int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Semihost file system); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_A2"); pc.printf("Test the Stream class\n"); printf("connected: %s\n", (semihost_connected()) ? ("Yes") : ("No")); char mac[16]; mbed_mac_address(mac); printf("mac address: %02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x,%02x\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); LocalFileSystem local("local"); FILE *f; char *str = TEST_STRING; char *buffer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * strlen(TEST_STRING)); int str_len = strlen(TEST_STRING); // Write f = test_open("w"); test_write(f, str, str_len); test_close(f); // Read f = test_open("r"); test_read(f, buffer, str_len); test_close(f); // Check the two strings are equal MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT((strncmp(buffer, str, str_len) == 0)); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(15); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Interrupt vector relocation); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_A18"); // First test, no table reallocation { printf("Starting first test (interrupts not relocated).\r\n"); bool ret = test_once(); if (ret == false) { MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(false); } } // Relocate interrupt table and test again { printf("Starting second test (interrupts relocated).\r\n"); memcpy(int_table, (void*)SCB->VTOR, sizeof(int_table)); SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)int_table; bool ret = test_once(); if (ret == false) { MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(false); } } MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(true); }
int main (void) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Mail messaging); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("RTOS_6"); Thread thread(send_thread, NULL, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); bool result = true; int result_counter = 0; while (true) { osEvent evt = mail_box.get(); if (evt.status == osEventMail) { mail_t *mail = (mail_t*)evt.value.p; const float expected_voltage = CREATE_VOLTAGE(mail->counter); const float expected_current = CREATE_CURRENT(mail->counter); // Check using macros if received values correspond to values sent via queue bool expected_values = (expected_voltage == mail->voltage) && (expected_current == mail->current); result = result && expected_values; const char *result_msg = expected_values ? "OK" : "FAIL"; printf("%3d %.2fV %.2fA ... [%s]\r\n", mail->counter, mail->voltage, mail->current, result_msg);; if (result == false || ++result_counter == QUEUE_SIZE) { break; } } } MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(result); return 0; }
void app_start(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void) argc; (void) argv; MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(5); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Socket Abstraction Layer construction and utility test); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("SAL_INIT_UTIL"); int tests_pass = 1; int rc; EthernetInterface eth; /* Initialise with DHCP, connect, and start up the stack */ eth.init(); eth.connect(); do { socket_error_t err = lwipv4_socket_init(); if (!TEST_EQ(err,SOCKET_ERROR_NONE)) { tests_pass = 0; break; } rc = socket_api_test_create_destroy(SOCKET_STACK_LWIP_IPV4, SOCKET_AF_INET6); tests_pass = tests_pass && rc; rc = socket_api_test_socket_str2addr(SOCKET_STACK_LWIP_IPV4, SOCKET_AF_INET6); tests_pass = tests_pass && rc; } while (0); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(tests_pass); }
int main() { Serial *pc = new Serial(USBTX, USBRX); MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(serial_nc_tx_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Serial NC TX); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_38"); // Wait until we receive start signal from host test char c = pc->getc(); delete pc; // If signal is correct, start the test if (c == 'S') { Serial *pc = new Serial(USBTX, NC); pc->printf("TX OK - Expected\r\n"); wait(0.5); // wait for characters to finish transmitting delete pc; pc = new Serial(NC, USBRX); pc->printf("TX OK - Unexpected\r\n"); wait(0.5); // wait for characters to finish transmitting delete pc; } while (1) { } }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(15); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(SD FileHandle RW Speed); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("PERF_2"); // Test header printf("\r\n"); printf("SD Card FileHandle Performance Test\r\n"); printf("File name: %s\r\n", bin_filename); printf("Buffer size: %d KiB\r\n", (KIB_RW * sizeof(buffer)) / 1024); // Initialize buffer srand(testenv_randseed()); char *buffer_end = buffer + sizeof(buffer); std::generate (buffer, buffer_end, RandomChar); bool result = true; for (;;) { printf("Write test...\r\n"); if (test_sf_file_write_fhandle(bin_filename, KIB_RW) == false) { result = false; break; } printf("Read test...\r\n"); if (test_sf_file_read_fhandle(bin_filename, KIB_RW) == false) { result = false; break; } break; } MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(result); }
void app_start(int, char *[]) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(60 * 61); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Overflow test); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("Overflow"); Calendar::setYear(2015); Calendar::setMonth(12); Calendar::setDate(31); Calendar::setHour(23); Calendar::setMinute(59); Calendar::setSecond(50); /* test unix time */ unixtime = time(NULL); MBED_HOSTTEST_ASSERT(unixtime == 1451606390); /* schedule tasks */ minar::Scheduler::postCallback(printTime) .period(minar::milliseconds(1000)); minar::Scheduler::postCallback(endTime) .period(minar::milliseconds(60 * 60 * 1000)); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(stdio_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(stdio); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_2"); DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); int value_int; notify_start(); // Just to sync with host test supervisor const char* PRINT_PATTERN = "MBED: Your value was: %d\r\n"; while (true) { // SCANF PRINTF family value_int = 0; led1 = 1; scanf("%d", &value_int); printf(PRINT_PATTERN, value_int); led1 = 0; // FSCANF, FPRINTF family value_int = 0; led2 = 1; fscanf(stdin, "%d", &value_int); fprintf(stdout, PRINT_PATTERN, value_int); led2 = 0; } }
/* EXPECTED OUTPUT: ******************* Static::init Static::stack_test Stack::init Stack::hello Stack::destroy Static::check_init: OK Heap::init Heap::hello Heap::destroy *******************/ int main (void) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(10); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(C++); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_12"); bool result = true; for (;;) { // Global stack object simple test s.stack_test(); if (s.check_init() == false) { result = false; break; } // Heap test object simple test Test *m = new Test("Heap"); m->hello(); if (m->check_init() == false) { result = false; } delete m; break; } MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(result); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(PortInOut); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_A11"); bool check = true; port1.output(); port2.input(); port1 = MASK_1; wait(0.1); if (port2 != MASK_2) check = false; port1 = 0; wait(0.1); if (port2 != 0) check = false; port1.input(); port2.output(); port2 = MASK_2; wait(0.1); if (port1 != MASK_1) check = false; port2 = 0; wait(0.1); if (port1 != 0) check = false; MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(check); }
int main (void) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(udpecho_server_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(UDP echo server); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("NET_5"); EthernetInterface eth; eth.init(); //Use DHCP eth.connect(); printf("MBED: Server IP Address is %s:%d\r\n", eth.getIPAddress(), ECHO_SERVER_PORT); UDPSocket server; server.bind(ECHO_SERVER_PORT); Endpoint client; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; printf("MBED: Waiting for packet...\r\n"); while (true) { int n = server.receiveFrom(client, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (n > 0) { //printf("Received packet from: %s\n", client.get_address()); const int buffer_string_end_index = n >= BUFFER_SIZE ? BUFFER_SIZE-1 : n; buffer[buffer_string_end_index] = '\0'; //printf("Server received: %s\n", buffer); server.sendTo(client, buffer, n); } } }
void app_start(int, char*[]) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Blinky); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_BLINKY"); minar::Scheduler::postCallback(&blink).period(minar::milliseconds(200)); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(15); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(SPI C12832 display); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_35"); C12832 lcd(D11, D13, D12, D7, D10); // clear the screen lcd.cls(); // print the first line and wait 3 sec lcd.locate(0,3); lcd.printf("mbed application board!"); // print the counter prefix; the number will be printed in the while loop lcd.locate(0,15); lcd.printf("Counting:"); int i=1, j=0; while(i++,i<=200) { lcd.locate(42,15); lcd.printf("%d", i); if (i % 50 == 0) { lcd.invert(j = j ? 0 : 1); }; wait(0.001); } MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(1); }
int main (void) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Semaphore resource lock); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("RTOS_3"); const int t1_delay = THREAD_DELAY * 1; const int t2_delay = THREAD_DELAY * 2; const int t3_delay = THREAD_DELAY * 3; Thread t1(test_thread, (void *)t1_delay, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); Thread t2(test_thread, (void *)t2_delay, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); Thread t3(test_thread, (void *)t3_delay, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); while (true) { if (change_counter >= SEM_CHANGES or sem_defect == true) { t1.terminate(); t2.terminate(); t3.terminate(); break; } } fflush(stdout); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(!sem_defect); return 0; }
int main (void) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(ISR (Queue)); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("RTOS_8"); Thread thread(queue_thread, NULL, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); Ticker ticker; ticker.attach(queue_isr, 1.0); int isr_puts_counter = 0; bool result = true; while (true) { osEvent evt = queue.get(); if (evt.status != osEventMessage) { printf("QUEUE_GET: Status(0x%02X) ... [FAIL]\r\n", evt.status); result = false; break; } else { printf("QUEUE_GET: Value(%u) ... [OK]\r\n", evt.value.v); if (evt.value.v == QUEUE_PUT_ISR_VALUE) { isr_puts_counter++; } if (isr_puts_counter >= QUEUE_SIZE) { break; } } } MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(result); return 0; }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Mutex resource lock); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("RTOS_2"); const int t1_delay = THREAD_DELAY * 1; const int t2_delay = THREAD_DELAY * 2; const int t3_delay = THREAD_DELAY * 3; Thread t2(test_thread, (void *)t2_delay, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); Thread t3(test_thread, (void *)t3_delay, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); while (true) { // Thread 1 action Thread::wait(t1_delay); manipulate_protected_zone(t1_delay); if (change_counter >= SIGNALS_TO_EMIT or mutex_defect == true) { t2.terminate(); t3.terminate(); break; } } fflush(stdout); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(!mutex_defect); return 0; }
void app_start(int, char*[]) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(5); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(hello_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Hello World); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_10"); minar::Scheduler::postCallback(&sayHello); }
void app_start(int, char**) { int rc; MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default); MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(10); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Test the socket stack registry); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("STACK_REGISTRY"); rc = test_socket_stack_registry(); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(rc); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(15); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(HTTP client hello world); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("NET_7"); char http_request_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE + 1] = {0}; HTTPClient http; EthernetInterface eth; eth.init(); //Use DHCP eth.connect(); //GET data { bool result = true; const char *url_hello_txt = ""; printf("HTTP_GET: Trying to fetch page '%s'...\r\n", url_hello_txt); HTTPResult ret = http.get(url_hello_txt, http_request_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if (ret == HTTP_OK) { printf("HTTP_GET: Read %d chars: '%s' ... [OK]\r\n", strlen(http_request_buffer), http_request_buffer); } else { printf("HTTP_GET: Error(%d). HTTP error(%d) ... [FAIL]\r\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode()); result = false; } if (result == false) { eth.disconnect(); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(false); } } //POST data { bool result = true; const char *url_httpbin_post = ""; HTTPText text(http_request_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); HTTPMap map; map.put("Hello", "World"); map.put("test", "1234"); printf("HTTP_POST: Trying to post data to '%s' ...\r\n", url_httpbin_post); HTTPResult ret =, map, &text); if (ret == HTTP_OK) { printf("HTTP_POST: Read %d chars ... [OK]\r\n", strlen(http_request_buffer)); printf("HTTP_POST: %s\r\n", http_request_buffer); } else { printf("HTTP_GET: Error(%d). HTTP error(%d) ... [FAIL]\r\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode()); result = false; } if (result == false) { eth.disconnect(); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(false); } } eth.disconnect(); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(true); }
void app_start(int, char*[]) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(15); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(wait_us_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Ticker Int us); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_23"); tick.attach_us(togglePin, 1000); }
void app_start(int, char*[]) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(echo); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(serial interrupt test); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_14"); computer.baud(115200); computer.attach(&txCallback, Serial::TxIrq); computer.attach(&rxCallback, Serial::RxIrq); }
static void run() { /* Use 115200 bps for consistency with other examples */ Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); pc.baud(115200); MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(40); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(mbed TLS selftest program); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBEDTLS_SELFTEST"); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(selftest(0, NULL) == 0); }
void runTest() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(dev_null_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(stdout redirected to dev null); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("EXAMPLE_1"); printf("MBED: re-routing stdout to /null\r\n"); freopen("/null", "w", stdout); printf("MBED: printf redirected to /null\r\n"); // This shouldn't appear // If failure message can be seen test should fail :) MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(false); // This is 'false' on purpose }
void app_start(int, char*[]) { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(10); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Sleep Timeout); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("MBED_9"); led1 = 0; led2 = 0; led1_initial = led1; led2_initial = led2; to1.attach_us(led1_on, 1000000); to2.attach_us(led2_on, 2000000); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(10); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(detect_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Simple detect test); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("DTCT_1"); notify_start(); printf("MBED: Target '%s'\r\n", TEST_SUITE_TARGET_NAME); printf("MBED: Test ID '%s'\r\n", TEST_SUITE_TEST_ID); printf("MBED: UUID '%s'\r\n", TEST_SUITE_UUID); MBED_HOSTTEST_RESULT(true); }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(15); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(wait_us_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(Basic thread); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("RTOS_1"); Thread thread(led2_thread, NULL, osPriorityNormal, STACK_SIZE); while (true) { led1 = !led1; Thread::wait(500); } }
int main() { MBED_HOSTTEST_TIMEOUT(20); MBED_HOSTTEST_SELECT(default_auto); MBED_HOSTTEST_DESCRIPTION(SD File write read); MBED_HOSTTEST_START("RTOS_9"); Thread t(sd_thread, NULL, osPriorityNormal, (DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE * 2.25)); while (true) { led2 = !led2; Thread::wait(1000); } }