BOOL ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(ME_TextEditor *editor) {
  ME_DisplayItem *item;
  ME_Context c;
  BOOL bModified = FALSE;
  int yStart = -1;

  ME_InitContext(&c, editor, GetDC(editor->hWnd));
  editor->nHeight = 0;
  item = editor->pBuffer->pFirst->next;
  while(item != editor->pBuffer->pLast) {
    BOOL bRedraw = FALSE;

    assert(item->type == diParagraph);
    editor->nHeight = max(editor->nHeight, item->member.para.nYPos);
    if ((item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_REWRAP)
     || (item->member.para.nYPos != c.pt.y))
      bRedraw = TRUE;
    item->member.para.nYPos = c.pt.y;

    ME_WrapTextParagraph(&c, item, editor->selofs);

    if (bRedraw)
      item->member.para.nFlags |= MEPF_REPAINT;
      if (yStart == -1)
        yStart = c.pt.y;

    bModified = bModified | bRedraw;

    c.pt.y += item->member.para.nHeight;
    item = item->member.para.next_para;
  editor->sizeWindow.cx = c.rcView.right-c.rcView.left;
  editor->sizeWindow.cy = c.rcView.bottom-c.rcView.top;
  editor->nTotalLength = c.pt.y;

  ME_DestroyContext(&c, editor->hWnd);

  /* Each paragraph may contain multiple rows, which should be scrollable, even
     if the containing paragraph has nYPos == 0 */
  item = editor->pBuffer->pFirst;
  while ((item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diStartRow)) != NULL) {
    assert(item->type == diStartRow);
    editor->nHeight = max(editor->nHeight, item->member.row.nYPos);

  if (bModified || editor->nTotalLength < editor->nLastTotalLength)
  return bModified;
文件: wrap.c 项目: Endle/wine-gsoc
BOOL ME_WrapMarkedParagraphs(ME_TextEditor *editor)
  ME_DisplayItem *item;
  ME_Context c;
  int totalWidth = 0;
  ME_DisplayItem *repaint_start = NULL, *repaint_end = NULL;

  ME_InitContext(&c, editor, ITextHost_TxGetDC(editor->texthost));
  c.pt.x = 0;
  item = editor->pBuffer->pFirst->next;
  while(item != editor->pBuffer->pLast) {
    BOOL bRedraw = FALSE;

    assert(item->type == diParagraph);
    if ((item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_REWRAP)
     || (item->member.para.pt.y != c.pt.y))
      bRedraw = TRUE;
    item->member.para.pt = c.pt;

    ME_WrapTextParagraph(&c, item);

    if (bRedraw)
      ME_MarkRepaintEnd(item, &repaint_start, &repaint_end);

    if (item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART)
      ME_DisplayItem *cell = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diCell);
      ME_DisplayItem *endRowPara;
      int borderWidth = 0;
      cell->member.cell.pt = c.pt;
      /* Offset the text by the largest top border width. */
      while (cell->member.cell.next_cell) {
        borderWidth = max(borderWidth, cell->member.cell.border.top.width);
        cell = cell->member.cell.next_cell;
      endRowPara = ME_FindItemFwd(cell, diParagraph);
      assert(endRowPara->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND);
      if (borderWidth > 0)
        borderWidth = max(ME_twips2pointsY(&c, borderWidth), 1);
        while (cell) {
          cell->member.cell.yTextOffset = borderWidth;
          cell = cell->member.cell.prev_cell;
        c.pt.y += borderWidth;
      if (endRowPara->member.para.pFmt->dxStartIndent > 0)
        int dxStartIndent = endRowPara->member.para.pFmt->dxStartIndent;
        cell = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diCell);
        cell->member.cell.pt.x += ME_twips2pointsX(&c, dxStartIndent);
        c.pt.x = cell->member.cell.pt.x;
    else if (item->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND)
      /* Set all the cells to the height of the largest cell */
      ME_DisplayItem *startRowPara;
      int prevHeight, nHeight, bottomBorder = 0;
      ME_DisplayItem *cell = ME_FindItemBack(item, diCell);
      item->member.para.nWidth = cell->member.cell.pt.x + cell->member.cell.nWidth;
      if (!(item->member.para.next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWSTART))
        /* Last row, the bottom border is added to the height. */
        cell = cell->member.cell.prev_cell;
        while (cell)
          bottomBorder = max(bottomBorder, cell->member.cell.border.bottom.width);
          cell = cell->member.cell.prev_cell;
        bottomBorder = ME_twips2pointsY(&c, bottomBorder);
        cell = ME_FindItemBack(item, diCell);
      prevHeight = cell->member.cell.nHeight;
      nHeight = cell->member.cell.prev_cell->member.cell.nHeight + bottomBorder;
      cell->member.cell.nHeight = nHeight;
      item->member.para.nHeight = nHeight;
      cell = cell->member.cell.prev_cell;
      cell->member.cell.nHeight = nHeight;
      while (cell->member.cell.prev_cell)
        cell = cell->member.cell.prev_cell;
        cell->member.cell.nHeight = nHeight;
      /* Also set the height of the start row paragraph */
      startRowPara = ME_FindItemBack(cell, diParagraph);
      startRowPara->member.para.nHeight = nHeight;
      c.pt.x = startRowPara->member.para.pt.x;
      c.pt.y = cell->member.cell.pt.y + nHeight;
      if (prevHeight < nHeight)
        /* The height of the cells has grown, so invalidate the bottom of
         * the cells. */
        ME_MarkRepaintEnd(item, &repaint_start, &repaint_end);
        cell = ME_FindItemBack(item, diCell);
        while (cell) {
          ME_MarkRepaintEnd(ME_FindItemBack(cell, diParagraph), &repaint_start, &repaint_end);
          cell = cell->member.cell.prev_cell;
    else if (item->member.para.pCell &&
             item->member.para.pCell != item->member.para.next_para->member.para.pCell)
      /* The next paragraph is in the next cell in the table row. */
      ME_Cell *cell = &item->member.para.pCell->member.cell;
      cell->nHeight = c.pt.y + item->member.para.nHeight - cell->pt.y;

      /* Propagate the largest height to the end so that it can be easily
       * sent back to all the cells at the end of the row. */
      if (cell->prev_cell)
        cell->nHeight = max(cell->nHeight, cell->prev_cell->member.cell.nHeight);

      c.pt.x = cell->pt.x + cell->nWidth;
      c.pt.y = cell->pt.y;
      cell->next_cell->member.cell.pt = c.pt;
      if (!(item->member.para.next_para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_ROWEND))
        c.pt.y += cell->yTextOffset;
      if (item->member.para.pCell) {
        /* Next paragraph in the same cell. */
        c.pt.x = item->member.para.pCell->member.cell.pt.x;
      } else {
        /* Normal paragraph */
        c.pt.x = 0;
      c.pt.y += item->member.para.nHeight;

    totalWidth = max(totalWidth, item->member.para.nWidth);
    item = item->member.para.next_para;
  editor->sizeWindow.cx = c.rcView.right-c.rcView.left;
  editor->sizeWindow.cy = c.rcView.bottom-c.rcView.top;

  editor->nTotalLength = c.pt.y;
  editor->nTotalWidth = totalWidth;
  editor->pBuffer->pLast->member.para.pt.x = 0;
  editor->pBuffer->pLast->member.para.pt.y = c.pt.y;


  if (repaint_start || editor->nTotalLength < editor->nLastTotalLength)
    ME_InvalidateParagraphRange(editor, repaint_start, repaint_end);
  return !!repaint_start;