bool wxRegConfig::DoReadBinary(const wxString& key, wxMemoryBuffer *buf) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( buf, false, wxT("wxRegConfig::Read(): NULL param") );

  wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key);

  bool bQueryGlobal = true;

  // if immutable key exists in global key we must check that it's not
  // overriden by the local key with the same name
  if ( IsImmutable(path.Name()) ) {
    if ( TryGetValue(m_keyGlobal, path.Name(), *buf) ) {
      if ( m_keyLocal.Exists() && LocalKey().HasValue(path.Name()) ) {
        wxLogWarning(wxT("User value for immutable key '%s' ignored."),

      return true;
    else {
      // don't waste time - it's not there anyhow
      bQueryGlobal = false;

  // first try local key
  if ( (m_keyLocal.Exists() && TryGetValue(LocalKey(), path.Name(), *buf)) ||
       (bQueryGlobal && TryGetValue(m_keyGlobal, path.Name(), *buf)) ) {
    return true;

  return false;
bool wxRegConfig::GetNextEntry(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const
  // are we already enumerating local entries?
  if ( m_keyGlobal.IsOpened() && !IS_LOCAL_INDEX(lIndex) ) {
    // try to find a global entry which doesn't appear locally
    while ( m_keyGlobal.GetNextValue(str, lIndex) ) {
      if ( !m_keyLocal.Exists() || !LocalKey().HasValue(str) ) {
        // ok, found one - return it
        return true;

    // no more global entries
    lIndex |= LOCAL_MASK;

  // if we don't have the key at all, don't try to enumerate anything under it
  if ( !m_keyLocal.Exists() )
      return false;

  // much easier with local entries: get the next one we find
  // (don't forget to clear our flag bit and set it again later)
  lIndex &= ~LOCAL_MASK;
  bool bOk = LocalKey().GetNextValue(str, lIndex);
  lIndex |= LOCAL_MASK;

  return bOk;
bool wxRegConfig::HasEntry(const wxString& key) const
    wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key);

    wxString strName(path.Name());

    return (m_keyLocal.Exists() && LocalKey().HasValue(strName)) ||
bool wxRegConfig::DoWriteBinary(const wxString& key, const wxMemoryBuffer& buf)
  wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key);

  if ( IsImmutable(path.Name()) ) {
    wxLogError(wxT("Can't change immutable entry '%s'."), path.Name().c_str());
    return false;

  return LocalKey().SetValue(path.Name(), buf);
bool wxRegConfig::DoWriteLong(const wxString& key, long lValue)
  wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key);

  if ( IsImmutable(path.Name()) ) {
    wxLogError(wxT("Can't change immutable entry '%s'."), path.Name().c_str());
    return false;

  return LocalKey().SetValue(path.Name(), lValue);
wxConfigBase::EntryType wxRegConfig::GetEntryType(const wxString& key) const
    wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key);

    wxString strName(path.Name());

    bool isNumeric;
    if ( m_keyLocal.Exists() && LocalKey().HasValue(strName) )
        isNumeric = m_keyLocal.IsNumericValue(strName);
    else if ( m_keyGlobal.HasValue(strName) )
        isNumeric = m_keyGlobal.IsNumericValue(strName);
        return wxConfigBase::Type_Unknown;

    return isNumeric ? wxConfigBase::Type_Integer : wxConfigBase::Type_String;
bool wxRegConfig::DeleteGroup(const wxString& key)
  wxConfigPathChanger path(this, RemoveTrailingSeparator(key));

  if ( !m_keyLocal.Exists() )
      // nothing to do
      return true;

  if ( !LocalKey().DeleteKey(path.Name()) )
      return false;


  return true;
bool wxRegConfig::DeleteEntry(const wxString& value, bool bGroupIfEmptyAlso)
  wxConfigPathChanger path(this, value);

  if ( m_keyLocal.Exists() ) {
    if ( !m_keyLocal.DeleteValue(path.Name()) )
      return false;

    if ( bGroupIfEmptyAlso && m_keyLocal.IsEmpty() ) {
      wxString strKey = GetPath().AfterLast(wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR);
      SetPath(wxT(".."));  // changes m_keyLocal
      return LocalKey().DeleteKey(strKey);

  return true;
// this function is called a *lot* of times (as I learned after seeing from
// profiler output that it is called ~12000 times from Mahogany start up code!)
// so it is important to optimize it - in particular, avoid using generic
// string functions here and do everything manually because it is faster
// I still kept the old version to be able to check that the optimized code has
// the same output as the non optimized version.
void wxRegConfig::SetPath(const wxString& strPath)
    // remember the old path
    wxString strOldPath = m_strPath;

#ifdef WX_DEBUG_SET_PATH // non optimized version kept here for testing
    wxString m_strPathAlt;

        wxArrayString aParts;

        // because GetPath() returns "" when we're at root, we must understand
        // empty string as "/"
        if ( strPath.empty() || (strPath[0] == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR) ) {
            // absolute path
            wxSplitPath(aParts, strPath);
        else {
            // relative path, combine with current one
            wxString strFullPath = GetPath();
            strFullPath << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR << strPath;
            wxSplitPath(aParts, strFullPath);

        // recombine path parts in one variable
        wxString strRegPath;
        for ( size_t n = 0; n < aParts.Count(); n++ ) {
            strRegPath << '\\' << aParts[n];
            m_strPathAlt << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR << aParts[n];
#endif // 0

    // check for the most common case first
    if ( strPath.empty() )
        m_strPath = wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR;
    else // not root
        // construct the full path
        wxString strFullPath;
        if ( strPath[0u] == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR )
            // absolute path
            strFullPath = strPath;
        else // relative path

            strFullPath << m_strPath;
            if ( strFullPath.Len() == 0 ||
                 strFullPath.Last() != wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR )
                strFullPath << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR;
            strFullPath << strPath;

        // simplify it: we need to handle ".." here

        // count the total number of slashes we have to know if we can go upper
        size_t totalSlashes = 0;

        // position of the last slash to be able to backtrack to it quickly if
        // needed, but we set it to -1 if we don't have a valid position
        // we only remember the last position which means that we handle ".."
        // quite efficiently but not "../.." - however the latter should be
        // much more rare, so it is probably ok
        int posLastSlash = -1;

        const wxChar *src = strFullPath.c_str();
        size_t len = strFullPath.length();
        const wxChar *end = src + len;

        wxStringBufferLength buf(m_strPath, len);
        wxChar *dst = buf;
        wxChar *start = dst;

        for ( ; src < end; src++, dst++ )
            if ( *src == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR )
                // check for "/.."

                // note that we don't have to check for src < end here as
                // *end == 0 so can't be '.'
                if ( src[1] == wxT('.') && src[2] == wxT('.') &&
                     (src + 3 == end || src[3] == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR) )
                    if ( !totalSlashes )
                        wxLogWarning(_("'%s' has extra '..', ignored."),
                    else // return to the previous path component
                        // do we already have its position?
                        if ( posLastSlash == -1 )
                            // no, find it: note that we are sure to have one
                            // because totalSlashes > 0 so we don't have to
                            // check the boundary condition below

                            // this is more efficient than strrchr()
                            while ( *dst != wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR )
                        else // the position of last slash was stored
                            // go directly there
                            dst = start + posLastSlash;

                            // invalidate posLastSlash
                            posLastSlash = -1;

                        // we must have found a slash one way or another!
                        wxASSERT_MSG( *dst == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR,
                                      wxT("error in wxRegConfig::SetPath") );

                        // stay at the same position

                        // we killed one

                    // skip both dots
                    src += 2;
                else // not "/.."
                    if ( (dst == start) || (dst[-1] != wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR) )
                        *dst = wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR;

                        posLastSlash = dst - start;

                    else // previous char was a slash too
                        // squeeze several subsequent slashes into one: i.e.
                        // just ignore this one
            else // normal character
                // just copy
                *dst = *src;

        // NUL terminate the string
        if ( dst[-1] == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR && (dst != start + 1) )
            // if it has a trailing slash we remove it unless it is the only
            // string character

        *dst = wxT('\0');
        buf.SetLength(dst - start);

    wxASSERT( m_strPath == m_strPathAlt );

    if ( m_strPath == strOldPath )

    // registry APIs want backslashes instead of slashes
    wxString strRegPath;
    if ( !m_strPath.empty() )
        size_t len = m_strPath.length();

        const wxChar *src = m_strPath.c_str();
        wxStringBufferLength buf(strRegPath, len);
        wxChar *dst = buf;

        const wxChar *end = src + len;
        for ( ; src < end; src++, dst++ )
            if ( *src == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR )
                *dst = wxT('\\');
                *dst = *src;


    // this is not needed any longer as we don't create keys unnecessarily any
    // more (now it is done on demand, i.e. only when they're going to contain
    // something)
#if 0
    // as we create the registry key when SetPath(key) is done, we can be left
    // with plenty of empty keys if this was only done to try to read some
    // value which, in fact, doesn't exist - to prevent this from happening we
    // automatically delete the old key if it was empty
    if ( m_keyLocal.Exists() && LocalKey().IsEmpty() )
#endif // 0

    // change current key(s)
    m_keyLocal.SetName(m_keyLocalRoot, strRegPath);

    if ( GetStyle() & wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE )
      m_keyGlobal.SetName(m_keyGlobalRoot, strRegPath);

      wxLogNull nolog;
文件: regconf.cpp 项目: Duion/Torsion
bool wxRegConfig::DeleteGroup(const wxString& key)
  wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key);

  return m_keyLocal.Exists() ? LocalKey().DeleteKey(path.Name()) : true;