// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CEmptyServerPlugin::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	playerinfomanager = (IPlayerInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERINFOMANAGER,NULL);
	if ( !playerinfomanager )
		Warning( "Unable to load playerinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific player data

	botmanager = (IBotManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERBOTMANAGER, NULL);
	if ( !botmanager )
		Warning( "Unable to load botcontroller, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific bot functions

	// get the interfaces we want to use
	if(	!(engine = (IVEngineServer*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL)) ||
		!(gameeventmanager = (IGameEventManager *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER,NULL)) ||
		!(filesystem = (IFileSystem*)interfaceFactory(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) ||
		!(helpers = (IServerPluginHelpers*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS, NULL)) || 
		!(enginetrace = (IEngineTrace *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_SERVER,NULL)) ||
		!(randomStr = (IUniformRandomStream *)interfaceFactory(VENGINE_SERVER_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL))
		return false; // we require all these interface to function

	if ( playerinfomanager )
		gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars();

	InitCVars( interfaceFactory ); // register any cvars we have defined
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
	return true;
void InitCommandLineProgram( int argc, char **argv )
    MathLib_Init( 1,1,1,0,false,true,true,true);
    CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
    InstallProgressReportHandler( PrintFReportHandler );
// Init, shutdown
bool CHLModelViewerApp::PreInit( )
	CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory();
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConVar_Register( 0 );

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	// Add paths...
	if ( !SetupSearchPaths( NULL, false, true ) )
		return false;

	// Get the adapter from the command line....
	const char *pAdapterString;
	int nAdapter = 0;
	if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-adapter", &pAdapterString ))
		nAdapter = atoi( pAdapterString );

	int nAdapterFlags = 0;
	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-ref" ) )

	g_pMaterialSystem->SetAdapter( nAdapter, nAdapterFlags );

	if ( !g_pFileSystem->IsSteam() || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-OldDialogs" ) )
		g_bOldFileDialogs = true;

	return true; 
	virtual InitReturnVal_t Init()
		MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

		InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init();
		if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK )
			return nRetVal;

		return INIT_OK;
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( Plat_GetCommandLine() );

	// TODO: Place code here.
	SpewOutputFunc( D3DAppSpewFunc );
	MathLib_Init( true, true, true, 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
	MSG msg;
	HACCEL hAccelTable;
	// Initialize global strings
	LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_LOADSTRING);
	strcpy( szWindowClass, "d3dapp" );
	// Perform application initialization:
	if (!InitInstance (hInstance, nCmdShow)) 
		return FALSE;
	hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, (LPCTSTR)IDC_TERRAINBLEND);

	InvalidateRect( g_hWnd, NULL, FALSE );

	// Main message loop:
		while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) 
			if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)

			if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg)) 

		if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)

		CallAppRender( false );

	return msg.wParam;
EXPORT MStatus initializePlugin( MObject mObject )
	MStatus retVal;
	MStatus regStat;

	MFnPlugin pluginFn( mObject, "Valve", "1.0", "Any" );

	// For CVstAimNode
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	return CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::RegisterEverything( pluginFn );
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved )
 	if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
		MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );
		// store out module handle
		gPhysicsDLLHandle = (HMODULE)hinstDLL;
	else if ( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH )
	return TRUE;
// Create the application object
bool CIHVTestApp::Create()
	AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = 
		{ "materialsystem.dll",		MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION },	
		{ "datacache.dll",			DATACACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "studiorender.dll",		STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION },	
		{ "datacache.dll",			MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "vphysics.dll",			VPHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "", "" }	// Required to terminate the list

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) ) 
		return false;

	g_pFileSystem = ( IFileSystem * )FindSystem( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem*)FindSystem( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pStudioRender = (IStudioRender*)FindSystem( STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION );

	if ( !g_pFileSystem || !g_pMaterialSystem || !g_pStudioRender || !g_pMDLCache )
		DisplayError( "Unable to load required library interfaces!" );
		return false;

#if defined( _X360 )
	// vxconsole - true will block (legacy behavior)
	XBX_InitConsoleMonitor( false );

	const char* pDLLName;
	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-null" ) )
		g_bUseEmptyShader = true;
		pDLLName = "shaderapiempty.dll";
		pDLLName = "shaderapidx9.dll";

#if defined( _X360 )
	g_pFileSystem->LoadModule( pDLLName );
	g_pMaterialSystem->SetShaderAPI( pDLLName );

	return true;
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CEmptyServerPlugin::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );

	entityinfomanager = (IEntityInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENTITYINFOMANAGER,NULL);
	if ( !entityinfomanager )
		Warning( "Unable to load entityinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access entity data

	playerinfomanager = (IPlayerInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERINFOMANAGER,NULL);
	if ( !playerinfomanager )
		Warning( "Unable to load playerinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific player data

	botmanager = (IBotManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERBOTMANAGER, NULL);
	if ( !botmanager )
		Warning( "Unable to load botcontroller, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific bot functions
	gameinfomanager = (IGameInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEINFOMANAGER, NULL);
	if (!gameinfomanager)
		Warning( "Unable to load gameinfomanager, ignoring\n" );

	engine = (IVEngineServer*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL);
	gameeventmanager = (IGameEventManager *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER,NULL);
	helpers = (IServerPluginHelpers*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS, NULL);
	enginetrace = (IEngineTrace *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_SERVER,NULL);
	randomStr = (IUniformRandomStream *)interfaceFactory(VENGINE_SERVER_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);

	// get the interfaces we want to use
	if(	! ( engine && gameeventmanager && g_pFullFileSystem && helpers && enginetrace && randomStr ) )
		return false; // we require all these interface to function

	if ( playerinfomanager )
		gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars();

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
	ConVar_Register( 0 );
	return true;
// Init, shutdown
bool CSceneViewerApp::PreInit( )
	if ( !BaseClass::PreInit() )
		return false;

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pMaterialSystem || !g_pDataModel || !g_pDmElementFramework || !g_pStudioRender || !g_pDataCache || !g_pMDLCache || !g_pVGuiSurface || !g_pVGui )
		Warning( "CSceneViewerApp::PreInit: Unable to connect to necessary interface!\n" );
		return false;

	// initialize interfaces
	CreateInterfaceFn appFactory = GetFactory(); 
	return vgui::VGui_InitDmeInterfacesList( "SceneViewer", &appFactory, 1 );
void main( int argc, char **argv )
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	if( CommandLine()->ParmCount()!=2 )
		printf( "usage : sptconvert <SPT file name>\n" );

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	CmdLib_InitFileSystem( CommandLine()->GetParm(1) );

	CSpeedTreeRT speedTree;

	char treeName[MAX_PATH];
	_splitpath( argv[1], NULL, NULL, treeName, NULL );

	char smdFileName[MAX_PATH];
	sprintf( smdFileName, "%s.smd", treeName );

	char qcFileName[MAX_PATH];
	sprintf( qcFileName, "%s.qc", treeName );

	OutputQCFile( treeName );

	if( speedTree.LoadTree( argv[1] ) )
		if( speedTree.Compute( NULL, 1, false ) )
			CSpeedTreeRT::SGeometry sGeom;
			speedTree.GetGeometry( sGeom, SpeedTree_AllGeometry );

			OutputTreeGeometry( speedTree, sGeom, smdFileName );
			// Trouble with compute
		// Trouble with load
文件: vvis.cpp 项目: chrizonix/RCBot2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );

    MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f, false, false, false, false );

    VVIS_SetupMPI( argc, argv );

    // Install an exception handler.
    if ( g_bUseMPI && !g_bMPIMaster )
        SetupToolsMinidumpHandler( VMPI_ExceptionFilter );

    return RunVVis( argc, argv );
bool CSFMGenApp::PreInit( )
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	if ( !BaseClass::PreInit() )
		return false;

	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pDataModel )
		Error( "// ERROR: sfmgen is missing a required interface!\n" );
		return false;

	// Add paths...
	if ( !SetupSearchPaths( NULL, false, true ) )
		return false;

	return true;
EXPORT MStatus initializePlugin( MObject mObject )
	MFnPlugin pluginFn( mObject, "Valve", "1.0", "Any" );

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	MStatus retVal( CVsMayaMPxFactoryBase::RegisterEverything( pluginFn ) );

	if ( retVal )
		MGlobal::executeCommand( "source vsSkinner.mel" );

		if ( MFnPlugin::findPlugin( "decomposeMatrix" ) == MObject::kNullObj )
			MGlobal::executeCommand( "catchQuiet( loadPlugin( \"-qt\", \"decomposeMatrix\" ) );" );

	return retVal;
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CSourcePython::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	// This seems to be new with
	ConnectInterfaces(&interfaceFactory, 1);
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 2 );

	// Get all engine interfaces.
	if( !GetInterfaces(gEngineInterfaces, interfaceFactory) ) {
		return false;

	// Get all game interfaces.
	if( !GetInterfaces(gGameInterfaces, gameServerFactory) ) {
		return false;

	gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars();

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	// Initialize game paths.
	if( !g_GamePaths.Initialize() ) {
		DevMsg(0, "Could not initialize game paths.");
		return false;

	// Initialize python
	if( !g_PythonManager.Initialize() ) {
		DevMsg(0, "Could not initialize python.");
		return false;

	return true;
bool CSSServerPlugin::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );

	engine = (IVEngineServer*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL);
	helpers = (IServerPluginHelpers*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS, NULL);
	playerinfomanager = (IPlayerInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERINFOMANAGER,NULL);

	if(	! ( engine && helpers && playerinfomanager ) )
		return false;

	gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars();

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2 );
	ConVar_Register( 0 );


	return true;
bool CDmxEditApp::PreInit( )
	CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory();

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConnectTier3Libraries( &factory, 1 );

	if ( !ConnectDataModel( factory ) )
		return false;

	if ( InitDataModel( ) != INIT_OK )
		return false;

	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pDataModel )
		Error( "// ERROR: dmxedit is missing a required interface!\n" );
		return false;

	return true;
// Purpose: Valve entry point called after the Valve DLLs are loaded
// Input  : CreateInterfaceFn factory
// Output : true is everything is good, false otherwise
DLL_EXPORT bool VsMayaConnect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConnectTier3Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	if ( !ConnectDataModel( factory ) )
		return false;

	if ( InitDataModel( ) != INIT_OK )
		return false;

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pDataModel )
		Warning( "vsDmxIO is missing a required interface!\n" );
		return false;

	// Can't unload this plugin until the libraries have been disconnected
	g_okToUnload = false;

	return true;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	if ( argc < 2 )
		Msg("Usage:\nmakephx [options] <FILESPEC>\ne.g. makephx [-r] *.phy\n");
		return 0;

	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	g_bRecursive = CommandLine()->FindParm("-r") > 0 ? true : false;
	g_bQuiet = CommandLine()->FindParm("-quiet") > 0 ? true : false;
	InitFilesystem( "*.*" );
	// disable automatic packing, we want to do this ourselves.
	physcollision->SetPackOnLoad( false );
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	g_pModelConfig = new KeyValues("config");
	g_pModelConfig->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "phx.cfg", "GAME" );
	g_TotalOut = 0;
	g_TotalCompress = 0;
	FileFindHandle_t handle;
	char fullpath[1024], currentFile[1024], dirName[1024], nameext[256];
	strcpy( fullpath, argv[argc-1] );
	strcpy( fullpath, ExpandPath( fullpath ) );
	strcpy( fullpath, ExpandArg( fullpath ) );
	Q_strncpy(dirName, fullpath, sizeof(dirName));
	Q_strncpy(nameext, fullpath + strlen(dirName)+1, sizeof(nameext));
	CUtlVector< const char * > directoryList;
	directoryList.AddToTail( strdup(dirName) );
	int current = 0;
	int count = 0;
		if ( g_bRecursive )
			MakeFilename( currentFile, sizeof(currentFile), directoryList[current], "*.*" );
			const char *pFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( currentFile, &handle );
			while ( pFilename )
				if ( pFilename[0] != '.' && g_pFullFileSystem->FindIsDirectory( handle ) )
					MakeDirname( currentFile, sizeof(currentFile), directoryList[current], pFilename );
				pFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
			g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( handle );

		MakeFilename(currentFile, sizeof(currentFile), directoryList[current], nameext);
		const char *pFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( currentFile, &handle );
		while ( pFilename )
			phyfile_t phy;
			MakeFilename(currentFile, sizeof(currentFile), directoryList[current], pFilename);
			LoadPHYFile( &phy, currentFile );
			if ( phy.collide.isPacked || phy.collide.solidCount < 1 )
				Msg("%s is not a valid PHY file\n", currentFile );
				WritePHXFile( currentFile, phy );
			UnloadPHYFile( &phy );
			pFilename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
		g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( handle );
	} while( current < directoryList.Count() );

	if ( count )
		if (!g_bQuiet)
			Msg("\n------\nTotal %s, %s\nSaved %s\n", Q_pretifymem( g_TotalOut ), Q_pretifymem( g_TotalCompress ), Q_pretifymem( g_TotalOut - g_TotalCompress ) );
			Msg("%.2f%% savings\n", ((float)(g_TotalOut-g_TotalCompress) / (float)g_TotalOut) * 100.0f );
		Msg("No files found in %s!\n", directoryList[current] );

	return 0;
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CSourcePython::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	// This seems to be new with
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Connecting interfaces...\n");
	ConnectInterfaces(&interfaceFactory, 1);
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Connecting tier1 libraries...\n");
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );

	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Connecting tier2 libraries...\n");
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 2 );

	// Get all engine interfaces.
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Retrieving engine interfaces...\n");
	if( !GetInterfaces(gEngineInterfaces, interfaceFactory) ) {
		return false;

	// Get all game interfaces.
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Retrieving game interfaces...\n");
	if( !GetInterfaces(gGameInterfaces, gameServerFactory) ) {
		return false;
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Retrieving global variables...\n");
	gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars();
	if (!gpGlobals) {
		Msg(MSG_PREFIX "Could retrieve global variables.\n");
		return false;
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Initializing mathlib...\n");
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Initializing server and say commands...\n");

	// Initialize python
	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Initializing python...\n");
	if( !g_PythonManager.Initialize() ) {
		Msg(MSG_PREFIX "Could not initialize python.\n");
		return false;

	// TODO: Don't hardcode the 64 bytes offset

	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Retrieving the current cache notifier...\n");
	m_pOldMDLCacheNotifier = *(IMDLCacheNotify **)(((unsigned long) modelcache) + CACHE_NOTIFY_OFFSET);

	DevMsg(1, MSG_PREFIX "Setting the new cache notifier...\n");
	Msg(MSG_PREFIX "Loaded successfully.\n");
	return true;
// Purpose: Called when the DLL is first loaded.
// Input  : engineFactory - 
// Output : int
int CHLClient::Init( CreateInterfaceFn appSystemFactory, CreateInterfaceFn physicsFactory, CGlobalVarsBase *pGlobals )
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	// Hook up global variables
	gpGlobals = pGlobals;

	// We aren't happy unless we get all of our interfaces.
		!(engine = (IVEngineClient *)appSystemFactory( VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(modelrender = (IVModelRender *)appSystemFactory( VENGINE_HUDMODEL_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(effects = (IVEfx *)appSystemFactory( VENGINE_EFFECTS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(cvar = (ICvar *)appSystemFactory( VENGINE_CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(enginetrace = (IEngineTrace *)appSystemFactory( INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_CLIENT, NULL )) ||
		!(render = (IVRenderView *)appSystemFactory( VENGINE_RENDERVIEW_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(debugoverlay = (IVDebugOverlay *)appSystemFactory( VDEBUG_OVERLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(materials = (IMaterialSystem *)appSystemFactory( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(engineCache = (IVEngineCache*)appSystemFactory(VENGINE_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(modelinfo = (IVModelInfo *)appSystemFactory(VMODELINFO_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(netgraph = (INetGraph *)appSystemFactory(VNETGRAPH_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(enginevgui = (IEngineVGui *)appSystemFactory(VENGINE_VGUI_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(networkstringtable = (INetworkStringTableClient *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACENAME_NETWORKSTRINGTABLECLIENT,NULL)) ||
		!(partition = (ISpatialPartition *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_SPATIALPARTITION, NULL)) ||
		!(shadowmgr = (IShadowMgr *)appSystemFactory(ENGINE_SHADOWMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) ||
		!(staticpropmgr = (IStaticPropMgrClient *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_STATICPROPMGR_CLIENT, NULL)) ||
		!(enginesound = (IEngineSound *)appSystemFactory(IENGINESOUND_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) ||
		!(filesystem = (IFileSystem *)appSystemFactory(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) ||
		!(random = (IUniformRandomStream *)appSystemFactory(VENGINE_CLIENT_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL)) ||
		!(gameuifuncs = (IGameUIFuncs * )appSystemFactory( VENGINE_GAMEUIFUNCS_VERSION, NULL )) ||
		!(gameeventmanager = (IGameEventManager *)appSystemFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER,NULL))
		return false;

	g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig = materials->GetHardwareConfig( MATERIALSYSTEM_HARDWARECONFIG_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
	if( !g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig )
		return false;


	// Hook up the gaussian random number generator
	s_GaussianRandomStream.AttachToStream( random );

	// Initialize the console variables.

		return false;

	if(!g_ParticleMgr.Init(8192, materials))
		return false;

	// load used game events  

	if(!VGui_Startup( appSystemFactory ))
		return false;

	g_pMatSystemSurface = (IMatSystemSurface*)vgui::surface()->QueryInterface( MAT_SYSTEM_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION ); 
	if (!g_pMatSystemSurface)
		return false;

	// Add the client systems.	
	// Client Leaf System has to be initialized first, since DetailObjectSystem uses it
	IGameSystem::Add( GameStringSystem() );
	IGameSystem::Add( ClientLeafSystem() );
	IGameSystem::Add( DetailObjectSystem() );
	IGameSystem::Add( ViewportClientSystem() );
	IGameSystem::Add( ClientEffectPrecacheSystem() );
	IGameSystem::Add( g_pClientShadowMgr );
	IGameSystem::Add( ClientThinkList() );
	IGameSystem::Add( ClientSoundscapeSystem() );

#if defined( CLIENT_DLL ) && defined( COPY_CHECK_STRESSTEST )
	IGameSystem::Add( GetPredictionCopyTester() );

	modemanager->Init( );



	if( !IGameSystem::InitAllSystems() )
		return false;








	// Register user messages..


	// Embed voice status icons inside chat element
		CHudChat *chatElement = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat );
		vgui::VPANEL parent = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL );
		if ( chatElement )
			parent = chatElement->GetVoiceArea()->GetVPanel();
		GetClientVoiceMgr()->Init( &g_VoiceStatusHelper, parent );

	if ( !PhysicsDLLInit( physicsFactory ) )
		return false;

	g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetEntitiySaveRestoreBlockHandler() );
	g_pGameSaveRestoreBlockSet->AddBlockHandler( GetPhysSaveRestoreBlockHandler() );

	return true;
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CEmptyServerPlugin::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	//bool bSucess = true;
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );

	//g_pFullFileSystem = GetInterface<IFileSystem>( "bin/filesystem_steam.dll", FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pFullFileSystem = (IFileSystem *)interfaceFactory(FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);
//#ifdef WIN32
//	pServerDLL = GetInterface<IServerGameDLL>( "tf/bin/server.dll", INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL );
//	pServerDLL = GetInterface<IServerGameDLL>( "tf/bin/server.so", INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEDLL );

	//CSysModule *pClientModule = g_pFullFileSystem->LoadModule("bin/client.dll", "MOD", false);
	//	Warning("Unable to find client DLL module (are you on a dedicated server?)\n");
	//	return false;

	//CreateInterfaceFn pfnClientFactory = Sys_GetFactory(pClientModule);
	//	Warning("Unable to retrieve client factory\n");
	//	return false;

	playerinfomanager = (IPlayerInfoManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERINFOMANAGER,NULL);
	//if ( !playerinfomanager )
	//	Warning( "Unable to load playerinfomanager, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific player data

	//botmanager = (IBotManager *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_PLAYERBOTMANAGER, NULL);
	//if ( !botmanager )
	//	Warning( "Unable to load botcontroller, ignoring\n" ); // this isn't fatal, we just won't be able to access specific bot functions

	pEngine = (IVEngineServer*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL);
	gameeventmanager = (IGameEventManager2*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER2, NULL);
	helpers = (IServerPluginHelpers*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ISERVERPLUGINHELPERS, NULL);
	enginetrace = (IEngineTrace *)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_SERVER,NULL);
	randomStr = (IUniformRandomStream *)interfaceFactory(VENGINE_SERVER_RANDOM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);

	pServerEnts = (IServerGameEnts *)gameServerFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_SERVERGAMEENTS, NULL);
	pEngineClient = (IVEngineClient *)interfaceFactory(VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL);
	//pEngineClient = UTIL_LoadInterface<IVEngineClient>(interfaceFactory, VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, bSucess);
	//pBaseClientDLL = UTIL_LoadInterface<IBaseClientDLL>(pfnClientFactory, CLIENT_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, bSucess);

	pBaseClientDLL = GetInterface<IBaseClientDLL>( "tf/bin/client.dll", CLIENT_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION );

	// get the interfaces we want to use
	//if(	! ( pEngine && gameeventmanager && g_pFullFileSystem && helpers && enginetrace && randomStr ) )
	//	Warning( "Unable to load one of these: engine && gameeventmanager && g_pFullFileSystem && helpers && enginetrace && randomStr\n" );
	//	return false; // we require all these interface to function

	if ( !ConfirmInterfaces() ){
		return false;

	//if ( playerinfomanager ){
	gpGlobals = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars();

	plugin_context_init_t init;
	init.pEngine = pEngine;
	init.pPlayerInfoManager = playerinfomanager;
	init.pHelpers = helpers;
	init.pGameEventManager = gameeventmanager;
	init.pServerGameDLL = pServerDLL;


	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_round_stalemate", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_round_active", true );		//9:54
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_round_win", true );			//end round
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_point_captured", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "arena_win_panel", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_win_panel", true );			//fix for incorrect round points
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "player_say", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_game_over", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "player_changename", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "player_team", true );
	gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "tf_game_over", true );
	//gameeventmanager->AddListener( this, "teamplay_broadcast_audio", true );

	m_SizzlingMatches.SM_SetEventUpdateInterval( 3.0f );

	//pEngine->ServerCommand( "con_logfile sizzmatches.txt\n" );
	//Name: 	player_changename
	//short 	userid 	user ID on server
	//string 	oldname 	players old (current) name
	//string 	newname 	players new name 

	//Name: 	player_chat						// doesn't work
	//bool 	teamonly 	true if team only chat
	//short 	userid 	chatting player
	//string 	text 	chat text 

	//Name: 	player_say
	//short 	userid 	chatting player
	//string 	text 	chat text 

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2 );
	ConVar_Register( 0 );
	return true;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	if( argc != 4 )

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	char pCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	if ( _getcwd( pCurrentDirectory, sizeof(pCurrentDirectory) ) == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to get the current directory\n" );
		return -1;
	Q_FixSlashes( pCurrentDirectory );
	Q_StripTrailingSlash( pCurrentDirectory );

	char pBuf[3][MAX_PATH];
	const char *pFileName[3];
	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
		if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( argv[i+1] ) )
			Q_snprintf( pBuf[i], sizeof(pBuf[i]), "%s\\%s", pCurrentDirectory, argv[i+1] );
			pFileName[i] = pBuf[i];
			pFileName[i] = argv[i+1];

	int width1, height1;
	ImageFormat imageFormat1;
	float gamma1;

	CUtlBuffer buf1;
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pFileName[0], NULL, buf1 ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "%s not found\n", pFileName[0] );
		return -1;

	if( !TGALoader::GetInfo( buf1, &width1, &height1, &imageFormat1, &gamma1 ) )
		printf( "error loading %s\n", pFileName[0] );
		exit( -1 );

	int width2, height2;
	ImageFormat imageFormat2;
	float gamma2;

	CUtlBuffer buf2;
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pFileName[1], NULL, buf2 ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "%s not found\n", pFileName[1] );
		return -1;

	if( !TGALoader::GetInfo( buf2, &width2, &height2, &imageFormat2, &gamma2 ) )
		printf( "error loading %s\n", pFileName[1] );
		exit( -1 );

	if( width1 != width2 || height1 != height2 )
		printf( "image dimensions different (%dx%d!=%dx%d): can't do diff for %s\n", 
			width1, height1, width2, height2, pFileName[2] );
		exit( -1 );
#if 0
	// have to allow for different formats for now due to *.txt file screwup.
	if( imageFormat1 != imageFormat2 )
		printf( "image format different (%s!=%s). . can't do diff for %s\n", 
			ImageLoader::GetName( imageFormat1 ), ImageLoader::GetName( imageFormat2 ), pFileName[2] );
		exit( -1 );
	if( gamma1 != gamma2 )
		printf( "image gamma different (%f!=%f). . can't do diff for %s\n", gamma1, gamma2, pFileName[2] );
		exit( -1 );

	unsigned char *pImage1Tmp = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width1, height1, 1, imageFormat1, false )];
	unsigned char *pImage2Tmp = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width2, height2, 1, imageFormat2, false )];

	buf1.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
	if( !TGALoader::Load( pImage1Tmp, buf1, width1, height1, imageFormat1, 2.2f, false ) )
		printf( "error loading %s\n", pFileName[0] );
		exit( -1 );
	buf2.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 );
	if( !TGALoader::Load( pImage2Tmp, buf2, width2, height2, imageFormat2, 2.2f, false ) )
		printf( "error loading %s\n", pFileName[1] );
		exit( -1 );

	unsigned char *pImage1 = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width1, height1, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888, false )];
	unsigned char *pImage2 = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width2, height2, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888, false )];
	unsigned char *pDiff = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width2, height2, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888, false )];
	ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pImage1Tmp, imageFormat1, pImage1, IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888, width1, height1, 0, 0 );
	ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pImage2Tmp, imageFormat2, pImage2, IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888, width2, height2, 0, 0 );

	int sizeInBytes = ImageLoader::SizeInBytes( IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888 );
	bool isDifferent = false;
	for( int i = 0; i < width1 * height1 * sizeInBytes; i++ )
		int d;
		d = pImage2[i] - pImage1[i];
		pDiff[i] = d > 0 ? d : -d;
		if( d != 0 )
			isDifferent = true;

	if( !isDifferent )
		printf( "Files are the same %s %s : not generating %s\n", pFileName[0], pFileName[1], pFileName[2] );
		exit( -1 );
		printf( "Generating diff: %s!\n", pFileName[2] );

	ImageFormat dstImageFormat;
	// get rid of this until we get the formats matching
//	if( sizeInBytes == 3 )
//	{
//		dstImageFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888;
//	}
//	else
		dstImageFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
	CUtlBuffer outBuffer;
	if ( !TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer( pDiff, outBuffer, width1, height1, dstImageFormat, dstImageFormat ) )
		printf( "error writing %s to buffer\n", pFileName[2] );
		exit( -1 );
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pFileName[2], NULL, outBuffer ) )
		fprintf( stderr, "unable to write %s\n", pFileName[2] );
		return -1;

	return 0;	
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	SpewOutputFunc( VTF2TGAOutputFunc );
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f, false, false, false, false );

	const char *pVTFFileName = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-i" );
	const char *pTGAFileName = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-o" );
	bool bGenerateMipLevels = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-mip" ) != NULL;
	if ( !pVTFFileName )

	if ( !pTGAFileName )
		pTGAFileName = pVTFFileName;

	char pCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	if ( _getcwd( pCurrentDirectory, sizeof(pCurrentDirectory) ) == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to get the current directory\n" );
		return -1;
	Q_StripTrailingSlash( pCurrentDirectory );

	char pBuf[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( pTGAFileName ) )
		Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "%s\\%s", pCurrentDirectory, pTGAFileName );
		Q_strncpy( pBuf, pTGAFileName, sizeof(pBuf) );
	Q_FixSlashes( pBuf );

	char pOutFileNameBase[MAX_PATH];
	Q_StripExtension( pBuf, pOutFileNameBase, MAX_PATH );

	char pActualVTFFileName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_strncpy( pActualVTFFileName, pVTFFileName, MAX_PATH );
	if ( !Q_strstr( pActualVTFFileName, ".vtf" ) )
		Q_strcat( pActualVTFFileName, ".vtf", MAX_PATH ); 

	FILE *vtfFp = fopen( pActualVTFFileName, "rb" );
	if( !vtfFp )
		Error( "Can't open %s\n", pActualVTFFileName );
		exit( -1 );

	fseek( vtfFp, 0, SEEK_END );
	int srcVTFLength = ftell( vtfFp );
	fseek( vtfFp, 0, SEEK_SET );

	CUtlBuffer buf;
	buf.EnsureCapacity( srcVTFLength );
	int nBytesRead = fread( buf.Base(), 1, srcVTFLength, vtfFp );
	fclose( vtfFp );
	buf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nBytesRead );

	IVTFTexture *pTex = CreateVTFTexture();
	if (!pTex->Unserialize( buf ))
		Error( "*** Error reading in .VTF file %s\n", pActualVTFFileName );
	Msg( "vtf width: %d\n", pTex->Width() );
	Msg( "vtf height: %d\n", pTex->Height() );
	Msg( "vtf numFrames: %d\n", pTex->FrameCount() );

	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_POINTSAMPLE ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPS ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPT ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPU=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_CLAMPU ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_BORDER ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_HINT_DXT5 ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_SRGB ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NORMAL ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOMIP ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_NOLOD ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ALL_MIPS ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_PROCEDURAL ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_EIGHTBITALPHA ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_RENDERTARGET ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Msg( "TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY=%s\n", ( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_SINGLECOPY ) ? "true" : "false" );
	Vector vecReflectivity = pTex->Reflectivity();
	Msg( "vtf reflectivity: %f %f %f\n", vecReflectivity[0], vecReflectivity[1], vecReflectivity[2] );
	Msg( "transparency: " );
		Msg( "eightbitalpha\n" );
	else if( pTex->Flags() & TEXTUREFLAGS_ONEBITALPHA )
		Msg( "onebitalpha\n" );
		Msg( "noalpha\n" );
	ImageFormat srcFormat = pTex->Format();
	Msg( "vtf format: %s\n", ImageLoader::GetName( srcFormat ) );
	int iTGANameLen = Q_strlen( pOutFileNameBase );

	int iFaceCount = pTex->FaceCount();
	int nFrameCount = pTex->FrameCount();
	bool bIsCubeMap = pTex->IsCubeMap();

	int iLastMipLevel = bGenerateMipLevels ? pTex->MipCount() - 1 : 0;
	for( int iFrame = 0; iFrame < nFrameCount; ++iFrame )
		for ( int iMipLevel = 0; iMipLevel <= iLastMipLevel; ++iMipLevel )
			int iWidth, iHeight, iDepth;
			pTex->ComputeMipLevelDimensions( iMipLevel, &iWidth, &iHeight, &iDepth );

			for (int iCubeFace = 0; iCubeFace < iFaceCount; ++iCubeFace)
				for ( int z = 0; z < iDepth; ++z )
					// Construct output filename
					char *pTempNameBuf = (char *)stackalloc( iTGANameLen + 13 );
					Q_strncpy( pTempNameBuf, pOutFileNameBase, iTGANameLen + 1 );
					char *pExt = Q_strrchr( pTempNameBuf, '.' );
					if ( pExt )
						pExt = 0;

					if ( bIsCubeMap )
						Assert( pTex->Depth() == 1 ); // shouldn't this be 1 instead of 0?
						static const char *pCubeFaceName[7] = { "rt", "lf", "bk", "ft", "up", "dn", "sph" };
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pCubeFaceName[iCubeFace], iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if ( nFrameCount > 1 )
						char pTemp[4];
						Q_snprintf( pTemp, 4, "%03d", iFrame );
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pTemp, iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if ( iLastMipLevel != 0 )
						char pTemp[8];
						Q_snprintf( pTemp, 8, "_mip%d", iMipLevel );
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pTemp, iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if ( pTex->Depth() > 1 )
						char pTemp[6];
						Q_snprintf( pTemp, 6, "_z%03d", z );
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, pTemp, iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					if( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F )
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, ".pfm", iTGANameLen + 13 ); 
						Q_strcat( pTempNameBuf, ".tga", iTGANameLen + 13 ); 

					unsigned char *pSrcImage = pTex->ImageData( iFrame, iCubeFace, iMipLevel, 0, 0, z );

					ImageFormat dstFormat;
					if( srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA16161616F )
						dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F;
						if( ImageLoader::IsTransparent( srcFormat ) || (srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI1N ) || (srcFormat == IMAGE_FORMAT_ATI2N ))
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888;
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA8888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR888;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA5551;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGR565;
				//	dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRA4444;
				//	printf( "dstFormat: %s\n", ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ) );
					unsigned char *pDstImage = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( iWidth, iHeight, 1, dstFormat, false )];
					if( !ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( pSrcImage, srcFormat, 
						pDstImage, dstFormat, iWidth, iHeight, 0, 0 ) )
						Error( "Error converting from %s to %s\n",
							ImageLoader::GetName( srcFormat ), ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ) );
						exit( -1 );

					if( dstFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB323232F )
						if( ImageLoader::IsTransparent( dstFormat ) && ( dstFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 ) )
							unsigned char *tmpImage = pDstImage;
							pDstImage = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( iWidth, iHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, false )];
							if( !ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( tmpImage, dstFormat, pDstImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888,
								iWidth, iHeight, 0, 0 ) )
								Error( "Error converting from %s to %s\n",
									ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ), ImageLoader::GetName( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 ) );
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888;
						else if( !ImageLoader::IsTransparent( dstFormat ) && ( dstFormat != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 ) )
							unsigned char *tmpImage = pDstImage;
							pDstImage = new unsigned char[ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( iWidth, iHeight, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, false )];
							if( !ImageLoader::ConvertImageFormat( tmpImage, dstFormat, pDstImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888,
								iWidth, iHeight, 0, 0 ) )
								Error( "Error converting from %s to %s\n",
									ImageLoader::GetName( dstFormat ), ImageLoader::GetName( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 ) );
							dstFormat = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888;

						CUtlBuffer outBuffer;
						TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer( pDstImage, outBuffer, iWidth, iHeight,
							dstFormat, dstFormat );
						if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pTempNameBuf, NULL, outBuffer ) )
							fprintf( stderr, "unable to write %s\n", pTempNameBuf );
						PFMWrite( ( float * )pDstImage, pTempNameBuf, iWidth, iHeight );

	// leak leak leak leak leak, leak leak, leak leak (Blue Danube)
	return 0;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	if( argc < 2 )
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	int i = 1;
	while( i < argc )
		if( stricmp( argv[i], "-quiet" ) == 0 )
			g_Quiet = true;
			g_NoPause = true; // no point in pausing if we aren't going to print anything out.
		if( stricmp( argv[i], "-nopause" ) == 0 )
			g_NoPause = true;

	char pCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	if ( _getcwd( pCurrentDirectory, sizeof(pCurrentDirectory) ) == NULL )
		fprintf( stderr, "Unable to get the current directory\n" );
		return -1;

	Q_FixSlashes( pCurrentDirectory );
	Q_StripTrailingSlash( pCurrentDirectory );

	for( ; i < argc; i++ )
		static char normalFileNameWithoutExtension[1024];
		char *pFileName;
		if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( argv[i] ) )
			Q_snprintf( normalFileNameWithoutExtension, sizeof(normalFileNameWithoutExtension), "%s\\%s", pCurrentDirectory, argv[i] );
			pFileName = normalFileNameWithoutExtension;
			pFileName = argv[i];

		if( !g_Quiet )
			printf( "file: %s\n", pFileName );
		float bumpScale = -1.0f;
		int startFrame = -1;
		int endFrame = -1;
		LoadConfigFile( pFileName, &bumpScale, &startFrame, &endFrame );
		if( bumpScale == -1.0f )
			fprintf( stderr, "Must specify \"bumpscale\" in config file\n" );
		if( ( startFrame == -1 && endFrame != -1 ) ||
			( startFrame != -1 && endFrame == -1 ) )
			fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: If you use startframe, you must use endframe, and vice versa.\n" );
		if( !g_Quiet )
			printf( "\tbumpscale: %f\n", bumpScale );
		Q_StripExtension( pFileName, normalFileNameWithoutExtension, sizeof( normalFileNameWithoutExtension ) );
		ProcessFiles( normalFileNameWithoutExtension,
					  startFrame, endFrame,
					  bumpScale );
	return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	int i;
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	SpewOutputFunc( HLFacePoserSpewFunc );
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );

	// make sure, we start in the right directory
	char szName[256];
	strcpy (szName, mx::getApplicationPath() );

	mx::init (argc, argv);


	FileSystem_Init( true );
	filesystem = (IFileSystem *)(FileSystem_GetFactory()( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ));
	if ( !filesystem )
		AssertMsg( 0, "Failed to create/get IFileSystem" );
		return 1;

	char workingdir[ 256 ];
	workingdir[0] = 0;
	Q_getwd( workingdir );

	// If they didn't specify -game on the command line, use VPROJECT.
	CmdLib_InitFileSystem( workingdir, true );

	IFacePoserToolWindow::EnableToolRedraw( false );

	new MDLViewer ();

	g_MDLViewer->setMenuBar (g_MDLViewer->getMenuBar ());

	bool modelloaded = false;
	for ( i = 1; i < CommandLine()->ParmCount(); i++ )
		if ( Q_stristr (CommandLine()->GetParm( i ), ".mdl") )
			modelloaded = true;
			g_MDLViewer->LoadModelFile( CommandLine()->GetParm( i ) );


	if ( models->Count() == 0 )
		g_pFlexPanel->initFlexes( );

	// Load expressions from last time
	int files = workspacefiles->GetNumStoredFiles( IWorkspaceFiles::EXPRESSION );
	for ( i = 0; i < files; i++ )
		expressions->LoadClass( workspacefiles->GetStoredFile( IWorkspaceFiles::EXPRESSION, i ) );

	IFacePoserToolWindow::EnableToolRedraw( true );

	int retval = mx::run();


	if (g_pStudioModel)
		g_pStudioModel = NULL;

	if (g_pMaterialSystem)
		g_pMaterialSystem = NULL;



	return retval;
// Connect, disconnect...
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
bool SDKTools::SDK_OnLoad(char *error, size_t maxlength, bool late)
	HandleError err;

	if (!gameconfs->LoadGameConfigFile("sdktools.games", &g_pGameConf, error, maxlength))
		return false;

	sharesys->AddDependency(myself, "bintools.ext", true, true);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_CallNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_Natives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_TENatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_SoundNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_TRNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_StringTableNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_VoiceNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_EntInputNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_TeamNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_EntOutputNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_GameRulesNatives);
	sharesys->AddNatives(myself, g_ClientNatives);


	g_CallHandle = handlesys->CreateType("ValveCall", this, 0, NULL, NULL, myself->GetIdentity(), &err);
	if (g_CallHandle == 0)
		snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not create call handle type (err: %d)", err);	
		return false;

	TypeAccess TraceAccess;
	handlesys->InitAccessDefaults(&TraceAccess, NULL);
	TraceAccess.ident = myself->GetIdentity();
	TraceAccess.access[HTypeAccess_Create] = true;
	TraceAccess.access[HTypeAccess_Inherit] = true;
	g_TraceHandle = handlesys->CreateType("TraceRay", this, 0, &TraceAccess, NULL, myself->GetIdentity(), &err);
	if (g_TraceHandle == 0)
		handlesys->RemoveType(g_CallHandle, myself->GetIdentity());
		g_CallHandle = 0;
		snprintf(error, maxlength, "Could not create traceray handle type (err: %d)", err);
		return false;

	g_pCVar = icvar;

	SH_ADD_HOOK(IServerGameDLL, LevelInit, gamedll, SH_MEMBER(this, &SDKTools::LevelInit), true);


	MathLib_Init(2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2);

	spengine = g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine();


	CDetourManager::Init(g_pSM->GetScriptingEngine(), g_pGameConf);





	return true;
int RunVBSP( int argc, char **argv )
	int		i;
	double		start, end;
	char		path[1024];

	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, OVERBRIGHT, false, false, false, false );
	SpewActivate( "developer", 1 );
	CmdLib_InitFileSystem( argv[ argc-1 ] );

	Q_StripExtension( ExpandArg( argv[ argc-1 ] ), source, sizeof( source ) );
	Q_FileBase( source, mapbase, sizeof( mapbase ) );
	strlwr( mapbase );

	LoadCmdLineFromFile( argc, argv, mapbase, "vbsp" );

	Msg( "Valve Software - vbsp.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ );

	for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++)
		if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-threads"))
			numthreads = atoi (argv[i+1]);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i],"-glview"))
			glview = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-v") || !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-verbose") )
			Msg("verbose = true\n");
			verbose = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noweld"))
			Msg ("noweld = true\n");
			noweld = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nocsg"))
			Msg ("nocsg = true\n");
			nocsg = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noshare"))
			Msg ("noshare = true\n");
			noshare = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-notjunc"))
			Msg ("notjunc = true\n");
			notjunc = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nowater"))
			Msg ("nowater = true\n");
			nowater = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noopt"))
			Msg ("noopt = true\n");
			noopt = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-noprune"))
			Msg ("noprune = true\n");
			noprune = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nomerge"))
			Msg ("nomerge = true\n");
			nomerge = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nomergewater"))
			Msg ("nomergewater = true\n");
			nomergewater = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nosubdiv"))
			Msg ("nosubdiv = true\n");
			nosubdiv = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nodetail"))
			Msg ("nodetail = true\n");
			nodetail = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-fulldetail"))
			Msg ("fulldetail = true\n");
			fulldetail = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-onlyents"))
			Msg ("onlyents = true\n");
			onlyents = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-onlyprops"))
			Msg ("onlyprops = true\n");
			onlyprops = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-micro"))
			microvolume = atof(argv[i+1]);
			Msg ("microvolume = %f\n", microvolume);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-leaktest"))
			Msg ("leaktest = true\n");
			leaktest = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-verboseentities"))
			Msg ("verboseentities = true\n");
			verboseentities = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-snapaxial"))
			Msg ("snap axial = true\n");
			g_snapAxialPlanes = true;
#if 0
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-maxlightmapdim"))
			g_maxLightmapDimension = atof(argv[i+1]);
			Msg ("g_maxLightmapDimension = %f\n", g_maxLightmapDimension);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-block"))
			block_xl = block_xh = atoi(argv[i+1]);
			block_yl = block_yh = atoi(argv[i+2]);
			Msg ("block: %i,%i\n", block_xl, block_yl);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-blocks"))
			block_xl = atoi(argv[i+1]);
			block_yl = atoi(argv[i+2]);
			block_xh = atoi(argv[i+3]);
			block_yh = atoi(argv[i+4]);
			Msg ("blocks: %i,%i to %i,%i\n", 
				block_xl, block_yl, block_xh, block_yh);
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dumpcollide" ) )
			Msg("Dumping collision models to collideXXX.txt\n" );
			dumpcollide = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dumpstaticprop" ) )
			Msg("Dumping static props to staticpropXXX.txt\n" );
			g_DumpStaticProps = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-forceskyvis" ) )
			Msg("Enabled vis in 3d skybox\n" );
			g_bSkyVis = true;
		else if (!Q_stricmp (argv[i],"-tmpout"))
			strcpy (outbase, "/tmp");
#if 0
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-defaultluxelsize" ) )
			g_defaultLuxelSize = atof( argv[i+1] );
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-luxelscale" ) )
			g_luxelScale = atof( argv[i+1] );
		else if( !strcmp( argv[i], "-minluxelscale" ) )
			g_minLuxelScale = atof( argv[i+1] );
			if (g_minLuxelScale < 1)
				g_minLuxelScale = 1;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-dxlevel" ) )
			g_nDXLevel = atoi( argv[i+1] );
			Msg( "DXLevel = %d\n", g_nDXLevel );
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-bumpall" ) )
			g_BumpAll = true;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-low" ) )
			g_bLowPriority = true;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-lightifmissing" ) )
			g_bLightIfMissing = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], CMDLINEOPTION_NOVCONFIG ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-allowdebug" ) || !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-steam" ) )
			// nothing to do here, but don't bail on this option
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-vproject" ) || !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-game" ) )
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-keepstalezip" ) )
			g_bKeepStaleZip = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-xbox" ) )
			// enable mandatory xbox extensions
			g_NodrawTriggers = true;
			g_DisableWaterLighting = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-allowdetailcracks"))
			g_bAllowDetailCracks = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-novirtualmesh"))
			g_bNoVirtualMesh = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-replacematerials" ) )
			g_ReplaceMaterials = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-nodrawtriggers") )
			g_NodrawTriggers = true;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( argv[i], "-FullMinidumps" ) )
			EnableFullMinidumps( true );
		else if (argv[i][0] == '-')
			Warning("VBSP: Unknown option \"%s\"\n\n", argv[i]);
			i = 100000;	// force it to print the usage

	if (i != argc - 1)
		PrintCommandLine( argc, argv );

			"usage  : vbsp [options...] mapfile\n"
			"example: vbsp -onlyents c:\\hl2\\hl2\\maps\\test\n"
			"Common options (use -v to see all options):\n"
			"  -v (or -verbose): Turn on verbose output (also shows more command\n"
			"                    line options).\n"
			"  -onlyents   : This option causes vbsp only import the entities from the .vmf\n"
			"                file. -onlyents won't reimport brush models.\n"
			"  -onlyprops  : Only update the static props and detail props.\n"
			"  -glview     : Writes .gl files in the current directory that can be viewed\n"
			"                with glview.exe. If you use -tmpout, it will write the files\n"
			"                into the \\tmp folder.\n"
			"  -nodetail   : Get rid of all detail geometry. The geometry left over is\n"
			"                what affects visibility.\n"
			"  -nowater    : Get rid of water brushes.\n"
			"  -low        : Run as an idle-priority process.\n"
			"  -vproject <directory> : Override the VPROJECT environment variable.\n"
			"  -game <directory>     : Same as -vproject.\n"
			"\n" );

		if ( verbose )
				"Other options  :\n"
				"  -novconfig   : Don't bring up graphical UI on vproject errors.\n"
				"  -threads     : Control the number of threads vbsp uses (defaults to the # of\n"
				"                 processors on your machine).\n"
				"  -verboseentities: If -v is on, this disables verbose output for submodels.\n"
				"  -noweld      : Don't join face vertices together.\n"
				"  -nocsg       : Don't chop out intersecting brush areas.\n"
				"  -noshare     : Emit unique face edges instead of sharing them.\n"
				"  -notjunc     : Don't fixup t-junctions.\n"
				"  -noopt       : By default, vbsp removes the 'outer shell' of the map, which\n"
				"                 are all the faces you can't see because you can never get\n"
				"                 outside the map. -noopt disables this behaviour.\n"
				"  -noprune     : Don't prune neighboring solid nodes.\n"
				"  -nomerge     : Don't merge together chopped faces on nodes.\n"
				"  -nomergewater: Don't merge together chopped faces on water.\n"
				"  -nosubdiv    : Don't subdivide faces for lightmapping.\n"
				"  -micro <#>   : vbsp will warn when brushes are output with a volume less\n"
				"                 than this number (default: 1.0).\n"
				"  -fulldetail  : Mark all detail geometry as normal geometry (so all detail\n"
				"                 geometry will affect visibility).\n"
				"  -leaktest    : Stop processing the map if a leak is detected. Whether or not\n"
				"                 this flag is set, a leak file will be written out at\n"
				"                 <vmf filename>.lin, and it can be imported into Hammer.\n"
				"  -bumpall     : Force all surfaces to be bump mapped.\n"
				"  -snapaxial   : Snap axial planes to integer coordinates.\n"
				"  -block # #      : Control the grid size mins that vbsp chops the level on.\n"
				"  -blocks # # # # : Enter the mins and maxs for the grid size vbsp uses.\n"
				"  -dumpstaticprops: Dump static props to staticprop*.txt\n"
				"  -dumpcollide    : Write files with collision info.\n"
				"  -forceskyvis	   : Enable vis calculations in 3d skybox leaves\n"
				"  -luxelscale #   : Scale all lightmaps by this amount (default: 1.0).\n"
				"  -minluxelscale #: No luxel scale will be lower than this amount (default: 1.0).\n"
				"  -lightifmissing : Force lightmaps to be generated for all surfaces even if\n"
				"                    they don't need lightmaps.\n"
				"  -keepstalezip   : Keep the BSP's zip files intact but regenerate everything\n"
				"                    else.\n"
				"  -virtualdispphysics : Use virtual (not precomputed) displacement collision models\n"
				"  -xbox           : Enable mandatory xbox options\n"
				"  -x360		   : Generate Xbox360 version of vsp\n"
				"  -nox360		   : Disable generation Xbox360 version of vsp (default)\n"
				"  -replacematerials : Substitute materials according to materialsub.txt in content\\maps\n"
				"  -FullMinidumps  : Write large minidumps on crash.\n"

		DeleteCmdLine( argc, argv );
		CmdLib_Exit( 1 );

	start = Plat_FloatTime();

	// Run in the background?
	if( g_bLowPriority )

	if( ( g_nDXLevel != 0 ) && ( g_nDXLevel < 80 ) )
		g_BumpAll = false;

	if( g_luxelScale == 1.0f )
		if ( g_nDXLevel == 70 )
			g_luxelScale = 4.0f;

	ThreadSetDefault ();
	numthreads = 1;		// multiple threads aren't helping...

	// Setup the logfile.
	char logFile[512];
	_snprintf( logFile, sizeof(logFile), "%s.log", source );
	SetSpewFunctionLogFile( logFile );


#if 0
	Msg( "qdir: %s  This is the the path of the initial source file \n", qdir );
	Msg( "gamedir: %s This is the base engine + mod-specific game dir (e.g. d:/tf2/mytfmod/) \n", gamedir );
	Msg( "basegamedir: %s This is the base engine + base game directory (e.g. e:/hl2/hl2/, or d:/tf2/tf2/ )\n", basegamedir );

	sprintf( materialPath, "%smaterials", gamedir );
	InitMaterialSystem( materialPath, CmdLib_GetFileSystemFactory() );
	Msg( "materialPath: %s\n", materialPath );
	// delete portal and line files
	sprintf (path, "%s.prt", source);
	remove (path);
	sprintf (path, "%s.lin", source);
	remove (path);

	strcpy (name, ExpandArg (argv[i]));	

	const char *pszExtension = V_GetFileExtension( name );
	if ( !pszExtension )
		V_SetExtension( name, ".vmm", sizeof( name ) );
		if ( !FileExists( name ) )
			V_SetExtension( name, ".vmf", sizeof( name ) );

	char platformBSPFileName[1024];
	GetPlatformMapPath( source, platformBSPFileName, g_nDXLevel, 1024 );
	// if we're combining materials, load the script file
	if ( g_ReplaceMaterials )
		LoadMaterialReplacementKeys( gamedir, mapbase );

	// if onlyents, just grab the entites and resave
	if (onlyents)
		LoadBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);
		num_entities = 0;
		// Clear out the cubemap samples since they will be reparsed even with -onlyents
		g_nCubemapSamples = 0;

		// Mark as stale since the lighting could be screwed with new ents.
		AddBufferToPak( GetPakFile(), "stale.txt", "stale", strlen( "stale" ) + 1, false );

		LoadMapFile (name);
		SetModelNumbers ();
		SetLightStyles ();

		// NOTE: If we ever precompute lighting for static props in
		// vrad, EmitStaticProps should be removed here

		// Emit static props found in the .vmf file

		// NOTE: Don't deal with detail props here, it blows away lighting

		// Recompute the skybox

		// Make sure that we have a water lod control eneity if we have water in the map.

		// Make sure the func_occluders have the appropriate data set

		// Doing this here because stuff abov may filter out entities
		UnparseEntities ();

		WriteBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);
	else if (onlyprops)
		// In the only props case, deal with static + detail props only
		LoadBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);


		// Emit static props found in the .vmf file

		// Place detail props found in .vmf and based on material properties
		LoadEmitDetailObjectDictionary( gamedir );

		WriteBSPFile (platformBSPFileName);
		// start from scratch

		// Load just the file system from the bsp
		if( g_bKeepStaleZip && FileExists( platformBSPFileName ) )
			LoadBSPFile_FileSystemOnly (platformBSPFileName);
			// Mark as stale since the lighting could be screwed with new ents.
			AddBufferToPak( GetPakFile(), "stale.txt", "stale", strlen( "stale" ) + 1, false );

		LoadMapFile (name);
		if( ( g_nDXLevel == 0 ) || ( g_nDXLevel >= 70 ) )
		SetModelNumbers ();
		SetLightStyles ();
		LoadEmitDetailObjectDictionary( gamedir );
		ProcessModels ();

	end = Plat_FloatTime();
	char str[512];
	GetHourMinuteSecondsString( (int)( end - start ), str, sizeof( str ) );
	Msg( "%s elapsed\n", str );

	DeleteCmdLine( argc, argv );
	return 0;
	virtual InitReturnVal_t Init()
		MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
		return BaseClass::Init();