void LogUnixServer::Log(const LogType Type, const std::string &str) { char *msg = NULL; time_t current = time(NULL); struct tm timeinfo; char buf[128]; localtime_r(¤t, &timeinfo); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%F %T", &timeinfo); if (asprintf(&msg, "%s - %s [PID: %d] - %s\n", buf, LogTypeToStr(Type).c_str(), getpid(), str.c_str()) < 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "asprintf failed error:" << strerror(errno); throw(LogException(ss.str())); } else { std::list<int> broken; int len = strlen(msg); Lock(); for(auto fd : m_list) { ssize_t offset = 0; ssize_t ret = 0; do { ret = write(fd, msg + offset, len - offset); if (ret < 0) { switch(errno) { case EINTR: ret = 0; //Fudge this as if we didn't write anything break; default: break; } } else { offset += len; } } while(offset < len); if (ret < len || ret == 0) { broken.push_back(fd); } } //Kick any broken clients for(auto fd : broken) { if (close(fd) < 0) { abort(); } m_list.remove(fd); } Unlock(); } free(msg); }
void cProtocol125::SendUnloadChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { cCSLock Lock(m_CSPacket); SendPreChunk(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, false); }
bool CGPSController::IsKnownPosition() { Lock(); bool ret = m_knownPosition; Unlock(); return ret; }
// VPN Azure client main thread void AcMainThread(THREAD *thread, void *param) { AZURE_CLIENT *ac = (AZURE_CLIENT *)param; UINT last_ip_revision = INFINITE; UINT64 last_reconnect_tick = 0; UINT64 next_reconnect_interval = AZURE_CONNECT_INITIAL_RETRY_INTERVAL; UINT num_reconnect_retry = 0; UINT64 next_ddns_retry_tick = 0; bool last_connect_ok = false; // Validate arguments if (ac == NULL || thread == NULL) { return; } while (ac->Halt == false) { UINT64 now = Tick64(); bool connect_was_ok = false; // Wait for enabling VPN Azure function if (ac->IsEnabled) { // VPN Azure is enabled DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS st; bool connect_now = false; bool azure_ip_changed = false; Lock(ac->Lock); { Copy(&st, &ac->DDnsStatus, sizeof(DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS)); if (StrCmpi(st.CurrentAzureIp, ac->DDnsStatusCopy.CurrentAzureIp) != 0) { if (IsEmptyStr(st.CurrentAzureIp) == false) { // Destination IP address is changed connect_now = true; num_reconnect_retry = 0; } } if (StrCmpi(st.CurrentHostName, ac->DDnsStatusCopy.CurrentHostName) != 0) { // DDNS host name is changed connect_now = true; num_reconnect_retry = 0; } Copy(&ac->DDnsStatusCopy, &st, sizeof(DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS)); } Unlock(ac->Lock); if (last_ip_revision != ac->IpStatusRevision) { last_ip_revision = ac->IpStatusRevision; connect_now = true; num_reconnect_retry = 0; } if (last_reconnect_tick == 0 || (now >= (last_reconnect_tick + next_reconnect_interval))) { UINT r; last_reconnect_tick = now; num_reconnect_retry++; next_reconnect_interval = (UINT64)num_reconnect_retry * AZURE_CONNECT_INITIAL_RETRY_INTERVAL; next_reconnect_interval = MIN(next_reconnect_interval, AZURE_CONNECT_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL); r = (UINT)next_reconnect_interval; r = GenRandInterval(r / 2, r); next_reconnect_interval = r; connect_now = true; } if (IsEmptyStr(st.CurrentAzureIp) == false && IsEmptyStr(st.CurrentHostName) == false) { if (connect_now) { SOCK *s; char *host = NULL; UINT port = AZURE_SERVER_PORT; Debug("VPN Azure: Connecting to %s...\n", st.CurrentAzureIp); if (ParseHostPort(st.CurrentAzureIp, &host, &port, AZURE_SERVER_PORT)) { if (st.InternetSetting.ProxyType == PROXY_DIRECT) { s = ConnectEx2(host, port, 0, (bool *)&ac->Halt); } else { s = WpcSockConnect2(host, port, &st.InternetSetting, NULL, AZURE_VIA_PROXY_TIMEOUT); } if (s != NULL) { PACK *p; UINT64 established_tick = 0; Debug("VPN Azure: Connected.\n"); SetTimeout(s, AZURE_PROTOCOL_CONTROL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT); Lock(ac->Lock); { ac->CurrentSock = s; ac->IsConnected = true; StrCpy(ac->ConnectingAzureIp, sizeof(ac->ConnectingAzureIp), st.CurrentAzureIp); } Unlock(ac->Lock); SendAll(s, AZURE_PROTOCOL_CONTROL_SIGNATURE, StrLen(AZURE_PROTOCOL_CONTROL_SIGNATURE), false); // Receive parameter p = RecvPackWithHash(s); if (p != NULL) { UCHAR c; AZURE_PARAM param; bool hostname_changed = false; Zero(¶m, sizeof(param)); param.ControlKeepAlive = PackGetInt(p, "ControlKeepAlive"); param.ControlTimeout = PackGetInt(p, "ControlTimeout"); param.DataTimeout = PackGetInt(p, "DataTimeout"); param.SslTimeout = PackGetInt(p, "SslTimeout"); FreePack(p); param.ControlKeepAlive = MAKESURE(param.ControlKeepAlive, 1000, AZURE_SERVER_MAX_KEEPALIVE); param.ControlTimeout = MAKESURE(param.ControlTimeout, 1000, AZURE_SERVER_MAX_TIMEOUT); param.DataTimeout = MAKESURE(param.DataTimeout, 1000, AZURE_SERVER_MAX_TIMEOUT); param.SslTimeout = MAKESURE(param.SslTimeout, 1000, AZURE_SERVER_MAX_TIMEOUT); Lock(ac->Lock); { Copy(&ac->AzureParam, ¶m, sizeof(AZURE_PARAM)); } Unlock(ac->Lock); SetTimeout(s, param.ControlTimeout); // Send parameter p = NewPack(); PackAddStr(p, "CurrentHostName", st.CurrentHostName); PackAddStr(p, "CurrentAzureIp", st.CurrentAzureIp); PackAddInt64(p, "CurrentAzureTimestamp", st.CurrentAzureTimestamp); PackAddStr(p, "CurrentAzureSignature", st.CurrentAzureSignature); Lock(ac->Lock); { if (StrCmpi(st.CurrentHostName, ac->DDnsStatus.CurrentHostName) != 0) { hostname_changed = true; } } Unlock(ac->Lock); if (hostname_changed == false) { if (SendPackWithHash(s, p)) { // Receive result if (RecvAll(s, &c, 1, false)) { if (c && ac->Halt == false) { connect_was_ok = true; established_tick = Tick64(); AcWaitForRequest(ac, s, ¶m); } } } } FreePack(p); } else { WHERE; } Debug("VPN Azure: Disconnected.\n"); Lock(ac->Lock); { ac->IsConnected = false; ac->CurrentSock = NULL; ClearStr(ac->ConnectingAzureIp, sizeof(ac->ConnectingAzureIp)); } Unlock(ac->Lock); if (established_tick != 0) { if ((established_tick + (UINT64)AZURE_CONNECT_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL) <= Tick64()) { // If the connected time exceeds the AZURE_CONNECT_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL, reset the retry counter. last_reconnect_tick = 0; num_reconnect_retry = 0; next_reconnect_interval = AZURE_CONNECT_INITIAL_RETRY_INTERVAL; } } Disconnect(s); ReleaseSock(s); } else { Debug("VPN Azure: Error: Connect Failed.\n"); } Free(host); } } } } else { last_reconnect_tick = 0; num_reconnect_retry = 0; next_reconnect_interval = AZURE_CONNECT_INITIAL_RETRY_INTERVAL; } if (ac->Halt) { break; } if (connect_was_ok) { // If connection goes out after connected, increment connection success count to urge DDNS client query next_ddns_retry_tick = Tick64() + MIN((UINT64)DDNS_VPN_AZURE_CONNECT_ERROR_DDNS_RETRY_TIME_DIFF * (UINT64)(num_reconnect_retry + 1), (UINT64)DDNS_VPN_AZURE_CONNECT_ERROR_DDNS_RETRY_TIME_DIFF_MAX); } if ((next_ddns_retry_tick != 0) && (Tick64() >= next_ddns_retry_tick)) { next_ddns_retry_tick = 0; ac->DDnsTriggerInt++; } Wait(ac->Event, rand() % 1000); } }
OMXPacket *OMXReader::Read() { assert(!IsEof()); AVPacket pkt; OMXPacket *m_omx_pkt = NULL; int result = -1; if(!m_pFormatContext) return NULL; Lock(); // assume we are not eof if(m_pFormatContext->pb) m_pFormatContext->pb->eof_reached = 0; // keep track if ffmpeg doesn't always set these pkt.size = 0; pkt.data = NULL; pkt.stream_index = MAX_OMX_STREAMS; result = m_dllAvFormat.av_read_frame(m_pFormatContext, &pkt); if (result < 0) { m_eof = true; //FlushRead(); //m_dllAvCodec.av_free_packet(&pkt); UnLock(); return NULL; } else if (pkt.size < 0 || pkt.stream_index >= MAX_OMX_STREAMS) { // XXX, in some cases ffmpeg returns a negative packet size if(m_pFormatContext->pb && !m_pFormatContext->pb->eof_reached) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "OMXReader::Read no valid packet"); //FlushRead(); } m_dllAvCodec.av_free_packet(&pkt); m_eof = true; UnLock(); return NULL; } AVStream *pStream = m_pFormatContext->streams[pkt.stream_index]; /* only read packets for active streams */ /* if(!IsActive(pkt.stream_index)) { m_dllAvCodec.av_free_packet(&pkt); UnLock(); return NULL; } */ // lavf sometimes bugs out and gives 0 dts/pts instead of no dts/pts // since this could only happens on initial frame under normal // circomstances, let's assume it is wrong all the time if(pkt.dts == 0) pkt.dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; if(pkt.pts == 0) pkt.pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; if(m_bMatroska && pStream->codec && pStream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { // matroska can store different timestamps // for different formats, for native stored // stuff it is pts, but for ms compatibility // tracks, it is really dts. sadly ffmpeg // sets these two timestamps equal all the // time, so we select it here instead if(pStream->codec->codec_tag == 0) pkt.dts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; else pkt.pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; } // we need to get duration slightly different for matroska embedded text subtitels if(m_bMatroska && pStream->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_SUBRIP && pkt.convergence_duration != 0) pkt.duration = pkt.convergence_duration; if(m_bAVI && pStream->codec && pStream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { // AVI's always have borked pts, specially if m_pFormatContext->flags includes // AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS so always use dts pkt.pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; } m_omx_pkt = AllocPacket(pkt.size); /* oom error allocation av packet */ if(!m_omx_pkt) { m_eof = true; m_dllAvCodec.av_free_packet(&pkt); UnLock(); return NULL; } m_omx_pkt->codec_type = pStream->codec->codec_type; /* copy content into our own packet */ m_omx_pkt->size = pkt.size; if (pkt.data) memcpy(m_omx_pkt->data, pkt.data, m_omx_pkt->size); m_omx_pkt->stream_index = pkt.stream_index; GetHints(pStream, &m_omx_pkt->hints); //m_omx_pkt->dts = ConvertTimestamp(pkt.dts, pStream->time_base.den, pStream->time_base.num); //m_omx_pkt->pts = ConvertTimestamp(pkt.pts, pStream->time_base.den, pStream->time_base.num); m_omx_pkt->dts = ConvertTimestamp(pkt.dts, &pStream->time_base); m_omx_pkt->pts = ConvertTimestamp(pkt.pts, &pStream->time_base); m_omx_pkt->duration = DVD_SEC_TO_TIME((double)pkt.duration * pStream->time_base.num / pStream->time_base.den); // used to guess streamlength if (m_omx_pkt->dts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE && (m_omx_pkt->dts > m_iCurrentPts || m_iCurrentPts == DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)) m_iCurrentPts = m_omx_pkt->dts; // check if stream has passed full duration, needed for live streams if(pkt.dts != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { int64_t duration; duration = pkt.dts; if(pStream->start_time != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE) duration -= pStream->start_time; if(duration > pStream->duration) { pStream->duration = duration; duration = m_dllAvUtil.av_rescale_rnd(pStream->duration, (int64_t)pStream->time_base.num * AV_TIME_BASE, pStream->time_base.den, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF); if ((m_pFormatContext->duration == (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE) || (m_pFormatContext->duration != (int64_t)AV_NOPTS_VALUE && duration > m_pFormatContext->duration)) m_pFormatContext->duration = duration; } } m_dllAvCodec.av_free_packet(&pkt); UnLock(); return m_omx_pkt; }
int CFileLoaderThread::DoThreadWork() { int i; // Check for shutdown event if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject( GetShutdownHandle(), 0 ) ) { return 0; } // No changes to list right now Lock(); // Move new items to work list int newItems = m_FileList.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < newItems; i++ ) { // Move to pending and issue async i/o calls m_Pending.AddToTail( m_FileList[ i ] ); m_nTotalPending++; } m_FileList.RemoveAll(); // Done adding new work items Unlock(); int remaining = m_Pending.Count(); if ( !remaining ) return 1; int workitems = remaining; // min( remaining, 1000 ); CUtlVector< SentenceRequest * > transfer; for ( i = 0; i < workitems; i++ ) { SentenceRequest *r = m_Pending[ 0 ]; m_Pending.Remove( 0 ); transfer.AddToTail( r ); // Do the work m_nTotalProcessed++; r->valid = SceneManager_LoadSentenceFromWavFileUsingIO( r->filename, r->sentence, m_ThreadIO ); } // Now move to completed list Lock(); for ( i = 0; i < workitems; i++ ) { SentenceRequest *r = transfer[ i ]; if ( r->valid ) { m_nTotalCompleted++; m_Completed.AddToTail( r ); } else { delete r; } } Unlock(); return 1; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input handler that locks the door. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseDoor::InputLock( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Lock(); }
void CDVDPerformanceCounter::DeInitialize() { Lock(); Unlock(); }
inline void Factory::run() { DeviceParamMap paramMap; /* Create the thread to update the Disk status */ while (1) { paramMap.clear(); { /* Got all the device param */ Lock(); DeviceMap::iterator it = m_DeviceMap.begin(); for(; it!=m_DeviceMap.end(); ++it) { s32 nIndex = (*it).first; DeviceParam pParam; Device *pDevice = m_DeviceMap[nIndex]; if (pDevice == NULL) { continue;//TODO } pDevice->GetDeviceParam(pParam); paramMap[nIndex] = pParam; } UnLock(); } { /* Loop all the deviceparam */ DeviceParamMap::iterator it = paramMap.begin(); for(; it!=paramMap.end(); ++it) { /* Loop to check the device and update the url */ s32 nIndex = (*it).first; (*it).second.m_wipOnline = (*it).second.CheckOnline(); if ((*it).second.m_OnlineUrl == FALSE) { (*it).second.m_wipOnlineUrl = (*it).second.UpdateUrl(); } } } { /* Loop all the deviceparam result and set to device */ DeviceParamMap::iterator it = paramMap.begin(); for(; it!=paramMap.end(); ++it) { /* Loop to check the device and update the url */ s32 nIndex = (*it).first; Lock(); DeviceMap::iterator it1 = m_DeviceMap.find(nIndex), ite1 = m_DeviceMap.end(); if (it1 == ite1) { /* the id may be delete */ UnLock(); continue; } DeviceStatus bCheck = m_DeviceMap[nIndex]->CheckDevice( (*it).second.m_strUrl, (*it).second.m_strUrlSubStream, (*it).second.m_bHasSubStream, (*it).second.m_wipOnline, (*it).second.m_wipOnlineUrl); FactoryDeviceChangeData change; change.id = nIndex; switch (bCheck) { case DEV_OFF2ON: { change.type = FACTORY_DEVICE_ONLINE; m_DeviceOnlineMap[nIndex] = 1; UnLock(); CallDeviceChange(change); Lock(); break; } case DEV_ON2OFF: { change.type = FACTORY_DEVICE_OFFLINE; m_DeviceOnlineMap[nIndex] = 0; UnLock(); CallDeviceChange(change); Lock(); break; } default: { break; } } UnLock(); } } ve_sleep(1000 * 20); } }
ECRESULT ECSessionGroup::AddNotificationTable(ECSESSIONID ulSessionId, unsigned int ulType, unsigned int ulObjType, unsigned int ulTableId, sObjectTableKey* lpsChildRow, sObjectTableKey* lpsPrevRow, struct propValArray *lpRow) { ECRESULT hr = erSuccess; Lock(); struct notification *lpNotify = new struct notification; memset(lpNotify, 0, sizeof(notification)); lpNotify->tab = new notificationTable; memset(lpNotify->tab, 0, sizeof(notificationTable)); lpNotify->ulEventType = fnevTableModified; lpNotify->tab->ulTableEvent = ulType; if(lpsChildRow && (lpsChildRow->ulObjId > 0 || lpsChildRow->ulOrderId > 0)) { lpNotify->tab->propIndex.ulPropTag = PR_INSTANCE_KEY; lpNotify->tab->propIndex.__union = SOAP_UNION_propValData_bin; lpNotify->tab->propIndex.Value.bin = new struct xsd__base64Binary; lpNotify->tab->propIndex.Value.bin->__ptr = new unsigned char[sizeof(ULONG)*2]; lpNotify->tab->propIndex.Value.bin->__size = sizeof(ULONG)*2; memcpy(lpNotify->tab->propIndex.Value.bin->__ptr, &lpsChildRow->ulObjId, sizeof(ULONG)); memcpy(lpNotify->tab->propIndex.Value.bin->__ptr+sizeof(ULONG), &lpsChildRow->ulOrderId, sizeof(ULONG)); }else { lpNotify->tab->propIndex.ulPropTag = PR_NULL; lpNotify->tab->propIndex.__union = SOAP_UNION_propValData_ul; } if(lpsPrevRow && (lpsPrevRow->ulObjId > 0 || lpsPrevRow->ulOrderId > 0)) { lpNotify->tab->propPrior.ulPropTag = PR_INSTANCE_KEY; lpNotify->tab->propPrior.__union = SOAP_UNION_propValData_bin; lpNotify->tab->propPrior.Value.bin = new struct xsd__base64Binary; lpNotify->tab->propPrior.Value.bin->__ptr = new unsigned char[sizeof(ULONG)*2]; lpNotify->tab->propPrior.Value.bin->__size = sizeof(ULONG)*2; memcpy(lpNotify->tab->propPrior.Value.bin->__ptr, &lpsPrevRow->ulObjId, sizeof(ULONG)); memcpy(lpNotify->tab->propPrior.Value.bin->__ptr+sizeof(ULONG), &lpsPrevRow->ulOrderId, sizeof(ULONG)); }else { lpNotify->tab->propPrior.__union = SOAP_UNION_propValData_ul; lpNotify->tab->propPrior.ulPropTag = PR_NULL; } lpNotify->tab->ulObjType = ulObjType; if(lpRow) { lpNotify->tab->pRow = new struct propValArray; lpNotify->tab->pRow->__ptr = lpRow->__ptr; lpNotify->tab->pRow->__size = lpRow->__size; } AddNotification(lpNotify, ulTableId, 0, ulSessionId); //Free by lpRow if(lpNotify->tab->pRow){ lpNotify->tab->pRow->__ptr = NULL; lpNotify->tab->pRow->__size = 0; } //Free struct FreeNotificationStruct(lpNotify); Unlock(); return hr; }
void CStringz::Refresh() { if (mh) { Lock(); UnLock(); } }
STDMETHODIMP CGfxTitanII::CreateSurfaces() { HRESULT hr; int i; DWORD height,width,buffers,hpad,wpad; if(m_dwWidth==0 || m_dwHeight==0 /*|| m_hwnd==0*/) return E_FAIL; if(m_pVr && m_dwWidth==m_dwOldWidth && m_dwHeight==m_dwOldHeight && m_hwnd==m_Oldhwnd) return S_OK; if(m_bBSMMode == TRUE) { m_BSM_Init(m_pVr); } m_dwOldWidth = m_dwWidth; m_dwOldHeight = m_dwHeight; m_Oldhwnd = m_hwnd; //VR_LAYER_OVERLAY:VR_LAYER_PRIMARY #if defined(SIRF_NOTEBOOK ) || defined(RTK_TITAN_II) hr = m_CVR_SetRenderLayer(m_pVr, VR_LAYER_PRIMARY,0.0f); #else hr = m_CVR_SetRenderLayer(m_pVr, VR_LAYER_OVERLAY,0.0f); #endif //[optional] it will change settings in renderer. //TITAN_BITMAP_ORDER: this is the set the bitmap data order //inputted. //pInBuf: the pointer of input data block //data_size: the size of input data block //pOutBuf: the pointer of output data block. //CVR_EscapeCtrl(m_pVr, TITAN_BITMAP_ORDER, pInBuf, data_size, pOutBuf); //[optional] it will set the display mode //mode: the display mode to be set hr = m_CVR_SetDisplayMode(m_pVr, m_dispmode); //if(m_dwHeight<480) // m_sy = 2; // double the height! //else m_sy = 1; //if(m_bUseDSP) //{ // DSP renderer // alignx = 16; // 16 is required (spec doesn't specify) // aligny = 4; // hr = CVR_EscapeCtrl(m_pVr,TITAN_DSP_RENDERER,0,0,0); // if(hr!=VR_OK) // { // // do something here. // } //} //else { // alignx = 2; /* actually 2, but we prefer this for our averaging ops */ // aligny = 2; } buffers = m_dwMaxBuffers+1; wpad = ~(m_dwWidth-1) & (ALIGNX-1); width = m_dwWidth+wpad; height = m_dwHeight*m_sy; hpad = ~(height-1) & (ALIGNY-1); height = height+hpad; //width = width + (width&0xf); //height = height + (height&0xf); //SetDisplayMode(1); m_iYPitch = width; m_iUVPitch = m_iYPitch>>1; //hr = CVR_SetVideoFormat(m_pVr, 0, width, height, 0, &m_iYPitch, &m_iUVPitch); //Set the Video parameters. //VR_FORMAT_I420: set the input data format as I420 //width: width of source frame //height: height of source frame //rect: the source rect //LumPitch: pitch of lum //ChromPitch: pitch of chrom width = ROOF(m_dwWidth, ALIGNX); if(m_bBSMMode == TRUE) height = ROOF(m_dwHeight, ALIGNY); else height = m_dwHeight; VR_SRCRECT rect; rect.left= 0; rect.right = m_dwWidth; rect.top = 0; rect.bottom= m_dwHeight; hr = m_CVR_SetVideoFormat(m_pVr, VR_FORMAT_I420, width, height, &rect, &m_iYPitch, &m_iUVPitch); SetDeinterlaceMode(m_deinterlace_mode); if(!m_bBSMMode) { m_pBackBuffer = new LPVR_FRAME_SURFACE[buffers]; ZeroMemory(m_pBackBuffer,sizeof(m_pBackBuffer[0])*buffers); for(i=0;i<(signed)buffers;i++) { hr = m_CVR_CreateSurface(m_pVr,&m_pBackBuffer[i],1); if(hr!=VR_OK) break; } if(i==0) { delete[] m_pBackBuffer; m_pBackBuffer = 0; //CVR_DeleteVideoRender(m_pVr); //m_pVr = 0; return E_FAIL; } if(i>1) { // make sure we have at least one surface available for background scratch, otherwise hang. m_CVR_DestroySurface(m_pVr,m_pBackBuffer[--i]); ZeroMemory(&m_pBackBuffer[i],sizeof(m_pBackBuffer[i])); } m_dwBackBuffers = i; // clear out buffers unsigned char *pb; LONG lstride; int xl,xr,yt,yb,ht; yt = hpad>>1&~1; yb = hpad - yt; xl = 0; // (wpad>>1)&~3; xr = wpad -xl; ht = m_dwHeight*m_sy; for(i=0;i<(signed)m_dwBackBuffers;i++) { if(SUCCEEDED(Lock(i, (LPVOID *)&pb, &lstride, 0))) { clearoutsiderect(pb,m_dwWidth,ht,lstride,0,xl,xr,yt,yb); clearoutsiderect(pb+height*width,m_dwWidth>>1,ht>>1,lstride>>1,128,xl>>1,xr>>1,yt>>1,yb>>1); clearoutsiderect(pb+height*width+(height*width>>2),m_dwWidth>>1,ht>>1,lstride>>1,128,xl>>1,xr>>1,yt>>1,yb>>1); Unlock(i); } }
TInt DPowerManager::PowerDown() { // called by ExecHandler __KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER,Kern::Printf(">PowerManger::PowerDown(0x%x) Enter", iPowerController->iTargetState)); __ASSERT_CRITICAL; Lock(); if (iPowerController->iTargetState == EPwActive) { Unlock(); return KErrNotReady; } __PM_ASSERT(iHandlers); NFastSemaphore shutdownSem(0); NTimer ntimer; TDfc dfc(ShutDownTimeoutFn, &shutdownSem); #ifndef _DEBUG_POWER iPendingShutdownCount = 0; #endif DPowerHandler* ph = iHandlers; //Power down in reverse order of handle registration. do { #ifdef _DEBUG_POWER __PM_ASSERT(!(ph->iStatus & DPowerHandler::EDone)); #endif ph->iSem = &shutdownSem; ph->PowerDown(iPowerController->iTargetState); #ifndef _DEBUG_POWER iPendingShutdownCount++; #else if(iPslShutdownTimeoutMs>0) { // Fire shut down timeout timer ntimer.OneShot(iPslShutdownTimeoutMs, dfc); } NKern::FSWait(&shutdownSem); // power down drivers one after another to simplify debug __e32_atomic_and_ord32(&(ph->iStatus), ~DPowerHandler::EDone); // timeout condition if(iPslShutdownTimeoutMs>0 && ph->iSem) { __e32_atomic_store_ord_ptr(&ph->iSem, 0); } ntimer.Cancel(); #endif ph = ph->iPrev; }while(ph != iHandlers); #ifndef _DEBUG_POWER if(iPslShutdownTimeoutMs>0) { // Fire shut down timeout timer ntimer.OneShot(iPslShutdownTimeoutMs, dfc); } ph = iHandlers; do { NKern::FSWait(&shutdownSem); if(__e32_atomic_load_acq32(&iPendingShutdownCount)==ESHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) { iPendingShutdownCount = 0; NKern::Lock(); shutdownSem.Reset(); // iPendingShutdownCount could be altered while ShutDownTimeoutFn is running // reset it to make sure shutdownSem is completely clean. NKern::Unlock(); break; } __e32_atomic_add_ord32(&iPendingShutdownCount, (TUint)(~0x0)); // iPendingShutDownCount--; ph = ph->iPrev; }while(ph != iHandlers); ntimer.Cancel(); #endif TTickQ::Wait(); iPowerController->PowerDown(K::SecondQ->WakeupTime()); __PM_ASSERT(iPowerController->iTargetState != EPwOff); iPowerController->iTargetState = EPwActive; K::SecondQ->WakeUp(); TTickQ::Signal(); NFastSemaphore powerupSem(0); ph = iHandlers->iNext; //Power up in same order of handle registration. do { #ifdef _DEBUG_POWER __PM_ASSERT(!(ph->iStatus & DPowerHandler::EDone)); #endif ph->iSem = &powerupSem; ph->PowerUp(); #ifdef _DEBUG_POWER NKern::FSWait(&powerupSem); // power down drivers one after another to simplify debug __PM_ASSERT(!ph->iSem); __PM_ASSERT(ph->iStatus & DPowerHandler::EDone); ph->iStatus &= ~DPowerHandler::EDone; #endif ph = ph->iNext; }while(ph != iHandlers->iNext); #ifndef _DEBUG_POWER ph = iHandlers->iNext; do { NKern::FSWait(&powerupSem); ph = ph->iNext; }while(ph != iHandlers->iNext); #endif // complete wakeup notification request if any NotifyWakeupEvent(KErrNone); Unlock(); __KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER,Kern::Printf("<PowerManger::PowerDown() Leave")); return KErrNone; }
/*** Open a file. If the file exists it is openned "rb+" else it is openned "wb+". Parameters: - szNameFile: Name of file (just the name or full path) - szMode - iShFlag Return: E_NOTOPEN or OK (errno e' setado) ***/ int C_File::Open( const char *szNameFile, const char *szModePar, int iShFlagPar, BOOL bWait ) { C_FileCritSect cCS0( this, CRITSECT0 ); int iMode; DWORD dwShMode; DWORD dwCreateMode; if( (_bIs32s && iFile != -1) || (!_bIs32s && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ){ return( !OK ); } strcpy( szFileName, szNameFile ? szNameFile : "" ); strcpy( szMode, szModePar ? szModePar : "" ); iShFlag = iShFlagPar; do{ iMode = Mode16( szModePar ); dwAccess = Mode( szModePar ); dwShMode = ShMode( iShFlagPar ); dwCreateMode = szModePar ? CreateMode( szModePar ) : Exist( szFileName ) ? OPEN_EXISTING : CREATE_ALWAYS; if( _bIs32s ){ if( szModePar != NULL ){ if( iMode & O_CREAT ){ iFile = sopen( szNameFile, iMode, iShFlagPar, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE ); } else { iFile = sopen( szNameFile, iMode, iShFlagPar ); } } else { if( Exist( szNameFile ) ){ iFile = sopen( szNameFile, O_BINARY | O_RDWR, iShFlagPar ); } else { iFile = sopen( szNameFile, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CREAT, iShFlagPar, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE ); } } } else { saSecurity.nLength = sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ); saSecurity.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; saSecurity.bInheritHandle = TRUE; hFile = CreateFile( szNameFile, dwAccess, dwShMode, &saSecurity, dwCreateMode, (DWORD) (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN), NULL ); } if( (_bIs32s && iFile == -1) || (!_bIs32s && hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ){ if( _bIs32s ){ if( errno == EEXIST && (iMode & O_EXCL) ){ // ************************************************************ // ATENCAO: // ************************************************************ // nao tentar fechar outro arquivo para re-abrir este se // errno == EEXIST && (iMode & O_EXCL) // ************************************************************ iFile = -1; return( !OK ); } if( errno == EACCES && bWait ){ // o arquivo nao foi aberto porque estah sendo // usado por outro processo em modo exclusivo. // esperar um pouco e tentar novamente Sleep( 1000 ); // 1 segundo hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; iFile = -1; // antes de continuar o loop, sair e entrar // novamente em regiao critica, para possibilitar // outros threads rodarem cCS0.LeaveCriticalSection(); cCS0.EnterCriticalSection(); continue; } if( errno != EMFILE ){ iFile = -1; return( !OK ); } } else { if( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && (dwCreateMode == CREATE_NEW) ){ // ************************************************************ // ATENCAO: // ************************************************************ // nao tentar fechar outro arquivo para reabrir este se // GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && (dwCreateMode == CREATE_NEW) // ************************************************************ return( !OK ); } if( GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION && bWait ){ // o arquivo nao foi aberto porque estah sendo // usado por outro processo em modo exclusivo. // esperar um pouco e tentar novamente Sleep( 1000 ); // 1 segundo hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; iFile = -1; // antes de continuar o loop, sair e entrar // novamente em regiao critica, para possibilitar // outros threads rodarem cCS0.LeaveCriticalSection(); cCS0.EnterCriticalSection(); continue; } if( GetLastError() != ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES ){ #ifdef _USE_PRINTF_ Printf( "C_File: Deu um erro doidao no Open." ); Printf( "C_File: Fudeu em <%s>", szNameFile ); #endif hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; iFile = -1; return( !OK ); } } #ifdef _USE_PRINTF_ Printf( "C_File: Muitos arquivos abertos. Vou terminar." ); #endif return( !OK ); } } while ( (_bIs32s && iFile == -1) || (!_bIs32s && hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ); if( this == _xFile ){ Seek( 0, SEEK_SET ); char szCaca[ 50 ]; sprintf( szCaca, "%d", ++_iNumXDat ); Write( szCaca, strlen( szCaca ) ); Seek( 0, SEEK_SET ); Lock( strlen( szCaca ) ); #ifdef _USE_PRINTF_ Printf( "C_File: Abri o _xFile****************************" ); #endif } if( strstr( szMode, "a" ) != NULL ){ Seek( 0L, SEEK_END ); } Hash(); _iNumOpenFiles++; #ifdef _USE_PRINTF_ Printf( "C_File: Abri o arquivo <%d> (nome = <%s> - handle = <%d>)", _iNumOpenFiles, szNameFile ? szNameFile : "NULL", _bIs32s ? iFile : (int) hFile ); #endif // MMF: apenas se nao for 32s e se iHeadSize estiver setado para um valor maior que 0 if( !_bIs32s && iHeadSize > 0 ){ // pegar o tamanho da janela no .ini char szFullIniName[ MAXPATH ]; GetAppFullPath( szFullIniName, MAXPATH ); iMMFWinSize = GetPrivateProfileInt( CONFIG_SESSION, WINDOWSIZE_KEY, WINDOWSIZE_DEFAULT, szFullIniName ); // se o tamanho da janela for <= 0, significa que o usuario nao quer usar MMF hMMF = NULL; if( iMMFWinSize > 0 ){ hMMF = CreateFileMapping( hFile, NULL, (dwAccess & GENERIC_WRITE) ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL ); } pHeadView = NULL; pWinView = NULL; iWinNum = 0; iSeekWin = 0; } bRealLock = _bStaticRealLock; return( OK ); }
void cRoot::QueueExecuteConsoleCommand(const AString & a_Cmd, cCommandOutputCallback & a_Output) { // Put the command into a queue (Alleviates FS #363): cCSLock Lock(m_CSPendingCommands); m_PendingCommands.emplace_back(a_Cmd, &a_Output); }
status_t OHCI::CancelQueuedTransfers(Pipe *pipe, bool force) { if (pipe->Type() & USB_OBJECT_ISO_PIPE) return _CancelQueuedIsochronousTransfers(pipe, force); if (!Lock()) return B_ERROR; struct transfer_entry { Transfer * transfer; transfer_entry * next; }; transfer_entry *list = NULL; transfer_data *current = fFirstTransfer; while (current) { if (current->transfer && current->transfer->TransferPipe() == pipe) { // Check if the skip bit is already set if (!(current->endpoint->flags & OHCI_ENDPOINT_SKIP)) { current->endpoint->flags |= OHCI_ENDPOINT_SKIP; // In case the controller is processing // this endpoint, wait for it to finish snooze(1000); } // Clear the endpoint current->endpoint->head_physical_descriptor = current->endpoint->tail_physical_descriptor; if (!force) { // If the transfer is canceled by force, the one causing the // cancel is probably not the one who initiated the transfer // and the callback is likely not safe anymore transfer_entry *entry = (transfer_entry *)malloc(sizeof(transfer_entry)); if (entry != NULL) { entry->transfer = current->transfer; current->transfer = NULL; entry->next = list; list = entry; } } current->canceled = true; } current = current->link; } Unlock(); while (list != NULL) { transfer_entry *next = list->next; list->transfer->Finished(B_CANCELED, 0); delete list->transfer; free(list); list = next; } // wait for any transfers that might have made it before canceling while (fProcessingPipe == pipe) snooze(1000); // notify the finisher so it can clean up the canceled transfers release_sem_etc(fFinishTransfersSem, 1, B_DO_NOT_RESCHEDULE); return B_OK; }
void cRoot::QueueExecuteConsoleCommand(const AString & a_Cmd) { // Put the command into a queue (Alleviates FS #363): cCSLock Lock(m_CSPendingCommands); m_PendingCommands.push_back(cCommand(a_Cmd, new cLogCommandDeleteSelfOutputCallback)); }
void OHCI::_FinishTransfers() { while (!fStopFinishThread) { if (acquire_sem(fFinishTransfersSem) < B_OK) continue; // eat up sems that have been released by multiple interrupts int32 semCount = 0; get_sem_count(fFinishTransfersSem, &semCount); if (semCount > 0) acquire_sem_etc(fFinishTransfersSem, semCount, B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT, 0); if (!Lock()) continue; TRACE("finishing transfers (first transfer: %p; last" " transfer: %p)\n", fFirstTransfer, fLastTransfer); transfer_data *lastTransfer = NULL; transfer_data *transfer = fFirstTransfer; Unlock(); while (transfer) { bool transferDone = false; ohci_general_td *descriptor = transfer->first_descriptor; ohci_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint = transfer->endpoint; status_t callbackStatus = B_OK; MutexLocker endpointLocker(endpoint->lock); if ((endpoint->head_physical_descriptor & OHCI_ENDPOINT_HEAD_MASK) != endpoint->tail_physical_descriptor) { // there are still active transfers on this endpoint, we need // to wait for all of them to complete, otherwise we'd read // a potentially bogus data toggle value below TRACE("endpoint %p still has active tds\n", endpoint); lastTransfer = transfer; transfer = transfer->link; continue; } endpointLocker.Unlock(); while (descriptor && !transfer->canceled) { uint32 status = OHCI_TD_GET_CONDITION_CODE(descriptor->flags); if (status == OHCI_TD_CONDITION_NOT_ACCESSED) { // td is still active TRACE("td %p still active\n", descriptor); break; } if (status != OHCI_TD_CONDITION_NO_ERROR) { // an error occured, but we must ensure that the td // was actually done if (endpoint->head_physical_descriptor & OHCI_ENDPOINT_HALTED) { // the endpoint is halted, this guaratees us that this // descriptor has passed (we don't know if the endpoint // was halted because of this td, but we do not need // to know, as when it was halted by another td this // still ensures that this td was handled before). TRACE_ERROR("td error: 0x%08lx\n", status); switch (status) { case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_CRC_ERROR: case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_BIT_STUFFING: case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_TOGGLE_MISMATCH: callbackStatus = B_DEV_CRC_ERROR; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_STALL: callbackStatus = B_DEV_STALLED; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_NO_RESPONSE: callbackStatus = B_TIMED_OUT; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_PID_CHECK_FAILURE: callbackStatus = B_DEV_BAD_PID; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_UNEXPECTED_PID: callbackStatus = B_DEV_UNEXPECTED_PID; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_DATA_OVERRUN: callbackStatus = B_DEV_DATA_OVERRUN; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_DATA_UNDERRUN: callbackStatus = B_DEV_DATA_UNDERRUN; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_BUFFER_OVERRUN: callbackStatus = B_DEV_FIFO_OVERRUN; break; case OHCI_TD_CONDITION_BUFFER_UNDERRUN: callbackStatus = B_DEV_FIFO_UNDERRUN; break; default: callbackStatus = B_ERROR; break; } transferDone = true; break; } else { // an error occured but the endpoint is not halted so // the td is in fact still active TRACE("td %p active with error\n", descriptor); break; } } // the td has completed without an error TRACE("td %p done\n", descriptor); if (descriptor == transfer->last_descriptor || descriptor->buffer_physical != 0) { // this is the last td of the transfer or a short packet callbackStatus = B_OK; transferDone = true; break; } descriptor = (ohci_general_td *)descriptor->next_logical_descriptor; } if (transfer->canceled) { // when a transfer is canceled, all transfers to that endpoint // are canceled by setting the head pointer to the tail pointer // which causes all of the tds to become "free" (as they are // inaccessible and not accessed anymore (as setting the head // pointer required disabling the endpoint)) callbackStatus = B_OK; transferDone = true; } if (!transferDone) { lastTransfer = transfer; transfer = transfer->link; continue; } // remove the transfer from the list first so we are sure // it doesn't get canceled while we still process it transfer_data *next = transfer->link; if (Lock()) { if (lastTransfer) lastTransfer->link = transfer->link; if (transfer == fFirstTransfer) fFirstTransfer = transfer->link; if (transfer == fLastTransfer) fLastTransfer = lastTransfer; // store the currently processing pipe here so we can wait // in cancel if we are processing something on the target pipe if (!transfer->canceled) fProcessingPipe = transfer->transfer->TransferPipe(); transfer->link = NULL; Unlock(); } // break the descriptor chain on the last descriptor transfer->last_descriptor->next_logical_descriptor = NULL; TRACE("transfer %p done with status 0x%08lx\n", transfer, callbackStatus); // if canceled the callback has already been called if (!transfer->canceled) { size_t actualLength = 0; if (callbackStatus == B_OK) { if (transfer->data_descriptor && transfer->incoming) { // data to read out iovec *vector = transfer->transfer->Vector(); size_t vectorCount = transfer->transfer->VectorCount(); transfer->transfer->PrepareKernelAccess(); actualLength = _ReadDescriptorChain( transfer->data_descriptor, vector, vectorCount); } else if (transfer->data_descriptor) { // read the actual length that was sent actualLength = _ReadActualLength( transfer->data_descriptor); } // get the last data toggle and store it for next time transfer->transfer->TransferPipe()->SetDataToggle( (endpoint->head_physical_descriptor & OHCI_ENDPOINT_TOGGLE_CARRY) != 0); if (transfer->transfer->IsFragmented()) { // this transfer may still have data left TRACE("advancing fragmented transfer\n"); transfer->transfer->AdvanceByFragment(actualLength); if (transfer->transfer->VectorLength() > 0) { TRACE("still %ld bytes left on transfer\n", transfer->transfer->VectorLength()); // TODO actually resubmit the transfer } // the transfer is done, but we already set the // actualLength with AdvanceByFragment() actualLength = 0; } } transfer->transfer->Finished(callbackStatus, actualLength); fProcessingPipe = NULL; } if (callbackStatus != B_OK) { // remove the transfer and make the head pointer valid again // (including clearing the halt state) _RemoveTransferFromEndpoint(transfer); } // free the descriptors _FreeDescriptorChain(transfer->first_descriptor); delete transfer->transfer; delete transfer; transfer = next; } } }
int main (void) { IPTR args[ARG_NUM] = { (IPTR) NULL, (IPTR) NULL, (IPTR) NULL, FALSE, FALSE}; struct RDArgs *rda; ULONG error = 0; locale = OpenLocale(NULL); if (!locale) { PutStr("Could not open locale!\n"); return -1; } rda = ReadArgs(TEMPLATE, args, NULL); if (rda) { BPTR lock_in; lock_in = Lock((STRPTR)args[ARG_FROM], ACCESS_READ); if (lock_in) { BPTR file_out = Open((STRPTR)args[ARG_TO], MODE_NEWFILE); if (NULL != file_out) { struct FileInfoBlock fib; UBYTE * data = NULL; BOOL success = Examine(lock_in, &fib); /* ** Read the input file into memory */ if (fib.fib_Size && DOSTRUE == success) data = AllocVec(fib.fib_Size, MEMF_ANY); if (data) { ULONG read = Read(lock_in, data, fib.fib_Size); if (-1 != read) { struct sorted_data * sd; sd = sort(data, fib.fib_Size, (STRPTR)args[ARG_COLSTART], (BOOL)args[ARG_CASE], (BOOL)args[ARG_NUMERIC]); error = write_data(sd, file_out); } FreeVec(data); }/* if (data) */ Close(file_out); } /* if (file_out) */ UnLock(lock_in); } /* if (lock_in) */ FreeArgs(rda); } else error=RETURN_FAIL; if (error) PrintFault(IoErr(), "Sort"); return error; }
KeymapWindow::KeymapWindow() : BWindow(BRect(80, 50, 880, 380), B_TRANSLATE_SYSTEM_NAME("Keymap"), B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS) { SetLayout(new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL)); fKeyboardLayoutView = new KeyboardLayoutView("layout"); fKeyboardLayoutView->SetKeymap(&fCurrentMap); fTextControl = new BTextControl(B_TRANSLATE("Sample and clipboard:"), "", NULL); fSwitchShortcutsButton = new BButton("switch", "", new BMessage(kMsgSwitchShortcuts)); fRevertButton = new BButton("revertButton", B_TRANSLATE("Revert"), new BMessage(kMsgRevertKeymap)); // controls pane AddChild(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL) .Add(_CreateMenu()) .Add(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_HORIZONTAL, 10) .Add(_CreateMapLists(), 0.25) .Add(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL, 10) .Add(fKeyboardLayoutView) //.Add(new BStringView("text label", "Sample and clipboard:")) .Add(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_HORIZONTAL, 10) .Add(_CreateDeadKeyMenuField(), 0.0) .AddGlue() .Add(fSwitchShortcutsButton)) .Add(fTextControl) .AddGlue(0.0) .Add(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_HORIZONTAL, 10) .AddGlue(0.0) .Add(fRevertButton))) .SetInsets(10, 10, 10, 10))); fKeyboardLayoutView->SetTarget(fTextControl->TextView()); fTextControl->MakeFocus(); // Make sure the user keymap directory exists BPath path; find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, &path); path.Append("Keymap"); entry_ref ref; get_ref_for_path(path.Path(), &ref); BDirectory userKeymapsDir(&ref); if (userKeymapsDir.InitCheck() != B_OK) create_directory(path.Path(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); BMessenger messenger(this); fOpenPanel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &messenger, &ref, B_FILE_NODE, false, NULL); fSavePanel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL, &messenger, &ref, B_FILE_NODE, false, NULL); BRect windowFrame; BString keyboardLayout; _LoadSettings(windowFrame, keyboardLayout); _SetKeyboardLayout(keyboardLayout.String()); ResizeTo(windowFrame.Width(), windowFrame.Height()); MoveTo(windowFrame.LeftTop()); // TODO: this might be a bug in the interface kit, but scrolling to // selection does not correctly work unless the window is shown. Show(); Lock(); // Try and find the current map name in the two list views (if the name // was read at all) _SelectCurrentMap(); KeymapListItem* current = static_cast<KeymapListItem*>(fUserListView->FirstItem()); fCurrentMap.Load(current->EntryRef()); fPreviousMap = fCurrentMap; fAppliedMap = fCurrentMap; fCurrentMap.SetTarget(this, new BMessage(kMsgKeymapUpdated)); _UpdateButtons(); _UpdateDeadKeyMenu(); _UpdateSwitchShortcutButton(); Unlock(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Locks the button. If locked, the button will play the locked sound // when the player tries to use it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseButton::InputLock( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Lock(); }
bool ServerSideScripting::EvaluatePage( QTextStream *pOutStream, const QString &sFileName ) { try { bool bFound( false ); ScriptInfo *pInfo = NULL; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // See if page has already been loaded // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lock(); if ( (bFound = m_mapScripts.contains( sFileName )) == true ) pInfo = m_mapScripts[ sFileName ]; Unlock(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Load Script File and Create Function // ------------------------------------------------------------------ QFileInfo fileInfo ( sFileName ); QDateTime dtLastModified = fileInfo.lastModified(); if ((pInfo == NULL) || (pInfo->m_dtTimeStamp != dtLastModified )) { QString sCode = CreateMethodFromFile( sFileName ); QScriptValue func = m_engine.evaluate( sCode, sFileName ); if ( m_engine.hasUncaughtException() ) { VERBOSE( VB_IMPORTANT, QString( "Error Loading QSP File: %1 - (%2)%3" ) .arg( sFileName ) .arg( m_engine.uncaughtExceptionLineNumber() ) .arg( m_engine.uncaughtException().toString() )); return false; } if (pInfo != NULL) { pInfo->m_oFunc = func; pInfo->m_dtTimeStamp = dtLastModified; } else { pInfo = new ScriptInfo( func, dtLastModified ); Lock(); m_mapScripts[ sFileName ] = pInfo; Unlock(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Execute function to render output // ------------------------------------------------------------------ OutputStream outStream( pOutStream ); QScriptValueList args; args << m_engine.newQObject( &outStream ); pInfo->m_oFunc.call( QScriptValue(), args ); if (m_engine.hasUncaughtException()) { VERBOSE( VB_IMPORTANT, QString( "Error calling QSP File: %1 - %2" ) .arg( sFileName ) .arg( m_engine.uncaughtException().toString() )); return false; } } catch( ... ) { VERBOSE( VB_IMPORTANT, QString( "Exception while evaluating QSP File: %1" ) .arg( sFileName )); return false; } return true; }
SparseVector *StructuredSVM::GetCurrentWeights(bool lock) { if(lock) Lock(); SparseVector *retval = sum_w->mult_scalar(sum_w_scale ? 1.0/(sum_w_scale) : 0, NULL).ptr(); if(lock) Unlock(); return retval; }
HRESULT CMSPThread::Stop() /*++ Routine Description: Stop the thread. Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMSPThread::Stop - enter")); CLock Lock(m_CountLock); // // Complain if we get more Stops than Starts. // if ( m_iStartCount == 0 ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPThread::Stop - thread already stopped - " "exit E_FAIL")); return E_FAIL; } // // Decrement the start count. Due to the above check we should // never go below zero. // m_iStartCount--; _ASSERTE( m_iStartCount >= 0 ); // // If there have now been just as many stops as starts, it's time to stop // the thread. // if ( m_iStartCount == 0 ) { // // Our state should be cleaned up from before. // _ASSERTE(m_hCommandEvent != NULL); _ASSERTE(m_hThread != NULL); // // Allocate a command queue item which we will pass to the thread. // COMMAND_QUEUE_ITEM * pItem = new COMMAND_QUEUE_ITEM; if ( ! pItem ) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPThread::Stop - allocate new queue item")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pItem->node.cmd = STOP; // // Put the command queue item in the command queue. // m_QueueLock.Lock(); InsertTailList(&m_CommandQueue, &(pItem->link)); m_QueueLock.Unlock(); // // Signal thread to process this stop command. // if (SignalThreadProc() == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPThread::Stop - can't signal the thread - " "exit E_FAIL")); return E_FAIL; } // // Wait until the thread stops // if (::WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CMSPThread::Stop - timeout while waiting for the " "thread to stop")); } // // Clean up our state. // ::CloseHandle(m_hCommandEvent); ::CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hCommandEvent = NULL; m_hThread = NULL; } LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMSPThread::Stop - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
bool FVisualStudioSourceCodeAccessor::OpenVisualStudioFilesInternalViaDTE(const TArray<FileOpenRequest>& Requests, bool& bWasDeferred) { ISourceCodeAccessModule& SourceCodeAccessModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<ISourceCodeAccessModule>(TEXT("SourceCodeAccess")); // Initialize the com library, if not already by this thread if (!FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoInitialize()) { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Error, TEXT( "ERROR - Could not initialize COM library!" )); return false; } bool bDefer = false, bSuccess = false; TComPtr<EnvDTE::_DTE> DTE; const FString SolutionPath = GetSolutionPath(); switch (AccessVisualStudioViaDTE(DTE, SolutionPath, GetPrioritizedVisualStudioVersions(SolutionPath))) { case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsOpen: { // Set Focus on Visual Studio TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> MainWindow; if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_MainWindow(&MainWindow)) && SUCCEEDED(MainWindow->Activate())) { // Get ItemOperations TComPtr<EnvDTE::ItemOperations> ItemOperations; if (SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_ItemOperations(&ItemOperations))) { for ( const FileOpenRequest& Request : Requests ) { // Check that the file actually exists first if ( !FPaths::FileExists(Request.FullPath) ) { SourceCodeAccessModule.OnOpenFileFailed().Broadcast(Request.FullPath); bSuccess |= false; continue; } // Open File auto ANSIPath = StringCast<ANSICHAR>(*Request.FullPath); FComBSTR COMStrFileName(ANSIPath.Get()); FComBSTR COMStrKind(EnvDTE::vsViewKindTextView); TComPtr<EnvDTE::Window> Window; if ( SUCCEEDED(ItemOperations->OpenFile(COMStrFileName, COMStrKind, &Window)) ) { // If we've made it this far - we've opened the file. it doesn't matter if // we successfully get to the line number. Everything else is gravy. bSuccess |= true; // Scroll to Line Number TComPtr<EnvDTE::Document> Document; TComPtr<IDispatch> SelectionDispatch; TComPtr<EnvDTE::TextSelection> Selection; if ( SUCCEEDED(DTE->get_ActiveDocument(&Document)) && SUCCEEDED(Document->get_Selection(&SelectionDispatch)) && SelectionDispatch && SUCCEEDED(SelectionDispatch->QueryInterface(&Selection)) && SUCCEEDED(Selection->GotoLine(Request.LineNumber, VARIANT_TRUE)) ) { if ( !SUCCEEDED(Selection->MoveToLineAndOffset(Request.LineNumber, Request.ColumnNumber, false)) ) { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't goto column number '%i' of line '%i' in '%s'"), Request.ColumnNumber, Request.LineNumber, *Request.FullPath); } } else { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't goto line number '%i' in '%s'"), Request.LineNumber, *Request.FullPath); } } else { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't open file '%s'."), *Request.FullPath); } } VSLaunchFinished( true ); } else { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Log, TEXT("Couldn't get item operations. Visual Studio may still be initializing.")); bDefer = true; } } else { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't set focus on Visual Studio.")); } } break; case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsNotOpen: { bDefer = true; // We can't process until we're in the main thread, if we aren't initially defer until we are if ( IsInGameThread() ) { // If we haven't already attempted to launch VS do so now if ( !IsVSLaunchInProgress() ) { // If there's no valid instance of VS running, run one if we have it installed if ( !RunVisualStudioAndOpenSolution() ) { bDefer = false; } else { VSLaunchStarted(); } } } } break; case EAccessVisualStudioResult::VSInstanceIsBlocked: { // VS may be open for the solution we want, but we can't query it right now as it's blocked for some reason // Defer this operation so we can try it again later should VS become unblocked bDefer = true; } break; default: // Do nothing if we failed the VS detection, otherwise we could get stuck in a loop of constantly // trying to open a VS instance since we can't detect that one is already running bDefer = false; break; } if ( !bSuccess ) { // If we have attempted to launch VS, and it's taken too long, timeout so the user can try again if ( IsVSLaunchInProgress() && ( FPlatformTime::Seconds() - VSLaunchTime ) > 300 ) { // We need todo this in case the process died or was kill prior to the code gaining focus of it bDefer = false; VSLaunchFinished(false); // We failed to open the solution and file, so lets just use the platforms default opener. for ( const FileOpenRequest& Request : Requests ) { FPlatformProcess::LaunchFileInDefaultExternalApplication(*Request.FullPath); } } // Defer the request until VS is available to take hold of if ( bDefer ) { FScopeLock Lock(&DeferredRequestsCriticalSection); DeferredRequests.Append(Requests); } else if ( !bSuccess ) { UE_LOG(LogVSAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't access Visual Studio")); } } // Uninitialize the com library, if we initialized it above (don't call if S_FALSE) FWindowsPlatformMisc::CoUninitialize(); bWasDeferred = bDefer; return bSuccess; }
HRESULT CMSPThread::Start() /*++ Routine Description: Create the thread if it has not already been created. Otherwise, just keep track of how many times the thread start was performed so that we only stop the thread when all of these have been paired with a stop. Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMSPThread::Start - enter")); CLock Lock(m_CountLock); if ( m_iStartCount == 0 ) { _ASSERTE(m_hCommandEvent == NULL); _ASSERTE(m_hThread == NULL); TCHAR *ptczEventName = NULL; #if DBG // // in debug build, use named events // TCHAR tszEventName[MAX_PATH]; _stprintf_s(tszEventName, _T("CMSPThread_CommandEvent_pid[0x%lx]CMSPThread[%p]"), GetCurrentProcessId(), this); LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMSPThread::Start - creating event[%S]", tszEventName)); ptczEventName = &tszEventName[0]; #endif if ((m_hCommandEvent = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // flag for manual-reset event FALSE, // initial state is not set. ptczEventName // No name in release builds, named in debug builds )) == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't create the command event")); return E_FAIL; } DWORD dwThreadID; m_hThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, gfThreadProc, this, 0, &dwThreadID); if (m_hThread == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't create thread. %ld", GetLastError())); return E_FAIL; } } m_iStartCount++; LOG((MSP_TRACE, "CMSPThread::Start - exit S_OK")); return S_OK; }
void cProtocol125::SendPlayerPosition(void) { cCSLock Lock(m_CSPacket); LOGD("Ignore send PlayerPos"); // PlayerPos is a C->S packet only now }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // initialize QMiner environment TQm::TEnv::Init(); // create app environment Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify); Env.SetNoLine(); // making output prettier // command line parameters Env.PrepArgs("QMiner " + TQm::TEnv::GetVersion(), 0); // read the action const bool ConfigP = Env.IsArgStr("config"); const bool CreateP = Env.IsArgStr("create"); const bool StartP = Env.IsArgStr("start"); const bool StopP = Env.IsArgStr("stop"); const bool ReloadP = Env.IsArgStr("reload"); const bool DebugP = Env.IsArgStr("debug"); // stop if no action given const bool ActionP = (ConfigP || CreateP || StartP || StopP || ReloadP || DebugP); // provide basic instruction when no action given if (!ActionP) { printf("\n"); printf("Usage: qm ACTION [OPTION]...\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Actions: config, create, start, stop, reload, debug\n"); } else { Env.SetSilent(); } // configuration file const TStr ConfFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-conf=", "qm.conf", "Configration file"); // read config-specific parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nConfiguration parameters:\n"); } const int PortN = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-port=", 8080, "Port number"); const int CacheSizeMB = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-cache=", 1024, "Cache size"); const bool OverwriteP = Env.IsArgStr("-overwrite", "Overwrite existing configuration file"); // read create-specific parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nCreate parameters:\n"); } const TStr StoreDefFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-def=", "", "Store definition file"); // read start-specific parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nStart parameters:\n"); } const bool RdOnlyP = Env.IsArgStr("-rdonly", "Open database in Read-only mode"); const bool NoLoopP = Env.IsArgStr("-noserver", "Do not start server after script execution"); // read stop-specific parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nStop parameters:\n"); } const int ReturnCode = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-return=", 0, "Return code"); // read reload-specific parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nReload parameters:\n"); } TStrV ReloadNmV = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStrV("-name=", "Script name"); // read debug request parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nDebug parameters:\n"); } TStr DebugFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-prefix=", "Debug-", "Prefix of debug output files"); TStrV DebugTaskV = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStrV("-task=", "Debug tasks [indexvoc, index, stores, <store>, <store>_ALL]"); // read logging specific parameters if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nLogging parameters:\n"); } TStr LogFPath = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-log=", "std", "Log Folder (std for standard output, null for silent)"); const bool Verbose = Env.IsArgStr("-v", "Verbose output (used for debugging)"); if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\n"); } // stop if no action specified if (!ActionP) { return 0; } // initialize notifier TQm::TEnv::InitLogger(Verbose ? 2 : 1, LogFPath, true); printf("\n"); // Create directory structure with basic qm.conf file if (ConfigP) { // check so we don't overwrite any existing configuration file if (TFile::Exists(ConfFNm) && ! OverwriteP) { TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatus("Configuration file already exists (" + ConfFNm + ")"); TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatus("Use -overwrite to force overwrite"); return 2; } // create configuration file PJsonVal ConfigVal = TJsonVal::NewObj(); ConfigVal->AddToObj("port", PortN); PJsonVal CacheVal = TJsonVal::NewObj(); CacheVal->AddToObj("index", CacheSizeMB); CacheVal->AddToObj("store", CacheSizeMB); ConfigVal->AddToObj("cache", CacheVal); // save configuration file ConfigVal->SaveStr().SaveTxt(ConfFNm); // make folders if needed if (!TFile::Exists("db")) { TDir::GenDir("db"); } if (!TFile::Exists("src")) { TDir::GenDir("src"); } if (!TFile::Exists("src/lib")) { TDir::GenDir("src/lib"); } if (!TFile::Exists("sandbox")) { TDir::GenDir("sandbox"); } } // parse configuration file TQmParam Param(ConfFNm); // prepare lock TFileLock Lock(Param.LockFNm); // Initialize empty database if (CreateP) { // do not mess with folders with existing running qminer instance Lock.Lock(); // initialize base TQm::PGenericBase GenericBase = TQm::TGenericBase::New(Param.DbFPath, 16, 16); // initialize stores if (!StoreDefFNm.Empty()) { PJsonVal StoreDefVal = TJsonVal::GetValFromStr(TStr::LoadTxt(StoreDefFNm)); GenericBase->CreateSchema(StoreDefVal); } // remove lock Lock.Unlock(); } // Start QMiner engine if (StartP) { // do not mess with folders with running qminer instance Lock.Lock(); // load database and start the server { // generate execution ID TStr ExecId = TGuid::GenGuid(); // resolve access type TFAccess FAccess = RdOnlyP ? faRdOnly : faUpdate; // load base TQm::PGenericBase GenericBase = TQm::TGenericBase::Load(Param.DbFPath, FAccess, Param.IndexCacheSize, Param.StoreCacheSize, Param.StoreCacheSizes); // prepare server functions TSAppSrvFunV SrvFunV; // used to stop the server SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunExit::New()); // admin webservices TQm::TGenericStoreSrvFun::RegDefFun(GenericBase, SrvFunV); // initialize static content serving thingies for (int WwwRootN = 0; WwwRootN < Param.WwwRootV.Len(); WwwRootN++) { const TStrPr& WwwRoot = Param.WwwRootV[WwwRootN]; const TStr& UrlPath = WwwRoot.Val1, FPath = WwwRoot.Val2; TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatusFmt("Registering '%s' at '/%s/'", FPath.CStr(), UrlPath.CStr()); SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFPath::New(UrlPath, FPath)); } // initialize javascript contexts TVec<TQm::PScript> ScriptV; InitJs(Param, GenericBase, ScriptV); // start server if (!NoLoopP) { // register javascript contexts for (int ScriptN = 0; ScriptN < ScriptV.Len(); ScriptN++) { // register server function ScriptV[ScriptN]->RegSrvFun(SrvFunV); } // start server PWebSrv WebSrv = TSAppSrv::New(Param.PortN, SrvFunV, TQm::TEnv::Logger, true, true); // report we started TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatusFmt("Server started on port %d", Param.PortN); // wait for the end TLoop::Run(); } } // remove lock Lock.Unlock(); } // Stop QMiner engine if (StopP) { ExecUrl( TStr::Fmt("", Param.PortN, ReturnCode), "Server stop procedure initiated", "Error stopping server: "); } // Reload QMiner script if (ReloadP) { for (int ReloadNmN = 0; ReloadNmN < ReloadNmV.Len(); ReloadNmN++) { TStr ScriptNm = ReloadNmV[ReloadNmN]; ExecUrl(TStr::Fmt("", Param.PortN, ScriptNm.CStr()), "Initializing reload of script '" + ScriptNm + "'", "Error reloading script '" + ScriptNm + "': "); } } // Debug dumps of database and index if (DebugP) { // do not mess with folders with existing running qminer instance Lock.Lock(); // load base TQm::PGenericBase GenericBase = TQm::TGenericBase::Load(Param.DbFPath, faRdOnly, Param.IndexCacheSize, Param.StoreCacheSize, Param.StoreCacheSizes); TQm::PBase Base = GenericBase->Base; // go over task lists and prepare outputs for (int TaskN = 0; TaskN < DebugTaskV.Len(); TaskN++) { TStr Task = DebugTaskV[TaskN]; if (Task == "index") { Base->PrintIndex(DebugFNm + "index.txt", true); } else if (Task == "indexvoc") { Base->PrintIndexVoc(DebugFNm + "indexvoc.txt"); } else if (Task == "stores") { Base->PrintStores(DebugFNm + "stores.txt"); } else if (Task.IsSuffix("_ALL")) { TStr StoreNm = Task.LeftOfLast('_'); Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(StoreNm)->PrintAll(Base, DebugFNm + Task + ".txt"); } else if (Base->IsStoreNm(Task)) { Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(Task)->PrintTypes(Base, DebugFNm + Task + ".txt"); } else { TQm::InfoLog("Unkown debug task '" + Task + "'"); } } // remove lock Lock.Unlock(); } } catch (const PExcept& Except) { // GLib exception TQm::ErrorLog("Error: " + Except->GetMsgStr()); return 2; } catch (...) { // other exceptions TQm::ErrorLog("Unknown error"); return 1; } return TQm::TEnv::ReturnCode.Val; }
double CGPSController::GetLongitude() { Lock(); double ret = m_longitude; Unlock(); return ret; }
// Got a notify message from PutDiskObject() BOOL backdrop_check_notify( BackdropInfo *info, DOpusNotify *notify, Lister *lister) { char *name_buf; BOOL disk=0,ret=0; struct List *search; BackdropObject *object; if (!(name_buf=AllocVec(256,0))) return 0; // Disk icon? if (notify->dn_Name[strlen(notify->dn_Name)-1]==':') { char *ptr; // Get volume name if ((ptr=strchr(notify->dn_Name,':'))) { stccpy(name_buf,notify->dn_Name,ptr-notify->dn_Name+1); disk=1; } } // Otherwise copy name and clear it else { // Get name pointer char *name=FilePart(notify->dn_Name); // Copy name strcpy(name_buf,name); *name=0; // Strip trailing '/' if (*(name-1)=='/') *(name-1)=0; } // Is this a lister? if (lister) { short len; BOOL ok=0; // Match length len=strlen(notify->dn_Name); // See if strings match if (strnicmp(lister->cur_buffer->buf_Path,notify->dn_Name,len)==0) { // Check termination if (lister->cur_buffer->buf_Path[len]=='\0') ok=1; // / can terminate too else if (lister->cur_buffer->buf_Path[len]=='/' && lister->cur_buffer->buf_Path[len+1]=='\0') ok=1; } // Didn't match? if (!ok) { // Free message ReplyFreeMsg(notify); FreeVec(name_buf); return 0; } } // Lock backdrop list lock_listlock(&info->objects,1); // See if there's an icon of this name search=&info->objects.list; while ((object=(BackdropObject *)FindNameI(search,name_buf))) { // Disk? if (object->type==BDO_DISK && disk) { // Matched break; } // Valid object? else if (object->type!=BDO_APP_ICON && object->type!=BDO_BAD_DISK && object->path) { char *path=0; BPTR lock; // If no lister, get full path of object if (!lister && (path=AllocVec(512,0))) { // Lock path if ((lock=Lock(object->path,ACCESS_READ))) { // Get full path DevNameFromLockDopus(lock,path,512); UnLock(lock); } // Failed else strcpy(path,object->path); } // Objects in same directory? if (lister || stricmp(notify->dn_Name,(path)?path:object->path)==0) { // Free path if (path) FreeVec(path); // Matched break; } // Free path if (path) FreeVec(path); } // If this is a lister, there could only be one if (lister) { object=0; break; } // Keep searching from this object search=(struct List *)object; } // Got object? if (object) { ULONG old_image1=0,old_image2=0,new_image1,new_image2,old_flags=0,new_flags; BOOL redraw=0; struct DiskObject *old; // Save old icon old=object->icon; object->icon=0; // Not deleted? if (!notify->dn_Flags) { // Get image checksums old_image1=IconCheckSum(old,0); old_image2=IconCheckSum(old,1); old_flags=GetIconFlags(old); // Get new icon backdrop_get_icon(info,object,GETICON_CD|GETICON_NO_POS|GETICON_FAIL); } // No icon now? if (!object->icon) { // Replace old icon object->icon=old; // Erase old object backdrop_erase_icon(info,object,BDSF_RECALC); // Is object a disk? if (object->type==BDO_DISK) { // Signal to refresh drives IPC_Command(info->ipc,MAINCMD_REFRESH_DRIVES,0,0,0,0); } // Remove object from list backdrop_remove_object(info,object); } // Ok to keep going else { // Get image checksums new_image1=IconCheckSum(object->icon,0); new_image2=IconCheckSum(object->icon,1); new_flags=GetIconFlags(object->icon); // Mask out uninteresting flag bits old_flags&=ICONF_BORDER_OFF|ICONF_BORDER_ON|ICONF_NO_LABEL; new_flags&=ICONF_BORDER_OFF|ICONF_BORDER_ON|ICONF_NO_LABEL; // Need to redraw? if (old_image1!=new_image1 || old_image2!=new_image2 || old_flags!=new_flags) { // Erase old object backdrop_erase_icon(info,object,0); redraw=1; } // Free old icon if (old) { // Free icon remapping RemapIcon(old,(info->window)?info->window->WScreen:0,1); // Free icon FreeCachedDiskObject(old); } // Fix new icon size backdrop_get_icon(info,object,GETICON_POS_ONLY|GETICON_SAVE_POS|GETICON_KEEP); // Need to get masks? if (!backdrop_icon_border(object)) { // Get masks for this icon backdrop_get_masks(object); } // Show new icon if (redraw) backdrop_render_object(info,object,BRENDERF_CLIP); } ret=1; } // Otherwise, got lister? else if (lister) { // Tell lister to get icons IPC_Command(lister->ipc,LISTER_GET_ICONS,0,0,0,0); ret=1; } // Or, on the desktop? else if (info->flags&BDIF_MAIN_DESKTOP) { BPTR lock1,lock2; // Lock the desktop folder and the changed directory if ((lock1=Lock(environment->env->desktop_location,ACCESS_READ)) && (lock2=Lock(notify->dn_Name,ACCESS_READ))) { // Same directory? if (SameLock(lock1,lock2)==LOCK_SAME) { // Update the desktop folder misc_startup("dopus_desktop_update",MENU_UPDATE_DESKTOP,GUI->window,0,TRUE); } // Unlock second lock UnLock(lock2); } // Unlock first lock UnLock(lock1); } // Unlock list unlock_listlock(&info->objects); // Free message ReplyFreeMsg(notify); FreeVec(name_buf); return ret; }