void G_GM_Unit::UpdateState()
  if ((_ustate == g_us_move) && (_mesh->GetAnimationState(UNIT_CUST_ANIM_MOVE) == g_as_inactive))

  if ((_ustate == g_us_test) && (_mesh->GetActiveAnimCount() == 0))
void CAI_BlendedMotor::SetMoveScriptAnim( float flNewSpeed )
	// don't bother if the npc is dead
	if (!GetOuter()->IsAlive())

	// insert ideal layers
	// FIXME: needs full transitions, as well as starting vs stopping sequences, leaning, etc.

	CAI_Navigator *pNavigator = GetNavigator();

	SetPlaybackRate( m_flCurrRate );
	// calc weight of idle animation layer that suppresses the run animation
	float flWeight = 0.0;
	if (GetIdealSpeed() > 0.0)
		flWeight = 1.0 - (flNewSpeed / (GetIdealSpeed()  * GetPlaybackRate()));
	if (flWeight < 0.0)
		m_flCurrRate = flNewSpeed / GetIdealSpeed();
		m_flCurrRate = clamp( m_flCurrRate, 0.0, 1.0 );
		SetPlaybackRate( m_flCurrRate );
		flWeight = 0.0;
	// Msg("weight %.3f rate %.3f\n", flWeight, m_flCurrRate );
	m_flCurrRate = min( m_flCurrRate + (1.0 - m_flCurrRate) * 0.8, 1.0 );

	if (m_nSavedGoalActivity == ACT_INVALID)

	// detect state change
	Activity activity = GetOuter()->NPC_TranslateActivity( m_nSavedGoalActivity );
	if ( activity != m_nSavedTranslatedGoalActivity )
		m_nSavedTranslatedGoalActivity = activity;
		m_nInteriorSequence = ACT_INVALID;
		m_nGoalSequence = pNavigator->GetArrivalSequence( m_nPrimarySequence );

	if (m_bDeceleratingToGoal)
		// find that sequence to play when at goal
		m_nGoalSequence = pNavigator->GetArrivalSequence( m_nPrimarySequence );

		if (m_nGoalSequence == ACT_INVALID)
			m_nGoalSequence = GetInteriorSequence( m_nPrimarySequence );

		Assert( m_nGoalSequence != ACT_INVALID );

	if (m_flSecondaryWeight == 1.0 || (m_iSecondaryLayer != -1 && m_nPrimarySequence == m_nSecondarySequence))
		// secondary layer at full strength last time, delete the primary and shift down
		RemoveLayer( m_iPrimaryLayer, 0.0, 0.0 );

		m_iPrimaryLayer = m_iSecondaryLayer;
		m_nPrimarySequence = m_nSecondarySequence;
		m_iSecondaryLayer = -1;
		m_nSecondarySequence = ACT_INVALID;
		m_flSecondaryWeight = 0.0;

	// look for transition sequence if needed
	if (m_nSecondarySequence == ACT_INVALID)
		if (!m_bDeceleratingToGoal && m_nGoalSequence != GetInteriorSequence( m_nPrimarySequence ))
			// strob interior sequence in case it changed
			m_nGoalSequence = GetInteriorSequence( m_nPrimarySequence );

		if (m_nGoalSequence != ACT_INVALID && m_nPrimarySequence != m_nGoalSequence)
			// Msg("From %s to %s\n", GetOuter()->GetSequenceName( m_nPrimarySequence ), GetOuter()->GetSequenceName( m_nGoalSequence ) );
			m_nSecondarySequence = GetOuter()->FindTransitionSequence(m_nPrimarySequence, m_nGoalSequence, NULL);
			if (m_nSecondarySequence == ACT_INVALID)
				m_nSecondarySequence = m_nGoalSequence;

	// set blending for 
	if (m_nSecondarySequence != ACT_INVALID)
		if (m_iSecondaryLayer == -1)
			m_iSecondaryLayer = AddLayeredSequence( m_nSecondarySequence, 0 );
			SetLayerWeight( m_iSecondaryLayer, 0.0 );
			if (m_nSecondarySequence == m_nGoalSequence)
				SetLayerPlaybackRate( m_iSecondaryLayer, 0.0 );
				SetLayerPlaybackRate( m_iSecondaryLayer, 1.0 );
			SetLayerNoRestore( m_iSecondaryLayer, true );
			m_flSecondaryWeight = 0.0;

		m_flSecondaryWeight = min( m_flSecondaryWeight + 0.3, 1.0 );

		if (m_flSecondaryWeight < 1.0)
			SetLayerWeight( m_iPrimaryLayer, (flWeight - m_flSecondaryWeight * flWeight) / (1.0f - m_flSecondaryWeight * flWeight) );
			SetLayerWeight( m_iSecondaryLayer, flWeight * m_flSecondaryWeight );
			SetLayerWeight( m_iPrimaryLayer, 0.0f );
			SetLayerWeight( m_iSecondaryLayer, flWeight );
		// recreate layer if missing
		if (m_iPrimaryLayer == -1)

		// try to catch a stale layer
		if (m_iSecondaryLayer != -1)
			// secondary layer at full strength last time, delete the primary and shift down
			RemoveLayer( m_iSecondaryLayer, 0.0, 0.0 );
			m_iSecondaryLayer = -1;
			m_nSecondarySequence = ACT_INVALID;
			m_flSecondaryWeight = 0.0;

		// debounce
		// flWeight = flWeight * 0.5 + 0.5 * GetOuter()->GetLayerWeight( m_iPrimaryLayer );
		SetLayerWeight( m_iPrimaryLayer, flWeight );