/* This is called when a thread hits an interrupt at a GC safe point. This means
 * that another thread is already trying to start a GC run, so we don't need to
 * try and do that, just enlist in the run. */
void MVM_gc_enter_from_interrupt(MVMThreadContext *tc) {
    AO_t curr;

    GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Entered from interrupt\n");

    MVM_telemetry_timestamp(tc, "gc_enter_from_interrupt");

    /* If profiling, record that GC is starting. */
    if (tc->instance->profiling)
        MVM_profiler_log_gc_start(tc, is_full_collection(tc));

    /* We'll certainly take care of our own work. */
    tc->gc_work_count = 0;
    add_work(tc, tc);

    /* Indicate that we're ready to GC. Only want to decrement it if it's 2 or
     * greater (0 should never happen; 1 means the coordinator is still counting
     * up how many threads will join in, so we should wait until it decides to
     * decrement.) */
    while ((curr = MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_start)) < 2
            || !MVM_trycas(&tc->instance->gc_start, curr, curr - 1)) {
        /* MVM_platform_thread_yield();*/

    /* Wait for all threads to indicate readiness to collect. */
    GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Waiting for other threads\n");
    while (MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_start)) {
        /* MVM_platform_thread_yield();*/

    GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Entering run_gc\n");
    run_gc(tc, MVMGCWhatToDo_NoInstance);
    GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : GC complete\n");

    /* If profiling, record that GC is over. */
    if (tc->instance->profiling)
/* This is called when the allocator finds it has run out of memory and wants
 * to trigger a GC run. In this case, it's possible (probable, really) that it
 * will need to do that triggering, notifying other running threads that the
 * time has come to GC. */
void MVM_gc_enter_from_allocator(MVMThreadContext *tc) {
    GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Entered from allocate\n");

    /* Try to start the GC run. */
    if (MVM_trycas(&tc->instance->gc_start, 0, 1)) {
        MVMThread *last_starter = NULL;
        MVMuint32 num_threads = 0;
        MVMuint32 is_full;

        /* Need to wait for other threads to reset their gc_status. */
        while (MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_ack)) {
                "Thread %d run %d : waiting for other thread's gc_ack\n");

        /* We are the winner of the GC starting race. This gives us some
         * extra responsibilities as well as doing the usual things.
         * First, increment GC sequence number. */
            "Thread %d run %d : GC thread elected coordinator: starting gc seq %d\n",

        /* Decide if it will be a full collection. */
        is_full = is_full_collection(tc);

        /* If profiling, record that GC is starting. */
        if (tc->instance->profiling)
            MVM_profiler_log_gc_start(tc, is_full);

        /* Ensure our stolen list is empty. */
        tc->gc_work_count = 0;

        /* Flag that we didn't agree on this run that all the in-trays are
         * cleared (a responsibility of the co-ordinator. */
        MVM_store(&tc->instance->gc_intrays_clearing, 1);

        /* We'll take care of our own work. */
        add_work(tc, tc);

        /* Find other threads, and signal or steal. */
        do {
            MVMThread *threads = (MVMThread *)MVM_load(&tc->instance->threads);
            if (threads && threads != last_starter) {
                MVMThread *head = threads;
                MVMuint32 add;
                while ((threads = (MVMThread *)MVM_casptr(&tc->instance->threads, head, NULL)) != head) {
                    head = threads;

                add = signal_all_but(tc, head, last_starter);
                last_starter = head;
                if (add) {
                    GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Found %d other threads\n", add);
                    MVM_add(&tc->instance->gc_start, add);
                    num_threads += add;

            /* If there's an event loop thread, wake it up to participate. */
            if (tc->instance->event_loop_wakeup)
        } while (MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_start) > 1);

        /* Sanity checks. */
        if (!MVM_trycas(&tc->instance->threads, NULL, last_starter))
            MVM_panic(MVM_exitcode_gcorch, "threads list corrupted\n");
        if (MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_finish) != 0)
            MVM_panic(MVM_exitcode_gcorch, "Finish votes was %"MVM_PRSz"\n", MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_finish));

        /* gc_ack gets an extra so the final acknowledger
         * can also free the STables. */
        MVM_store(&tc->instance->gc_finish, num_threads + 1);
        MVM_store(&tc->instance->gc_ack, num_threads + 2);
        GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : finish votes is %d\n",

        /* Now we're ready to start, zero promoted since last full collection
         * counter if this is a full collect. */
        if (is_full)
            MVM_store(&tc->instance->gc_promoted_bytes_since_last_full, 0);

        /* Signal to the rest to start */
        GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : coordinator signalling start\n");
        if (MVM_decr(&tc->instance->gc_start) != 1)
            MVM_panic(MVM_exitcode_gcorch, "Start votes was %"MVM_PRSz"\n", MVM_load(&tc->instance->gc_start));

        /* Start collecting. */
        GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : coordinator entering run_gc\n");
        run_gc(tc, MVMGCWhatToDo_All);

        /* Free any STables that have been marked for deletion. It's okay for
         * us to muck around in another thread's fromspace while it's mutating
         * tospace, really. */
        GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Freeing STables if needed\n");

        /* If profiling, record that GC is over. */
        if (tc->instance->profiling)

        GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : GC complete (cooridnator)\n");
    else {
        /* Another thread beat us to starting the GC sync process. Thus, act as
         * if we were interrupted to GC. */
        GCDEBUG_LOG(tc, MVM_GC_DEBUG_ORCHESTRATE, "Thread %d run %d : Lost coordinator election\n");