int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd )
	g_hInst = hInstance;
	g_Config.ChangePathName( "settings.ini" );
	g_Config.LoadConfigFile( NULL, NULL );

	// Read the user's favorites.
	if ( g_Config.SetSection("Favorites"))
		const char *key;
		const char *value;

		while ( g_Config.NextInSection( key, value ))
			FAVORITE_s fav;

			strncpy( fav.szName, key, 128 );
			fav.szName[128] = 0;
			strncpy( fav.szAddress, value, strchr( value, '/' ) - value );
			fav.szAddress[strchr( value, '/' ) - value] = 0;
			strncpy( fav.szPassword, strchr( value, '/' ) + 1, 128 );
			fav.szPassword[128] = 0;

			g_Favorites.push_back( fav );			

	NETWORK_Construct( 99999 );
	main_SetState( STATE_WAITING );
	DialogBox( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_CONNECTDIALOG ), NULL, main_ConnectDialogCallback );
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd )
	g_hInst = hInstance;

	// First, start networking.
	NETWORK_Construct( DEFAULT_STATS_PORT, false );

	main_SetupProtocols ( );

	// Create the dialog, which will call COLLECTOR_StartCollecting.
	GUI_CreateDialog( );

	return 0;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	BYTESTREAM_s	*pByteStream;

	std::cerr << "=== Zandronum Master ===\n";
	std::cerr << "Revision: "SVN_REVISION_STRING"\n";

	std::cerr << "Port: " << DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Initialize the network system.
	NETWORK_Construct( DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT, ( ( argc >= 4 ) && ( stricmp ( argv[2], "-useip" ) == 0 ) ) ? argv[3] : NULL );

	// Initialize the message buffer we send messages to the launcher in.
	NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MessageBuffer );

	// Initialize the bans subsystem.
	std::cerr << "Initializing ban list...\n";
	MASTERSERVER_InitializeBans( );
	int lastParsingTime = I_GetTime( );
	int lastBanlistVerificationTimeout = lastParsingTime;

	// [BB] Do we want to hide servers that ignore our ban list?
	if ( ( argc >= 2 ) && ( stricmp ( argv[1], "-DontHideBanIgnoringServers" ) == 0 ) )
		std::cerr << "Note: Servers that do not enforce our ban list are shown." << std::endl;
		g_bHideBanIgnoringServers = false;
		std::cerr << "Note: Servers that do not enforce our ban list are hidden." << std::endl;
		g_bHideBanIgnoringServers = true;

	// Done setting up!
	std::cerr << "\n=== Master server started! ===\n";

	while ( 1 )
		g_lCurrentTime = I_GetTime( );
		I_DoSelect( );
		while ( NETWORK_GetPackets( ))
			// Set up our byte stream.
			pByteStream = &NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->ByteStream;
			pByteStream->pbStream = NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->pbData;
			pByteStream->pbStreamEnd = pByteStream->pbStream + NETWORK_GetNetworkMessageBuffer( )->ulCurrentSize;

			// Now parse the packet.
			MASTERSERVER_ParseCommands( pByteStream );

		// Update the ignore queues.
		g_queryIPQueue.adjustHead ( g_lCurrentTime );
		g_floodProtectionIPQueue.adjustHead ( g_lCurrentTime );
		g_ShortFloodQueue.adjustHead ( g_lCurrentTime );

		// See if any servers have timed out.
		MASTERSERVER_CheckTimeouts( );

		if ( g_lCurrentTime > lastBanlistVerificationTimeout + 10 )
			for( std::set<SERVER_s, SERVERCompFunc>::iterator it = g_Servers.begin(); it != g_Servers.end(); ++it )
				if ( ( it->bVerifiedLatestBanList == false ) && ( it->bNewFormatServer == true ) )
					it->bHasLatestBanList = false;
					std::cerr << "No receipt received from " << NETWORK_AddressToString ( it->Address ) << ". Resending banlist.\n";
			lastBanlistVerificationTimeout = g_lCurrentTime;

		// [BB] Reparse the ban list every 15 minutes.
		if ( g_lCurrentTime > lastParsingTime + 15*60 )
			std::cerr << "~ Reparsing the ban lists...\n";
			MASTERSERVER_InitializeBans( );
			lastParsingTime = g_lCurrentTime;
	return ( 0 );
int main ( ) {
	NETWORK_Construct( DEFAULT_STATS_PORT, false );
	main_SetupProtocols ( );
  COLLECTOR_StartCollecting ( );