int main()
    int ret;

    signal(SIGPIPE, CheckConnect);

    ret = CreateSocket();
    if (ret == FALSE) {
        printf("Create   socket   faile.\n ");
        return FALSE;


    return 0;
/* ======================================================================================
 *  Ethernet to LeCroy HV modules Bridge via a Raspberry Pi (rPI)
 * =======================================================================================
int main(void)
  char LU_type[nLUTYP][L16] = {"1461PS0", "1461NS0", "1469PS0", "1469PS1",
  "1469NS0", "1469NS1", "1471PS0", "1471NS0"};
  unsigned char ga, tbuff[L256], rbuff[L256], s1[L256], s2[L256], s3[L256], sdum[L256], *ps1;
  int imod, slot, nsm, sm, i1, i2, i3, i4;
  int fd;

  /*initialize */
  for(i1 = 0; i1 < nLU; i1++) pLU[i1] = NULL;
  for(i1 = 0; i1 < nSLOTS; i1++)
    /* negaitve # indicates empty slot/submodule */
    for(i2 = 0; i2 < nSUBMOD; i2++) SS2LU[i1][i2] = -1;
  /* Setup rPI serial to communicate with the HV modules
   * Options:
   *	O_RDWR: read & write access to port
   *    O_CTTY: prevent other input (e.g. keyboard) from affecting what we read
   *    O_NONBLOCK: do not block waiting for a response
  sio = open ("/dev/ttyAMA0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
  if(sio < 0)
    printf("Unable to open /dev/ttyAMA0 ....\n");
  bzero(&sio_attr, sizeof(sio_attr));
  sio_attr.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
  sio_attr.c_oflag = 0; /* output mode flags  - raw output */
  /* 38400 baud, 8-bits, no parity, 1-stop bit,
   * no xonxoff, no rtscts
  sio_attr.c_cflag = B38400 | CS8 | CREAD | CLOCAL;  /* control mode flags */
  sio_attr.c_lflag = 0; /* local mode flags */
  sio_attr.c_cc[VTIME]= 0; /* read - inter-character timer unused */
  sio_attr.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; /* read - minimum number of characters */
  tcflush (sio,TCIFLUSH);
  tcsetattr (sio, TCSANOW, &sio_attr);
  /* ATTN* signal from HV module is routed to GPIO23
   * Setup system to access GPIO registers
   * Access GPIO23 as input, no interrupt, pull/down disabled (all are defaults)
   fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC); /* needs to run as root!! */
   if(fd < 0)
     printf("Unable to open /dev/mem ....\n");

   gpioReg = mmap
      0xB4,     /* length of GPIO registers */
      0x20200000); /* beginning of GPIO registers in memory */


  /* Send handshake message to every slot to determine which ones have a module.
   * This will also clear any module holding the ATTN* line (it has a pending response
   * in its output buffer)
  for(slot = 0; slot < nSLOTS; slot++)
	ga = 255 - slot;  /* geographical address of slot */
	sio_TXbuff[0] = ga;
	sio_TXbuff[1] = 0x06;  /* ACK */
	sio_TXbuff[2] = '\n';
	sio_TXbuff[3] = '\0';
	if(msgget(50) > MSGstat_NONE) SLOTwMOD[nMOD++] = slot; /* 50 char wait */
  if(nMOD <= 0)

    printf("i2lchv - no modules found.... exiting\n");


if(1) {	  
	printf("found %d modules\n",nMOD);
  /* get module ID */
  for(imod = 0; imod < nMOD; imod++)
    /* retrieve slot# of module */
    slot = SLOTwMOD[imod];
    /* get number of submodules in this module */
    ga = 255 - slot;
	sio_TXbuff[0] = ga;
	sio_TXbuff[1] = 0x06;
	sio_TXbuff[2] = '\0';
    /* Note: we choose to use the slot# as the transation ticket# */
    sprintf(s1,"%d SM\n",slot);
    sio_TXlen = strlen(sio_TXbuff);
	write(sio,sio_TXbuff,sio_TXlen); /* send message */
	if(msgget(sio_TXlen+50) != MSGstat_HNDSHK) goto skip_slot; /* get handshake */
    /* wait up-to 2 sec for module to indicate is ready to send response to previous command */
    if(IsGpioSet(23,2.0) != NORMAL) goto skip_slot;
    /* Module has response ready - send handshake sequence to start xfer
     * The slot geographical address & 0x06 (ACK) are
     * already in the buffer - we just add the LF and a NULL
    sio_TXbuff[2] = '\n';
    sio_TXbuff[3] = '\0';
    sio_TXlen = strlen(sio_TXbuff);
    write(sio,sio_TXbuff,strlen(sio_TXbuff)); /* send handshake */            
    if(msgget(50) != MSGstat_OK) goto skip_slot; /* 50 char wait (13ms) */

    /* decode message */
    sio_MSGbuff[sio_MSGlen] = '\0';        
    sio_MSGbuff[0] = ' '; /* convert ACK char into SPACE for decoding */
    /* message terminates with CRLF */
    ps1 = strchr(sio_MSGbuff,'\r');   /* search for CR */
    *ps1 = '\0';       /* replace CR by NULL to terminate string */
    sscanf(sio_MSGbuff,"%d %s %d",&i1,s1,&nsm);
    /* Check that the ticket-number field matches the slot# (we sent this value)
     * & the command is "SM"
    if((i1 != slot) || (strcmp(s1,"SM") != 0)) goto skip_slot; /* error */
    /* get module ID & submodule information (e.g number of channels & properties) */
    for(i3 = 0;  i3 < nsm;  i3++)
      sio_TXbuff[2] = '\0';
      if(nsm <= 1)
        /* one sub-module, commands do not include sub-module address
         * Use the slot# as the transation ticket#
        sprintf(s1,"%d ID\n",slot);
        /* sub-module i3 of [ 0 -> (nsm-1)]
         * Use the slot# as the transation ticket#
        sprintf(s1,"%d %d ID\n",slot,i3);
      sio_TXlen = strlen(sio_TXbuff);
      write(sio,sio_TXbuff,sio_TXlen); /* send command */
	  if(msgget(sio_TXlen+50) != MSGstat_HNDSHK) goto skip_submodule; /* get handshake */
      /* wait up-to 2 sec for module to indicate is ready to send response to previous command */
      if(IsGpioSet(23,2.0) != NORMAL) goto skip_submodule;
      /* module ready - send handshake sequence to start xfer
       * The slot geographical address & 0x06 (ACK) are
       * already in the buffer - we just add the LF and a NULL
      sio_TXbuff[2] = '\n';
      sio_TXbuff[3] = '\0';
      sio_TXlen = strlen(sio_TXbuff);
      if(msgget(50) != MSGstat_OK) goto skip_submodule; /* 50 char wait (13ms) */

      /* decode response  - response should start with "YXX ID " where Y = 0x06 &
       * XX = transation ticket# = slot# (one or 2 characters)      
       * Skip over the number of bytes taken by preamble (ACK, slot# & command) */
      i1 = 1;
      if(slot > 9) i1 = 2;
      i1 = i1+5; /* 5 bytes = ACK + " ID " */
      ps1 = strchr(s1,'\r');  /* end-of-message sequence is CRLF. Search for CR */
      *ps1 = '\0';  /* replace CR by NULL to terminate string */
      sscanf(s1,"%s",s2);  /* s2 should be the module type */
      sprintf(s3,"S%d",i3);  /*submodule number */
      strcat(s2,s3);    /* logic unit type  */
      /* search for logic unit type */
      i2 = -1;
      for(i1 = 0; i1 < nLUTYP; i1++)
        i4 = strcmp(&LU_type[i1][0],s2);
        if(i4 == 0) i2 = i1;
      /* skip if no matching logic unit found */
      if(i2 < 0)
        printf("main - unknown logic unit type %s @ slot = %d\n",s2,slot);
        goto skip_submodule;
      /* found logic unit type */ 
      /* create structure to store this logic unit info */
      pLUtmp = NULL;
      pLUtmp = (struct LUnit *)malloc(sizeof(struct LUnit));
      if(pLUtmp == NULL) /* failed to allocate structure */
        printf("main - malloc failed!, slot = %d, smod = %d, LUTYP = %s\n\n",slot,i3,s2);
        goto skip_submodule;
      lstLU = lstLU +1;
      pLU[lstLU] = pLUtmp;
      /* store - basic header for commands */
      pLUtmp->hdr[0] = ga;
      pLUtmp->hdr[1] = 0x06;
      pLUtmp->hdr[2] = '\0';
      if(nsm <= 1)
        /* One sub-module, commands do not include sub-module address
         * The slot# is used as the transaction#
        sprintf(s3,"%d ",slot);
        /*sub-module i3 of [ 0 -> (nsm-1)]
         * The slot# is used as the transaction#
        sprintf(s3,"%d %d ",slot,i3);
      /* store - ack message */
      pLUtmp->ack[0] = ga;
      pLUtmp->ack[1] = 0x06;
      pLUtmp->ack[2] = '\n';
      pLUtmp->ack[3] = '\0';
      /* store - */
      pLUtmp->lutype = i2; /* logic unit type index */
      pLUtmp->slot = slot; /* slot number */
      pLUtmp->nsmod = nsm;   /* number of submodules */
      pLUtmp->smod = i3; /* submodule number */
      strcpy(pLUtmp->id,s1); /* module/submodule id */
      /* Map Slot/submodule to LU */
      SS2LU[slot][i3] = lstLU;
      skip_submodule: continue;
      } /* bottom of loop over submodules */
    skip_slot: continue;
    } /* bottom over slots */
 } /* if(1)*/
  /* Telnet server */
  printf("Network server started\n");	