int fn1() { int n = 10; printf("\nExecuting F1, ready queue id: %d\n", ready_queue->id); printf("\n N = %d", n); printf("\n &N = %d", &n); sem1 = MySemaphoreInit(2); sem2 = MySemaphoreInit(0); printf("CPAfterSemaphoreCreation"); printQueues(); printf("\nGetting SemaphoreId: %d",sem1.semaphoreId); temp = getSemaphoreFromId(sem1.semaphoreId); printf("\nF2 Semaphore ID: %d has Value: %d", temp->semaphoreId,temp->semaphoreValue); temp = getSemaphoreFromId(sem2.semaphoreId); printf("\nF2 Semaphore ID: %d has Value: %d", temp->semaphoreId,temp->semaphoreValue); child2 = MyThreadCreate((void*)fn2, &n); child2 = MyThreadCreate((void*)fn2, &n); child2 = MyThreadCreate((void*)fn3, &n); child2 = MyThreadCreate((void*)fn2, &n); printf("\nthis is from 1_1\n"); printf("\n Joining the threads: parent %d(won't run again), child %d", ready_queue->id,; MyThreadJoinAll(); printf("\nthis is from 1_2\n"); printf("If printed, %d has joined successfully", ready_queue->id); }
void merge(int start, int end) { if (end - start < 2) return; else { mid = (start+end)/2; /* split list in half */ MyThreadCreate(merge_unpack, merge_pack(start, mid)); // sort 1st half MyThreadCreate(merge_unpack, merge_pack(mid, end)); // sort 2nd half MyThreadJoinAll(); k = start; j = mid; // merge the lists while (k < j) { if (j == end) break; if (List[k] <= List[j]) k++; else { tmp = List[k]; List[k] = List[j]; // insert tmp in the proper place // assume this can be done... } } } }
// evaluate a Fibonacci number: // fib(0) = 0 // fib(1) = 1 // fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) [n>1] // this function is messy because we have to pass everything as a // generic parameter (void*). // also, the function parameter is a value/result -- therefore it is a // pointer to an integer. // void fib(void *in) { int *n = (int *)in; /* cast input parameter to an int * */ if (*n == 0) /* pass */; /* return 0; it already is zero */ else if (*n == 1) /* pass */; /* return 1; it already is one */ else { int n1 = *n - 1; /* child 1 param */ int n2 = *n - 2; /* child 2 param */ // create children; parameter points to int that is initialized. // this is the location they will write to as well. printf("\n Parent %d, calling child: %d", *n, n1); MyThreadCreate(fib, (void*)&n1); printf("\n Parent %d, calling child: %d", *n, n2); MyThreadCreate(fib, (void*)&n2); // after creating children, wait for them to finish MyThreadJoinAll(); // write to addr n_ptr points; return results in addr pointed to // by input parameter printf("\n %d term = ", *n); *n = n1 + n2; printf("%d", *n); } MyThreadExit(); // always call this at end }
void temp(void *dummy) { MyThread t_consumer; t_consumer = MyThreadCreate(consumer,dummy); MyThreadCreate(producer,dummy); MyThreadJoin(t_consumer); }
//A producer/consumer program void producer_consumer(void){ MySemaphore sem[pcount]; MyThread producers[pcount]; MyThread consumers[pcount]; int i; for (i=1;i<pcount;i++){ sem[i]=MySemaphoreInit(0); consumers[i]=MyThreadCreate(consumer,sem[i]); producers[i]=MyThreadCreate(producer,sem[i]); } MyThreadExit(); }
void testjoinmain(void * n) { MyThread t1 = NULL; MyThread t2 = NULL; //Create the 2 threads t1 = MyThreadCreate(testjoinvalid, "t1"); t2 = MyThreadCreate(testjoininvalid, "t2"); //Join on the first thread MyThreadJoinAll(); //Exit the parent thread MyThreadExit(); }
//The main function. //Should be pretty simple to understand void start_func(void *j) { MyThread tmp[100]; MySemaphore sem[10]; printf("0. Root thread started.\n"); printf("...<MyThreadCreate>>\n"); tmp[1]=MyThreadCreate(printv,NULL ); printf("1. Created a Test Thread. \n"); printf("...<MyThreadYield>>\n"); MyThreadYield(); tmp[2]=MyThreadCreate(printa,2); printf("4. Return value from a valid join (0=%i)\n",MyThreadJoin(tmp[2])); printf("5. Return value from an expired join (-1=%i)\n",MyThreadJoin(tmp[2])); printf("...<MyThreadJoinAll>>\n"); printf("6. Create three threads & then joinall on them.\n"); tmp[3]=MyThreadCreate(printj,NULL); tmp[4]=MyThreadCreate(printj,NULL); tmp[5]=MyThreadCreate(printj,NULL); MyThreadJoinAll(); printf("7. Returned from Join All. \n"); printf("...<MySemaphoreInit>>\n"); sem[1]=MySemaphoreInit(1); sem[2]=MySemaphoreInit(2); sem[3]=MySemaphoreInit(3); printf("8. Created 3 Semaphores with initialvalues 1,2,3.\n"); printf("...<MySemaphoreWait>>\n"); MySemaphoreWait(sem[1]); MySemaphoreWait(sem[2]); MySemaphoreWait(sem[3]); printf("9. Waited on all three Semaphores should have values 0,1,2.\n"); tmp[6]=MyThreadCreate(semtest,sem[1]); MyThreadYield(); MySemaphoreSignal(sem[1]); printf("... Parent Signaled \n"); MyThreadYield(); MySemaphoreWait(sem[2]); tmp[7]=MyThreadCreate(semtest2,sem[2]); printf("10. Lets try it in reverse...\n"); printf("...parent waits on a semaphore with value 0.\n"); MySemaphoreWait(sem[2]); printf("...parent passes through now.\n"); printf("11. Recursively build %i threads ",rcount); MyThreadCreate(recursion,1); MyThreadJoinAll(); printf("... success.\n"); rcount=1000; printf("12. Create a producer/consumer scenario with %i threads",pcount*2); tmp[8]=MyThreadCreate(producer_consumer,NULL); MyThreadJoin(tmp[8]); printf("... success \n"); MyThreadExit(); }
void testjoinvalid(void *n) { int x = 10; someThread = MyThreadCreate(donothing, (void *)&x); //Exit first thread MyThreadExit(); }
void MyThreadInit(void(*f)(void *), void *args){ q_running = NULL; q_ready = NULL; q_blocked = NULL; q_reapable = NULL; MyThreadCreate(f, args); _MyThreadScheduler(); };
//A recusion test that spawns up to "rcount" threads void recursion(int i) { int j; j=i+1; if (i < rcount) { MyThreadCreate(recursion,j); } MyThreadYield(); MyThreadExit(); }
void temp(void *dummy) { MyThread t_consumer; t_consumer = MyThreadCreate(func,(void *)0); // MyThreadCreate(func,(void *)2); MyThreadJoin(t_consumer); }
void MyThreadInitExtra(){ static int fork = 0; Thread* bootstrap = (Thread*) MyThreadCreate(NULL, NULL ); bootstrap->ctx.uc_stack.ss_sp = malloc(STACK_SIZE); bootstrap->ctx.uc_stack.ss_size = STACK_SIZE; bootstrap->ctx.uc_link = &bootstrap->return_ctx; bootstrap->flags |= THREAD_IS_STARTED; getcontext(&bootstrap->ctx); if( fork == 0 ) { fork++; swapcontext(&bootstrap->return_ctx, &bootstrap->ctx); } else if ( fork == 1 ) { fork++; Thread* sched = MyThreadCreate(_MyThreadScheduler, NULL); q_ready = bootstrap; _MyThreadRun(sched); } };
int makeThreads(char *me, void (*t)(void *), int many) { MyThread T; int i; for (i = 0; i < many; i++) { printf("\n%s create %d\n", me, i); T = MyThreadCreate(t, (void *)i); if (yield) MyThreadYield(); } if (join) MyThreadJoin(T); }
void func(void *dummy) { int i = (int) dummy,v; MyThread t; //for (i=0;i<10;i++){ MySemaphoreWait(consume_semaphore); printf("I'm a consumer in %d\n",i); //printf("\n In %d", i); if(i==0) t = MyThreadCreate(func,(void *)1); MyThreadJoin(t); // v = get_buffer(i); MySemaphoreSignal(consume_semaphore); printf("Exiting %d ",i); //} MyThreadExit(); }
void t0(void * dummy) { MyThreadCreate(t1, (void *)1); t1(0); }
void MyThreadInit(void(*start_funct)(void *), void *args) { MyThreadCreate(start_funct, args); }