CRB_Value crb_nv_fopen_proc(CRB_Interpreter *interpreter, CRB_LocalEnvironment *env, int arg_count, CRB_Value *args) { CRB_Value value; char *filename; char *mode; FILE *fp; check_argument_count(arg_count, 2); if (args[0].type != CRB_STRING_VALUE || args[1].type != CRB_STRING_VALUE) { crb_runtime_error(0, FOPEN_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ERR, MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_END); } filename = CRB_wcstombs_alloc(args[0].u.object->u.string.string); mode = CRB_wcstombs_alloc(args[1].u.object->u.string.string); fp = fopen(filename, mode); if (fp == NULL) { value.type = CRB_NULL_VALUE; } else { value.type = CRB_NATIVE_POINTER_VALUE; = &st_native_lib_info; value.u.native_pointer.pointer = fp; } MEM_free(filename); MEM_free(mode); return value; }
UsingList * Ivyc_create_using_list(PackageName *package_name) { UsingList *rl; Ivyc_Compiler *compiler; char *current_package_name; char *req_package_name; compiler = Ivyc_get_current_compiler(); current_package_name = Ivyc_package_name_to_string(compiler->package_name); req_package_name = Ivyc_package_name_to_string(package_name); if (ISandBox_compare_string(req_package_name, current_package_name) && compiler->source_suffix == IVH_SOURCE) { Ivyc_compile_error(compiler->current_line_number, USING_ITSELF_ERR, MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_END); } MEM_free(current_package_name); MEM_free(req_package_name); rl = Ivyc_malloc(sizeof(UsingList)); rl->package_name = package_name; rl->source_suffix = IVH_SOURCE; rl->line_number = Ivyc_get_current_compiler()->current_line_number; rl->next = NULL; return rl; }
void TC_end() { // initialized ? if (uploads != NULL) { // disabled tile cache Int processing VIntProcess &= ~PROCESS_TILECACHE_TASK; // release the last uploaded tileset(s) if (uploadDone) { TileSet** tilesets = uploads; u16 i = uploadIndex; while(i--) { TileSet* tileset = *tilesets++; // released the tileset if we unpacked it here if (tileset->compression != COMPRESSION_NONE) MEM_free(tileset); } } // release cache structures memory MEM_free(uploads); uploads = NULL; } }
void DKC_dispose_compiler(DKC_Compiler *compiler) { CompilerList *list = NULL; CompilerList *pos; FunctionDefinition *fd_pos; CompilerList *temp; list = traversal_compiler(list, compiler); for (pos = list; pos; ) { for (fd_pos = pos->compiler->function_list; fd_pos; fd_pos = fd_pos->next) { MEM_free(fd_pos->local_variable); } while (pos->compiler->required_list) { temp = pos->compiler->required_list; pos->compiler->required_list = temp->next; MEM_free(temp); } MEM_dispose_storage(pos->compiler->compile_storage); temp = pos->next; MEM_free(pos); pos = temp; } }
/* * ======== DPI_close ======== */ Static Int DPI_close(DEV_Handle dev) { PipeObj *pipe = (PipeObj *)dev->object; SPipeObj *sPipe = pipe->sPipe; MEM_free(0, pipe, sizeof(PipeObj)); SEM_pend(mutex, SYS_FOREVER); sPipe->device[dev->mode] = NULL; sPipe->readySem[dev->mode] = NULL; if (sPipe->device[DEV_INPUT] == NULL && sPipe->device[DEV_OUTPUT] == NULL) { /* delete all shared pipe sub-objects */ SEM_delete(sPipe->dataSem); SEM_delete(sPipe->freeSem); /* remove sPipe obj from sPipeList */ QUE_remove(&sPipe->link); /* delete sPipe object itself */ MEM_free(0, sPipe, sizeof (SPipeObj)); } SEM_post(mutex); return (SYS_OK); }
/* * ======== DOV_close ======== */ static Int DOV_close(DEV_Handle device) { DOV_CopyObj *copy = (DOV_CopyObj *)device->object; DEV_Frame *frame; /* close underlying device(s) */ DEV_close(&(copy->dobj)); /* move frames _up_ from downstream device */ while (!QUE_empty(copy->dobj.todevice)) { frame = QUE_get(copy->dobj.todevice); frame->size = frame->size + copy->size; frame->addr = (Char *)frame->addr - copy->size; QUE_put(device->todevice, frame); } QUE_delete(copy->dobj.todevice); QUE_delete(copy->dobj.fromdevice); /* free overlap buffer */ MEM_free(0, copy->overlap, copy->size); /* recycle copy object */ MEM_free(0, copy, sizeof(DOV_CopyObj)); return (SYS_OK); }
void smeMAP_Unload(smeMap* map) { MEM_free(map->PlaneB->Tiles); map->PlaneB->Tiles = NULL; MEM_free(map->PlaneA->Tiles); map->PlaneA->Tiles = NULL; }
/* 配列の再帰的領域解放 : 要素から先にマークを確認し, 開放していく */ static void array_sweep(LL1LL_Object *ary_ptr) { int i; LL1LL_Value ary_i; /* 配列要素のスイープ */ for (i = 0; i < ary_ptr->u.ary.size; i++) { ary_i = ary_ptr->u.ary.array_value[i]; /* 要素を取得 */ if (ary_i.type != LL1LL_OBJECT_TYPE) { /* オブジェクト型でないなら次へ */ continue; } else { /* オブジェクト型の場合 */ if (ary_i.u.object->marked == LL1LL_FALSE) { /* マークがFALSE => スイープ(解放) */ if (ary_i.u.object->type == STRING_OBJECT) { MEM_free(ary_i.u.object); /* 文字列ならばそのまま解放 */ } else { /* should be ARRAY_OBJECT here */ /* 配列ならば要素のスイープ */ array_sweep(ary_i.u.object); } } } } /* 大本の配列のスイープ */ if (ary_ptr->marked == LL1LL_FALSE) { MEM_free(ary_ptr); } }
void SVM_FreeObject(SVMObject *ob) { if (ob->fields) MEM_free(ob->fields); if (ob->names) MEM_free(ob->names); MEM_free(ob); }
/* * ======== DEV_rmframe ======== */ Void DEV_rmframe(DEV_Frame *frame, Int segid, Uns size) { if (size > 0) { /* free buffer */ MEM_free(segid, frame->addr, size); } /* free object */ MEM_free(0, frame, sizeof(DEV_Frame)); }
static CRB_Value nv_fgets_proc(CRB_Interpreter *interpreter, CRB_LocalEnvironment *env, int arg_count, CRB_Value *args) { CRB_Value value; FILE *fp; char buf[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; char *mb_buf = NULL; int ret_len = 0; CRB_Char *wc_str; CRB_check_argument_count(interpreter, env, arg_count, 1); if (args[0].type != CRB_NATIVE_POINTER_VALUE || (!CRB_check_native_pointer_type(args[0].u.object, &st_file_type_info))) { CRB_error(interpreter, env, &st_lib_info, __LINE__, (int)FGETS_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ERR, CRB_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_END); } check_file_pointer(interpreter,env, args[0].u.object); fp = CRB_object_get_native_pointer(args[0].u.object); while (fgets(buf, LINE_BUF_SIZE, fp)) { int new_len; new_len = ret_len + strlen(buf); mb_buf = MEM_realloc(mb_buf, new_len + 1); if (ret_len == 0) { strcpy(mb_buf, buf); } else { strcat(mb_buf, buf); } ret_len = new_len; if (mb_buf[ret_len-1] == '\n') break; } if (ret_len > 0) { wc_str = CRB_mbstowcs_alloc(interpreter, env, __LINE__, mb_buf); if (wc_str == NULL) { MEM_free(mb_buf); CRB_error(interpreter, env, &st_lib_info, __LINE__, (int)FGETS_BAD_MULTIBYTE_CHARACTER_ERR, CRB_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_END); } value.type = CRB_STRING_VALUE; value.u.object = CRB_create_crowbar_string(interpreter, env, wc_str); } else { value.type = CRB_NULL_VALUE; } MEM_free(mb_buf); return value; }
void raster_free(Raster *raster) { hashtable_releaseitems(&raster->verts); hashtable_releaseitems(&raster->segments); hashtable_releaseitems(&raster->paths); hashtable_releaseitems(&raster->styles); hashtable_releaseitems(&raster->textures); hashtable_release(&raster->master); MEM_free(raster->buffer); MEM_free(raster); }
static void dispose_local_variable(int local_variable_count, DVM_LocalVariable *local_variable) { int i; for (i = 0; i < local_variable_count; i++) { MEM_free(local_variable[i].name); dispose_type_specifier(local_variable[i].type); } MEM_free(local_variable); }
static void _remove ( list *list, listNode *node ) { if ( list->freeFn ) { list->freeFn ( node->data ); } list->length--; MEM_free ( node->data ); MEM_free ( node ); }
void bfqDelete ( BufferQueue_Handle queue ) { Int i; // only have to free the buffers. for (i=0; i<queue->BufCount; i++) MEM_free( queue->SegId, queue->Frames[i].Buffer, queue->BufSize ); // de-allocate the frames if they were allocate within the queue if (queue->bDynamicFrames) MEM_free( 0, queue->Frames, sizeof(BufferQueue_Frame) * queue->BufCount ); }
static void dispose_enum(DVM_Enum *enum_type) { int i; MEM_free(enum_type->package_name); MEM_free(enum_type->name); for (i = 0; i < enum_type->enumerator_count; i++) { MEM_free(enum_type->enumerator[i]); } if (enum_type->is_defined) { MEM_free(enum_type->enumerator); } }
static CRB_Value call_native_function(CRB_Interpreter *inter, LocalEnviroment *env, Exprssion *expr, CRB_NativeFunctionProc *proc) { CRB_Value value; int arg_count; ArgumentList *arg_p; CRB_Value *args; int i; for(arg_count = 0, arg_p = expr->u.function_call_expression.argument; arg_p;arg_p = arg_p->next){ arg_count++; } arg = MEM_malloc(sizeof(CRB_Value) * arg_count); for(arg_p = expr->u.function_call_expression.argument, i = 0; arg_p; arg_p = arg_p->next, i++){ args[i] = eval_expression(inter, env, arg_p->next); } val = proc(inter, arg_count, args); for( i = 0;i < arg_count;i++){ release_if_string(&args[i]); } MEM_free(args); return value; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION : NdpAddDataToNeighborCache() // // PURPOSE : Adding data to neighbor cache // // PARAMETERS : neighborCache - pointer to neighbor cache // neighborData - neighbor data to be added // // RETURN VALUE : None //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void NdpAddDataToNeighborCache( NdpNeighborTable* neighborCache, NdpNeighborStruct* neighborData) { if (neighborCache && neighborData) { if (neighborCache->numEntry == neighborCache->maxEntry) { unsigned int newNeighborCacheSize = (unsigned int) ((neighborCache->numEntry + NDP_INITIAL_CACHE_ENTRY) * sizeof(NdpNeighborStruct)); NdpNeighborStruct* tempCache = (NdpNeighborStruct*) MEM_malloc(newNeighborCacheSize); memset(tempCache, 0, newNeighborCacheSize); memcpy(tempCache, neighborCache->neighborTable, (sizeof(NdpNeighborStruct) * neighborCache->numEntry)); MEM_free(neighborCache->neighborTable); neighborCache->neighborTable = tempCache; neighborCache->maxEntry = neighborCache->numEntry + NDP_INITIAL_CACHE_ENTRY; } memcpy(&(neighborCache->neighborTable[neighborCache->numEntry]), neighborData, sizeof(NdpNeighborStruct)); neighborCache->numEntry++; }// end if (neighborCache && neighborData) }
static UsingList * add_default_package(UsingList *using_list) { UsingList *req_pos; ISandBox_Boolean default_package_usingd = ISandBox_FALSE; for (req_pos = using_list; req_pos; req_pos = req_pos->next) { char *temp_name = Ivyc_package_name_to_string(req_pos->package_name); if (!strcmp(temp_name, ISandBox_Ivory_DEFAULT_PACKAGE)) { default_package_usingd = ISandBox_TRUE; } MEM_free(temp_name); } if (!default_package_usingd) { PackageName *pn; UsingList *req_temp; pn = Ivyc_create_package_name(ISandBox_Ivory_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_P1); pn = Ivyc_chain_package_name(pn, ISandBox_Ivory_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_P2); req_temp = using_list; using_list = Ivyc_create_using_list(pn); using_list->next = req_temp; } return using_list; }
static void addToUploadQueue(TileSet *tileset, u16 index) { // need to clear to queue ? if (uploadDone) { TileSet** tilesets = uploads; u16 i = uploadIndex; while(i--) { TileSet* ts = *tilesets++; // released the tileset if we unpacked it here if (ts->compression != COMPRESSION_NONE) MEM_free(ts); } // prepare for new upload uploadDone = FALSE; uploadIndex = 0; } // set upload tileset info uploads[uploadIndex++] = tileset; // put in DMA queue DMA_queueDma(DMA_VRAM, (u32) tileset->tiles, index * 32, tileset->numTile * 16, 2); }
/* GCのスイープフェーズ */ static void gc_sweep(void) { LL1LL_Object *pos, *sweep_entry; /* ヒープ領域管理リストを走査し, マークが付いてない * オブジェクトをリストから削除し, 開放していく */ for (pos = heap_head; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next) { /* マークが付いてないオブジェクトを発見 */ if (pos->marked == LL1LL_FALSE) { /* 削除・解放するエントリを設定 */ sweep_entry = pos; /* リストから削除 */ if (pos == heap_head) { /* 先頭の場合は, 先頭を削除してから先頭を再設定 */ deleteHeapEntry(sweep_entry); pos = heap_head; } else { /* 次のループに備えて一個前に戻る */ pos = pos->prev; deleteHeapEntry(sweep_entry); } /* 領域解放 */ if (sweep_entry->type == STRING_OBJECT) { MEM_free(sweep_entry); } else { /* should be ARRAY_OBJECT here */ array_sweep(sweep_entry); } } } }
/****************************************************************************** * Fifo_create ******************************************************************************/ Fifo_Handle Fifo_create(Fifo_Attrs *attrs) { Fifo_Handle hFifo; BUF_Attrs bAttrs = BUF_ATTRS; if (attrs == NULL) { return NULL; } hFifo = MEM_calloc(Dmai_Bios_segid, sizeof(Fifo_Object), 0); if (hFifo == NULL) { Dmai_err0("Failed to allocate space for Fifo Object\n"); return NULL; } /* Allocate a buffer pool for messages */ bAttrs.segid = Dmai_Bios_segid; hFifo->hBufPool = BUF_create(attrs->maxElems, sizeof(Fifo_Elem), 0, &bAttrs); if (hFifo->hBufPool == NULL) { Dmai_err0("Failed to allocate space for buffer pool\n"); MEM_free(Dmai_Bios_segid, hFifo, sizeof(Fifo_Object)); return NULL; } /* initialize the object */ QUE_new(&hFifo->queue); SEM_new(&hFifo->sem, 0); SEM_new(&hFifo->mutex, 1); return hFifo; }
/* * ======== GIO_delete ======== */ Int GIO_delete(GIO_Handle gioChan) { IOM_Packet *packet; /* flush and delete low-level device ... */ if (gioChan->fxns != NULL && gioChan->mdChan != NULL) { GIO_flush(gioChan); gioChan->fxns->mdDeleteChan(gioChan->mdChan); } /* delete semaphore or alternate sync object ... */ if (gioChan->syncObj != NULL) { GIO->SEMDELETE(gioChan->syncObj); } /* free frames ... */ packet = QUE_get(&gioChan->freeList); while (packet != (IOM_Packet *)(&gioChan->freeList)) { _GIO_rmPacket(packet); packet = QUE_get(&gioChan->freeList); } /* free GIO object. */ (Void)MEM_free(0, gioChan, sizeof(GIO_Obj)); return (IOM_COMPLETED); }
void dkc_reset_string_literal_buffer(void) { MEM_free(st_string_literal_buffer); st_string_literal_buffer = NULL; st_string_literal_buffer_size = 0; st_string_literal_buffer_alloc_size = 0; }
// Copyright (c) 2001-2013, SCALABLE Network Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // 600 Corporate Pointe // Suite 1200 // Culver City, CA 90230 // [email protected] // // This source code is licensed, not sold, and is subject to a written // license agreement. Among other things, no portion of this source // code may be copied, transmitted, disclosed, displayed, distributed, // translated, used as the basis for a derivative work, or used, in // whole or in part, for any program or purpose other than its intended // use in compliance with the license agreement as part of the QualNet // software. This source code and certain of the algorithms contained // within it are confidential trade secrets of Scalable Network // Technologies, Inc. and may not be used as the basis for any other // software, hardware, product or service. // /** // PROTOCOL :: SIP // LAYER : APPLICATION // REFERENCES :: // + whatissip.pdf : // + SIP-2003-Future_of_SIP_and_Presence.pdf // + siptutorial.pdf // COMMENTS :: This is implementation of SIP 2.0 as per RFC 3261 // **/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "api.h" #include "app_util.h" #include "multimedia_sipmsg.h" #include "multimedia_sipdata.h" #define DEBUG 0 // /** // FUNCTION :: SipMsg // LAYER :: APPLICATION // PURPOSE :: Constructor of the SipMsg class // PARAMETERS :: // RETURN :: NULL // **/ SipMsg :: SipMsg() { msgType = SIP_INVALID_MSG; requestType = INVALID_REQ; responseType = INVALID_RES; contentLength = 0; pBuffer = NULL; pLength = 0; totHdrLen = 0; maxForwards = SIP_MAX_FORWARDS; ackType = SIP_ACK_INVALID; connectionId = INVALID_ID; proxyConnectionId = INVALID_ID; fromIp = INVALID_ADDRESS; targetIp = INVALID_ADDRESS; memset(targetUrl , 0, sizeof(targetUrl)); via = NULL; maxViaCount = SIP_VIA_COUNT; viaCount = 0; next = NULL; memset(from, 0, sizeof(from)); memset(to, 0, sizeof(to)); memset(callId, 0, sizeof(callId)); memset(tagTo, 0, sizeof(tagTo)); memset(tagFrom, 0, sizeof(tagFrom)); memset(cSeq, 0, sizeof(cSeq)); memset(cSeqMsg, 0, sizeof(cSeqMsg)); memset(contact, 0, sizeof(contact)); memset(contentType, 0, sizeof(contentType)); memset(domainName, 0, sizeof(domainName)); memset(transProto, 0, sizeof(transProto)); memset(callInfo, 0, sizeof(callInfo)); } // /** // FUNCTION :: SipMsg // LAYER :: APPLICATION // PURPOSE :: Destructor of the SipMsg class // PARAMETERS :: // RETURN :: NULL // **/ SipMsg :: ~SipMsg() { if (via != NULL) { MEM_free(via); } via = NULL; }
// 回收动态分配的字符串缓冲区 void crb_reset_string_literal() { MEM_free(st_string_literal_buffer); st_string_literal_buffer = NULL; st_string_literal_buffer_size = 0; st_string_literal_buffer_alloc_size = 0; }
/****************************************************************************** * Cpu_delete ******************************************************************************/ Int Cpu_delete(Cpu_Handle hCpu) { if (hCpu) { MEM_free(Dmai_Bios_segid, hCpu, sizeof(Cpu_Object)); } return Dmai_EOK; }
/* * ======== cbRmPort ======== * Remove a DIO object and cleans up */ static Void cbRmPort(DIO_Handle dio) { /* if chanp not NULL, must delete mini-driver channel */ if (dio->chanp != NULL) { dio->fxns->mdDeleteChan(dio->chanp); } MEM_free(0, dio, sizeof(DIO_Obj)); }
void List_FreeListM(List *list) { ListLink *link, *next; for (link=list->first; link; link=next) { next = link->next; MEM_free(link); } }
static void svm_obj_ensuresize(SimpleVM *vm, SVMObject *ob, int size) { if (size >= ob->size) { int newsize = (size+1)*2; int *newnames = MEM_malloc(sizeof(*newnames)*newsize); val_t *newfields = MEM_malloc(sizeof(*newfields)*newsize); if (ob->fields) { memcpy(newfields, ob->fields, sizeof(*ob->fields)*ob->size); memcpy(newnames, ob->names, sizeof(*ob->names)*ob->size); MEM_free(ob->fields); MEM_free(ob->names); } ob->size = newsize; ob->names = newnames; ob->fields = newfields; } }