const char *NaClOpcodeName(NaClInstStruct *inst) {
  const struct NaClInst *nacl_opcode = NaClInstStateInst(inst);
  return NaClMnemonicName(nacl_opcode->name);
文件: ncop_exps.c 项目: bortoq/zerovm
/* Print the given instruction opcode of the give state, to the
 * given file.
static void NaClPrintDisassembled(struct Gio* file,
                                  NaClInstState* state,
                                  const NaClInst* inst) {
  uint32_t tree_index = 0;
  Bool is_first = TRUE;
  Bool not_printed_prefix_segment = TRUE;
  NaClExp* node;
  NaClExpVector* vector = NaClInstStateExpVector(state);

  /* Print the name of the instruction. */
  if (NaClHasBit(inst->flags, NACL_IFLAG(PartialInstruction))) {
    /* Instruction has been simplified. Print out corresponding
     * hints to the reader, so that they know that the instruction
     * has been simplified.
    gprintf(file, "[P] ");
    NaClPrintLower(file, (char*) NaClMnemonicName(inst->name));
    if (NaClHasBit(inst->flags, NACL_IFLAG(NaClIllegal))) {
      gprintf(file, "(illegal)");
  } else {
    NaClPrintLower(file, (char*) NaClMnemonicName(inst->name));

  /* Use the generated expression tree to print out (non-implicit) operands
   * of the instruction.
  while (tree_index < vector->number_expr_nodes) {
    node = &vector->node[tree_index];
    if (node->kind != OperandReference ||
        (NACL_EMPTY_EFLAGS == (node->flags & NACL_EFLAG(ExprImplicit)))) {
      if (is_first) {
        gprintf(file, " ");
        is_first = FALSE;
      } else {
        gprintf(file, ", ");
      NaClPrintDisassembledExp(file, state, tree_index);

      /* If this is a partial instruction, add set/use information
       * so that that it is more clear what was matched.
      if (NaClHasBit(inst->flags, NACL_IFLAG(PartialInstruction)) &&
          node->kind == OperandReference) {
        const NaClOp* op =
                                     (uint8_t) NaClGetExprUnsignedValue(node));
        if (NaClHasBit(op->flags, (NACL_OPFLAG(OpSet) |
                                   NACL_OPFLAG(OpUse) |
                                   NACL_OPFLAG(OperandZeroExtends_v)))) {
          gprintf(file, " (");
          NaClPrintAddOperandFlag(file, op, OpSet, "s");
          NaClPrintAddOperandFlag(file, op, OpUse, "u");
          NaClPrintAddOperandFlag(file, op, OperandZeroExtends_v, "z");
          gprintf(file, ")");
    } else if (not_printed_prefix_segment &&
               (OperandReference == node->kind) &&
               (node->flags & NACL_EFLAG(ExprImplicit))) {
      /* Print out segment override of implicit segment address, if
       * applicable.
      if (OperandReference == node->kind) {
        int seg_addr_index = tree_index + 1;
        if (ExprSegmentAddress == vector->node[seg_addr_index].kind) {
          if (NaClHasSegmentOverride(vector, seg_addr_index,
                                     ExprDSrCase, RegDS)) {
            NaClPrintSegmentOverride(file, &is_first, state, vector,
          } else if (NaClHasSegmentOverride(vector, seg_addr_index,
                                            ExprESrCase, RegES)) {
            NaClPrintSegmentOverride(file, &is_first, state, vector,
    /* Skip over expression to next expresssion. */
    tree_index += NaClExpWidth(vector, tree_index);