 virtual MoveInfo getMove() {
   if (creature->getAttributes().getSkills().hasDiscrete(SkillId::HEALING)) {
     int healingRadius = 2;
     for (Position pos : creature->getPosition().getRectangle(
           Rectangle(-healingRadius, -healingRadius, healingRadius + 1, healingRadius + 1)))
       if (const Creature* other = pos.getCreature())
         if (creature->isFriend(other))
           if (auto action = creature->heal(creature->getPosition().getDir(other->getPosition())))
             return MoveInfo(0.5, action);
   if (!creature->getAttributes().isHumanoid())
     return NoMove;
   if (creature->isAffected(LastingEffect::POISON)) {
     if (MoveInfo move = tryEffect(EffectType(EffectId::LASTING, LastingEffect::POISON_RESISTANT), 1))
       return move;
     if (MoveInfo move = tryEffect(EffectType(EffectId::CURE_POISON), 1))
       return move;
   if (creature->getHealth() < 1) {
     if (MoveInfo move = tryEffect(EffectId::HEAL, 1))
       return move.withValue(min(1.0, 1.5 - creature->getHealth()));
     if (MoveInfo move = tryEffect(EffectId::HEAL, 3))
       return move.withValue(0.5 * min(1.0, 1.5 - creature->getHealth()));
   for (Position pos : creature->getPosition().neighbors8())
     if (Creature* c = pos.getCreature())
       if (creature->isFriend(c) && c->getHealth() < 1)
         for (Item* item : creature->getEquipment().getItems(Item::effectPredicate(EffectId::HEAL)))
           if (auto action = creature->give(c, {item}))
             return MoveInfo(0.5, action);
   return NoMove;
文件: Player.cpp 项目: fndisme/wb
  void Player::moveTo(const CCPoint& pos, const std::vector<CCPoint>& path) {
    if(!path.empty()) {
      std::vector<MoveInfo> moveInfos;
      for(auto& p : path) {

      auto action = createAnimation(m_animTextureName,
          CCSize(48, 48),
      //CCHide * hide= CCHide::create();
      action = createMoveAction(
          CCSize(48 * m_scale, 48 * m_scale),
      CCCallFunc* fun = CCCallFunc::create(getScene(), callfunc_selector(HelloWorld::inChooseActionState));

      runAction(CCSequence::create(action, fun, 0));

 MoveObjectsToolController::MoveInfo MoveObjectsToolController::doStartMove(const InputState& inputState) {
     if (!inputState.modifierKeysPressed(ModifierKeys::MKNone) &&
         !inputState.modifierKeysPressed(ModifierKeys::MKAlt) &&
         !inputState.modifierKeysPressed(ModifierKeys::MKCtrlCmd) &&
         !inputState.modifierKeysPressed(ModifierKeys::MKCtrlCmd | ModifierKeys::MKAlt))
         return MoveInfo();
     const Model::PickResult& pickResult = inputState.pickResult();
     const Model::Hit& hit = pickResult.query().pickable().type(Model::Group::GroupHit | Model::Entity::EntityHit | Model::Brush::BrushHit).selected().first();
     if (!hit.isMatch())
         return MoveInfo();
     if (!m_tool->startMove(inputState))
         return MoveInfo();
     return MoveInfo(hit.hitPoint());
MoveInfo Behaviour::tryEffect(EffectType type, double maxTurns) {
  for (Spell* spell : creature->getAttributes().getSpellMap().getAll()) {
   if (spell->hasEffect(type))
      if (auto action = creature->castSpell(spell))
        return { 1, action };
  auto items = creature->getEquipment().getItems(Item::effectPredicate(type)); 
  for (Item* item : items)
    if (item->getApplyTime() <= maxTurns)
      if (auto action = creature->applyItem(item))
        return MoveInfo(1, action);
  return NoMove;
smart::vector<MoveInfo> doRegMoves(PhysReg::Map<PhysReg>& moves,
                                   PhysReg rTmp) {
    auto constexpr N = X64::kNumRegs > ARM::kNumRegs ? X64::kNumRegs :
    smart::vector<MoveInfo> howTo;
    CycleInfo cycle_mem[N];
    List<CycleInfo> cycles(cycle_mem, 0, N);
    PhysReg::Map<int> outDegree;
    PhysReg::Map<int> index;

    assert(moves[rTmp] == InvalidReg);
    for (auto reg : moves) {
        // Ignore moves from a register to itself
        if (reg == moves[reg]) moves[reg] = InvalidReg;
        index[reg] = -1;

    // Iterate over the nodes filling in outDegree[] and cycles[] as we go
    int nextIndex = 0;
    for (auto reg : moves) {
        // skip registers we've visited already.
        if (index[reg] >= 0) continue;

        // Begin walking a path from reg.
        for (auto node = reg;;) {
            assert(nextIndex < N);
            index[node] = nextIndex++;
            auto next = moves[node];
            if (next != InvalidReg) {
                if (index[next] < 0) {
                    // There is an edge from node to next, and next has not been
                    // visited.  Extend current path to include next, then loop.
                    node = next;
                // next already visited; check if next is on current path.
                if (index[next] >= index[reg]) {
                    // found a cycle.
                    cycles.push_back({ next, nextIndex - index[next] });

    // Handle all moves that aren't part of a cycle. Only nodes with outdegree
    // zero are put into the queue, which is how nodes in a cycle get excluded.
        PhysReg q[N];
        int qBack = 0;
        auto enque = [&](PhysReg r) {
            assert(qBack < N);
            q[qBack++] = r;
        for (auto node : outDegree) {
            if (outDegree[node] == 0) enque(node);
        for (int i = 0; i < qBack; ++i) {
            auto node = q[i];
            if (moves[node] == InvalidReg) continue;
            auto nextNode = moves[node];
            howTo.emplace_back(MoveInfo::Kind::Move, nextNode, node);
            if (outDegree[nextNode] == 0) enque(nextNode);

    // Deal with any cycles we encountered
    for (auto const& cycle : cycles) {
        // can't use xchg if one of the registers is SIMD
        bool hasSIMDReg = cycleHasSIMDReg(cycle, moves);
        if (cycle.length == 2 && !hasSIMDReg) {
            auto v = cycle.node;
            auto w = moves[v];
            howTo.push_back(MoveInfo(MoveInfo::Kind::Xchg, w, v));
        } else if (cycle.length == 3 && !hasSIMDReg) {
            auto v = cycle.node;
            auto w = moves[v];
            howTo.push_back(MoveInfo(MoveInfo::Kind::Xchg, w, v));
            auto x = moves[w];
            howTo.push_back(MoveInfo(MoveInfo::Kind::Xchg, x, w));
        } else {
            auto v = cycle.node;
            howTo.push_back(MoveInfo(MoveInfo::Kind::Move, v, rTmp));
            auto w = v;
            auto x = moves[w];
            while (x != v) {
                howTo.push_back(MoveInfo(MoveInfo::Kind::Move, x, w));
                w = x;
                x = moves[w];
            howTo.push_back(MoveInfo(MoveInfo::Kind::Move, rTmp, w));
    return howTo;
MoveInfo MoveInfo::orWait() const {
  if (!move)
    return MoveInfo(value, Creature::wait());
    return *this;