static int Leave_DS_Bay(MAP * map, MECH * ds, MECH * mech, dbref frombay) { MECH *car = NULL; StopBSuitSwarmers(FindObjectsData(mech->mapindex), mech, 1); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, "has left the bay."); /* We escape confines of the bay to open air/land! */ mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) mech, tprintf("%d", ds->mapindex)); if(MechCarrying(mech) > 0) car = getMech(MechCarrying(mech)); if(car) mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) car, tprintf("%d", ds->mapindex)); DOCHECKMA0(mech->mapindex == map->mynum, "Fatal error: Unable to find the map 'ship is on."); loud_teleport(mech->mynum, mech->mapindex); if(car) loud_teleport(car->mynum, mech->mapindex); mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You have left the bay."); DS_Place(ds, mech, frombay); if(car) MirrorPosition(mech, car, 0); MechLOSBroadcasti(mech, ds, "has left %s's bay."); mech_notify(ds, MECHALL, tprintf("%s has left the bay.", GetMechID(mech))); ContinueFlying(mech); if(In_Character(mech->mynum) && Location(MechPilot(mech)) != mech->mynum) { mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "%ch%cr%cf%ciINTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!%c"); mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "%ch%cr%cfAutomatic self-destruct sequence initiated.%c"); mech_shutdown(GOD, (void *) mech, ""); } return 1; }
void mech_fall_event(EVENT * e) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) e->data; int fallspeed = (int) e->data2; int fallen_elev; if (Started(mech) && fallspeed >= 0) return; if (fallspeed <= 0 && (!Started(mech) || !(FlyingT(mech)) || ((AeroFuel(mech) <= 0) && !AeroFreeFuel(mech)) || ((MechType(mech) == CLASS_VTOL) && (SectIsDestroyed(mech, ROTOR))))) fallspeed -= FALL_ACCEL; else fallspeed += FALL_ACCEL; MarkForLOSUpdate(mech); if (MechsElevation(mech) > abs(fallspeed)) { MechZ(mech) -= abs(fallspeed); MechFZ(mech) = MechZ(mech) * ZSCALE; MECHEVENT(mech, EVENT_FALL, mech_fall_event, FALL_TICK, fallspeed); return; } /* Time to hit da ground */ fallen_elev = factoral(abs(fallspeed)); mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You hit the ground!"); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, "hits the ground!"); MechFalls(mech, fallen_elev, 0); MechStatus(mech) &= ~JUMPING; }
void check_stagger_event(EVENT * event) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) event->data; /* get the mech */ SendDebug(tprintf("Triggered stagger check for %d.", mech->mynum)); if ((StaggerLevel(mech) < 1) || Fallen(mech) || (MechType(mech) != CLASS_MECH)) { StopStaggerCheck(mech); return; } if (Jumping(mech)) { return; } mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You stagger from the damage!"); if (!MadePilotSkillRoll(mech, calcStaggerBTHMod(mech))) { mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You loose the battle with gravity and tumble over!!"); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, "tumbles over, staggered by the damage!"); MechFalls(mech, 1, 0); } StopStaggerCheck(mech); }
void mech_stand_event(EVENT * e) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) e->data; MechLOSBroadcast(mech, "stands up!"); mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You have finally finished standing up."); MakeMechStand(mech); }
static void mech_enterbay_event(MUXEVENT * e) { MECH *mech = (MECH *) e->data, *ds, *tmpm = NULL; long ref = (long) e->data2; long bayn; int x = 5, y = 5; MAP *tmpmap; if(!Started(mech) || Uncon(mech) || Jumping(mech) || (MechType(mech) == CLASS_MECH && (Fallen(mech) || Standing(mech))) || OODing(mech) || (fabs(MechSpeed(mech)) * 5 >= MMaxSpeed(mech) && fabs(MMaxSpeed(mech)) >= MP1) || (MechType(mech) == CLASS_VTOL && AeroFuel(mech) <= 0)) return; tmpmap = getMap(ref); if(!(ds = getMech(tmpmap->onmap))) return; if(!Find_DS_Bay_In_MechHex(mech, ds, &bayn)) return; /* whee */ ref = AeroBay(ds, bayn); StopBSuitSwarmers(FindObjectsData(mech->mapindex), mech, 1); mech_notify(mech, MECHALL, "You enter the bay."); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, tprintf("has entered %s at %d,%d.", GetMechID(ds), MechX(mech), MechY(mech))); MarkForLOSUpdate(mech); if(MechType(mech) == CLASS_MW && !In_Character(ref)) { enter_mw_bay(mech, ref); return; } if(MechCarrying(mech) > 0) tmpm = getMech(MechCarrying(mech)); mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) mech, tprintf("%d", ref)); mech_Rsetxy(GOD, (void *) mech, tprintf("%d %d", x, y)); MechLOSBroadcast(mech, "has entered the bay."); loud_teleport(mech->mynum, ref); if(tmpm) { mech_Rsetmapindex(GOD, (void *) tmpm, tprintf("%d", ref)); mech_Rsetxy(GOD, (void *) tmpm, tprintf("%d %d", x, y)); loud_teleport(tmpm->mynum, ref); } }
void mech_unjam_ammo_event(EVENT * objEvent) { MECH *objMech = (MECH *) objEvent->data; /* get the mech */ int wWeapNum = (int) objEvent->data2; /* and now the weapon number */ int wSect, wSlot, wWeapStatus, wWeapIdx; int ammoLoc, ammoCrit, ammoLeft; int wRoll = 0; int wRollNeeded = 0; if (Uncon(objMech) || !Started(objMech)) return; wWeapStatus = FindWeaponNumberOnMech(objMech, wWeapNum, &wSect, &wSlot); if (wWeapStatus == TIC_NUM_DESTROYED) /* return if the weapon has been destroyed */ return; wWeapIdx = FindWeaponIndex(objMech, wWeapNum); ammoLeft = FindAmmoForWeapon_sub(objMech, wSect, wSlot, wWeapIdx, 0, &ammoLoc, &ammoCrit, 0, 0); if (!ammoLeft) { SetPartTempNuke(objMech, wSect, wSlot, 0); mech_notify(objMech, MECHALL, tprintf ("You finish bouncing around and realize you nolonger have ammo for your %s!", get_parts_long_name(I2Weapon(wWeapIdx), 0))); return; } if (MechWeapons[wWeapStatus].special & RAC) { wRoll = Roll(); wRollNeeded = FindPilotGunnery(objMech, wWeapStatus) + 3; mech_notify(objMech, MECHPILOT, "You make a roll to unjam the weapon!"); mech_notify(objMech, MECHPILOT, tprintf("Modified Gunnery Skill: BTH %d\tRoll: %d", wRollNeeded, wRoll)); if (wRoll < wRollNeeded) { mech_notify(objMech, MECHALL, "Your attempt to remove the jammed slug fails. You'll need to try again to clear it."); return; } } else { if (!MadePilotSkillRoll(objMech, 0)) { mech_notify(objMech, MECHALL, "Your attempt to remove the jammed slug fails. You'll need to try again to clear it."); return; } } SetPartTempNuke(objMech, wSect, wSlot, 0); mech_notify(objMech, MECHALL, tprintf("You manage to clear the jam on your %s!", get_parts_long_name(I2Weapon(wWeapIdx), 0))); MechLOSBroadcast(objMech, "ejects a mangled shell!"); SetPartData(objMech, ammoLoc, ammoCrit, GetPartData(objMech, ammoLoc, ammoCrit) - 1); }