HotkeySettings::HotkeySettings(TabFrame* parent) : TabFrameItem(parent) { setImage(Icon::Device::Keyboard); setText("Hotkeys"); layout.setMargin(5); mappingList.onActivate([&] { assignMapping(); }); mappingList.onChange([&] { eraseButton.setEnabled((bool)mappingList.selected()); }); resetButton.setText("Reset").onActivate([&] { if(MessageDialog("Are you sure you want to erase all hotkey mappings?").setParent(*settingsManager).question() == "Yes") { for(auto& mapping : inputManager->hotkeys) mapping->unbind(); refreshMappings(); } }); eraseButton.setText("Erase").onActivate([&] { if(auto item = mappingList.selected()) { inputManager->hotkeys[item->offset()]->unbind(); refreshMappings(); } }); reloadMappings(); refreshMappings(); }
void CGameGUIFileDialog::ProcessSelect() { std::string sFile=m_sFile; if(m_piEDPath){sFile=m_piEDPath->GetText();} if(FileIsDirectory(sFile.c_str())) { UpdateFiles(); return; } if(m_bOpenMode) { if(!FileExists(sFile.c_str())) { MessageDialog((std::string)"The file '"+sFile+"' does not exist.","Error",eMessageDialogType_Error); if(m_piEDPath){m_piGUIManager->SetFocus(m_piEDPath);} return; } } else { if(FileExists(sFile.c_str()) && m_bOverWriteWarn) { if(ConfirmDialog((std::string)"Overwrite '"+sFile+"' ?.","Warning!",eMessageDialogType_Warning)!=DIALOG_OK) { if(m_piEDPath){m_piGUIManager->SetFocus(m_piEDPath);} return; } } } m_sFile=sFile; EndDialog(DIALOG_OK); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSynchronizeProgressForm::CancelButtonClick(TObject * /*Sender*/) { if (!FCanceled && (MessageDialog(LoadStr(CANCEL_OPERATION2), qtConfirmation, qaOK | qaCancel, HELP_NONE) == qaOK)) { FCanceled = true; } }
void MainWindow::onPreferencesPressed() { ConfigDialog configdialog; if (configdialog.exec()) { util::Config::instance().save("data/config.xml"); MessageDialog("The configuration has been saved.", "You should restart the program in order to activate the changes.", gui::MessageDialog::QINFO); } else { util::Config::instance().destroy(); util::Config::instance().load("data/config.xml"); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TEditorForm::Reload() { if (!EditorMemo->Modified || (MessageDialog(MainInstructions(LoadStr(EDITOR_MODIFIED_RELOAD)), qtConfirmation, qaOK | qaCancel) != qaCancel)) { if (FOnFileReload) { FOnFileReload(this); } LoadFile(); } }
/// Called from Message() for MSG_EDIT (when a user double-clicks /// the object icon). Toggles the protection state of the container. void ToggleProtect(BaseObject* op) { BaseDocument* doc = op->GetDocument(); if (doc) { doc->StartUndo(); doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_CHANGE_SMALL, op); doc->EndUndo(); } BaseContainer const* bc = op->GetDataInstance(); if (!bc) return; if (!m_protected) { String password; if (!PasswordDialog(&password, false, true)) return; String hashed = HashString(password); m_protected = true; m_protectionHash = hashed; HideNodes(op, doc, true); } else { String password; Bool unlock = false; String emptyPassHash = HashString(""); if (m_protectionHash == emptyPassHash) { unlock = true; } else if (PasswordDialog(&password, true, true)) { unlock = (m_protectionHash == HashString(password)); if (!unlock) MessageDialog(GeLoadString(IDS_PASSWORD_INVALID)); } if (unlock) { m_protected = false; HideNodes(op, doc, false); } } op->Message(MSG_CHANGE); op->SetDirty(DIRTYFLAGS_DESCRIPTION); EventAdd(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TEditorForm::FormCloseQuery(TObject * /*Sender*/, bool &CanClose) { if (EditorMemo->Modified) { SetFocus(); UnicodeString Message = MainInstructions(LoadStr(SAVE_CHANGES)); unsigned int Answer = MessageDialog(Message, qtConfirmation, qaYes | qaNo | qaCancel); CanClose = (Answer != qaCancel); if (Answer == qaYes) { SaveAction->Execute(); } } }
void CEntityEditorClassSelector::ProcessSelect() { if(m_piLSClasses) { if(m_piLSClasses->GetSelectedElement()==-1) { MessageDialog((std::string)"Please select a class","Error",eMessageDialogType_Error); m_piGUIManager->SetFocus(m_piLSClasses); return; } else { m_sSelectedClass=m_piLSClasses->GetElement(m_piLSClasses->GetSelectedElement()); } } EndDialog(DIALOG_OK); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFullSynchronizeDialog::FormCloseQuery(TObject * /*Sender*/, bool & CanClose) { if ((ModalResult == DefaultResult(this)) && SaveSettings && (FOrigMode != Mode) && !FSaveMode) { switch (MessageDialog(LoadStr(SAVE_SYNCHRONIZE_MODE2), qtConfirmation, qaYes | qaNo | qaCancel, HELP_SYNCHRONIZE_SAVE_MODE)) { case qaYes: FSaveMode = true; break; case qaCancel: CanClose = false; break; } } }
Bool MenuTest::Execute(BaseDocument* doc) { ControlThread ct; String msg; GeShowMouse(MOUSE_BUSY); if (ct.Start()) { ct.Wait(); msg = ct.GetResult(); } else msg = "Thread start failed"; GeShowMouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); MessageDialog(msg); return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall ImportSitesIfAny() { if (!WinConfiguration->AutoImportedFromPuttyOrFilezilla) { bool AnyPuttySession = GUIConfiguration->AnyPuttySessionForImport(StoredSessions); bool AnyFilezillaSession = GUIConfiguration->AnyFilezillaSessionForImport(StoredSessions); if (AnyPuttySession || AnyFilezillaSession) { UnicodeString PuttySource = LoadStrPart(IMPORT_SESSIONS2, 2); UnicodeString FilezillaSource = LoadStrPart(IMPORT_SESSIONS2, 3); UnicodeString Source; if (AnyPuttySession && AnyFilezillaSession) { Source = FORMAT(LoadStrPart(IMPORT_SESSIONS2, 4), (PuttySource, FilezillaSource)); } else if (AnyPuttySession) { Source = PuttySource; } else if (AnyFilezillaSession) { Source = FilezillaSource; } else { FAIL; } UnicodeString Message = FORMAT(LoadStrPart(IMPORT_SESSIONS2, 1), (Source)); if (MessageDialog(Message, qtConfirmation, qaYes | qaNo, HELP_IMPORT_SESSIONS) == qaYes) { DoImportSessionsDialog(NULL); } WinConfiguration->AutoImportedFromPuttyOrFilezilla = true; } } }
InputSettings::InputSettings(TabFrame* parent) : TabFrameItem(parent) { setIcon(Icon::Device::Joypad); setText("Input"); layout.setMargin(5); focusLabel.setText("When Focus is Lost:"); pauseEmulation.setText("Pause Emulation").setChecked(settings["Input/FocusLoss/Pause"].boolean()).onToggle([&] { settings["Input/FocusLoss/Pause"].setValue(pauseEmulation.checked()); allowInput.setEnabled(!pauseEmulation.checked()); }).doToggle(); allowInput.setText("Allow Input").setChecked(settings["Input/FocusLoss/AllowInput"].boolean()).onToggle([&] { settings["Input/FocusLoss/AllowInput"].setValue(allowInput.checked()); }); for(auto& emulator : inputManager->emulators) { emulatorList.append(ComboButtonItem().setText(; } emulatorList.onChange([&] { reloadPorts(); }); portList.onChange([&] { reloadDevices(); }); deviceList.onChange([&] { reloadMappings(); }); mappingList.onActivate([&] { assignMapping(); }); mappingList.onChange([&] { updateControls(); }); assignMouse1.setVisible(false).onActivate([&] { assignMouseInput(0); }); assignMouse2.setVisible(false).onActivate([&] { assignMouseInput(1); }); assignMouse3.setVisible(false).onActivate([&] { assignMouseInput(2); }); resetButton.setText("Reset").onActivate([&] { if(MessageDialog("Are you sure you want to erase all mappings for this device?").setParent(*settingsManager).question() == "Yes") { for(auto& mapping : activeDevice().mappings) mapping->unbind(); refreshMappings(); } }); eraseButton.setText("Erase").onActivate([&] { if(auto mapping = mappingList.selected()) { activeDevice().mappings[mapping->offset()]->unbind(); refreshMappings(); } }); reloadPorts(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TCopyDialog::FormCloseQuery(TObject * /*Sender*/, bool &CanClose) { if (ModalResult == DefaultResult(this)) { if (!RemotePaths() && ((FOptions & coTemp) == 0)) { UnicodeString Dir = Directory; UnicodeString Drive = ExtractFileDrive(Dir); if (!DirectoryExists(Dir)) { if (MessageDialog(MainInstructions(FMTLOAD(CREATE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY, (Dir))), qtConfirmation, qaOK | qaCancel, HELP_NONE) != qaCancel) { if (!ForceDirectories(Dir)) { SimpleErrorDialog(FMTLOAD(CREATE_LOCAL_DIR_ERROR, (Dir))); CanClose = false; } } else { CanClose = False; } } if (!CanClose) { DirectoryEdit->SelectAll(); DirectoryEdit->SetFocus(); } }; if (CanClose) { ExitActiveControl(this); } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TLocationProfilesDialog::RemoveBookmark(TObject * Sender) { TBookmarkList * BookmarkList = GetBookmarkList(Sender); TTreeView * ProfilesView = GetProfilesView(Sender); TStringList * Folders = GetFolders(Sender); assert(ProfilesView->Selected); TTreeNode * Node = ProfilesView->Selected; if (Node->Data) { BookmarkList->Delete((TBookmark *)Node->Data); TTreeNode * ParentNode = Node->Parent; Node->Delete(); if (ParentNode && !ParentNode->Count) { assert(Folders->IndexOfObject(ParentNode) >= 0); Folders->Delete(Folders->IndexOfObject(ParentNode)); ParentNode->Delete(); } } else { UnicodeString Message = MainInstructions(LoadStr(DELETE_BOOKMARK_FOLDER)); if (MessageDialog(Message, qtConfirmation, qaYes | qaNo, HELP_LOCATION_PROFILE_DELETE) == qaYes) { assert(Node->Count); for (int i = 0; i < Node->Count; i++) { BookmarkList->Delete((TBookmark *)Node->Item[i]->Data); } assert(Folders->IndexOfObject(Node) >= 0); Folders->Delete(Folders->IndexOfObject(Node)); Node->Delete(); } } UpdateControls(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TEditorForm::ChangeEncoding(TEncoding * Encoding) { if (FEncoding != Encoding) { if (!EditorMemo->Modified || (MessageDialog(MainInstructions(LoadStr(EDITOR_MODIFIED_ENCODING)), qtConfirmation, qaOK | qaCancel) != qaCancel)) { TEncoding * PrevEncoding = FEncoding; try { FEncoding = Encoding; LoadFile(); } catch(...) { // try to restore FEncoding = PrevEncoding; LoadFile(); throw; } } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TRemoteTransferDialog::FormCloseQuery(TObject * /*Sender*/, bool & /*CanClose*/) { if (ModalResult == DefaultResult(this)) { if ((SessionCombo->ItemIndex == FCurrentSession) && (FAllowDirectCopy == drcConfirmCommandSession) && !NotDirectCopyCheck->Checked && GUIConfiguration->ConfirmCommandSession) { TMessageParams Params(mpNeverAskAgainCheck); unsigned int Answer = MessageDialog(LoadStr(REMOTE_COPY_COMMAND_SESSION2), qtConfirmation, qaOK | qaCancel, HelpKeyword, &Params); if (Answer == qaNeverAskAgain) { GUIConfiguration->ConfirmCommandSession = false; } else if (Answer != qaOK) { Abort(); } } } }
bool C4Application::DoInit(int argc, char * argv[]) { assert(AppState == C4AS_None); // Config overwrite by parameter StdStrBuf sConfigFilename; for (int32_t iPar=0; iPar < argc; iPar++) if (SEqual2NoCase(argv[iPar], "--config=")) sConfigFilename.Copy(argv[iPar] + 9); // Config check Config.Init(); Config.Load(sConfigFilename.getData()); Config.Save(); // sometimes, the configuration can become corrupted due to loading errors or w/e // check this and reset defaults if necessary if (Config.IsCorrupted()) { if (sConfigFilename) { // custom config corrupted: Fail Log("ERROR: Custom configuration corrupted - program abort!\n"); return false; } else { // default config corrupted: Restore default Log("Warning: Configuration corrupted - restoring default!\n"); Config.Default(); Config.Save(); Config.Load(); } } // Open log OpenLog(); Revision.Ref(C4REVISION); // Engine header message Log(C4ENGINECAPTION); LogF("Version: %s %s (%s)", C4VERSION, C4_OS, Revision.getData()); LogF("ExePath: \"%s\"", Config.General.ExePath.getData()); LogF("SystemDataPath: \"%s\"", Config.General.SystemDataPath); LogF("UserDataPath: \"%s\"", Config.General.UserDataPath); // Init C4Group C4Group_SetProcessCallback(&ProcessCallback); C4Group_SetTempPath(Config.General.TempPath.getData()); C4Group_SetSortList(C4CFN_FLS); // Cleanup temp folders left behind Config.CleanupTempUpdateFolder(); // Initialize game data paths Reloc.Init(); // init system group if (!Reloc.Open(SystemGroup, C4CFN_System)) { // Error opening system group - no LogFatal, because it needs language table. // This will *not* use the FatalErrors stack, but this will cause the game // to instantly halt, anyway. const char *szMessage = "Error opening system group file (System.ocg)!"; Log(szMessage); // Fatal error, game cannot start - have player notice MessageDialog(szMessage); return false; } // Parse command line ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); // Open additional logs that depend on command line OpenExtraLogs(); // Init external language packs Languages.Init(); // Load language string table if (!Languages.LoadLanguage(Config.General.LanguageEx)) // No language table was loaded - bad luck... if (!Languages.HasStringTable()) Log("WARNING: No language string table loaded!"); #if defined(WIN32) && defined(WITH_AUTOMATIC_UPDATE) // Windows: handle incoming updates directly, even before starting up the gui // because updates will be applied in the console anyway. if (Application.IncomingUpdate) if (C4UpdateDlg::ApplyUpdate(Application.IncomingUpdate.getData(), false, NULL)) return true; #endif // Fixup resolution if (!Config.Graphics.Windowed) ApplyResolutionConstraints(); // activate Active=true; // Init carrier window if (!isEditor) { if (!(pWindow = FullScreen.Init(this))) { Clear(); ShowGfxErrorDialog(); return false; } } else { if (!(pWindow = Console.Init(this))) { Clear(); return false; } } // init timers (needs window) Add(pGameTimer = new C4ApplicationGameTimer()); // Initialize OpenGL bool success = DDrawInit(this, GetConfigWidth(), GetConfigHeight(), Config.Graphics.BitDepth, Config.Graphics.Monitor); if (!success) { LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_DDRAW")); Clear(); ShowGfxErrorDialog(); return false; } if (!isEditor) { if (!SetVideoMode(Application.GetConfigWidth(), Application.GetConfigHeight(), Config.Graphics.BitDepth, Config.Graphics.RefreshRate, Config.Graphics.Monitor, !Config.Graphics.Windowed)) pWindow->SetSize(Config.Graphics.WindowX, Config.Graphics.WindowY); } // Initialize gamepad if (!pGamePadControl && Config.General.GamepadEnabled) pGamePadControl = new C4GamePadControl(); AppState = C4AS_PreInit; return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TEditorForm::LoadFromFile(bool PrimaryEncoding) { TStream * Stream = new TFileStream(FFileName, fmOpenRead | fmShareDenyWrite); try { bool CanTrySecondary; if (FEncoding == NULL) { int Encoding; if (ContainsPreamble(Stream, TEncoding::UTF8->GetPreamble())) { Encoding = CP_UTF8; CanTrySecondary = false; } else { Encoding = WinConfiguration->Editor.Encoding; CanTrySecondary = true; } switch (Encoding) { case CP_UTF8: FEncoding = PrimaryEncoding ? TEncoding::UTF8 : TEncoding::Default; break; default: CanTrySecondary = false; FAIL; // fallthru case CP_ACP: FEncoding = PrimaryEncoding ? TEncoding::Default : TEncoding::UTF8; break; } } else { CanTrySecondary = false; } FEncodingName = GetCodePageName(FEncoding); bool EncodingError; if (!EditorMemo->LoadFromStream(Stream, FEncoding, EncodingError)) { if (EncodingError) { UnicodeString Message = FMTLOAD(EDITOR_ENCODING_ERROR, (FFileName, FEncodingName)); if (CanTrySecondary) { TEncoding * EncodingBackup = FEncoding; UnicodeString EncodingNameBackup = FEncodingName; try { FEncoding = NULL; LoadFromFile(false); TEditorConfiguration EditorConfiguration = WinConfiguration->Editor; if (EditorConfiguration.WarnOnEncodingFallback) { // by now the FEncodingName is the secondary encoding Message = Message + L" " + FMTLOAD(EDITOR_ENCODING_REVERTED, (FEncodingName)); TMessageParams Params(mpNeverAskAgainCheck); unsigned int Answer = MessageDialog(MainInstructions(Message), qtInformation, qaOK, HELP_NONE, &Params); if (Answer == qaNeverAskAgain) { EditorConfiguration.WarnOnEncodingFallback = false; WinConfiguration->Editor = EditorConfiguration; } } } catch(...) { // restored values are never used anyway, as this can get here only // when opening editor and this is fatal error preventing the editor from opening FEncoding = EncodingBackup; FEncodingName = EncodingNameBackup; throw Exception(Message); } } else { throw Exception(Message); } } else { throw Exception(MainInstructions(FMTLOAD(EDITOR_LOAD_ERROR, (FFileName)))); } } } __finally { delete Stream; } SendMessage(EditorMemo->Handle, EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 0x7FFFFFF0); }
/// Called from Message() for MSG_DESCRIPTION_COMMAND. void OnDescriptionCommand(BaseObject* op, DescriptionCommand* cmdData) { BaseDocument* doc = op->GetDocument(); const AutoUndo au(doc); const LONG id = cmdData->id[0].id; switch (id) { case NRCONTAINER_PACKUP: ToggleProtect(op); break; case NRCONTAINER_ICON_LOAD: { if (m_protected) break; // Ask the user for an image-file. Filename flname; flname.SetDirectory(GeGetC4DPath(C4D_PATH_DESKTOP)); Bool ok = flname.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE_IMAGES, FILESELECT_LOAD, GeLoadString(IDS_SELECTICON)); if (ok) { // Ensure the destination bitmap is allocated. if (!m_customIcon) m_customIcon = BaseBitmap::Alloc(); else m_customIcon->FlushAll(); // If it is still null here, allocation failed. if (!m_customIcon) MessageDialog(GeLoadString(IDS_INFO_OUTOFMEMORY)); else { IMAGERESULT res = m_customIcon->Init(flname); if (res != IMAGERESULT_OK) { MessageDialog(IDS_INFO_INVALIDIMAGE); BaseBitmap::Free(m_customIcon); } else { // Scale the bitmap down to 64x64 pixels. BaseBitmap* dest = BaseBitmap::Alloc(); const LONG size = CONTAINEROBJECT_ICONSIZE; dest->Init(size, size); m_customIcon->ScaleIt(dest, 256, true, true); BaseBitmap::Free(m_customIcon); m_customIcon = dest; } } } break; } case NRCONTAINER_ICON_CLEAR: { if (m_protected) break; if (m_customIcon) { // TODO: We possibly require a flag for removing the icon // on the next MSG_GETCUSTOMICON message, because Cinema // still references this bitmap. BaseBitmap::Free(m_customIcon); } break; } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TFileSystemInfoDialog::CertificateViewButtonClick( TObject * /*Sender*/) { MessageDialog(FSessionInfo.Certificate, qtInformation, qaOK); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TEditorForm::Find() { int NewPos; int Replacements = 0; do { assert(FLastFindDialog); TSearchTypes SearchTypes; // length condition is there to improve performance when large // block is selected in editor if (FLastFindDialog == FReplaceDialog && (FReplaceDialog->Options.Contains(frReplace) || FReplaceDialog->Options.Contains(frReplaceAll)) && FReplaceDialog->FindText.Length() == EditorMemo->SelLength && AnsiSameText(FReplaceDialog->FindText, EditorMemo->SelText)) { EditorMemo->SelText = FReplaceDialog->ReplaceText; Replacements++; } TEditorConfiguration EditorConfiguration = WinConfiguration->Editor; EditorConfiguration.FindText = FLastFindDialog->FindText; EditorConfiguration.ReplaceText = FReplaceDialog->ReplaceText; EditorConfiguration.FindMatchCase = FLastFindDialog->Options.Contains(frMatchCase); EditorConfiguration.FindWholeWord = FLastFindDialog->Options.Contains(frWholeWord); EditorConfiguration.FindDown = FLastFindDialog->Options.Contains(frDown); WinConfiguration->Editor = EditorConfiguration; if (EditorConfiguration.FindMatchCase) { SearchTypes << stMatchCase; } if (EditorConfiguration.FindWholeWord) { SearchTypes << stWholeWord; } NewPos = EditorMemo->FindText(EditorConfiguration.FindText, EditorMemo->SelLength ? EditorMemo->SelStart+1 : EditorMemo->SelStart, EditorMemo->Text.Length(), SearchTypes, EditorConfiguration.FindDown); if (NewPos >= 0) { EditorMemo->SelStart = NewPos; EditorMemo->SelLength = EditorConfiguration.FindText.Length(); } if (FLastFindDialog->Handle) { PositionFindDialog(true); } if (NewPos < 0) { if ((Replacements == 0) || FReplaceDialog->Options.Contains(frReplaceAll)) { // now Screen->ActiveForm can be NULL when other form was meanwhile // activated and then focus was returned back to "find" dialog // (non VCL form) if (Screen->ActiveForm != this) { SetFocus(); FLastFindDialog->Execute(); } if (Replacements == 0) { UnicodeString Message = MainInstructions(FMTLOAD(EDITOR_FIND_END, (EditorConfiguration.FindText))); MessageDialog(Message, qtInformation, qaOK, HELP_NONE); } else if (FReplaceDialog->Options.Contains(frReplaceAll)) { UnicodeString Message = MainInstructions(FMTLOAD(EDITOR_REPLACE_END, (Replacements))); MessageDialog(Message, qtInformation, qaOK, HELP_NONE); } } } } while (NewPos >= 0 && FLastFindDialog == FReplaceDialog && FReplaceDialog->Options.Contains(frReplaceAll)); }