文件: network.c 项目: aar2163/GROMACS
int gmx_setup(int *argc,char **argv,int *nnodes)
#ifndef GMX_MPI
  return 0;
  char   buf[256];
  int    resultlen;               /* actual length of node name      */
  int    i,flag;
  int  mpi_num_nodes;
  int  mpi_my_rank;
  char mpi_hostname[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

  /* Call the MPI routines */
  (void) fah_MPI_Init(argc,&argv);
  (void) MPI_Init(argc,&argv);
  (void) MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_num_nodes );
  (void) MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_my_rank );
  (void) MPI_Get_processor_name( mpi_hostname, &resultlen );

#ifdef USE_MPE
  /* MPE logging routines. Get event IDs from MPE: */
  /* General events */
  ev_timestep1               = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_timestep2               = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_force_start             = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_force_finish            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_do_fnbf_start           = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_do_fnbf_finish          = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_ns_start                = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_ns_finish               = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_calc_bonds_start        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_calc_bonds_finish       = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_global_stat_start       = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_global_stat_finish      = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_virial_start            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_virial_finish           = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  /* Shift related events */
  ev_shift_start             = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_shift_finish            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_unshift_start           = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_unshift_finish          = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_mk_mshift_start         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_mk_mshift_finish        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  /* PME related events */
  ev_pme_start               = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_pme_finish              = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_spread_on_grid_start    = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_spread_on_grid_finish   = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_sum_qgrid_start         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_sum_qgrid_finish        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_gmxfft3d_start          = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_gmxfft3d_finish         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_solve_pme_start         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_solve_pme_finish        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_gather_f_bsplines_start = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_gather_f_bsplines_finish= MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_reduce_start            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_reduce_finish           = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_rscatter_start          = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_rscatter_finish         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_alltoall_start          = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_alltoall_finish         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_pmeredist_start         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_pmeredist_finish        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_init_pme_start          = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );      
  ev_init_pme_finish         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_send_coordinates_start  = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_send_coordinates_finish = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_update_fr_start         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_update_fr_finish        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_clear_rvecs_start       = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_clear_rvecs_finish      = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_update_start            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_update_finish           = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_output_start            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_output_finish           = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_sum_lrforces_start      = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_sum_lrforces_finish     = MPE_Log_get_event_number( ); 
  ev_sort_start              = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_sort_finish             = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_sum_qgrid_start         = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_sum_qgrid_finish        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  /* Essential dynamics related events */
  ev_edsam_start             = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_edsam_finish            = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_get_coords_start        = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_get_coords_finish       = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_ed_apply_cons_start     = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_ed_apply_cons_finish    = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_fit_to_reference_start  = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  ev_fit_to_reference_finish = MPE_Log_get_event_number( );
  /* describe events: */
  if ( mpi_my_rank == 0 ) 
    /* General events */
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_timestep1,               ev_timestep2,                "timestep START",  "magenta" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_force_start,             ev_force_finish,             "force",           "cornflower blue" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_do_fnbf_start,           ev_do_fnbf_finish,           "do_fnbf",         "navy" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_ns_start,                ev_ns_finish,                "neighbor search", "tomato" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_calc_bonds_start,        ev_calc_bonds_finish,        "bonded forces",   "slate blue" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_global_stat_start,       ev_global_stat_finish,       "global stat",     "firebrick3");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_update_fr_start,         ev_update_fr_finish,         "update forcerec", "goldenrod");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_clear_rvecs_start,       ev_clear_rvecs_finish,       "clear rvecs",     "bisque");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_update_start,            ev_update_finish,            "update",          "cornsilk");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_output_start,            ev_output_finish,            "output",          "black");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_virial_start,            ev_virial_finish,            "calc_virial",     "thistle4");
    /* PME related events */
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_pme_start,               ev_pme_finish,               "doing PME",       "grey" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_spread_on_grid_start,    ev_spread_on_grid_finish,    "spread",          "dark orange" );   
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_sum_qgrid_start,         ev_sum_qgrid_finish,         "sum qgrid",       "slate blue");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_gmxfft3d_start,          ev_gmxfft3d_finish,          "fft3d",           "snow2" );   
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_solve_pme_start,         ev_solve_pme_finish,         "solve PME",       "indian red" );   
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_gather_f_bsplines_start, ev_gather_f_bsplines_finish, "bsplines",        "light sea green" );   
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_reduce_start,            ev_reduce_finish,            "reduce",          "cyan1" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_rscatter_start,          ev_rscatter_finish,          "rscatter",        "cyan3" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_alltoall_start,          ev_alltoall_finish,          "alltoall",        "LightCyan4" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_pmeredist_start,         ev_pmeredist_finish,         "pmeredist",       "thistle" );
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_init_pme_start,          ev_init_pme_finish,          "init PME",        "snow4");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_send_coordinates_start,  ev_send_coordinates_finish,  "send_coordinates","blue");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_sum_lrforces_start,      ev_sum_lrforces_finish,      "sum_LRforces",    "lime green");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_sort_start,              ev_sort_finish,              "sort pme atoms",  "brown");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_sum_qgrid_start,         ev_sum_qgrid_finish,         "sum charge grid", "medium orchid");
    /* Shift related events */
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_shift_start,             ev_shift_finish,             "shift",           "orange");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_unshift_start,           ev_unshift_finish,           "unshift",         "dark orange");    
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_mk_mshift_start,         ev_mk_mshift_finish,         "mk_mshift",       "maroon");
    /* Essential dynamics related events */
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_edsam_start,             ev_edsam_finish,             "EDSAM",           "deep sky blue");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_get_coords_start,        ev_get_coords_finish,        "ED get coords",   "steel blue");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_ed_apply_cons_start,     ev_ed_apply_cons_finish,     "ED apply constr", "forest green");
    MPE_Describe_state(ev_fit_to_reference_start,  ev_fit_to_reference_finish,  "ED fit to ref",   "lavender");
  fprintf(stderr,"NNODES=%d, MYRANK=%d, HOSTNAME=%s\n",
  return mpi_my_rank;
main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* MPI stuff. */
    int mpi_namelen;		
    char mpi_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
    int mpi_size, mpi_rank;
    MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Info info = MPI_INFO_NULL;

    /* Netcdf-4 stuff. */
    int ncid, v1id, dimids[NDIMS];
    size_t start[NDIMS], count[NDIMS];

    int data[DIMSIZE * DIMSIZE], i, res;
    int slab_data[DIMSIZE * DIMSIZE / 4]; /* one slab */
    char file_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];

#ifdef USE_MPE
    int s_init, e_init, s_define, e_define, s_write, e_write, s_close, e_close;
#endif /* USE_MPE */

    /* Initialize MPI. */
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
    MPI_Get_processor_name(mpi_name, &mpi_namelen);
    /*printf("mpi_name: %s size: %d rank: %d\n", mpi_name, 
      mpi_size, mpi_rank);*/

#ifdef USE_MPE
    s_init = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    e_init = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    s_define = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    e_define = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    s_write = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    e_write = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    s_close = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    e_close = MPE_Log_get_event_number(); 
    MPE_Describe_state(s_init, e_init, "Init", "red");
    MPE_Describe_state(s_define, e_define, "Define", "yellow");
    MPE_Describe_state(s_write, e_write, "Write", "green");
    MPE_Describe_state(s_close, e_close, "Close", "purple");
    MPE_Log_event(s_init, 0, "start init");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

    if (mpi_rank == 1)
       printf("\n*** tst_parallel testing very basic parallel access.\n");
       printf("*** tst_parallel testing whether we can create file for parallel access and write to it...");

    /* Create phony data. We're going to write a 24x24 array of ints,
       in 4 sets of 144. */
    /*printf("mpi_rank*QTR_DATA=%d (mpi_rank+1)*QTR_DATA-1=%d\n",
      mpi_rank*QTR_DATA, (mpi_rank+1)*QTR_DATA);*/
    for (i = mpi_rank * QTR_DATA; i < (mpi_rank + 1) * QTR_DATA; i++)
       data[i] = mpi_rank;
    for (i = 0; i < DIMSIZE * DIMSIZE / 4; i++)
       slab_data[i] = mpi_rank;

#ifdef USE_MPE
    MPE_Log_event(e_init, 0, "end init");
    MPE_Log_event(s_define, 0, "start define file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

    /* Create a parallel netcdf-4 file. */
    sprintf(file_name, "%s/%s", TEMP_LARGE, FILE);
    if ((res = nc_create_par(file_name, NC_NETCDF4|NC_MPIIO, comm, 
			     info, &ncid))) ERR;

    /* Create three dimensions. */
    if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d1", DIMSIZE, dimids)) ERR;
    if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d2", DIMSIZE, &dimids[1])) ERR;
    if (nc_def_dim(ncid, "d3", NUM_SLABS, &dimids[2])) ERR;

    /* Create one var. */
    if ((res = nc_def_var(ncid, "v1", NC_INT, NDIMS, dimids, &v1id))) ERR;

    /* Write metadata to file. */
    if ((res = nc_enddef(ncid))) ERR;

#ifdef USE_MPE
    MPE_Log_event(e_define, 0, "end define file");
    if (mpi_rank)
#endif /* USE_MPE */

    /* Set up slab for this process. */
    start[0] = mpi_rank * DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
    start[1] = 0;
    count[0] = DIMSIZE/mpi_size;
    count[1] = DIMSIZE;
    count[2] = 1;
    /*printf("mpi_rank=%d start[0]=%d start[1]=%d count[0]=%d count[1]=%d\n",
      mpi_rank, start[0], start[1], count[0], count[1]);*/

    if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, v1id, NC_COLLECTIVE)) ERR;
/*    if (nc_var_par_access(ncid, v1id, NC_INDEPENDENT)) ERR;*/

    for (start[2] = 0; start[2] < NUM_SLABS; start[2]++)
#ifdef USE_MPE
       MPE_Log_event(s_write, 0, "start write slab");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

       /* Write slabs of phoney data. */
       if (nc_put_vara_int(ncid, v1id, start, count, slab_data)) ERR;
#ifdef USE_MPE
       MPE_Log_event(e_write, 0, "end write file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

#ifdef USE_MPE
    MPE_Log_event(s_close, 0, "start close file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

    /* Close the netcdf file. */
    if ((res = nc_close(ncid)))	ERR;
#ifdef USE_MPE
    MPE_Log_event(e_close, 0, "end close file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

    /* Delete this large file. */

    /* Shut down MPI. */

    if (mpi_rank == 1)
    return 0;
文件: jas_main.c 项目: rbarraud/goma
goma_init_(dbl *time1, int *nnodes, int *nelems,
           int *nnv_in, int *nev_in, int *i_soln, int *i_post)
      * Initial main driver for GOMA. Derived from a (1/93) release of
      * the rf_salsa program by
      *        Original Authors: John  Shadid (1421)
      *		                 Scott Hutchinson (1421)
      *        		         Harry Moffat (1421)
      *        Date:		12/3/92
      *        Updates and Changes by:
      *                           Randy Schunk (9111)
      *                           P. A. Sackinger (9111)
      *                           R. R. Rao       (9111)
      *                           R. A. Cairncross (Univ. of Delaware)
      *        Dates:           2/93 - 6/96
      *       Modified for continuation
      *                           Ian Gates
      *       Dates:            2/98 - 10/98
      *       Dates:            7/99 - 8/99
      * Last modified: Wed  June 26 14:21:35 MST 1994 [email protected]
      * Hello.
      * Note: Many modifications from an early 2/93 pre-release
      *	      version of rf_salsa were made by various persons 
      *       in order to test ideas about moving/deforming meshes...
  /* Local Declarations */

  double time_start, total_time;   /* timing variables */
#ifndef PARALLEL
  struct tm *tm_ptr;               /* additional serial timing variables */
  time_t the_time;

  int error;
  int i;
  int j;
  static int first_goma_call=TRUE;

  char	**ptmp;
  static const char *yo="goma_init";

  struct Command_line_command **clc=NULL; /* point to command line structure */
  int           nclc = 0;		/* number of command line commands */

/********************** BEGIN EXECUTION ***************************************/
/* assume number of commands is less than or equal to the number of 
 * arguments in the command line minus 1 (1st is program name) */

  *  Get the name of the executable, yo

if( first_goma_call ) {
	Argc = 1;
	Argv = (char **) smalloc( Argc*sizeof(char *) );
	Argv[0] = (char *) yo;
	MPI_Init(&Argc, &Argv);  /*PRS will have to fix this.  Too late TAB already did. */
  time_start = MPI_Wtime();
#else /* PARALLEL */
  (void) time(&the_time);
  tm_ptr = gmtime(&the_time);
  time_start = (double)  ( tm_ptr->tm_sec
               + 60. * (   60. * ( tm_ptr->tm_yday * 24. + tm_ptr->tm_hour )
                                                         + tm_ptr->tm_min  )
#endif /* PARALLEL */
  *time1 = time_start;

/*   Argv = argv; */

/*   Argc = argc; */

  time_goma_started = time_start;

   * Determine the parallel processing status, if any. We need to know
   * pretty early if we're "one of many" or the only process.

  error = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Num_Proc);
  error = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ProcID);

   * Setup a default Proc_config so we can use utility routines 
   * from Aztec

  AZ_set_proc_config(Proc_Config, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* set the output limit flag if need be */

  if( Num_Proc > DP_PROC_PRINT_LIMIT ) Unlimited_Output = FALSE;

#ifdef HAVE_MPE_H
  error = MPE_Init_log();
#endif /* HAVE_MPE_H */

  Dim = 0;			/* for any hypercube legacy code...  */

#endif /* PARALLEL */
#ifndef PARALLEL
  Dim        = 0;
  ProcID     = 0;
  Num_Proc   = 1;
#endif /* PARALLEL */

  *   HKM - Change the ieee exception handling based on the machine and
  *         the level of debugging/speed desired. This call currently causes
  *         core dumps for floating point exceptions.

  log_msg("GOMA begins...");

#ifdef USE_CGM
   * Some initial stuff that only the master process does.

/*PRS: Disable this command line stuff for the jas coupled version */
/*   if ( ProcID == 0 ) */
/*     { */
/*       if (argc > 1) */
/* 	{ */
/* 	  log_msg("Preprocessing command line options."); */
/* 	  clc = (struct Command_line_command **)  */
/* 	    smalloc( argc * sizeof(struct Command_line_command *)); */
/* 	  for (i=0; i<argc; i++) */
/* 	    { */
/* 	      clc[i] = (struct Command_line_command *)  */
/* 		smalloc(sizeof(struct Command_line_command)); */
/* 	      clc[i]->type   = 0; /\* initialize command line structure *\/ */
/* 	      clc[i]->i_val  = 0; */
/* 	      clc[i]->r_val  = 0.; */
/* 	      clc[i]->string = (char *)  */
/* 		smalloc(MAX_COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); */
/* 	      for ( j=0; j<MAX_COMMAND_LINE_LENGTH; j++) */
/* 		{ */
/* 		  clc[i]->string[j] = '\0'; */
/* 		} */
/* #ifdef DEBUG */
/* 	      fprintf(stderr, "clc[%d]->string is at 0x%x\n", i, clc[i]->string); */
/* 	      fprintf(stderr, "clc[%d]         is at 0x%x\n", i, clc[i]); */
/* #endif */
/* 	    } */
/* 	} */

/* PRS For the JAS version we will use the default input file name "input" */
      strcpy(Input_File, "input");

/* if (argc > 1) translate_command_line(argc, argv, clc, &nclc); */
/*       print_code_version(); */
/*       ptmp = legal_notice; */
/*       while ( strcmp(*ptmp, LAST_LEGAL_STRING) != 0 ) */
/* 	{ */
/* 	  fprintf(stderr, "%s", *ptmp++); */
/* 	} */
/* } */

   *  Allocate the uniform problem description structure and
   *  the problem description structures on all processors
  error = pd_alloc();
  EH(error, "pd_alloc problem");

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier after pd_alloc\n", ProcID);
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  log_msg("Allocating mp, gn, ...");

  error = mp_alloc();
  EH(error, "mp_alloc problem");

  error = gn_alloc();
  EH(error, "gn_alloc problem");

  error = ve_alloc();
  EH(error, "ve_alloc problem");

  error = elc_alloc();
  EH(error, "elc_alloc problem");

  error = elc_rs_alloc();
  EH(error, "elc_alloc problem");

  error = cr_alloc();
  EH(error, "cr_alloc problem");

  error = evp_alloc();
  EH(error, "evp_alloc problem");

  error = tran_alloc();
  EH(error, "tran_alloc problem");

  error = libio_alloc();
  EH(error, "libio_alloc problem");

  error = eigen_alloc();
  EH(error, "eigen_alloc problem");

  error = cont_alloc();
  EH(error, "cont_alloc problem");

  error = loca_alloc();
  EH(error, "loca_alloc problem");

  error = efv_alloc();
  EH(error, "efv_alloc problem");

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier before read_input_file()\n", ProcID);
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   * Read ASCII input file, data files, related exodusII FEM databases.
   if ( ProcID == 0 ) 
         log_msg("Reading input file ..."); 
         read_input_file(clc, nclc); 


   * The user-defined material properties, etc. available to goma users
   * mean that some dynamically allocated data needs to be communicated.
   * To handle this, sizing information from the input file scan is
   * broadcast in stages so that the other processors can allocate space
   * accordingly to hold the data.
   * Note: instead of handpacking a data structure, use MPI derived datatypes
   * to gather and scatter. Pray this is done efficiently. Certainly it costs
   * less from a memory standpoint.


   *  Make sure the input file was successully processed before moving on
  check_parallel_error("Input file error");

   * This is some sizing information that helps fit a little bit more
   * onto the ark later on.

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier before noahs_raven()\n", ProcID);
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);


#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier before MPI_Bcast of Noahs_Raven\n", ProcID);
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  MPI_Bcast(MPI_BOTTOM, 1, Noahs_Raven->new_type, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier after Bcast/before raven_landing()\n", 
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   * Get the other processors ready to handle ark data.


#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier before noahs_ark()\n", ProcID);
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   * This is the main body of communicated information, including some
   * whose sizes were determined because of advanced legwork by the raven.

  MPI_Bcast(MPI_BOTTOM, 1, Noahs_Ark->new_type, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   * Chemkin was initialized on processor zero during the input file
   * process. Now, distribute it to all processors
  if (Chemkin_Needed) {

   * Once the ark has landed, there are additional things that will need to
   * be sent by dove. Example: BC_Types[]->u-BC arrays.


  MPI_Bcast(MPI_BOTTOM, 1, Noahs_Dove->new_type, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

#endif          /* End of ifdef PARALLEL */

   * We sent the packed line to all processors that contained geometry
   * creation commands.  Now we need to step through it and create
   * geometry as we go (including possibly reading an ACIS .sat file).
#ifdef USE_CGM

   * For parallel execution, assume the following variables will be changed
   * to reflect the multiple file aspect of the problem.
   *	FEM file = file.exoII		--> file_3of15.exoII
   *	Output EXODUS II file = out.exoII --> out_3of15.exoII

   * Allocate space for structures holding the EXODUS II finite element
   * database information and for the Distributed Processing information.
   * These are mostly skeletons with pointers that get allocated in the
   * rd_exoII and rd_dpi routines. Remember to free up those arrays first
   * before freeing the major pointers.

  EXO_ptr = alloc_struct_1(Exo_DB, 1);
  DPI_ptr = alloc_struct_1(Dpi, 1);

  log_msg("Reading mesh from EXODUS II file...");
  error = read_mesh_exoII(EXO_ptr, DPI_ptr);

   *   Missing files on any processor are detected at a lower level
   *   forcing a return to the higher level
   *         rd_exo -->  rd_mesh  -->  main
   *   Shutdown now, if any of the exodus files weren't found
  if (error < 0) {

   * All of the MPI_Type_commit() calls called behind the scenes that build
   * the dove, ark and raven really allocated memory. Let's free it up now that
   * the initial information has been communicated.


   * Setup the rest of the Problem Description structure that depends on
   * the mesh that was read in from the EXODUS II file...
   * Note that memory allocation and some setup has already been performed
   * in mm_input()...

  error = setup_pd();
  EH( error, "Problem setting up Problem_Description.");
   * Let's check to see if we need the large elasto-plastic global tensors
   * and allocate them if so 
  error = evp_tensor_alloc(EXO_ptr);
  EH( error, "Problems setting up evp tensors");
   * Now that we know about what kind of problem we're solving and the
   * mesh information, let's allocate space for elemental assembly structures
#ifdef DEBUG
  DPRINTF(stderr, "About to assembly_alloc()...\n");
  log_msg("Assembly allocation...");

  error = assembly_alloc(EXO_ptr);
  EH( error, "Problem from assembly_alloc");

  if (Debug_Flag)  {
    DPRINTF(stderr, "%s:  setting up EXODUS II output files...\n", yo);

   * These are not critical - just niceties. Also, they should not overburden
   * your db with too much of this - they're capped verbiage compliant routines.



#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "added qa and info stamps\n");

   * If the output EXODUS II database file is different from the input
   * file, then we'll need to replicate all the basic mesh information.
   * But, remember that if we're parallel, that the output file names must
   * be multiplexed first...
  if ( Num_Proc > 1 )
      multiname(ExoFileOut,     ProcID, Num_Proc);      
      multiname(Init_GuessFile, ProcID, Num_Proc);

      if ( strcmp( Soln_OutFile, "" ) != 0 )
	  multiname(Soln_OutFile,   ProcID, Num_Proc);

      if( strcmp( ExoAuxFile, "" ) != 0 )
          multiname(ExoAuxFile,     ProcID, Num_Proc);

      if( efv->Num_external_field != 0 )
          for( i=0; i<efv->Num_external_field; i++ )
              multiname(efv->file_nm[i], ProcID, Num_Proc);


   *   Preprocess the exodus mesh
   *        -> Allocate pointers to structures containing element
   *           side bc info, First_Elem_Side_BC_Array, and
   *           element edge info, First_Elem_Edge_BC_Array.
   *        -> Determine Unique_Element_Types[] array
#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "pre_process()...\n");
  log_msg("Pre processing of mesh...");
  error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

   * Load up a few key indeces in the bfd prototype basis function structures
   * and make sure that each active eqn/vbl has a bf[v] that points to the
   * right bfd[]...needs pre_process to find out the number of unique
   * element types in the problem.

#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "bf_init()...\n");
  log_msg("Basis function initialization...");
  error = bf_init(EXO_ptr);
  EH( error, "Problem from bf_init");

   * check for parallel errors before continuing
  check_parallel_error("Error encountered in problem setup");

   * Allocate space for each communication exchange description.
#ifdef DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "P_%d: Parallel cx allocation\n", ProcID);
  if (DPI_ptr->num_neighbors > 0) {
    cx = alloc_struct_1(Comm_Ex, DPI_ptr->num_neighbors);
    Request = alloc_struct_1(MPI_Request, 
			     Num_Requests * DPI_ptr->num_neighbors);
    Status = alloc_struct_1(MPI_Status, 
			    Num_Requests * DPI_ptr->num_neighbors);

   *                           SET UP THE PROBLEM
   * Setup node-based structures
   * Finalise how boundary conditions are to be handled
   * Determine what unknowns are at each owned node and then tell
   *  neighboring processors about your nodes
   * Set up communications pattern for fast unknown updates between
   *  processors.
  (void) setup_problem(EXO_ptr, DPI_ptr);

   * check for parallel errors before continuing
  check_parallel_error("Error encountered in problem setup");
   *                     WRITE OUT INITIAL INFO TO EXODUS FILE

   *  Only have to initialize the exodus file if we are using different
   *  files for the output versus the input mesh
  if (strcmp(ExoFile, ExoFileOut)) {
     * Temporarily we'll need to renumber the nodes and elements in the
     * mesh to be 1-based. After writing, return to the 0 based indexing
     * that is more convenient in C.
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "1-base; wr_mesh; 0-base\n");
    wr_mesh_exo(EXO_ptr, ExoFileOut, 0);

     * If running on a distributed computer, augment the plain finite
     * element information of EXODUS with the description of how this
     * piece fits into the global problem.
    if (Num_Proc > 1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "P_%d at barrier before wr_dpi()\n", ProcID);
      fprintf(stderr, "P_%d ExoFileOut = \"%s\"\n", ProcID, ExoFileOut);
      error = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      wr_dpi(DPI_ptr, ExoFileOut, 0);

  if (Num_Import_NV > 0 || Num_Import_EV > 0) printf
    (" Goma will import %d nodal and %d element variables.\n",
     Num_Import_NV, Num_Import_EV);
  if (Num_Export_XS > 0 || Num_Export_XP > 0) printf
    (" Goma will export %d solution and %d post-processing variables.\n",
     Num_Export_XS, Num_Export_XP);

  /* Return counts to calling program */
  *nnodes = EXO_ptr->num_nodes;
  *nelems = EXO_ptr->num_elems;
  *nnv_in = Num_Import_NV;
  *nev_in = Num_Import_EV;
  *i_soln = Num_Export_XS;
  *i_post = Num_Export_XP;

  return (0); /* Back to  animas*/
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int  n, myid, numprocs, ii, jj;
    double PI25DT = 3.141592653589793238462643;
    double mypi, pi, h, sum, x;
    double startwtime = 0.0, endwtime;
    int namelen; 
    int event1a, event1b, event2a, event2b,
        event3a, event3b, event4a, event4b;
    int event1, event2, event3;
    char processor_name[ MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME ];

    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
        MPI_Pcontrol( 0 );

    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs );
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid );

    MPI_Get_processor_name( processor_name, &namelen );
    fprintf( stderr, "Process %d running on %s\n", myid, processor_name );

        MPE_Init_log() & MPE_Finish_log() are NOT needed when
        liblmpe.a is linked with this program.  In that case,
        MPI_Init() would have called MPE_Init_log() already.
#if defined( NO_MPI_LOGGING )

        user should NOT assign eventIDs directly in MPE_Describe_state()
        Get the eventIDs for user-defined STATES(rectangles) from
        MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs() instead of the deprecated function
    MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &event1a, &event1b );
    MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &event2a, &event2b );
    MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &event3a, &event3b );
    MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( &event4a, &event4b );

    if ( myid == 0 ) {
        MPE_Describe_state( event1a, event1b, "Broadcast", "red" );
        MPE_Describe_state( event2a, event2b, "Sync", "orange" );
        MPE_Describe_state( event3a, event3b, "Compute", "blue" );
        MPE_Describe_state( event4a, event4b, "Reduce", "green" );

    /* Get event ID for Solo-Event(single timestamp object) from MPE */
    MPE_Log_get_solo_eventID( &event1 );
    MPE_Log_get_solo_eventID( &event2 );
    MPE_Log_get_solo_eventID( &event3 );

    if ( myid == 0 ) {
       MPE_Describe_event( event1, "Broadcast Post", "white" );
       MPE_Describe_event( event2, "Compute Start", "purple" );
       MPE_Describe_event( event3, "Compute End", "navy" );

    if ( myid == 0 ) {
        n = 1000000;
        startwtime = MPI_Wtime();
    MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    MPI_Pcontrol( 1 );

    for ( jj = 0; jj < 5; jj++ ) {
        MPE_Log_event( event1a, 0, NULL );
        MPI_Bcast( &n, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPE_Log_event( event1b, 0, NULL );

        MPE_Log_event( event1, 0, NULL );
        MPE_Log_event( event2a, 0, NULL );
        MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPE_Log_event( event2b, 0, NULL );

        MPE_Log_event( event2, 0, NULL );
        MPE_Log_event( event3a, 0, NULL );
        h   = 1.0 / (double) n;
        sum = 0.0;
        for ( ii = myid + 1; ii <= n; ii += numprocs ) {
            x = h * ((double)ii - 0.5);
            sum += f(x);
        mypi = h * sum;
        MPE_Log_event( event3b, 0, NULL );
        MPE_Log_event( event3, 0, NULL );

        pi = 0.0;
        MPE_Log_event( event4a, 0, NULL );
        MPI_Reduce( &mypi, &pi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        MPE_Log_event( event4b, 0, NULL );

#if defined( NO_MPI_LOGGING )
    if ( argv != NULL )
        MPE_Finish_log( argv[0] );
        MPE_Finish_log( "cpilog" );

    if ( myid == 0 ) {
        endwtime = MPI_Wtime();
        printf( "pi is approximately %.16f, Error is %.16f\n",
                pi, fabs(pi - PI25DT) );
        printf( "wall clock time = %f\n", endwtime-startwtime );
    return( 0 );
main(int argc, char **argv)
   int p, my_rank;

#ifdef USE_MPE
   int s_init, e_init, s_define, e_define, s_write, e_write, s_close, e_close;
#endif /* USE_MPE */

   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);

#ifdef USE_MPE
   s_init = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   e_init = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   s_define = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   e_define = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   s_write = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   e_write = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   s_close = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   e_close = MPE_Log_get_event_number();
   MPE_Describe_state(s_init, e_init, "Init", "red");
   MPE_Describe_state(s_define, e_define, "Define", "yellow");
   MPE_Describe_state(s_write, e_write, "Write", "green");
   MPE_Describe_state(s_close, e_close, "Close", "purple");
   MPE_Log_event(s_init, 0, "start init");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

   if (!my_rank)
      printf("*** Creating file for parallel I/O read, and rereading it...");
      hid_t fapl_id, fileid, whole_spaceid, dsid, slice_spaceid, whole_spaceid1, xferid;
      hsize_t start[NDIMS], count[NDIMS];
      hsize_t dims[1];
      int data[SC1], data_in[SC1];
      int num_steps;
      double ftime;
      int write_us, read_us;
      int max_write_us, max_read_us;
      float write_rate, read_rate;
      int i, s;

      /* We will write the same slice of random data over and over to
       * fill the file. */
      for (i = 0; i < SC1; i++)
	 data[i] = rand();

#ifdef USE_MPE
      MPE_Log_event(e_init, 0, "end init");
      MPE_Log_event(s_define, 0, "start define file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space to deal with one slice in memory. */
      dims[0] = SC1;
      if ((slice_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space to write all slices. */
      dims[0] = DIM2_LEN;
      if ((whole_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create dataset. */
      if ((dsid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, VAR_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
      whole_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Use collective write operations. */
      if ((xferid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(xferid, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) < 0) ERR;

#ifdef USE_MPE
      MPE_Log_event(e_define, 0, "end define file");
      if (my_rank)
#endif /* USE_MPE */

      /* Write the data in num_step steps. */
      ftime = MPI_Wtime();
      num_steps = (DIM2_LEN/SC1) / p;
      for (s = 0; s < num_steps; s++)
#ifdef USE_MPE
	 MPE_Log_event(s_write, 0, "start write slab");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

	 /* Select hyperslab for write of one slice. */
	 start[0] = s * SC1 * p + my_rank * SC1;
	 count[0] = SC1;
	 if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(whole_spaceid, H5S_SELECT_SET,
	 start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0) ERR;

	 if (H5Dwrite(dsid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, slice_spaceid, whole_spaceid,
	 xferid, data) < 0) ERR;

#ifdef USE_MPE
	 MPE_Log_event(e_write, 0, "end write file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */
      write_us = (MPI_Wtime() - ftime) * MILLION;
      MPI_Reduce(&write_us, &max_write_us, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      if (!my_rank)
	 write_rate = (float)(DIM2_LEN * sizeof(int))/(float)max_write_us;
	 printf("\np=%d, write_rate=%g", p, write_rate);

#ifdef USE_MPE
      MPE_Log_event(s_close, 0, "start close file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

      /* Close. These collective operations will allow every process
       * to catch up. */
      if (H5Dclose(dsid) < 0 ||
      H5Sclose(whole_spaceid) < 0 ||
      H5Sclose(slice_spaceid) < 0 ||
      H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
      H5Fclose(fileid) < 0)

#ifdef USE_MPE
      MPE_Log_event(e_close, 0, "end close file");
#endif /* USE_MPE */

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space to deal with one slice in memory. */
      dims[0] = SC1;
      if ((slice_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the dataset. */
      if ((dsid = H5Dopen(fileid, VAR_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((whole_spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(dsid)) < 0) ERR;

      ftime = MPI_Wtime();

      /* Read the data, a slice at a time. */
      for (s = 0; s < num_steps; s++)
	 /* Select hyperslab for read of one slice. */
	 start[0] = s * SC1 * p + my_rank * SC1;
	 count[0] = SC1;
	 if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(whole_spaceid1, H5S_SELECT_SET,
	 start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0)
	    return 2;

	 if (H5Dread(dsid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, slice_spaceid, whole_spaceid1,
	 H5P_DEFAULT, data_in) < 0)
	    return 2;

/* 	 /\* Check the slice of data. *\/ */
/* 	 for (i = 0; i < SC1; i++) */
/* 	    if (data[i] != data_in[i])  */
/* 	    { */
/* 	       ERR; */
/* 	       return 2; */
/* 	    } */
      read_us = (MPI_Wtime() - ftime) * MILLION;
      MPI_Reduce(&read_us, &max_read_us, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      if (!my_rank)
	 read_rate = (float)(DIM2_LEN * sizeof(int))/(float)max_read_us;
	 printf(", read_rate=%g\n", read_rate);

      /* Close down. */
      if (H5Dclose(dsid) < 0 ||
      H5Sclose(slice_spaceid) < 0 ||
      H5Sclose(whole_spaceid1) < 0 ||
      H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
      H5Fclose(fileid) < 0)
   if (!my_rank)


   if (!my_rank)
   return 0;
/** Main execution of code.

    Executes the functions to:
    - create a new examplePioClass instance
    - initialize MPI and the ParallelIO libraries
    - create the decomposition for this example
    - create the netCDF output file
    - define the variable in the file
    - write data to the variable in the file using decomposition
    - read the data back from the file using decomposition
    - close the file
    - clean up resources

    The example can be run from the command line (on system that support it) like this:
    mpiexec -n 4 ./examplePio

    The sample file created by this program is a small netCDF file. It
    has the following contents (as shown by ncdump) for a 4-processor

    netcdf examplePio_c {
    x = 16 ;
    int foo(x) ;

    foo = 42, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 45 ;
    @param [in] argc argument count (should be zero)
    @param [in] argv argument array (should be NULL)
    @retval examplePioClass* Pointer to self.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    /** Set to non-zero to get output to stdout. */
    int verbose = 0;

    /** Zero-based rank of processor. */
    int my_rank;

    /** Number of processors involved in current execution. */
    int ntasks;

    /** Different output flavors. The example file is written (and
     * then read) four times. The first two flavors,
     * parallel-netcdf, and netCDF serial, both produce a netCDF
     * classic format file (but with different libraries). The
     * last two produce netCDF4/HDF5 format files, written with
     * and without using netCDF-4 parallel I/O. */

    /** Names for the output files. Two of them (pnetcdf and
     * classic) will be in classic netCDF format, the others
     * (serial4 and parallel4) will be in netCDF-4/HDF5
     * format. All four can be read by the netCDF library, and all
     * will contain the same contents. */
    char filename[NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS][NC_MAX_NAME + 1] = {"example2_pnetcdf.nc",
    /** Number of processors that will do IO. In this example we
     * will do IO from all processors. */
    int niotasks;

    /** Stride in the mpi rank between io tasks. Always 1 in this
     * example. */
    int ioproc_stride = 1;

    /** Number of the aggregator? Always 0 in this example. */
    int numAggregator = 0;

    /** Zero based rank of first processor to be used for I/O. */
    int ioproc_start = 0;

    /** Specifies the flavor of netCDF output format. */
    int iotype;

    /** The dimension IDs. */
    int dimids[NDIM];

    /** Array index per processing unit. This is the number of
     * elements of the data array that will be handled by each
     * processor. In this example there are 16 data elements. If the
     * example is run on 4 processors, then arrIdxPerPe will be 4. */
    PIO_Offset elements_per_pe;

    /** The ID for the parallel I/O system. It is set by
     * PIOc_Init_Intracomm(). It references an internal structure
     * containing the general IO subsystem data and MPI
     * structure. It is passed to PIOc_finalize() to free
     * associated resources, after all I/O, but before
     * MPI_Finalize is called. */
    int iosysid;

    /** The ncid of the netCDF file created in this example. */
    int ncid = 0;

    /** The ID of the netCDF varable in the example file. */
    int varid;

    /** The I/O description ID as passed back by PIOc_InitDecomp()
     * and freed in PIOc_freedecomp(). */
    int ioid;

    /** A buffer for sample data.  The size of this array will
     * vary depending on how many processors are involved in the
     * execution of the example code. It's length will be the same
     * as elements_per_pe.*/
    float *buffer;

    /** A buffer for reading data back from the file. The size of
     * this array will vary depending on how many processors are
     * involved in the execution of the example code. It's length
     * will be the same as elements_per_pe.*/
    int *read_buffer;

    /** A 1-D array which holds the decomposition mapping for this
     * example. The size of this array will vary depending on how
     * many processors are involved in the execution of the
     * example code. It's length will be the same as
     * elements_per_pe. */
    PIO_Offset *compdof;

#ifdef HAVE_MPE	
    /** MPE event numbers used to track start and stop of
     * different parts of the program for later display with
     * Jumpshot. */
    int event_num[2][NUM_EVENTS];
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

    /** Needed for command line processing. */
    int c;

    /* Parse command line. */
    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != -1)
	switch (c)
	case 'v':

#ifdef TIMING    
    /* Initialize the GPTL timing library. */
    int ret;
    if ((ret = GPTLinitialize ()))
	return ret;
    /* Initialize MPI. */
    if ((ret = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv)))
    if ((ret = MPI_Errhandler_set(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN)))

    /* Learn my rank and the total number of processors. */
    if ((ret = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank)))
    if ((ret = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks)))

    /* Check that a valid number of processors was specified. */
    if (!(ntasks == 1 || ntasks == 2 || ntasks == 4 ||
	  ntasks == 8 || ntasks == 16))
	fprintf(stderr, "Number of processors must be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16!\n");
    if (verbose)
	printf("%d: ParallelIO Library example1 running on %d processors.\n",
	       my_rank, ntasks);

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Initialize MPE logging. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Init_log()))
    if (init_logging(my_rank, event_num))

    /* Log with MPE that we are starting INIT. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][INIT], 0, "start init")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

    /* keep things simple - 1 iotask per MPI process */    
    niotasks = ntasks; 

    /* Initialize the PIO IO system. This specifies how
     * many and which processors are involved in I/O. */
    if ((ret = PIOc_Init_Intracomm(MPI_COMM_WORLD, niotasks, ioproc_stride,
				   ioproc_start, PIO_REARR_SUBSET, &iosysid)))

    /* Describe the decomposition. This is a 1-based array, so add 1! */
    elements_per_pe = X_DIM_LEN * Y_DIM_LEN / ntasks;
    if (!(compdof = malloc(elements_per_pe * sizeof(PIO_Offset))))
	return PIO_ENOMEM;
    for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++) {
	compdof[i] = my_rank * elements_per_pe + i + 1;
    /* Create the PIO decomposition for this example. */
    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d Creating decomposition...\n", my_rank);
    if ((ret = PIOc_InitDecomp(iosysid, PIO_FLOAT, 2, &dim_len[1], (PIO_Offset)elements_per_pe,
			       compdof, &ioid, NULL, NULL, NULL)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are done with INIT. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][INIT], 0, "end init")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
    /* Use PIO to create the example file in each of the four
     * available ways. */
    for (int fmt = 0; fmt < NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS; fmt++) 
#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are starting CREATE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][CREATE_PNETCDF+fmt], 0, "start create")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	/* Create the netCDF output file. */
	if (verbose)
	    printf("rank: %d Creating sample file %s with format %d...\n",
		   my_rank, filename[fmt], format[fmt]);
	if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &(format[fmt]), filename[fmt],
	/* Define netCDF dimensions and variable. */
	if (verbose)
	    printf("rank: %d Defining netCDF metadata...\n", my_rank);
	for (int d = 0; d < NDIM; d++) {
	    if (verbose)
		printf("rank: %d Defining netCDF dimension %s, length %d\n", my_rank,
		       dim_name[d], dim_len[d]);
	    if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, dim_name[d], (PIO_Offset)dim_len[d], &dimids[d])))
	if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, PIO_FLOAT, NDIM, dimids, &varid)))
	/* For netCDF-4 files, set the chunksize to improve performance. */
	if (format[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C || format[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P)
	    if ((ret = PIOc_def_var_chunking(ncid, 0, NC_CHUNKED, chunksize)))
	if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are done with CREATE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][CREATE_PNETCDF + fmt], 0, "end create")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	/* Allocate space for sample data. */
	if (!(buffer = malloc(elements_per_pe * sizeof(float))))
	    return PIO_ENOMEM;

	/* Write data for each timestep. */
	for (int ts = 0; ts < NUM_TIMESTEPS; ts++) {

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	    /* Log with MPE that we are starting CALCULATE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][CALCULATE], 0, "start calculate")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	    /* Calculate sample data. Add some math function calls to make this slower. */
	    for (int i = 0; i < elements_per_pe; i++)
		if ((ret = calculate_value(my_rank, ts, &buffer[i])))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	    /* Log with MPE that we are done with CALCULATE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][CALCULATE], 0, "end calculate")))
	    /* Log with MPE that we are starting WRITE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][WRITE], 0, "start write")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
	    /* Write data to the file. */
	    if (verbose)
		printf("rank: %d Writing sample data...\n", my_rank);

	    if ((ret = PIOc_setframe(ncid, varid, ts)))
	    if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray(ncid, varid, ioid, (PIO_Offset)elements_per_pe,
					 buffer, NULL)))
	    if ((ret = PIOc_sync(ncid)))
#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	    /* Log with MPE that we are done with WRITE. */
	    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][WRITE], 0, "end write")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are starting CLOSE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][CLOSE], 0, "start close")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
	/* Free buffer space used in this example. */
	/* Close the netCDF file. */
	if (verbose)
	    printf("rank: %d Closing the sample data file...\n", my_rank);
	if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
	/* Log with MPE that we are done with CLOSE. */
	if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][CLOSE], 0, "end close")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

	/* After each file is closed, make all processors wait so that
	 * all start creating the next file at the same time. */
	if ((ret = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD)))
#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are starting FREE. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][FREE], 0, "start free")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
    /* Free the PIO decomposition. */
    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d Freeing PIO decomposition...\n", my_rank);
    if ((ret = PIOc_freedecomp(iosysid, ioid)))
    /* Finalize the IO system. */
    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d Freeing PIO resources...\n", my_rank);
    if ((ret = PIOc_finalize(iosysid)))

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are done with FREE. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][FREE], 0, "end free")))
    /* Log with MPE that we are starting READ. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[START][READ], 0, "start read")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */
    /* Check the output file. */
    /* if (!my_rank) */
    /*     for (int fmt = 0; fmt < NUM_NETCDF_FLAVORS; fmt++)  */
    /* 	if ((ret = check_file(ntasks, filename[fmt]))) */
    /* 	    ERR(ret); */

#ifdef HAVE_MPE
    /* Log with MPE that we are done with READ. */
    if ((ret = MPE_Log_event(event_num[END][READ], 0, "end read")))
#endif /* HAVE_MPE */

    /* Finalize the MPI library. */

#ifdef TIMING    
    /* Finalize the GPTL timing library. */
    if ((ret = GPTLfinalize ()))
	return ret;

    if (verbose)
	printf("rank: %d SUCCESS!\n", my_rank);
    return 0;