int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {//start of main function //set gameover = true to stop the game from loading before the player plays GAMEOVER=true; //variable declerations int id; //variables used for the threads pthread_t pthread0; pthread_t pthread1; int threadid0 = 0; int threadid1 = 1; int threadid2 = 2; int threadid3 = 3; int threadid4 = 4; int threadid5 = 5; int threadid6 = 6; //set is intro to true to play the intro bool inIntro =true; //variable used to display the players message char *playermessage; //map variables int mapxoff = 0; int mapyoff = 0; //game speed variables declerations and initalization int frames_per_sec=0; int frames_done=0; int old_time =0; int totaltime=0; //declare allegro variables //BITMAP *buffer; BITMAP *intro; //initalize the classes //player *owl; sprite *hearts[3]; sprhandler = new spritehandler(); snake *snakeboss; //initalize allegro allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_timer(); set_keyboard_rate(1000,1000); install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT,MIDI_AUTODETECT,NULL); //initalize the screen set_color_depth(COLORDEPTH); set_gfx_mode(MODE,WIDTH,HEIGHT,0,0); //lock both the varibale and the funciton to be used by the interrupt handler LOCK_VARIABLE(ticks); LOCK_FUNCTION(ticker); //install the interrupt handler which calls the ticker 60 times a second install_int_ex(ticker,BPS_TO_TIMER(FPS)); //lock both the varibale and the funciton to be used by the interrupt handler //these LOCK_VARIABLE(gametime); LOCK_FUNCTION(game_time_ticker); //install the interrupt handler which calls the game time ticker //game time ticker is in 10ths of seconds install_int_ex(game_time_ticker,BPS_TO_TIMER(10)); //create back buffer buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); //create the intro screen by loading the bitmap into the intro buffer intro = load_bitmap("flightless title.bmp",NULL); if(!intro){ allegro_message("Error loading intro image"); return 1; } //seed the random function srand(time(NULL)); //load fonts FONT *dicot_22_font; PALETTE palette; //load the the font for the header of the application dicot_22_font = load_font("dicot_22.pcx", palette, NULL); //load and display the intro screen while(inIntro) { //display the intro screen for the game blit(intro,screen,0,0,0,0,SCREEN_W,SCREEN_H); //wait for the player to press enter to start the game if(key[KEY_ENTER]){ inIntro=false; GAMEOVER=false; } //if the player presses esc then exit the game and the intro if(key[KEY_ESC]){ inIntro=false; GAMEOVER=true; } } //for as many badies make sprites to hold the bugs for(int i=0;i<BADIES;i++) { //initalize the bug sprite bug[i] = new bugs(); //load the bug sprite sheet if(!bug[i]->load("bug.bmp")){ allegro_message("Error loading bug sprite"); return 1; } //initalize the bug propertys bug[i]->init(); //add sprites to the sprite handler sprhandler->addbugs(bug[i]); } //initalize the player owl = new player(); //load the players sprite sheet if(!owl->load("owl sprite_new.bmp")){ allegro_message("Error loading owl sprite"); return 1; } //initalize the sprite properties owl->init(); //add the player object to the sprite handler sprhandler->addsprite(owl); //create the new snake object snakeboss = new snake(); //load the snake if(!snakeboss->load("snake_Tiles.bmp")){ allegro_message("Error loading snake sprite"); return 1; } //initalize the snake snakeboss->init(); //snakeboss->alive=false; //add the snake to the sprite handler sprhandler->addboss(snakeboss); //create for loop to load the players health indicator for(int i=1;i<4;i++) { //create new sprite objects to hold the images hearts[i-1] = new sprite(); //load the players health image if(!hearts[i-1]->load("FullHealth.bmp")){ allegro_message("Error loading player Health"); return 1; } //set sprite properties hearts[i-1]->x = SCREEN_W-35*i; hearts[i-1]->y = 10; hearts[i-1]->width = 30; hearts[i-1]->height = 30; hearts[i-1]->velx = 0; hearts[i-1]->vely = 0; hearts[i-1]->animcolumns = 0; hearts[i-1]->curframe = 0; hearts[i-1]->totalframes =1; hearts[i-1]->animdir = 0; //object type of non moving sprite hearts[i-1]->objecttype=2; hearts[i-1]->alive=0; //add the players health to the sprite handler sprhandler->addsprite(hearts[i-1]); } //create the music samples SAMPLE *ingamesong; //load the wav file into the samples //main game soundtrack ingamesong=load_sample("melo-24_Clip.wav"); if(ingamesong==NULL){ allegro_message("Error loading game soundtrack"); return 1; } //use mappy.h global function MapLoad to load the .FMP file MapLoad("flightless.FMP"); //play the sample music int playing = play_sample(ingamesong,150,125,1000,true); //start the clock to time the player startTime = time(NULL); //create the thread for player id = pthread_create(&pthread0, NULL, playerdraw_thread, (void*)&threadid5); //create the thread for the bugs id = pthread_create(&pthread1, NULL, wormdraw_thread, (void*)&threadid0); id = pthread_create(&pthread1, NULL, wormdraw_thread, (void*)&threadid1); id = pthread_create(&pthread1, NULL, wormdraw_thread, (void*)&threadid2); id = pthread_create(&pthread1, NULL, wormdraw_thread, (void*)&threadid3); id = pthread_create(&pthread1, NULL, wormdraw_thread, (void*)&threadid4); //create the thread to draw the snake id = pthread_create(&pthread1, NULL, snakedraw_thread, (void*)&threadid0); //main game loop while (!GAMEOVER) { while (ticks==0) { rest(1); } while(ticks>0) { if(key[KEY_ESC]) { playermessage="You quit :( Please come back again."; GAMEOVER=true; } //get the previous value of ticks and store them old_ticks=ticks; //each time we hit this loop we increment the mapxoffset +1 if(mapxoff<mapwidth*mapblockwidth) { //if the player is not hiding update the map if(owl->state!=2) { mapxoff++; } } //draw the background tiles via the mappy global funciton MapDrawBG MapDrawBG(buffer,mapxoff,0,0,0,WIDTH-1,HEIGHT-1); //draw the players health indicator based on the owls health/30 for (int i=0;i<((owl->health)/30);i++) { hearts[i]->draw(buffer); } //lock the varibales to protect them from the unsynced threads pthread_mutex_lock(&threadsafe); //get the player input owl->getinput(); sprhandler->updatebugs(); sprhandler->updatesnake(); //decrement the ticks ticks--; //unlock the mutex pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadsafe); //if the logic is taking too long abort and draw the screen if(old_ticks<=ticks) break; } //for every second that passess we need to call this function if(gametime - old_time >= 10) { //frames_per_sec holds the number of frames drawn in the last sec frames_per_sec = frames_done; //reset these variables for the next second frames_done =0; old_time=gametime; } //Decrement the players health if(gametime%120==0) { owl->takedamage(2); } if(sprhandler->getsnakes(0)->alive==false && gametime%400==0) { sprhandler->getsnakes(0)->resurrect(); } //check players health if(owl->health<=0) { playermessage="You have died...please remeber to eat next time."; GAMEOVER=true; } //stop the window from scrolling if(GAMEOVER==true ||mapxoff>=mapwidth*mapblockwidth-WIDTH) { if(mapxoff>=mapwidth*mapblockwidth-WIDTH) playermessage="Great job player you passed the game! Way to go."; //stop the map from moving mapxoff=mapwidth*mapblockwidth-WIDTH; //stop the music from playing stop_sample(ingamesong); //create the music samples SAMPLE *cheer=NULL; //load the wav file into the sample cheer=load_sample("app.wav"); if(cheer==NULL){ allegro_message("Error loading game soundtrack"); return 1; } //play the sample music play_sample(cheer,255,125,1000,true); //message the player...even if they are a quiter! textprintf_ex(screen,dicot_22_font,200,SCREEN_H/2,makecol(255,0,0),-1,playermessage); rest(2000); GAMEOVER=true; } //show frames fer second on the screen by pressing "cntrl f" if(key[KEY_F]) { if(key_shifts & KB_CTRL_FLAG) { //switch the showFPS flag to display the FPS SHOWFPS=!SHOWFPS; } //SHOWFPS=SHOWFPS; } if(SHOWFPS==true) textprintf_ex(buffer,font,20,20,WHITE,0,"frames= :%d",frames_per_sec); if(key[KEY_H]) { if(key_shifts & KB_CTRL_FLAG) { //switch the SHOWHEALTH flag to display the FPS SHOWHEALTH=!SHOWHEALTH; } //SHOWHEALTH=SHOWHEALTH; } //update the screen using a double buffering technique acquire_screen(); blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); release_screen(); //everytime we bilt from buffer to screen increase frames_done frames_done++; } //find the time that the game ended endTime = time(NULL); //kill the mutex (thread protection) pthread_mutex_destroy(&threadsafe); //call to create the final image to present to the user create_close(buffer,dicot_22_font,owl); //Garbage Collection clean up all of the objects that are being used in memory remove_keyboard(); remove_timer(); //destory the bitmaps that we are using destroy_bitmap(buffer); destroy_bitmap(intro); //destroy the map MapFreeMem(); //delete the sprites delete sprhandler; //call to allegro exit allegro_exit(); return 0; }//end of main
//Main codee // int main(void){ int mapxoff, mapyoff; int oldpy, oldpx; int titleX, titleY; int facing = 0; int jump = JUMPIT; int n, VOLUME = 128, PAN = 128, PITCH = 1000; //general initialize allegro_init(); install_timer(); install_keyboard(); set_color_depth(16); set_gfx_mode(MODE, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, 0); set_window_title(" . . .J.U.M.P.E.R. . . :: Ryan Bridglal ::"); // //sound init install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT, MIDI_AUTODETECT, ""); //load title title = load_bitmap("title.bmp", NULL); //gameOver = load_bitmap("gameover.bmp", NULL); // load the player sprite temp = load_bitmap("player.bmp", NULL); for (n=0; n < 8; n++) player_image[n] = grabframe(temp, 50, 64, 0, 0, 8, n); destroy_bitmap(temp); // load the sound file music = load_sample("music.wav"); //jumpSound = load_sample("jump.wav"); // initialize the sprite player = new SPRITE; player->x = 80; player->y = 100; player->curframe = 0; player->framecount = 0; player->framedelay = 6; player->maxframe = 7; player->width = player_image[0]->w; player->height = player_image[0]->h; // load the map MapLoad("map.FMP"); // create the double buffer buffer = create_bitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT); clear(buffer); //always play background music play_sample(music, VOLUME, PAN, PITCH, FALSE); // main loop while(!key[KEY_ESC]) { oldpy = player->y; oldpx = player->x; // // PLAYER controls // //right keypress if (key[KEY_RIGHT]) { clear_to_color(title, makecol(80, 80, 248)); facing = 1; player->x += 2; if (++player->framecount > player->framedelay) { player->framecount = 0; if (++player->curframe > player->maxframe) player->curframe = 1; } } //left keypress else if (key[KEY_LEFT]) { clear_to_color(title, makecol(80, 80, 248)); facing = 0; player->x -= 2; if (++player->framecount > player->framedelay) { player->framecount = 0; if (++player->curframe > player->maxframe) player->curframe = 1; } } else player->curframe = 0; // handle jumping if (jump == JUMPIT){ if (!collided(player->x + player->width/2, player->y + player->height + 5)) jump = 0; if (key[KEY_SPACE]) jump = 30; //play_sample(jumpSound, VOLUME, PAN, PITCH, FALSE); } else { player->y -= jump/3; jump--; } if (jump < 0){ if (collided(player->x + player->width/2, player->y + player->height)) { jump = JUMPIT; while (collided(player->x + player->width/2, player->y + player->height)) player->y -= 2; } } /// //collision detection // player collision detect with map if (!facing) { if (collided(player->x, player->y + player->height)) player->x = oldpx; } else { if (collided(player->x + player->width, player->y + player->height)) player->x = oldpx; } // update the map scroll position mapxoff = player->x + player->width/2 - WIDTH/2 + 10; mapyoff = player->y + player->height/2 - HEIGHT/2 + 10; // avoid moving beyond the map edge if (mapxoff < 0) mapxoff = 0; if (mapxoff > (mapwidth * mapblockwidth - WIDTH)) mapxoff = mapwidth * mapblockwidth - WIDTH; if (mapyoff < 0) mapyoff = 0; if (mapyoff > (mapheight * mapblockheight - HEIGHT)) mapyoff = mapheight * mapblockheight - HEIGHT; // //Draw things // draw the background tiles MapDrawBG(buffer, mapxoff, mapyoff, 0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1); // draw the foreground tiles MapDrawFG(buffer, mapxoff, mapyoff, 0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1, 0); // draw the player's sprite if (facing) draw_sprite(buffer, player_image[player->curframe], (player->x - mapxoff), (player->y - mapyoff)); else draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, player_image[player->curframe], (player->x - mapxoff), (player->y - mapyoff)); //load title //draw_sprite(screen, title, 160, 20); //draw_sprite(buffer, title[titleSprite->curframe], (title->titleX - mapxoff), (title->y - mapyoff)); blit(title, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480); // blit the double buffer vsync(); acquire_screen(); blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1); release_screen(); }// endwhile // else { // blit(gameOver, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480); //} gameOver(); // clean up for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) destroy_bitmap(player_image[n]); delete player; delete title; // for (n=0; n<NUM_SOUNDS; n++) // destroy_sample(sounds[n]); destroy_sample(music); // destroy_sample(jumpSound); destroy_bitmap(title); destroy_bitmap(buffer); MapFreeMem(); remove_sound(); allegro_exit(); return 0; }
int main (void) { // Golobal Integers extern int level; extern int lifes; extern int score; extern int health; // Local Integers register int mapxoff, mapyoff; extern int oldpy, oldpx; extern int facing; extern int jump; int n, m; // DATAFILE *data; //initilization allegro_init(); install_timer(); install_keyboard(); set_color_depth(32); set_gfx_mode(MODE, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, 0); //load data data = load_datafile("test.dat"); temp = (BITMAP *)data[NEWGUY_BMP].dat; for (n=0; n<4; n++) player_image[n] = grabframe(temp,43,77,0,0,4,n); destroy_bitmap(temp); temp2 = (BITMAP *)data[BAT1_BMP].dat; for (m=0; m<2; m++) bat_img[m] = grabframe(temp2,87,72,0,0,2,m); destroy_bitmap(temp2); test_img = load_bitmap("test.bmp", NULL); gameover: Start(); first: //initilize Player player = malloc(sizeof(SPRITE)); player->x = 80; player->y = 200; player->curframe=0; player->framecount=0; player->framedelay=11; player->maxframe=3; player->width=player_image[0]->w; player->height=player_image[0]->h; //initilize Bat bat = malloc(sizeof(SPRITE)); bat->x = 170; bat->y = 100; bat->curframe=0; bat->framecount=0; bat->framedelay=11; bat->maxframe=1; bat->width=bat_img[0]->w; bat->height=bat_img[0]->h; bat->dir = 0; bat->xspeed = 0; //ini test test = malloc(sizeof(SPRITE)); test->x = 270; test->y = 400; test->curframe=0; test->framecount=0; test->framedelay=11; test->maxframe=1; test->width=bat_img[0]->w; test->height=bat_img[0]->h; test->dir = 0; test->xspeed = 0; loadlevel(); //main loop while (!key[KEY_ESC]) { oldpy = player->y; oldpx = player->x; if (player->x > 3000) {level = 2; goto first;} if (lifes == 0) {lifes = 3; goto gameover;} if (health < 1) {lifes -=1; health =100; goto first;} updateEnemy(150, 300, test); updateEnemy(150, 300, bat); enemycoll(player->x, player->y, bat); keyinput(); //collition control if (!facing) { if (collided(player->x, player->y + player->height)) player->x = oldpx; if (collidedobj(player->x, player->y + player->height)) {ClearCell(player->x, player->y + player->height); AddScore();} if (collidedkill(player->x+9, player->y + player->height)) {health -= 25;} } else { if (collided(player->x + player->width, player->y + player->height)) player->x = oldpx; if (collidedobj(player->x + player->width, player->y + player->height)) {ClearCell(player->x + player->width, player->y + player->height); AddScore();} if (collidedkill(player->x + player->width-15, player->y + player->height)) {health -= 25;} } //update the map scroll position mapxoff = player->x + player->width/2 - WIDTH/2 + 10; mapyoff = player->y + player->height/2 - HEIGHT/2 + 10; //avoid moving beyond the map edge if (mapxoff < 0) mapxoff = 0; if (mapxoff > (mapwidth * mapblockwidth - WIDTH)) mapxoff = mapwidth * mapblockwidth - WIDTH; if (mapyoff < 0) mapyoff = 0; if (mapyoff > (mapheight * mapblockheight - HEIGHT)) mapyoff = mapheight * mapblockheight - HEIGHT; //draw the background tiles MapDrawBG(buffer, mapxoff, mapyoff, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-1); //draw foreground tiles MapDrawFG(buffer, mapxoff, mapyoff, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-1, 0); //draw the player's sprite if (facing) draw_sprite(buffer, player_image[player->curframe], (player->x-mapxoff), (player->y-mapyoff+1)); else draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, player_image[player->curframe], (player->x-mapxoff), (player->y-mapyoff)); //blit the double buffer vsync(); acquire_screen(); if (bat->dir == 1) draw_sprite(buffer, bat_img[bat->curframe],(bat->x-mapxoff),(bat->y-mapyoff)); else draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, bat_img[bat->curframe],(bat->x-mapxoff),(bat->y-mapyoff)); draw_sprite(buffer, test_img,(test->x-mapxoff),(test->y-mapyoff)); textprintf(buffer,font,0,0,9999999,"lifes = %d Score = %d Health = %d",lifes,score,health); blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, WIDTH-1, HEIGHT-1); release_screen(); } //End of game loop for (n=0; n<4; n++) destroy_bitmap(player_image[n]); for (m=0; m<2; m++) destroy_bitmap(bat_img[m]); destroy_bitmap(test_img); free(player); free(bat); free(test); destroy_bitmap(buffer); MapFreeMem (); MapFreeMem (); unload_datafile(data); allegro_exit(); return 0; }
void MappyLevel::Unload(){ MapFreeMem(); }
int main() { if(!initialize()) return 1; int spawn, lastspawn=-1,spawnbomb,lastspawnbomb=-1; if(!loadplayer()) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load tarma"); return 1; } if(!loadenemy()){ set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load bulldogs"); return 1; } if(!loadpistol()){ set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load pistols"); return 1; } if(!loadbomber()){ set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load bomber"); return 1; } if(!loadbomb()){ set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load bomb"); return 1; } /*if(!loadgun()){ set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load guns"); return 1; }*/ /*if(!loadboss()){ set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT,0,0,0,0); allegro_message("Can't load boss"); return 1; }*/ //int volume=250,pan=128,pitch=1000; //play_sample(level1,volume,pan,pitch,TRUE); int intro=0,exits=0; while(!exits){ intro=counter; while(counter-intro<2) blit(welcome,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); intro=counter; while(counter-intro<2) blit(instruction1,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); intro=counter; while(counter-intro<2) blit(instruction2,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); intro=counter; while(counter-intro<2) blit(instruction3,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); intro=counter; gameover=0; loadplayer(); loadenemy(); loadbomber(); loadpistol(); loadbomb(); while(!key[KEY_ESC] && !gameover){ // clear_bitmap(buffer); if(mils-lastinput>2) inputflag=1; if(inputflag) checkinputs(); updatehero(); if(gameover==1) break; if((tarma.x%(640*2))<5 && lastspawn!=tarma.x/(640*2)){ spawn=1; lastspawn=tarma.x/(640*2); } if((tarma.x%(640*5))<5 && lastspawnbomb!=tarma.x/(640*5)){ spawnbomb=1; lastspawnbomb=tarma.x/(640*5); } updateenemy(spawn); updatebombers(spawnbomb); updatedeaths(); updatebullets(); updatebombs(); displaystats(); acquire_screen(); blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); release_screen(); ticks++; rest(DELAY); } intro=counter; while(counter-intro<2) blit(gameoverscreen,screen,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); if(key[KEY_ESC]) exits=1; } destroy_sample(level1); remove_sound(); remove_int(timer1); destroy_bitmap(buffer); destroy_bitmap(welcome); destroy_bitmap(instruction1); destroy_bitmap(instruction2); destroy_bitmap(instruction3); destroy_bitmap(gameoverscreen); delete []bulldogs; delete []pistols; delete gun; delete []bomb; delete []bombman; delete rocket; for(int i=0;i<6;i++) for(int j=0;j<TARMAMAX[i];j++) destroy_bitmap(tarma.heroimg[i][j]); for(int i=2;i<5;i++) for(int j=0;j<REBELMAX[i];j++) destroy_bitmap(enemypics.enemyimg[i][j]); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) destroy_bitmap(bulletpics.bullets[i]); for(int i=0;i<14;i++) destroy_bitmap(bomberpics.bomber[i]); MapFreeMem(); allegro_exit(); return 0; }