void TCOD_map_compute_fov_restrictive_shadowcasting_quadrant (map_t *m, int player_x, int player_y, int max_radius, bool light_walls, int maxObstacles, int dx, int dy) {
    static double *startAngle=NULL, *endAngle=NULL;
    static int angleArraySize=0;

    if ( angleArraySize > 0 && angleArraySize < maxObstacles ) {
    if ( startAngle == NULL ) {
        angleArraySize = maxObstacles;
        startAngle = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * maxObstacles);
        endAngle = &startAngle[maxObstacles];
    //octant: vertical edge
        int iteration = 1; //iteration of the algo for this octant
        bool done = false;
        int totalObstacles = 0;
        int obstaclesInLastLine = 0;
		double minAngle = 0.0f;
		int x,y;

        //do while there are unblocked slopes left and the algo is within the map's boundaries
        //scan progressive lines/columns from the PC outwards
        y = player_y+dy; //the outer slope's coordinates (first processed line)
        if (y < 0 || y >= m->height) done = true;
		while(!done) {
            //process cells in the line
			double slopesPerCell = 1.0f/(double)(iteration+1);
			double halfSlopes = slopesPerCell*0.5f;
			int processedCell = (int)(minAngle / slopesPerCell);
            int minx = MAX(0,player_x-iteration), maxx = MIN(m->width-1,player_x+iteration);
            done = true;
            for (x = player_x + (processedCell * dx); x >= minx && x <= maxx; x+=dx) {
                int c = x + (y * m->width);
                //calculate slopes per cell
                bool visible = true;
                double startSlope = (double)processedCell*slopesPerCell;
                double centreSlope = startSlope+halfSlopes;
                double endSlope = startSlope+slopesPerCell;
                if (obstaclesInLastLine > 0 && m->cells[c].fov == 0) {
                    int idx = 0;
                    while(visible && idx < obstaclesInLastLine) {
                        if (m->cells[c].transparent == true) {
                            if (centreSlope > startAngle[idx] && centreSlope < endAngle[idx])
                                visible = false;
                        else {
                            if (startSlope >= startAngle[idx] && endSlope <= endAngle[idx])
                                visible = false;
                        if (visible && (m->cells[c-(m->width*dy)].fov == 0 || !m->cells[c-(m->width*dy)].transparent) && (x-dx >= 0 && x-dx < m->width && (m->cells[c-(m->width*dy)-dx].fov == 0 || !m->cells[c-(m->width*dy)-dx].transparent))) visible = false;
                if (visible) {
                    m->cells[c].fov = 1;
                    done = false;
                    //if the cell is opaque, block the adjacent slopes
                    if (!m->cells[c].transparent) {
                        if (minAngle >= startSlope) minAngle = endSlope;
                        else {
                        	startAngle[totalObstacles] = startSlope;
                        	endAngle[totalObstacles++] = endSlope;
                        if (!light_walls) m->cells[c].fov = 0;
            if (iteration == max_radius) done = true;
            obstaclesInLastLine = totalObstacles;
            y += dy;
            if (y < 0 || y >= m->height) done = true;
			if ( minAngle == 1.0f ) done=true;
    //octant: horizontal edge
        int iteration = 1; //iteration of the algo for this octant
        bool done = false;
        int totalObstacles = 0;
        int obstaclesInLastLine = 0;
		double minAngle = 0.0f;
		int x,y;

        //do while there are unblocked slopes left and the algo is within the map's boundaries
        //scan progressive lines/columns from the PC outwards
        x = player_x+dx; //the outer slope's coordinates (first processed line)
        if (x < 0 || x >= m->width) done = true;
		while(!done) {
            //process cells in the line
			double slopesPerCell = 1.0f/(double)(iteration+1);
			double halfSlopes = slopesPerCell*0.5f;
			int processedCell = (int)(minAngle / slopesPerCell);
            int miny = MAX(0,player_y-iteration), maxy = MIN(m->height-1,player_y+iteration);
            done = true;
            for (y = player_y + (processedCell * dy); y >= miny && y <= maxy; y+=dy) {
                int c = x + (y * m->width);
                //calculate slopes per cell
                bool visible = true;
                double startSlope = (double)processedCell*slopesPerCell;
                double centreSlope = startSlope+halfSlopes;
                double endSlope = startSlope+slopesPerCell;
                if (obstaclesInLastLine > 0 && m->cells[c].fov == 0) {
                    int idx = 0;
                    while(visible && idx < obstaclesInLastLine) {
                        if (m->cells[c].transparent == true) {
                            if (centreSlope > startAngle[idx] && centreSlope < endAngle[idx])
                                visible = false;
                        else {
                            if (startSlope >= startAngle[idx] && endSlope <= endAngle[idx])
                                visible = false;
                        if (visible && (m->cells[c-dx].fov == 0 || !m->cells[c-dx].transparent) && (y-dy >= 0 && y-dy < m->height && (m->cells[c-(m->width*dy)-dx].fov == 0 || !m->cells[c-(m->width*dy)-dx].transparent))) visible = false;
                if (visible) {
                    m->cells[c].fov = 1;
                    done = false;
                    //if the cell is opaque, block the adjacent slopes
                    if (!m->cells[c].transparent) {
                        if (minAngle >= startSlope) minAngle = endSlope;
                        else {
                        	startAngle[totalObstacles] = startSlope;
                        	endAngle[totalObstacles++] = endSlope;
                        if (!light_walls) m->cells[c].fov = 0;
            if (iteration == max_radius) done = true;
            obstaclesInLastLine = totalObstacles;
            x += dx;
            if (x < 0 || x >= m->width) done = true;
			if ( minAngle == 1.0f ) done=true;
int computeArea(int A, int B, int C, int D, int E, int F, int G, int H) {
    int i=MAX(A,E),j=MAX(B,F),m=MIN(C,G),n=MIN(D,H),area=(D-B)*(C-A)+(H-F)*(G-E);
	if(i<m && j<n)
	return area;
文件: timed.c 项目: kaypy/NPPAngband
 * Set "p_ptr->food", notice observable changes
 * The "p_ptr->food" variable can get as large as 20000, allowing the
 * addition of the most "filling" item, Elvish Waybread, which adds
 * 7500 food units, without overflowing the 32767 maximum limit.
 * Perhaps we should disturb the player with various messages,
 * especially messages about hunger status changes.  XXX XXX XXX
 * Digestion of food is handled in "dungeon.c", in which, normally,
 * the player digests about 20 food units per 100 game turns, more
 * when "fast", more when "regenerating", less with "slow digestion",
 * but when the player is "gorged", he digests 100 food units per 10
 * game turns, or a full 1000 food units per 100 game turns.
 * Note that the player's speed is reduced by 10 units while gorged,
 * so if the player eats a single food ration (5000 food units) when
 * full (15000 food units), he will be gorged for (5000/100)*10 = 500
 * game turns, or 500/(100/5) = 25 player turns (if nothing else is
 * affecting the player speed).
bool set_food(int v)
	int old_aux, new_aux;

	bool notice = FALSE;

	/* Hack -- Force good values */
	v = MAX(v, 0);

	/* Fainting / Starving */
	if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_FAINT)
		old_aux = 0;

	/* Weak */
	else if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_WEAK)
		old_aux = 1;

	/* Hungry */
	else if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_ALERT)
		old_aux = 2;

	/* Normal */
	else if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_FULL)
		old_aux = 3;

	/* Full */
	else if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_MAX)
		old_aux = 4;

	/* Gorged */
		old_aux = 5;

	/* Fainting / Starving */
	if (v < PY_FOOD_FAINT)
		new_aux = 0;

	/* Weak */
	else if (v < PY_FOOD_WEAK)
		new_aux = 1;

	/* Hungry */
	else if (v < PY_FOOD_ALERT)
		new_aux = 2;

	/* Normal */
	else if (v < PY_FOOD_FULL)
		new_aux = 3;

	/* Full */
	else if (v < PY_FOOD_MAX)
		new_aux = 4;

	/* Gorged */
		new_aux = 5;

	/* Food increase */
	if (new_aux > old_aux)
		/* Describe the state */
		switch (new_aux)
			/* Weak */
			case 1:
				msg_print("You are still weak.");

			/* Hungry */
			case 2:
				msg_print("You are still hungry.");

			/* Normal */
			case 3:
				msg_print("You are no longer hungry.");

			/* Full */
			case 4:
				msg_print("You are full!");

			/* Bloated */
			case 5:
				message(MSG_HUNGRY, 0, "You have gorged yourself!");

		/* Change */
		notice = TRUE;

	/* Food decrease */
	else if (new_aux < old_aux)
		/* Describe the state */
		switch (new_aux)
			/* Fainting / Starving */
			case 0:
				message(MSG_PARALYZED, 0, "You are getting faint from hunger!");

			/* Weak */
			case 1:
				message(MSG_HUNGRY, 0, "You are getting weak from hunger!");

			/* Hungry */
			case 2:
				message(MSG_HUNGRY, 0, "You are getting hungry.");

			/* Normal */
			case 3:
				msg_print("You are no longer full.");

			/* Full */
			case 4:
				msg_print("You are no longer gorged.");

		/* Change */
		notice = TRUE;

	/* Use the value */
	p_ptr->food = v;

	/* Nothing to notice */
	if (!notice) return (FALSE);

	/* Disturb */
	if (disturb_state) disturb(0, 0);

	/* Recalculate bonuses */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

	/* Redraw hunger */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_STATUS|PR_HP);

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Result */
	return (TRUE);
 * g2d_blend - blend image data in source and destination buffers.
 * @ctx: a pointer to g2d_context structure.
 * @src: a pointer to g2d_image structure including image and buffer
 *	information to source.
 * @dst: a pointer to g2d_image structure including image and buffer
 *	information to destination.
 * @src_x: x start position to source buffer.
 * @src_y: y start position to source buffer.
 * @dst_x: x start position to destination buffer.
 * @dst_y: y start position to destination buffer.
 * @w: width value to source and destination buffer.
 * @h: height value to source and destination buffer.
 * @op: blend operation type.
g2d_blend(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src,
		struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x,
		unsigned int src_y, unsigned int dst_x, unsigned int dst_y,
		unsigned int w, unsigned int h, enum e_g2d_op op)
	union g2d_point_val pt;
	union g2d_bitblt_cmd_val bitblt;
	union g2d_blend_func_val blend;
	unsigned int src_w = 0, src_h = 0, dst_w = 0, dst_h = 0;

	bitblt.val = 0;
	blend.val = 0;

	if (op == G2D_OP_SRC || op == G2D_OP_CLEAR)

	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_COLOR_MODE_REG, dst->color_mode);
	g2d_add_base_addr(ctx, dst, g2d_dst);
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_STRIDE_REG, dst->stride);

	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_SELECT_REG, src->select_mode);
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_COLOR_MODE_REG, src->color_mode);

	switch (src->select_mode) {
		g2d_add_base_addr(ctx, src, g2d_src);
		g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_STRIDE_REG, src->stride);
		g2d_add_cmd(ctx, FG_COLOR_REG, src->color);
		g2d_add_cmd(ctx, BG_COLOR_REG, src->color);
		fprintf(stderr , "failed to set src.\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	src_w = w;
	src_h = h;
	if (src_x + w > src->width)
		src_w = src->width - src_x;
	if (src_y + h > src->height)
		src_h = src->height - src_y;

	dst_w = w;
	dst_h = h;
	if (dst_x + w > dst->width)
		dst_w = dst->width - dst_x;
	if (dst_y + h > dst->height)
		dst_h = dst->height - dst_y;

	w = MIN(src_w, dst_w);
	h = MIN(src_h, dst_h);

	if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "invalid width or height.\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	bitblt.data.alpha_blend_mode = G2D_ALPHA_BLEND_MODE_ENABLE;
	blend.val = g2d_get_blend_op(op);
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, BITBLT_COMMAND_REG, bitblt.val);
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, BLEND_FUNCTION_REG, blend.val);

	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = src_x;
	pt.data.y = src_y;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_LEFT_TOP_REG, pt.val);
	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = src_x + w;
	pt.data.y = src_y + h;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_RIGHT_BOTTOM_REG, pt.val);

	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = dst_x;
	pt.data.y = dst_y;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_LEFT_TOP_REG, pt.val);
	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = dst_x + w;
	pt.data.y = dst_y + h;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_RIGHT_BOTTOM_REG, pt.val);

	return g2d_flush(ctx);
GDALDitherRGB2PCT( GDALRasterBandH hRed, 
                   GDALRasterBandH hGreen, 
                   GDALRasterBandH hBlue, 
                   GDALRasterBandH hTarget, 
                   GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
                   GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                   void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGreen, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hBlue, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hTarget, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hColorTable, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );

    int		nXSize, nYSize;
    CPLErr err = CE_None;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Validate parameters.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hGreen ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hGreen ) != nYSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBlue ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBlue ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "Green or blue band doesn't match size of red band.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hTarget ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hTarget ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Target band doesn't match size of source bands.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup more direct colormap.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int		nColors, anPCT[768], iColor;

    nColors = GDALGetColorEntryCount( hColorTable );
    if (nColors == 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Color table must not be empty.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;
    else if (nColors > 256)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Color table cannot have more than 256 entries.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;
    for( iColor = 0; iColor < nColors; iColor++ )
        GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

        GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hColorTable, iColor, &sEntry );
        anPCT[iColor    ] = sEntry.c1;
        anPCT[iColor+256] = sEntry.c2;
        anPCT[iColor+512] = sEntry.c3;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a 24bit to 8 bit color mapping.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte	*pabyColorMap;

    pabyColorMap = (GByte *) CPLMalloc(C_LEVELS * C_LEVELS * C_LEVELS 
                                       * sizeof(int));
    FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT, pabyColorMap );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup various variables.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte	*pabyRed, *pabyGreen, *pabyBlue, *pabyIndex;
    int		*panError;

    pabyRed = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyGreen = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyBlue = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    pabyIndex = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    panError = (int *) VSICalloc(sizeof(int),(nXSize+2) * 3);
    if (pabyRed == NULL ||
        pabyGreen == NULL ||
        pabyBlue == NULL ||
        pabyIndex == NULL ||
        panError == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "VSIMalloc(): Out of memory in GDALDitherRGB2PCT" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over all scanlines of data to process.                     */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int		iScanline;

    for( iScanline = 0; iScanline < nYSize; iScanline++ )
        int	nLastRedError, nLastGreenError, nLastBlueError, i;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( !pfnProgress( iScanline / (double) nYSize, NULL, pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read source data.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALRasterIO( hRed, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyRed, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hGreen, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyGreen, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hBlue, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyBlue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Apply the error from the previous line to this one.		*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( i = 0; i < nXSize; i++ )
            pabyRed[i] = (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyRed[i]   + panError[i*3+0+3])));
            pabyGreen[i] = (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyGreen[i] + panError[i*3+1+3])));
            pabyBlue[i] =  (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyBlue[i]  + panError[i*3+2+3])));

        memset( panError, 0, sizeof(int) * (nXSize+2) * 3 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Figure out the nearest color to the RGB value.			*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        nLastRedError = 0;
        nLastGreenError = 0;
        nLastBlueError = 0;

        for( i = 0; i < nXSize; i++ )
            int		iIndex, nError, nSixth, iRed, iGreen, iBlue;
            int		nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue;

            nRedValue =   MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyRed[i]   + nLastRedError));
            nGreenValue = MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyGreen[i] + nLastGreenError));
            nBlueValue =  MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyBlue[i]  + nLastBlueError));

            iRed   = nRedValue *   C_LEVELS   / 256;
            iGreen = nGreenValue * C_LEVELS / 256;
            iBlue  = nBlueValue *  C_LEVELS  / 256;
            iIndex = pabyColorMap[iRed + iGreen * C_LEVELS 
                                 + iBlue * C_LEVELS * C_LEVELS];
            pabyIndex[i] = (GByte) iIndex;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Red error, and carry it on to the next error line.      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nRedValue - anPCT[iIndex    ];
            nSixth = nError / 6;
            panError[i*3    ] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6  ] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3  ] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastRedError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Green error, and carry it on to the next error line.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nGreenValue - anPCT[iIndex+256];
            nSixth = nError / 6;

            panError[i*3  +1] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6+1] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3+1] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastGreenError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Blue error, and carry it on to the next error line.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nBlueValue - anPCT[iIndex+512];
            nSixth = nError / 6;
            panError[i*3  +2] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6+2] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3+2] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastBlueError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write results.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALRasterIO( hTarget, GF_Write, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyIndex, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

    pfnProgress( 1.0, NULL, pProgressArg );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyRed );
    CPLFree( pabyGreen );
    CPLFree( pabyBlue );
    CPLFree( pabyIndex );
    CPLFree( panError );
    CPLFree( pabyColorMap );

    return err;
/// calc_desired_velocity - updates desired velocity (i.e. feed forward) with pilot requested acceleration and fake wind resistance
///		updated velocity sent directly to position controller
void AC_Loiter::calc_desired_velocity(float nav_dt)
    float ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler;
    AP::ahrs_navekf().getEkfControlLimits(ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler);

    // calculate a loiter speed limit which is the minimum of the value set by the LOITER_SPEED
    // parameter and the value set by the EKF to observe optical flow limits
    float gnd_speed_limit_cms = MIN(_speed_cms, ekfGndSpdLimit*100.0f);
    gnd_speed_limit_cms = MAX(gnd_speed_limit_cms, LOITER_SPEED_MIN);

    float pilot_acceleration_max = GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(radians(get_angle_max_cd()*0.01f));

    // range check nav_dt
    if (nav_dt < 0) {


    // get loiters desired velocity from the position controller where it is being stored.
    const Vector3f &desired_vel_3d = _pos_control.get_desired_velocity();
    Vector2f desired_vel(desired_vel_3d.x,desired_vel_3d.y);

    // update the desired velocity using our predicted acceleration
    desired_vel.x += _predicted_accel.x * nav_dt;
    desired_vel.y += _predicted_accel.y * nav_dt;

    Vector2f loiter_accel_brake;
    float desired_speed = desired_vel.length();
    if (!is_zero(desired_speed)) {
        Vector2f desired_vel_norm = desired_vel/desired_speed;

        // TODO: consider using a velocity squared relationship like
        // pilot_acceleration_max*(desired_speed/gnd_speed_limit_cms)^2;
        // the drag characteristic of a multirotor should be examined to generate a curve
        // we could add a expo function here to fine tune it

        // calculate a drag acceleration based on the desired speed.
        float drag_decel = pilot_acceleration_max*desired_speed/gnd_speed_limit_cms;

        // calculate a braking acceleration if sticks are at zero
        float loiter_brake_accel = 0.0f;
        if (_desired_accel.is_zero()) {
            if ((AP_HAL::millis()-_brake_timer) > _brake_delay * 1000.0f) {
                float brake_gain = _pos_control.get_vel_xy_pid().kP() * 0.5f;
                loiter_brake_accel = constrain_float(AC_AttitudeControl::sqrt_controller(desired_speed, brake_gain, _brake_jerk_max_cmsss, nav_dt), 0.0f, _brake_accel_cmss);
        } else {
            loiter_brake_accel = 0.0f;
            _brake_timer = AP_HAL::millis();
        _brake_accel += constrain_float(loiter_brake_accel-_brake_accel, -_brake_jerk_max_cmsss*nav_dt, _brake_jerk_max_cmsss*nav_dt);
        loiter_accel_brake = desired_vel_norm*_brake_accel;

        // update the desired velocity using the drag and braking accelerations
        desired_speed = MAX(desired_speed-(drag_decel+_brake_accel)*nav_dt,0.0f);
        desired_vel = desired_vel_norm*desired_speed;

    // add braking to the desired acceleration
    _desired_accel -= loiter_accel_brake;

    // Apply EKF limit to desired velocity -  this limit is calculated by the EKF and adjusted as required to ensure certain sensor limits are respected (eg optical flow sensing)
    float horizSpdDem = desired_vel.length();
    if (horizSpdDem > gnd_speed_limit_cms) {
        desired_vel.x = desired_vel.x * gnd_speed_limit_cms / horizSpdDem;
        desired_vel.y = desired_vel.y * gnd_speed_limit_cms / horizSpdDem;

    // Limit the velocity to prevent fence violations
    // TODO: We need to also limit the _desired_accel
    if (_avoid != nullptr) {
        _avoid->adjust_velocity(_pos_control.get_pos_xy_p().kP(), _accel_cmss, desired_vel, nav_dt);

    // send adjusted feed forward acceleration and velocity back to the Position Controller
    _pos_control.set_desired_accel_xy(_desired_accel.x, _desired_accel.y);
    _pos_control.set_desired_velocity_xy(desired_vel.x, desired_vel.y);
文件: hsdls.c 项目: jetuk/pycllp
int solver(int m,int n,int nz,int *iA, int *kA, 
		double *A, double *b, double *c, double f,
		double *x, double *y, double *w, double *z)
    double  *dx, *dw, *dy, *dz;                          /* step directions */
    double  *fx, *fy, *gx, *gy;
    double  phi, psi, dphi, dpsi;
    double  *rho, *sigma, normr, norms;	 		 /* infeasibilites */
    double  *D, *E;			                 /* diagonal matrices */
    double  gamma, beta, delta, mu, theta;               /* parameters */

    double  *At;			 /* arrays for A^T */
    int     *iAt, *kAt;

    int     i,j,iter,v=1,status=5;	

    double  primal_obj, dual_obj;

    * Allocate memory for arrays.

    MALLOC(    dx, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(    dw, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    dy, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    dz, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(   rho, m,   double );      
    MALLOC( sigma, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(     D, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(     E, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    fx, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(    fy, m,   double );      
    MALLOC(    gx, n,   double );      
    MALLOC(    gy, m,   double );      

    MALLOC(   At,  nz,  double );
    MALLOC(  iAt,  nz,  int );
    MALLOC(  kAt, m+1,  int );

    *  Initialization.              				    *

    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	x[j] = 1.0;
	z[j] = 1.0;

    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	w[i] = 1.0;
	y[i] = 1.0;

    phi = 1.0;
    psi = 1.0;


    * 	Display Banner.

    printf ("m = %d,n = %d,nz = %d\n",m,n,nz);
"         |           Primal          |            Dual           |       |\n"
"  Iter   |  Obj Value       Infeas   |  Obj Value       Infeas   |  mu   |\n"
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \n"

    * 	Iteration.

    beta = 0.80;
    delta = 2*(1-beta);

    for (iter=0; iter<MAX_ITER; iter++) {

	* STEP 1: Compute mu.

	mu = (dotprod(z,x,n)+dotprod(w,y,m)+phi*psi) / (n+m+1);

	* STEP 1: Compute primal and dual objective function values.

	primal_obj = dotprod(c,x,n);
	dual_obj   = dotprod(b,y,m);

	* STEP 2: Check stopping rule.

	if ( mu < EPS ) {
	    if ( phi > EPS ) {
	        status = 0;
	        break; /* OPTIMAL */
	    if ( dual_obj < 0.0) {
	        status = 2;
	        break; /* PRIMAL INFEASIBLE */
	    if ( primal_obj > 0.0) {
	        status = 4;
	        break; /* DUAL INFEASIBLE */
		status = 7;  /* NUMERICAL PROBLEM */

	* STEP 3: Compute infeasibilities.

	for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	    rho[i] = rho[i] - b[i]*phi + w[i];
	normr = sqrt( dotprod(rho,rho,m) )/phi;
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	    rho[i] = -(1-delta)*rho[i] + w[i] - delta*mu/y[i];

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	    sigma[j] = -sigma[j] + c[j]*phi + z[j];
	norms = sqrt( dotprod(sigma,sigma,n) )/phi;
	for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	    sigma[j] = -(1-delta)*sigma[j] + z[j] - delta*mu/x[j];

	gamma = -(1-delta)*(dual_obj - primal_obj + psi) + psi - delta*mu/phi;

	* Print statistics.

	printf("%8d   %14.7e  %8.1e    %14.7e  %8.1e  %8.1e \n", 
		iter, high(primal_obj/phi+f), high(normr), 
		      high(dual_obj/phi+f),   high(norms), high(mu) );

	* STEP 4: Compute step directions.

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { D[j] = z[j]/x[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { E[i] = w[i]/y[i]; }

	ldltfac(n, m, kAt, iAt, At, E, D, kA, iA, A, v);

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { fx[j] = -sigma[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { fy[i] =  rho[i]; }

	forwardbackward(E, D, fy, fx);

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { gx[j] = -c[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { gy[i] = -b[i]; }

	forwardbackward(E, D, gy, gx);

	dphi = (dotprod(c,fx,n)-dotprod(b,fy,m)+gamma)/

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { dx[j] = fx[j] - gx[j]*dphi; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { dy[i] = fy[i] - gy[i]*dphi; }

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { dz[j] = delta*mu/x[j] - z[j] - D[j]*dx[j]; }
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { dw[i] = delta*mu/y[i] - w[i] - E[i]*dy[i]; }
	dpsi = delta*mu/phi - psi - (psi/phi)*dphi;

	* STEP 5: Compute step length.

	theta = 1.0;
	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { 
	    MIN(theta, linesearch(x[j],z[j],dx[j],dz[j],beta,delta,mu));
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { 
	theta = MIN(theta,linesearch(phi,psi,dphi,dpsi,beta,delta,mu));
	if (theta < 4*beta/(n+m+1)) {
		printf("ratio = %10.3e \n", theta*(n+m+1)/(4*beta));
		status = 7;  
	if (theta < 1.0) theta *= 0.9999;

	* STEP 6: Step to new point

	for (j=0; j<n; j++) { 
	    x[j] = x[j] + theta*dx[j];
	    z[j] = z[j] + theta*dz[j];
	for (i=0; i<m; i++) { 
	    y[i] = y[i] + theta*dy[i];
	    w[i] = w[i] + theta*dw[i];
	phi = phi + theta*dphi;
	psi = psi + theta*dpsi;

    for (j=0; j<n; j++) { 
        x[j] /= phi;
        z[j] /= phi;
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) { 
        y[i] /= phi;
        w[i] /= phi;

    * 	Free work space                                             *

    FREE(     w );
    FREE(     z );
    FREE(    dx );
    FREE(    dw );
    FREE(    dy );
    FREE(    dz );
    FREE(   rho );
    FREE( sigma );
    FREE(     D );
    FREE(     E );
    FREE(    fx );
    FREE(    fy );
    FREE(    gx );
    FREE(    gy );

    FREE(   At );
    FREE(  iAt );
    FREE(  kAt );

    return status;

}   /* End of solver */
main (int argc,
      char **argv)
    FT_Error error;
    FT_Library library;
    FT_Face face;
    GFile *file;
    gint font_size, thumb_size = THUMB_SIZE;
    gchar *thumbstr_utf8 = NULL, *help, *uri;
    gchar **arguments = NULL;
    GOptionContext *context;
    GError *gerror = NULL;
    gchar *contents = NULL;
    gboolean retval, default_thumbstr = TRUE;
    gint rv = 1;
    GdkRGBA white = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
    GdkRGBA black = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    cairo_t *cr;
    cairo_text_extents_t text_extents;
    cairo_font_face_t *font;
    gchar *str;
    gdouble scale, scale_x, scale_y;

    const GOptionEntry options[] = {
	    { "text", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &thumbstr_utf8,
	      N_("Text to thumbnail (default: Aa)"), N_("TEXT") },
	    { "size", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &thumb_size,
	      N_("Thumbnail size (default: 128)"), N_("SIZE") },
	    { NULL }

    bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
    textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");

    g_type_init ();

    context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
    g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

    retval = g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &gerror);
    if (!retval) {
	g_printerr ("Error parsing arguments: %s\n", gerror->message);

	g_option_context_free  (context);
	g_error_free (gerror);
        return 1;

    if (!arguments || g_strv_length (arguments) != 2) {
	help = g_option_context_get_help (context, TRUE, NULL);
	g_printerr ("%s", help);

	g_option_context_free (context);
	goto out;

    g_option_context_free (context);

    if (thumbstr_utf8 != NULL)
	default_thumbstr = FALSE;

    error = FT_Init_FreeType (&library);
    if (error) {
	g_printerr("Could not initialise freetype: %s\n", get_ft_error (error));
	goto out;

    totem_resources_monitor_start (arguments[0], 30 * G_USEC_PER_SEC);

    file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (arguments[0]);
    uri = g_file_get_uri (file);
    g_object_unref (file);

    face = sushi_new_ft_face_from_uri (library, uri, &contents, &gerror);
    if (gerror) {
	g_printerr ("Could not load face '%s': %s\n", uri,
        g_free (uri);
        g_error_free (gerror);
	goto out;

    g_free (uri);

    if (default_thumbstr) {
        if (check_font_contain_text (face, "Aa"))
            str = g_strdup ("Aa");
            str = build_fallback_thumbstr (face);
    } else {
        str = thumbstr_utf8;

    surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
                                          thumb_size, thumb_size);
    cr = cairo_create (surface);

    gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &white);
    cairo_paint (cr);

    font = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face (face, 0);
    cairo_set_font_face (cr, font);
    cairo_font_face_destroy (font);

    font_size = thumb_size - 2 * PADDING_VERTICAL;
    cairo_set_font_size (cr, font_size);
    cairo_text_extents (cr, str, &text_extents);

    if ((text_extents.width) > (thumb_size - 2 * PADDING_HORIZONTAL)) {
        scale_x = (gdouble) (thumb_size - 2 * PADDING_HORIZONTAL) / (text_extents.width);
    } else {
        scale_x = 1.0;

    if ((text_extents.height) > (thumb_size - 2 * PADDING_VERTICAL)) {
        scale_y = (gdouble) (thumb_size - 2 * PADDING_VERTICAL) / (text_extents.height);
    } else {
        scale_y = 1.0;

    scale = MIN (scale_x, scale_y);
    cairo_scale (cr, scale, scale);
    cairo_translate (cr, 
                     PADDING_HORIZONTAL - text_extents.x_bearing + (thumb_size - scale * text_extents.width) / 2.0,
                     PADDING_VERTICAL - text_extents.y_bearing + (thumb_size - scale * text_extents.height) / 2.0);

    gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &black);
    cairo_show_text (cr, str);
    cairo_destroy (cr);

    cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface, arguments[1]);
    cairo_surface_destroy (surface);

    totem_resources_monitor_stop ();

    error = FT_Done_Face (face);
    if (error) {
	g_printerr("Could not unload face: %s\n", get_ft_error (error));
	goto out;

    error = FT_Done_FreeType (library);
    if (error) {
	g_printerr ("Could not finalize freetype library: %s\n",
		   get_ft_error (error));
	goto out;

    rv = 0; /* success */


    g_strfreev (arguments);
    g_free (str);
    g_free (contents);

    return rv;
 * Returns true iff the specified sector is present in the disk image. Drivers
 * not implementing the functionality are assumed to not support backing files,
 * hence all their sectors are reported as allocated.
 * If 'sector_num' is beyond the end of the disk image the return value is 0
 * and 'pnum' is set to 0.
 * 'pnum' is set to the number of sectors (including and immediately following
 * the specified sector) that are known to be in the same
 * allocated/unallocated state.
 * 'nb_sectors' is the max value 'pnum' should be set to.  If nb_sectors goes
 * beyond the end of the disk image it will be clamped.
static int coroutine_fn raw_co_is_allocated(BlockDriverState *bs,
                                            int64_t sector_num,
                                            int nb_sectors, int *pnum)
    off_t start, data, hole;
    int ret;

    ret = fd_open(bs);
    if (ret < 0) {
        return ret;

    start = sector_num * BDRV_SECTOR_SIZE;


    BDRVRawState *s = bs->opaque;
    struct {
        struct fiemap fm;
        struct fiemap_extent fe;
    } f;

    f.fm.fm_start = start;
    f.fm.fm_length = (int64_t)nb_sectors * BDRV_SECTOR_SIZE;
    f.fm.fm_flags = 0;
    f.fm.fm_extent_count = 1;
    f.fm.fm_reserved = 0;
    if (ioctl(s->fd, FS_IOC_FIEMAP, &f) == -1) {
        /* Assume everything is allocated.  */
        *pnum = nb_sectors;
        return 1;

    if (f.fm.fm_mapped_extents == 0) {
        /* No extents found, data is beyond f.fm.fm_start + f.fm.fm_length.
         * f.fm.fm_start + f.fm.fm_length must be clamped to the file size!
        off_t length = lseek(s->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
        hole = f.fm.fm_start;
        data = MIN(f.fm.fm_start + f.fm.fm_length, length);
    } else {
        data = f.fe.fe_logical;
        hole = f.fe.fe_logical + f.fe.fe_length;

#elif defined SEEK_HOLE && defined SEEK_DATA

    BDRVRawState *s = bs->opaque;

    hole = lseek(s->fd, start, SEEK_HOLE);
    if (hole == -1) {
        /* -ENXIO indicates that sector_num was past the end of the file.
         * There is a virtual hole there.  */
        assert(errno != -ENXIO);

        /* Most likely EINVAL.  Assume everything is allocated.  */
        *pnum = nb_sectors;
        return 1;

    if (hole > start) {
        data = start;
    } else {
        /* On a hole.  We need another syscall to find its end.  */
        data = lseek(s->fd, start, SEEK_DATA);
        if (data == -1) {
            data = lseek(s->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    *pnum = nb_sectors;
    return 1;

    if (data <= start) {
        /* On a data extent, compute sectors to the end of the extent.  */
        *pnum = MIN(nb_sectors, (hole - start) / BDRV_SECTOR_SIZE);
        return 1;
    } else {
        /* On a hole, compute sectors to the beginning of the next extent.  */
        *pnum = MIN(nb_sectors, (data - start) / BDRV_SECTOR_SIZE);
        return 0;
size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
                           void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
                     const void* src, size_t srcSize,
                           int compressionLevel)
    ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, srcSize, 0);
    U32 const overlapLog = (compressionLevel >= ZSTD_maxCLevel()) ? 0 : 3;
    size_t const overlapSize = (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog - overlapLog);
    size_t const chunkTargetSize = (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog + 2);
    unsigned const nbChunksMax = (unsigned)(srcSize / chunkTargetSize) + 1;
    unsigned nbChunks = MIN(nbChunksMax, mtctx->nbThreads);
    size_t const proposedChunkSize = (srcSize + (nbChunks-1)) / nbChunks;
    size_t const avgChunkSize = ((proposedChunkSize & 0x1FFFF) < 0xFFFF) ? proposedChunkSize + 0xFFFF : proposedChunkSize;   /* avoid too small last block */
    size_t remainingSrcSize = srcSize;
    const char* const srcStart = (const char*)src;
    unsigned const compressWithinDst = (dstCapacity >= ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize)) ? nbChunks : (unsigned)(dstCapacity / ZSTD_compressBound(avgChunkSize));  /* presumes avgChunkSize >= 256 KB, which should be the case */
    size_t frameStartPos = 0, dstBufferPos = 0;

    DEBUGLOG(3, "windowLog : %2u => chunkTargetSize : %u bytes  ", params.cParams.windowLog, (U32)chunkTargetSize);
    DEBUGLOG(2, "nbChunks  : %2u   (chunkSize : %u bytes)   ", nbChunks, (U32)avgChunkSize);
    params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;

    if (nbChunks==1) {   /* fallback to single-thread mode */
        ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = mtctx->cctxPool->cctx[0];
        return ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, compressionLevel);

    {   unsigned u;
        for (u=0; u<nbChunks; u++) {
            size_t const chunkSize = MIN(remainingSrcSize, avgChunkSize);
            size_t const dstBufferCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(chunkSize);
            buffer_t const dstAsBuffer = { (char*)dst + dstBufferPos, dstBufferCapacity };
            buffer_t const dstBuffer = u < compressWithinDst ? dstAsBuffer : ZSTDMT_getBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, dstBufferCapacity);
            ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool);
            size_t dictSize = u ? overlapSize : 0;

            if ((cctx==NULL) || (dstBuffer.start==NULL)) {
                mtctx->jobs[u].cSize = ERROR(memory_allocation);   /* job result */
                mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 1;
                nbChunks = u+1;
                break;   /* let's wait for previous jobs to complete, but don't start new ones */

            mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart = srcStart + frameStartPos - dictSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].dictSize = dictSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].srcSize = chunkSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].fullFrameSize = srcSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].params = params;
            mtctx->jobs[u].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
            mtctx->jobs[u].cctx = cctx;
            mtctx->jobs[u].firstChunk = (u==0);
            mtctx->jobs[u].lastChunk = (u==nbChunks-1);
            mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 0;
            mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_mutex = &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex;
            mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_cond = &mtctx->jobCompleted_cond;

            DEBUGLOG(3, "posting job %u   (%u bytes)", u, (U32)chunkSize);
            DEBUG_PRINTHEX(3, mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart, 12);
            POOL_add(mtctx->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &mtctx->jobs[u]);

            frameStartPos += chunkSize;
            dstBufferPos += dstBufferCapacity;
            remainingSrcSize -= chunkSize;
    }   }
    /* note : since nbChunks <= nbThreads, all jobs should be running immediately in parallel */

    {   unsigned chunkID;
        size_t error = 0, dstPos = 0;
        for (chunkID=0; chunkID<nbChunks; chunkID++) {
            DEBUGLOG(3, "waiting for chunk %u ", chunkID);
            while (mtctx->jobs[chunkID].jobCompleted==0) {
                DEBUGLOG(4, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from chunk %u", chunkID);
                pthread_cond_wait(&mtctx->jobCompleted_cond, &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex);
            DEBUGLOG(3, "ready to write chunk %u ", chunkID);

            ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx);
            mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx = NULL;
            mtctx->jobs[chunkID].srcStart = NULL;
            {   size_t const cSize = mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cSize;
                if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) error = cSize;
                if ((!error) && (dstPos + cSize > dstCapacity)) error = ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
                if (chunkID) {   /* note : chunk 0 is already written directly into dst */
                    if (!error)
                        memmove((char*)dst + dstPos, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff.start, cSize);  /* may overlap if chunk decompressed within dst */
                    if (chunkID >= compressWithinDst)   /* otherwise, it decompresses within dst */
                        ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff);
                    mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff = g_nullBuffer;
                dstPos += cSize ;
        if (!error) DEBUGLOG(3, "compressed size : %u  ", (U32)dstPos);
        return error ? error : dstPos;

static size_t ZSTDMT_createCompressionJob(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, size_t srcSize, unsigned endFrame)
    size_t const dstBufferCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize);
    buffer_t const dstBuffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, dstBufferCapacity);
    ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(zcs->cctxPool);
    unsigned const jobID = zcs->nextJobID & zcs->jobIDMask;

    if ((cctx==NULL) || (dstBuffer.start==NULL)) {
        zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 1;
        return ERROR(memory_allocation);

    DEBUGLOG(4, "preparing job %u to compress %u bytes with %u preload ", zcs->nextJobID, (U32)srcSize, (U32)zcs->dictSize);
    zcs->jobs[jobID].src = zcs->inBuff.buffer;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart = zcs->inBuff.buffer.start;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].srcSize = srcSize;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].dictSize = zcs->dictSize;   /* note : zcs->inBuff.filled is presumed >= srcSize + dictSize */
    zcs->jobs[jobID].params = zcs->params;
    if (zcs->nextJobID) zcs->jobs[jobID].params.fParams.checksumFlag = 0;  /* do not calculate checksum within sections, just keep it in header for first section */
    zcs->jobs[jobID].cdict = zcs->nextJobID==0 ? zcs->cdict : NULL;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].fullFrameSize = zcs->frameContentSize;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].cctx = cctx;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].firstChunk = (zcs->nextJobID==0);
    zcs->jobs[jobID].lastChunk = endFrame;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 0;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].dstFlushed = 0;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted_mutex = &zcs->jobCompleted_mutex;
    zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted_cond = &zcs->jobCompleted_cond;

    /* get a new buffer for next input */
    if (!endFrame) {
        size_t const newDictSize = MIN(srcSize + zcs->dictSize, zcs->targetDictSize);
        zcs->inBuff.buffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, zcs->inBuffSize);
        if (zcs->inBuff.buffer.start == NULL) {   /* not enough memory to allocate next input buffer */
            zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 1;
            return ERROR(memory_allocation);
        DEBUGLOG(5, "inBuff filled to %u", (U32)zcs->inBuff.filled);
        zcs->inBuff.filled -= srcSize + zcs->dictSize - newDictSize;
        DEBUGLOG(5, "new job : filled to %u, with %u dict and %u src", (U32)zcs->inBuff.filled, (U32)newDictSize, (U32)(zcs->inBuff.filled - newDictSize));
        memmove(zcs->inBuff.buffer.start, (const char*)zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart + zcs->dictSize + srcSize - newDictSize, zcs->inBuff.filled);
        DEBUGLOG(5, "new inBuff pre-filled");
        zcs->dictSize = newDictSize;
    } else {
        zcs->inBuff.buffer = g_nullBuffer;
        zcs->inBuff.filled = 0;
        zcs->dictSize = 0;
        zcs->frameEnded = 1;
        if (zcs->nextJobID == 0)
            zcs->params.fParams.checksumFlag = 0;   /* single chunk : checksum is calculated directly within worker thread */

    DEBUGLOG(3, "posting job %u : %u bytes  (end:%u) (note : doneJob = %u=>%u)", zcs->nextJobID, (U32)zcs->jobs[jobID].srcSize, zcs->jobs[jobID].lastChunk, zcs->doneJobID, zcs->doneJobID & zcs->jobIDMask);
    POOL_add(zcs->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &zcs->jobs[jobID]);   /* this call is blocking when thread worker pool is exhausted */
    return 0;
int cfasta_gotoh_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL)
/*TG_MODE=0---> gop and gep*/
/*TG_MODE=1---> ---     gep*/
/*TG_MODE=2---> ---     ---*/

	int maximise;

	int **tot_diag;

	int *diag;
	int ktup;
	static int n_groups;
	static char **group_list;
	int score, new_score;
        int n_chosen_diag=20;
        int step;
	int max_n_chosen_diag;
	int l1, l2;
        /********Prepare Penalties******/



	if ( !group_list)

	       group_list=make_group_aa (&n_groups, CL->matrix_for_aa_group);

	l1=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]);
	l2=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]);

	if ( !CL->fasta_step)
	    step=(int) log ((double)MAX(step, 1));
	    step=MAX(step, 20);

	tot_diag=evaluate_diagonals ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup);

	max_n_chosen_diag=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]])+strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]])-1;

	n_chosen_diag=MIN(n_chosen_diag, max_n_chosen_diag);

	diag=extract_N_diag (strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag, n_chosen_diag, 0);

	score    =make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise ( A, ns, l_s, CL, diag);

	vfree ( diag);

	while (new_score!=score && n_chosen_diag< max_n_chosen_diag    )


	    ungap_sub_aln ( A, ns[0], l_s[0]);
	    ungap_sub_aln ( A, ns[1], l_s[1]);

	    n_chosen_diag=MIN(n_chosen_diag, max_n_chosen_diag);

	    diag     =extract_N_diag (strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag, n_chosen_diag, 0);
	    new_score=make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise (  A, ns, l_s, CL, diag);

	    vfree ( diag);


	free_int (tot_diag, -1);

	return score;
 * The audit system call. Trust what the user has sent down and save it
 * away in the audit file. User passes a complete audit record and its
 * length.  We will fill in the time stamp, check the header and the length
 * Put a trailer and a sequence token if policy requires.
 * In the future length might become size_t instead of an int.
 * The call is valid whether or not AUDIT_PERZONE is set (think of
 * login to a zone).  When the local audit state (auk_auditstate) is
 * AUC_INIT_AUDIT, records are accepted even though auditd isn't
 * running.
audit(caddr_t record, int length)
	char	c;
	int	count, l;
	token_t	*m, *n, *s, *ad;
	int	hdrlen, delta;
	adr_t	hadr;
	adr_t	sadr;
	int	size;	/* 0: 32 bit utility  1: 64 bit utility */
	int	host_len;
	size_t	zlen;
	au_kcontext_t	*kctx = GET_KCTX_PZ;

	/* if auditing not enabled, then don't generate an audit record */
	if (kctx->auk_auditstate != AUC_AUDITING &&
	    kctx->auk_auditstate != AUC_INIT_AUDIT)
		return (0);

	/* Only privileged processes can audit */
	if (secpolicy_audit_modify(CRED()) != 0)
		return (EPERM);

	/* Max user record size is 32K */
	if (length > AUDIT_REC_SIZE)
		return (E2BIG);

	 * The specified length must be at least as big as the smallest
	 * possible header token. Later after beginning to scan the
	 * header we'll determine the true minimum length according to
	 * the header type and attributes.
#define	AU_MIN_HEADER_LEN	(sizeof (char) + sizeof (int32_t) + \
	sizeof (char) + sizeof (short) + sizeof (short) + \
	(sizeof (int32_t) * 2))

	if (length < AU_MIN_HEADER_LEN)
		return (EINVAL);

	/* Read in user's audit record */
	count = length;
	m = n = s = ad = NULL;
	while (count) {
		m = au_getclr();
		if (!s)
			s = n = m;
		else {
			n->next_buf = m;
			n = m;
		l = MIN(count, AU_BUFSIZE);
		if (copyin(record, memtod(m, caddr_t), (size_t)l)) {
			/* copyin failed release au_membuf */
			return (EFAULT);
		record += l;
		count -= l;
		m->len = (uchar_t)l;

	/* Now attach the entire thing to ad */
	au_write((caddr_t *)&(ad), s);

	/* validate header token type. trust everything following it */
	adr_start(&hadr, memtod(s, char *));
	(void) adr_getchar(&hadr, &c);
	switch (c) {
	case AUT_HEADER32:
		/* size vers+event_ID+event_modifier fields */
		delta = 1 + 2 + 2;
		hdrlen = 1 + 4 + delta + (sizeof (int32_t) * 2);
		size = HEADER_SIZE32;

#ifdef _LP64
	case AUT_HEADER64:
		/* size vers+event_ID+event_modifier fields */
		delta = 1 + 2 + 2;
		hdrlen = 1 + 4 + delta + (sizeof (int64_t) * 2);
		size = HEADER_SIZE64;

	case AUT_HEADER32_EX:
		 * Skip over the length/version/type/mod fields and
		 * grab the host address type (length), then rewind.
		 * This is safe per the previous minimum length check.
		hadr.adr_now += 9;
		(void) adr_getint32(&hadr, &host_len);
		hadr.adr_now -= 9 + sizeof (int32_t);

		/* size: vers+event_ID+event_modifier+IP_type+IP_addr_array */
		delta = 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + host_len;
		hdrlen = 1 + 4 + delta + (sizeof (int32_t) * 2);
		size = HEADER_SIZE32;

#ifdef _LP64
	case AUT_HEADER64_EX:
		 * Skip over the length/version/type/mod fields and grab
		 * the host address type (length), then rewind.
		 * This is safe per the previous minimum length check.
		hadr.adr_now += 9;
		(void) adr_getint32(&hadr, &host_len);
		hadr.adr_now -= 9 + sizeof (int32_t);

		/* size: vers+event_ID+event_modifier+IP_type+IP_addr_array */
		delta = 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + host_len;
		hdrlen = 1 + 4 + delta + (sizeof (int64_t) * 2);
		size = HEADER_SIZE64;

		/* Header is wrong, reject message */
		return (EINVAL);

	if (length < hdrlen) {
		return (0);

	/* advance over header token length field */
	hadr.adr_now += 4;

	/* validate version */
	(void) adr_getchar(&hadr, &c);
	if (c != TOKEN_VERSION) {
		/* version is wrong, reject message */
		return (EINVAL);

	/* backup to header length field (including version field) */
	hadr.adr_now -= 5;

	 * add on the zonename token if policy AUDIT_ZONENAME is set
	if (kctx->auk_policy & AUDIT_ZONENAME) {
		zlen = au_zonename_length(NULL);
		if (zlen > 0) {
			length += zlen;
			m = au_to_zonename(zlen, NULL);
			(void) au_append_rec(ad, m, AU_PACK);
	/* Add an (optional) sequence token. NULL offset if none */
	if (kctx->auk_policy & AUDIT_SEQ) {
		/* get the sequnce token */
		m = au_to_seq();

		/* sequence token 5 bytes long */
		length += 5;

		/* link to audit record (i.e. don't pack the data) */
		(void) au_append_rec(ad, m, AU_LINK);

		/* advance to count field of token */
		adr_start(&sadr, memtod(m, char *));
		sadr.adr_now += 1;
	} else
static int
privcmd_ioctl(struct cdev *dev, unsigned long cmd, caddr_t arg,
	      int mode, struct thread *td)
	int error, i;

	switch (cmd) {
		struct ioctl_privcmd_hypercall *hcall;

		hcall = (struct ioctl_privcmd_hypercall *)arg;
#ifdef __amd64__
		 * The hypervisor page table walker will refuse to access
		 * user-space pages if SMAP is enabled, so temporary disable it
		 * while performing the hypercall.
		if (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP)
		error = privcmd_hypercall(hcall->op, hcall->arg[0],
		    hcall->arg[1], hcall->arg[2], hcall->arg[3], hcall->arg[4]);
#ifdef __amd64__
		if (cpu_stdext_feature & CPUID_STDEXT_SMAP)
		if (error >= 0) {
			hcall->retval = error;
			error = 0;
		} else {
			error = xen_translate_error(error);
			hcall->retval = 0;
		struct ioctl_privcmd_mmapbatch *mmap;
		vm_map_t map;
		vm_map_entry_t entry;
		vm_object_t mem;
		vm_pindex_t pindex;
		vm_prot_t prot;
		boolean_t wired;
		struct xen_add_to_physmap_range add;
		xen_ulong_t *idxs;
		xen_pfn_t *gpfns;
		int *errs, index;
		struct privcmd_map *umap;
		uint16_t num;

		mmap = (struct ioctl_privcmd_mmapbatch *)arg;

		if ((mmap->num == 0) ||
		    ((mmap->addr & PAGE_MASK) != 0)) {
			error = EINVAL;

		map = &td->td_proc->p_vmspace->vm_map;
		error = vm_map_lookup(&map, mmap->addr, VM_PROT_NONE, &entry,
		    &mem, &pindex, &prot, &wired);
		if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) {
			error = EINVAL;
		if ((entry->start != mmap->addr) ||
		    (entry->end != mmap->addr + (mmap->num * PAGE_SIZE))) {
			vm_map_lookup_done(map, entry);
			error = EINVAL;
		vm_map_lookup_done(map, entry);
		if ((mem->type != OBJT_MGTDEVICE) ||
		    (mem->un_pager.devp.ops != &privcmd_pg_ops)) {
			error = EINVAL;
		umap = mem->handle;

		add.domid = DOMID_SELF;
		add.space = XENMAPSPACE_gmfn_foreign;
		add.foreign_domid = mmap->dom;

		 * The 'size' field in the xen_add_to_physmap_range only
		 * allows for UINT16_MAX mappings in a single hypercall.
		num = MIN(mmap->num, UINT16_MAX);

		idxs = malloc(sizeof(*idxs) * num, M_PRIVCMD, M_WAITOK);
		gpfns = malloc(sizeof(*gpfns) * num, M_PRIVCMD, M_WAITOK);
		errs = malloc(sizeof(*errs) * num, M_PRIVCMD, M_WAITOK);

		set_xen_guest_handle(add.idxs, idxs);
		set_xen_guest_handle(add.gpfns, gpfns);
		set_xen_guest_handle(add.errs, errs);

		/* Allocate a bitset to store broken page mappings. */
		umap->err = BITSET_ALLOC(mmap->num, M_PRIVCMD,
		    M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);

		for (index = 0; index < mmap->num; index += num) {
			num = MIN(mmap->num - index, UINT16_MAX);
			add.size = num;

			error = copyin(&mmap->arr[index], idxs,
			    sizeof(idxs[0]) * num);
			if (error != 0)
				goto mmap_out;

			for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
				gpfns[i] = atop(umap->phys_base_addr +
				    (i + index) * PAGE_SIZE);

			bzero(errs, sizeof(*errs) * num);

			error = HYPERVISOR_memory_op(
			    XENMEM_add_to_physmap_range, &add);
			if (error != 0) {
				error = xen_translate_error(error);
				goto mmap_out;

			for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
				if (errs[i] != 0) {
					errs[i] = xen_translate_error(errs[i]);

					/* Mark the page as invalid. */
					BIT_SET(mmap->num, index + i,

			error = copyout(errs, &mmap->err[index],
			    sizeof(errs[0]) * num);
			if (error != 0)
				goto mmap_out;

		umap->mapped = true;

		free(idxs, M_PRIVCMD);
		free(gpfns, M_PRIVCMD);
		free(errs, M_PRIVCMD);
		if (!umap->mapped)
			free(umap->err, M_PRIVCMD);


		error = ENOSYS;

	return (error);
void DrawRegion( Region key, float scale ) {
	if ( key == NULL ) return;
	int stable = key->stable;
	char name[256];
	Image out = ReadPPMFile(name);
	static int count = 0;
	if ( !ImageIsGood(out) ) {
		out = ConvertImage1(CopyImage(key->image));
	} else sprintf(name,"/tmp/T%03d.ppm",stable);
	int rv = RandomNumber(0,255);
	int gv = RandomNumber(0,rv);
	int bv = RandomNumber(0,gv);
	int color = PIX3(rv,gv,bv);
	Ellipse e1 = NewEllipse(key->row,key->col,key->maj*scale,key->min*scale,key->phi);
	DrawEllipse(e1,out,color); free(e1);
	Image patch = CreateImage(41*sqrt(2),41*sqrt(2));

	FVec hist = GenerateOrientationHistogram(patch);
	if ( PolygonIsGood(key->sizes) ) {
		struct PointSt p1 = key->sizes->vertices[0];
		struct PointSt p2 = key->sizes->vertices[key->sizes->numberOfVertices-1];

		int i;
		hist = FVecNew(0,255);
		Point p;
		while ( ( p = NextPolygonVertex(key->sizes) ) != NULL ) FVecSetAt(hist,p->y,p->x);
		if ( p1.y < p2.y ) {
			for(i=p1.y;i<=p2.y;i++) if ( hist->values[i] == 0.0 ) FVecAddAt(hist,i,1);
		} else {
			for(i=p2.y;i>=p1.y;i--) if ( hist->values[i] == 0.0 ) FVecAddAt(hist,i,1);
		hist->l = MIN(p1.y,p2.y);
		hist->r = MAX(p2.y-1,p1.y-1);

文件: sdl.c 项目: adurdin/fs-uae
int fs_ml_event_loop(void)
    // printf("fs_ml_event_loop\n");
    int result = 0;
    SDL_Event event;
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
        switch(event.type) {
        case SDL_QUIT:
            fs_log("Received SDL_QUIT\n");
            printf("returning 1 from fs_ml_event_loop\n");
            result = 1;
        case SDL_WINDOWEVENT:
            if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) {
                on_resize(event.window.data1, event.window.data2);
            } else if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE) {
                event.type = SDL_QUIT;
            } else if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED) {
                if (g_grab_input_on_activate) {
                    fs_log("Window focus gained - grabbing input\n");
                    g_grab_input_on_activate = false;
#ifdef MACOSX
                } else if (fs_ml_input_grab()) {
                    /* Input grab could be "lost" due to Cmd+Tab */
                    fs_log("Forcing re-grab of input on OS X\n");
        case SDL_KEYDOWN:
        case SDL_KEYUP:
            if (g_fs_log_input) {
                fs_log("SDL key sym %d mod %d scancode %d state %d repeat %d\n",
                        event.key.keysym.sym, event.key.keysym.mod,
                        event.key.keysym.scancode, event.key.state,
            if (event.key.repeat) {
            if (event.key.keysym.sym == 0 && event.key.keysym.scancode == 0) {
                /* ignore "ghost key" seen on OS X which without this
                 * specific check will cause the A key to be mysteriously
                 * pressed. */
                if (g_fs_log_input) {
                    fs_log("- ignored key with keysym 0 and scancode 0\n");
            if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F12) {
                g_f12_state = event.key.state ? FS_ML_KEY_MOD_F12 : 0;
                printf("-- g_f12_state is %d\n", g_f12_state);
            else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F11) {
                g_f11_state = event.key.state ? FS_ML_KEY_MOD_F11 : 0;

            const Uint8* key_state;
            int num_keys;
            key_state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(&num_keys);
            g_f11_state = key_state[SDL_SCANCODE_F11] ? FS_ML_KEY_MOD_F11 : 0;
            g_f12_state = key_state[SDL_SCANCODE_F12] ? FS_ML_KEY_MOD_F12 : 0;

            int key = -1;
            if (event.key.keysym.scancode <= LAST_SDL2_SCANCODE) {
                key = g_sdl2_keys[event.key.keysym.scancode];
#if defined(MACOSX)
#elif defined(WINDOWS)
            else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_MODE) {
                key = SDLK_RALT;
            else {
                key = fs_ml_scancode_to_key(event.key.keysym.scancode);

#ifdef USE_SDL2
            if (0) {
                // the below trick does not currently work for SDL2, as
                // there is no mapping yet for translated keys
            if (g_f12_state || g_f11_state) {
                // leave translated key code in keysym
            else if (key >= 0) {
                if (g_fs_log_input) {
                    fs_log("- key code set to %d (was %d) based on "
                           "scancode %d\n", key, event.key.keysym.sym,
                event.key.keysym.sym = key;

            int mod = event.key.keysym.mod;
            if (mod & KMOD_LSHIFT || mod & KMOD_RSHIFT)
                event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_SHIFT;
#if 0
            if (mod & KMOD_LALT || mod & KMOD_RALT)
                event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_ALT;
            if (mod & KMOD_LCTRL || mod & KMOD_RCTRL)
                event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_CTRL;
#if 0
            if (mod & KMOD_LMETA || mod & KMOD_RMETA)
                event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_META;

            /* Filter out other modidifers */
            event.key.keysym.mod &=
                        KMOD_SHIFT | KMOD_ALT | KMOD_CTRL | KMOD_META;
            /* Add F11/F12 modifier state */
            event.key.keysym.mod |= g_f11_state | g_f12_state;

            //printf("%d %d %d %d\n", event.key.keysym.mod,
            //        KMOD_ALT, KMOD_LALT, KMOD_RALT);
        //    printf("--- mousebutton down ---\n");
        fs_ml_event *new_event = NULL;

        if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_KEYDOWN;
            new_event->key.keysym.sym = event.key.keysym.sym;
            new_event->key.keysym.mod = event.key.keysym.mod;
            new_event->key.state = event.key.state;
        else if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP) {
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_KEYUP;
            new_event->key.keysym.sym = event.key.keysym.sym;
            new_event->key.keysym.mod = event.key.keysym.mod;
            new_event->key.state = event.key.state;
        else if (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) {
            if (g_fs_log_input) {
                fs_log("SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN which %d button %d state %d\n",
                       event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button,
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_JOYBUTTONDOWN;
            new_event->jbutton.which = \
            new_event->jbutton.button = event.jbutton.button;
            new_event->jbutton.state = event.jbutton.state;
        else if (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) {
            if (g_fs_log_input) {
                fs_log("SDL_JOYBUTTONUP which %d button %d state %d\n",
                       event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button,
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_JOYBUTTONUP;
            new_event->jbutton.which = \
            new_event->jbutton.button = event.jbutton.button;
            new_event->jbutton.state = event.jbutton.state;
        else if (event.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) {
            /* Not logging axis motion, too much noise */
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_JOYAXISMOTION;
            new_event->jaxis.which = \
            new_event->jaxis.axis = event.jaxis.axis;
            new_event->jaxis.value = event.jaxis.value;
        else if (event.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) {
            if (g_fs_log_input) {
                fs_log("SDL_JOYHATMOTION which %d hat %d value %d\n",
                       event.jhat.which, event.jhat.hat, event.jhat.value);
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_JOYHATMOTION;
            new_event->jhat.which = \
            new_event->jhat.hat = event.jhat.hat;
            new_event->jhat.value = event.jhat.value;
        else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_MOUSEMOTION;
            new_event->motion.device = g_fs_ml_first_mouse_index;
            new_event->motion.xrel = event.motion.xrel;
            new_event->motion.yrel = event.motion.yrel;
            /* Absolute window coordinates */
            new_event->motion.x = event.motion.x;
            new_event->motion.y = event.motion.y;
            //printf("ISREL %d\n", SDL_GetRelativeMouseMode());

            if (g_fs_log_input) {
                fs_log("SDL mouse event x: %4d y: %4d xrel: %4d yrel: %4d\n", 
                    event.motion.x, event.motion.y,
                    event.motion.xrel, event.motion.yrel);
        else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN;
            new_event->button.device = g_fs_ml_first_mouse_index;
            new_event->button.button = event.button.button;
#ifdef MACOSX
            if (new_event->button.button == 1) {
                int mod = SDL_GetModState();
                if (mod & KMOD_ALT) {
                    new_event->button.button = 2;
                else if (mod & KMOD_CTRL) {
                    new_event->button.button = 3;
            new_event->button.state = event.button.state;
        else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_MOUSEBUTTONUP;
            new_event->button.device = g_fs_ml_first_mouse_index;
            new_event->button.button = event.button.button;
#ifdef MACOSX
            if (new_event->button.button == 1) {
                int mod = SDL_GetModState();
                if (mod & KMOD_ALT) {
                    new_event->button.button = 2;
                else if (mod & KMOD_CTRL) {
                    new_event->button.button = 3;
            new_event->button.state = event.button.state;
        else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) {
            if (event.wheel.which == SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID) {

            if (event.wheel.y) {
                if (g_fs_log_input) {
                    fs_log("SDL mouse event y-scroll: %4d\n",
                new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
                new_event->type = FS_ML_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN;
                if (event.wheel.y > 0) {
                    new_event->button.button = FS_ML_BUTTON_WHEELUP;
                else {
                    new_event->button.button = FS_ML_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN;
                new_event->button.device = g_fs_ml_first_mouse_index;
                new_event->button.state = 1;
        else if (event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) {
            new_event = fs_ml_alloc_event();
            new_event->type = FS_ML_TEXTINPUT;
            memcpy(&(new_event->text.text), &(event.text.text),
            new_event->text.text[TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE - 1] = 0;

        if (new_event) {
    return result;
// sanity check parameters
void AC_Loiter::sanity_check_params()
    _speed_cms = MAX(_speed_cms, LOITER_SPEED_MIN);
    _accel_cmss = MIN(_accel_cmss, GRAVITY_MSS * 100.0f * tanf(ToRad(_attitude_control.lean_angle_max() * 0.01f)));
int decode_audio_file(ChromaprintContext *chromaprint_ctx, int16_t *buffer1, int16_t *buffer2, const char *file_name, int max_length, int *duration)
	int i, ok = 0, remaining, length, consumed, buffer_size, codec_ctx_opened = 0;
	AVFormatContext *format_ctx = NULL;
	AVCodecContext *codec_ctx = NULL;
	AVCodec *codec = NULL;
	AVStream *stream = NULL;
	AVPacket packet, packet_temp;
	AVAudioConvert *convert_ctx = NULL;
	int16_t *buffer;

	if (av_open_input_file(&format_ctx, file_name, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
	if (avformat_open_input(&format_ctx, file_name, NULL, NULL) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't open the file\n");
		goto done;

	if (av_find_stream_info(format_ctx) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't find stream information in the file\n");
		goto done;

	for (i = 0; i < format_ctx->nb_streams; i++) {
		codec_ctx = format_ctx->streams[i]->codec;
		if (codec_ctx && codec_ctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
			stream = format_ctx->streams[i];
	if (!stream) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't find any audio stream in the file\n");
		goto done;

	codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codec_ctx->codec_id);
	if (!codec) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown codec\n");
		goto done;

	if (avcodec_open(codec_ctx, codec) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't open the codec\n");
		goto done;
	codec_ctx_opened = 1;

	if (codec_ctx->channels <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: no channels found in the audio stream\n");
		goto done;

	if (codec_ctx->sample_fmt != AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16) {
		convert_ctx = av_audio_convert_alloc(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, codec_ctx->channels,
		                                     codec_ctx->sample_fmt, codec_ctx->channels, NULL, 0);
		if (!convert_ctx) {
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't create sample format converter\n");
			goto done;
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unsupported sample format\n");
		goto done;

	*duration = stream->time_base.num * stream->duration / stream->time_base.den;

  if (max_length == 0) {
    max_length = duration;


	remaining = max_length * codec_ctx->channels * codec_ctx->sample_rate;
	chromaprint_start(chromaprint_ctx, codec_ctx->sample_rate, codec_ctx->channels);

	while (1) {
		if (av_read_frame(format_ctx, &packet) < 0) {

		packet_temp.data = packet.data;
		packet_temp.size = packet.size;

		while (packet_temp.size > 0) {
			buffer_size = BUFFER_SIZE;
			consumed = avcodec_decode_audio2(codec_ctx,
				buffer1, &buffer_size, packet_temp.data, packet_temp.size);
			consumed = avcodec_decode_audio3(codec_ctx,
				buffer1, &buffer_size, &packet_temp);

			if (consumed < 0) {

			packet_temp.data += consumed;
			packet_temp.size -= consumed;

			if (buffer_size <= 0) {
				if (buffer_size < 0) {
					fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: size returned from avcodec_decode_audioX is too small\n");
			if (buffer_size > BUFFER_SIZE) {
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: size returned from avcodec_decode_audioX is too large\n");

			if (convert_ctx) {
				const void *ibuf[6] = { buffer1 };
				void *obuf[6] = { buffer2 };
				int istride[6] = { av_get_bits_per_sample_format(codec_ctx->sample_fmt) / 8 };
				int istride[6] = { av_get_bytes_per_sample(codec_ctx->sample_fmt) };
				int ostride[6] = { 2 };
				int len = buffer_size / istride[0];
				if (av_audio_convert(convert_ctx, obuf, ostride, ibuf, istride, len) < 0) {
				buffer = buffer2;
				buffer_size = len * ostride[0];
			else {
				buffer = buffer1;
			buffer = buffer1;

			length = MIN(remaining, buffer_size / 2);
			if (!chromaprint_feed(chromaprint_ctx, buffer, length)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fingerprint calculation failed\n");
				goto done;

			if (max_length) {
				remaining -= length;
				if (remaining <= 0) {
					goto finish;

		if (packet.data) {

	if (!chromaprint_finish(chromaprint_ctx)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fingerprint calculation failed\n");
		goto done;

	ok = 1;

	if (codec_ctx_opened) {
	if (format_ctx) {
	if (convert_ctx) {
	return ok;

int fpcalc_main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i, j, max_length = 120, num_file_names = 0, raw = 0, raw_fingerprint_size, duration;
	int16_t *buffer1, *buffer2;
	int32_t *raw_fingerprint;
	char *file_name, *fingerprint, **file_names;
	ChromaprintContext *chromaprint_ctx;

	file_names = malloc(argc * sizeof(char *));
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		char *arg = argv[i];
		if (!strcmp(arg, "-length") && i + 1 < argc) {
			max_length = atoi(argv[++i]);
		else if (!strcmp(arg, "-version") || !strcmp(arg, "-v")) {
			printf("fpcalc version %s\n", chromaprint_get_version());
			return 0;
		else if (!strcmp(arg, "-raw")) {
			raw = 1;
		else if (!strcmp(arg, "-algo") && i + 1 < argc) {
			const char *v = argv[++i];
			if (!strcmp(v, "test1")) { algo = CHROMAPRINT_ALGORITHM_TEST1; }
			else if (!strcmp(v, "test2")) { algo = CHROMAPRINT_ALGORITHM_TEST2; }
			else if (!strcmp(v, "test3")) { algo = CHROMAPRINT_ALGORITHM_TEST3; }
			else if (!strcmp(v, "test4")) { algo = CHROMAPRINT_ALGORITHM_TEST4; }
			else {
				fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: unknown algorithm, using the default\n");
		else if (!strcmp(arg, "-set") && i + 1 < argc) {
      char *name = argv[++i];
      char *value = strchr(name, '=');
      if (!value && i + 1 < argc) {
		else {
			file_names[num_file_names++] = argv[i];

	if (!num_file_names) {
		printf("usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILE...\n\n", argv[0]);
		printf("  -version      print version information\n");
		printf("  -length SECS  length of the audio data used for fingerprint calculation (default 120)\n");
		printf("  -raw          output the raw uncompressed fingerprint\n");
		printf("  -algo NAME    version of the fingerprint algorithm\n");
		return 2;


	buffer1 = av_malloc(BUFFER_SIZE + 16);
	buffer2 = av_malloc(BUFFER_SIZE + 16);
	chromaprint_ctx = chromaprint_new(algo);

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		char *arg = argv[i];
		if (!strcmp(arg, "-set") && i + 1 < argc) {
			char *name = argv[++i];
			char *value = strchr(name, '=');
			if (value) {
				*value++ = '\0';
				chromaprint_set_option(chromaprint_ctx, name, atoi(value));
			} else if (i + 1 < argc) {
        value = argv[++i];
        chromaprint_set_option(chromaprint_ctx, name, atoi(value));

	for (i = 0; i < num_file_names; i++) {
		file_name = file_names[i];
		if (!decode_audio_file(chromaprint_ctx, buffer1, buffer2, file_name, max_length, &duration)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to calculate fingerprint for file %s, skipping\n", file_name);
		if (i > 0) {
		printf("FILE=%s\n", file_name);
		printf("DURATION=%d\n", duration);
		if (raw) {
			if (!chromaprint_get_raw_fingerprint(chromaprint_ctx, (void **)&raw_fingerprint, &raw_fingerprint_size)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to calculate fingerprint for file %s, skipping\n", file_name);
			for (j = 0; j < raw_fingerprint_size; j++) {
				printf("%d%s", raw_fingerprint[j], j + 1 < raw_fingerprint_size ? "," : "");
		else {
			if (!chromaprint_get_fingerprint(chromaprint_ctx, &fingerprint)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to calculate fingerprint for file %s, skipping\n", file_name);
			printf("FINGERPRINT=%s\n", fingerprint);


	return 0;
void relation_batch_init(msieve_obj *obj, relation_batch_t *rb,
			uint32 min_prime, uint32 max_prime,
			uint32 lp_cutoff_r, uint32 lp_cutoff_a, 
			savefile_t *savefile,
			print_relation_t print_relation) {

	prime_sieve_t sieve;
	uint32 num_primes, p;

	/* count the number of primes to multiply. Knowing this
	   in advance makes the recursion a lot easier, at the cost
	   of a small penalty in runtime */

	init_prime_sieve(&sieve, min_prime + 1, max_prime);
	p = min_prime;
	num_primes = 0;
	while (p < max_prime) {
		p = get_next_prime(&sieve);

	/* compute the product of primes */

	logprintf(obj, "multiplying %u primes from %u to %u\n",
			num_primes, min_prime, max_prime);

	init_prime_sieve(&sieve, min_prime, max_prime);
	multiply_primes(0, num_primes - 2, &sieve, rb->prime_product);
	logprintf(obj, "multiply complete, product has %u bits\n", 
				(uint32)mpz_sizeinbase(rb->prime_product, 2));
	rb->savefile = savefile;
	rb->print_relation = print_relation;

	/* compute the cutoffs used by the recursion base-case. Large
	   primes have a maximum size specified as input arguments, 
	   but numbers that can be passed to the SQUFOF routine are
	   limited to size 2^62 */

	rb->lp_cutoff_r = lp_cutoff_r;
	lp_cutoff_r = MIN(lp_cutoff_r, 0x7fffffff);
	rb->lp_cutoff_r2.nwords = 1;
	rb->lp_cutoff_r2.val[0] = lp_cutoff_r;
	mp_mul_1(&rb->lp_cutoff_r2, lp_cutoff_r, &rb->lp_cutoff_r2);

	rb->lp_cutoff_a = lp_cutoff_a;
	lp_cutoff_a = MIN(lp_cutoff_a, 0x7fffffff);
	rb->lp_cutoff_a2.nwords = 1;
	rb->lp_cutoff_a2.val[0] = lp_cutoff_a;
	mp_mul_1(&rb->lp_cutoff_a2, lp_cutoff_a, &rb->lp_cutoff_a2);

	rb->max_prime2.nwords = 1;
	rb->max_prime2.val[0] = max_prime;
	mp_mul_1(&rb->max_prime2, max_prime, &rb->max_prime2);

	/* allocate lists for relations and their factors */

	rb->target_relations = 500000;
	rb->num_relations = 0;
	rb->num_relations_alloc = 1000;
	rb->relations = (cofactor_t *)xmalloc(rb->num_relations_alloc *

	rb->num_factors = 0;
	rb->num_factors_alloc = 10000;
	rb->factors = (uint32 *)xmalloc(rb->num_factors_alloc *
if (!cli_send_trans(cli, SMBtrans2, 
				    NULL,                   /* Name */
				    -1, 0,                  /* fid, flags */
				    &setup, 1, 0,           /* setup, length, max */
				    param, param_len, 10,   /* param, length, max */
				    NULL, 0, 
#if 0
				    /* w2k value. */
				    MIN(16384,cli->max_xmit) /* data, length, max. */
				    cli->max_xmit	    /* data, length, max. */
				    )) {
 * g2d_copy - copy contents in source buffer to destination buffer.
 * @ctx: a pointer to g2d_context structure.
 * @src: a pointer to g2d_image structure including image and buffer
 *	information to source.
 * @dst: a pointer to g2d_image structure including image and buffer
 *	information to destination.
 * @src_x: x start position to source buffer.
 * @src_y: y start position to source buffer.
 * @dst_x: x start position to destination buffer.
 * @dst_y: y start position to destination buffer.
 * @w: width value to source and destination buffers.
 * @h: height value to source and destination buffers.
g2d_copy(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src,
		struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y,
		unsigned int dst_x, unsigned dst_y, unsigned int w,
		unsigned int h)
	union g2d_rop4_val rop4;
	union g2d_point_val pt;
	unsigned int src_w = 0, src_h = 0, dst_w = 0, dst_h = 0;

	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_COLOR_MODE_REG, dst->color_mode);
	g2d_add_base_addr(ctx, dst, g2d_dst);
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_STRIDE_REG, dst->stride);

	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_COLOR_MODE_REG, src->color_mode);
	g2d_add_base_addr(ctx, src, g2d_src);
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_STRIDE_REG, src->stride);

	src_w = w;
	src_h = h;
	if (src_x + src->width > w)
		src_w = src->width - src_x;
	if (src_y + src->height > h)
		src_h = src->height - src_y;

	dst_w = w;
	dst_h = w;
	if (dst_x + dst->width > w)
		dst_w = dst->width - dst_x;
	if (dst_y + dst->height > h)
		dst_h = dst->height - dst_y;

	w = MIN(src_w, dst_w);
	h = MIN(src_h, dst_h);

	if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "invalid width or height.\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = src_x;
	pt.data.y = src_y;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_LEFT_TOP_REG, pt.val);
	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = src_x + w;
	pt.data.y = src_y + h;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_RIGHT_BOTTOM_REG, pt.val);

	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = dst_x;
	pt.data.y = dst_y;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_LEFT_TOP_REG, pt.val);
	pt.val = 0;
	pt.data.x = dst_x + w;
	pt.data.y = dst_y + h;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_RIGHT_BOTTOM_REG, pt.val);

	rop4.val = 0;
	rop4.data.unmasked_rop3 = G2D_ROP3_SRC;
	g2d_add_cmd(ctx, ROP4_REG, rop4.val);

	return g2d_flush(ctx);
文件: tst_test.c 项目: sathnaga/ltp
static void print_result(const char *file, const int lineno, int ttype,
                         const char *fmt, va_list va)
	char buf[1024];
	char *str = buf;
	int ret, size = sizeof(buf), ssize;
	const char *str_errno = NULL;
	const char *res;

	switch (TTYPE_RESULT(ttype)) {
	case TPASS:
		res = "PASS";
	case TFAIL:
		res = "FAIL";
	case TBROK:
		res = "BROK";
	case TCONF:
		res = "CONF";
	case TWARN:
		res = "WARN";
	case TINFO:
		res = "INFO";
		tst_brk(TBROK, "Invalid ttype value %i", ttype);

	if (ttype & TERRNO)
		str_errno = tst_strerrno(errno);

	if (ttype & TTERRNO)
		str_errno = tst_strerrno(TEST_ERRNO);

	ret = snprintf(str, size, "%s:%i: ", file, lineno);
	str += ret;
	size -= ret;

	if (tst_color_enabled(STDERR_FILENO))
		ret = snprintf(str, size, "%s%s: %s", tst_ttype2color(ttype),
			       res, ANSI_COLOR_RESET);
		ret = snprintf(str, size, "%s: ", res);
	str += ret;
	size -= ret;

	ssize = size - 2;
	ret = vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, va);
	str += MIN(ret, ssize);
	size -= MIN(ret, ssize);
	if (ret >= ssize) {
		tst_res_(file, lineno, TWARN,
				"Next message is too long and truncated:");
	} else if (str_errno) {
		ssize = size - 2;
		ret = snprintf(str, size, ": %s", str_errno);
		str += MIN(ret, ssize);
		size -= MIN(ret, ssize);
		if (ret >= ssize)
			tst_res_(file, lineno, TWARN,
				"Next message is too long and truncated:");

	snprintf(str, size, "\n");

	fputs(buf, stderr);
 * read a string terminated by \r or \n in from a fd
 * Created: Sat Dec 12 06:29:58 EST 1992 by avalon 
 * Returns: 
 * 0 - EOF 
 * -1 - error on read 
 * >0 - number of bytes returned (<=num)
 * After opening a fd, it is necessary to init dgets() by calling it as
 * dgets(x,y,0); * to mark the buffer as being empty.
 * cleaned up by - Dianora aug 7 1997 *argh*
int dgets(int fd, char *buf, int num)
    static char dgbuf[8192];
    static char *head = dgbuf, *tail = dgbuf;
    char *s, *t;
    int n, nr;

    /* Sanity checks. */
    if (head == tail)
	*head = '\0';

    if (!num) 
	head = tail = dgbuf;
	*head = '\0';
	return 0;

    if (num > sizeof(dgbuf) - 1)
	num = sizeof(dgbuf) - 1;

	if (head > dgbuf)
	    for (nr = tail - head, s = head, t = dgbuf; nr > 0; nr--)
		*t++ = *s++;
	    tail = t;
	    head = dgbuf;
	/* check input buffer for EOL and if present return string. */
	if (head < tail &&
	    ((s = strchr(head, '\n')) ||
	     (s = strchr(head, '\r'))) && s < tail)
	    n = MIN(s - head + 1, num);	/* at least 1 byte */
	    memcpy(buf, head, n);
	    head += n;
	    if (head == tail)
		head = tail = dgbuf;
	    return n;
	if (tail - head >= num) 
	{      /* dgets buf is big enough */
	    n = num;
	    memcpy(buf, head, n);
	    head += n;
	    if (head == tail)
		head = tail = dgbuf;
	    return n;
	n = sizeof(dgbuf) - (tail - dgbuf) - 1;
	nr = read(fd, tail, n);
	if (nr == -1)
	    head = tail = dgbuf;
	    return -1;
	if (!nr)
	    if (tail > head)
		n = MIN(tail - head, num);
		memcpy(buf, head, n);
		head += n;
		if (head == tail)
		    head = tail = dgbuf;
		return n;
	    head = tail = dgbuf;
	    return 0;
	tail += nr;
	*tail = '\0';
	for (t = head; (s = strchr(t, '\n'));)
	    if ((s > head) && (s > dgbuf))
		t = s - 1;
		for (nr = 0; *t == '\\'; nr++)
		if (nr & 1)
		    t = s + 1;
		    nr = tail - t;
		    while (nr--)
			*s++ = *t++;
		    tail -= 2;
		    *tail = '\0';
	    t = s;
	*tail = '\0';
doube scale (double x)
  return MIN ( SCALE * x, 0.);
  main flight mode dependent update code 
void Plane::update_flight_mode(void)
    enum FlightMode effective_mode = control_mode;
    if (control_mode == AUTO && g.auto_fbw_steer == 42) {
        effective_mode = FLY_BY_WIRE_A;

    if (effective_mode != AUTO) {
        // hold_course is only used in takeoff and landing
        steer_state.hold_course_cd = -1;

    // ensure we are fly-forward when we are flying as a pure fixed
    // wing aircraft. This helps the EKF produce better state
    // estimates as it can make stronger assumptions
    if (quadplane.in_vtol_mode() ||
        quadplane.in_assisted_flight()) {
    } else if (flight_stage == AP_Vehicle::FixedWing::FLIGHT_LAND) {
    } else {

    switch (effective_mode) 
    case AUTO:

    case AVOID_ADSB:
    case GUIDED:
        if (auto_state.vtol_loiter && quadplane.available()) {

    case RTL:
    case LOITER:
    case TRAINING: {
        training_manual_roll = false;
        training_manual_pitch = false;
        // if the roll is past the set roll limit, then
        // we set target roll to the limit
        if (ahrs.roll_sensor >= roll_limit_cd) {
            nav_roll_cd = roll_limit_cd;
        } else if (ahrs.roll_sensor <= -roll_limit_cd) {
            nav_roll_cd = -roll_limit_cd;                
        } else {
            training_manual_roll = true;
            nav_roll_cd = 0;
        // if the pitch is past the set pitch limits, then
        // we set target pitch to the limit
        if (ahrs.pitch_sensor >= aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd) {
            nav_pitch_cd = aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd;
        } else if (ahrs.pitch_sensor <= pitch_limit_min_cd) {
            nav_pitch_cd = pitch_limit_min_cd;
        } else {
            training_manual_pitch = true;
            nav_pitch_cd = 0;
        if (fly_inverted()) {
            nav_pitch_cd = -nav_pitch_cd;

    case ACRO: {
        // handle locked/unlocked control
        if (acro_state.locked_roll) {
            nav_roll_cd = acro_state.locked_roll_err;
        } else {
            nav_roll_cd = ahrs.roll_sensor;
        if (acro_state.locked_pitch) {
            nav_pitch_cd = acro_state.locked_pitch_cd;
        } else {
            nav_pitch_cd = ahrs.pitch_sensor;

    case AUTOTUNE:
    case FLY_BY_WIRE_A: {
        // set nav_roll and nav_pitch using sticks
        nav_roll_cd  = channel_roll->norm_input() * roll_limit_cd;
        nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit_cd, roll_limit_cd);
        float pitch_input = channel_pitch->norm_input();
        if (pitch_input > 0) {
            nav_pitch_cd = pitch_input * aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd;
        } else {
            nav_pitch_cd = -(pitch_input * pitch_limit_min_cd);
        nav_pitch_cd = constrain_int32(nav_pitch_cd, pitch_limit_min_cd, aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd.get());
        if (fly_inverted()) {
            nav_pitch_cd = -nav_pitch_cd;
        if (failsafe.rc_failsafe && g.fs_action_short == FS_ACTION_SHORT_FBWA) {
            // FBWA failsafe glide
            nav_roll_cd = 0;
            nav_pitch_cd = 0;
            SRV_Channels::set_output_limit(SRV_Channel::k_throttle, SRV_Channel::SRV_CHANNEL_LIMIT_MIN);
        if (g.fbwa_tdrag_chan > 0) {
            // check for the user enabling FBWA taildrag takeoff mode
            bool tdrag_mode = (RC_Channels::get_radio_in(g.fbwa_tdrag_chan-1) > 1700);
            if (tdrag_mode && !auto_state.fbwa_tdrag_takeoff_mode) {
                if (auto_state.highest_airspeed < g.takeoff_tdrag_speed1) {
                    auto_state.fbwa_tdrag_takeoff_mode = true;
                    gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "FBWA tdrag mode");

    case FLY_BY_WIRE_B:
        // Thanks to Yury MonZon for the altitude limit code!
        nav_roll_cd = channel_roll->norm_input() * roll_limit_cd;
        nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit_cd, roll_limit_cd);
    case CRUISE:
          in CRUISE mode we use the navigation code to control
          roll when heading is locked. Heading becomes unlocked on
          any aileron or rudder input
        if (channel_roll->get_control_in() != 0 || channel_rudder->get_control_in() != 0) {
            cruise_state.locked_heading = false;
            cruise_state.lock_timer_ms = 0;
        if (!cruise_state.locked_heading) {
            nav_roll_cd = channel_roll->norm_input() * roll_limit_cd;
            nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit_cd, roll_limit_cd);
        } else {
    case STABILIZE:
        nav_roll_cd        = 0;
        nav_pitch_cd       = 0;
        // throttle is passthrough
    case CIRCLE:
        // we have no GPS installed and have lost radio contact
        // or we just want to fly around in a gentle circle w/o GPS,
        // holding altitude at the altitude we set when we
        // switched into the mode
        nav_roll_cd  = roll_limit_cd / 3;

    case MANUAL:
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_aileron, channel_roll->get_control_in_zero_dz());
        SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::k_elevator, channel_pitch->get_control_in_zero_dz());
        steering_control.steering = steering_control.rudder = channel_rudder->get_control_in_zero_dz();

    case QSTABILIZE:
    case QHOVER:
    case QLOITER:
    case QLAND:
    case QRTL: {
        // set nav_roll and nav_pitch using sticks
        int16_t roll_limit = MIN(roll_limit_cd, quadplane.aparm.angle_max);
        nav_roll_cd  = (channel_roll->get_control_in() / 4500.0) * roll_limit;
        nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -roll_limit, roll_limit);
        float pitch_input = channel_pitch->norm_input();
        // Scale from normalized input [-1,1] to centidegrees
        if (quadplane.tailsitter_active()) {
            // For tailsitters, the pitch range is symmetrical: [-Q_ANGLE_MAX,Q_ANGLE_MAX]
            nav_pitch_cd = pitch_input * quadplane.aparm.angle_max;
        } else {
            // pitch is further constrained by LIM_PITCH_MIN/MAX which may impose
            // tighter (possibly asymmetrical) limits than Q_ANGLE_MAX
            if (pitch_input > 0) {
                nav_pitch_cd = pitch_input * MIN(aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd, quadplane.aparm.angle_max);
            } else {
                nav_pitch_cd = pitch_input * MIN(-pitch_limit_min_cd, quadplane.aparm.angle_max);
            nav_pitch_cd = constrain_int32(nav_pitch_cd, pitch_limit_min_cd, aparm.pitch_limit_max_cd.get());
        // handled elsewhere
bool BodyPair2DSW::setup(float p_step) {

    //cannot collide
    if ((A->get_layer_mask()&B->get_layer_mask())==0 || A->has_exception(B->get_self()) || B->has_exception(A->get_self()) || (A->get_mode()<=Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC && B->get_mode()<=Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC && A->get_max_contacts_reported()==0 && B->get_max_contacts_reported()==0)) {
        return false;

    //use local A coordinates to avoid numerical issues on collision detection
    offset_B = B->get_transform().get_origin() - A->get_transform().get_origin();


    Vector2 offset_A = A->get_transform().get_origin();
    Matrix32 xform_Au = A->get_transform().untranslated();
    Matrix32 xform_A = xform_Au * A->get_shape_transform(shape_A);

    Matrix32 xform_Bu = B->get_transform();
    Matrix32 xform_B = xform_Bu * B->get_shape_transform(shape_B);

    Shape2DSW *shape_A_ptr=A->get_shape(shape_A);
    Shape2DSW *shape_B_ptr=B->get_shape(shape_B);

    Vector2 motion_A,motion_B;

    if (A->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode()==Physics2DServer::CCD_MODE_CAST_SHAPE) {
    if (B->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode()==Physics2DServer::CCD_MODE_CAST_SHAPE) {
    //faster to set than to check..

    collided = CollisionSolver2DSW::solve(shape_A_ptr,xform_A,motion_A,shape_B_ptr,xform_B,motion_B,_add_contact,this,&sep_axis);
    if (!collided) {

        //test ccd (currently just a raycast)

        if (A->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode()==Physics2DServer::CCD_MODE_CAST_RAY && A->get_mode()>Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC) {
            if (_test_ccd(p_step,A,shape_A,xform_A,B,shape_B,xform_B))

        if (B->get_continuous_collision_detection_mode()==Physics2DServer::CCD_MODE_CAST_RAY && B->get_mode()>Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC) {
            if (_test_ccd(p_step,B,shape_B,xform_B,A,shape_A,xform_A,true))

        if (!collided)
            return false;


    real_t max_penetration = space->get_contact_max_allowed_penetration();

    float bias = 0.3f;
    if (shape_A_ptr->get_custom_bias() || shape_B_ptr->get_custom_bias()) {

        if (shape_A_ptr->get_custom_bias()==0)
        else if (shape_B_ptr->get_custom_bias()==0)


    real_t inv_dt = 1.0/p_step;
    for (int i = 0; i < contact_count; i++) {

        Contact& c = contacts[i];

        Vector2 global_A = xform_Au.xform(c.local_A);
        Vector2 global_B = xform_Bu.xform(c.local_B);

        real_t depth = c.normal.dot(global_A - global_B);

        if (depth<=0 || !c.reused) {


        int gather_A = A->can_report_contacts();
        int gather_B = B->can_report_contacts();

        c.rA = global_A;
        c.rB = global_B-offset_B;

        if (gather_A | gather_B) {

            //Vector2 crB( -B->get_angular_velocity() * c.rB.y, B->get_angular_velocity() * c.rB.x );


            if (gather_A) {
                Vector2 crB( -B->get_angular_velocity() * c.rB.y, B->get_angular_velocity() * c.rB.x );
            if (gather_B) {

                Vector2 crA( -A->get_angular_velocity() * c.rA.y, A->get_angular_velocity() * c.rA.x );

        if (A->is_shape_set_as_trigger(shape_A) || B->is_shape_set_as_trigger(shape_B) || (A->get_mode()<=Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC && B->get_mode()<=Physics2DServer::BODY_MODE_KINEMATIC)) {


        // Precompute normal mass, tangent mass, and bias.
        real_t rnA = c.rA.dot(c.normal);
        real_t rnB = c.rB.dot(c.normal);
        real_t kNormal = A->get_inv_mass() + B->get_inv_mass();
        kNormal += A->get_inv_inertia() * (c.rA.dot(c.rA) - rnA * rnA) + B->get_inv_inertia() * (c.rB.dot(c.rB) - rnB * rnB);
        c.mass_normal = 1.0f / kNormal;

        Vector2 tangent = c.normal.tangent();
        real_t rtA = c.rA.dot(tangent);
        real_t rtB = c.rB.dot(tangent);
        real_t kTangent = A->get_inv_mass() + B->get_inv_mass();
        kTangent += A->get_inv_inertia() * (c.rA.dot(c.rA) - rtA * rtA) + B->get_inv_inertia() * (c.rB.dot(c.rB) - rtB * rtB);
        c.mass_tangent = 1.0f /  kTangent;

        c.bias = -bias * inv_dt * MIN(0.0f, -depth + max_penetration);

            // Apply normal + friction impulse
            Vector2 P = c.acc_normal_impulse * c.normal + c.acc_tangent_impulse * tangent;

            B->apply_impulse(c.rB, P);


        if (c.bounce) {

            Vector2 crA( -A->get_angular_velocity() * c.rA.y, A->get_angular_velocity() * c.rA.x );
            Vector2 crB( -B->get_angular_velocity() * c.rB.y, B->get_angular_velocity() * c.rB.x );
            Vector2 dv = B->get_linear_velocity() + crB - A->get_linear_velocity() - crA;
            c.bounce = c.bounce * dv.dot(c.normal);


    return true;
int pb_sub(pb_poly *a, pb_poly *b, pb_poly *c)
   int neg, err, x, y, z, characteristic;
   pb_poly *tmp;

   /* grow c to be the max size */
   y = MAX(a->used, b->used);
   if (c->alloc < y) {
      if ((err = pb_grow(c, y)) != MP_OKAY) {
         return err;
   /* do we need to concern char */
   characteristic = mp_iszero(&(c->characteristic));

   /* sub the terms */
   z = MIN(a->used, b->used);
   for (x = 0; x < z; x++) {
       if ((err = mp_sub(&(a->terms[x]), &(b->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
          return err;
       if (characteristic == MP_NO) {
          if ((err = mp_mod(&(c->terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
             return err;

   /* excess digits? */
   if (y != z) {
       if (a->used == y) {
          tmp = a;
          neg = 0;
       } else {
          tmp = b;
          neg = 1;
       for (x = z; x < y; x++) {
          if (characteristic == MP_NO) {
             if ((err = mp_mod(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
                return err;
             if (neg) {
                if ((err = mp_sub(&(c->characteristic), &(c->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
                   return err;
          } else {
             if (neg) {
                if ((err = mp_neg(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
                   return err; 
             } else {
                if ((err = mp_copy(&(tmp->terms[x]), &(c->terms[x]))) != MP_OKAY) {
                   return err;
   /* zero excess */
   for (x = y; x < c->used; x++) {
   c->used = y;

   return MP_OKAY;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

	if( nrhs != 2 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Exactly one string input argument and one cell array argument required.");
	if( nlhs != 0 ) mexErrMsgTxt("No output arguments required.");

	char* path = getString(prhs[0]);

	std::vector<region_container*> regions;

	if (!mxIsCell(prhs[1]))
		mexErrMsgTxt("Second argument must be a cell array");

	int length = MAX(mxGetM(prhs[1]), mxGetN(prhs[1]));

	if ( MIN(mxGetM(prhs[1]), mxGetN(prhs[1])) != 1 )
		mexErrMsgTxt("Cell array must be a vector");

	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

		mxArray* val = mxGetCell (prhs[1], i);
		double *d = (double*) mxGetPr(val);
		region_container* region = NULL;

		int l = MAX(mxGetM(val), mxGetN(val));

		if (MIN(mxGetM(val), mxGetN(val)) == 1) { 

			if (l == 1) {

				region = region_create_special(d[0]);

			} else if (l == 4) {

				region = region_create_rectangle(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);

			} else if (l > 5 && l % 2 == 0) {

				region = region_create_polygon(l / 2);

				for (int j = 0; j < l / 2; j++) {
					region->data.polygon.x[j] = d[j * 2];
					region->data.polygon.y[j] = d[j * 2 + 1];


		if (region) {
		} else {
			char message[128];
			sprintf(message, "Not a valid region at position %d, skipping", i+1);


	std::ofstream ofs;
	ofs.open (path, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);

	if (ofs.is_open()) {

    	for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) {

			region_container* region = regions[i];

			char * tmp = region_string(region);

			if (tmp) {
				ofs << tmp << "\n";


	} else {

		mexErrMsgTxt("Unable to open file for writing.");

// wahbm compressed in place
//{{{ uint32_t wah_compressed_in_place_or(uint32_t *r_wah,
uint32_t wah_compressed_in_place_or(uint32_t *r_wah,
                                    uint32_t r_wah_size,
                                    uint32_t *wah,
                                    uint32_t wah_size)
    uint32_t wah_i, wah_v, wah_fill_size, wah_fill_value,
             r_wah_i, r_wah_v, r_wah_fill_size, r_wah_fill_value,
             end, num_words;

    r_wah_i = 0;

    for (wah_i = 0; wah_i < wah_size; ++wah_i)
        wah_v = wah[wah_i];
        r_wah_v = r_wah[r_wah_i];

        if (wah_v == 0x80000000)
        if (r_wah_v == 0x80000000)

        if (wah_v >= 0x80000000) { // wah_v is a fill

            wah_fill_value = (wah_v >> 30) & 1;
            wah_fill_size = (wah_v & 0x3fffffff);

            while (wah_fill_size > 0) {

                if (r_wah_v >= 0x80000000) { // r_wah is a fill

                    fprintf(stderr, "%u:%s\t%u:%s\n",

                    r_wah_fill_value = (r_wah_v >> 30) & 1;
                    r_wah_fill_size = (r_wah_v & 0x3fffffff);

                    // make a new fill based on the smaller one
                    num_words = MIN(wah_fill_size, r_wah_fill_size);

                    if (num_words > 1) {
                        r_wah[r_wah_i] = (1 << 31) +
                                         ((r_wah_fill_value |
                                           wah_fill_value) << 30) +
                    } else {
                        if ((r_wah_fill_value | wah_fill_value) == 1)
                            r_wah[r_wah_i] = 0x7fffffff;
                            r_wah[r_wah_i] = 0;

                    r_wah_fill_size -= num_words;
                    wah_fill_size -= num_words;

                    // save any values left on the end of r_wah run
                    if (r_wah_fill_size > 0) {
                        if (r_wah_fill_size == 1) {
                            // we no longer have a fill, write a literal
                            if (r_wah_fill_value == 1) { //all ones
                                r_wah[r_wah_i + num_words] = 0x7fffffff;
                            } else {  // all zeros
                                r_wah[r_wah_i + num_words] = 0;
                        } else {
                            // we still have a fill, write it
                            r_wah[r_wah_i + num_words] =
                                (1 << 31) +
                                (r_wah_fill_value << 30) +

                    r_wah_i += num_words;
                } else { // r_wah is a literal
                    if (wah_fill_value == 1)
                        r_wah[r_wah_i] = 0x7fffffff;
                    r_wah_i += 1;
                    wah_fill_size -= 1;

                if (r_wah_i < r_wah_size)
                    r_wah_v = r_wah[r_wah_i];

                if (r_wah_v == 0x80000000)
 int zgehrd_(int *n, int *ilo, int *ihi, 
	doublecomplex *a, int *lda, doublecomplex *tau, doublecomplex *
	work, int *lwork, int *info)
    /* System generated locals */
    int a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
    doublecomplex z__1;

    /* Local variables */
    int i__, j;
    doublecomplex t[4160]	/* was [65][64] */;
    int ib;
    doublecomplex ei;
    int nb, nh, nx, iws, nbmin, iinfo;
    extern  int zgemm_(char *, char *, int *, int *, 
	    int *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, int *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, 
	    int *), ztrmm_(char *, char *, char *, char *, 
	     int *, int *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, int *
, doublecomplex *, int *), 
	    zaxpy_(int *, doublecomplex *, doublecomplex *, int *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *), zgehd2_(int *, int *, 
	    int *, doublecomplex *, int *, doublecomplex *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *), zlahr2_(int *, int *, 
	    int *, doublecomplex *, int *, doublecomplex *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *, doublecomplex *, int *), xerbla_(
	    char *, int *);
    extern int ilaenv_(int *, char *, char *, int *, int *, 
	    int *, int *);
    extern  int zlarfb_(char *, char *, char *, char *, 
	    int *, int *, int *, doublecomplex *, int *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *, doublecomplex *, int *, 
	    doublecomplex *, int *);
    int ldwork, lwkopt;
    int lquery;

/*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2) -- */
/*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
/*     November 2006 */

/*     .. Scalar Arguments .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Array Arguments .. */
/*     .. */

/*  Purpose */
/*  ======= */

/*  ZGEHRD reduces a complex general matrix A to upper Hessenberg form H by */
/*  an unitary similarity transformation:  Q' * A * Q = H . */

/*  Arguments */
/*  ========= */

/*  N       (input) INTEGER */
/*          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0. */

/*  ILO     (input) INTEGER */
/*  IHI     (input) INTEGER */
/*          It is assumed that A is already upper triangular in rows */
/*          and columns 1:ILO-1 and IHI+1:N. ILO and IHI are normally */
/*          set by a previous call to ZGEBAL; otherwise they should be */
/*          set to 1 and N respectively. See Further Details. */
/*          1 <= ILO <= IHI <= N, if N > 0; ILO=1 and IHI=0, if N=0. */

/*  A       (input/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDA,N) */
/*          On entry, the N-by-N general matrix to be reduced. */
/*          On exit, the upper triangle and the first subdiagonal of A */
/*          are overwritten with the upper Hessenberg matrix H, and the */
/*          elements below the first subdiagonal, with the array TAU, */
/*          represent the unitary matrix Q as a product of elementary */
/*          reflectors. See Further Details. */

/*  LDA     (input) INTEGER */
/*          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= MAX(1,N). */

/*  TAU     (output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (N-1) */
/*          The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors (see Further */
/*          Details). Elements 1:ILO-1 and IHI:N-1 of TAU are set to */
/*          zero. */

/*  WORK    (workspace/output) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LWORK) */
/*          On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK. */

/*  LWORK   (input) INTEGER */
/*          The length of the array WORK.  LWORK >= MAX(1,N). */
/*          For optimum performance LWORK >= N*NB, where NB is the */
/*          optimal blocksize. */

/*          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine */
/*          only calculates the optimal size of the WORK array, returns */
/*          this value as the first entry of the WORK array, and no error */
/*          message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. */

/*  INFO    (output) INTEGER */
/*          = 0:  successful exit */
/*          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. */

/*  Further Details */
/*  =============== */

/*  The matrix Q is represented as a product of (ihi-ilo) elementary */
/*  reflectors */

/*     Q = H(ilo) H(ilo+1) . . . H(ihi-1). */

/*  Each H(i) has the form */

/*     H(i) = I - tau * v * v' */

/*  where tau is a complex scalar, and v is a complex vector with */
/*  v(1:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1 and v(ihi+1:n) = 0; v(i+2:ihi) is stored on */
/*  exit in A(i+2:ihi,i), and tau in TAU(i). */

/*  The contents of A are illustrated by the following example, with */
/*  n = 7, ilo = 2 and ihi = 6: */

/*  on entry,                        on exit, */

/*  ( a   a   a   a   a   a   a )    (  a   a   h   h   h   h   a ) */
/*  (     a   a   a   a   a   a )    (      a   h   h   h   h   a ) */
/*  (     a   a   a   a   a   a )    (      h   h   h   h   h   h ) */
/*  (     a   a   a   a   a   a )    (      v2  h   h   h   h   h ) */
/*  (     a   a   a   a   a   a )    (      v2  v3  h   h   h   h ) */
/*  (     a   a   a   a   a   a )    (      v2  v3  v4  h   h   h ) */
/*  (                         a )    (                          a ) */

/*  where a denotes an element of the original matrix A, h denotes a */
/*  modified element of the upper Hessenberg matrix H, and vi denotes an */
/*  element of the vector defining H(i). */

/*  This file is a slight modification of LAPACK-3.0's ZGEHRD */
/*  subroutine incorporating improvements proposed by Quintana-Orti and */
/*  Van de Geijn (2005). */

/*  ===================================================================== */

/*     .. Parameters .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Scalars .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Local Arrays .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Subroutines .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. External Functions .. */
/*     .. */
/*     .. Executable Statements .. */

/*     Test the input parameters */

    /* Parameter adjustments */
    a_dim1 = *lda;
    a_offset = 1 + a_dim1;
    a -= a_offset;

    /* Function Body */
    *info = 0;
/* Computing MIN */
    i__1 = 64, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__1, "ZGEHRD", " ", n, ilo, ihi, &c_n1);
    nb = MIN(i__1,i__2);
    lwkopt = *n * nb;
    work[1].r = (double) lwkopt, work[1].i = 0.;
    lquery = *lwork == -1;
    if (*n < 0) {
	*info = -1;
    } else if (*ilo < 1 || *ilo > MAX(1,*n)) {
	*info = -2;
    } else if (*ihi < MIN(*ilo,*n) || *ihi > *n) {
	*info = -3;
    } else if (*lda < MAX(1,*n)) {
	*info = -5;
    } else if (*lwork < MAX(1,*n) && ! lquery) {
	*info = -8;
    if (*info != 0) {
	i__1 = -(*info);
	xerbla_("ZGEHRD", &i__1);
	return 0;
    } else if (lquery) {
	return 0;

/*     Set elements 1:ILO-1 and IHI:N-1 of TAU to zero */

    i__1 = *ilo - 1;
    for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	i__2 = i__;
	tau[i__2].r = 0., tau[i__2].i = 0.;
/* L10: */
    i__1 = *n - 1;
    for (i__ = MAX(1,*ihi); i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
	i__2 = i__;
	tau[i__2].r = 0., tau[i__2].i = 0.;
/* L20: */

/*     Quick return if possible */

    nh = *ihi - *ilo + 1;
    if (nh <= 1) {
	work[1].r = 1., work[1].i = 0.;
	return 0;

/*     Determine the block size */

/* Computing MIN */
    i__1 = 64, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__1, "ZGEHRD", " ", n, ilo, ihi, &c_n1);
    nb = MIN(i__1,i__2);
    nbmin = 2;
    iws = 1;
    if (nb > 1 && nb < nh) {

/*        Determine when to cross over from blocked to unblocked code */
/*        (last block is always handled by unblocked code) */

/* Computing MAX */
	i__1 = nb, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__3, "ZGEHRD", " ", n, ilo, ihi, &c_n1);
	nx = MAX(i__1,i__2);
	if (nx < nh) {

/*           Determine if workspace is large enough for blocked code */

	    iws = *n * nb;
	    if (*lwork < iws) {

/*              Not enough workspace to use optimal NB:  determine the */
/*              minimum value of NB, and reduce NB or force use of */
/*              unblocked code */

/* Computing MAX */
		i__1 = 2, i__2 = ilaenv_(&c__2, "ZGEHRD", " ", n, ilo, ihi, &
		nbmin = MAX(i__1,i__2);
		if (*lwork >= *n * nbmin) {
		    nb = *lwork / *n;
		} else {
		    nb = 1;
    ldwork = *n;

    if (nb < nbmin || nb >= nh) {

/*        Use unblocked code below */

	i__ = *ilo;

    } else {

/*        Use blocked code */

	i__1 = *ihi - 1 - nx;
	i__2 = nb;
	for (i__ = *ilo; i__2 < 0 ? i__ >= i__1 : i__ <= i__1; i__ += i__2) {
/* Computing MIN */
	    i__3 = nb, i__4 = *ihi - i__;
	    ib = MIN(i__3,i__4);

/*           Reduce columns i:i+ib-1 to Hessenberg form, returning the */
/*           matrices V and T of the block reflector H = I - V*T*V' */
/*           which performs the reduction, and also the matrix Y = A*V*T */

	    zlahr2_(ihi, &i__, &ib, &a[i__ * a_dim1 + 1], lda, &tau[i__], t, &
		    c__65, &work[1], &ldwork);

/*           Apply the block reflector H to A(1:ihi,i+ib:ihi) from the */
/*           right, computing  A := A - Y * V'. V(i+ib,ib-1) must be set */
/*           to 1 */

	    i__3 = i__ + ib + (i__ + ib - 1) * a_dim1;
	    ei.r = a[i__3].r, ei.i = a[i__3].i;
	    i__3 = i__ + ib + (i__ + ib - 1) * a_dim1;
	    a[i__3].r = 1., a[i__3].i = 0.;
	    i__3 = *ihi - i__ - ib + 1;
	    z__1.r = -1., z__1.i = -0.;
	    zgemm_("No transpose", "Conjugate transpose", ihi, &i__3, &ib, &
		    z__1, &work[1], &ldwork, &a[i__ + ib + i__ * a_dim1], lda, 
		     &c_b2, &a[(i__ + ib) * a_dim1 + 1], lda);
	    i__3 = i__ + ib + (i__ + ib - 1) * a_dim1;
	    a[i__3].r = ei.r, a[i__3].i = ei.i;

/*           Apply the block reflector H to A(1:i,i+1:i+ib-1) from the */
/*           right */

	    i__3 = ib - 1;
	    ztrmm_("Right", "Lower", "Conjugate transpose", "Unit", &i__, &
		    i__3, &c_b2, &a[i__ + 1 + i__ * a_dim1], lda, &work[1], &
	    i__3 = ib - 2;
	    for (j = 0; j <= i__3; ++j) {
		z__1.r = -1., z__1.i = -0.;
		zaxpy_(&i__, &z__1, &work[ldwork * j + 1], &c__1, &a[(i__ + j 
			+ 1) * a_dim1 + 1], &c__1);
/* L30: */

/*           Apply the block reflector H to A(i+1:ihi,i+ib:n) from the */
/*           left */

	    i__3 = *ihi - i__;
	    i__4 = *n - i__ - ib + 1;
	    zlarfb_("Left", "Conjugate transpose", "Forward", "Columnwise", &
		    i__3, &i__4, &ib, &a[i__ + 1 + i__ * a_dim1], lda, t, &
		    c__65, &a[i__ + 1 + (i__ + ib) * a_dim1], lda, &work[1], &
/* L40: */

/*     Use unblocked code to reduce the rest of the matrix */

    zgehd2_(n, &i__, ihi, &a[a_offset], lda, &tau[1], &work[1], &iinfo);
    work[1].r = (double) iws, work[1].i = 0.;

    return 0;

/*     End of ZGEHRD */

} /* zgehrd_ */