int main( int argc, char **argv )
    MPI_Datatype *types;
    void         **inbufs, **outbufs;
    char         **names;
    int          *counts, *bytesize, ntype;
    MPI_Comm     comms[20];
    int          ncomm = 20, rank, np, partner, tag;
    int          i, j, k, err, toterr, world_rank, errloc;
    MPI_Status   status, statuses[2];
    int          flag, index;
    char         *obuf;
    MPI_Request  requests[2];

    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

    AllocateForData( &types, &inbufs, &outbufs, &counts, &bytesize, 
		     &names, &ntype );
    GenerateData( types, inbufs, outbufs, counts, bytesize, names, &ntype );

    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank );
    MakeComms( comms, 20, &ncomm, 0 );

/* Test over a wide range of datatypes and communicators */
    err = 0;
    for (i=0; i<ncomm; i++) {
	MPI_Comm_rank( comms[i], &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comms[i], &np );
	if (np < 2) continue;
	tag = i;
	for (j=0; j<ntype; j++) {
		if (world_rank == 0){ 
/* SI make size of outputindependent of number of processes */
		  if (i<2) fprintf( stdout, "Testing type %s\n",names[j] );
	    /* This test does an irsend between both partners, with 
	       a sendrecv after the irecv used to guarentee that the
	       irsend has a matching receive
	    if (rank == 0) {
		partner = np - 1;
#if 0
		MPIR_PrintDatatypePack( stdout, counts[j], types[j], 0, 0 );
		obuf = outbufs[j];
		for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]; k++) 
		    obuf[k] = 0;
		MPI_Irecv(outbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			  comms[i], &requests[0] );

		MPI_Sendrecv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      comms[i], &status );

		MPI_Irsend( inbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			    comms[i], &requests[1] );
		do {
		    MPI_Waitany( 2, requests, &index, &status );
		} while (index != 0);

		/* Always the possiblity that the Irsend is still waiting */
		MPI_Waitall( 2, requests, statuses );
		if ((errloc = CheckData( inbufs[j], outbufs[j], bytesize[j] ))) {
		    char *p1, *p2;
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Error in data with type %s (type %d on %d) at byte %d\n", 
			     names[j], j, world_rank, errloc - 1 );
		    p1 = (char *)inbufs[j];
		    p2 = (char *)outbufs[j];
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Got %x expected %x\n", p1[errloc-1], p2[errloc-1] );
#if 0
		    MPIR_PrintDatatypeUnpack( stderr, counts[j], types[j], 
					      0, 0 );
	    else if (rank == np - 1) {
		partner = 0;
		obuf = outbufs[j];
		for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]; k++) 
		    obuf[k] = 0;
		MPI_Irecv(outbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			  comms[i], &requests[0] );

		MPI_Sendrecv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, partner, ncomm+i, 
			      comms[i], &status );

		/* Wait for irecv to complete */
		do {
		    MPI_Test( &requests[0], &flag, &status );
		} while (!flag);
		if ((errloc = CheckData( inbufs[j], outbufs[j], bytesize[j] ))) {
		    char *p1, *p2;
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Error in data with type %s (type %d on %d) at byte %d\n", 
			     names[j], j, world_rank, errloc - 1 );
		    p1 = (char *)inbufs[j];
		    p2 = (char *)outbufs[j];
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Got %x expected %x\n", p1[errloc-1], p2[errloc-1] );
#if 0
		    MPIR_PrintDatatypeUnpack( stderr, counts[j], types[j], 
					      0, 0 );

		MPI_Irsend( inbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			    comms[i], &requests[1] );
		MPI_Waitall(1, &requests[1], &status );

    if (err > 0) {
	fprintf( stderr, "%d errors on %d\n", err, rank );
    MPI_Allreduce( &err, &toterr, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if (world_rank == 0) {
	if (toterr == 0) {
	    printf( " No Errors\n" );
	else {
	    printf (" Found %d errors\n", toterr );
    FreeDatatypes( types, inbufs, outbufs, counts, bytesize, names, ntype );
    FreeComms( comms, ncomm );

    return err;
   This program is from mpich/tsuite/pt2pt and should be changed there only.
   It needs gcomm and dtype from mpich/tsuite, and can be run with 
   any number of processes > 1.
int main( int argc, char **argv)
    MPI_Datatype *types;
    void         **inbufs, **outbufs;
    char         **names;
    int          *counts, *bytesize, ntype;
    MPI_Comm     comms[20];
    int          ncomm = 20, rank, np, partner, tag, count;
    int          i, j, k, err, toterr, world_rank, errloc;
    MPI_Status   status;
    char         *obuf;

    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
     * Check for -basiconly to select only the simple datatypes
    for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
	if (!argv[i]) break;
	if (strcmp( argv[i], "-basiconly" ) == 0) {
	else if (strcmp( argv[i], "-verbose" ) == 0) {
	    verbose = 1;
    AllocateForData( &types, &inbufs, &outbufs, &counts, &bytesize, 
		     &names, &ntype );
    GenerateData( types, inbufs, outbufs, counts, bytesize, names, &ntype );
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank );
    MakeComms( comms, 20, &ncomm, 0 );
 /* Test over a wide range of datatypes and communicators */
    err = 0;
    for (i=0; i<ncomm; i++) {
	if (comms[i] == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	MPI_Comm_rank( comms[i], &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comms[i], &np );
	if (np < 2) continue;
	if (world_rank == 0 && verbose) 
	    fprintf( stdout, "Testing communicator number %d\n", i );
	tag = i;
	for (j=0; j<ntype; j++) {
	//for (j=52; j<53; j++) {
	    if (world_rank == 0 && verbose) 
		fprintf( stdout, "Testing type %s\n", names[j] );
	    if (rank == 0) {
		partner = np - 1;
#if 0
		MPIR_PrintDatatypePack( stdout, counts[j], types[j], 0, 0 );
		MPI_Send( inbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, comms[i] );
	    else if (rank == np-1) {
		partner = 0;
		obuf = outbufs[j];
		for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]; k++) 
		    obuf[k] = 0;
		MPI_Recv( outbufs[j], counts[j], types[j], partner, tag, 
			  comms[i], &status );
		/* Test correct */
		MPI_Get_count( &status, types[j], &count );
		if (count != counts[j]) {
		    fprintf( stderr, 
		     "Error in counts (got %d expected %d) with type %s\n",
			 count, counts[j], names[j] );
		if (status.MPI_SOURCE != partner) {
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			"Error in source (got %d expected %d) with type %s\n",
			 status.MPI_SOURCE, partner, names[j] );
		if ((errloc = CheckData( inbufs[j], outbufs[j], bytesize[j] ))) {
		    char *p1, *p2;
                    int *q1, *q2;
                    d1 *base;
		    fprintf( stderr, 
		    "Error in data with type %s (type %d on %d) at byte %d\n", 
			     names[j], j, world_rank, errloc - 1 );
		    p1 = (char*)inbufs[j];
                    q1 = (int*)inbufs[j];
		    p2 = (char*)outbufs[j];
                    q2 = (int*)outbufs[j];
		    fprintf( stderr, 
			"Got %x expected %x\n", p1[errloc-1], p2[errloc-1] );

                    base = (d1*)inbufs[j];
                    for (k=0; k<10; k++) {
                        if (k%60 == 0) printf("\n");
                        printf("%d %lf ", base[k].a1, base[k].a2);
                    for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]/sizeof(int); ++k) {
                        if (k%60 == 0) printf("\n");
                        printf("%d ", q1[k]);
                    base = (d1*)outbufs[j];
                    for (k=0; k<10; k++) {
                        if (k%60 == 0) printf("\n");
                        printf("%d %lf ", base[k].a1, base[k].a2);
                    for (k=0; k<bytesize[j]/sizeof(int); ++k) {
                        if (k%60 == 0) printf("\n");
                        printf("%d ", q2[k]);
#if 0
		    MPIR_PrintDatatypeUnpack( stderr, counts[j], types[j], 
					      0, 0 );
    if (err > 0) {
	fprintf( stderr, "%d errors on %d\n", err, rank );
    MPI_Allreduce( &err, &toterr, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if (world_rank == 0) {
	if (toterr == 0) {
	    printf( " No Errors\n" );
	else {
	    printf (" Found %d errors\n", toterr );
    FreeDatatypes( types, inbufs, outbufs, counts, bytesize, names, ntype );
    FreeComms( comms, ncomm );
    return err;