文件: NPC_move.c 项目: jwginge/ojpa
qboolean NPC_ClearPathToGoal( vec3_t dir, gentity_t *goal )
	trace_t	trace;
	float radius, dist, tFrac;

	//FIXME: What does do about area portals?  THIS IS BROKEN
	//if ( gi.inPVS( NPC->r.currentOrigin, goal->r.currentOrigin ) == qfalse )
	//	return qfalse;

	//Look ahead and see if we're clear to move to our goal position
	if ( NAV_CheckAhead( NPC, goal->r.currentOrigin, &trace, ( NPC->clipmask & ~CONTENTS_BODY )|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP ) )
		//VectorSubtract( goal->r.currentOrigin, NPC->r.currentOrigin, dir );
		return qtrue;

	if (!FlyingCreature(NPC))
		//See if we're too far above
		if ( fabs( NPC->r.currentOrigin[2] - goal->r.currentOrigin[2] ) > 48 )
			return qfalse;

	//This is a work around
	radius = ( NPC->r.maxs[0] > NPC->r.maxs[1] ) ? NPC->r.maxs[0] : NPC->r.maxs[1];
	dist = Distance( NPC->r.currentOrigin, goal->r.currentOrigin );
	tFrac = 1.0f - ( radius / dist );

	if ( trace.fraction >= tFrac )
		return qtrue;

	//See if we're looking for a navgoal
	if ( goal->flags & FL_NAVGOAL )
		//Okay, didn't get all the way there, let's see if we got close enough:
		if ( NAV_HitNavGoal( trace.endpos, NPC->r.mins, NPC->r.maxs, goal->r.currentOrigin, NPCInfo->goalRadius, FlyingCreature( NPC ) ) )
			//VectorSubtract(goal->r.currentOrigin, NPC->r.currentOrigin, dir);
			return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
qboolean NAVNEW_AvoidCollision( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *goal, navInfo_t *info, qboolean setBlockedInfo, int blockedMovesLimit )
	vec3_t	movedir;
	vec3_t	movepos;

	//Cap our distance
	if ( info->distance > MAX_COLL_AVOID_DIST )
		info->distance = MAX_COLL_AVOID_DIST;

	//Get an end position
	VectorMA( self->r.currentOrigin, info->distance, info->direction, movepos );
	VectorCopy( info->direction, movedir );

	//Now test against entities
	if ( NAV_CheckAhead( self, movepos, &info->trace, CONTENTS_BODY ) == qfalse )
		//Get the blocker
		info->blocker = &g_entities[ info->trace.entityNum ];
		info->flags |= NIF_COLLISION;

		//Ok to hit our goal entity
		if ( goal == info->blocker )
			return qtrue;

		if ( setBlockedInfo )
			if ( self->NPC->consecutiveBlockedMoves > blockedMovesLimit  )
				if ( d_patched.integer )
				{//use patch-style navigation
				NPC_SetBlocked( self, info->blocker );
				return qfalse;
		//See if we're moving along with them
		//if ( NAVNEW_TrueCollision( self, info->blocker, movedir, info->direction ) == qfalse )
		//	return qtrue;

		//Test for blocking by standing on goal
		if ( NAV_TestForBlocked( self, goal, info->blocker, info->distance, &info->flags ) == qtrue )
			return qfalse;

		//If the above function said we're blocked, don't do the extra checks
		if ( info->flags & NIF_BLOCKED )
			return qtrue;

		//See if we can get that entity to move out of our way
		if ( NAVNEW_ResolveEntityCollision( self, info->blocker, movedir, info->pathDirection, setBlockedInfo ) == qfalse )
			return qfalse;

		VectorCopy( movedir, info->direction );
		return qtrue;
		if ( setBlockedInfo )
			self->NPC->consecutiveBlockedMoves = 0;

	//Our path is clear, just move there
	if ( NAVDEBUG_showCollision )
		G_DrawEdge( self->r.currentOrigin, movepos, EDGE_MOVEDIR );

	return qtrue;