mfxStatus ParseInputString(msdk_char* strInput[], mfxU8 nArgNum, sInputParams* pParams)
    if (1 == nArgNum)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;


    // set default implementation
    pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
#if defined(LIBVA_SUPPORT)
    pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_DRM;

    for (mfxU8 i = 1; i < nArgNum; i++)
        if (MSDK_CHAR('-') != strInput[i][0])
            mfxStatus sts = StrFormatToCodecFormatFourCC(strInput[i], pParams->videoType);
            if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (!IsDecodeCodecSupported(pParams->videoType))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (pParams->videoType == CODEC_MVC)
                pParams->videoType = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
                pParams->bIsMVC = true;

        if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-sw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = false;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-hw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d11")))
            pParams->memType = D3D11_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-r")))
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            // use d3d9 rendering by default
            if (SYSTEM_MEMORY == pParams->memType)
                pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-wall")))
            if(i + 6 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -wall key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            // use d3d9 rendering by default
            if (SYSTEM_MEMORY == pParams->memType)
                pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;

            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;

            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallW);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallH);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallCell);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallMonitor);

            mfxU32 nTitle;
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], nTitle);

            pParams->bWallNoTitle = 0 == nTitle;

            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallTimeout);
#if defined(LIBVA_SUPPORT)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vaapi")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-r")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_X11;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rwld")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_WAYLAND;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-perf")))
            pParams->bPerfMode = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strncmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rdrm"), 5))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_DRM_MODESET;
            if (strInput[i][5]) {
                if (strInput[i][5] != '-') {
                    PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("unsupported monitor type"));
                    return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                pParams->monitorType = getMonitorType(&strInput[i][6]);
                if (pParams->monitorType >= MFX_MONITOR_MAXNUMBER) {
                    PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("unsupported monitor type"));
                    return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            } else {
                pParams->monitorType = MFX_MONITOR_AUTO; // that's case of "-rdrm" pure option
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-window")))
            if(i +4 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -window key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRenderWinX);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRenderWinY);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Width);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Height);

            if (0 == pParams->Width)
                pParams->Width = 320;
            if (0 == pParams->Height)
                pParams->Height = 240;

            pParams->bRenderWin = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-low_latency")))
            switch (pParams->videoType)
                case MFX_CODEC_HEVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_AVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_JPEG:
                    pParams->bLowLat = true;
                    if (!pParams->bIsMVC)
                     PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-low_latency mode is suppoted only for H.264 and JPEG codecs"));
                     return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-jpeg_rotate")))
            if(MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->videoType)
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -jpeg_rotate key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRotation);
            if((pParams->nRotation != 90)&&(pParams->nRotation != 180)&&(pParams->nRotation != 270))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-jpeg_rotate is supported only for 90, 180 and 270 angles"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-calc_latency")))
            switch (pParams->videoType)
                case MFX_CODEC_HEVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_AVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_JPEG:
                    pParams->bCalLat = true;
                    if (!pParams->bIsMVC)
                     PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-calc_latency mode is suppoted only for H.264 and JPEG codecs"));
                     return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-async")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -async key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nAsyncDepth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("async is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-di")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -di key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            msdk_char diMode[4] = {};
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], diMode))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("deinterlace value is not set"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            if (0 == msdk_strcmp(diMode, MSDK_CHAR("bob")))
                pParams->eDeinterlace = MFX_DEINTERLACING_BOB;
            else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(diMode, MSDK_CHAR("adi")))
                pParams->eDeinterlace = MFX_DEINTERLACING_ADVANCED;
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("deinterlace value is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-no_gpu_copy")))
            pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_OFF;
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-threads_num")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -threads_num key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nThreadsNum))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("threads_num is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-threads_schedtype")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -threads_schedtype key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_thread_get_schedtype(strInput[++i], pParams->SchedulingType))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("threads_schedtype is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-threads_priority")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -threads_priority key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Priority))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("threads_priority is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
#endif // #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-f")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -f key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxFPS))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("rendering frame rate is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-scr:w")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -scr:w key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->scrWidth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("screen width rate is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-scr:h")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -scr:h key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->scrHeight))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("screen height is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-w")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -w key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Width))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("width is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-h")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -h key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Height))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("height is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-n")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -n key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nFrames))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("rendering frame rate is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i420")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rgb4")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_RGB4;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p010")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_P010;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-a2rgb10")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_A2RGB10;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-path")))
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
            msdk_char wchar[MSDK_MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], wchar);
            std::wstring wstr(wchar);
            std::string str(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());

            strcpy_s(pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath, str.c_str());
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath);
            pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_FILE;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i:null")))
        else // 1-character options
            switch (strInput[i][1])
            case MSDK_CHAR('p'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                   if (MFX_ERR_NONE == ConvertStringToGuid(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.pluginGuid))
                        pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_GUID;
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown options"));
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-p' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('i'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->strSrcFile);
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-i' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('o'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    pParams->mode = MODE_FILE_DUMP;
                    msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->strDstFile);
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-o' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('?'):
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                    std::basic_stringstream<msdk_char> stream;
                    stream << MSDK_STRING("Unknown option: ") << strInput[i];
                    PrintHelp(strInput[0], stream.str().c_str());
                    return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->strSrcFile) && MFX_CODEC_CAPTURE != pParams->videoType)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: source file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_CAPTURE == pParams->videoType)
        if (!pParams->scrWidth || !pParams->scrHeight)
            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: for screen capture, width and height must be specified manually (-w and -h)"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
    else if (pParams->scrWidth || pParams->scrHeight)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: width and height parameters are supported only by screen capture decoder"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->mode == MODE_FILE_DUMP) && (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->strDstFile)))
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: destination file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_MPEG2   != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_AVC     != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_HEVC    != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_VC1     != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_JPEG    != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_CAPTURE != pParams->videoType &&
        CODEC_VP8         != pParams->videoType)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->nAsyncDepth == 0)
        pParams->nAsyncDepth = 4; //set by default;

    return MFX_ERR_NONE;
mfxStatus ParseInputString(msdk_char* strInput[], mfxU8 nArgNum, sInputParams* pParams)

    if (1 == nArgNum)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    msdk_opt_read(MSDK_CPU_ROTATE_PLUGIN, pParams->strPluginDLLPath);

    // default implementation
    pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
    pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled = false;
    pParams->nNumFrames = 0;
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
    pParams->MipiPort = -1;
    pParams->MipiMode = NONE;
    pParams->v4l2Format = NO_FORMAT;

    // parse command line parameters
    for (mfxU8 i = 1; i < nArgNum; i++)

        if (MSDK_CHAR('-') != strInput[i][0])
            mfxStatus sts = StrFormatToCodecFormatFourCC(strInput[i], pParams->CodecId);
            if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (!IsEncodeCodecSupported(pParams->CodecId))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (pParams->CodecId == CODEC_MVC)
                pParams->CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
                pParams->MVC_flags |= MVC_ENABLED;

        // process multi-character options
        if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dstw")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nDstWidth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination picture Width is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dsth")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nDstHeight))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination picture Height is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-sw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = false;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-hw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-yuy2")))
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
            pParams->v4l2Format = YUY2;
            pParams->ColorFormat = MFX_FOURCC_YUY2;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nv12")))
            pParams->ColorFormat = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-tff")))
            pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_TFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-bff")))
            pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_BFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-bref")))
            pParams->nBRefType = MFX_B_REF_PYRAMID;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nobref")))
            pParams->nBRefType = MFX_B_REF_OFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-idr_interval")))
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nIdrInterval))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("IdrInterval is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-angle")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRotationAngle))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Rotation Angle is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-opencl")))
            msdk_opt_read(MSDK_OCL_ROTATE_PLUGIN, pParams->strPluginDLLPath);
            pParams->nRotationAngle = 180;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-viewoutput")))
            if (!(MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-viewoutput option is supported only when mvc codec specified"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            pParams->MVC_flags |= MVC_VIEWOUTPUT;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-la")))
            pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-lad")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nLADepth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look Ahead Depth is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-mss")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxSliceSize))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d11")))
            pParams->memType = D3D11_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vaapi")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-async")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);

            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nAsyncDepth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Async Depth is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpucopy::on")))
            pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_ON;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpucopy::off")))
            pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_OFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-cqp")))
            pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_CQP;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpi")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPI))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for I frames is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpp")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPP))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for P frames is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpb")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPB))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for B frames is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qsv-ff")))
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-num_slice")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumSlice))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of slices is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        } else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-path")))
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
            msdk_char wchar[MSDK_MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], wchar);
            std::wstring wstr(wchar);
            std::string str(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());

            strcpy_s(pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath, str.c_str());
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath);
            pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_FILE;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-re")))
            pParams->UseRegionEncode = true;
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->DeviceName))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device name is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-uyvy")))
            pParams->v4l2Format = UYVY;

        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MipiPort))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Mipi-port is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-m")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MipiModeName))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device name is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"STILL") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = STILL;
            else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"VIDEO") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = VIDEO;
            else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"PREVIEW") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = PREVIEW;
            else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"CONTINUOUS") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = CONTINUOUS;
                pParams->MipiMode = NONE;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i::v4l2")))
            pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled = true;
        else // 1-character options
            switch (strInput[i][1])
            case MSDK_CHAR('u'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    pParams->nTargetUsage = StrToTargetUsage(strInput[i]);
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-u' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('w'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nWidth))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Width is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-w' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('h'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nHeight))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Height is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-h' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('f'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->dFrameRate))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Frame Rate is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-f' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('n'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nNumFrames))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of frames to process is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-n' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('b'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nBitRate))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Bit Rate is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-b' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('x'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nNumRefFrame))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Ref Num is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-x' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('g'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nGopPicSize))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Gop Size is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-g' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('r'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nGopRefDist))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Ref Dist is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-r' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('i'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->strSrcFile);
                    if (MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags)
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-i' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('o'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-o' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('q'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nQuality))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quality is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-q' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('p'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE == ConvertStringToGuid(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.pluginGuid))
                        pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_GUID;
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown options"));
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-p' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('?'):
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown options"));

#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
    if (pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
        if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->DeviceName))
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device Name not found"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

        if ((pParams->MipiPort > -1 && pParams->MipiMode == NONE) ||
            (pParams->MipiPort < 0 && pParams->MipiMode != NONE))
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Invalid Mipi Configuration\n"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

        if (pParams->v4l2Format == NO_FORMAT)
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("NO input v4l2 format\n"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // check if all mandatory parameters were set
    if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->strSrcFile) && !pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Source file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->dstFileBuff.empty())
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (0 == pParams->nWidth || 0 == pParams->nHeight)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-w, -h must be specified"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_MPEG2 != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_AVC != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_VP8 != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_HEVC != pParams->CodecId)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId &&
        pParams->ColorFormat == MFX_FOURCC_YUY2 &&
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-yuy2 option is supported only for JPEG encoder"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // check parameters validity
    if (pParams->nRotationAngle != 0 && pParams->nRotationAngle != 180)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Angles other than 180 degrees are not supported."));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; // other than 180 are not supported

    if (pParams->nQuality && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-q option is supported only for JPEG encoder"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nTargetUsage || pParams->nBitRate) && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG == pParams->CodecId))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-u and -b options are supported only for H.264, MPEG2 and MVC encoders. For JPEG encoder use -q"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // set default values for optional parameters that were not set or were set incorrectly
    mfxU32 nviews = (mfxU32)pParams->srcFileBuff.size();
    if ((nviews <= 1) || (nviews > 2))
        if (!(MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags))
            pParams->numViews = 1;
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Only 2 views are supported right now in this sample."));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        pParams->numViews = nviews;

    if (MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BEST_QUALITY != pParams->nTargetUsage && MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BEST_SPEED != pParams->nTargetUsage)
        pParams->nTargetUsage = MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BALANCED;

    if (pParams->dFrameRate <= 0)
        pParams->dFrameRate = 30;

    // if no destination picture width or height wasn't specified set it to the source picture size
    if (pParams->nDstWidth == 0)
        pParams->nDstWidth = pParams->nWidth;

    if (pParams->nDstHeight == 0)
        pParams->nDstHeight = pParams->nHeight;

    // calculate default bitrate based on the resolution (a parameter for encoder, so Dst resolution is used)
    if (pParams->nBitRate == 0)
        pParams->nBitRate = CalculateDefaultBitrate(pParams->CodecId, pParams->nTargetUsage, pParams->nDstWidth,
            pParams->nDstHeight, pParams->dFrameRate);

    // if nv12 option wasn't specified we expect input YUV file in YUV420 color format
    if (!pParams->ColorFormat)
        pParams->ColorFormat = MFX_FOURCC_YV12;

    if (!pParams->nPicStruct)
        pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;

    if ((pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA) && (!pParams->bUseHWLib))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look ahead BRC is supported only with -hw option!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (!pParams->bUseHWLib))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize option is supported only with -hw option!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (pParams->nNumSlice))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-mss and -num_slice options are not compatible!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA) && (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_AVC))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look ahead BRC is supported only with H.264 encoder!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_AVC))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize option is supported only with H.264 encoder!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->nLADepth && (pParams->nLADepth < 10 || pParams->nLADepth > 100))
        if ((pParams->nLADepth != 1) || (!pParams->nMaxSliceSize))
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported value of -lad parameter, must be in range [10, 100] or 1 in case of -mss option!"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // not all options are supported if rotate plugin is enabled
    if (pParams->nRotationAngle == 180 && (
        MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE != pParams->nPicStruct ||
        pParams->nDstWidth != pParams->nWidth ||
        pParams->nDstHeight != pParams->nHeight ||
        MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags ||
        pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Some of the command line options are not supported with rotation plugin!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->nAsyncDepth == 0)
        pParams->nAsyncDepth = 4; //set by default;

    // Ignoring user-defined Async Depth for LA
    if (pParams->nMaxSliceSize)
        pParams->nAsyncDepth = 1;

    if (pParams->nRateControlMethod == 0)
        pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_CBR;

        if(pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_HEVC)
            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Region encode option is compatible with h265(HEVC) encoder only.\nRegion encoding is disabled\n"));
        if (pParams->nWidth  != pParams->nDstWidth ||
            pParams->nHeight != pParams->nDstHeight ||

            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Region encode option is not compatible with VPP processing.\nRegion encoding is disabled\n"));

    return MFX_ERR_NONE;