static int intra_Scan(void *sendbuf,
                      void *recvbuf,
                      int count,
                      struct MPIR_DATATYPE *datatype,
                      MPI_Op op, struct MPIR_COMMUNICATOR *comm)
    MPI_Status status;
    int rank, size;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Aint lb, ub, m_extent;  /* Extent in memory */
    MPI_User_function *uop;
    struct MPIR_OP *op_ptr;
    mpi_comm_err_ret = 0;

    /* See the overview in Collection Operations for why this is ok */
    if (count == 0)
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* Get my rank & size and switch communicators to the hidden collective */
    MPIR_Comm_size(comm, &size);
    MPIR_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
    MPIR_Type_get_limits(datatype, &lb, &ub);
    m_extent = ub - lb;
    comm = comm->comm_coll;
    op_ptr = MPIR_GET_OP_PTR(op);
    MPIR_TEST_MPI_OP(op, op_ptr, comm, "MPI_SCAN");
    uop = op_ptr->op;

    /* Lock for collective operation */
    MPID_THREAD_LOCK(comm->ADIctx, comm);

       This is an O(size) algorithm.  A modification of the algorithm in 
       reduce.c can be used to make this O(log(size)) 
    /* commutative case requires no extra buffering */
    MPIR_Op_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    if (op_ptr->commute) {
        /* Do the scan operation */
        if (rank > 0) {
            mpi_errno = MPI_Recv(recvbuf, count, datatype->self, rank - 1,
                                 MPIR_SCAN_TAG, comm->self, &status);
            if (mpi_errno)
                return mpi_errno;
            /* See reduce for why pop/push */
            (*uop) (sendbuf, recvbuf, &count, &datatype->self);
        } else {
            MPIR_COPYSELF(sendbuf, count, datatype->self, recvbuf,
                          MPIR_SCAN_TAG, rank, comm->self);
            if (mpi_errno)
                return mpi_errno;
    /* non-commutative case requires extra buffering */
    else {
        /* Do the scan operation */
        if (rank > 0) {
            void *tmpbuf;
            MPIR_ALLOC(tmpbuf, (void *) MALLOC(m_extent * count),
                       comm, MPI_ERR_EXHAUSTED, "MPI_SCAN");
            tmpbuf = (void *) ((char *) tmpbuf - lb);
            MPIR_COPYSELF(sendbuf, count, datatype->self, recvbuf,
                          MPIR_SCAN_TAG, rank, comm->self);
            if (mpi_errno)
                return mpi_errno;
            mpi_errno = MPI_Recv(tmpbuf, count, datatype->self, rank - 1,
                                 MPIR_SCAN_TAG, comm->self, &status);
            if (mpi_errno)
                return mpi_errno;
            (*uop) (tmpbuf, recvbuf, &count, &datatype->self);
            FREE((char *) tmpbuf + lb);
        } else {
            MPIR_COPYSELF(sendbuf, count, datatype->self, recvbuf,
                          MPIR_SCAN_TAG, rank, comm->self);
            if (mpi_errno)
                return mpi_errno;

    /* send the letter to destination */
    if (rank < (size - 1))
        mpi_errno =
            MPI_Send(recvbuf, count, datatype->self, rank + 1,
                     MPIR_SCAN_TAG, comm->self);

    /* If the predefined operation detected an error, report it here */
    if (mpi_errno == MPI_SUCCESS && MPIR_Op_errno)
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Op_errno;

    /* Unlock for collective operation */
    MPID_THREAD_UNLOCK(comm->ADIctx, comm);

    return (mpi_errno);
int MPIR_intra_Scan ( void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, 
		      struct MPIR_DATATYPE *datatype, MPI_Op op, 
		      struct MPIR_COMMUNICATOR *comm )
  MPI_Status status;
  int        rank, size;
  int        mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
  MPI_Aint   lb, ub, m_extent;  /* Extent in memory */
  MPI_User_function   *uop;
  struct MPIR_OP *op_ptr;

  int dd; /* displacement, no of hops to send (power of 2) */
  int rr; /* "round rank" */
  void *tmpbuf;

  mpi_comm_err_ret = 0;

  /* Nov. 98: Improved O(log(size)) algorithm */

  /* See the overview in Collection Operations for why this is ok */
  if (count == 0) return MPI_SUCCESS;

  /* Get my rank & size and switch communicators to the hidden collective */
  MPIR_Comm_size ( comm, &size );
  MPIR_Comm_rank ( comm, &rank );
  MPIR_Type_get_limits( datatype, &lb, &ub );
  m_extent = ub - lb;
  comm	   = comm->comm_coll;
  op_ptr = MPIR_GET_OP_PTR(op);
  uop	   = op_ptr->op;

  /* Lock for collective operation */

  MPIR_Op_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;

  if (rank>0) {
    /* allocate temporary receive buffer
       (needed both in commutative and noncommutative case) */
    MPIR_ALLOC(tmpbuf,(void *)MALLOC(m_extent * count),
               comm, MPI_ERR_EXHAUSTED, "Out of space in MPI_SCAN" );
    tmpbuf = (void *)((char*)tmpbuf-lb);
  MPIR_COPYSELF( sendbuf, count, datatype->self, recvbuf,
                 MPIR_SCAN_TAG, rank, comm->self );

  /* compute partial scans */
  rr = rank; dd = 1;
  while ((rr&1)==1) {
    /* odd "round rank"s receive */

    mpi_errno = MPI_Recv(tmpbuf,count,datatype->self,rank-dd,
    if (mpi_errno) return mpi_errno;
#ifdef WIN32
    if(op_ptr->stdcall) op_ptr->op_s(tmpbuf, recvbuf, &count, &datatype->self);
    (*uop)(tmpbuf, recvbuf, &count, &datatype->self);

    dd <<= 1; /* dd*2 */
    rr >>= 1; /* rr/2 */

    /* Invariant: recvbuf contains the scan of
       (rank-dd)+1, (rank-dd)+2,..., rank */
  /* rr even, rank==rr*dd+dd-1, recvbuf contains the scan of
     rr*dd, rr*dd+1,..., rank */

  /* send partial scan forwards */
  if (rank+dd<size) {
    mpi_errno = MPI_Send(recvbuf,count,datatype->self,rank+dd,MPIR_SCAN_TAG,
    if (mpi_errno) return mpi_errno;

  if (rank-dd>=0) {
    mpi_errno = MPI_Recv(tmpbuf,count,datatype->self,rank-dd,
    if (mpi_errno) return mpi_errno;
#ifdef WIN32
    if(op_ptr->stdcall) op_ptr->op_s(tmpbuf, recvbuf, &count, &datatype->self);
    (*uop)(tmpbuf, recvbuf, &count, &datatype->self);
    /* recvbuf contains the scan of 0,..., rank */

  /* send result forwards */
  do {
    dd >>= 1; /* dd/2 */
  } while (rank+dd>=size);
  while (dd>0) {
    mpi_errno = MPI_Send(recvbuf,count,datatype->self,rank+dd,MPIR_SCAN_TAG,
    if (mpi_errno) return mpi_errno;
    dd >>= 1; /* dd/2 */

  if (rank>0) {
    /* free temporary receive buffer */

  /* If the predefined operation detected an error, report it here */
  if (mpi_errno == MPI_SUCCESS && MPIR_Op_errno)
      mpi_errno = MPIR_Op_errno;

  /* Unlock for collective operation */
