/* Abort the installation (called as an immediate custom action) */ MSIDLLEXPORT AbortMsiImmediate( MSIHANDLE hInstall ) { DWORD rv; DWORD dwSize = 0; LPTSTR sReason = NULL; LPTSTR sFormatted = NULL; MSIHANDLE hRecord = NULL; LPTSTR cAbortReason = _T("ABORTREASON"); rv = MsiGetProperty( hInstall, cAbortReason, _T(""), &dwSize ); if(rv != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto _cleanup; sReason = new TCHAR[ ++dwSize ]; rv = MsiGetProperty( hInstall, cAbortReason, sReason, &dwSize ); if(rv != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto _cleanup; hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(3); MsiRecordClearData(hRecord); MsiRecordSetString(hRecord, 0, sReason); dwSize = 0; rv = MsiFormatRecord(hInstall, hRecord, "", &dwSize); if(rv != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto _cleanup; sFormatted = new TCHAR[ ++dwSize ]; rv = MsiFormatRecord(hInstall, hRecord, sFormatted, &dwSize); if(rv != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto _cleanup; MsiCloseHandle(hRecord); hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(3); MsiRecordClearData(hRecord); MsiRecordSetInteger(hRecord, 1, ERR_ABORT); MsiRecordSetString(hRecord,2, sFormatted); MsiProcessMessage(hInstall, INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, hRecord); _cleanup: if(sFormatted) delete[] sFormatted; if(hRecord) MsiCloseHandle( hRecord ); if(sReason) delete[] sReason; return ~ERROR_SUCCESS; }
static PyObject* record_cleardata(msiobj* record, PyObject *args) { int status = MsiRecordClearData(record->h); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return msierror(status); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject* record_cleardata(msiobj* record, PyObject *args) { int status = MsiRecordClearData(record->h); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return msierror(status); Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
void ShowMsiError( MSIHANDLE hInstall, DWORD errcode, DWORD param ){ MSIHANDLE hRecord; hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(3); MsiRecordClearData(hRecord); MsiRecordSetInteger(hRecord, 1, errcode); MsiRecordSetInteger(hRecord, 2, param); MsiProcessMessage( hInstall, INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, hRecord ); MsiCloseHandle( hRecord ); }
extern "C" UINT __stdcall DevEnvNotRunning(MSIHANDLE hInstall) { UINT errCode; DevEnvStatus status; bool cancelled = false; MSIHANDLE hMessage = NULL; status = GetDevEnvStatus(hInstall); while (!cancelled && status == StatusRunning) { if (hMessage == NULL) { hMessage = MsiCreateRecord(2); } MsiRecordClearData(hMessage); MsiRecordSetInteger(hMessage, 1, messageIdCloseDevEnv); int result = MsiProcessMessage( hInstall, static_cast<INSTALLMESSAGE>(INSTALLMESSAGE_WARNING | MB_RETRYCANCEL), hMessage); cancelled = (result == IDCANCEL); if (!cancelled) { status = GetDevEnvStatus(hInstall); } } switch (status) { case StatusNotRunning: errCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; case StatusRunning: errCode = ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT; break; case StatusError: default: Log(LogError, hInstall, L"Failed to search for running DevEnv.exe process."); errCode = ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; break; } if (hMessage != NULL) MsiCloseHandle(hMessage); return errCode; }
extern "C" void ReportMessage(int level, LPCSTR msg, LPCSTR str, LPCWSTR wstr, DWORD dw) { if(dwReporterType == REPORT_PRINTF) printf("%s:[%s][%S][%d]\n", (msg?msg:""), (str?str:""), (wstr?wstr:L""), dw); else if(dwReporterType == REPORT_MSI && hMsiHandle && level == 0) { MSIHANDLE hRec = MsiCreateRecord(5); MsiRecordClearData(hRec); MsiRecordSetStringA(hRec,1,(msg)?msg:""); MsiRecordSetStringA(hRec,2,(str)?str:""); MsiRecordSetStringW(hRec,3,(wstr)?wstr:L""); MsiRecordSetInteger(hRec,4,dw); MsiProcessMessage(hMsiHandle,INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONDATA,hRec); MsiCloseHandle(hRec); } }
extern "C" void SetMsiReporter(LPCSTR strAction, LPCSTR strDesc,DWORD h) { dwReporterType = REPORT_MSI; hMsiHandle = h; #ifdef DONT_NEED /* this is performed in the Wix installer */ MSIHANDLE hRec = MsiCreateRecord(4); MsiRecordClearData(hRec); MsiRecordSetStringA(hRec,1,strAction); MsiRecordSetStringA(hRec,2,strDesc); MsiRecordSetStringA(hRec,3,"[1]:([2])([3])([4])"); MsiProcessMessage(h,INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONSTART, hRec); MsiCloseHandle(hRec); #endif }
static void test_msirecord(void) { DWORD r, sz; INT i; MSIHANDLE h; char buf[10]; WCHAR bufW[10]; const char str[] = "hello"; const WCHAR strW[] = { 'h','e','l','l','o',0}; char filename[MAX_PATH]; /* check behaviour with an invalid record */ r = MsiRecordGetFieldCount(0); ok(r==-1, "field count for invalid record not -1\n"); SetLastError(0); r = MsiRecordIsNull(0, 0); ok(r==0, "invalid handle not considered to be non-null...\n"); ok(GetLastError()==0, "MsiRecordIsNull set LastError\n"); r = MsiRecordGetInteger(0,0); ok(r == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "got integer from invalid record\n"); r = MsiRecordSetInteger(0,0,0); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "MsiRecordSetInteger returned wrong error\n"); r = MsiRecordSetInteger(0,-1,0); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "MsiRecordSetInteger returned wrong error\n"); SetLastError(0); h = MsiCreateRecord(-1); ok(h==0, "created record with -1 elements\n"); h = MsiCreateRecord(0x10000); ok(h==0, "created record with 0x10000 elements\n"); /* doesn't set LastError */ ok(GetLastError()==0, "MsiCreateRecord set last error\n"); r = MsiRecordClearData(0); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "MsiRecordClearData returned wrong error\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize(0,0); ok(r == 0, "MsiRecordDataSize returned wrong error\n"); /* check behaviour of a record with 0 elements */ h = MsiCreateRecord(0); ok(h!=0, "couldn't create record with zero elements\n"); r = MsiRecordGetFieldCount(h); ok(r==0, "field count should be zero\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h,0); ok(r, "new record wasn't null\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h,1); ok(r, "out of range record wasn't null\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h,-1); ok(r, "out of range record wasn't null\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize(h,0); ok(r==0, "size of null record is 0\n"); sz = sizeof buf; strcpy(buf,"x"); r = MsiRecordGetString(h, 0, buf, &sz); ok(r==ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to get null string\n"); ok(sz==0, "null string too long\n"); ok(buf[0]==0, "null string not set\n"); /* same record, but add an integer to it */ r = MsiRecordSetInteger(h, 0, 0); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set integer at 0 to 0\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h,0); ok(r==0, "new record is null after setting an integer\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize(h,0); ok(r==sizeof(DWORD), "size of integer record is 4\n"); r = MsiRecordSetInteger(h, 0, 1); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set integer at 0 to 1\n"); r = MsiRecordSetInteger(h, 1, 1); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "set integer at 1\n"); r = MsiRecordSetInteger(h, -1, 0); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "set integer at -1\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h,0); ok(r==0, "new record is null after setting an integer\n"); r = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(r == 1, "failed to get integer\n"); /* same record, but add a string to it */ r = MsiRecordSetString(h, 0, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set null string at 0\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h, 0); ok(r == TRUE, "null string not null field\n"); r = MsiRecordSetString(h, 0, ""); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set empty string at 0\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h, 0); ok(r == TRUE, "null string not null field\n"); r = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,str); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); r = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(r == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get invalid integer\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize(h,0); ok(r==sizeof str-1, "size of string record is strlen\n"); buf[0]=0; sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordGetString(h,0,buf,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to get string at 0\n"); ok(0==strcmp(buf,str), "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); ok(sz == sizeof str-1, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); buf[0]=0; sz = sizeof str - 2; r = MsiRecordGetString(h,0,buf,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "small buffer should yield ERROR_MORE_DATA\n"); ok(sz == sizeof str-1, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); ok(0==strncmp(buf,str,sizeof str-3), "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); ok(buf[sizeof str - 3]==0, "string wasn't nul terminated\n"); buf[0]=0; sz = sizeof str; r = MsiRecordGetString(h,0,buf,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "wrong error\n"); ok(sz == sizeof str-1, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); ok(0==strcmp(buf,str), "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); memset(bufW, 0, sizeof bufW); sz = 5; r = MsiRecordGetStringW(h,0,bufW,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "wrong error\n"); ok(sz == 5, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); ok(0==memcmp(bufW,strW,8), "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); sz = 0; bufW[0] = 'x'; r = MsiRecordGetStringW(h,0,bufW,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "wrong error\n"); ok(sz == 5, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); ok('x'==bufW[0], "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf); sz = 5; r = MsiRecordGetStringA(h,0,buf,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "wrong error\n"); ok(sz == 5, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); ok(0==memcmp(buf,str,4), "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); sz = 0; buf[0] = 'x'; r = MsiRecordGetStringA(h,0,buf,&sz); ok(r == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "wrong error\n"); ok(sz == 5, "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong length\n"); ok('x'==buf[0], "MsiRecordGetString returned the wrong string\n"); /* same record, check we can wipe all the data */ r = MsiRecordClearData(h); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to clear record\n"); r = MsiRecordClearData(h); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to clear record again\n"); r = MsiRecordIsNull(h,0); ok(r, "cleared record wasn't null\n"); /* same record, try converting strings to integers */ i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"42"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == 42, "should get invalid integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"-42"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == -42, "should get invalid integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0," 42"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get invalid integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"42 "); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get invalid integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"42.0"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get invalid integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"0x42"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get invalid integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"1000000000000000"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == -1530494976, "should get truncated integer\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"2147483647"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == 2147483647, "should get maxint\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"-2147483647"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == -2147483647, "should get -maxint-1\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"4294967297"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == 1, "should get one\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"foo"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get zero\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,""); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get zero\n"); i = MsiRecordSetString(h,0,"+1"); ok(i == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set string at 0\n"); i = MsiRecordGetInteger(h, 0); ok(i == MSI_NULL_INTEGER, "should get zero\n"); /* same record, try converting integers to strings */ r = MsiRecordSetInteger(h, 0, 32); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set integer at 0 to 32\n"); sz = 1; r = MsiRecordGetString(h, 0, NULL, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to get string from integer\n"); ok(sz == 2, "length wrong\n"); buf[0]=0; sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordGetString(h, 0, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to get string from integer\n"); ok(0==strcmp(buf,"32"), "failed to get string from integer\n"); r = MsiRecordSetInteger(h, 0, -32); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to set integer at 0 to 32\n"); buf[0]=0; sz = 1; r = MsiRecordGetString(h, 0, NULL, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to get string from integer\n"); ok(sz == 3, "length wrong\n"); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordGetString(h, 0, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to get string from integer\n"); ok(0==strcmp(buf,"-32"), "failed to get string from integer\n"); buf[0]=0; /* same record, now try streams */ r = MsiRecordSetStream(h, 0, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "set NULL stream\n"); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 0, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE, "read non-stream type\n"); ok(sz == sizeof buf, "set sz\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize( h, -1); ok(r == 0,"MsiRecordDataSize returned wrong size\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize( h, 0); ok(r == 4,"MsiRecordDataSize returned wrong size\n"); /* same record, now close it */ r = MsiCloseHandle(h); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to close handle\n"); /* now try streams in a new record - need to create a file to play with */ r = create_temp_file(filename); if(!r) return; /* streams can't be inserted in field 0 for some reason */ h = MsiCreateRecord(2); ok(h, "couldn't create a two field record\n"); r = MsiRecordSetStream(h, 0, filename); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "added stream to field 0\n"); r = MsiRecordSetStream(h, 1, filename); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to add stream to record\n"); r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, buf, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "should return error\n"); /* http://test.winehq.org/data/200503181000/98_jmelgarejo98casa/msi:record.txt */ DeleteFile(filename); /* Windows 98 doesn't like this at all, so don't check return. */ r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, NULL, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "should return error\n"); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, NULL, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to read stream\n"); ok(sz==26,"couldn't get size of stream\n"); sz = 0; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to read stream\n"); ok(sz==0,"short read\n"); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to read stream\n"); ok(sz==sizeof buf,"short read\n"); ok(!strncmp(buf,"abcdefghij",10), "read the wrong thing\n"); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to read stream\n"); ok(sz==sizeof buf,"short read\n"); ok(!strncmp(buf,"klmnopqrst",10), "read the wrong thing\n"); memset(buf,0,sizeof buf); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to read stream\n"); ok(sz==6,"short read\n"); ok(!strcmp(buf,"uvwxyz"), "read the wrong thing\n"); memset(buf,0,sizeof buf); sz = sizeof buf; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, buf, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to read stream\n"); ok(sz==0,"size non-zero at end of stream\n"); ok(buf[0]==0, "read something at end of the stream\n"); r = MsiRecordSetStream(h, 1, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "failed to reset stream\n"); sz = 0; r = MsiRecordReadStream(h, 1, NULL, &sz); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "bytes left wrong after reset\n"); ok(sz==26,"couldn't get size of stream\n"); r = MsiRecordDataSize(h,1); ok(r == 26,"MsiRecordDataSize returned wrong size\n"); /* now close the stream record */ r = MsiCloseHandle(h); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Failed to close handle\n"); DeleteFile(filename); /* Delete it for sure, when everything else is closed. */ }
/* Uninstall NSIS */ MSIDLLEXPORT UninstallNsisInstallation( MSIHANDLE hInstall ) { DWORD rv = ERROR_SUCCESS; // lookup the NSISUNINSTALL property value LPTSTR cNsisUninstall = _T("UPGRADENSIS"); HANDLE hIo = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; LPTSTR strPathUninst = NULL; HANDLE hJob = NULL; STARTUPINFO sInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo; pInfo.hProcess = NULL; pInfo.hThread = NULL; rv = MsiGetProperty( hInstall, cNsisUninstall, _T(""), &dwSize ); if(rv != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto _cleanup; strPathUninst = new TCHAR[ ++dwSize ]; rv = MsiGetProperty( hInstall, cNsisUninstall, strPathUninst, &dwSize ); if(rv != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto _cleanup; // Create a process for the uninstaller sInfo.cb = sizeof(sInfo); sInfo.lpReserved = NULL; sInfo.lpDesktop = _T(""); sInfo.lpTitle = _T("NSIS Uninstaller for Kerberos for Windows"); sInfo.dwX = 0; sInfo.dwY = 0; sInfo.dwXSize = 0; sInfo.dwYSize = 0; sInfo.dwXCountChars = 0; sInfo.dwYCountChars = 0; sInfo.dwFillAttribute = 0; sInfo.dwFlags = 0; sInfo.wShowWindow = 0; sInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; sInfo.lpReserved2 = 0; sInfo.hStdInput = 0; sInfo.hStdOutput = 0; sInfo.hStdError = 0; if(!CreateProcess( strPathUninst, _T("Uninstall /S"), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &sInfo, &pInfo)) { DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); MSIHANDLE hRecord; hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(4); MsiRecordClearData(hRecord); MsiRecordSetInteger(hRecord, 1, ERR_NSS_FAILED_CP); MsiRecordSetString(hRecord, 2, strPathUninst); MsiRecordSetInteger(hRecord, 3, lastError); MsiProcessMessage( hInstall, INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR, hRecord ); MsiCloseHandle( hRecord ); pInfo.hProcess = NULL; pInfo.hThread = NULL; rv = 40; goto _cleanup; }; // Create a job object to contain the NSIS uninstall process tree JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT acp; acp.CompletionKey = 0; hJob = CreateJobObject(NULL, _T("NSISUninstallObject")); if(!hJob) { rv = 41; goto _cleanup; } hIo = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,0,0,0); if(!hIo) { rv = 42; goto _cleanup; } acp.CompletionPort = hIo; SetInformationJobObject( hJob, JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation, &acp, sizeof(acp)); AssignProcessToJobObject( hJob, pInfo.hProcess ); ResumeThread( pInfo.hThread ); DWORD a,b,c; for(;;) { if(!GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hIo, &a, (PULONG_PTR) &b, (LPOVERLAPPED *) &c, INFINITE)) { Sleep(1000); continue; } if(a == JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_ZERO) { break; } } rv = ERROR_SUCCESS; _cleanup: if(hIo) CloseHandle(hIo); if(pInfo.hProcess) CloseHandle( pInfo.hProcess ); if(pInfo.hThread) CloseHandle( pInfo.hThread ); if(hJob) CloseHandle(hJob); if(strPathUninst) delete strPathUninst; if(rv != ERROR_SUCCESS && rv != 40) { ShowMsiError( hInstall, ERR_NSS_FAILED, rv ); } return rv; }
UINT KillRunningProcessesSlave( MSIHANDLE hInstall, BOOL bKill ) { UINT rv = ERROR_SUCCESS; _KillProc * kpList; int nKpList = 0; int i; int rowNum = 1; DWORD size; BOOL found = FALSE; MSIHANDLE hDatabase = NULL; MSIHANDLE hView = NULL; MSIHANDLE hViewInsert = NULL; MSIHANDLE hRecord = NULL; MSIHANDLE hRecordInsert = NULL; HANDLE hSnapshot = NULL; PROCESSENTRY32 pe; kpList = new _KillProc[MAX_KILL_PROCESSES]; memset(kpList, 0, sizeof(*kpList) * MAX_KILL_PROCESSES); hDatabase = MsiGetActiveDatabase( hInstall ); if( hDatabase == NULL ) { rv = GetLastError(); goto _cleanup; } // If we are only going to list out the processes, delete all the existing // entries first. if(!bKill) { rv = MsiDatabaseOpenView( hDatabase, _T( "DELETE FROM `ListBox` WHERE `ListBox`.`Property` = 'KillableProcesses'" ), &hView); RV_BAIL; rv = MsiViewExecute( hView, NULL ); RV_BAIL; MsiCloseHandle( hView ); hView = NULL; rv = MsiDatabaseOpenView( hDatabase, _T( "SELECT * FROM `ListBox` WHERE `Property` = 'KillableProcesses'" ), &hViewInsert); RV_BAIL; MsiViewExecute(hViewInsert, NULL); hRecordInsert = MsiCreateRecord(4); if(hRecordInsert == NULL) { rv = GetLastError(); goto _cleanup; } } // Open a view rv = MsiDatabaseOpenView( hDatabase, _T( "SELECT `Image`,`Desc` FROM `KillProcess`" ), &hView); RV_BAIL; rv = MsiViewExecute( hView, NULL ); RV_BAIL; do { rv = MsiViewFetch( hView, &hRecord ); if(rv != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(hRecord) MsiCloseHandle(hRecord); hRecord = NULL; break; } kpList[nKpList].image = new TCHAR[ FIELD_SIZE ]; kpList[nKpList].image[0] = _T('\0'); kpList[nKpList].desc = new TCHAR[ FIELD_SIZE ]; kpList[nKpList].desc[0] = _T('\0'); nKpList++; size = FIELD_SIZE; rv = MsiRecordGetString(hRecord, 1, kpList[nKpList-1].image, &size); RV_BAIL; size = FIELD_SIZE; rv = MsiRecordGetString(hRecord, 2, kpList[nKpList-1].desc, &size); RV_BAIL; MsiCloseHandle(hRecord); } while(nKpList < MAX_KILL_PROCESSES); hRecord = NULL; // now we have all the processes in the array. Check if they are running. hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 ); if(hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { rv = GetLastError(); goto _cleanup; } pe.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ); if(!Process32First( hSnapshot, &pe )) { // technically we should at least find the MSI process, but we let this pass rv = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto _cleanup; } do { for(i=0; i<nKpList; i++) { if(!_tcsicmp( kpList[i].image, pe.szExeFile )) { // got one if(bKill) { // try to kill the process HANDLE hProcess = NULL; // If we encounter an error, instead of bailing // out, we continue on to the next process. We // may not have permission to kill all the // processes we want to kill anyway. If there are // any files that we want to replace that is in // use, Windows Installer will schedule a reboot. // Also, it's not like we have an exhaustive list // of all the programs that use Kerberos anyway. hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pe.th32ProcessID); if(hProcess == NULL) { rv = GetLastError(); break; } if(!TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0)) { rv = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hProcess); break; } CloseHandle(hProcess); } else { TCHAR buf[256]; // we are supposed to just list out the processes rv = MsiRecordClearData( hRecordInsert ); RV_BAIL; rv = MsiRecordSetString( hRecordInsert, 1, _T("KillableProcesses")); rv = MsiRecordSetInteger( hRecordInsert, 2, rowNum++ ); RV_BAIL; _itot( rowNum, buf, 10 ); rv = MsiRecordSetString( hRecordInsert, 3, buf ); RV_BAIL; if(_tcslen(kpList[i].desc)) { rv = MsiRecordSetString( hRecordInsert, 4, kpList[i].desc ); RV_BAIL; } else { rv = MsiRecordSetString( hRecordInsert, 4, kpList[i].image ); RV_BAIL; } MsiViewModify(hViewInsert, MSIMODIFY_INSERT_TEMPORARY, hRecordInsert); RV_BAIL; found = TRUE; } break; } } } while( Process32Next( hSnapshot, &pe ) ); if(!bKill) { // set the 'FoundProcceses' property if(found) { MsiSetProperty( hInstall, _T("FoundProcesses"), _T("1")); } else { MsiSetProperty( hInstall, _T("FoundProcesses"), _T("")); } } // Finally: rv = ERROR_SUCCESS; _cleanup: if(hRecordInsert) MsiCloseHandle(hRecordInsert); if(hViewInsert) MsiCloseHandle(hView); if(hSnapshot && hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hSnapshot); while(nKpList) { nKpList--; delete kpList[nKpList].image; delete kpList[nKpList].desc; } delete kpList; if(hRecord) MsiCloseHandle(hRecord); if(hView) MsiCloseHandle(hView); if(hDatabase) MsiCloseHandle(hDatabase); if(rv != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ShowMsiError(hInstall, ERR_PROC_LIST, rv); } return rv; }