int prConnectMIDIIn(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	//PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	int err, inputIndex, uid;
	err = slotIntVal(b, &inputIndex);
	if (err) return errWrongType;
	if (inputIndex < 0 || inputIndex >= gNumMIDIInPorts) return errIndexOutOfRange;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &uid);
	if (err) return errWrongType;

    size_t uid_t = uid;
	MIDIEndpointRef src=0;
	MIDIObjectType mtype;
	MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(uid, (MIDIObjectRef*)&src, &mtype);
	if (mtype != kMIDIObjectType_Source) return errFailed;

	//pass the uid to the midiReadProc to identify the src

	MIDIPortConnectSource(gMIDIInPort[inputIndex], src, (void*)uid_t);

	return errNone;
    static String getConnectedEndpointName (MIDIEndpointRef endpoint)
        String result;

        // Does the endpoint have connections?
        CFDataRef connections = nullptr;
        int numConnections = 0;

        MIDIObjectGetDataProperty (endpoint, kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID, &connections);

        if (connections != nullptr)
            numConnections = ((int) CFDataGetLength (connections)) / (int) sizeof (MIDIUniqueID);

            if (numConnections > 0)
                const SInt32* pid = reinterpret_cast<const SInt32*> (CFDataGetBytePtr (connections));

                for (int i = 0; i < numConnections; ++i, ++pid)
                    MIDIUniqueID uid = (MIDIUniqueID) ByteOrder::swapIfLittleEndian ((uint32) *pid);
                    MIDIObjectRef connObject;
                    MIDIObjectType connObjectType;
                    OSStatus err = MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID (uid, &connObject, &connObjectType);

                    if (err == noErr)
                        String s;

                        if (connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalSource
                             || connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalDestination)
                            // Connected to an external device's endpoint (10.3 and later).
                            s = getEndpointName (static_cast<MIDIEndpointRef> (connObject), true);
                            // Connected to an external device (10.2) (or something else, catch-all)
                            s = getMidiObjectName (connObject);

                        if (s.isNotEmpty())
                            if (result.isNotEmpty())
                                result += ", ";

                            result += s;

            CFRelease (connections);

        if (result.isEmpty())  // Here, either the endpoint had no connections, or we failed to obtain names for them.
            result = getEndpointName (endpoint, false);

        return result;
int prSendSysex(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	int err, uid, size;

	if( !isKindOfSlot(g->sp, s_int8array->u.classobj) )
		return errWrongType;

	PyrInt8Array* packet = slotRawInt8Array(g->sp);
	size = packet->size;

	PyrSlot *u = g->sp - 1;
	err = slotIntVal(u, &uid);
	if (err) return err;

	MIDIEndpointRef dest;
	MIDIObjectType mtype;
	MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(uid, (MIDIObjectRef*)&dest, &mtype);
	if (mtype != kMIDIObjectType_Destination) return errFailed;
	if (!dest) return errFailed;

	MIDISysexSendRequest *pk = (MIDISysexSendRequest*) malloc (sizeof(MIDISysexSendRequest) + size);
	Byte *data = (Byte *)pk + sizeof(MIDISysexSendRequest);

	memcpy(data,packet->b, size);
	pk->complete = false;
	pk -> destination = dest;
	pk -> data = data;
	pk -> bytesToSend = size;
	pk->completionProc = freeSysex;
	pk->completionRefCon = 0;

	return ((MIDISendSysex(pk) == (OSStatus)0) ? errNone : errFailed);
// Obtain the name of an endpoint, following connections.
// The result should be released by the caller.
static CFStringRef ConnectedEndpointName(MIDIEndpointRef endpoint) {
    CFMutableStringRef result = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
    CFStringRef str;
    OSStatus err;
    // Does the endpoint have connections?
    CFDataRef connections = NULL;
    int nConnected = 0;
    bool anyStrings = false;
    err = MIDIObjectGetDataProperty(endpoint, kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID, &connections);
    if (connections != NULL) {
        // It has connections, follow them
        // Concatenate the names of all connected devices
        nConnected = CFDataGetLength(connections) / sizeof(MIDIUniqueID);
        if (nConnected) {
            const SInt32 *pid = reinterpret_cast <const SInt32 *>(CFDataGetBytePtr(connections));
            for (int i = 0; i < nConnected; ++i, ++pid) {
                MIDIUniqueID id = EndianS32_BtoN(*pid);
                MIDIObjectRef connObject;
                MIDIObjectType connObjectType;
                err = MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(id, &connObject, &connObjectType);
                if (err == noErr) {
                    if (connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalSource
                        || connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalDestination) {
                        // Connected to an external device's endpoint (10.3 and later).
                        str = EndpointName(static_cast <MIDIEndpointRef>(connObject), true);
                    else {
                        // Connected to an external device (10.2) (or something else, catch-all)
                        str = NULL;
                        MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(connObject, kMIDIPropertyName, &str);
                    if (str != NULL) {
                        if (anyStrings)
                            CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR(", "));
                        else anyStrings = true;
                        CFStringAppend(result, str);
    if (anyStrings)
        return result;
    // Here, either the endpoint had no connections, or we failed to obtain names for any of them.
    return EndpointName(endpoint, false);
int prSendMIDIOut(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
		//port, uid, len, hiStatus, loStatus, a, b, latency
	//PyrSlot *m = g->sp - 8;
	PyrSlot *p = g->sp - 7;

	PyrSlot *u = g->sp - 6;
	PyrSlot *l = g->sp - 5;

	PyrSlot *his = g->sp - 4;
	PyrSlot *los = g->sp - 3;

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *plat = g->sp;

	int err, outputIndex, uid, length, hiStatus, loStatus, aval, bval;
	float late;
	err = slotIntVal(p, &outputIndex);
	if (err) return err;
	if (outputIndex < 0 || outputIndex >= gNumMIDIInPorts) return errIndexOutOfRange;

	err = slotIntVal(u, &uid);
	if (err) return err;
		err = slotIntVal(l, &length);
	if (err) return err;
		err = slotIntVal(his, &hiStatus);
	if (err) return err;
		err = slotIntVal(los, &loStatus);
	if (err) return err;
		err = slotIntVal(a, &aval);
	if (err) return err;
		err = slotIntVal(b, &bval);
	if (err) return err;
		err = slotFloatVal(plat, &late);
	if (err) return err;

	MIDIEndpointRef dest;
	MIDIObjectType mtype;
	MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(uid, (MIDIObjectRef*)&dest, &mtype);
	if (mtype != kMIDIObjectType_Destination) return errFailed;

	if (!dest) return errFailed;

	sendmidi(outputIndex, dest, length, hiStatus, loStatus, aval, bval, late);
	return errNone;
void CAMIDIEndpoints::AddEndpoints(MIDIEndpointRef endpoint, EndpointList &eplist) {
    Endpoint *ep, *prev;
    OSStatus err;
    CFStringRef str;
    // Add the driver-owned endpoint
    ep = new Endpoint(endpoint, EndpointName(endpoint, false), NULL);
    prev = ep;
    // Does the endpoint have connections?
    CFDataRef connections = NULL;
    int nConnected = 0;
    MIDIObjectGetDataProperty(endpoint, kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID, &connections);
    if (connections != NULL) {
        // It has connections, follow them
        nConnected = CFDataGetLength(connections) / sizeof(MIDIUniqueID);
        if (nConnected) {
            const SInt32 *pid = reinterpret_cast <const SInt32 *>(CFDataGetBytePtr(connections));
            for (int i = 0; i < nConnected; ++i, ++pid) {
                MIDIUniqueID id = 0;//EndianS32_BtoN(*pid);
                MIDIObjectRef connObject;
                MIDIObjectType connObjectType;
                err = MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(id, &connObject, &connObjectType);
                if (err == noErr) {
                    if (connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalSource
                        || connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalDestination) {
                        // Connected to an external device's endpoint (10.3 and later).
                        str = EndpointName(static_cast <MIDIEndpointRef>(connObject), true);
                    else {
                        // Connected to an external device (10.2) (or something else, catch-all)
                        str = NULL;
                        MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(connObject, kMIDIPropertyName, &str);
                    if (str != NULL) {
                        ep = new Endpoint(endpoint, str, connObject);
                        prev = ep;
// Get the name of an endpoint.
extern "C" const char* MidiJackGetEndpointName(uint32_t id)

    MIDIObjectRef object;
    MIDIObjectType type;
    MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(id, &object, &type);
    assert(type == kMIDIObjectType_Source);
    CFStringRef name;
    MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(object, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName, &name);
    static char buffer[256];
    CFStringGetCString(name, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    return buffer;
int prDisconnectMIDIIn(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;

	int err, inputIndex, uid;
	err = slotIntVal(b, &inputIndex);
	if (err) return err;
	if (inputIndex < 0 || inputIndex >= gNumMIDIInPorts) return errIndexOutOfRange;
	err = slotIntVal(c, &uid);
	if (err) return err;

	MIDIEndpointRef src=0;
	MIDIObjectType mtype;
	MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID(uid, (MIDIObjectRef*)&src, &mtype);
	if (mtype != kMIDIObjectType_Source) return errFailed;

	MIDIPortDisconnectSource(gMIDIInPort[inputIndex], src);

	return errNone;

    const String getConnectedEndpointName (MIDIEndpointRef endpoint)
        String result;

        // Does the endpoint have connections?
        CFDataRef connections = 0;
        int numConnections = 0;

        MIDIObjectGetDataProperty (endpoint, kMIDIPropertyConnectionUniqueID, &connections);

        if (connections != 0)
            numConnections = (int) (CFDataGetLength (connections) / sizeof (MIDIUniqueID));

            if (numConnections > 0)
                const SInt32* pid = reinterpret_cast <const SInt32*> (CFDataGetBytePtr (connections));

                for (int i = 0; i < numConnections; ++i, ++pid)
                    MIDIUniqueID uid = EndianS32_BtoN (*pid);
                    MIDIObjectRef connObject;
                    MIDIObjectType connObjectType;
                    OSStatus err = MIDIObjectFindByUniqueID (uid, &connObject, &connObjectType);

                    if (err == noErr)
                        String s;

                        if (connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalSource
                             || connObjectType == kMIDIObjectType_ExternalDestination)
                            // Connected to an external device's endpoint (10.3 and later).
                            s = getEndpointName (static_cast <MIDIEndpointRef> (connObject), true);
                            // Connected to an external device (10.2) (or something else, catch-all)
                            CFStringRef str = 0;
                            MIDIObjectGetStringProperty (connObject, kMIDIPropertyName, &str);

                            if (str != 0)
                                s = PlatformUtilities::cfStringToJuceString (str);
                                CFRelease (str);

                        if (s.isNotEmpty())
                            if (result.isNotEmpty())
                                result += ", ";

                            result += s;

            CFRelease (connections);

        if (result.isNotEmpty())
            return result;

        // Here, either the endpoint had no connections, or we failed to obtain names for any of them.
        return getEndpointName (endpoint, false);