// Info:        Map and Throw a JavascriptError(Debug) containing restricted error information, if available
    // Parameters:  scriptContext - the script context
    //              hr - HRESULT of the error to be thrown
    void __declspec(noreturn) JavascriptErrorDebug::MapAndThrowErrorWithInfo(ScriptContext* scriptContext, HRESULT hr)
        // Initialize error type to kjstWinRTError if WinRT is enabled, or to kjstError otherwise.
        ErrorTypeEnum errorType = scriptContext->GetConfig()->IsWinRTEnabled() ? kjstWinRTError : kjstError;
        ErrorTypeEnum errorType = kjstError;
        // Get error type if hr is a runtime error.
        GetErrorTypeFromNumber(hr, &errorType);

        EXCEPINFO excepinfo;
        EXCEPINFO baseline;
        memset(&baseline, 0, sizeof(baseline));
        RestrictedErrorStrings roerrstr;
        IErrorInfo * perrinfo = nullptr;
        HRESULT result = GetExcepAndErrorInfo(scriptContext, hr, &excepinfo, &roerrstr, &perrinfo);
        // If there is WinRT specific information for this error, throw an error including it
        if (NOERROR == result)
            MapAndThrowError(scriptContext, hr, errorType, &excepinfo, perrinfo, &roerrstr, true);
        // If there is no restricted info, but unrestricted exception info was obtained,
        // throw an error with the exception info only
        else if(memcmp(&excepinfo, &baseline, sizeof(baseline)) != 0)
            MapAndThrowError(scriptContext, hr, errorType, &excepinfo, nullptr, nullptr, true);
        // If no specialized info was obtained, throw an error by HRESULT and type only.
            MapAndThrowError(scriptContext, hr, errorType, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, true);
 void __declspec(noreturn) JavascriptError::MapAndThrowError(ScriptContext* scriptContext, HRESULT hr, ErrorTypeEnum errorType, EXCEPINFO* pei, IErrorInfo * perrinfo, RestrictedErrorStrings * proerrstr, bool useErrInfoDescription)
     JavascriptError* pError = MapError(scriptContext, errorType, perrinfo, proerrstr);
     MapAndThrowError(scriptContext, pError, hr, pei, useErrInfoDescription);