CAMLprim value sunml_spils_modified_gs(value vv, value vh, value vk, value vp)
    CAMLparam4(vv, vh, vk, vp);

    int p = Int_val(vp);
    int k = Int_val(vk);
    int i;
    int i0 = SUNMAX(k-p, 0);
    realtype new_vk_norm;
    N_Vector* v;

    struct caml_ba_array *bh = ARRAY2_DATA(vh);
    intnat hn = bh->dim[0];
    intnat hm = bh->dim[1];

    if (hn < k + 1)
	caml_invalid_argument("modified_gs: h is too small (dim1 < k + 1).");
    if (hm < k)
	caml_invalid_argument("modified_gs: h is too small (dim2 < k).");
    if (Wosize_val (vv) < k + 1)
	caml_invalid_argument("modified_gs: v is too small (< k + 1).");

    v = calloc(k + 1, sizeof(N_Vector));

    if (v == NULL) caml_raise_out_of_memory();

    for (i = i0; i <= k; ++i)
	v[i] = NVEC_VAL(Field(vv, i));

    ModifiedGS(v, ARRAY2_ACOLS(vh), k, p, &new_vk_norm);


int SpgmrSolve(SpgmrMem mem, void *A_data, N_Vector x, N_Vector b,
               int pretype, int gstype, real delta, int max_restarts,
	       void *P_data, N_Vector sx, N_Vector sb, ATimesFn atimes,
	       PSolveFn psolve, real *res_norm, int *nli, int *nps)
  N_Vector *V, xcor, vtemp;
  real **Hes, *givens, *yg;
  real s_r0_norm, beta, rotation_product, r_norm, s_product, rho;
  boole preOnLeft, preOnRight, scale_x, scale_b, converged;
  int i, j, k, l, l_plus_1, l_max, krydim, ier, ntries;

  if (mem == NULL) return(SPGMR_MEM_NULL);

  /* Make local copies of mem variables */
  l_max  = mem->l_max;
  V      = mem->V;
  Hes    = mem->Hes;
  givens = mem->givens;
  xcor   = mem->xcor;
  yg     = mem->yg;
  vtemp  = mem->vtemp;

  *nli = *nps = 0;     /* Initialize counters */
  converged = FALSE;   /* Initialize converged flag */

  if (max_restarts < 0) max_restarts = 0;

  if ((pretype != LEFT) && (pretype != RIGHT) && (pretype != BOTH))
    pretype = NONE;
  preOnLeft  = ((pretype == LEFT) || (pretype == BOTH));
  preOnRight = ((pretype == RIGHT) || (pretype == BOTH));
  scale_x    = (sx != NULL);
  scale_b    = (sb != NULL);

  /* Set vtemp and V[0] to initial (unscaled) residual r_0 = b - A*x_0  */

  if (N_VDotProd(x, x) == ZERO) {
    N_VScale(ONE, b, vtemp);
  } else {
    if (atimes(A_data, x, vtemp) != 0)
    N_VLinearSum(ONE, b, -ONE, vtemp, vtemp);
  N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, V[0]);

  /* Apply b-scaling to vtemp, get L2 norm of sb r_0, and return if small */
  if (scale_b) N_VProd(sb, vtemp, vtemp);
  s_r0_norm = RSqrt(N_VDotProd(vtemp, vtemp));
  if (s_r0_norm <= delta) return(SPGMR_SUCCESS);
  /* Apply left preconditioner and b-scaling to V[0] = r_0 */
  if (preOnLeft) {
    ier = psolve(P_data, V[0], vtemp, LEFT);
    if (ier != 0)
  } else {
    N_VScale(ONE, V[0], vtemp);
  if (scale_b) {
    N_VProd(sb, vtemp, V[0]);   
  } else {
    N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, V[0]);

  /* Set r_norm = beta to L2 norm of V[0] = sb P1_inv r_0, and
     return if small  */

  *res_norm = r_norm = beta = RSqrt(N_VDotProd(V[0], V[0])); 
  if (r_norm <= delta)

  /* Set xcor = 0 */

  N_VConst(ZERO, xcor);

  /* Begin outer iterations: up to (max_restarts + 1) attempts */
  for (ntries = 0; ntries <= max_restarts; ntries++) {

    /* Initialize the Hessenberg matrix Hes and Givens rotation
       product.  Normalize the initial vector V[0].             */
    for (i=0; i <= l_max; i++)
      for (j=0; j < l_max; j++)
	Hes[i][j] = ZERO;

    rotation_product = ONE;
    N_VScale(ONE/r_norm, V[0], V[0]);

    /* Inner loop: generate Krylov sequence and Arnoldi basis */
    for(l=0; l < l_max; l++) {


      krydim = l_plus_1 = l + 1;
      /* Generate A-tilde V[l], where A-tilde = sb P1_inv A P2_inv sx_inv */

      /* Apply x-scaling: vtemp = sx_inv V[l] */
      if (scale_x) {
	N_VDiv(V[l], sx, vtemp);
      } else {
	N_VScale(ONE, V[l], vtemp);

      /* Apply right precoditioner: vtemp = P2_inv sx_inv V[l] */ 
      N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, V[l_plus_1]);
      if (preOnRight) {
	ier = psolve(P_data, V[l_plus_1], vtemp, RIGHT);
	if (ier != 0)

      /* Apply A: V[l+1] = A P2_inv sx_inv V[l] */
      if (atimes(A_data, vtemp, V[l_plus_1] ) != 0)

      /* Apply left preconditioning: vtemp = P1_inv A P2_inv sx_inv V[l] */
      if (preOnLeft) {
	ier = psolve(P_data, V[l_plus_1], vtemp, LEFT);
	if (ier != 0)
      } else {
	N_VScale(ONE, V[l_plus_1], vtemp);

      /* Apply b-scaling: V[l+1] = sb P1_inv A P2_inv sx_inv V[l] */
      if (scale_b) {
	N_VProd(sb, vtemp, V[l_plus_1]);
      } else {
	N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, V[l_plus_1]);
      /*  Orthogonalize V[l+1] against previous V[i]: V[l+1] = w_tilde. */

      if (gstype == CLASSICAL_GS) {
	if (ClassicalGS(V, Hes, l_plus_1, l_max, &(Hes[l_plus_1][l]),
			vtemp, yg) != 0)
      } else {
	if (ModifiedGS(V, Hes, l_plus_1, l_max, &(Hes[l_plus_1][l])) != 0) 

      /*  Update the QR factorization of Hes  */

      if(QRfact(krydim, Hes, givens, l) != 0 )

      /*  Update residual norm estimate; break if convergence test passes */
      rotation_product *= givens[2*l+1];
      if ((*res_norm = rho = ABS(rotation_product*r_norm)) <= delta) {
	converged = TRUE;
      /* Normalize V[l+1] with norm value from the Gram-Schmidt */
      N_VScale(ONE/Hes[l_plus_1][l], V[l_plus_1], V[l_plus_1]);
    /* Inner loop is done.  Compute the new correction vector xcor */

    /* Construct g, then solve for y */
    yg[0] = r_norm;
    for (i=1; i <= krydim; i++) yg[i]=ZERO;
    if (QRsol(krydim, Hes, givens, yg) != 0)
    /* Add correction vector V_l y to xcor */
    for (k=0; k < krydim; k++)
      N_VLinearSum(yg[k], V[k], ONE, xcor, xcor);

    /* If converged, construct the final solution vector x */
    if (converged) {
      /* Apply x-scaling and right precond.: vtemp = P2_inv sx_inv xcor */
      if (scale_x) N_VDiv(xcor, sx, xcor);
      if (preOnRight) {
	ier = psolve(P_data, xcor, vtemp, RIGHT);
	if (ier != 0)
      } else {
	N_VScale(ONE, xcor, vtemp);

      /* Add correction to initial x to get final solution x, and return */
      N_VLinearSum(ONE, x, ONE, vtemp, x);


    /* Not yet converged; if allowed, prepare for restart */

    if (ntries == max_restarts) break;

    /* Construct last column of Q in yg */
    s_product = ONE;
    for (i=krydim; i > 0; i--) {
      yg[i] = s_product*givens[2*i-2];
      s_product *= givens[2*i-1];
    yg[0] = s_product;

    /* Scale r_norm and yg */
    r_norm *= s_product;
    for (i=0; i <= krydim; i++)
      yg[i] *= r_norm;
    r_norm = ABS(r_norm);

    /* Multiply yg by V_(krydim+1) to get last residual vector; restart */
    N_VScale(yg[0], V[0], V[0]);
    for( k=1; k <= krydim; k++)
      N_VLinearSum(yg[k], V[k], ONE, V[0], V[0]);


  /* Failed to converge, even after allowed restarts.
     If the residual norm was reduced below its initial value, compute
     and return x anyway.  Otherwise return failure flag.              */

  if (rho < beta) {

    /* Apply the x-scaling and right precond.: vtemp = P2_inv sx_inv xcor */
    if (scale_x) N_VDiv(xcor, sx, xcor);
    if (preOnRight) {
      ier = psolve(P_data, xcor, vtemp, RIGHT);
      if (ier != 0)
    } else {
      N_VScale(ONE, xcor, vtemp);

    /* Add vtemp to initial x to get final solution x, and return */
    N_VLinearSum(ONE, x, ONE, vtemp, x);

 Function : SpfgmrSolve
int SpfgmrSolve(SpfgmrMem mem, void *A_data, N_Vector x, 
		N_Vector b, int pretype, int gstype, realtype delta, 
		int max_restarts, int maxit, void *P_data, 
		N_Vector s1, N_Vector s2, ATimesFn atimes, 
		PSolveFn psolve, realtype *res_norm, int *nli, int *nps)
  N_Vector *V, *Z, xcor, vtemp;
  realtype **Hes, *givens, *yg;
  realtype beta, rotation_product, r_norm, s_product, rho;
  booleantype preOnRight, scale1, scale2, converged;
  int i, j, k, l, l_max, krydim, ier, ntries;

  if (mem == NULL) return(SPFGMR_MEM_NULL);

  /* Initialize some variables */
  krydim = 0;

  /* Make local copies of mem variables. */
  l_max  = mem->l_max;
  V      = mem->V;
  Z      = mem->Z;
  Hes    = mem->Hes;
  givens = mem->givens;
  xcor   = mem->xcor;
  yg     = mem->yg;
  vtemp  = mem->vtemp;

  *nli = *nps = 0;    /* Initialize counters */
  converged = SUNFALSE;  /* Initialize converged flag */

  /* If maxit is greater than l_max, then set maxit=l_max */
  if (maxit > l_max)  maxit = l_max;

  /* Check for legal value of max_restarts */
  if (max_restarts < 0)  max_restarts = 0;

  /* Set preconditioning flag (enabling any preconditioner implies right 
     preconditioning, since FGMRES does not support left preconditioning) */
  preOnRight = ((pretype == PREC_RIGHT) || (pretype == PREC_BOTH) || (pretype == PREC_LEFT));

  /* Set scaling flags */
  scale1 = (s1 != NULL);
  scale2 = (s2 != NULL);

  /* Set vtemp to initial (unscaled) residual r_0 = b - A*x_0. */
  if (N_VDotProd(x, x) == ZERO) {
    N_VScale(ONE, b, vtemp);
  } else {
    ier = atimes(A_data, x, vtemp);
    if (ier != 0)
    N_VLinearSum(ONE, b, -ONE, vtemp, vtemp);

  /* Apply left scaling to vtemp = r_0 to fill V[0]. */
  if (scale1) {
    N_VProd(s1, vtemp, V[0]);   
  } else {
    N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, V[0]);

  /* Set r_norm = beta to L2 norm of V[0] = s1 r_0, and return if small */
  *res_norm = r_norm = beta = SUNRsqrt(N_VDotProd(V[0], V[0]));
  if (r_norm <= delta)

  /* Initialize rho to avoid compiler warning message */
  rho = beta;

  /* Set xcor = 0. */
  N_VConst(ZERO, xcor);

  /* Begin outer iterations: up to (max_restarts + 1) attempts. */
  for (ntries=0; ntries<=max_restarts; ntries++) {
    /* Initialize the Hessenberg matrix Hes and Givens rotation
       product.  Normalize the initial vector V[0].             */
    for (i=0; i<=l_max; i++)
      for (j=0; j<l_max; j++)
        Hes[i][j] = ZERO;
    rotation_product = ONE;
    N_VScale(ONE/r_norm, V[0], V[0]);
    /* Inner loop: generate Krylov sequence and Arnoldi basis. */
    for (l=0; l<maxit; l++) {
      krydim = l + 1;
      /* Generate A-tilde V[l], where A-tilde = s1 A P_inv s2_inv. */

      /*   Apply right scaling: vtemp = s2_inv V[l]. */
      if (scale2) N_VDiv(V[l], s2, vtemp);
      else N_VScale(ONE, V[l], vtemp);
      /*   Apply right preconditioner: vtemp = Z[l] = P_inv s2_inv V[l]. */ 
      if (preOnRight) {
        N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, V[l+1]);
        ier = psolve(P_data, V[l+1], vtemp, delta, PREC_RIGHT);
        if (ier != 0)
          return((ier < 0) ? SPFGMR_PSOLVE_FAIL_UNREC : SPFGMR_PSOLVE_FAIL_REC);
      N_VScale(ONE, vtemp, Z[l]);
      /*   Apply A: V[l+1] = A P_inv s2_inv V[l]. */
      ier = atimes(A_data, vtemp, V[l+1]);
      if (ier != 0)

      /*   Apply left scaling: V[l+1] = s1 A P_inv s2_inv V[l]. */
      if (scale1)  N_VProd(s1, V[l+1], V[l+1]);
      /* Orthogonalize V[l+1] against previous V[i]: V[l+1] = w_tilde. */
      if (gstype == CLASSICAL_GS) {
        if (ClassicalGS(V, Hes, l+1, l_max, &(Hes[l+1][l]),
                        vtemp, yg) != 0)
      } else {
        if (ModifiedGS(V, Hes, l+1, l_max, &(Hes[l+1][l])) != 0) 
      /* Update the QR factorization of Hes. */
      if(QRfact(krydim, Hes, givens, l) != 0 )
      /* Update residual norm estimate; break if convergence test passes. */
      rotation_product *= givens[2*l+1];
      *res_norm = rho = SUNRabs(rotation_product*r_norm);
      if (rho <= delta) { converged = SUNTRUE; break; }
      /* Normalize V[l+1] with norm value from the Gram-Schmidt routine. */
      N_VScale(ONE/Hes[l+1][l], V[l+1], V[l+1]);
    /* Inner loop is done.  Compute the new correction vector xcor. */
    /*   Construct g, then solve for y. */
    yg[0] = r_norm;
    for (i=1; i<=krydim; i++)  yg[i]=ZERO;
    if (QRsol(krydim, Hes, givens, yg) != 0)
    /*   Add correction vector Z_l y to xcor. */
    for (k=0; k<krydim; k++)
      N_VLinearSum(yg[k], Z[k], ONE, xcor, xcor);
    /* If converged, construct the final solution vector x and return. */
    if (converged) {
      N_VLinearSum(ONE, x, ONE, xcor, x);
    /* Not yet converged; if allowed, prepare for restart. */
    if (ntries == max_restarts) break;
    /* Construct last column of Q in yg. */
    s_product = ONE;
    for (i=krydim; i>0; i--) {
      yg[i] = s_product*givens[2*i-2];
      s_product *= givens[2*i-1];
    yg[0] = s_product;
    /* Scale r_norm and yg. */
    r_norm *= s_product;
    for (i=0; i<=krydim; i++)
      yg[i] *= r_norm;
    r_norm = SUNRabs(r_norm);
    /* Multiply yg by V_(krydim+1) to get last residual vector; restart. */
    N_VScale(yg[0], V[0], V[0]);
    for (k=1; k<=krydim; k++)
      N_VLinearSum(yg[k], V[k], ONE, V[0], V[0]);
  /* Failed to converge, even after allowed restarts.
     If the residual norm was reduced below its initial value, compute
     and return x anyway.  Otherwise return failure flag. */
  if (rho < beta) {
    N_VLinearSum(ONE, x, ONE, xcor, x);

文件: jdher.c 项目: Finkenrath/tmLQCD
void jdher(int n, int lda, double tau, double tol, 
	   int kmax, int jmax, int jmin, int itmax,
	   int blksize, int blkwise, 
	   int V0dim, _Complex double *V0, 
	   int solver_flag, 
	   int linitmax, double eps_tr, double toldecay,
	   int verbosity,
	   int *k_conv, _Complex double *Q, double *lambda, int *it,
	   int maxmin, int shift_mode,
	   matrix_mult A_psi) {

   *                                                                          *
   * Local variables                                                          *
   *                                                                          *
  /* constants */

  /* allocatables: 
   * initialize with NULL, so we can free even unallocated ptrs */
  double *s = NULL, *resnrm = NULL, *resnrm_old = NULL, *dtemp = NULL, *rwork = NULL;

  _Complex double *V_ = NULL, *V, *Vtmp = NULL, *U = NULL, *M = NULL, *Z = NULL,
    *Res_ = NULL, *Res,
    *eigwork = NULL, *temp1_ = NULL, *temp1;

  int *idx1 = NULL, *idx2 = NULL, 
    *convind = NULL, *keepind = NULL, *solvestep = NULL, 
    *actcorrits = NULL;

  /* non-allocated ptrs */
  _Complex double *q, *v, *u, *r = NULL;  
/*   _Complex double *matdummy, *vecdummy; */

  /* scalar vars */
  double theta, alpha, it_tol;

  int i, k, j, actblksize, eigworklen, found, conv, keep, n2;
  int act, cnt, idummy, info, CntCorrIts=0, endflag=0;
  int N = n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor);

  /* variables for random number generator */
  int IDIST = 1;
  int ISEED[4] = {2, 3, 5, 7};
  ISEED[0] = g_proc_id+2;

   *                                                                          *
   * Execution starts here...                                                 *
   *                                                                          *

  /* print info header */
  if ((verbosity > 2) && (g_proc_id == 0)){
    printf("Jacobi-Davidson method for hermitian Matrices\n");
    printf("Solving  A*x = lambda*x \n\n");
    printf("  N=      %10d  ITMAX=%4d\n", n, itmax);
    printf("  KMAX=%3d  JMIN=%3d  JMAX=%3d  V0DIM=%3d\n", 
	   kmax, jmin, jmax, V0dim);
    printf("  BLKSIZE=        %2d  BLKWISE=      %5s\n", 
	   blksize, blkwise ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
    printf("  TOL=  %11.4e TAU=  %11.4e\n", 
	   tol, tau);
    printf("  LINITMAX=    %5d  EPS_TR=  %10.3e  TOLDECAY=%9.2e\n", 
	   linitmax, eps_tr, toldecay);
    printf("\n Computing %s eigenvalues\n",
	   maxmin ? "maximal" : "minimal");
    fflush( stdout );

  /* validate input parameters */
  if(tol <= 0) jderrorhandler(401,"");
  if(kmax <= 0 || kmax > n) jderrorhandler(402,"");
  if(jmax <= 0 || jmax > n) jderrorhandler(403,"");
  if(jmin <= 0 || jmin > jmax) jderrorhandler(404,"");
  if(itmax < 0) jderrorhandler(405,"");
  if(blksize > jmin || blksize > (jmax - jmin)) jderrorhandler(406,"");
  if(blksize <= 0 || blksize > kmax) jderrorhandler(406,"");
  if(blkwise < 0 || blkwise > 1) jderrorhandler(407,"");
  if(V0dim < 0 || V0dim >= jmax) jderrorhandler(408,"");
  if(linitmax < 0) jderrorhandler(409,"");
  if(eps_tr < 0.) jderrorhandler(500,"");
  if(toldecay <= 1.0) jderrorhandler(501,"");
  CONE = 1.;
  CZERO = 0.;
  CMONE = -1.;

  /* Get hardware-dependent values:
   * Opt size of workspace for ZHEEV is (NB+1)*j, where NB is the opt.
   * block size... */
  eigworklen = (2 + _FT(ilaenv)(&ONE, filaenv, fvu, &jmax, &MONE, &MONE, &MONE, 6, 2)) * jmax;

  /* Allocating memory for matrices & vectors */ 

  if((void*)(V_ = (_Complex double *)malloc((lda * jmax + 4) * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    errno = 0;
    jderrorhandler(300,"V in jdher");
#if (defined SSE || defined SSE2 || defined SSE3)
  V = (_Complex double*)(((unsigned long int)(V_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  V = V_;
  if((void*)(U = (_Complex double *)malloc(jmax * jmax * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"U in jdher");
  if((void*)(s = (double *)malloc(jmax * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"s in jdher");
  if((void*)(Res_ = (_Complex double *)malloc((lda * blksize+4) * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"Res in jdher");
#if (defined SSE || defined SSE2 || defined SSE3)
  Res = (_Complex double*)(((unsigned long int)(Res_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  Res = Res_;
  if((void*)(resnrm = (double *)malloc(blksize * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"resnrm in jdher");
  if((void*)(resnrm_old = (double *)calloc(blksize,sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"resnrm_old in jdher");
  if((void*)(M = (_Complex double *)malloc(jmax * jmax * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"M in jdher");
  if((void*)(Vtmp = (_Complex double *)malloc(jmax * jmax * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"Vtmp in jdher");
  if((void*)(p_work = (_Complex double *)malloc(lda * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"p_work in jdher");

  /* ... */
  if((void*)(idx1 = (int *)malloc(jmax * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"idx1 in jdher");
  if((void*)(idx2 = (int *)malloc(jmax * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"idx2 in jdher");

  /* Indices for (non-)converged approximations */
  if((void*)(convind = (int *)malloc(blksize * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"convind in jdher");
  if((void*)(keepind = (int *)malloc(blksize * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"keepind in jdher");
  if((void*)(solvestep = (int *)malloc(blksize * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"solvestep in jdher");
  if((void*)(actcorrits = (int *)malloc(blksize * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"actcorrits in jdher");

  if((void*)(eigwork = (_Complex double *)malloc(eigworklen * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"eigwork in jdher");
  if((void*)(rwork = (double *)malloc(3*jmax * sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"rwork in jdher");
  if((void*)(temp1_ = (_Complex double *)malloc((lda+4) * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"temp1 in jdher");
#if (defined SSE || defined SSE2 || defined SSE3)
  temp1 = (_Complex double*)(((unsigned long int)(temp1_)+ALIGN_BASE)&~ALIGN_BASE);
  temp1 = temp1_;
  if((void*)(dtemp = (double *)malloc(lda * sizeof(_Complex double))) == NULL) {
    jderrorhandler(300,"dtemp in jdher");

  /* Set variables for Projection routines */
  n2 = 2*n;
  p_n = n;
  p_n2 = n2;
  p_Q = Q;
  p_A_psi = A_psi;
  p_lda = lda;

   *                                                                        *
   * Generate initial search subspace V. Vectors are taken from V0 and if   *
   * necessary randomly generated.                                          *
   *                                                                        *

  /* copy V0 to V */
  _FT(zlacpy)(fupl_a, &n, &V0dim, V0, &lda, V, &lda, 1);
  j = V0dim;
  /* if V0dim < blksize: generate additional random vectors */
  if (V0dim < blksize) {
    idummy = (blksize - V0dim)*n; /* nof random numbers */
    _FT(zlarnv)(&IDIST, ISEED, &idummy, V + V0dim*lda);
    j = blksize;
  for (cnt = 0; cnt < j; cnt ++) {
    ModifiedGS(V + cnt*lda, n, cnt, V, lda);
    alpha = sqrt(square_norm((spinor*)(V+cnt*lda), N, 1));
    alpha = 1.0 / alpha;
    _FT(dscal)(&n2, &alpha, (double *)(V + cnt*lda), &ONE);

  /* Generate interaction matrix M = V^dagger*A*V. Only the upper triangle
     is computed. */
  for (cnt = 0; cnt < j; cnt++){
    A_psi((spinor*) temp1, (spinor*)(V+cnt*lda));
    idummy = cnt+1;
    for(i = 0; i < idummy; i++){
      M[cnt*jmax+i] = scalar_prod((spinor*)(V+i*lda), (spinor*) temp1, N, 1);

  /* Other initializations */
  k = 0; (*it) = 0; 
  if((*k_conv) > 0) {
    k = *k_conv;

  actblksize = blksize; 
  for(act = 0; act < blksize; act ++){
    solvestep[act] = 1;

   *                                                                          *
   * Main JD-iteration loop                                                   *
   *                                                                          *

  while((*it) < itmax) {

     *                                                                          *
     * Solving the projected eigenproblem                                       *
     *                                                                          *
     * M*u = V^dagger*A*V*u = s*u                                                     *
     * M is hermitian, only the upper triangle is stored                        *
     *                                                                          *
    _FT(zlacpy)(fupl_u, &j, &j, M, &jmax, U, &jmax, 1);
    _FT(zheev)(fupl_v, fupl_u, &j, U, &jmax, s, eigwork, &eigworklen, rwork, &info, 1, 1); 

    if (info != 0) {
      printf("error solving the projected eigenproblem.");
      printf(" zheev: info = %d\n", info);
    if(info != 0) jderrorhandler(502,"proble in zheev");

    /* Reverse order of eigenvalues if maximal value is needed */
    if(maxmin == 1){
      sorteig(j, s, U, jmax, s[j-1], dtemp, idx1, idx2, 0); 
      sorteig(j, s, U, jmax, 0., dtemp, idx1, idx2, 0); 
     *                                                                          *
     * Convergence/Restart Check                                                *
     *                                                                          *
     * In case of convergence, strip off a whole block or just the converged    *
     * ones and put 'em into Q.  Update the matrices Q, V, U, s                 *
     *                                                                          *
     * In case of a restart update the V, U and M matrices and recompute the    *
     * Eigenvectors                                                             *
     *                                                                          *

    found = 1;
    while(found) {

      /* conv/keep = Number of converged/non-converged Approximations */
      conv = 0; keep = 0;

      for(act=0; act < actblksize; act++){

	/* Setting pointers for single vectors */
	q = Q + (act+k)*lda; 
	u = U + act*jmax; 
	r = Res + act*lda; 
	/* Compute Ritz-Vector Q[:,k+cnt1]=V*U[:,cnt1] */
	theta = s[act];
	_FT(zgemv)(fupl_n, &n, &j, &CONE, V, &lda, u, &ONE, &CZERO, q, &ONE, 1);

	/* Compute the residual */
	A_psi((spinor*) r, (spinor*) q); 
	theta = -theta;
	_FT(daxpy)(&n2, &theta, (double*) q, &ONE, (double*) r, &ONE);

	/* Compute norm of the residual and update arrays convind/keepind*/
	resnrm_old[act] = resnrm[act];
	resnrm[act] = sqrt(square_norm((spinor*) r, N, 1));
	if (resnrm[act] < tol){
	  convind[conv] = act; 
	  conv = conv + 1; 
	  keepind[keep] = act; 
	  keep = keep + 1; 
      }  /* for(act = 0; act < actblksize; act ++) */

      /* Check whether the blkwise-mode is chosen and ALL the
	 approximations converged, or whether the strip-off mode is
	 active and SOME of the approximations converged */

      found = ((blkwise==1 && conv==actblksize) || (blkwise==0 && conv!=0)) 
	&& (j > actblksize || k == kmax - actblksize);
	*                                                                        *
	* Convergence Case                                                       *
	*                                                                        *
	* In case of convergence, strip off a whole block or just the converged  *
	* ones and put 'em into Q.  Update the matrices Q, V, U, s               *
	*                                                                        *

      if (found) {

	/* Store Eigenvalues */
	for(act = 0; act < conv; act++)
	  lambda[k+act] = s[convind[act]];
	/* Re-use non approximated Ritz-Values */
	for(act = 0; act < keep; act++)
	  s[act] = s[keepind[act]];

	/* Shift the others in the right position */
	for(act = 0; act < (j-actblksize); act ++)
	  s[act+keep] = s[act+actblksize];

	/* Update V. Re-use the V-Vectors not looked at yet. */
	idummy = j - actblksize;
	for (act = 0; act < n; act = act + jmax) {
	  cnt = act + jmax > n ? n-act : jmax;
	  _FT(zlacpy)(fupl_a, &cnt, &j, V+act, &lda, Vtmp, &jmax, 1);
	  _FT(zgemm)(fupl_n, fupl_n, &cnt, &idummy, &j, &CONE, Vtmp, 
		     &jmax, U+actblksize*jmax, &jmax, &CZERO, V+act+keep*lda, &lda, 1, 1);

	/* Insert the not converged approximations as first columns in V */
	for(act = 0; act < keep; act++){

	/* Store Eigenvectors */
	for(act = 0; act < conv; act++){

	/* Update SearchSpaceSize j */
	j = j - conv;

	/* Let M become a diagonalmatrix with the Ritzvalues as entries ... */ 
	_FT(zlaset)(fupl_u, &j, &j, &CZERO, &CZERO, M, &jmax, 1);
	for (act = 0; act < j; act++)
	  M[act*jmax + act] = s[act];
	/* ... and U the Identity(jnew,jnew) */
	_FT(zlaset)(fupl_a, &j, &j, &CZERO, &CONE, U, &jmax, 1);

	if(shift_mode == 1){
	  if(maxmin == 0){
	    for(act = 0; act < conv; act ++){
	      if (lambda[k+act] > tau){
		tau = lambda[k+act];
	    for(act = 0; act < conv; act ++){
	      if (lambda[k+act] < tau){
		tau = lambda[k+act];
	/* Update Converged-Eigenpair-counter and Pro_k */
	k = k + conv;

	/* Update the new blocksize */
	actblksize=min(blksize, kmax-k);

	/* Exit main iteration loop when kmax eigenpairs have been
           approximated */
	if (k == kmax){
	  endflag = 1;
	/* Counter for the linear-solver-accuracy */
	for(act = 0; act < keep; act++)
	  solvestep[act] = solvestep[keepind[act]];

	/* Now we expect to have the next eigenvalues */
	/* allready with some accuracy                */
	/* So we do not need to start from scratch... */
	for(act = keep; act < blksize; act++)
	  solvestep[act] = 1;

      } /* if(found) */
      if(endflag == 1){
       *                                                                        *
       * Restart                                                                *
       *                                                                        *
       * The Eigenvector-Aproximations corresponding to the first jmin          *
       * Petrov-Vectors are kept.  if (j+actblksize > jmax) {                   *
       *                                                                        *
      if (j+actblksize > jmax) {

	idummy = j; j = jmin;

	for (act = 0; act < n; act = act + jmax) { /* V = V * U(:,1:j) */
	  cnt = act+jmax > n ? n-act : jmax;
	  _FT(zlacpy)(fupl_a, &cnt, &idummy, V+act, &lda, Vtmp, &jmax, 1);
	  _FT(zgemm)(fupl_n, fupl_n, &cnt, &j, &idummy, &CONE, Vtmp, 
		     &jmax, U, &jmax, &CZERO, V+act, &lda, 1, 1);
	_FT(zlaset)(fupl_a, &j, &j, &CZERO, &CONE, U, &jmax, 1);
	_FT(zlaset)(fupl_u, &j, &j, &CZERO, &CZERO, M, &jmax, 1);
	for (act = 0; act < j; act++)
	  M[act*jmax + act] = s[act];

    } /* while(found) */    

    if(endflag == 1){

     *                                                                          *
     * Solving the correction equations                                         *
     *                                                                          *
     *                                                                          *

    /* Solve actblksize times the correction equation ... */
    for (act = 0; act < actblksize; act ++) {      

      /* Setting start-value for vector v as zeros(n,1). Guarantees
         orthogonality */
      v = V + j*lda;
      for (cnt = 0; cnt < n; cnt ++){ 
	v[cnt] = 0.;

      /* Adaptive accuracy and shift for the lin.solver. In case the
	 residual is big, we don't need a too precise solution for the
	 correction equation, since even in exact arithmetic the
	 solution wouldn't be too usefull for the Eigenproblem. */
      r = Res + act*lda;

      if (resnrm[act] < eps_tr && resnrm[act] < s[act] && resnrm_old[act] > resnrm[act]){
	p_theta = s[act];
	p_theta = tau;
      p_k = k + actblksize;

      /* if we are in blockwise mode, we do not want to */
      /* iterate solutions much more, if they have      */
      /* allready the desired precision                 */
      if(blkwise == 1 && resnrm[act] < tol) {
	it_tol = pow(toldecay, (double)(-5));
      else {
	it_tol = pow(toldecay, (double)(-solvestep[act]));
      solvestep[act] = solvestep[act] + 1;

      /* equation and project if necessary */
      ModifiedGS(r, n, k + actblksize, Q, lda);

      /* Solve the correction equation ...  */
      g_sloppy_precision = 1;
      if(solver_flag == GMRES){
/* 	info = gmres((spinor*) v, (spinor*) r, 10, linitmax/10, it_tol*it_tol, &Proj_A_psi, &Proj_A_psi); */
	info = gmres((spinor*) v, (spinor*) r, 10, linitmax/10, it_tol*it_tol, 0, 
		     n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor), 1, &Proj_A_psi);
      if(solver_flag == CGS){
	info = cgs_real((spinor*) v, (spinor*) r, linitmax, it_tol*it_tol, 0,
			n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor), &Proj_A_psi);
      else if (solver_flag == BICGSTAB){
	info = bicgstab_complex((spinor*) v, (spinor*) r, linitmax, it_tol*it_tol, 0,
				n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor), &Proj_A_psi);
      else if (solver_flag == CG){
	info = cg_her((spinor*) v, (spinor*) r, linitmax, it_tol*it_tol, 0, 
		      n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor), &Proj_A_psi);
 	info = gmres((spinor*) v, (spinor*) r, 10, linitmax, it_tol*it_tol, 0,
		     n*sizeof(_Complex double)/sizeof(spinor), 1, &Proj_A_psi); 
      g_sloppy_precision = 0;

      /* Actualizing profiling data */
      if (info == -1){
	CntCorrIts += linitmax;
	CntCorrIts += info;
      actcorrits[act] = info;

      /* orthonormalize v to Q, cause the implicit
	 orthogonalization in the solvers may be too inaccurate. Then
	 apply "IteratedCGS" to prevent numerical breakdown 
         in order to orthogonalize v to V */

      ModifiedGS(v, n, k+actblksize, Q, lda);
      IteratedClassicalGS(v, &alpha, n, j, V, temp1, lda);

      alpha = 1.0 / alpha;
      _FT(dscal)(&n2, &alpha, (double*) v, &ONE);
      /* update interaction matrix M */
      A_psi((spinor*) temp1, (spinor*) v);
      idummy = j+1;
      for(i = 0; i < idummy; i++) {
	M[j*jmax+i] = scalar_prod((spinor*)(V+i*lda), (spinor*) temp1, N, 1);
      /* Increasing SearchSpaceSize j */
      j ++;
    }   /* for (act = 0;act < actblksize; act ++) */    

    /* Print information line */
    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
      print_status(verbosity, *it, k, j - blksize, kmax, blksize, actblksize, 
		   s, resnrm, actcorrits);

    /* Increase iteration-counter for outer loop  */
    (*it) = (*it) + 1;

  } /* Main iteration loop */
   *                                                                *
   * Eigensolutions converged or iteration limit reached            *
   *                                                                *
   * Print statistics. Free memory. Return.                         *
   *                                                                *

  (*k_conv) = k;
  if (g_proc_id == 0 && verbosity > 0) {
    printf("\nJDHER execution statistics\n\n");
    printf("IT_OUTER=%d   IT_INNER_TOT=%d   IT_INNER_AVG=%8.2f\n",
	   (*it), CntCorrIts, (double)CntCorrIts/(*it));
    printf("\nConverged eigensolutions in order of convergence:\n");
    printf("\n  I              LAMBDA(I)      RES(I)\n");
  for (act = 0; act < *k_conv; act ++) {
    /* Compute the residual for solution act */
    q = Q + act*lda;
    theta = -lambda[act];
    A_psi((spinor*) r, (spinor*) q);
    _FT(daxpy)(&n2, &theta, (double*) q, &ONE, (double*) r, &ONE);
    alpha = sqrt(square_norm((spinor*) r, N, 1));
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && verbosity > 0) {
      printf("%3d %22.15e %12.5e\n", act+1, lambda[act],
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && verbosity > 0) {
    fflush( stdout );

  free(V_); free(Vtmp); free(U); 
  free(s); free(Res_); 
  free(resnrm); free(resnrm_old); 
  free(M); free(Z);
  free(eigwork); free(temp1_);
  free(dtemp); free(rwork);
  free(idx1); free(idx2); 
  free(convind); free(keepind); free(solvestep); free(actcorrits);
} /* jdher(.....) */
文件: gmres_dr.c 项目: palao/tmLQCD
int gmres_dr(spinor * const P,spinor * const Q, 
	  const int m, const int nr_ev, const int max_restarts,
	  const double eps_sq, const int rel_prec,
	  const int N, matrix_mult f){

  int restart=0, i, j, k, l;
  double beta, eps, norm, beta2=0.;
  complex *lswork = NULL;
  int lwork;
  complex tmp1, tmp2;
  int info=0;
  int _m = m, mp1 = m+1, np1 = nr_ev+1, ne = nr_ev, V2 = 12*(VOLUMEPLUSRAND)/2, _N = 12*N;
  spinor ** solver_field = NULL;
  const int nr_sf = 3;

  if(N == VOLUME) {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND, nr_sf);
  else {
    init_solver_field(&solver_field, VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, nr_sf);
  double err=0.;
  spinor * r0, * x0; = -1.;; = 1.;; = 0.; = 0.;
  r0 = solver_field[0];
  x0 = solver_field[2];
  init_gmres_dr(m, (VOLUMEPLUSRAND));
  norm = sqrt(square_norm(Q, N, 1));

  assign(x0, P, N);

  /* first normal GMRES cycle */
  /* r_0=Q-AP  (b=Q, x+0=P) */
  f(r0, x0);
  diff(r0, Q, r0, N);
  /* v_0=r_0/||r_0|| */
  alpha[0].re=sqrt(square_norm(r0, N, 1));
  err = alpha[0].re;
  if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 0){
    printf("%d\t%e true residue\n", restart*m, alpha[0].re*alpha[0].re); 
    assign(P, x0, N);
    finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
  mul_r(V[0], 1./alpha[0].re, r0, N);
  for(j = 0; j < m; j++){
    /* solver_field[0]=A*v_j */

    /* Set h_ij and omega_j */
    /* solver_field[1] <- omega_j */    
    f(solver_field[1], V[j]);
/*     assign(solver_field[1], solver_field[0], N); */
    for(i = 0; i <= j; i++){
      H[i][j] = scalar_prod(V[i], solver_field[1], N, 1);
      /* G, work and work2 are in Fortran storage: columns first */
      G[j][i] = H[i][j];
      work2[j][i] = H[i][j];
      work[i][j].re = H[i][j].re;
      work[i][j].im = -H[i][j].im;
      assign_diff_mul(solver_field[1], V[i], H[i][j], N);
    _complex_set(H[j+1][j], sqrt(square_norm(solver_field[1], N, 1)), 0.);
    G[j][j+1] = H[j+1][j];
    work2[j][j+1] = H[j+1][j];
    work[j+1][j].re =  H[j+1][j].re;
    work[j+1][j].im =  -H[j+1][j].im;
    beta2 = H[j+1][j].re*H[j+1][j].re; 
    for(i = 0; i < j; i++){
      tmp1 = H[i][j];
      tmp2 = H[i+1][j];
      _mult_real(H[i][j], tmp2, s[i]);
      _add_assign_complex_conj(H[i][j], c[i], tmp1);
      _mult_real(H[i+1][j], tmp1, s[i]);
      _diff_assign_complex(H[i+1][j], c[i], tmp2);
    /* Set beta, s, c, alpha[j],[j+1] */
    beta = sqrt(_complex_square_norm(H[j][j]) + _complex_square_norm(H[j+1][j]));
    s[j] = H[j+1][j].re / beta;
    _mult_real(c[j], H[j][j], 1./beta);
    _complex_set(H[j][j], beta, 0.);
    _mult_real(alpha[j+1], alpha[j], s[j]);
    tmp1 = alpha[j];
    _mult_assign_complex_conj(alpha[j], c[j], tmp1);
    /* precision reached? */
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 0){
      printf("%d\t%e residue\n", restart*m+j, alpha[j+1].re*alpha[j+1].re); 
    if(((alpha[j+1].re <= eps) && (rel_prec == 0)) || ((alpha[j+1].re <= eps*norm) && (rel_prec == 1))){
      _mult_real(alpha[j], alpha[j], 1./H[j][j].re);
      assign_add_mul(x0, V[j], alpha[j], N);
      for(i = j-1; i >= 0; i--){
	for(k = i+1; k <= j; k++){
	  _mult_assign_complex(tmp1, H[i][k], alpha[k]); 
	  /* alpha[i] -= tmp1 */
	  _diff_complex(alpha[i], tmp1);
	_mult_real(alpha[i], alpha[i], 1./H[i][i].re);
	assign_add_mul(x0, V[i], alpha[i], N);
      for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
	alpha[i].im = 0.;
      assign(P, x0, N);
      finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);
    /* if not */
    else {
      mul_r(V[(j+1)], 1./H[j+1][j].re, solver_field[1], N); 
  /* prepare for restart */
  _mult_real(alpha[j], alpha[j], 1./H[j][j].re);
  assign_add_mul(x0, V[j], alpha[j], N);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
    printf("alpha: %e %e\n", alpha[j].re, alpha[j].im);
  for(i = j-1; i >= 0; i--){
    for(k = i+1; k <= j; k++){
      _mult_assign_complex(tmp1, H[i][k], alpha[k]);
      _diff_complex(alpha[i], tmp1);
    _mult_real(alpha[i], alpha[i], 1./H[i][i].re);
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
      printf("alpha: %e %e\n", alpha[i].re, alpha[i].im);
    assign_add_mul(x0, V[i], alpha[i], N);

  /* This produces c=V_m+1*r0 */
  for(i = 0; i < mp1; i++) {
    c[i] = scalar_prod(V[i], r0, N, 1); 
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
      printf("c: %e %e err = %e\n", c[i].re, c[i].im, err);

  for(restart = 1; restart < max_restarts; restart++) {  

    /* compute c-\bar H \alpha */
    _FT(zgemv) ("N", &mp1, &_m, &cmone, G[0], &mp1, alpha, &one, &cpone, c, &one, 1);
    err = sqrt(short_scalar_prod(c, c, mp1).re);
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
      printf("%d\t %e short residue\n", m*restart, err*err);
    /* Compute new residual r0 */
    /* r_0=Q-AP  (b=Q, x+0=P) */
    if(g_debug_level > 0) {
      f(r0, x0);
      diff(r0, Q, r0, N);, N, 1));
      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc){
	printf("%d\t%e true residue\n", m*restart,*; 
    mul(r0, c[0], V[0], N);
    for(i = 1; i < mp1; i++) {
      assign_add_mul(r0, V[i], c[i], N);
    if(g_debug_level > 3) {, N, 1));
      if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc){
	printf("%d\t%e residue\n", m*restart,*; 
    /* Stop if satisfied */
    if(err < eps){
      assign(P, x0, N);
      finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);

    /* Prepare to compute harmonic Ritz pairs */
    for(i = 0; i < m-1; i++){
      alpha[i].re = 0.;
      alpha[i].im = 0.;
    alpha[m-1].re = 1.;
    alpha[m-1].im = 0.;
    _FT(zgesv) (&_m, &one, work[0], &mp1, idx, alpha, &_m, &info); 
    for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      G[m-1][i].re += (beta2*alpha[idx[i]-1].re);
      G[m-1][i].im += (beta2*alpha[idx[i]-1].im);
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3){
      printf("zgesv returned info = %d, c[m-1]= %e, %e , idx[m-1]=%d\n", 
	     info, alpha[idx[m-1]-1].re, alpha[idx[m-1]-1].im, idx[m-1]);
    /* c - \bar H * d -> c */
    /* G contains H + \beta^2 H^-He_n e_n^H */

    /* Compute harmonic Ritz pairs */
    diagonalise_general_matrix(m, G[0], mp1, alpha, evalues);
    for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      sortarray[i] = _complex_square_norm(evalues[i]);
      idx[i] = i;
    quicksort(m, sortarray, idx);
    if(g_proc_id == g_stdio_proc && g_debug_level > 1) {
      for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
	printf("# Evalues %d %e  %e \n", i, evalues[idx[i]].re, evalues[idx[i]].im);
    /* Copy the first nr_ev eigenvectors to work */
    for(i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
      for(l = 0; l < m; l++) {
	work[i][l] = G[idx[i]][l];
    /* Orthonormalize them */
    for(i = 0; i < ne; i++) {
      work[i][m].re = 0.;
      work[i][m].im = 0.;
      short_ModifiedGS(work[i], m, i, work[0], mp1); 
    /* Orthonormalize c - \bar H d to work */
    short_ModifiedGS(c, m+1, ne, work[0], mp1);
    for(i = 0; i < mp1; i++) {
      work[nr_ev][i] = c[i];
    /* Now compute \bar H = P^T_k+1 \bar H_m P_k */
    for(i = 0; i < mp1; i++) {
      for(l = 0; l < mp1; l++) {
	H[i][l].re = 0.;
	H[i][l].im = 0.;

    _FT(zgemm) ("N", "N", &mp1, &ne, &_m, &cpone, work2[0], &mp1, work[0], &mp1, &czero, G[0], &mp1, 1, 1); 
    _FT(zgemm) ("C", "N", &np1, &ne , &mp1, &cpone, work[0], &mp1, G[0], &mp1, &czero, H[0], &mp1, 1, 1);

    if(g_debug_level > 3) {
      for(i = 0; i < ne+1; i++) {
	for(l = 0; l < ne+1; l++) {
	  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
	    printf("(g[%d], g[%d]) = %e, %e\n", i, l, short_scalar_prod(work[i], work[l], m+1).re, 
		   short_scalar_prod(work[i], work[l], m+1).im);
	    printf("(g[%d], g[%d]) = %e, %e\n", l, i, short_scalar_prod(work[l], work[i], m+1).re, 
		   short_scalar_prod(work[l], work[i], m+1).im);
    /* V_k+1 = V_m+1 P_k+1 */
/*     _FT(zgemm) ("N", "N", &_N, &np1, &mp1, &cpone, (complex*)V[0], &V2, work[0], &mp1, &czero, (complex*)Z[0], &V2, 1, 1);  */
    for(l = 0; l < np1; l++) {
      mul(Z[l], work[l][0], V[0], N);
      for(i = 1; i < mp1; i++) {
	assign_add_mul(Z[l], V[i], work[l][i], N);
    /* copy back to V */
    for(i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
      assign(V[i], Z[i], N); 
    /* Reorthogonalise v_nr_ev */
    ModifiedGS((complex*)V[nr_ev], _N, nr_ev, (complex*)V[0], V2);  
    if(g_debug_level > 3) {
      for(i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
	for(l = 0; l < np1; l++) {
	  tmp1 = scalar_prod(V[l], V[i], N, 1);
	  if(g_proc_id == 0) {
	    printf("(V[%d], V[%d]) = %e %e %d %d %d %d %d %d %e %e\n", l, i,,, np1, mp1, ne, _m, _N, V2, H[l][i].re, H[l][i].im);
    /* Copy the content of H to work, work2 and G */
    for(i=0; i < mp1; i++) { 
      for(l = 0; l < mp1; l++) { 
 	G[i][l] = H[i][l];
	work2[i][l] = H[i][l];
	work[l][i].re = H[i][l].re;
	work[l][i].im = -H[i][l].im;

    for(j = ne; j < m; j++) {
      /* solver_field[0]=A*v_j */
      f(solver_field[1], V[j]);
      /* Set h_ij and omega_j */
      /* solver_field[1] <- omega_j */
/*       assign(solver_field[1], solver_field[0], N); */
      for(i = 0; i <= j; i++){
	H[j][i] = scalar_prod(V[i], solver_field[1], N, 1);  
	/* H, G, work and work2 are now all in Fortran storage: columns first */
	G[j][i] = H[j][i];
	work2[j][i] = H[j][i];
	work[i][j].re = H[j][i].re;
	work[i][j].im = -H[j][i].im;
	assign_diff_mul(solver_field[1], V[i], H[j][i], N);
      beta2 = square_norm(solver_field[1], N, 1);
      _complex_set(H[j][j+1], sqrt(beta2), 0.);
      G[j][j+1] = H[j][j+1];
      work2[j][j+1] = H[j][j+1];
      work[j+1][j].re =  H[j][j+1].re;
      work[j+1][j].im =  -H[j][j+1].im;
      mul_r(V[(j+1)], 1./H[j][j+1].re, solver_field[1], N);

    /* Solve the least square problem for alpha*/
    /* This produces c=V_m+1*r0 */
    for(i = 0; i < mp1; i++) {      
      c[i] = scalar_prod(V[i], r0, N, 1);  
      alpha[i] = c[i];
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
	printf("c: %e %e err = %e\n", c[i].re, c[i].im, err);
    if(lswork == NULL) {
      lwork = -1;
      _FT(zgels) ("N", &mp1, &_m, &one, H[0], &mp1, alpha, &mp1, &tmp1, &lwork, &info, 1);
      lwork = (int);
      lswork = (complex*)malloc(lwork*sizeof(complex));
    _FT(zgels) ("N", &mp1, &_m, &one, H[0], &mp1, alpha, &mp1, lswork, &lwork, &info, 1);
    if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
      printf("zgels returned info = %d\n", info);
    /* Compute the new solution vector */
    for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
      if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 3) {
	printf("alpha: %e %e\n", alpha[i].re, alpha[i].im);
      assign_add_mul(x0, V[i], alpha[i], N);

  /* If maximal number of restart is reached */
  assign(P, x0, N);
  finalize_solver(solver_field, nr_sf);