// R_SlopeLights
static void R_SlopeLights(int len, double startcmap, double endcmap)
   int i;
   fixed_t map, map2, step;

      for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
         slopespan.colormap[i] = plane.fixedcolormap;

   map  = M_FloatToFixed((startcmap / 256.0 * NUMCOLORMAPS));
   map2 = M_FloatToFixed((endcmap   / 256.0 * NUMCOLORMAPS));

   if(len > 1)
      step = (map2 - map) / (len - 1);
      step = 0;

   for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
      int index = (int)(map >> FRACBITS) + 1;

      index -= (extralight * LIGHTBRIGHT);

      if(index < 0)
         slopespan.colormap[i] = (byte *)(plane.colormap);
      else if(index >= NUMCOLORMAPS)
         slopespan.colormap[i] = (byte *)(plane.colormap + ((NUMCOLORMAPS - 1) * 256));
         slopespan.colormap[i] = (byte *)(plane.colormap + (index * 256));

      map += step;
// P_MakeSlope
// Alocates and fill the contents of a slope structure.
static pslope_t *P_MakeSlope(const v3float_t *o, const v2float_t *d, 
                             const float zdelta, bool isceiling)
   pslope_t *ret = (pslope_t *)(Z_Malloc(sizeof(pslope_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL));
   memset(ret, 0, sizeof(*ret));

   ret->o.x = M_FloatToFixed(ret->of.x = o->x);
   ret->o.y = M_FloatToFixed(ret->of.y = o->y);
   ret->o.z = M_FloatToFixed(ret->of.z = o->z);

   ret->d.x = M_FloatToFixed(ret->df.x = d->x);
   ret->d.y = M_FloatToFixed(ret->df.y = d->y);

   ret->zdelta = M_FloatToFixed(ret->zdeltaf = zdelta);

      v3float_t v1, v2, v3, d1, d2;
      float len;

      v1.x = o->x;
      v1.y = o->y;
      v1.z = o->z;

      v2.x = v1.x;
      v2.y = v1.y + 10.0f;
      v2.z = P_GetZAtf(ret, v2.x, v2.y);

      v3.x = v1.x + 10.0f;
      v3.y = v1.y;
      v3.z = P_GetZAtf(ret, v3.x, v3.y);

         M_SubVec3f(&d1, &v1, &v3);
         M_SubVec3f(&d2, &v2, &v3);
         M_SubVec3f(&d1, &v1, &v2);
         M_SubVec3f(&d2, &v3, &v2);

      M_CrossProduct3f(&ret->normalf, &d1, &d2);

      len = (float)sqrt(ret->normalf.x * ret->normalf.x +
                        ret->normalf.y * ret->normalf.y + 
                        ret->normalf.z * ret->normalf.z);

      ret->normalf.x /= len;
      ret->normalf.y /= len;
      ret->normalf.z /= len;

   return ret;
// ACS_ChkThingVar
bool ACS_ChkThingVar(Mobj *thing, uint32_t var, int32_t val)
   if(!thing) return false;

   case ACS_THINGVAR_Health:       return thing->health == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Speed:        return thing->info->speed == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Damage:       return thing->damage == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Alpha:        return thing->translucency == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_RenderStyle:  return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_SeeSound:     return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_AttackSound:  return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_PainSound:    return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_DeathSound:   return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ActiveSound:  return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Ambush:       return !!(thing->flags & MF_AMBUSH) == !!val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Invulnerable: return !!(thing->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) == !!val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_JumpZ:        return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ChaseGoal:    return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Frightened:   return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Friendly:     return !!(thing->flags & MF_FRIEND) == !!val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_SpawnHealth:  return thing->info->spawnhealth == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Dropped:      return !!(thing->flags & MF_DROPPED) == !!val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_NoTarget:     return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Species:      return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_NameTag:      return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Score:        return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_NoTrigger:    return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_DamageFactor: return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MasterTID:    return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_TargetTID:    return thing->target ? thing->target->tid == val : false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_TracerTID:    return thing->tracer ? thing->tracer->tid == val : false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_WaterLevel:   return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ScaleX:       return M_FloatToFixed(thing->xscale) == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ScaleY:       return M_FloatToFixed(thing->yscale) == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Dormant:      return !!(thing->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT) == !!val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Mass:         return thing->info->mass == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Accuracy:     return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Stamina:      return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Height:       return thing->height == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Radius:       return thing->radius == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ReactionTime: return thing->reactiontime == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MeleeRange:   return MELEERANGE == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ViewHeight:   return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_AttackZOff:   return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_StencilColor: return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Friction:     return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_DamageMult:   return false;

   case ACS_THINGVAR_Angle:          return thing->angle >> 16 == (uint32_t)val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Armor:          return thing->player ? thing->player->armorpoints == val : false;
      // ioanch 20160116: extreme sector (portal aware)
   case ACS_THINGVAR_CeilingTexture: return P_ExtremeSectorAtPoint(thing, true)->ceilingpic == R_FindWall(ACSVM::GetString(val));
   case ACS_THINGVAR_CeilingZ:       return thing->ceilingz == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_FloorTexture:   return P_ExtremeSectorAtPoint(thing, false)->floorpic == R_FindWall(ACSVM::GetString(val));
   case ACS_THINGVAR_FloorZ:         return thing->floorz == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Frags:          return thing->player ? thing->player->totalfrags == val : false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_LightLevel:     return thing->subsector->sector->lightlevel == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MomX:           return thing->momx == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MomY:           return thing->momy == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MomZ:           return thing->momz == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Pitch:          return thing->player ? thing->player->pitch >> 16 == val : false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_PlayerNumber:   return thing->player ? thing->player - players == val : false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_SigilPieces:    return false;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_TID:            return thing->tid == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Type:           return thing->type == E_ThingNumForName(ACSVM::GetString(val));
   case ACS_THINGVAR_X:              return thing->x == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Y:              return thing->y == val;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Z:              return thing->z == val;

   default: return false;
// ACS_GetThingVar
int32_t ACS_GetThingVar(Mobj *thing, uint32_t var)
   if(!thing) return 0;

   case ACS_THINGVAR_Health:       return thing->health;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Speed:        return thing->info->speed;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Damage:       return thing->damage;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Alpha:        return thing->translucency;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_RenderStyle:  return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_SeeSound:     return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_AttackSound:  return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_PainSound:    return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_DeathSound:   return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ActiveSound:  return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Ambush:       return !!(thing->flags & MF_AMBUSH);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Invulnerable: return !!(thing->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_JumpZ:        return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ChaseGoal:    return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Frightened:   return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Friendly:     return !!(thing->flags & MF_FRIEND);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_SpawnHealth:  return thing->info->spawnhealth;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Dropped:      return !!(thing->flags & MF_DROPPED);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_NoTarget:     return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Species:      return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_NameTag:      return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Score:        return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_NoTrigger:    return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_DamageFactor: return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MasterTID:    return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_TargetTID:    return thing->target ? thing->target->tid : 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_TracerTID:    return thing->tracer ? thing->tracer->tid : 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_WaterLevel:   return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ScaleX:       return M_FloatToFixed(thing->xscale);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ScaleY:       return M_FloatToFixed(thing->yscale);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Dormant:      return !!(thing->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Mass:         return thing->info->mass;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Accuracy:     return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Stamina:      return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Height:       return thing->height;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Radius:       return thing->radius;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ReactionTime: return thing->reactiontime;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MeleeRange:   return MELEERANGE;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_ViewHeight:   return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_AttackZOff:   return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_StencilColor: return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Friction:     return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_DamageMult:   return 0;

   case ACS_THINGVAR_Angle:          return thing->angle >> 16;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Armor:          return thing->player ? thing->player->armorpoints : 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_CeilingTexture: return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_CeilingZ:       return thing->ceilingz;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_FloorTexture:   return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_FloorZ:         return thing->floorz;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Frags:          return thing->player ? thing->player->totalfrags : 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_LightLevel:     return thing->subsector->sector->lightlevel;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MomX:           return thing->momx;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MomY:           return thing->momy;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_MomZ:           return thing->momz;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Pitch:          return thing->player ? thing->player->pitch >> 16 : 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_PlayerNumber:   return thing->player ? thing->player - players : -1;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_SigilPieces:    return 0;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_TID:            return thing->tid;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Type:           return ACSVM::AddString(thing->info->name);
   case ACS_THINGVAR_X:              return thing->x;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Y:              return thing->y;
   case ACS_THINGVAR_Z:              return thing->z;

   default: return 0;
// R_divideSegs
// Split the input list of segs into left and right lists using one of the segs
// selected as a partition line for the current node.
static void R_divideSegs(rpolynode_t *rpn, dseglist_t *ts, 
                         dseglist_t *rs, dseglist_t *ls)
   dynaseg_t *best, *add_to_rs = NULL, *add_to_ls = NULL;
   // select best seg to use as partition line
   best = rpn->partition = R_selectPartition(*ts);


   // Should not happen.
      I_Error("R_divideSegs: could not select partition!\n");

   // use the partition line to split any other lines in the list that intersect
   // it into left and right halves

   double pdx = best->psx - best->pex;
   double pdy = best->psy - best->pey;

   dseglink_t *cur;

   // iterate from beginning until the original list is empty
   while((cur = *ts))
      dynaseg_t *seg = *cur;
      add_to_ls = add_to_rs = NULL;

      int val = R_classifyDynaSeg(best, seg, pdx, pdy);

      if(val == SPLIT_SR_EL || val == SPLIT_SL_ER)
         double x, y;
         v2float_t fbackup;

         // seg is split by the partition
         R_ComputeIntersection(best, seg, x, y, &fbackup);

         // create a new vertex at the intersection point
         dynavertex_t *nv = R_GetFreeDynaVertex();
         nv->fx = static_cast<float>(x);
         nv->fy = static_cast<float>(y);
         nv->fbackup = fbackup;
         nv->x  = M_DoubleToFixed(x);
         nv->y  = M_DoubleToFixed(y);
         nv->backup.x = M_FloatToFixed(nv->fbackup.x);
         nv->backup.y = M_FloatToFixed(nv->fbackup.y);

         // create a new dynaseg from nv to v2
         dynaseg_t *nds = R_CreateDynaSeg(seg, nv, seg->seg.dyv2);
         nds->seg.frontsector = seg->seg.frontsector;
         nds->seg.backsector  = seg->seg.backsector;
         nds->seg.len         = static_cast<float>(nds->len);

         // modify original seg to run from v1 to nv
         bool notmarked = !seg->originalv2;
         if(notmarked)   // only if not already marked!
            R_SetDynaVertexRef(&seg->originalv2, seg->seg.dyv2);
         R_SetDynaVertexRef(&seg->seg.dyv2, nv);
         seg->seg.len = static_cast<float>(seg->len);

         // add the new seg to the current node's ownership list,
         // so it can get freed later
         nds->ownerlink.insert(nds, &rpn->owned);

            seg->alterlink.insert(seg, &rpn->altered);

         // classify left or right
         if(val == SPLIT_SR_EL)
            add_to_ls = nds;
            add_to_rs = seg;               
            add_to_ls = seg;
            add_to_rs = nds;
         // Not split; which side?
         if(val & CLASSIFY_LEFT)   
            add_to_ls = seg; // at least one vertex is left, other is left or on
         if(val & CLASSIFY_RIGHT)
            add_to_rs = seg; // at least one vertex is right, other is right or on
         if(val == CLASSIFY_ON)
            // We know the segs are parallel or nearly so; take their dot
            // product to determine their relative orientation
            if((seg->psx - seg->pex) * pdx + (seg->psy - seg->pey) * pdy < 0.0)
               add_to_ls = seg;
               add_to_rs = seg;

      // add to right side?
         add_to_rs->bsplink.insert(add_to_rs, rs);

      // add to left side?
         add_to_ls->bsplink.insert(add_to_ls, ls);