void PID_PosCfg(int16_t currPos, int16_t setPos, bool isLeft, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t pid, speed;
  MOT_Direction direction=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  pid = PID(currPos, setPos, config);

  /* transform into motor speed */
  speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100); /* limit the speed */
  pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
  if (pid<0) { /* move forward */
    speed -= pid;
    direction = MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  } else { /* move backward */
    speed += pid;
    direction = MOT_DIR_BACKWARD;
  /* speed is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speed>0xFFFF) {
    speed = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speed<0) {
    speed = 0;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  if (isLeft) {
    MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 0xFFFF-speed); /* PWM is low active */
    MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), direction);
  } else {
    MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 0xFFFF-speed); /* PWM is low active */
    MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), direction);
文件: Pid.c 项目: BettyET/source42
void PID_LineCfg(uint16_t currLine, uint16_t setLine, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t pid, speed, speedL, speedR;
  MOT_Direction directionL=MOT_DIR_FORWARD, directionR=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;

  pid = PID(currLine, setLine, config);
  /*! \todo Apply PID values to speed values */

  speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100); /* 100% */
  pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
  if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
    speedR = speed+pid;
    speedL = speed-pid;
  } else { /* turn left */
    speedR = speed+pid;
    speedL = speed-pid;
  /* speed is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speedL>0xFFFF) {
    speedL = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedL<0) {
    speedL = 0;
  if (speedR>0xFFFF) {
    speedR = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedR<0) {
    speedR = 0;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 0xFFFF-speedL); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), directionL);
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 0xFFFF-speedR); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), directionR);
uint8_t MOT_ParseCommand(const unsigned char *cmd, bool *handled, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  uint8_t res = ERR_OK;
  int32_t val;
  const unsigned char *p;

  if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)CLS1_CMD_HELP)==0 || UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor help")==0) {
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)CLS1_CMD_STATUS)==0 || UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor status")==0) {
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L forward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorL, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R forward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorR, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor both go")==0) {
	    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor both fw")==0) {
	    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor both bw")==0) {
	    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor stop")==0) {
	    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L backward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorL, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R backward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorR, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strncmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L duty ", sizeof("motor L duty ")-1)==0) {
    p = cmd+sizeof("motor L duty");
    if (UTIL1_xatoi(&p, &val)==ERR_OK && val >=-100 && val<=100) {
      MOT_SetSpeedPercent(&motorL, (MOT_SpeedPercent)val);
      *handled = TRUE;
    } else {
      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"Wrong argument, must be in the range -100..100\r\n", io->stdErr);
      res = ERR_FAILED;
  } else if (UTIL1_strncmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R duty ", sizeof("motor R duty ")-1)==0) {
    p = cmd+sizeof("motor R duty");
    if (UTIL1_xatoi(&p, &val)==ERR_OK && val >=-100 && val<=100) {
      MOT_SetSpeedPercent(&motorR, (MOT_SpeedPercent)val);
      *handled = TRUE;
    } else {
      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"Wrong argument, must be in the range -100..100\r\n", io->stdErr);
      res = ERR_FAILED;
  return res;
文件: Pid.c 项目: eiswasser/Sumobotic
void PID_PosCfg(int32_t currPos, int32_t setPos, bool isLeft, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t pwm;
  MOT_Direction direction=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  MOT_MotorDevice *motHandle;

  pwm = PID(currPos, setPos, config);
  /* transform into motor pwm */
  pwm *= 1000; /* scale PID, otherwise we need high PID constants */
  if (pwm>=0) {
    direction = MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  } else { /* negative, make it positive */
    pwm = -pwm; /* make positive */
    direction = MOT_DIR_BACKWARD;
  /* pwm is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (pwm>0xFFFF) {
    pwm = 0xFFFF;
  /* send new pwm values to motor */
  if (isLeft) {
    motHandle = MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT);
  } else {
    motHandle = MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT);
  MOT_SetVal(motHandle, 0xFFFF-pwm); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(motHandle, direction);
  MOT_UpdatePercent(motHandle, direction);
文件: Pid.c 项目: eiswasser/Sumobotic
void PID_SpeedCfg(int32_t currSpeed, int32_t setSpeed, bool isLeft, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t speed;
  MOT_Direction direction=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  MOT_MotorDevice *motHandle;
  speed = PID(currSpeed, setSpeed, config);
  if (speed>=0) {
    direction = MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  } else { /* negative, make it positive */
    speed = -speed; /* make positive */
    direction = MOT_DIR_BACKWARD;
  /* speed shall be positive here, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speed>0xFFFF) {
    speed = 0xFFFF;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  if (isLeft) {
    motHandle = MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT);
  } else {
    motHandle = MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT);
  MOT_SetVal(motHandle, 0xFFFF-speed); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(motHandle, direction);
  MOT_UpdatePercent(motHandle, direction);
void MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_MotorDevice *motor, MOT_SpeedPercent percent) {
  uint32_t val;

  motor->currSpeedPercent = percent; /* store current value */
  if (percent<0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(motor, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
    percent = -percent;
  } else {
    MOT_SetDirection(motor, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
  if (percent>100) { /* make sure we are within 0..100 */
    percent = 100;
  val = ((100-percent)*0xffff)/100;
  MOT_SetVal(motor, (uint16_t)val);
文件: Motor.c 项目: sisem/intro
void MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_MotorDevice *motor, MOT_SpeedPercent percent) {
  /*! \todo See lab guide about this function */
  uint32_t val;

  if (percent>100) { /* make sure we are within 0..100 */
    percent = 100;
  } else if (percent<-100) {
    percent = -100;
  motor->currSpeedPercent = percent; /* store value */
  if (percent<0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(motor, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
    percent = -percent; /* make it positive */
  } else {
    MOT_SetDirection(motor, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
  val = ((100-percent)*0xffff)/100; /* H-Bridge is low active! */
  MOT_SetVal(motor, (uint16_t)val);
 * \brief -100% bis 100% wobei Minuswerte Rückwärts drehen...
 * \author Philippe Schenker
 * \todo Performance verbessern
void MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_MotorSide side, MOT_SpeedPercent percent) {
	uint16_t newRatio = 0;
	MOT_MotorDevice* motor = MOT_GetMotorHandle(side);
	if(side==MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT) {
		percent *= -1;
	if(percent >= 0) { /* FORWARD */
		if(percent > 100) percent = 100;
		percent = 100 - percent;
		newRatio = (int) (655.35*percent);
		MOT_SetDirection(motor, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
	} else if(percent < 0) { /* BACKWARD */
		percent = abs(percent);
		if(percent > 100) percent = 100;
		percent = 100 - percent;
		newRatio = (int) (655.35*percent);
		MOT_SetDirection(motor, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
	MOT_SetVal(motor, newRatio);
void PID_PosCfg(int32_t currPos, int32_t setPos, bool isLeft, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t speed, val;
  MOT_Direction direction=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  MOT_MotorDevice *motHandle;
  int error;
  #define POS_FILTER 5

  error = setPos-currPos;
  if (error>-POS_FILTER && error<POS_FILTER) { /* avoid jitter around zero */
    setPos = currPos;
  speed = PID(currPos, setPos, config);
  /* transform into motor speed */
  speed *= 1000; /* scale PID, otherwise we need high PID constants */
  if (speed>=0) {
    direction = MOT_DIR_FORWARD;
  } else { /* negative, make it positive */
    speed = -speed; /* make positive */
    direction = MOT_DIR_BACKWARD;
  /* speed is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speed>0xFFFF) {
    speed = 0xFFFF;
#if 1
  /* limit speed to maximum value */
  val = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100); /* 100% */
  speed = Limit(speed, -val, val);
  /* limit speed to maximum value */
  speed = (speed*config->maxSpeedPercent)/100;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  if (isLeft) {
    motHandle = MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT);
  } else {
    motHandle = MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT);
  MOT_SetVal(motHandle, 0xFFFF-speed); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(motHandle, direction);
  MOT_UpdatePercent(motHandle, direction);
void PID_LineCfg(uint16_t currLine, uint16_t setLine, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t pid, speed, speedL, speedR;
  MOT_Direction directionL=MOT_DIR_FORWARD, directionR=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;

  pid = PID(currLine, setLine, config);
  uint8_t errorPercent;
  errorPercent = errorWithinPercent(currLine-setLine);

  /* change speed depending on error */
  /* transform into different speed for motors. The PID is used as difference value to the motor PWM */
  if (errorPercent <= 20) { /* pretty on center: move forward both motors with base speed */
      speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100); /* 100% */
      pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
      if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
        speedR = speed;
        speedL = speed-pid;
      } else { /* turn left */
        speedR = speed+pid;
        speedL = speed;
   } else if (errorPercent <= 40) {
	   /* outside left/right halve position from center, slow down one motor and speed up the other */
	   speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*8/10; /* 80% */
	   pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
	   if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
		   speedR = speed+pid; /* decrease speed */
		   speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
	   } else { /* turn left */
		   speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
		   speedL = speed-pid; /* decrease speed */
  } else if (errorPercent <= 70) {
	  speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*6/10; /* %60 */
      pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
      if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
    	  speedR = 0 /*maxSpeed+pid*/; /* decrease speed */
    	  speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
      } else { /* turn left */
    	  speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
    	  speedL = 0 /*maxSpeed-pid*/; /* decrease speed */
  } else  {
      /* line is far to the left or right: use backward motor motion */
      speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*10/10; /* %80 */
      if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
    	  speedR = -speed+pid; /* decrease speed */
    	  speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
      } else { /* turn left */
    	  speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
    	  speedL = -speed-pid; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = Limit(speedL, -speed, speed);
      speedR = Limit(speedR, -speed, speed);
      directionL = AbsSpeed(&speedL);
      directionR = AbsSpeed(&speedR);
  /* speed is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speedL>0xFFFF) {
	  speedL = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedL<0) {
	  speedL = 0;
  if (speedR>0xFFFF) {
	  speedR = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedR<0) {
      speedR = 0;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 0xFFFF-speedL); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), directionL);
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 0xFFFF-speedR); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), directionR);
void MOT_DriveBackward(){
	MOT_SetDirection(&motorL, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
	MOT_SetDirection(&motorR, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
void MOT_DriveForward(){
	MOT_SetDirection(&motorL, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
	MOT_SetDirection(&motorR, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
void PID_LineCfg(uint16_t currLine, uint16_t setLine, PID_Config *config) {
  int32_t pid, speed, speedL, speedR;
  unsigned char buf[16];
  static uint8_t cnt = 0;
  uint8_t errorPercent;
  MOT_Direction directionL=MOT_DIR_FORWARD, directionR=MOT_DIR_FORWARD;

  pid = PID(currLine, setLine, config);
  errorPercent = errorWithinPercent(currLine-setLine);

  /* transform into different speed for motors. The PID is used as difference value to the motor PWM */
  if (errorPercent <= 20) { /* pretty on center: move forward both motors with base speed */
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100); /* 100% */
    pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = speed;
      speedL = speed-pid;
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid;
      speedL = speed;
  } else if (errorPercent <= 40) {
    /* outside left/right halve position from center, slow down one motor and speed up the other */
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*8/10; /* 80% */
    pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* decrease speed */
  } else if (errorPercent <= 70) {
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*6/10; /* %60 */
    pid = Limit(pid, -speed, speed);
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = 0 /*maxSpeed+pid*/; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
      speedL = 0 /*maxSpeed-pid*/; /* decrease speed */
  } else  {
    /* line is far to the left or right: use backward motor motion */
    speed = ((int32_t)config->maxSpeedPercent)*(0xffff/100)*10/10; /* %80 */
    if (pid<0) { /* turn right */
      speedR = -speed+pid; /* decrease speed */
      speedL = speed-pid; /* increase speed */
    } else { /* turn left */
      speedR = speed+pid; /* increase speed */
      speedL = -speed-pid; /* decrease speed */
    speedL = Limit(speedL, -speed, speed);
    speedR = Limit(speedR, -speed, speed);
    directionL = AbsSpeed(&speedL);
    directionR = AbsSpeed(&speedR);
  /* speed is now always positive, make sure it is within 16bit PWM boundary */
  if (speedL>0xFFFF) {
    speedL = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedL<0) {
    speedL = 0;
  if (speedR>0xFFFF) {
    speedR = 0xFFFF;
  } else if (speedR<0) {
    speedR = 0;
  /* send new speed values to motor */
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 0xFFFF-speedL); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), directionL);
  MOT_SetVal(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 0xFFFF-speedR); /* PWM is low active */
  MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), directionR);
#if PID_DEBUG /* debug diagnostic */
    if (cnt>10) { /* limit number of messages to the console */
      CLS1_StdIO_OutErr_FctType ioOut = CLS1_GetStdio()->stdOut;
      cnt = 0;

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"line:", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum16u(buf, sizeof(buf), currLine);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)" sum:", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum32Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), integral);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)" left:", ioOut);
      CLS1_SendStr(directionL==MOT_DIR_FORWARD?(unsigned char*)"fw ":(unsigned char*)"bw ", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum16Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), speedL);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)" right:", ioOut);
      CLS1_SendStr(directionR==MOT_DIR_FORWARD?(unsigned char*)"fw ":(unsigned char*)"bw ", ioOut);
      buf[0] = '\0';
      UTIL1_strcatNum16Hex(buf, sizeof(buf), speedR);
      CLS1_SendStr(buf, ioOut);

      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"\r\n", ioOut);
uint8_t MOT_ParseCommand(const unsigned char *cmd, bool *handled, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  uint8_t res = ERR_OK;
  long val;
  const unsigned char *p;

  if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)CLS1_CMD_HELP)==0 || UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor help")==0) {
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)CLS1_CMD_STATUS)==0 || UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor status")==0) {
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L forward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorL, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R forward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorR, MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L backward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorL, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R backward")==0) {
    MOT_SetDirection(&motorR, MOT_DIR_BACKWARD);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strncmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L duty ", sizeof("motor L duty ")-1)==0) {
    if (!isMotorOn) {
      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"Motor is OFF, cannot set duty.\r\n", io->stdErr);
      res = ERR_FAILED;
    } else {
      p = cmd+sizeof("motor L duty");
      if (UTIL1_xatoi(&p, &val)==ERR_OK && val >=-100 && val<=100) {
        MOT_SetSpeedPercent(&motorL, (MOT_SpeedPercent)val);
        *handled = TRUE;
      } else {
        CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"Wrong argument, must be in the range -100..100\r\n", io->stdErr);
        res = ERR_FAILED;
  } else if (UTIL1_strncmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R duty ", sizeof("motor R duty ")-1)==0) {
    if (!isMotorOn) {
      CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"Motor is OFF, cannot set duty.\r\n", io->stdErr);
      res = ERR_FAILED;
    } else {
      p = cmd+sizeof("motor R duty");
      if (UTIL1_xatoi(&p, &val)==ERR_OK && val >=-100 && val<=100) {
        MOT_SetSpeedPercent(&motorR, (MOT_SpeedPercent)val);
        *handled = TRUE;
      } else {
        CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"Wrong argument, must be in the range -100..100\r\n", io->stdErr);
        res = ERR_FAILED;
  } else if (UTIL1_strncmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor on", sizeof("motor on")-1)==0) {
    isMotorOn = TRUE;
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strncmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor off", sizeof("motor off")-1)==0) {
    MOT_SetSpeedPercent(&motorL, 0);
    MOT_SetSpeedPercent(&motorR, 0);
    isMotorOn = FALSE;
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L brake on")==0) {
    MOT_SetBrake(&motorL, TRUE);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor L brake off")==0) {
    MOT_SetBrake(&motorL, FALSE);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R brake on")==0) {
    MOT_SetBrake(&motorR, TRUE);
    *handled = TRUE;
  } else if (UTIL1_strcmp((char*)cmd, (char*)"motor R brake off")==0) {
    MOT_SetBrake(&motorR, FALSE);
    *handled = TRUE;
  return res;
static void StateMachine_Run(void){
  int i;
  int distance;

  switch (state) {
	case START:

		MOT_SetDirection(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), MOT_DIR_FORWARD);
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), 40);
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 40);

		/*int x0;
		int x5;
		int x0_cal;
		int x5_cal;
		x0 = Get_Reflectance_Values(0);
		x0_cal = x0 / 15;
		x5 = Get_Reflectance_Values(5);
		x5_cal = x5 / 15;
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), x0_cal);
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), x5_cal);

		//uint16_t* calib_values_pointer;
		//calib_values_pointer = &SensorTimeType;
		//calib_values_pointer = S1_GetVal();

		state = DRIVE;


	case DRIVE:
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), SPEED_TURN);
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), -SPEED_TURN);

		if((Get_Reflectance_Values(3) <= 100) || (Get_Reflectance_Values(4) <= 100)){ // 0 = weiss / 1000 = schwarz
			state = STOP;

		distance = US_usToCentimeters(US_Measure_us(),22);

		if((distance <= 30) && (distance != 0)){
			MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), SPEED_ATTACK);
			MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), SPEED_ATTACK);
			state = ATTACK;

		/*if((MMA1_GetXmg() >= 500) || (MMA1_GetXmg() <= -500)){
			state = STOP;
		/*if((MMA1_GetYmg() >= 500) || (MMA1_GetYmg() <= -500)){
			state = STOP;


	case TURN:
		state = DRIVE;

	case STOP:
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), -50);
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), -50);


		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), -50);
		MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), 50);


		if(Get_Reflectance_Values(4) >= 400){
			state = DRIVE;

		/*if((MMA1_GetXmg() >= -200) && (MMA1_GetXmg() <= 200)){
			state = DRIVE;

		/*if((MMA1_GetYmg() >= -200) || (MMA1_GetYmg() <= 200)){
			state = DRIVE;


	case ATTACK:
		if((distance <= 30) && (distance != 0)){
			state = ATTACK;
			MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_RIGHT), SPEED_ATTACK);
			MOT_SetSpeedPercent(MOT_GetMotorHandle(MOT_MOTOR_LEFT), SPEED_ATTACK);
			state = DRIVE;
		if((Get_Reflectance_Values(3) <= 100) || (Get_Reflectance_Values(4) <= 100)){ // 0 = weiss / 1000 = schwarz
			state = STOP;

  } /* switch */