文件: mapperMatch.c 项目: aakarsh/ABC

  Synopsis    [Transfers the arrival times from the best cuts to the node.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Map_NodeTransferArrivalTimes( Map_Man_t * p, Map_Node_t * pNode )
    // if both phases are available, set their arrival times
    if ( pNode->pCutBest[0] && pNode->pCutBest[1] )
        pNode->tArrival[0] = pNode->pCutBest[0]->M[0].tArrive;
        pNode->tArrival[1] = pNode->pCutBest[1]->M[1].tArrive;
    // if only one phase is available, compute the arrival time of other phase
    else if ( pNode->pCutBest[0] )
        pNode->tArrival[0] = pNode->pCutBest[0]->M[0].tArrive;
        pNode->tArrival[1].Rise  = pNode->tArrival[0].Fall + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Rise;
        pNode->tArrival[1].Fall  = pNode->tArrival[0].Rise + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Fall;
        pNode->tArrival[1].Worst = MAP_MAX(pNode->tArrival[1].Rise, pNode->tArrival[1].Fall);
    else if ( pNode->pCutBest[1] )
        pNode->tArrival[1] = pNode->pCutBest[1]->M[1].tArrive;
        pNode->tArrival[0].Rise  = pNode->tArrival[1].Fall + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Rise;
        pNode->tArrival[0].Fall  = pNode->tArrival[1].Rise + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Fall;
        pNode->tArrival[0].Worst = MAP_MAX(pNode->tArrival[0].Rise, pNode->tArrival[0].Fall);
        assert( 0 );

    assert( pNode->tArrival[0].Rise < pNode->tRequired[0].Rise + p->fEpsilon );
    assert( pNode->tArrival[0].Fall < pNode->tRequired[0].Fall + p->fEpsilon );

    assert( pNode->tArrival[1].Rise < pNode->tRequired[1].Rise + p->fEpsilon );
    assert( pNode->tArrival[1].Fall < pNode->tRequired[1].Fall + p->fEpsilon );

  Synopsis    [Analyses choice nodes.]

  Description []

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Map_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( Map_Man_t * pMan, Map_Node_t * pNode, int fMaximum )
    Map_Node_t * pTemp;
    int Level1, Level2, LevelE;
    assert( !Map_IsComplement(pNode) );
    if ( !Map_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
        return pNode->Level;
    // skip the visited node
    if ( pNode->TravId == pMan->nTravIds )
        return pNode->Level;
    pNode->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;
    // compute levels of the children nodes
    Level1 = Map_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Map_Regular(pNode->p1), fMaximum );
    Level2 = Map_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Map_Regular(pNode->p2), fMaximum );
    pNode->Level = 1 + MAP_MAX( Level1, Level2 );
    if ( pNode->pNextE )
        LevelE = Map_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, pNode->pNextE, fMaximum );
        if ( fMaximum )
            if ( pNode->Level < (unsigned)LevelE )
                pNode->Level = LevelE;
            if ( pNode->Level > (unsigned)LevelE )
                pNode->Level = LevelE;
        // set the level of all equivalent nodes to be the same minimum
        if ( pNode->pRepr == NULL ) // the primary node
            for ( pTemp = pNode->pNextE; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNextE )
                pTemp->Level = pNode->Level;
    return pNode->Level;

  synopsis    [Computes the exact area associated with the cut.]

  description []
  sideeffects []

  seealso     []

float Map_TimeMatchWithInverter( Map_Man_t * p, Map_Match_t * pMatch )
    Map_Time_t tArrInv;
    tArrInv.Fall  = pMatch->tArrive.Rise + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Fall;
    tArrInv.Rise  = pMatch->tArrive.Fall + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Rise;
    tArrInv.Worst = MAP_MAX( tArrInv.Rise, tArrInv.Fall ); 
    return tArrInv.Worst;
float Map_MatchComputeReqTimes( Map_Cut_t * pCut, int fPhase, Map_Time_t * ptArrRes )
    Map_Time_t * ptArrIn;
    Map_Super_t * pSuper;
    unsigned uPhaseTot;
    int fPinPhase, i;
    float tDelay;

    // get the supergate and the phase
    pSuper = pCut->M[fPhase].pSuperBest;
    uPhaseTot = pCut->M[fPhase].uPhaseBest;

    // propagate the arrival times 
    ptArrRes->Rise = ptArrRes->Fall = -MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
    for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
        // get the phase of the given pin
        fPinPhase = ((uPhaseTot & (1 << i)) == 0);
        ptArrIn = pCut->ppLeaves[i]->tRequired + fPinPhase;
//        assert( ptArrIn->Worst < MAP_FLOAT_LARGE );

        // get the rise of the output due to rise of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Rise > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Rise + pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Rise;
            if ( ptArrRes->Rise < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Rise = tDelay;

        // get the rise of the output due to fall of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Fall > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Fall + pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Fall;
            if ( ptArrRes->Rise < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Rise = tDelay;

        // get the fall of the output due to rise of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Rise > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Rise + pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Rise;
            if ( ptArrRes->Fall < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Fall = tDelay;

        // get the fall of the output due to fall of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Fall > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Fall + pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Fall;
            if ( ptArrRes->Fall < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Fall = tDelay;
    // return the worst-case of rise/fall arrival times
    return MAP_MAX(ptArrRes->Rise, ptArrRes->Fall);
文件: mapperMatch.c 项目: aakarsh/ABC

  Synopsis    [Sets the PI arrival times.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Map_MappingSetPiArrivalTimes( Map_Man_t * p )
    Map_Node_t * pNode;
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < p->nInputs; i++ )
        pNode = p->pInputs[i];
        // set the arrival time of the positive phase
        pNode->tArrival[1] = p->pInputArrivals[i];
        // set the arrival time of the negative phase
        pNode->tArrival[0].Rise  = pNode->tArrival[1].Fall + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Rise;
        pNode->tArrival[0].Fall  = pNode->tArrival[1].Rise + p->pSuperLib->tDelayInv.Fall;
        pNode->tArrival[0].Worst = MAP_MAX(pNode->tArrival[0].Rise, pNode->tArrival[0].Fall);

  Synopsis    [Creates a new node.]

  Description [This procedure should be called to create the constant
  node and the PI nodes first.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Map_Node_t * Map_NodeCreate( Map_Man_t * p, Map_Node_t * p1, Map_Node_t * p2 )
    Map_Node_t * pNode;
    // create the node
    pNode = (Map_Node_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( p->mmNodes );
    memset( pNode, 0, sizeof(Map_Node_t) );
    pNode->tRequired[0].Rise = pNode->tRequired[0].Fall = pNode->tRequired[0].Worst = MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
    pNode->tRequired[1].Rise = pNode->tRequired[1].Fall = pNode->tRequired[1].Worst = MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
    pNode->p1  = p1; 
    pNode->p2  = p2;
    pNode->p = p;
    // set the number of this node
    pNode->Num = p->nNodes++;
    // place to store the fanouts
//    pNode->vFanouts = Map_NodeVecAlloc( 5 );
    // store this node in the internal array
    if ( pNode->Num >= 0 )
        Map_NodeVecPush( p->vMapObjs, pNode );
        pNode->fInv = 1;
    // set the level of this node
    if ( p1 ) 
        // create the fanout info
        Map_NodeAddFaninFanout( Map_Regular(p1), pNode );
        if ( p2 )
        Map_NodeAddFaninFanout( Map_Regular(p2), pNode );

        if ( p2 )
            pNode->Level = 1 + MAP_MAX(Map_Regular(pNode->p1)->Level, Map_Regular(pNode->p2)->Level);
            pNode->fInv  = Map_NodeIsSimComplement(p1) & Map_NodeIsSimComplement(p2);
            pNode->Level = Map_Regular(pNode->p1)->Level;
            pNode->fInv  = Map_NodeIsSimComplement(p1);
    // reference the inputs (will be used to compute the number of fanouts)
    if ( p1 ) Map_NodeRef(p1);
    if ( p2 ) Map_NodeRef(p2);

    pNode->nRefEst[0] = pNode->nRefEst[1] = -1;
    return pNode;

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Computes the maximum arrival times.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

float Map_TimeComputeArrivalMax( Map_Man_t * p )
    float tReqMax, tReq;
    int i, fPhase;
    // get the critical PO arrival time
    tReqMax = -MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
    for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
        if ( Map_NodeIsConst(p->pOutputs[i]) )
        fPhase  = !Map_IsComplement(p->pOutputs[i]);
        tReq    = Map_Regular(p->pOutputs[i])->tArrival[fPhase].Worst;
        tReqMax = MAP_MAX( tReqMax, tReq );
    return tReqMax;

  Synopsis    [Computes the arrival times of the cut.]

  Description [Computes the arrival times of the cut if it is implemented using 
  the given supergate with the given phase. Uses the constraint-type specification
  of rise/fall arrival times.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

float Map_TimeCutComputeArrival( Map_Node_t * pNode, Map_Cut_t * pCut, int fPhase, float tWorstLimit )
    Map_Match_t * pM = pCut->M + fPhase;
    Map_Super_t * pSuper = pM->pSuperBest;
    unsigned uPhaseTot = pM->uPhaseBest;
    Map_Time_t * ptArrRes = &pM->tArrive;
    Map_Time_t * ptArrIn;
    int fPinPhase;
    float tDelay, tExtra;
    int i;

    tExtra = pNode->p->pNodeDelays ? pNode->p->pNodeDelays[pNode->Num] : 0;
    ptArrRes->Rise  = ptArrRes->Fall = 0.0;
    ptArrRes->Worst = MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
    for ( i = pCut->nLeaves - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        // get the phase of the given pin
        fPinPhase = ((uPhaseTot & (1 << i)) == 0);
        ptArrIn = pCut->ppLeaves[i]->tArrival + fPinPhase;

        // get the rise of the output due to rise of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Rise > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Rise + pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Rise + tExtra;
            if ( tDelay > tWorstLimit )
                return MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
            if ( ptArrRes->Rise < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Rise = tDelay;

        // get the rise of the output due to fall of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Fall > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Fall + pSuper->tDelaysR[i].Fall + tExtra;
            if ( tDelay > tWorstLimit )
                return MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
            if ( ptArrRes->Rise < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Rise = tDelay;

        // get the fall of the output due to rise of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Rise > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Rise + pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Rise + tExtra;
            if ( tDelay > tWorstLimit )
                return MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
            if ( ptArrRes->Fall < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Fall = tDelay;

        // get the fall of the output due to fall of the inputs
        if ( pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Fall > 0 )
            tDelay = ptArrIn->Fall + pSuper->tDelaysF[i].Fall + tExtra;
            if ( tDelay > tWorstLimit )
                return MAP_FLOAT_LARGE;
            if ( ptArrRes->Fall < tDelay )
                ptArrRes->Fall = tDelay;
    // return the worst-case of rise/fall arrival times
    ptArrRes->Worst = MAP_MAX(ptArrRes->Rise, ptArrRes->Fall);
    return ptArrRes->Worst;

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Reads in the supergate library and prepares it for use.]

  Description [The supergates library comes in a .super file. This file
  contains descriptions of supergates along with some relevant information.
  This procedure reads the supergate file, canonicizes the supergates,
  and constructs an additional lookup table, which can be used to map
  truth tables of the cuts into the pair (phase, supergate). The phase
  indicates how the current truth table should be phase assigned to 
  match the canonical form of the supergate. The resulting phase is the
  bitwise EXOR of the phase needed to canonicize the supergate and the
  phase needed to transform the truth table into its canonical form.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Map_SuperLib_t * Map_SuperLibCreate( char * pFileName, char * pExcludeFile, int fAlgorithm, int fVerbose )
    Map_SuperLib_t * p;
    clock_t clk;

    // start the supergate library
    p = ABC_ALLOC( Map_SuperLib_t, 1 );
    memset( p, 0, sizeof(Map_SuperLib_t) );
    p->pName     = pFileName;
    p->fVerbose  = fVerbose;
    p->mmSupers  = Extra_MmFixedStart( sizeof(Map_Super_t) );
    p->mmEntries = Extra_MmFixedStart( sizeof(Map_HashEntry_t) );
    p->mmForms   = Extra_MmFlexStart();
    Map_MappingSetupTruthTables( p->uTruths );

    // start the hash table
    p->tTableC = Map_SuperTableCreate( p );
    p->tTable  = Map_SuperTableCreate( p );

    // read the supergate library from file
clk = clock();
    if ( fAlgorithm )
        if ( !Map_LibraryReadTree( p, pFileName, pExcludeFile ) )
            Map_SuperLibFree( p );
            return NULL;
        if ( pExcludeFile != 0 )
            Map_SuperLibFree( p );
            printf ("Error: Exclude file support not present for old format. Stop.\n");
            return NULL;
        if ( !Map_LibraryRead( p, pFileName ) )
            Map_SuperLibFree( p );
            return NULL;
    assert( p->nVarsMax > 0 );

    // report the stats
if ( fVerbose ) {
    printf( "Loaded %d unique %d-input supergates from \"%s\".  ", 
        p->nSupersReal, p->nVarsMax, pFileName );
    ABC_PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );

    // assign the interver parameters
    p->pGateInv        = Mio_LibraryReadInv( p->pGenlib );
    p->tDelayInv.Rise  = Mio_LibraryReadDelayInvRise( p->pGenlib );
    p->tDelayInv.Fall  = Mio_LibraryReadDelayInvFall( p->pGenlib );
    p->tDelayInv.Worst = MAP_MAX( p->tDelayInv.Rise, p->tDelayInv.Fall );
    p->AreaInv         = Mio_LibraryReadAreaInv( p->pGenlib );
    p->AreaBuf         = Mio_LibraryReadAreaBuf( p->pGenlib );

    // assign the interver supergate
    p->pSuperInv = (Map_Super_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( p->mmSupers );
    memset( p->pSuperInv, 0, sizeof(Map_Super_t) );
    p->pSuperInv->Num         = -1;
    p->pSuperInv->nGates      =  1;
    p->pSuperInv->nFanins     =  1;
    p->pSuperInv->nFanLimit   = 10;
    p->pSuperInv->pFanins[0]  = p->ppSupers[0];
    p->pSuperInv->pRoot       = p->pGateInv;
    p->pSuperInv->Area        = p->AreaInv;
    p->pSuperInv->tDelayMax   = p->tDelayInv;
    p->pSuperInv->tDelaysR[0].Rise = MAP_NO_VAR;
    p->pSuperInv->tDelaysR[0].Fall = p->tDelayInv.Rise;
    p->pSuperInv->tDelaysF[0].Rise = p->tDelayInv.Fall;
    p->pSuperInv->tDelaysF[0].Fall = MAP_NO_VAR;
    return p;