pppgetbuf(netif_t ifp)
    NETBUF_T nb;

    int len = MAX(if_mtu(ifp), PPP_MTU) + PPP_HDRLEN + PPP_FCSLEN;
    nb = NB_ALLOC(len);
    if (nb != NULL)
	NB_SHRINK_BOT(nb, PPP_FCSLEN);          /* grown by pppstart() */
    return NB_TO_nb(nb);
int pk_init (void)
   PACKET packet;
   unsigned i;
   unsigned numpkts = bigbufs + lilbufs;
   u_char align_req;
   align_req = ALIGN_BUFS;
   align_req = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < numpkts; i++)
      packet = (PACKET)NB_ALLOC(sizeof(struct netbuf));
      if (packet == NULL)
         goto no_pkt_buf;

#ifdef NPDEBUG
      if (i >= MAXPACKETS)
         dprintf("pk_init: bad define\n");
         return -1;
      pktlog[i] = packet;     /* save for debugging */

      packet->nb_tstamp = 0L;

      if (i < bigbufs)
#ifdef NPDEBUG
            int j;

            /* for DEBUG compiles, bracket the data area with special chars */
            packet->nb_buff = (char *)BB_ALLOC(bigbufsiz+ALIGN_TYPE+1);
            if (!(packet->nb_buff))
               goto no_pkt_buf;

            /* Add memory markers for sanity check */
            for(j = 0; j < ALIGN_TYPE; j++)
               *(packet->nb_buff + j) = 'M'; /* MMs at start of buf */

            *(packet->nb_buff + bigbufsiz + ALIGN_TYPE) = 'M';
            packet->nb_buff += ALIGN_TYPE;   /* bump buf past MMs */
         packet->nb_buff = (char *)BB_ALLOC(bigbufsiz + align_req);
         /* align start of buffer pointer to desired offset */
         packet->nb_buff += (ALIGN_BUFS - (((u_long) packet->nb_buff) & (ALIGN_BUFS - 1)));
         if (!(packet->nb_buff))
            goto no_pkt_buf;
         packet->nb_blen = bigbufsiz;
         q_add(&bigfreeq, packet);        /* save it in big pkt free queue */
      else     /* get a small buffer */
#ifdef NPDEBUG
            int j;

            /* for DEBUG compiles, bracket the data area with special chars */
            packet->nb_buff = (char *)LB_ALLOC(lilbufsiz+ALIGN_TYPE+1);
            if (!(packet->nb_buff))
               goto no_pkt_buf;

            /* Add memory markers for sanity check */
            for(j = 0; j < ALIGN_TYPE; j++)
               *(packet->nb_buff + j) = 'M'; /* MMs at start of buf */

            *(packet->nb_buff + lilbufsiz + ALIGN_TYPE) = 'M';
            packet->nb_buff += ALIGN_TYPE;
         packet->nb_buff = (char *)LB_ALLOC(lilbufsiz + align_req);
         /* align start of buffer pointer to desired offset */
         packet->nb_buff += (ALIGN_BUFS - (((u_long) packet->nb_buff) & (ALIGN_BUFS - 1)));
         if (!(packet->nb_buff))
            goto no_pkt_buf;
         packet->nb_blen = lilbufsiz;
         q_add(&lilfreeq, packet);        /* save it in little free queue */
   bigfreeq.q_min = bigbufs;
   lilfreeq.q_min = lilbufs;

   /* initialize the counters that keep track of the total amount of memory 
    * allocated from the heap and the corresponding high watermark */
   heap_curr_mem = 0;
   heap_curr_mem_hi_watermark = 0;
   /* set the heap's access type to blocking */
   heap_type = HEAP_ACCESS_BLOCKING;

   return 0;

#ifdef NPDEBUG
   dprintf("Netinit: calloc failed getting buffer %d\n", i);