void Picture_writeToWindowsMetafile (Picture me, MelderFile file) {
	try {
		HENHMETAFILE metafile = copyToMetafile (me);
		MelderFile_delete (file);   // overwrite any existing file with the same name
		DeleteEnhMetaFile (CopyEnhMetaFile (metafile, Melder_peek32toW (file -> path)));
		DeleteEnhMetaFile (metafile);
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"Picture not written to Windows metafile ", file);
void Melder_system (const char32 *command) {
	if (! command) command = U"";
	#if defined (macintosh) || defined (UNIX)
		if (system (Melder_peek32to8 (command)) != 0)
			Melder_throw (U"System command failed.");
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
		char32 *comspec = Melder_getenv (U"COMSPEC");   // e.g. "C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM" or "C:\WINNT\windows32\cmd.exe"
		if (! comspec) {
			comspec = Melder_getenv (U"ComSpec");
		autoMelderString buffer;
		if (comspec) {
			MelderString_copy (& buffer, comspec);
		} else {
			memset (& osVersionInfo, 0, sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX));
			osVersionInfo. dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX);
			if (! GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) & osVersionInfo)) {
				osVersionInfo. dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO);
				if (! GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) & osVersionInfo))
					Melder_throw (U"System command cannot find system version.");
			switch (osVersionInfo. dwPlatformId) {
				case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: {
					MelderString_copy (& buffer, U"cmd.exe");
				} break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: {
					MelderString_copy (& buffer, U"command.com");
				} break; default: {
					MelderString_copy (& buffer, U"command.com");
		MelderString_append (& buffer, U" /c ", command);
        memset (& siStartInfo, 0, sizeof (siStartInfo));
        siStartInfo. cb = sizeof (siStartInfo);
		if (! CreateProcess (nullptr, Melder_peek32toW (buffer.string), nullptr, nullptr, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nullptr, nullptr, & siStartInfo, & piProcInfo))
			Melder_throw (U"Cannot create subprocess.");
		WaitForSingleObject (piProcInfo. hProcess, -1);
		CloseHandle (piProcInfo. hProcess);
		CloseHandle (piProcInfo. hThread);
	BSD systems provide ftruncate, several others supply chsize, and a few
	may provide a (possibly undocumented) fcntl option F_FREESP. Under MS-DOS,
	you can sometimes use write(fd, "", 0). However, there is no portable
	solution, nor a way to delete blocks at the beginning.
static void MelderFile_truncate (MelderFile me, long size) {
#if defined(_WIN32)

	HANDLE hFile;
	DWORD fdwShareMode = 0; /* File cannot be shared */

	MelderFile_close (me);

	hFile = CreateFileW (Melder_peek32toW (my path), fdwAccess, fdwShareMode, lpsa, fdwCreate,
	                     FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
		Melder_throw (U"Can't open file ", me, U".");

	// Set current file pointer to position 'size'

	fileSize.LowPart = size;
	fileSize.HighPart = 0; /* Limit the file size to 2^32 - 2 bytes */
	fPos = SetFilePointer (hFile, fileSize.LowPart, &fileSize.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
	if (fPos == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		Melder_throw (U"Can't set the position at size ", size, U"for file ", me, U".");

	// Limit the file size as the current position of the file pointer.

	SetEndOfFile (hFile);
	CloseHandle (hFile);

#elif defined(linux) || defined(macintosh)

	MelderFile_close (me);
	if (truncate (Melder_peek32to8 (my path), size) == -1) Melder_throw (U"Truncating failed for file ",
		        MelderFile_messageName (me), U" (", Melder_peek8to32 (strerror (errno)), U").");
	Melder_throw (U"Don't know what to do.");
static void NativeMenuItem_setText (GuiObject me) {
	int acc = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorChar, modifiers = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorModifiers;
	static MelderString title { 0 };
	if (acc == 0) {
		MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name));
	} else {
		static const char32 *keyStrings [256] = {
			0, U"<-", U"->", U"Up", U"Down", U"PAUSE", U"Del", U"Ins", U"Backspace", U"Tab", U"LineFeed", U"Home", U"End", U"Enter", U"PageUp", U"PageDown",
			U"Esc", U"F1", U"F2", U"F3", U"F4", U"F5", U"F6", U"F7", U"F8", U"F9", U"F10", U"F11", U"F12", 0, 0, 0,
			U"Space", U"!", U"\"", U"#", U"$", U"%", U"&", U"\'", U"(", U")", U"*", U"+", U",", U"-", U".", U"/",
			U"0", U"1", U"2", U"3", U"4", U"5", U"6", U"7", U"8", U"9", U":", U";", U"<", U"=", U">", U"?",
			U"@", U"A", U"B", U"C", U"D", U"E", U"F", U"G", U"H", U"I", U"J", U"K", U"L", U"M", U"N", U"O",
			U"P", U"Q", U"R", U"S", U"T", U"U", U"V", U"W", U"X", U"Y", U"Z", U"[", U"\\", U"]", U"^", U"_",
			U"`", U"a", U"b", U"c", U"d", U"e", U"f", U"g", U"h", U"i", U"j", U"k", U"l", U"m", U"n", U"o",
			U"p", U"q", U"r", U"s", U"t", U"u", U"v", U"w", U"x", U"y", U"z", U"{", U"|", U"}", U"~", U"Del",
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, U"[", U"]", U",", U"?", U".", U"\\",
			U";", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, U"-", U"`", U"=", U"\'", 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
		const char32 *keyString = keyStrings [acc] ? keyStrings [acc] : U"???";
		MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name), U"\t",
			modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? U"Ctrl-" : nullptr,
			modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? U"Alt-" : nullptr,
			modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? U"Shift-" : nullptr, keyString);
	ModifyMenu (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.id, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING, my nat.entry.id, Melder_peek32toW (title.string));
autoSound SpeechSynthesizer_to_Sound (SpeechSynthesizer me, const char32 *text, autoTextGrid *tg, autoTable *events) {
	try {
		int fsamp = espeak_Initialize (AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS, 0, nullptr, // 5000ms
		if (fsamp == -1) {
			Melder_throw (U"Internal espeak error.");
		int synth_flags = espeakCHARS_WCHAR;
		if (my d_inputTextFormat == SpeechSynthesizer_INPUT_TAGGEDTEXT) {
			synth_flags |= espeakSSML;
		if (my d_inputTextFormat != SpeechSynthesizer_INPUT_TEXTONLY) {
			synth_flags |= espeakPHONEMES;
		option_phoneme_events = espeakINITIALIZE_PHONEME_EVENTS; // extern int option_phoneme_events;
		if (my d_outputPhonemeCoding == SpeechSynthesizer_PHONEMECODINGS_IPA) {
			option_phoneme_events |= espeakINITIALIZE_PHONEME_IPA;

		espeak_SetParameter (espeakRATE, my d_wordsPerMinute, 0);
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakPITCH, my d_pitchAdjustment, 0);
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakRANGE, my d_pitchRange, 0);
		const char32 *voiceLanguageCode = SpeechSynthesizer_getVoiceLanguageCodeFromName (me, my d_voiceLanguageName);
		const char32 *voiceVariantCode = SpeechSynthesizer_getVoiceVariantCodeFromName (me, my d_voiceVariantName);
		espeakdata_SetVoiceByName ((const char *) Melder_peek32to8 (voiceLanguageCode), 
			(const char *) Melder_peek32to8 (voiceVariantCode));

		espeak_SetParameter (espeakWORDGAP, my d_wordgap * 100, 0); // espeak wordgap is in units of 10 ms
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakCAPITALS, 0, 0);
		espeak_SetParameter (espeakPUNCTUATION, espeakPUNCT_NONE, 0);

		espeak_SetSynthCallback (synthCallback);

		my d_events = Table_createWithColumnNames (0, U"time type type-t t-pos length a-pos sample id uniq");

		#ifdef _WIN32
                wchar_t *textW = Melder_peek32toW (text);
                espeak_Synth (textW, wcslen (textW) + 1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, synth_flags, nullptr, me);
                espeak_Synth (text, str32len (text) + 1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, synth_flags, nullptr, me);
		espeak_Terminate ();
		autoSound thee = buffer_to_Sound (my d_wav, my d_numberOfSamples, my d_internalSamplingFrequency);

		if (my d_samplingFrequency != my d_internalSamplingFrequency) {
			thee = Sound_resample (thee.get(), my d_samplingFrequency, 50);
		my d_numberOfSamples = 0; // re-use the wav-buffer
		if (tg) {
			double xmin = Table_getNumericValue_Assert (my d_events.get(), 1, 1);
			if (xmin > thy xmin) {
				xmin = thy xmin;
			double xmax = Table_getNumericValue_Assert (my d_events.get(), my d_events -> rows.size, 1);
			if (xmax < thy xmax) {
				xmax = thy xmax;
			autoTextGrid tg1 = Table_to_TextGrid (my d_events.get(), text, xmin, xmax);
			*tg = TextGrid_extractPart (tg1.get(), thy xmin, thy xmax, 0);
		if (events) {
			Table_setEventTypeString (my d_events.get());
			*events = my d_events.move();
		my d_events.reset();
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		espeak_Terminate ();
		Melder_throw (U"Text not played.");
static void NativeMenuItem_setText (GuiObject me) {
	int acc = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorChar, modifiers = my motiff.pushButton.acceleratorModifiers;
	#if win
		static MelderString title { 0 };
		if (acc == 0) {
			MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name));
		} else {
			static const char32 *keyStrings [256] = {
				0, U"<-", U"->", U"Up", U"Down", U"PAUSE", U"Del", U"Ins", U"Backspace", U"Tab", U"LineFeed", U"Home", U"End", U"Enter", U"PageUp", U"PageDown",
				U"Esc", U"F1", U"F2", U"F3", U"F4", U"F5", U"F6", U"F7", U"F8", U"F9", U"F10", U"F11", U"F12", 0, 0, 0,
				U"Space", U"!", U"\"", U"#", U"$", U"%", U"&", U"\'", U"(", U")", U"*", U"+", U",", U"-", U".", U"/",
				U"0", U"1", U"2", U"3", U"4", U"5", U"6", U"7", U"8", U"9", U":", U";", U"<", U"=", U">", U"?",
				U"@", U"A", U"B", U"C", U"D", U"E", U"F", U"G", U"H", U"I", U"J", U"K", U"L", U"M", U"N", U"O",
				U"P", U"Q", U"R", U"S", U"T", U"U", U"V", U"W", U"X", U"Y", U"Z", U"[", U"\\", U"]", U"^", U"_",
				U"`", U"a", U"b", U"c", U"d", U"e", U"f", U"g", U"h", U"i", U"j", U"k", U"l", U"m", U"n", U"o",
				U"p", U"q", U"r", U"s", U"t", U"u", U"v", U"w", U"x", U"y", U"z", U"{", U"|", U"}", U"~", U"Del",
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, U"[", U"]", U",", U"?", U".", U"\\",
				U";", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, U"-", U"`", U"=", U"\'", 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
			const char32 *keyString = keyStrings [acc] ? keyStrings [acc] : U"???";
			MelderString_copy (& title, _GuiWin_expandAmpersands (my name), U"\t",
				modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? U"Ctrl-" : nullptr,
				modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? U"Alt-" : nullptr,
				modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? U"Shift-" : nullptr, keyString);
		ModifyMenu (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.id, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_STRING, my nat.entry.id, Melder_peek32toW (title.string));
	#elif mac
		static int theGlyphs [1+31] = { 0,
			kMenuLeftArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuRightArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuUpArrowDashedGlyph, kMenuDownwardArrowDashedGlyph, 0,
			kMenuDeleteRightGlyph, 0, kMenuDeleteLeftGlyph, kMenuTabRightGlyph, 0,
			0, 0, kMenuReturnGlyph, kMenuPageUpGlyph, kMenuPageDownGlyph,
			kMenuEscapeGlyph, kMenuF1Glyph, kMenuF2Glyph, kMenuF3Glyph, kMenuF4Glyph,
			kMenuF5Glyph, kMenuF6Glyph, kMenuF7Glyph, kMenuF8Glyph, kMenuF9Glyph,
			kMenuF10Glyph, kMenuF11Glyph, kMenuF12Glyph, 0, 0,
			0 };
		SetMenuItemTextWithCFString (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, (CFStringRef) Melder_peek32toCfstring (my name));
		if (acc > 32) {
			SetItemCmd (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, acc);
		} else {
			Melder_assert (acc > 0 && acc < 32);
			SetItemCmd (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, ' ');   /* Funny that this should be needed. */
			SetMenuItemKeyGlyph (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item, theGlyphs [acc]);
		SetMenuItemModifiers (my nat.entry.handle, my nat.entry.item,
			( modifiers & _motif_OPTION_MASK ? kMenuOptionModifier : 0 ) +
			( modifiers & _motif_SHIFT_MASK ? kMenuShiftModifier : 0 ) +
			( modifiers & _motif_COMMAND_MASK ? 0 : kMenuNoCommandModifier ));
文件: Strings.cpp 项目: mlufei/praat
static autoStrings Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList (const char32 *path /* cattable */, int type) {
		 * Initialize.
		DIR *d = nullptr;
		try {
			autoMelderString filePath, searchDirectory, left, right;
			 * Parse the path.
			 * Example: in /Users/paul/sounds/h*.wav",
			 * the search directory is "/Users/paul/sounds",
			 * the left environment is "h", and the right environment is ".wav".
			MelderString_copy (& searchDirectory, path);
			char32 *asterisk = str32rchr (searchDirectory. string, '*');
			if (asterisk) {
				*asterisk = '\0';
				searchDirectory. length = asterisk - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
				char32 *lastSlash = str32rchr (searchDirectory. string, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				if (lastSlash) {
					*lastSlash = '\0';   // This fixes searchDirectory.
					searchDirectory. length = lastSlash - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
					MelderString_copy (& left, lastSlash + 1);
				} else {
					MelderString_copy (& left, searchDirectory. string);   // quickly save...
					MelderString_empty (& searchDirectory);   // ...before destruction
				MelderString_copy (& right, asterisk + 1);
			char buffer8 [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
			Melder_str32To8bitFileRepresentation_inline (searchDirectory. string, buffer8);
			d = opendir (buffer8 [0] ? buffer8 : ".");
			if (! d)
				Melder_throw (U"Cannot open directory ", searchDirectory. string, U".");
			//Melder_casual (U"opened");
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <char32 *> (1, 1000000);
			struct dirent *entry;
			while (!! (entry = readdir (d))) {
				MelderString_copy (& filePath, searchDirectory. string [0] ? searchDirectory. string : U".");
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& filePath, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				char32 buffer32 [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
				Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToStr32_inline (entry -> d_name, buffer32);
				MelderString_append (& filePath, buffer32);
				//Melder_casual (U"read ", filePath. string);
				Melder_str32To8bitFileRepresentation_inline (filePath. string, buffer8);
				struct stat stats;
				if (stat (buffer8, & stats) != 0) {
					//Melder_throw (U"Cannot look at file ", filePath. string, U".");
					//stats. st_mode = -1L;
				//Melder_casual (U"statted ", filePath. string);
				//Melder_casual (U"file ", filePath. string, U" mode ", stats. st_mode / 4096);
				if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE && S_ISREG (stats. st_mode)) ||
					(type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && S_ISDIR (stats. st_mode)))
					Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToStr32_inline (entry -> d_name, buffer32);
					int64 length = str32len (buffer32);
					if (buffer32 [0] != U'.' &&
						(left. length == 0 || str32nequ (buffer32, left. string, left. length)) &&
						(right. length == 0 || (length >= right. length && str32equ (buffer32 + (length - right. length), right. string))))
						my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_dup (buffer32);
			closedir (d);
			Strings_sort (me.get());
			return me;
		} catch (MelderError) {
			if (d) closedir (d);   // "finally"
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		try {
			char32 searchPath [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
			int len = str32len (path);
			bool hasAsterisk = !! str32chr (path, U'*');
			bool endsInSeparator = ( len != 0 && path [len - 1] == U'\\' );
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <char32 *> (1, 1000000);
			Melder_sprint (searchPath, kMelder_MAXPATH+1, path, hasAsterisk || endsInSeparator ? U"" : U"\\", hasAsterisk ? U"" : U"*");
			WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
			HANDLE searchHandle = FindFirstFileW (Melder_peek32toW (searchPath), & findData);
			if (searchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
				do {
					if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE &&
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
					 || (type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && 
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0))
						if (findData. cFileName [0] != L'.') {
							my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_dup (Melder_peekWto32 (findData. cFileName));
				} while (FindNextFileW (searchHandle, & findData));
				FindClose (searchHandle);
			Strings_sort (me.get());
			return me;
		} catch (MelderError) {