framework" bundle.
	CFBundleRef carbonBundle;
	if ( LoadFrameworkBundle( CFSTR("Carbon.framework"), &carbonBundle ) != noErr )
		return false;

	// Load the Mach-O function pointers for the routine we will be using.
	InstallEventLoopIdleTimerPtr myInstallEventLoopIdleTimer = (InstallEventLoopIdleTimerPtr)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( carbonBundle, CFSTR("InstallEventLoopIdleTimer") );
	if ( myInstallEventLoopIdleTimer == 0 )
		return false;

	EventLoopIdleTimerUPP timerUPP = NewEventLoopIdleTimerUPP( Private::IdleTimerAction );
	if ( (*myInstallEventLoopIdleTimer)(GetMainEventLoop(), kEventDurationSecond, kEventDurationSecond, timerUPP, 0, &d->mTimerRef) )
		return true;

	return false;
DynamicLibrary::DynamicLibrary( const char *filename, bool reportErrors )
	char realname[1024];
	hInst = NULL;

#if defined(TORQUE_OS_MAC_CARB)
	if (platState.osX)
		dSprintf(realname, 1024, "%s.framework", filename);
		err = LoadFrameworkBundle(CFSTR(realname), &((CFBundleRef)hInst));
		dSprintf(realname, 1024, "\p%s", filename);
		err = GetSharedLibrary (realname,
		                      kAnyCFragArch, // as we want whatever form it is in
		                      kReferenceCFrag, // the new name for the kLoadLib flag
		                      &((CFragConnectionID)hInst), // holder of codefrag connection identifier
		                      NULL, // we don't care
		                      NULL); // we don't care

	mError = false;
	mErrorReport = reportErrors;
	if ( !mInst ) {
		Con::errorf( "DynamicLibrary: Failed to load %s.", realname );
		mInst = NULL;
static CFBundleRef getCorePrintingBundle()
    static CFBundleRef printingBundle = NULL;
    // first time this is called we need to load the framework bundle
	OSStatus err = LoadFrameworkBundle(CFSTR("ApplicationServices.framework"), &printingBundle);
            printingBundle = NULL;
    return printingBundle;
static boolean unixshellcallinit (void) {

	2006-01-10 creedon: added fcntlfunc, feoffunc and filenofunc
	7.0b51 PBS: load the bundle and get the function pointers the first time called.
	if (unixshellcallinited) /*already inited*/
		return (true);
	if (sysBundle == nil)
		 if (LoadFrameworkBundle (CFSTR ("System.framework"), &sysBundle) != noErr)
		 	return (false);
	popenfunc = (popenptr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (sysBundle, CFSTR ("popen"));	

	if (popenfunc == nil)
		return (false);
	freadfunc = (freadptr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (sysBundle, CFSTR ("fread"));
	if (freadfunc == nil)
		return (false);
	pclosefunc = (pcloseptr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (sysBundle, CFSTR ("pclose"));
	if (pclosefunc == nil)
		return (false);

	fcntlfunc = (fcntlptr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (sysBundle, CFSTR ("fcntl"));
	if (fcntlfunc == nil)
		return (false);

	feoffunc = (feofptr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (sysBundle, CFSTR ("feof"));
	if (feoffunc == nil)
		return (false);

	filenofunc = (filenoptr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (sysBundle, CFSTR ("fileno"));
	if (filenofunc == nil)
		return (false);

	unixshellcallinited = true;
	return (true);	
	} /*unixshellcallinit*/
static void GetMissingQTFunctionPointers()
	OSErr 				err;
	CFBundleRef 		sysBundle;
	err = LoadFrameworkBundle(CFSTR("QuickTime.framework"), &sysBundle);
	if (err == noErr)
		mNewQTNextPtr = (NewQTNextTaskPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( sysBundle, CFSTR("NewQTNextTaskNeededSoonerCallbackUPP") );
		mQTInstallNextPtr = (QTInstallNextTaskPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( sysBundle, CFSTR("QTInstallNextTaskNeededSoonerCallback") );
		mQTGetTimeUntilNextTaskPtr = (QTGetTimeUntilNextTaskPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( sysBundle, CFSTR("QTGetTimeUntilNextTask") );
		mDisposeQTNextTaskPtr = (DisposeQTNextTaskPtr)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( sysBundle, CFSTR("DisposeQTNextTaskNeededSoonerCallbackUPP") );
		mQTUninstallNextTaskPtr = (QTUninstallNextTaskPtr)CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( sysBundle, CFSTR("QTUninstallNextTaskNeededSoonerCallback") );;
int printOnOSXFormat(char * string,char *format) {
	CFBundleRef bundle;
	int(*fprintf_ptr)(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) = NULL;
	int(*fcnFlush_ptr)(FILE *stream) = NULL;
	void* fcn_ptr = NULL;
	void* fcnFlushx_ptr = NULL;
	OSErr	err;
	FILE* stderr_ptr = NULL;
	void* __sf_ptr = NULL;
	err = LoadFrameworkBundle( CFSTR("System.framework"), &bundle );

	fcn_ptr = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR("fprintf"));
	fcnFlushx_ptr = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR("fflush"));
	__sf_ptr = CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR("__sF"));
	if(fcn_ptr) {
	   /* cast it */
	   fprintf_ptr = ( int(*)(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) ) fcn_ptr;
	} else {
	   /* it failed, handle that somehow */

	if(fcnFlushx_ptr) {
	   /* cast it */
	   fcnFlush_ptr = ( int(*)(FILE *stream) ) fcnFlushx_ptr;
	} else {
	   /* it failed, handle that somehow */

	if(__sf_ptr) {
	   stderr_ptr = (FILE*) ( ((char*)__sf_ptr) + 176);
	   /* 176 = 88*2, where 88=sizeof(FILE) under BSD */
	} else {
	   /* it failed */

	fprintf_ptr(stderr_ptr, format,string);
CFragConnectionID LoadLibViaPath(char *libName, char *pluginDirPath) {
        char				tempDirPath[DOCUMENT_NAME_SIZE+1];
		char				cFileName[DOCUMENT_NAME_SIZE+1];
		CFragConnectionID   libHandle = 0;
		CFStringRef			filePath;
        CFURLRef 			theURLRef;
        CFBundleRef			theBundle;
        OSStatus			err;
        if (tempDirPath[strlen(tempDirPath)-1] != DELIMITERInt)
        if ((strlen(tempDirPath) + strlen(libName) + 7) > DOCUMENT_NAME_SIZE)
            return nil;
        //Watch out for the bundle suffix, not a normal thing in squeak plugins

		/* copy the file name into a null-terminated C string */
		sqFilenameFromStringOpen(cFileName, (int) &tempDirPath, strlen(tempDirPath));
		#ifdef JMMDEBUG
		fprintf(stderr,"\nLoadLibViaPath file %s",cFileName);
        filePath   = CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault,(UInt8 *)cFileName,strlen(cFileName),kCFStringEncodingUTF8,false);
        theURLRef = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,filePath,kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle,false);
        if (theURLRef == nil) {
			#ifdef JMMDEBUG
			fprintf(stderr,"\ntheURLRef was nil so bail");
            return nil;

        theBundle = CFBundleCreate(NULL,theURLRef);
        if (theBundle == nil) {
            CFStringRef libNameCFString;
			#ifdef JMMDEBUG
			fprintf(stderr,"\nbundle was nil, trying to load from other system locations");

           libNameCFString = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,libName,gCurrentVMEncoding);
            err = LoadFrameworkBundle(kUserDomain,libNameCFString, &theBundle);
			if (err != noErr)
				err = LoadFrameworkBundle(kNetworkDomain,libNameCFString, &theBundle);
			if (err != noErr)
				err = LoadFrameworkBundle(kLocalDomain,libNameCFString, &theBundle);
			if (err != noErr)
				err = LoadFrameworkBundle(kSystemDomain,libNameCFString, &theBundle);
            if (err != noErr) {
				#ifdef JMMDEBUG
				fprintf(stderr,"\nno bundle so bail, last error %i",err);
                return nil;
        if (theBundle == nil) {
			#ifdef JMMDEBUG
			fprintf(stderr,"\nno bundle so bail");
            return nil;
        if (!CFBundleLoadExecutable(theBundle)) {
			#ifdef JMMDEBUG
			fprintf(stderr,"\nBundle found but failed CFBundleLoadExecutable");
            return nil;
        libHandle = (CFragConnectionID) theBundle;

	#ifdef JMMDEBUG
		fprintf(stderr,"\nFound Bundle %i",libHandle);
	return libHandle;