 * Read wrapper used by selmRCGuestTSSWriteHandler.
 * @returns VBox status code (appropriate for trap handling and GC return).
 * @param   pVM         The VM handle
 * @param   pvDst       Where to put the bits we read.
 * @param   pvSrc       Guest address to read from.
 * @param   cb          The number of bytes to read.
DECLINLINE(int) selmRCReadTssBits(PVM pVM, void *pvDst, void const *pvSrc, size_t cb)
    PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu0(pVM);

    int rc = MMGCRamRead(pVM, pvDst, (void *)pvSrc, cb);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

    /** @todo use different fallback?    */
    rc = PGMPrefetchPage(pVCpu, (uintptr_t)pvSrc);
    AssertMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("PGMPrefetchPage %p failed with %Rrc\n", &pvSrc, rc));
    if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS)
        rc = MMGCRamRead(pVM, pvDst, (void *)pvSrc, cb);
        AssertMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("MMGCRamRead %p failed with %Rrc\n", &pvSrc, rc));
    return rc;
 * Synchronizes one GDT entry (guest -> shadow).
 * @returns VBox status code (appropriate for trap handling and GC return).
 * @param   pVM         VM Handle.
 * @param   pRegFrame   Trap register frame.
 * @param   iGDTEntry   The GDT entry to sync.
static int selmGCSyncGDTEntry(PVM pVM, PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame, unsigned iGDTEntry)
    PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu0(pVM);

    Log2(("GDT %04X LDTR=%04X\n", iGDTEntry, CPUMGetGuestLDTR(pVCpu)));

     * Validate the offset.
    VBOXGDTR GdtrGuest;
    CPUMGetGuestGDTR(pVCpu, &GdtrGuest);
    unsigned offEntry = iGDTEntry * sizeof(X86DESC);
    if (    iGDTEntry >= SELM_GDT_ELEMENTS
        ||  offEntry > GdtrGuest.cbGdt)

     * Read the guest descriptor.
    X86DESC Desc;
    int rc = MMGCRamRead(pVM, &Desc, (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)GdtrGuest.pGdt + offEntry, sizeof(X86DESC));
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))

     * Check for conflicts.
    RTSEL   Sel = iGDTEntry << X86_SEL_SHIFT;
    Assert(   !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS] & ~X86_SEL_MASK)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_DS] & ~X86_SEL_MASK)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS64] & ~X86_SEL_MASK)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS] & ~X86_SEL_MASK)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS_TRAP08] & ~X86_SEL_MASK));
    if (    pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS]         == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_DS]         == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS64]       == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS]        == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS_TRAP08] == Sel)
        if (Desc.Gen.u1Present)
            Log(("selmGCSyncGDTEntry: Sel=%d Desc=%.8Rhxs: detected conflict!!\n", Sel, &Desc));
            return VINF_SELM_SYNC_GDT;
        Log(("selmGCSyncGDTEntry: Sel=%d Desc=%.8Rhxs: potential conflict (still not present)!\n", Sel, &Desc));

        /* Note: we can't continue below or else we'll change the shadow descriptor!! */
        /* When the guest makes the selector present, then we'll do a GDT sync. */
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

     * Code and data selectors are generally 1:1, with the
     * 'little' adjustment we do for DPL 0 selectors.
    PX86DESC   pShadowDescr = &pVM->selm.s.paGdtRC[iGDTEntry];
    if (Desc.Gen.u1DescType)
         * Hack for A-bit against Trap E on read-only GDT.
        /** @todo Fix this by loading ds and cs before turning off WP. */
        Desc.Gen.u4Type |= X86_SEL_TYPE_ACCESSED;

         * All DPL 0 code and data segments are squeezed into DPL 1.
         * We're skipping conforming segments here because those
         * cannot give us any trouble.
        if (    Desc.Gen.u2Dpl == 0
            &&      (Desc.Gen.u4Type & (X86_SEL_TYPE_CODE | X86_SEL_TYPE_CONF))
                !=  (X86_SEL_TYPE_CODE | X86_SEL_TYPE_CONF) )
            Desc.Gen.u2Dpl = 1;
         * System type selectors are marked not present.
         * Recompiler or special handling is required for these.
        /** @todo what about interrupt gates and rawr0? */
        Desc.Gen.u1Present = 0;
    //Log(("O: base=%08X limit=%08X attr=%04X\n", X86DESC_BASE(*pShadowDescr)), X86DESC_LIMIT(*pShadowDescr), (pShadowDescr->au32[1] >> 8) & 0xFFFF ));
    //Log(("N: base=%08X limit=%08X attr=%04X\n", X86DESC_BASE(Desc)), X86DESC_LIMIT(Desc), (Desc.au32[1] >> 8) & 0xFFFF ));
    *pShadowDescr = Desc;

    /* Check if we change the LDT selector */
    if (Sel == CPUMGetGuestLDTR(pVCpu)) /** @todo this isn't correct in two(+) ways! 1. It shouldn't be done until the LDTR is reloaded. 2. It caused the next instruction to be emulated.  */

    if (Sel == (pRegFrame->cs & X86_SEL_MASK))
        Log(("GDT write to selector in CS register %04X\n", pRegFrame->cs));
    else if (Sel == (pRegFrame->ds & X86_SEL_MASK))
        Log(("GDT write to selector in DS register %04X\n", pRegFrame->ds));
    else if (Sel == (pRegFrame->es & X86_SEL_MASK))
        Log(("GDT write to selector in ES register %04X\n", pRegFrame->es));
    else if (Sel == (pRegFrame->fs & X86_SEL_MASK))
        Log(("GDT write to selector in FS register %04X\n", pRegFrame->fs));
    else if (Sel == (pRegFrame->gs & X86_SEL_MASK))
        Log(("GDT write to selector in GS register %04X\n", pRegFrame->gs));
    else if (Sel == (pRegFrame->ss & X86_SEL_MASK))
        Log(("GDT write to selector in SS register %04X\n", pRegFrame->ss));
    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * Synchronizes one GDT entry (guest -> shadow).
 * @returns VBox strict status code (appropriate for trap handling and GC
 *          return).
 * @retval  VINF_SUCCESS
 * @retval  VINF_SELM_SYNC_GDT
 * @param   pVM         Pointer to the VM.
 * @param   pVCpu       The current virtual CPU.
 * @param   pCtx        CPU context for the current CPU.
 * @param   iGDTEntry   The GDT entry to sync.
 * @remarks Caller checks that this isn't the LDT entry!
static VBOXSTRICTRC selmRCSyncGDTEntry(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu, PCPUMCTX pCtx, unsigned iGDTEntry)
    Log2(("GDT %04X LDTR=%04X\n", iGDTEntry, CPUMGetGuestLDTR(pVCpu)));

     * Validate the offset.
    VBOXGDTR GdtrGuest;
    CPUMGetGuestGDTR(pVCpu, &GdtrGuest);
    unsigned offEntry = iGDTEntry * sizeof(X86DESC);
    if (    iGDTEntry >= SELM_GDT_ELEMENTS
        ||  offEntry  >  GdtrGuest.cbGdt)
        return VINF_SUCCESS; /* ignore */

     * Read the guest descriptor.
    X86DESC Desc;
    int rc = MMGCRamRead(pVM, &Desc, (uint8_t *)(uintptr_t)GdtrGuest.pGdt + offEntry, sizeof(X86DESC));
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        rc = PGMPhysSimpleReadGCPtr(pVCpu, &Desc, (uintptr_t)GdtrGuest.pGdt + offEntry, sizeof(X86DESC));
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TO_R3); /* paranoia */
            /* return VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM; - bad idea if we're in a patch. */

     * Check for conflicts.
    RTSEL   Sel = iGDTEntry << X86_SEL_SHIFT;
    Assert(   !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS]         & ~X86_SEL_MASK_OFF_RPL)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_DS]         & ~X86_SEL_MASK_OFF_RPL)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS64]       & ~X86_SEL_MASK_OFF_RPL)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS]        & ~X86_SEL_MASK_OFF_RPL)
           && !(pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS_TRAP08] & ~X86_SEL_MASK_OFF_RPL));
    if (    pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS]         == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_DS]         == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_CS64]       == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS]        == Sel
        ||  pVM->selm.s.aHyperSel[SELM_HYPER_SEL_TSS_TRAP08] == Sel)
        if (Desc.Gen.u1Present)
            Log(("selmRCSyncGDTEntry: Sel=%d Desc=%.8Rhxs: detected conflict!!\n", Sel, &Desc));
            VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TO_R3);
            return VINF_SELM_SYNC_GDT;  /** @todo this status code is ignored, unfortunately. */
        Log(("selmRCSyncGDTEntry: Sel=%d Desc=%.8Rhxs: potential conflict (still not present)!\n", Sel, &Desc));

        /* Note: we can't continue below or else we'll change the shadow descriptor!! */
        /* When the guest makes the selector present, then we'll do a GDT sync. */
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

     * Convert the guest selector to a shadow selector and update the shadow GDT.
    selmGuestToShadowDesc(pVM, &Desc);
    PX86DESC pShwDescr = &pVM->selm.s.paGdtRC[iGDTEntry];
    //Log(("O: base=%08X limit=%08X attr=%04X\n", X86DESC_BASE(*pShwDescr)), X86DESC_LIMIT(*pShwDescr), (pShwDescr->au32[1] >> 8) & 0xFFFF ));
    //Log(("N: base=%08X limit=%08X attr=%04X\n", X86DESC_BASE(Desc)), X86DESC_LIMIT(Desc), (Desc.au32[1] >> 8) & 0xFFFF ));
    *pShwDescr = Desc;

     * Detect and mark stale registers.
    for (unsigned iSReg = 0; iSReg <= X86_SREG_COUNT; iSReg++)
        if (Sel == (paSReg[iSReg].Sel & X86_SEL_MASK_OFF_RPL))
            if (CPUMSELREG_ARE_HIDDEN_PARTS_VALID(pVCpu, &paSReg[iSReg]))
                if (selmIsSRegStale32(&paSReg[iSReg], &Desc, iSReg))
                    Log(("GDT write to selector in %s register %04X (now stale)\n", g_aszSRegNms[iSReg], paSReg[iSReg].Sel));
                    paSReg[iSReg].fFlags |= CPUMSELREG_FLAGS_STALE;
                    VMCPU_FF_SET(pVCpu, VMCPU_FF_TO_R3); /* paranoia */
                    /* rcStrict = VINF_EM_RESCHEDULE_REM; - bad idea if we're in a patch. */
                    rcStrict = VINF_EM_RAW_EMULATE_INSTR_GDT_FAULT;
                else if (paSReg[iSReg].fFlags & CPUMSELREG_FLAGS_STALE)
                    Log(("GDT write to selector in %s register %04X (no longer stale)\n", g_aszSRegNms[iSReg], paSReg[iSReg].Sel));
                    paSReg[iSReg].fFlags &= ~CPUMSELREG_FLAGS_STALE;
                    Log(("GDT write to selector in %s register %04X (no important change)\n", g_aszSRegNms[iSReg], paSReg[iSReg].Sel));
                Log(("GDT write to selector in %s register %04X (out of sync)\n", g_aszSRegNms[iSReg], paSReg[iSReg].Sel));

    /** @todo Detect stale LDTR as well? */

    return rcStrict;