void ME_CCEventAtEditCursor (COMMAND_T* ct, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd)
	BR_MouseInfo mouseInfo(BR_MouseInfo::MODE_MIDI_EDITOR_ALL);
	if (mouseInfo.GetMidiEditor())
		if (MediaItem_Take* take = MIDIEditor_GetTake(mouseInfo.GetMidiEditor()))
			double positionPPQ = MIDI_GetPPQPosFromProjTime(take, GetCursorPositionEx(NULL));

			int lane, value;
			if (mouseInfo.GetCCLane(&lane, &value, NULL) && value >= 0)
				if (lane == CC_TEXT_EVENTS || lane == CC_SYSEX || lane == CC_BANK_SELECT || lane == CC_VELOCITY)
					MessageBox((HWND)mouseInfo.GetMidiEditor(), __LOCALIZE("Can't insert in velocity, text, sysex and bank select lanes","sws_mbox"), __LOCALIZE("SWS/BR - Warning","sws_mbox"), MB_OK);
					bool do14bit    = (lane >= CC_14BIT_START) ? true : false;
					int channel     = MIDIEditor_GetSetting_int(mouseInfo.GetMidiEditor(), "default_note_chan");
					int msg2        = CheckBounds(lane, 0, 127) ? ((value >> 7) | 0) : (value & 0x7F);
					int msg3        = CheckBounds(lane, 0, 127) ? (value & 0x7F)     : ((value >> 7) | 0);

					int targetLane  = (do14bit) ? lane - CC_14BIT_START : lane;
					int targetLane2 = (do14bit) ? targetLane + 32       : lane;

					MIDI_InsertCC(take, true, false, positionPPQ, type,	channel, (CheckBounds(targetLane, 0, 127) ? targetLane : msg2), msg3);
					if (do14bit)
						MIDI_InsertCC(take, true, false, positionPPQ, type, channel, targetLane2, msg2);

					Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ITEMS, -1);
文件: SnM_ME.cpp 项目: Jeff0S/sws
bool replaceCCLanes(const char* _newCClanes)
	bool updated = false;
	HWND me = MIDIEditor_GetActive();
	MediaItem_Take* tk = me ? MIDIEditor_GetTake(me) : NULL;
	if (tk)
		MediaItem* item = GetMediaItemTake_Item(tk);
		int tkIdx = GetTakeIndex(item, tk); // NULL item managed
		if (tkIdx >= 0)
			SNM_TakeParserPatcher p(item, CountTakes(item));
			WDL_FastString takeChunk;

			int tkPos, tklen;
			if (p.GetTakeChunk(tkIdx, &takeChunk, &tkPos, &tklen))
				SNM_ChunkParserPatcher ptk(&takeChunk, false);
				int pos = ptk.Parse(SNM_GET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "SOURCE", "VELLANE", 0, 0);
				if (pos > 0)
					pos--; // see SNM_ChunkParserPatcher

					// Remove all lanes for this take
					if (ptk.RemoveLines("VELLANE"))
						ptk.GetChunk()->Insert(_newCClanes, pos); // default lane (min sized)
						updated = p.ReplaceTake(tkPos, tklen, ptk.GetChunk());
	return updated;
文件: SnM_ME.cpp 项目: Jeff0S/sws
void MainSetCCLanes(COMMAND_T* _ct)
	HWND me = MIDIEditor_GetActive();
	MediaItem_Take* tk = me ? MIDIEditor_GetTake(me) : NULL;
	if (tk)
		// recall lanes
		char laneSlot[SNM_MAX_CC_LANES_LEN], slot[32] = "";
		if (_snprintfStrict(slot, sizeof(slot), "cc_lanes_slot%d", (int)_ct->user + 1) > 0)
			GetPrivateProfileString("MidiEditor", slot, "", laneSlot, SNM_MAX_CC_LANES_LEN, g_SNM_IniFn.Get());

			int i=0; 
			while (laneSlot[i] && i < (SNM_MAX_CC_LANES_LEN-2)) // -2: see string termination
				if (laneSlot[i] == '|')
					laneSlot[i] = '\n';
			laneSlot[i++] = '\n';
			laneSlot[i] = 0;

			if (replaceCCLanes(laneSlot)) 
				Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(_ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);
void ME_ShowUsedCCLanesDetect14Bit (COMMAND_T* ct, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd)
	if (MediaItem_Take* take = MIDIEditor_GetTake(MIDIEditor_GetActive()))
		RprTake rprTake(take);
		if (RprMidiCCLane* laneView = new (nothrow) RprMidiCCLane(rprTake))
			int defaultHeight = 67; // same height FNG versions use (to keep behavior identical)
			set<int> usedCC = GetUsedCCLanes(MIDIEditor_GetTake(MIDIEditor_GetActive()), 2);

			for (int i = 0; i < laneView->countShown(); ++i)
				if (usedCC.find(laneView->getIdAt(i)) == usedCC.end())

			// Special case: Bank select and CC0 (from FNG version to keep behavior identical)
			if (usedCC.find(0) != usedCC.end() && usedCC.find(CC_BANK_SELECT) != usedCC.end() && !laneView->isShown(131))
				laneView->append(131, defaultHeight);

			for (set<int>::iterator it = usedCC.begin(); it != usedCC.end(); ++it)
				if (!laneView->isShown(*it))
					laneView->append(*it, defaultHeight);
					for (int i = 0; i < laneView->countShown(); ++i)
						if (laneView->getIdAt(i) == *it && laneView->getHeight(i) == 0)
							laneView->setHeightAt(i, defaultHeight);

			if (laneView->countShown() == 0)
				laneView->append(-1, 0);

			delete laneView;
			Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ITEMS, -1);
文件: SnM_ME.cpp 项目: Jeff0S/sws
void MainSaveCCLanes(COMMAND_T* _ct)
	HWND me = MIDIEditor_GetActive();
	MediaItem_Take* tk = me ? MIDIEditor_GetTake(me) : NULL;
	if (tk)
		MediaItem* item = GetMediaItemTake_Item(tk);
		int tkIdx = GetTakeIndex(item, tk); // NULL item managed
		if (tkIdx >= 0)
			SNM_TakeParserPatcher p(item, CountTakes(item));
			WDL_FastString takeChunk;
			if (p.GetTakeChunk(tkIdx, &takeChunk))
				SNM_ChunkParserPatcher ptk(&takeChunk, false);

				// check start/end position of lanes in the chunk
				int firstPos = 0, lastPos = 0, laneCpt = 0;
				int pos = ptk.Parse(SNM_GET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "SOURCE", "VELLANE", laneCpt, 0);
				while (pos > 0) 
					lastPos = pos;
					if (!firstPos) firstPos = pos;
					pos = ptk.Parse(SNM_GET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "SOURCE", "VELLANE", ++laneCpt, 0);

				if (firstPos > 0)
					firstPos--; // see SNM_ChunkParserPatcher

					char laneSlot[SNM_MAX_CC_LANES_LEN] = "";
					int eolLastPos = lastPos;
					const char* pp = ptk.GetChunk()->Get(); //ok 'cause read only
					while (pp[eolLastPos] && pp[eolLastPos] != '\n') eolLastPos++;

					int i = firstPos, j=0;
					while (pp[i] && i<eolLastPos && j < (SNM_MAX_CC_LANES_LEN-1) ) { //-1 see string termination
						if (pp[i] != '\n') laneSlot[j++] = pp[i];
						else laneSlot[j++] = '|';
					laneSlot[j] = 0;

					// store lanes
					char slot[32] = "";
					if (_snprintfStrict(slot, sizeof(slot), "cc_lanes_slot%d", (int)_ct->user + 1) > 0)
						WritePrivateProfileString("MidiEditor", slot, laneSlot, g_SNM_IniFn.Get());
void ME_SaveNoteSelSlot (COMMAND_T* ct, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd)
	if (MediaItem_Take* take = MIDIEditor_GetTake(MIDIEditor_GetActive()))
		int slot = (int)ct->user;

		for (int i = 0; i < g_midiNoteSel.Get()->GetSize(); i++)
			if (slot == g_midiNoteSel.Get()->Get(i)->GetSlot())
				return g_midiNoteSel.Get()->Get(i)->Save(take);
		g_midiNoteSel.Get()->Add(new BR_MidiNoteSel(slot, take));
文件: SnM_ME.cpp 项目: Jeff0S/sws
void MainCreateCCLane(COMMAND_T* _ct)
	bool updated = false;
	HWND me = MIDIEditor_GetActive();
	MediaItem_Take* tk = me ? MIDIEditor_GetTake(me) : NULL;
	if (tk)
		MediaItem* item = GetMediaItemTake_Item(tk);
		int tkIdx = GetTakeIndex(item, tk); // null item managed there
		if (tkIdx >= 0)
			SNM_TakeParserPatcher p(item, CountTakes(item));
			WDL_FastString takeChunk;
			int tkPos, tklen;
			if (p.GetTakeChunk(tkIdx, &takeChunk, &tkPos, &tklen))
				SNM_ChunkParserPatcher ptk(&takeChunk, false);

				// check current lanes
				bool lanes[SNM_MAX_CC_LANE_ID+1];
				int i=0; while(i <= SNM_MAX_CC_LANE_ID) lanes[i++]=false;
				char lastLaneId[4] = ""; //max in v3.6: "133"
				int tkFirstPos = 0, laneCpt = 0;
				int pos = ptk.Parse(SNM_GET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "SOURCE", "VELLANE", laneCpt, 1, lastLaneId);
				while (pos > 0) 
					if (!tkFirstPos) tkFirstPos = pos;
					lanes[atoi(lastLaneId)] = true; // atoi: 0 on failure, lane 0 won't be used anyway..
					pos = ptk.Parse(SNM_GET_CHUNK_CHAR, 1, "SOURCE", "VELLANE", ++laneCpt, 1, lastLaneId);

				if (tkFirstPos > 0)
					tkFirstPos--; // see SNM_ChunkParserPatcher
					// find the first unused index
					i=1; while(lanes[i] && i <= SNM_MAX_CC_LANE_ID) i++;
					char newLane[SNM_MAX_CHUNK_LINE_LENGTH] = "";
					if (_snprintfStrict(newLane, sizeof(newLane), "VELLANE %d 50 0\n", i) > 0)
						ptk.GetChunk()->Insert(newLane, tkFirstPos);

					// "update" take
					updated = p.ReplaceTake(tkPos, tklen, ptk.GetChunk());
	if (updated)
		Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(_ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);
void ME_RestoreNoteSelSlot (COMMAND_T* ct, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd)
	if (MediaItem_Take* take = MIDIEditor_GetTake(MIDIEditor_GetActive()))
		int slot = (int)ct->user;

		for (int i = 0; i < g_midiNoteSel.Get()->GetSize(); i++)
			if (slot == g_midiNoteSel.Get()->Get(i)->GetSlot())
				Undo_OnStateChangeEx2(NULL, SWS_CMD_SHORTNAME(ct), UNDO_STATE_ALL, -1);
void ME_PreviewActiveTake (COMMAND_T* ct, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd)
	if (MediaItem_Take* take = MIDIEditor_GetTake(MIDIEditor_GetActive()))
		MediaItem* item = GetMediaItemTake_Item(take);

		vector<int> options = GetDigits((int)ct->user);
		int toggle   = options[0];
		int type     = options[1];
		int selNotes = options[2];
		int pause    = options[3];

		MediaTrack* track     = GetMediaItem_Track(item);
		double      volume    = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_VOL");
		double      start     = 0;
		double      measure   = (type  == 3) ? 1 : 0;
		bool        pausePlay = (pause == 2) ? true : false;

		if (type == 2)
			double mousePosition = ME_PositionAtMouseCursor(true, true);
			if (mousePosition != -1)
				start = mousePosition - GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION");

		vector<int> muteState;
		if (selNotes == 2 && !AreAllNotesUnselected(take))
			muteState = MuteSelectedNotes(take);

		MidiTakePreview(toggle, take, track, volume, start, measure, pausePlay);

		if (muteState.size() > 0)
			SetMutedNotes(take, muteState);
void ME_PreviewActiveTake (COMMAND_T* ct, int val, int valhw, int relmode, HWND hwnd)
	HWND midiEditor = MIDIEditor_GetActive();
	if (MediaItem_Take* take = MIDIEditor_GetTake(midiEditor))
		MediaItem* item = GetMediaItemTake_Item(take);

		vector<int> options = GetDigits((int)ct->user);
		int toggle   = options[0];
		int type     = options[1];
		int selNotes = options[2];
		int pause    = options[3];

		MediaTrack* track     = GetMediaItem_Track(item);
		double      volume    = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_VOL");
		double      start     = 0;
		double      measure   = (type  == 3) ? 1 : 0;
		bool        pausePlay = (pause == 2) ? true : false;

		if (type == 2)
			double mousePosition = ME_PositionAtMouseCursor(true, true);
			if (mousePosition != -1)
				if (GetToggleCommandState2(SectionFromUniqueID(SECTION_MIDI_EDITOR), 40470) > 0) // Timebase: Beats(source)
					start = mousePosition - MIDI_GetProjTimeFromPPQPos(take, 0);
					start = mousePosition - GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION");

		vector<int> muteState;
		if (selNotes == 2)
			if (!AreAllNotesUnselected(take))
				muteState = MuteUnselectedNotes(take);
				if (type != 2)
					BR_MidiEditor editor(midiEditor);
					double time;
					MIDI_GetNote(take, FindFirstSelectedNote(take, &editor), NULL, NULL, &time, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
					start = MIDI_GetProjTimeFromPPQPos(take, time) - GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION");
					if (start < 0) start = 0;
			else if (type != 2)
				BR_MidiEditor editor(midiEditor);
				int id = FindFirstNote(take, &editor);
				if (id != -1)
					double time;
					MIDI_GetNote(take, id, NULL, NULL, &time, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
					start = MIDI_GetProjTimeFromPPQPos(take, time) - GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION");
					if (start < 0) start = 0;
		MidiTakePreview(toggle, take, track, volume, start, measure, pausePlay);

		if (muteState.size() > 0)
			SetMutedNotes(take, muteState);
文件: RprTake.cpp 项目: tweed/sws
RprTake RprTake::createFromMidiEditor()
    void *midiEditor = MIDIEditor_GetActive();
    RprTake take(MIDIEditor_GetTake(midiEditor));
    return take;