// Load the drivers hive
bool SuLoadDriversHive()
	wchar_t config_dir[MAX_PATH];
	wchar_t filename[MAX_PATH];
	if (MsIsWindows10() == false)
		return false;

	MsEnablePrivilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME, true);
	MsEnablePrivilege(SE_BACKUP_NAME, true);

	CombinePathW(config_dir, sizeof(config_dir), MsGetSystem32DirW(), L"config");
	CombinePathW(filename, sizeof(filename), config_dir, L"DRIVERS");

	return MsRegLoadHive(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"DRIVERS", filename);
bool SuInstallDriverInner(bool force)
    wchar_t sys_fullpath[MAX_PATH];
    UINT current_sl_ver = 0;
    bool ret = false;
    wchar_t src_cat[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t src_inf[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t src_sys[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t dst_cat[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t dst_inf[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t dst_sys[MAX_PATH];
    wchar_t tmp_dir[MAX_PATH];
    char *cpu_type = MsIsX64() ? "x64" : "x86";

    if (SuIsSupportedOs(true) == false)
        // Unsupported OS
        return false;

    CombinePathW(tmp_dir, sizeof(tmp_dir), MsGetWindowsDirW(), L"Temp");

    UniStrCat(tmp_dir, sizeof(tmp_dir), L"\\selowtmp");

    // Confirm whether the driver is currently installed
    CombinePathW(sys_fullpath, sizeof(sys_fullpath), MsGetSystem32DirW(), L"drivers\\SeLow_%S.sys");
    UniFormat(sys_fullpath, sizeof(sys_fullpath), sys_fullpath, cpu_type);

    if (IsFileExistsW(sys_fullpath))
        char *path;

        // Read the current version from the registry
        current_sl_ver = MsRegReadIntEx2(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE, SL_REG_KEY_NAME,
                                         (MsIsWindows10() ? SL_REG_VER_VALUE_WIN10 : SL_REG_VER_VALUE),
                                         false, true);

        path = MsRegReadStrEx2(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE, SL_REG_KEY_NAME, "ImagePath", false, true);

        if (IsEmptyStr(path) || IsFileExists(path) == false || MsIsServiceInstalled(SL_PROTOCOL_NAME) == false)
            current_sl_ver = 0;


    if (force == false && current_sl_ver >= SL_VER)
        // Newer version has already been installed
        Debug("Newer SeLow is Installed. %u >= %u\n", current_sl_ver, SL_VER);
        return true;

    // Copy necessary files to a temporary directory
    UniFormat(src_sys, sizeof(src_sys), L"|DriverPackages\\%S\\%S\\SeLow_%S.sys",
              (MsIsWindows10() ? "SeLow_Win10" : "SeLow_Win8"),
              cpu_type, cpu_type);
    if (MsIsWindows8() == false)
        // Windows Vista and Windows 7 uses SHA-1 catalog files
        UniFormat(src_cat, sizeof(src_cat), L"|DriverPackages\\SeLow_Win8\\%S\\inf.cat", cpu_type);
        // Windows 8 or above uses SHA-256 catalog files
        UniFormat(src_cat, sizeof(src_cat), L"|DriverPackages\\SeLow_Win8\\%S\\inf2.cat", cpu_type);

        if (MsIsWindows10())
            // Windows 10 uses WHQL catalog files
            UniFormat(src_cat, sizeof(src_cat), L"|DriverPackages\\SeLow_Win10\\%S\\SeLow_Win10_%S.cat", cpu_type, cpu_type);
    UniFormat(src_inf, sizeof(src_inf), L"|DriverPackages\\%S\\%S\\SeLow_%S.inf",
              (MsIsWindows10() ? "SeLow_Win10" : "SeLow_Win8"),
              cpu_type, cpu_type);

    UniFormat(dst_sys, sizeof(dst_cat), L"%s\\SeLow_%S.sys", tmp_dir, cpu_type);
    UniFormat(dst_cat, sizeof(dst_cat), L"%s\\SeLow_%S_%S.cat", tmp_dir,
              (MsIsWindows10() ? "Win10" : "Win8"),

    UniFormat(dst_inf, sizeof(dst_inf), L"%s\\SeLow_%S.inf", tmp_dir, cpu_type);

    if (FileCopyW(src_sys, dst_sys) &&
            FileCopyW(src_cat, dst_cat) &&
            FileCopyW(src_inf, dst_inf))
        NO_WARNING *nw;

        nw = MsInitNoWarningEx(SL_USER_AUTO_PUSH_TIMER);

        if (MsIsWindows10())
            if (MsIsServiceInstalled(SL_PROTOCOL_NAME) == false && MsIsServiceRunning(SL_PROTOCOL_NAME) == false)
                // On Windows 10, if there are no SwLow service installed, then uinstall the protocol driver first.
                // TODO: currently do nothing. On some versions of Windows 10 beta builds it is necessary to do something...

        if (MsIsWindows10())
            // Delete garbage INFs

        // Call the installer
        if (InstallNdisProtocolDriver(dst_inf, L"SeLow", SL_USER_INSTALL_LOCK_TIMEOUT) == false)
            Debug("InstallNdisProtocolDriver Error.\n");
            Debug("InstallNdisProtocolDriver Ok.\n");

            // Copy manually because there are cases where .sys file is not copied successfully for some reason
            FileCopyW(src_sys, sys_fullpath);

            ret = true;

            // Write the version number into the registry
            MsRegWriteIntEx2(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE, SL_REG_KEY_NAME,
                             (MsIsWindows10() ? SL_REG_VER_VALUE_WIN10 : SL_REG_VER_VALUE),
                             SL_VER, false, true);

            // Set to automatic startup
            MsRegWriteIntEx2(REG_LOCAL_MACHINE, SL_REG_KEY_NAME, "Start", SERVICE_SYSTEM_START, false, true);

        Debug("Fail Copying Files.\n");

    if (ret)
        // If the service is installed this time, start and wait until the enumeration is completed
        SuFree(SuInitEx(180 * 1000));

    return ret;