static void PopulateWithBSPModel(bspModel_t * model, matrix_t transform)
	int             i, j, x, y, pw[5], r, nodeNum;
	bspDrawSurface_t *ds;
	surfaceInfo_t  *info;
	bspDrawVert_t  *verts;
	int            *indexes;
	mesh_t          srcMesh, *mesh, *subdivided;
	traceInfo_t     ti;
	traceWinding_t  tw;

	/* dummy check */
	if(model == NULL || transform == NULL)

	/* walk the list of surfaces in this model and fill out the info structs */
	for(i = 0; i < model->numBSPSurfaces; i++)
		/* get surface and info */
		ds = &bspDrawSurfaces[model->firstBSPSurface + i];
		info = &surfaceInfos[model->firstBSPSurface + i];
		if(info->si == NULL)

		/* no shadows */

		/* patchshadows? */
		if(ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCH && patchShadows == qfalse)

		/* some surfaces in the bsp might have been tagged as nodraw, with a bogus shader */
		if((bspShaders[ds->shaderNum].contentFlags & noDrawContentFlags) ||
		   (bspShaders[ds->shaderNum].surfaceFlags & noDrawSurfaceFlags))

		/* translucent surfaces that are neither alphashadow or lightfilter don't cast shadows */
		if((info->si->compileFlags & C_NODRAW))
		if((info->si->compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT) &&
		   !(info->si->compileFlags & C_ALPHASHADOW) && !(info->si->compileFlags & C_LIGHTFILTER))

		/* setup trace info */
		ti.si = info->si;
		ti.castShadows = info->castShadows;
		ti.surfaceNum = model->firstBSPBrush + i;
		ti.skipGrid = (ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCH);

		/* choose which node (normal or skybox) */
		if(info->parentSurfaceNum >= 0)
			nodeNum = skyboxNodeNum;

			/* sky surfaces in portal skies are ignored */
			if(info->si->compileFlags & C_SKY)
			nodeNum = headNodeNum;

		/* setup trace winding */
		memset(&tw, 0, sizeof(tw));
		tw.infoNum = AddTraceInfo(&ti);
		tw.numVerts = 3;

		/* switch on type */
		switch (ds->surfaceType)
				/* handle patches */
			case MST_PATCH:
				/* subdivide the surface */
				srcMesh.width = ds->patchWidth;
				srcMesh.height = ds->patchHeight;
				srcMesh.verts = &bspDrawVerts[ds->firstVert];
				//% subdivided = SubdivideMesh( srcMesh, 8, 512 );
				subdivided = SubdivideMesh2(srcMesh, info->patchIterations);

				/* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */
				mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows(subdivided);

				/* set verts */
				verts = mesh->verts;

				/* subdivide each quad to place the models */
				for(y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++)
					for(x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++)
						/* set indexes */
						pw[0] = x + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[1] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[2] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width);
						pw[3] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width);
						pw[4] = x + (y * mesh->width);	/* same as pw[ 0 ] */

						/* set radix */
						r = (x + y) & 1;

						/* make first triangle */
						VectorCopy(verts[pw[r + 0]].xyz, tw.v[0].xyz);
						Vector2Copy(verts[pw[r + 0]].st, tw.v[0].st);
						VectorCopy(verts[pw[r + 1]].xyz, tw.v[1].xyz);
						Vector2Copy(verts[pw[r + 1]].st, tw.v[1].st);
						VectorCopy(verts[pw[r + 2]].xyz, tw.v[2].xyz);
						Vector2Copy(verts[pw[r + 2]].st, tw.v[2].st);
						MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[0].xyz);
						MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[1].xyz);
						MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[2].xyz);
						FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r(&tw, nodeNum);

						/* make second triangle */
						VectorCopy(verts[pw[r + 0]].xyz, tw.v[0].xyz);
						Vector2Copy(verts[pw[r + 0]].st, tw.v[0].st);
						VectorCopy(verts[pw[r + 2]].xyz, tw.v[1].xyz);
						Vector2Copy(verts[pw[r + 2]].st, tw.v[1].st);
						VectorCopy(verts[pw[r + 3]].xyz, tw.v[2].xyz);
						Vector2Copy(verts[pw[r + 3]].st, tw.v[2].st);
						MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[0].xyz);
						MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[1].xyz);
						MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[2].xyz);
						FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r(&tw, nodeNum);

				/* free the subdivided mesh */

				/* handle triangle surfaces */
			case MST_PLANAR:
				/* set verts and indexes */
				verts = &bspDrawVerts[ds->firstVert];
				indexes = &bspDrawIndexes[ds->firstIndex];

				/* walk the triangle list */
				for(j = 0; j < ds->numIndexes; j += 3)
					VectorCopy(verts[indexes[j]].xyz, tw.v[0].xyz);
					Vector2Copy(verts[indexes[j]].st, tw.v[0].st);
					VectorCopy(verts[indexes[j + 1]].xyz, tw.v[1].xyz);
					Vector2Copy(verts[indexes[j + 1]].st, tw.v[1].st);
					VectorCopy(verts[indexes[j + 2]].xyz, tw.v[2].xyz);
					Vector2Copy(verts[indexes[j + 2]].st, tw.v[2].st);
					MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[0].xyz);
					MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[1].xyz);
					MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[2].xyz);
					FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r(&tw, nodeNum);

				/* other surface types do not cast shadows */
qboolean R_LoadPSK(model_t *mod, void *buffer, int bufferSize, const char *modName)
	int         i, j, k;
	memStream_t *stream = NULL;

	axChunkHeader_t chunkHeader;

	int       numPoints;
	axPoint_t *point;
	axPoint_t *points = NULL;

	int        numVertexes;
	axVertex_t *vertex;
	axVertex_t *vertexes = NULL;

	//int       numSmoothGroups;
	int          numTriangles;
	axTriangle_t *triangle;
	axTriangle_t *triangles = NULL;

	int          numMaterials;
	axMaterial_t *material;
	axMaterial_t *materials = NULL;

	int               numReferenceBones;
	axReferenceBone_t *refBone;
	axReferenceBone_t *refBones = NULL;

	int            numWeights;
	axBoneWeight_t *axWeight;
	axBoneWeight_t *axWeights = NULL;

	md5Model_t  *md5;
	md5Bone_t   *md5Bone;
	md5Weight_t *weight;

	vec3_t boneOrigin;
	quat_t boneQuat;
	//mat4_t        boneMat;

	int materialIndex, oldMaterialIndex;

	int numRemaining;

	growList_t sortedTriangles;
	growList_t vboVertexes;
	growList_t vboTriangles;
	growList_t vboSurfaces;

	int numBoneReferences;
	int boneReferences[MAX_BONES];

	mat4_t unrealToQuake;

#define DeallocAll() Com_Dealloc(materials); \
	Com_Dealloc(points); \
	Com_Dealloc(vertexes); \
	Com_Dealloc(triangles); \
	Com_Dealloc(refBones); \
	Com_Dealloc(axWeights); \

	//MatrixSetupScale(unrealToQuake, 1, -1, 1);
	mat4_from_angles(unrealToQuake, 0, 90, 0);

	stream = AllocMemStream(buffer, bufferSize);
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	// check indent again
	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "ACTRHEAD", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "ACTRHEAD");
		return qfalse;


	mod->type      = MOD_MD5;
	mod->dataSize += sizeof(md5Model_t);
	md5            = mod->md5 = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(md5Model_t), h_low);

	// read points
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "PNTS0000", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "PNTS0000");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axPoint_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axPoint_t));
		return qfalse;


	numPoints = chunkHeader.numData;
	points    = Com_Allocate(numPoints * sizeof(axPoint_t));

	for (i = 0, point = points; i < numPoints; i++, point++)
		point->point[0] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
		point->point[1] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
		point->point[2] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);

#if 0
		// HACK convert from Unreal coordinate system to the Quake one
		MatrixTransformPoint2(unrealToQuake, point->point);

	// read vertices
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "VTXW0000", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "VTXW0000");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axVertex_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axVertex_t));
		return qfalse;


	numVertexes = chunkHeader.numData;
	vertexes    = Com_Allocate(numVertexes * sizeof(axVertex_t));

		int tmpVertexInt = -1; // tmp vertex member values - MemStreamGet functions return -1 if they fail
		                       // now we print a warning if they do or abort if pointIndex is invalid

		for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0 || tmpVertexInt >= numPoints)
				ri.Printf(PRINT_ERROR, "R_LoadPSK: '%s' has vertex with point index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, tmpVertexInt, numPoints);
				return qfalse;
			vertex->pointIndex = tmpVertexInt;

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->unknownA)\n");
			vertex->unknownA = tmpVertexInt;

			vertex->st[0] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
			if (vertex->st[0] == -1)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream possibly NULL or empty (vertex->st[0])\n");

			vertex->st[1] = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
			if (vertex->st[1] == -1)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream possibly NULL or empty (vertex->st[1])\n");

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->materialIndex)\n");
			vertex->materialIndex = tmpVertexInt;

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->materialIndex)\n");
			vertex->reserved = tmpVertexInt;

			tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);
			if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
				Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: MemStream NULL or empty (vertex->materialIndex)\n");
			vertex->unknownB = tmpVertexInt;
#if 0
			Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: axVertex_t(%i):\n"
			          "axVertex:pointIndex: %i\n"
			          "axVertex:unknownA: %i\n"
			          "axVertex::st: %f %f\n"
			          "axVertex:materialIndex: %i\n"
			          "axVertex:reserved: %d\n"
			          "axVertex:unknownB: %d\n",
			          vertex->st[0], vertex->st[1],

		// read triangles
		GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

		if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "FACE0000", 8))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "FACE0000");
			return qfalse;

		if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axTriangle_t))
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axTriangle_t));
			return qfalse;


		numTriangles = chunkHeader.numData;
		triangles    = Com_Allocate(numTriangles * sizeof(axTriangle_t));

		for (i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			//for(j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
				tmpVertexInt = MemStreamGetShort(stream);

				if (tmpVertexInt < 0)
					Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' MemStream NULL or empty (triangle->indexes[%i])\n", modName, j);
					return qfalse;

				if (tmpVertexInt >= numVertexes)
					Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has triangle with vertex index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, tmpVertexInt, numVertexes);
					return qfalse;

				triangle->indexes[j] = tmpVertexInt;

			triangle->materialIndex   = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			triangle->materialIndex2  = MemStreamGetC(stream);
			triangle->smoothingGroups = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
	// read materials
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "MATT0000", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "MATT0000");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axMaterial_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axMaterial_t));
		return qfalse;


	numMaterials = chunkHeader.numData;
	materials    = Com_Allocate(numMaterials * sizeof(axMaterial_t));

	for (i = 0, material = materials; i < numMaterials; i++, material++)
		MemStreamRead(stream, material->name, sizeof(material->name));

		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: material name: '%s'\n", material->name);

		material->shaderIndex = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->polyFlags   = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->auxMaterial = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->auxFlags    = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->lodBias     = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		material->lodStyle    = MemStreamGetLong(stream);

	for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
		if (vertex->materialIndex < 0 || vertex->materialIndex >= numMaterials)
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has vertex with material index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, vertex->materialIndex, numMaterials);
			return qfalse;

	for (i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)
		if (triangle->materialIndex < 0 || triangle->materialIndex >= numMaterials)
			Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has triangle with material index out of range (%i while max %i)\n", modName, triangle->materialIndex, numMaterials);
			return qfalse;

	// read reference bones
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "REFSKELT", 8))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "REFSKELT");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axReferenceBone_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axReferenceBone_t));
		return qfalse;


	numReferenceBones = chunkHeader.numData;
	refBones          = Com_Allocate(numReferenceBones * sizeof(axReferenceBone_t));

	for (i = 0, refBone = refBones; i < numReferenceBones; i++, refBone++)
		MemStreamRead(stream, refBone->name, sizeof(refBone->name));

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: reference bone name: '%s'\n", refBone->name);

		refBone->flags       = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		refBone->numChildren = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		refBone->parentIndex = MemStreamGetLong(stream);

		GetBone(stream, &refBone->bone);

#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: axReferenceBone_t(%i):\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::name: '%s'\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::flags: %i\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::numChildren %i\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::parentIndex: %i\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::quat: %f %f %f %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::position: %f %f %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::length: %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::xSize: %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::ySize: %f\n"
		          "axReferenceBone_t::zSize: %f\n",
		          refBone->bone.quat[0], refBone->bone.quat[1], refBone->bone.quat[2], refBone->bone.quat[3],
		          refBone->bone.position[0], refBone->bone.position[1], refBone->bone.position[2],

	// read  bone weights
	GetChunkHeader(stream, &chunkHeader);

	if (Q_stricmpn(chunkHeader.ident, "RAWWEIGHTS", 10))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk indent ('%s' should be '%s')\n", modName, chunkHeader.ident, "RAWWEIGHTS");
		return qfalse;

	if (chunkHeader.dataSize != sizeof(axBoneWeight_t))
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has wrong chunk dataSize ('%i' should be '%i')\n", modName, chunkHeader.dataSize, ( int ) sizeof(axBoneWeight_t));
		return qfalse;


	numWeights = chunkHeader.numData;
	axWeights  = Com_Allocate(numWeights * sizeof(axBoneWeight_t));

	for (i = 0, axWeight = axWeights; i < numWeights; i++, axWeight++)
		axWeight->weight     = MemStreamGetFloat(stream);
		axWeight->pointIndex = MemStreamGetLong(stream);
		axWeight->boneIndex  = MemStreamGetLong(stream);

#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: axBoneWeight_t(%i):\n"
		          "axBoneWeight_t::weight: %f\n"
		          "axBoneWeight_t::pointIndex %i\n"
		          "axBoneWeight_t::boneIndex: %i\n",

	// convert the model to an internal MD5 representation
	md5->numBones = numReferenceBones;

	// calc numMeshes <number>

	numSmoothGroups = 0;
	for(i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)


	if (md5->numBones < 1)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has no bones\n", modName);
		return qfalse;

	if (md5->numBones > MAX_BONES)
		Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has more than %i bones (%i)\n", modName, MAX_BONES, md5->numBones);
		return qfalse;

	//Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has %i bones\n", modName, md5->numBones);

	// copy all reference bones
	md5->bones = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*md5Bone) * md5->numBones, h_low);

	for (i = 0, md5Bone = md5->bones, refBone = refBones; i < md5->numBones; i++, md5Bone++, refBone++)
		Q_strncpyz(md5Bone->name, refBone->name, sizeof(md5Bone->name));

		if (i == 0)
			md5Bone->parentIndex = refBone->parentIndex - 1;
			md5Bone->parentIndex = refBone->parentIndex;

		//Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has bone '%s' with parent index %i\n", modName, md5Bone->name, md5Bone->parentIndex);

		if (md5Bone->parentIndex >= md5->numBones)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadPSK: '%s' has bone '%s' with bad parent index %i while numBones is %i", modName,
			         md5Bone->name, md5Bone->parentIndex, md5->numBones);

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			boneOrigin[j] = refBone->bone.position[j];

		// I have really no idea why the .psk format stores the first quaternion with inverted quats.
		// Furthermore only the X and Z components of the first quat are inverted ?!?!
		if (i == 0)
			boneQuat[0] = refBone->bone.quat[0];
			boneQuat[1] = -refBone->bone.quat[1];
			boneQuat[2] = refBone->bone.quat[2];
			boneQuat[3] = refBone->bone.quat[3];
			boneQuat[0] = -refBone->bone.quat[0];
			boneQuat[1] = -refBone->bone.quat[1];
			boneQuat[2] = -refBone->bone.quat[2];
			boneQuat[3] = refBone->bone.quat[3];

		VectorCopy(boneOrigin, md5Bone->origin);
		//MatrixTransformPoint(unrealToQuake, boneOrigin, md5Bone->origin);

		quat_copy(boneQuat, md5Bone->rotation);


#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: md5Bone_t(%i):\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::name: '%s'\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::parentIndex: %i\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::quat: %f %f %f %f\n"
		          "md5bone_t::position: %f %f %f\n",
		          md5Bone->rotation[0], md5Bone->rotation[1], md5Bone->rotation[2], md5Bone->rotation[3],
		          md5Bone->origin[0], md5Bone->origin[1], md5Bone->origin[2]);

		if (md5Bone->parentIndex >= 0)
			vec3_t rotated;
			quat_t quat;

			md5Bone_t *parent;

			parent = &md5->bones[md5Bone->parentIndex];

			QuatTransformVector(parent->rotation, md5Bone->origin, rotated);
			//QuatTransformVector(md5Bone->rotation, md5Bone->origin, rotated);

			VectorAdd(parent->origin, rotated, md5Bone->origin);

			QuatMultiply1(parent->rotation, md5Bone->rotation, quat);
			quat_copy(quat, md5Bone->rotation);

		MatrixSetupTransformFromQuat(md5Bone->inverseTransform, md5Bone->rotation, md5Bone->origin);

#if 0
		Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: md5Bone_t(%i):\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::name: '%s'\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::parentIndex: %i\n"
		          "md5Bone_t::quat: %f %f %f %f\n"
		          "md5bone_t::position: %f %f %f\n",
		          md5Bone->rotation[0], md5Bone->rotation[1], md5Bone->rotation[2], md5Bone->rotation[3],
		          md5Bone->origin[0], md5Bone->origin[1], md5Bone->origin[2]);

	Com_InitGrowList(&vboVertexes, 10000);

	for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
		md5Vertex_t *vboVert = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*vboVert));

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			vboVert->position[j] = points[vertex->pointIndex].point[j];

		vboVert->texCoords[0] = vertex->st[0];
		vboVert->texCoords[1] = vertex->st[1];

		// find number of associated weights
		vboVert->numWeights = 0;

		for (j = 0, axWeight = axWeights; j < numWeights; j++, axWeight++)
			if (axWeight->pointIndex == vertex->pointIndex && axWeight->weight > 0.0f)

		if (vboVert->numWeights > MAX_WEIGHTS)
			Ren_Drop("R_LoadPSK: vertex %i requires more weights %i than the maximum of %i in model '%s'", i, vboVert->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, modName);
			//Ren_Warning( "R_LoadPSK: vertex %i requires more weights %i than the maximum of %i in model '%s'\n", i, vboVert->numWeights, MAX_WEIGHTS, modName);

		vboVert->weights = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*vboVert->weights) * vboVert->numWeights, h_low);

		for (j = 0, axWeight = axWeights, k = 0; j < numWeights; j++, axWeight++)
			if (axWeight->pointIndex == vertex->pointIndex && axWeight->weight > 0.0f)
				weight = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*weight), h_low);

				weight->boneIndex  = axWeight->boneIndex;
				weight->boneWeight = axWeight->weight;

				// FIXME?
				weight->offset[0] = refBones[axWeight->boneIndex].bone.xSize;
				weight->offset[1] = refBones[axWeight->boneIndex].bone.ySize;
				weight->offset[2] = refBones[axWeight->boneIndex].bone.zSize;

				vboVert->weights[k++] = weight;

		Com_AddToGrowList(&vboVertexes, vboVert);

	ClearBounds(md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

	for (i = 0, vertex = vertexes; i < numVertexes; i++, vertex++)
		AddPointToBounds(points[vertex->pointIndex].point, md5->bounds[0], md5->bounds[1]);

#if 0
	Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: AABB (%i %i %i) (%i %i %i)\n",
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[0][0],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[0][1],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[0][2],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[1][0],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[1][1],
	          ( int ) md5->bounds[1][2]);

	// sort triangles
	qsort(triangles, numTriangles, sizeof(axTriangle_t), CompareTrianglesByMaterialIndex);

	Com_InitGrowList(&sortedTriangles, 1000);

	for (i = 0, triangle = triangles; i < numTriangles; i++, triangle++)
		skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_Allocate(sizeof(*sortTri));

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			sortTri->indexes[j]  = triangle->indexes[j];
			sortTri->vertexes[j] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, triangle->indexes[j]);

		sortTri->referenced = qfalse;

		Com_AddToGrowList(&sortedTriangles, sortTri);

	// calc tangent spaces
#if 1
		md5Vertex_t *v0, *v1, *v2;
		const float *p0, *p1, *p2;
		const float *t0, *t1, *t2;
		vec3_t      tangent = { 0, 0, 0 };
		vec3_t      binormal;
		vec3_t      normal;

		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);


		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			skelTriangle_t *tri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[0]);
			v1 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[1]);
			v2 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[2]);

			p0 = v0->position;
			p1 = v1->position;
			p2 = v2->position;

			t0 = v0->texCoords;
			t1 = v1->texCoords;
			t2 = v2->texCoords;

#if 1
			R_CalcTangentSpace(tangent, binormal, normal, p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2);
			R_CalcNormalForTriangle(normal, p0, p1, p2);
			R_CalcTangentsForTriangle(tangent, binormal, p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				float *v;

				v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[k]);

				v = v0->tangent;
				VectorAdd(v, tangent, v);

				v = v0->binormal;
				VectorAdd(v, binormal, v);

				v = v0->normal;
				VectorAdd(v, normal, v);

		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);

		float       bb, s, t;
		vec3_t      bary;
		vec3_t      faceNormal;
		md5Vertex_t *dv[3];

		for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
			skelTriangle_t *tri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

			dv[0] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[0]);
			dv[1] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[1]);
			dv[2] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, tri->indexes[2]);

			R_CalcNormalForTriangle(faceNormal, dv[0]->position, dv[1]->position, dv[2]->position);

			// calculate barycentric basis for the triangle
			bb = (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - dv[0]->texCoords[1]) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - dv[0]->texCoords[0]) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] -

			if (fabs(bb) < 0.00000001f)

			// do each vertex
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				// calculate s tangent vector
				s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0] + 10.0f;
				t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1];
				bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

				dv[k]->tangent[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
				dv[k]->tangent[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
				dv[k]->tangent[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

				VectorSubtract(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->tangent);

				// calculate t tangent vector (binormal)
				s       = dv[k]->texCoords[0];
				t       = dv[k]->texCoords[1] + 10.0f;
				bary[0] = ((dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[1] = ((dv[2]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[2]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;
				bary[2] = ((dv[0]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[1]->texCoords[1] - t) - (dv[1]->texCoords[0] - s) * (dv[0]->texCoords[1] - t)) / bb;

				dv[k]->binormal[0] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[0] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[0] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[0];
				dv[k]->binormal[1] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[1] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[1] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[1];
				dv[k]->binormal[2] = bary[0] * dv[0]->position[2] + bary[1] * dv[1]->position[2] + bary[2] * dv[2]->position[2];

				VectorSubtract(dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->position, dv[k]->binormal);

				// calculate the normal as cross product N=TxB
#if 0
				CrossProduct(dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal, dv[k]->normal);

				// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process for B
				// compute the cross product B=NxT to obtain
				// an orthogonal basis
				CrossProduct(dv[k]->normal, dv[k]->tangent, dv[k]->binormal);

				if (DotProduct(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal) < 0)

				VectorAdd(dv[k]->normal, faceNormal, dv[k]->normal);

#if 1

		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			dv[0] = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);


#if 0
		md5Vertex_t *v0, *v1;

		// do another extra smoothing for normals to avoid flat shading
		for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
			v0 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);

			for (k = 0; k < vboVertexes.currentElements; k++)
				if (j == k)

				v1 = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, k);

				if (VectorCompare(v0->position, v1->position))
					VectorAdd(v0->position, v1->normal, v0->normal);


	// split the surfaces into VBO surfaces by the maximum number of GPU vertex skinning bones
	Com_InitGrowList(&vboSurfaces, 10);

	materialIndex = oldMaterialIndex = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
		triangle      = &triangles[i];
		materialIndex = triangle->materialIndex;

		if (materialIndex != oldMaterialIndex)
			oldMaterialIndex = materialIndex;

			numRemaining = sortedTriangles.currentElements - i;

			while (numRemaining)
				numBoneReferences = 0;
				Com_Memset(boneReferences, 0, sizeof(boneReferences));

				Com_InitGrowList(&vboTriangles, 1000);

				for (j = i; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
					skelTriangle_t *sortTri;

					triangle      = &triangles[j];
					materialIndex = triangle->materialIndex;

					if (materialIndex != oldMaterialIndex)

					sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);

					if (sortTri->referenced)

					if (AddTriangleToVBOTriangleList(&vboTriangles, sortTri, &numBoneReferences, boneReferences))
						sortTri->referenced = qtrue;

				for (j = 0; j < MAX_BONES; j++)
					if (boneReferences[j] > 0)
						Ren_Print("R_LoadPSK: referenced bone: '%s'\n", (j < numReferenceBones) ? refBones[j].name : NULL);

				if (!vboTriangles.currentElements)
					Ren_Warning("R_LoadPSK: could not add triangles to a remaining VBO surface for model '%s'\n", modName);

				// FIXME skinIndex
				AddSurfaceToVBOSurfacesList2(&vboSurfaces, &vboTriangles, &vboVertexes, md5, vboSurfaces.currentElements, materials[oldMaterialIndex].name, numBoneReferences, boneReferences);
				numRemaining -= vboTriangles.currentElements;


	for (j = 0; j < sortedTriangles.currentElements; j++)
		skelTriangle_t *sortTri = Com_GrowListElement(&sortedTriangles, j);


	for (j = 0; j < vboVertexes.currentElements; j++)
		md5Vertex_t *v = Com_GrowListElement(&vboVertexes, j);


	// move VBO surfaces list to hunk
	md5->numVBOSurfaces = vboSurfaces.currentElements;
	md5->vboSurfaces    = ri.Hunk_Alloc(md5->numVBOSurfaces * sizeof(*md5->vboSurfaces), h_low);

	for (i = 0; i < md5->numVBOSurfaces; i++)
		md5->vboSurfaces[i] = ( srfVBOMD5Mesh_t * ) Com_GrowListElement(&vboSurfaces, i);



	Ren_Developer("%i VBO surfaces created for PSK model '%s'\n", md5->numVBOSurfaces, modName);

	return qtrue;
static void PopulateWithPicoModel(int castShadows, picoModel_t * model, matrix_t transform)
	int             i, j, k, numSurfaces, numIndexes;
	picoSurface_t  *surface;
	picoShader_t   *shader;
	picoVec_t      *xyz, *st;
	picoIndex_t    *indexes;
	traceInfo_t     ti;
	traceWinding_t  tw;

	/* dummy check */
	if(model == NULL || transform == NULL)

	/* get info */
	numSurfaces = PicoGetModelNumSurfaces(model);

	/* walk the list of surfaces in this model and fill out the info structs */
	for(i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++)
		/* get surface */
		surface = PicoGetModelSurface(model, i);
		if(surface == NULL)

		/* only handle triangle surfaces initially (fixme: support patches) */
		if(PicoGetSurfaceType(surface) != PICO_TRIANGLES)

		/* get shader (fixme: support shader remapping) */
		shader = PicoGetSurfaceShader(surface);
		if(shader == NULL)
		ti.si = ShaderInfoForShader(PicoGetShaderName(shader));
		if(ti.si == NULL)

		/* translucent surfaces that are neither alphashadow or lightfilter don't cast shadows */
		if((ti.si->compileFlags & C_NODRAW))
		if((ti.si->compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT) &&
		   !(ti.si->compileFlags & C_ALPHASHADOW) && !(ti.si->compileFlags & C_LIGHTFILTER))

		/* setup trace info */
		ti.castShadows = castShadows;
		ti.surfaceNum = -1;
		ti.skipGrid = qtrue;	// also ignore picomodels when skipping patches

		/* setup trace winding */
		memset(&tw, 0, sizeof(tw));
		tw.infoNum = AddTraceInfo(&ti);
		tw.numVerts = 3;

		/* get info */
		numIndexes = PicoGetSurfaceNumIndexes(surface);
		indexes = PicoGetSurfaceIndexes(surface, 0);

		/* walk the triangle list */
		for(j = 0; j < numIndexes; j += 3, indexes += 3)
			for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
				xyz = PicoGetSurfaceXYZ(surface, indexes[k]);
				st = PicoGetSurfaceST(surface, 0, indexes[k]);
				VectorCopy(xyz, tw.v[k].xyz);
				Vector2Copy(st, tw.v[k].st);
				MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, tw.v[k].xyz);
			FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r(&tw, headNodeNum);
文件: model.c 项目: joseprous/xmap
void InsertModel(char *name, int frame, matrix_t transform, matrix_t nTransform, remap_t * remap, shaderInfo_t * celShader, int eNum, int castShadows,
				 int recvShadows, int spawnFlags, float lightmapScale, int lightmapSampleSize, float shadeAngle)
	int             i, j, k, s, numSurfaces;
	matrix_t        identity;
	picoModel_t    *model;
	picoShader_t   *shader;
	picoSurface_t  *surface;
	shaderInfo_t   *si;
	mapDrawSurface_t *ds;
	bspDrawVert_t  *dv;
	char           *picoShaderName;
	char            shaderName[MAX_QPATH];
	picoVec_t      *xyz, *normal, *st;
	byte           *color;
	picoIndex_t    *indexes;
	remap_t        *rm, *glob;
	double          normalEpsilon_save;
	double          distanceEpsilon_save;

	/* get model */
	model = LoadModel(name, frame);
	if(model == NULL)

	/* handle null matrix */
	if(transform == NULL)
		transform = identity;

	/* create transform matrix for normals */
#if 0
	MatrixCopy(transform, nTransform);
		Sys_FPrintf(SYS_VRB, "WARNING: Can't invert model transform matrix, using transpose instead\n");
		MatrixTranspose(transform, nTransform);

	/* fix bogus lightmap scale */
	if(lightmapScale <= 0.0f)
		lightmapScale = 1.0f;

	/* fix bogus shade angle */
	if(shadeAngle <= 0.0f)
		shadeAngle = 0.0f;

	/* each surface on the model will become a new map drawsurface */
	numSurfaces = PicoGetModelNumSurfaces(model);
	//% Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "Model %s has %d surfaces\n", name, numSurfaces );
	for(s = 0; s < numSurfaces; s++)
		/* get surface */
		surface = PicoGetModelSurface(model, s);
		if(surface == NULL)

		/* only handle triangle surfaces initially (fixme: support patches) */
		if(PicoGetSurfaceType(surface) != PICO_TRIANGLES)

		/* fix the surface's normals */

		/* allocate a surface (ydnar: gs mods) */
		ds = AllocDrawSurface(SURFACE_TRIANGLES);
		ds->entityNum = eNum;
		ds->castShadows = castShadows;
		ds->recvShadows = recvShadows;

		/* get shader name */
		shader = PicoGetSurfaceShader(surface);
		if(shader == NULL)
			picoShaderName = "";
			picoShaderName = PicoGetShaderName(shader);

		/* handle shader remapping */
		glob = NULL;
		for(rm = remap; rm != NULL; rm = rm->next)
			if(rm->from[0] == '*' && rm->from[1] == '\0')
				glob = rm;
			else if(!Q_stricmp(picoShaderName, rm->from))
				Sys_FPrintf(SYS_VRB, "Remapping %s to %s\n", picoShaderName, rm->to);
				picoShaderName = rm->to;
				glob = NULL;

		if(glob != NULL)
			Sys_FPrintf(SYS_VRB, "Globbing %s to %s\n", picoShaderName, glob->to);
			picoShaderName = glob->to;

		/* shader renaming for sof2 */
			strcpy(shaderName, picoShaderName);
			if(spawnFlags & 1)
				strcat(shaderName, "_RMG_BSP");
				strcat(shaderName, "_BSP");
			si = ShaderInfoForShader(shaderName);
			si = ShaderInfoForShader(picoShaderName);

			// Tr3B: HACK to support the messy Doom 3 materials provided by .ASE files
				picoShaderName = PicoGetShaderMapName(shader);

				Q_strncpyz(shaderName, picoShaderName, sizeof(shaderName));

				i = 0;
					if(shaderName[i] == '\\')
						shaderName[i] = '/';

				if(strstr(shaderName, "base/"))
					si = ShaderInfoForShader(strstr(shaderName, "base/") + strlen("base/"));
					Sys_FPrintf(SYS_WRN, "WARNING: Applied .ASE material loader HACK to '%s' -> '%s'\n", picoShaderName, si->shader);


		/* set shader */
		ds->shaderInfo = si;

		/* force to meta? */
		if((si != NULL && si->forceMeta) || (spawnFlags & 4))	/* 3rd bit */
			ds->type = SURFACE_FORCED_META;

		/* fix the surface's normals (jal: conditioned by shader info) */
		//if(!(spawnFlags & 64) && (shadeAngle == 0.0f || ds->type != SURFACE_FORCED_META))
		//	PicoFixSurfaceNormals(surface);

		/* set sample size */
		if(lightmapSampleSize > 0.0f)
			ds->sampleSize = lightmapSampleSize;

		/* set lightmap scale */
		if(lightmapScale > 0.0f)
			ds->lightmapScale = lightmapScale;

		/* set shading angle */
		if(shadeAngle > 0.0f)
			ds->shadeAngleDegrees = shadeAngle;

		/* set particulars */
		ds->numVerts = PicoGetSurfaceNumVertexes(surface);
		ds->verts = safe_malloc(ds->numVerts * sizeof(ds->verts[0]));
		memset(ds->verts, 0, ds->numVerts * sizeof(ds->verts[0]));

		ds->numIndexes = PicoGetSurfaceNumIndexes(surface);
		ds->indexes = safe_malloc(ds->numIndexes * sizeof(ds->indexes[0]));
		memset(ds->indexes, 0, ds->numIndexes * sizeof(ds->indexes[0]));

		/* copy vertexes */
		for(i = 0; i < ds->numVerts; i++)
			/* get vertex */
			dv = &ds->verts[i];

			/* xyz and normal */
			xyz = PicoGetSurfaceXYZ(surface, i);
			VectorCopy(xyz, dv->xyz);
			MatrixTransformPoint2(transform, dv->xyz);

			normal = PicoGetSurfaceNormal(surface, i);
			VectorCopy(normal, dv->normal);
			MatrixTransformNormal2(nTransform, dv->normal);
			VectorNormalize2(dv->normal, dv->normal);

			/* ydnar: tek-fu celshading support for flat shaded shit */
				dv->st[0] = si->stFlat[0];
				dv->st[1] = si->stFlat[1];

			/* ydnar: gs mods: added support for explicit shader texcoord generation */
			else if(si->tcGen)
				/* project the texture */
				dv->st[0] = DotProduct(si->vecs[0], dv->xyz);
				dv->st[1] = DotProduct(si->vecs[1], dv->xyz);

			/* normal texture coordinates */
				st = PicoGetSurfaceST(surface, 0, i);
				dv->st[0] = st[0];
				dv->st[1] = st[1];

			/* set lightmap/color bits */
			color = PicoGetSurfaceColor(surface, 0, i);

			dv->paintColor[0] = color[0] / 255.0f;
			dv->paintColor[1] = color[1] / 255.0f;
			dv->paintColor[2] = color[2] / 255.0f;
			dv->paintColor[3] = color[3] / 255.0f;

			for(j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
				dv->lightmap[j][0] = 0.0f;
				dv->lightmap[j][1] = 0.0f;

				dv->lightColor[j][0] = 255;
				dv->lightColor[j][1] = 255;
				dv->lightColor[j][2] = 255;
				dv->lightColor[j][3] = 255;

		/* copy indexes */
		indexes = PicoGetSurfaceIndexes(surface, 0);
		for(i = 0; i < ds->numIndexes; i++)
			ds->indexes[i] = indexes[i];

		/* set cel shader */
		ds->celShader = celShader;

		/* ydnar: giant hack land: generate clipping brushes for model triangles */
		if(si->clipModel || (spawnFlags & 2))	/* 2nd bit */
			vec3_t          points[4], backs[3];
			vec4_t          plane, reverse, pa, pb, pc;

			/* temp hack */
			if(!si->clipModel &&
			   (((si->compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT) && !(si->compileFlags & C_COLLISION)) || !(si->compileFlags & C_SOLID)))

			/* walk triangle list */
			for(i = 0; i < ds->numIndexes; i += 3)
				/* overflow hack */
				AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC(mapplanes, (nummapplanes + 64) << 1, allocatedmapplanes, 1024);

				/* make points and back points */
				for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					/* get vertex */
					dv = &ds->verts[ds->indexes[i + j]];

					/* copy xyz */
					VectorCopy(dv->xyz, points[j]);
					VectorCopy(dv->xyz, backs[j]);

					/* find nearest axial to normal and push back points opposite */
					/* note: this doesn't work as well as simply using the plane of the triangle, below */
					for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
						if(fabs(dv->normal[k]) >= fabs(dv->normal[(k + 1) % 3]) &&
						   fabs(dv->normal[k]) >= fabs(dv->normal[(k + 2) % 3]))
							backs[j][k] += dv->normal[k] < 0.0f ? 64.0f : -64.0f;

				VectorCopy(points[0], points[3]);	// for cyclic usage

				/* make plane for triangle */
				// div0: add some extra spawnflags:
				//   0: snap normals to axial planes for extrusion
				//   8: extrude with the original normals
				//  16: extrude only with up/down normals (ideal for terrain)
				//  24: extrude by distance zero (may need engine changes)
				if(PlaneFromPoints(plane, points[0], points[1], points[2], qtrue))
					vec3_t          bestNormal;
					float           backPlaneDistance = 2;

					if(spawnFlags & 8)	// use a DOWN normal
						if(spawnFlags & 16)
							// 24: normal as is, and zero width (broken)
							VectorCopy(plane, bestNormal);
							// 8: normal as is
							VectorCopy(plane, bestNormal);
						if(spawnFlags & 16)
							// 16: UP/DOWN normal
							VectorSet(bestNormal, 0, 0, (plane[2] >= 0 ? 1 : -1));
							// 0: axial normal
							if(fabs(plane[0]) > fabs(plane[1]))	// x>y
								if(fabs(plane[1]) > fabs(plane[2]))	// x>y, y>z
									VectorSet(bestNormal, (plane[0] >= 0 ? 1 : -1), 0, 0);
								else	// x>y, z>=y
								if(fabs(plane[0]) > fabs(plane[2]))	// x>z, z>=y
									VectorSet(bestNormal, (plane[0] >= 0 ? 1 : -1), 0, 0);
								else	// z>=x, x>y
									VectorSet(bestNormal, 0, 0, (plane[2] >= 0 ? 1 : -1));
							else	// y>=x
							if(fabs(plane[1]) > fabs(plane[2]))	// y>z, y>=x
								VectorSet(bestNormal, 0, (plane[1] >= 0 ? 1 : -1), 0);
							else	// z>=y, y>=x
								VectorSet(bestNormal, 0, 0, (plane[2] >= 0 ? 1 : -1));

					/* build a brush */
					buildBrush = AllocBrush(48);
					buildBrush->entityNum = mapEntityNum;
					buildBrush->original = buildBrush;
					buildBrush->contentShader = si;
					buildBrush->compileFlags = si->compileFlags;
					buildBrush->contentFlags = si->contentFlags;

					buildBrush->generatedClipBrush = qtrue;

					normalEpsilon_save = normalEpsilon;
					distanceEpsilon_save = distanceEpsilon;

					if(si->compileFlags & C_STRUCTURAL)	// allow forced structural brushes here
						buildBrush->detail = qfalse;

						// only allow EXACT matches when snapping for these (this is mostly for caulk brushes inside a model)
						if(normalEpsilon > 0)
							normalEpsilon = 0;
						if(distanceEpsilon > 0)
							distanceEpsilon = 0;
						buildBrush->detail = qtrue;

					/* regenerate back points */
					for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						/* get vertex */
						dv = &ds->verts[ds->indexes[i + j]];

						// shift by some units
						VectorMA(dv->xyz, -64.0f, bestNormal, backs[j]);	// 64 prevents roundoff errors a bit

					/* make back plane */
					VectorScale(plane, -1.0f, reverse);
					reverse[3] = -plane[3];
					if((spawnFlags & 24) != 24)
						reverse[3] += DotProduct(bestNormal, plane) * backPlaneDistance;
					// that's at least sqrt(1/3) backPlaneDistance, unless in DOWN mode; in DOWN mode, we are screwed anyway if we encounter a plane that's perpendicular to the xy plane)

					if(PlaneFromPoints(pa, points[2], points[1], backs[1], qtrue) &&
					   PlaneFromPoints(pb, points[1], points[0], backs[0], qtrue) && PlaneFromPoints(pc, points[0], points[2], backs[2], qtrue))
						/* set up brush sides */
						buildBrush->numsides = 5;
						buildBrush->sides[0].shaderInfo = si;
						for(j = 1; j < buildBrush->numsides; j++)
							buildBrush->sides[j].shaderInfo = NULL;	// don't emit these faces as draw surfaces, should make smaller BSPs; hope this works

						buildBrush->sides[0].planenum = FindFloatPlane(plane, plane[3], 3, points);
						buildBrush->sides[1].planenum = FindFloatPlane(pa, pa[3], 2, &points[1]);	// pa contains points[1] and points[2]
						buildBrush->sides[2].planenum = FindFloatPlane(pb, pb[3], 2, &points[0]);	// pb contains points[0] and points[1]
						buildBrush->sides[3].planenum = FindFloatPlane(pc, pc[3], 2, &points[2]);	// pc contains points[2] and points[0] (copied to points[3]
						buildBrush->sides[4].planenum = FindFloatPlane(reverse, reverse[3], 3, backs);

					normalEpsilon = normalEpsilon_save;
					distanceEpsilon = distanceEpsilon_save;

					/* add to entity */
						//% EmitBrushes( buildBrush, NULL, NULL );
						buildBrush->next = entities[mapEntityNum].brushes;
						entities[mapEntityNum].brushes = buildBrush;