static void _MDGrossRadianceOtto (int itemID) {
// Input
    int   day;
    float lambda;
// Output
    float  grossRad;
// Local
    int   hour;
    double eta, sigma,sinphi,sp,sbb,sotd;

    day    = MFDateGetDayOfYear ();
    lambda = MFModelGetLatitude (itemID) * DTOR;

    sp = 1360.0 * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 0.041841 / 41860.0; // FBM  0.041841 conversion from cal/cm2 to MJ/m2
    grossRad = 0.0;
    sigma = -23.4856 * cos (2.0 * M_PI * (day + 11.0) / 365.25) * DTOR;
    for (hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
        eta = (double) ((hour + 1)) * M_PI / 12.0;
        sinphi = sin (lambda) * sin (sigma) + cos (lambda) * cos (sigma) * cos (eta);
        sotd = 1 - (0.016729 * cos (0.9856 * (day - 4.0) * DTOR));
        sbb = sp * sinphi / pow (sotd,2.0);
        if (sbb >= 0) grossRad += sbb;
    MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutGrossRadID,  itemID, grossRad / 24.0);
static void _MDSmallReservoirCapacity (int itemID) {
// Input
	float irrAreaFraction;      // Irrigated arrea fraction
	float accumSurfRunoff;      // Accumulated surface runoff [mm]
	float accumIrrDemand;       // Accumulated irrigational water demand [mm]
// Output
 	float smallResCapacity;     // maximum storage, m3
 // Local
 	float potResCapacity;
    if ((irrAreaFraction = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInIrrAreaID, itemID, 0.0)) > 0.0) {
 		accumSurfRunoff  = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInRainSurfRunoffID,          itemID, 0.0) *
 		                   MFVarGetFloat (_MDInSmallResStorageFractionID, itemID, 1.0);
 		accumIrrDemand   = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInIrrGrossDemandID,          itemID, 0.0);
 		smallResCapacity = MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutSmallResCapacityID,       itemID, 0.0); 
 		if (MFDateGetDayOfYear () > 1) { 
 			accumSurfRunoff += MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutRainSurfRunoffAccumulatedID, itemID, 0.0);
 			accumIrrDemand  += MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutIrrGrossDemandAccumulatedID, itemID, 0.0);
 		potResCapacity   = accumSurfRunoff  < accumIrrDemand ? accumSurfRunoff  : accumIrrDemand;
 		smallResCapacity = smallResCapacity > potResCapacity ? smallResCapacity : potResCapacity;
 	else accumSurfRunoff = accumIrrDemand = smallResCapacity = 0.0;

 	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutRainSurfRunoffAccumulatedID, itemID, accumSurfRunoff);
 	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutIrrGrossDemandAccumulatedID, itemID, accumIrrDemand);
 	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSmallResCapacityID,          itemID, smallResCapacity);
static void _MDGrossRadianceStd (int itemID) {
// Input
    int   day;
    float lambda;
// Output
    float  grossRad;
// Local
    int   hour;
    double eta,sigma,sinphi,sp,sbb;

    day    = MFDateGetDayOfYear ();
    lambda = MFModelGetLatitude (itemID) * DTOR;

    sp = 1360.0 * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 0.041841 / 41860.0; // FBM  0.041841 conversion from cal/cm2 to MJ/m2
    grossRad = 0;
    sigma = -23.4 * cos (2.0 * M_PI * (day + 11.0) / 365.0) * DTOR;
    for (hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
        eta = (hour + 1) * M_PI / 12.0;
        sinphi = sin (lambda) * sin (sigma) + cos (lambda) * cos (sigma) * cos (eta);
        sbb = sp * sinphi * pow ((double) _MDGrossRadStdTAU,(double) (1.0 / sinphi));
        if (sbb > 0) grossRad += sbb;
    MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutGrossRadID,  itemID, grossRad / 24.0);
static void _MDSPackChg (int itemID) {
// Input
	float airT;
	float precip;
	float winterOnsetDoY;
	float initialDensity = 150;
	float sDensitySlope = 3;
	if( _MDCalculateSoilTempID==1)winterOnsetDoY = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInWinterOnsetID, itemID,1.0);
//	printf ("Anf SnowPackChange \n");
	// Local
	float sPack;
	float sPackChg = 0.0;
	float sDensity=0.0;
	float sDepth = 0.0;
	int snowAge=0;
	float densityOfWater =1000;
	if (MFDateGetDayOfYear()  - winterOnsetDoY > 0){
	snowAge = MFDateGetDayOfYear() - winterOnsetDoY;
		snowAge = 365 - winterOnsetDoY + MFDateGetDayOfYear();
	sPack  = MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutSnowPackID, itemID, 0.0);
	if (MFVarTestMissingVal (_MDInAtMeanID,itemID) || MFVarTestMissingVal (_MDInPrecipID, itemID)) {
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowFallID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowMeltID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowPackID, itemID, sPack);	
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSPackChgID, itemID, 0.0);

//printf ("SnowMeltThreshold= %f SnoFall %f\n",_MDSnowMeltThreshold, _MDFallThreshold);
	airT   = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAtMeanID,    itemID, 0.0);
	precip = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInPrecipID,    itemID, 0.0);

	if (airT < _MDFallThreshold) {  /* Accumulating snow pack */
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowFallID, itemID, precip);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowMeltID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowPackID, itemID, sPack + precip);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSPackChgID, itemID, precip);
	else if (airT > _MDSnowMeltThreshold) { /* Melting snow pack */
		sPackChg = 2.63 + 2.55 * airT + 0.0912 * airT * precip;
		sPackChg = - (sPack < sPackChg ? sPack : sPackChg);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowFallID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowMeltID, itemID, fabs(sPackChg));
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSPackChgID, itemID, sPackChg);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowPackID, itemID, sPack + sPackChg);
	else { /* No change when air temperature is in [-1.0,1.0] range */
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowFallID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowMeltID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSnowPackID, itemID, sPack);	
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutSPackChgID, itemID, 0.0);
		sDensity = (initialDensity + (snowAge * sDensitySlope));
		if (sPack > 0.0 ) sDepth = sPack  * densityOfWater / sDensity; //in mm
	//	printf ("sAge %i sDens %f sPack %f sDepth %f \n", snowAge, sDensity, sPack, sDepth);

		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutSnowDepthID,itemID, sDepth); 
	//	printf ("Ende SnowPackChange \n");

//		if (itemID == 54914) printf("-- m = %d, d = %d, SF = %f, SM = %f, airT = %f, precip = %f, sPack = %f, sPackChg = %f\n", MFDateGetCurrentMonth(), MFDateGetCurrentDay(), _MDFallThreshold, _MDSnowMeltThreshold, airT, precip, sPack, sPackChg);

static void _MDIrrGrossDemand (int itemID) {
	float irrEffeciency;
	float dailyPrecip    = 0.0;
	float dailyEffPrecip = 0.0;
	float refETP;
	float cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops+1];
	float snowpackChg = 0;
	int seasStart[3];
    float dailyPercolation;
    float wltPnt;
    float fldCap;
	float totalNetIrrDemand   = 0.0;
	float totalIrrPercolation = 0.0;
// Local
	int i;
	float ReqpondingDepth ;
	float pondingDepth;
        float irrIntensity;
	float cropDepletionFactor;
	float meanSMChange;
	float meanSMoist;
	int daysSincePlanted;
	float totAvlWater,readAvlWater, curDepl, prevSoilMstDepl;
	float addBareSoil        = 0.0;
	float bareSoilBalance    = 0.0;
	float cropCoeff;
	float croppedArea        = 0.0;
	float cropWR             = 0.0;
	float deepPercolation    = 0.0;
	float loss               = 0.0;
	float netIrrDemand       = 0.0;
	float relCropFraction    = 0.0;
	float rootDepth;
	float sumOfCropFractions = 0.0;
	float totalCropETP       = 0.0;
	float totGrossDemand     = 0.0;
	float riceWaterBalance;
	float nonRiceWaterBalance;
	float smChange;
	int   numGrowingSeasons;
	float curCropFraction;
	float returnFlow;
	float CropETPlusEPloss;
	float debug = 0.0;
	float OUT;
	float IN;
	int stage;
	int curDay;
	curDay = MFDateGetDayOfYear();

	//	 printf ("IrrIsDistrubted = %i\n", _MDIntensityIsDistributed ); 
	irrAreaFrac = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInIrrAreaFracID, itemID, 0.0);
	//printf ("pond%fi\n",ReqpondingDepth);
	switch (_MDIrrigatedAreaMap) {
	case FAO_ID:  irrIntensity = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInIrrIntensityID, itemID, 100.0) / 100.0; break;
	case IWMI_ID: irrIntensity = 1.0; _MDIntensityDistributed = true; break;
	seasStart [0]= MFVarGetFloat (_MDGrowingSeason1ID,      itemID, -100);
	seasStart [1]= MFVarGetFloat (_MDGrowingSeason2ID,      itemID, -100);
	if ((seasStart[0] < 0) || (seasStart[0]< 0)) printf ("Growing Season! \n");

	if (irrAreaFrac > 0.0) {
		for (i = 0;i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops + 1; ++i) { cropFraction[i] = 0.0; }
		for (i = 0;i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops;     ++i) {
			if (MFVarTestMissingVal (_MDInCropFractionIDs [i],itemID)) {
				MFVarSetFloat(_MDInCropFractionIDs [i],itemID,0.0);
		irrEffeciency   = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInIrrEfficiencyID,    itemID, 38);
		dailyPrecip     = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInPrecipID,           itemID, 0.0);
		refETP          = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInIrrRefEvapotransID, itemID, 0.0);
		if (irrEffeciency == 0) irrEffeciency =38;
		if (refETP == 0.0) refETP = 0.01;

		snowpackChg = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInSPackChgID, itemID, 0.0);
		if (snowpackChg >  0.0) dailyPrecip = 0.0; //Snow Accumulation, no liquid precipitation
		if (snowpackChg <= 0.0) dailyPrecip = dailyPrecip + fabs (snowpackChg); //Add Snowmelt

		dailyEffPrecip = dailyPrecip;
	 	dailyPercolation = MFVarGetFloat(_MDRicePercolationRateID,itemID,3.0);
	 	wltPnt           = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInWltPntID,  itemID, 0.15);
		fldCap           = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInFldCapaID, itemID, 0.25);
		if (fldCap == 0.0) {
//		printf ("FC %f WP %f \n",fldCap,wltPnt);
		if (irrIntensity < 1.2 && irrIntensity > 1.0)irrIntensity=1.0;

		if (irrIntensity > 2.0) irrIntensity=2.0;
//		printf("Num irr crops %i\n",_MDNumberOfIrrCrops);
		for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) {
			sumOfCropFractions += MFVarGetFloat(_MDInCropFractionIDs [i],itemID, 0.0);	
//			printf ("hier\n, numcrops= %i\n",_MDNumberOfIrrCrops);
		if (sumOfCropFractions==0) { // No Cropdata for irrigated cell: default to some cereal crop
			MFVarSetFloat(_MDInCropFractionIDs [2],itemID, 0.3);

	  	for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) {sumOfCropFractions += MFVarGetFloat(_MDInCropFractionIDs [i],itemID, 0.0);	}

		for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) { // cropFraction[_MDNumberOfIrrCrops] is bare soil Area!
			numGrowingSeasons = 2; // getNumGrowingSeasons (irrIntensity);
			if (_MDIrrigatedAreaMap == 0.0) numGrowingSeasons=getNumGrowingSeasons(irrIntensity); //FAO MAP
			curCropFraction = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInCropFractionIDs [i], itemID, 0.0);
			if (curCropFraction > 0.0) {relCropFraction = curCropFraction / sumOfCropFractions; } else { relCropFraction = 0.0; }
			daysSincePlanted = getDaysSincePlanting (curDay, seasStart, numGrowingSeasons, &_MDirrigCropStruct [i]);

			if (_MDIntensityDistributed) {
//				printf ("Distributed\n");
				if (daysSincePlanted > 0.0) {
					addBareSoil = relCropFraction - irrIntensity / ceil(irrIntensity) * relCropFraction;
//                  printf ("BareSoil = %f\n",addBareSoil);
					if (relCropFraction > 0.0) cropFraction [i] = relCropFraction - addBareSoil;
					cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops] += addBareSoil;
				else {
					cropFraction [i] = 0.0;
					cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops] += relCropFraction;
			else { // try to grow all crops in Growing Season 1 (always assumed to be the first season!)
//				printf("first Season!\n");
				if (daysSincePlanted > 0.0) { // Growing season
//			 		printf("IrrIntensity %f\n",irrIntensity);
					if (curDay < seasStart [1] || (daysSincePlanted > seasStart[1]-seasStart[0])) { // First or perennial growing season
						if (irrIntensity < 1.0) addBareSoil = relCropFraction * (1.0 - irrIntensity);
						else                    addBareSoil = 0.0;
//						printf ("hier intensity = %f relCropFraction %f addBareSoil %f\n",irrIntensity, relCropFraction, addBareSoil);
					else { // second crop
						if (irrIntensity > 1.0) addBareSoil = relCropFraction - (irrIntensity - 1.0) * relCropFraction;
						else if (irrIntensity < 1.0) addBareSoil = relCropFraction;
					if (relCropFraction > 0.0) cropFraction [i] = relCropFraction - addBareSoil;
					cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops] += addBareSoil;
				else { //  Non-growing season
					cropFraction [i] = 0.0;
					cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops] += relCropFraction;
		croppedArea = 0.0;

		for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) croppedArea+=cropFraction[i];

	 	if (fabs ((croppedArea +cropFraction[_MDNumberOfIrrCrops] -1)) > 0.0001) printf ("Cropped  %f bare %f \n", croppedArea ,cropFraction[_MDNumberOfIrrCrops]);
		for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) {
			relCropFraction   = cropFraction[i];
			numGrowingSeasons = 2; //getNumGrowingSeasons (irrIntensity);
			if (_MDIrrigatedAreaMap==0) numGrowingSeasons=getNumGrowingSeasons(irrIntensity);//FAO MAP
			if (relCropFraction > 0) {
			 	daysSincePlanted = getDaysSincePlanting(curDay, seasStart,numGrowingSeasons,&_MDirrigCropStruct[i]);
			 	if (daysSincePlanted > 0) {
					prevSoilMstDepl = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutCropDeficitIDs [i],itemID, 0.0);
//					if (daysSincePlanted==1)prevSoilMstDepl=0;
//					if (itemID==22)printf ("DP %f\n",prevSoilMstDepl);
					stage = getCropStage(&_MDirrigCropStruct[i], daysSincePlanted);
					cropCoeff =getCropKc(&_MDirrigCropStruct[i], daysSincePlanted, stage);
					cropWR    = refETP * cropCoeff;
					rootDepth = getCurCropRootingDepth (&_MDirrigCropStruct[i],daysSincePlanted);
					rootDepth = 400; // TODO
				    cropDepletionFactor=getCorrDeplFactor(&_MDirrigCropStruct[i], cropWR);
					if (_MDirrigCropStruct[i].cropIsRice==1) {
			//			printf ("Hier is rice %i\n",i);
						if (pondingDepth>=ReqpondingDepth) {
							deepPercolation=pondingDepth -ReqpondingDepth;
						if (pondingDepth<ReqpondingDepth) {
						curDepl=pondingDepth; //so that current ponding depth gets set..		
						if (fabs (riceWaterBalance) > 0.0001) printf ("RiceWaterBalance %f prevSMM %f smChange %f cropWR %f \n",riceWaterBalance, prevSoilMstDepl,smChange,cropWR);
					else {
						totAvlWater  = (fldCap  -wltPnt) * rootDepth;
						readAvlWater = totAvlWater * cropDepletionFactor;
						curDepl  = prevSoilMstDepl - dailyEffPrecip + cropWR;
						if (curDepl < 0) {
							curDepl = 0;
//							if (itemID == 104) printf ("HIER\n");
//							if (itemID == 104) printf ("sssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssss!\n");
							deepPercolation = dailyEffPrecip - prevSoilMstDepl -cropWR;
						if (curDepl >= totAvlWater) {
//							if (itemID == 104) printf ("HIER\n");
							curDepl =totAvlWater;
						if (curDepl >= readAvlWater) {
							netIrrDemand = curDepl;
							netIrrDemand = curDepl;
							// if (cropWR > readAvlWater)cropWR = readAvlWater;
							// deepPercolation = dailyEffPrecip - prevSoilMstDepl - cropWR + netIrrDemand;
							curDepl = prevSoilMstDepl - netIrrDemand-dailyEffPrecip+cropWR;
							// deepPercolation = dailyEffPrecip - prevSoilMstDepl - cropWR; curDepl = 0.0;
							if (fabs (curDepl) > 0.001) printf ("Schieses\n"); 

							// if (netIrrDemand > readAvlWater) netIrrDemand = readAvlWater;
//							if (itemID == 104) printf ("sssssssssssssssssscur Dpl %f RAW %f TAW %f cropWR %f netDem %f!\n",curDepl, readAvlWater,totAvlWater,cropWR,netIrrDemand);//	curDepl=0+cropWR;
//							if (itemID == 104) if (netIrrDemand > readAvlWater) printf ("crop NO %i curDepl %f RAW %f TAW %f cropWR %f netDem %f dsp %i Doy %i!seasStart[0] %i seasStart[1]%i refCropF %f\n",i,curDepl, readAvlWater,totAvlWater,cropWR,netIrrDemand,daysSincePlanted, MFDateGetDayOfYear(),seasStart[0],seasStart[1],relCropFraction);//	curDepl=0+cropWR;
//						if (curDepl > (fldCap  -wltPnt) * rootDepth*cropDepletionFactor) printf ("F**k\n");
						if (fabs(nonRiceWaterBalance) > 0.0001)printf ("NONRiceWaterBalance %f prevSMM %f smChange %f cropWR %f TAW %f FC %f WP %f \n",nonRiceWaterBalance, prevSoilMstDepl,smChange,cropWR,totAvlWater,fldCap,wltPnt );
						smChange = dailyEffPrecip+netIrrDemand-cropWR-deepPercolation-nonRiceWaterBalance;
				 	MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutCropDeficitIDs [i],itemID,curDepl);
//					if (itemID==104)printf ("hier %i frac %f %i deple %f depl[2] %f DP %f\n",itemID,relCropFraction,daysSincePlanted,curDepl, MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutCropDeficitIDs [i],itemID, 0.0),deepPercolation);
				totalNetIrrDemand += netIrrDemand * relCropFraction;
//				if (itemID == 77) printf ("totalNetIrrDemand = %f cropFrac %f DSP %i\n",totalNetIrrDemand,relCropFraction,daysSincePlanted);
				totalCropETP        += cropWR   * relCropFraction;
				meanSMChange        += smChange * relCropFraction;
				totalIrrPercolation += deepPercolation * relCropFraction;
			MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutCropETIDs [i], itemID, netIrrDemand * relCropFraction * irrAreaFrac); 		
			MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutCropGrossDemandIDs[i],itemID,netIrrDemand * relCropFraction * irrAreaFrac/(irrEffeciency/100));
		//	printf ("Hier\n");
		}//for all crops
//		Add Water Balance for bare soil
		cropWR = 0.0;
		relCropFraction = cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops];
		if (relCropFraction > 1.01) printf("Problem relCropFraction = %f\n",relCropFraction);
		if (irrAreaFrac     > 1.01) printf("Problem irrAreaFraction = %f\n",relCropFraction);
//		if (itemID == 104) printf ("bareSoil = %f %i dsp %i inten %f\n", relCropFraction, itemID, daysSincePlanted, irrIntensity);
		if (relCropFraction > 0.0) { //Crop is not currently grown. ET from bare soil is equal to ET (initial)
//			printf ("hier bare = %f\n",relCropFraction);
			netIrrDemand = 0.0;
			cropWR = 0.2*refETP;
			prevSoilMstDepl= MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutCropDeficitIDs [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops],itemID, 0.0);
			totAvlWater  = (fldCap - wltPnt) * 250;	//assumed RD = 0.25 m
			deepPercolation = 0.0;
			curDepl  = prevSoilMstDepl - dailyEffPrecip + cropWR;
			if (curDepl < 0) {	
				curDepl = 0;	
				deepPercolation=dailyEffPrecip - prevSoilMstDepl -cropWR;
			if (curDepl >= totAvlWater) {
				cropWR = totAvlWater - prevSoilMstDepl + dailyEffPrecip;
				deepPercolation = 0.0;
				curDepl = totAvlWater;

				if (cropWR < 0)printf ("CropWR, item %i TAW %f PrevSM %f EffP %f\n",itemID,totAvlWater,prevSoilMstDepl,dailyEffPrecip);
//				printf("her FC %f WP %f curDepl %f prevDepl %f totAvlWater %f cropWR %f dailyEffPrecip %f\n",fldCap, wltPnt,curDepl,prevSoilMstDepl, totAvlWater, cropWR, dailyEffPrecip);								
 			smChange = prevSoilMstDepl - curDepl;
			bareSoilBalance=dailyEffPrecip -smChange- cropWR - netIrrDemand -deepPercolation;
			if (fabs(bareSoilBalance >0.0001)) printf ("bare SMBalance!! precip %f cropWR %f smchange %f dp %f\n ",dailyEffPrecip , cropWR ,smChange, deepPercolation );
  			MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutCropDeficitIDs [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops], itemID, curDepl);	
		else {
			cropWR          = 0.0;
			smChange        = 0.0;
			deepPercolation = 0.0;
			netIrrDemand    = 0.0;
			curDepl         = 0.0;
		MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutCropETIDs [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops], itemID, cropWR);
  		MFVarSetFloat (_MDNonIrrFractionID, itemID, cropFraction [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops]);
		totalNetIrrDemand   += netIrrDemand    * relCropFraction;
		totalCropETP        += cropWR          * relCropFraction;
		meanSMoist          += curDepl         * relCropFraction;
		meanSMChange        += smChange        * relCropFraction;
		totalIrrPercolation += deepPercolation * relCropFraction;

		totGrossDemand = getIrrGrossWaterDemand (totalNetIrrDemand, irrEffeciency);

		loss = (totGrossDemand - totalNetIrrDemand) + (dailyPrecip - dailyEffPrecip);
		returnFlow = totalIrrPercolation + loss * 0.1;
		CropETPlusEPloss = totalCropETP  + loss * 0.9;
		OUT = CropETPlusEPloss + returnFlow + meanSMChange;
		IN  = totGrossDemand + dailyPrecip;

//		if (itemID == 1)   printf ("IrrSMChange in GrossDemand %f Doy %i \n",meanSMChange        * irrAreaFrac, MFDateGetDayOfYear());
//		if (itemID == 104) printf ("itemID %iGrossDemn %f DailyPrecip %f meanSMChange  %f \n",itemID,totGrossDemand,dailyPrecip,meanSMChange);
//		if (itemID == 104) printf ("ItemID %i ppt %f CropET %f perc %f loss %f \n",itemID,dailyPrecip,totalCropETP,totalIrrPercolation,loss);	
//		if (fabs (IN - OUT) > 0.1) CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,"WaterBalance in MDIrrigation!!! IN %f OUT %f BALANCE %f LOSS %f %i DEMAND %f %i EffPrecip %f   itemID %i \n", IN, OUT, IN-OUT, loss, itemID, totGrossDemand, itemID, dailyEffPrecip,itemID);
//		if (totGrossDemand > 0.1)
		if (fabs (IN - OUT) > 0.001) printf ("WaterBalance in MDIrrigation!!! IN %f OUT %f BALANCE %f LOSS %f %i DEMAND %f NET %f  EffPrecip %f dailyPrecip %f cropped %f bare %f IrrARea %fitemID %i \n", IN, OUT, IN-OUT, loss, itemID, totGrossDemand, totalNetIrrDemand, dailyEffPrecip,dailyPrecip,croppedArea,cropFraction[_MDNumberOfIrrCrops],irrAreaFrac,itemID);
//		printf ("After = %f \n", MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutCropETIDs [_MDNumberOfIrrCrops], itemID, 88));
		for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) { debug += MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutCropETIDs [i], itemID, 0.0); }

		if (fabs (debug - totalNetIrrDemand * irrAreaFrac) > 0.1 ) printf ("sum of et %f netdeman = %f item %i\n", debug, totalNetIrrDemand * irrAreaFrac, itemID);	

		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrSMoistChgID,   itemID, meanSMChange      * irrAreaFrac);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrNetDemandID,   itemID, totalNetIrrDemand * irrAreaFrac);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrGrossDemandID, itemID, totGrossDemand    * irrAreaFrac);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrReturnFlowID,  itemID, returnFlow        * irrAreaFrac);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrEvapotranspID, itemID, CropETPlusEPloss  * irrAreaFrac);	
	else { // cell is not irrigated
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrSoilMoistID,   itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrSMoistChgID,   itemID, 0.0);
 		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrNetDemandID,   itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrGrossDemandID, itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrReturnFlowID,  itemID, 0.0);
		MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutIrrEvapotranspID, itemID, 0.0);
		for (i = 0; i < _MDNumberOfIrrCrops; i++) {MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutCropETIDs[i],itemID,0.0);}
static void _MDQBARTpreprocess (int itemID) {
	int TimeStep,p,i,d,j;
	float Qday, Qbar,Qacc, Qbar_km3y,Qbar_m3s;
    float Qmax = 0;
	float Tday,Tbar,Tacc,A,T_time,T_old;
	float TupSlop,PixSize_km2;

    int n, nA; 
    float mu, muA, M2, M2A, M3, M3A, del;
    float logQmax;
    float dummy;

	/*static int Max_itemID = 0;*/
	//static int year_count=1;
	/*static float *PixelmaxQ;*/
	/*static float **dailyQ; */

	/*if (itemID > Max_itemID) {*/
		/*PixelmaxQ = (float*)malloc(Max_itemID*sizeof(float));*/
		/*dailyQ = (float**) malloc(Max_itemID*sizeof(float*));*/
		/*for (i = 1; i < Max_itemID+1; i++)*/
               /*dailyQ[i] = (float*) malloc(366*sizeof(float));*/
           /*for (i = 1; i < 366; i++)*/
			/*for (j = 1; j < Max_itemID; j++)*/
				/*dailyQ[j][i] = 0.0;	*/
	/*}	*/

	/*static int pix=1;*/
	/*static int day=1;*/
	/*FILE * textfile;*/
	//printf ("itemID:%d\n ", itemID);

    if (MFDateGetDayOfYear() == 1) {
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, 0.0);

	Qday = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInDischargeID , itemID, 0.0);	// in m3/s	
    Qmax = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
    if (Qday > Qmax) {
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, Qday);
    } else {
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, Qmax);

    if (MFDateGetDayOfYear() == 365) { //MFDateGetYearLength()) {
        Qmax = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
        logQmax = 0;
        if (Qmax > 0) 
            logQmax = log10(Qmax);
        // online (onepass) variance calculation, continues in MDBankfullQcalc.c (T.Terriberry)
        nA = MFVarGetInt(_MDOutYearCountID, itemID, 0);
        n = nA + 1;
        muA = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutMeanLogQMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
        M2A = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM2ID, itemID, 0.0);
        M3A = MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM3ID, itemID, 0.0);
        del = logQmax - muA;
        mu = muA + del / n;
        M2 = M2A + (del * del * nA / n);
        M3 = M3A + (del * del * del * nA * (nA - 1) / (n * n)) + (3 * -M2A * del / n);

        MFVarSetInt(_MDOutYearCountID, itemID, n);
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutMeanLogQMaxID, itemID, mu);
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM2ID, itemID, M2);
        MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutLogQMaxM3ID, itemID, M3);

        // call this just to make bankfull calcs and save vals
        dummy = MFVarGetFloat(_MDInBankfullQ5ID, itemID, 0.0);
    // don't need to set missing vals to anything, dsAggregate annual in
    // postproc should just skip them.
    /*else {*/
        /*MFVarSetInt(_MDOutYearsCountID, itemID, MFVarGetInt(_MDOutYearsCountID, itemID, 0));*/
        /*MFVarSetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxMeanID, itemID, MFVarGetFloat(_MDOutDischMaxMeanID, itemID, 0.0));*/

	//printf ("pix:%d\n ", pix);
	//if (pix==1) printf ("pix=1. Qday=:%f\n ", Qday);

       /*if (itemID==1){ //last pixelID*/
           /*//printf ("day:%d\n ", day);*/
           /*[>if (day==365){<]*/
           /*if (MFDateGetDayOfYear() == MFDateGetYearLength()) {*/
               /*printf("year count\n ");*/
               /*textfile = fopen("year_max_logQ.txt","a");*/
               /*printf ("Writing to Scripts/year_max_logQ.txt\n");*/
               /*for (p=1;p<Max_itemID;p++){*/
                   /*PixelmaxQ[p] = dailyQ[p][1];*/
                   /*//printf ("PixelmaxQ[p]:%f\n ", PixelmaxQ[p]);*/
                   /*for (d=2; d<366; d++){*/
                       /*if (PixelmaxQ[p] < dailyQ[p][d]) PixelmaxQ[p] = dailyQ[p][d];*/
                   /*if (PixelmaxQ[p]>0) PixelmaxQ[p]=log10(PixelmaxQ[p]);*/
                   /*fprintf (textfile,"%f ", PixelmaxQ[p]);*/
			/*fprintf (textfile,"\n");*/
			/*fclose (textfile);*/
			/*Max_itemID = 0;*/
			/*day = 0;*/
       /*}	*/
//Geting the values of these parameters
    Qbar = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInDischMeanID   , itemID, 0.0);	// in m3/s
	Tday = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAirTempID     , itemID, 0.0);	// in C	
//	A    = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInContributingAreaID, 	itemID, 0.0);	//in km2
	A = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInContributingAreaAccID, itemID, 0.0) + (MFModelGetArea (itemID)/(pow(1000,2)));// convert from m2 to km2  //calculating the contributing area
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInContributingAreaAccID, itemID, A);
	PixSize_km2 =(MFModelGetArea(itemID)/pow(1000,2));
//	printf("PixSize_km2: %f\n",PixSize_km2);
//	printf("A: %f\n",A);
//Calculate Relief
//	LocalElev = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInElevationID  , itemID, 0.0)/1000;//convert to km
//	printf("LocalElev: %f\n",LocalElev);
//	MaxElev = MFVarGetFloat (_MDOutElevationMaxID, itemID, 0.0);
//	if (A == PixSize_km2) MaxElev=LocalElev;
//	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutElevationMaxID, itemID, -MaxElev);
//	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutElevationMaxID, itemID, LocalElev);
//	printf("MaxElev: %f\n",MaxElev);
//	R = MaxElev-LocalElev;
//	printf("R: %f\n",R);
MFVarSetInt (_MDOutBQART_AID, itemID, A);
//MFVarSetInt (_MDOutBQART_RID, itemID, R);
//Accumulate temperature
	TupSlop = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_spaceID, itemID, 0.0); 
	T_old = MFVarGetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_timeID, itemID, 0.0) ; 
	T_time = T_old+ Tday;
	Tacc = TupSlop + (T_time * PixSize_km2);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_spaceID, itemID, Tacc);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInAirTempAcc_timeID, itemID, T_time);
//Accumulate discharge
	Qacc = (MFVarGetFloat (_MDInDischargeAccID, itemID, 0.0)+ Qday);// in m3/s
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDInDischargeAccID, itemID, Qacc);

// Accumulate time steps
	TimeStep = (MFVarGetInt (_MDInTimeStepsID, itemID, 0.0)+1);	
	MFVarSetInt (_MDInTimeStepsID, itemID, TimeStep);

//Calculate moving avarege temperature (Tbar) and discharge 
	Tbar = Tacc/TimeStep/A;
	Qbar_m3s = Qacc/TimeStep; //in m3/s
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutBQART_Qbar_m3sID, itemID, Qbar_m3s);
	if (Qbar_m3s > 0){ //convert to km3/y	
		Qbar_km3y = (Qbar_m3s/(pow(1000,3)))*(365*24*60*60); 
		Qbar_km3y = 0;
// exporting outputs flux to files
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutBQART_TID, itemID, Tbar);
	MFVarSetFloat (_MDOutBQART_Qbar_km3yID, itemID, Qbar_km3y);