void OverlandSum(ProblemData *problem_data, 
		 Vector      *pressure,       /* Current pressure values */
		 double dt, 
		 Vector *overland_sum)
   GrGeomSolid *gr_domain         = ProblemDataGrDomain(problem_data);

   double       dx, dy, dz;
   int          i, j, r, is;
   int          ix, iy, iz;
   int          nx, ny;

   Subgrid     *subgrid;
   Grid        *grid              = VectorGrid(pressure);

   Vector      *slope_x           = ProblemDataTSlopeX(problem_data); 
   Vector      *slope_y           = ProblemDataTSlopeY(problem_data);
   Vector      *mannings          = ProblemDataMannings(problem_data);
   Vector      *top               = ProblemDataIndexOfDomainTop(problem_data);

   Subvector   *overland_sum_subvector;
   Subvector   *slope_x_subvector;
   Subvector   *slope_y_subvector;
   Subvector   *mannings_subvector;
   Subvector   *pressure_subvector;
   Subvector   *top_subvector;
   int index_overland_sum;
   int index_slope_x;
   int index_slope_y;
   int index_mannings;
   int index_pressure;
   int index_top;

   double *overland_sum_ptr;
   double *slope_x_ptr;
   double *slope_y_ptr;
   double *mannings_ptr;
   double *pressure_ptr;
   double *top_ptr;

   int ipatch;
   BCStruct    *bc_struct;

   BCPressureData *bc_pressure_data = ProblemDataBCPressureData(problem_data);
   int num_patches                  = BCPressureDataNumPatches(bc_pressure_data);

   bc_struct = NewBCStruct(GridSubgrids(grid), 

   if (num_patches > 0)
      for (ipatch = 0; ipatch < num_patches; ipatch++)
	    case 7:

	       ForSubgridI(is, GridSubgrids(grid))
		  subgrid = GridSubgrid(grid, is);
		  overland_sum_subvector = VectorSubvector(overland_sum, is);
		  slope_x_subvector      = VectorSubvector(slope_x, is);
		  slope_y_subvector      = VectorSubvector(slope_y, is);
		  mannings_subvector     = VectorSubvector(mannings, is);
		  pressure_subvector     = VectorSubvector(pressure, is);
		  top_subvector          = VectorSubvector(top, is);
		  r = SubgridRX(subgrid);
		  ix = SubgridIX(subgrid);
		  iy = SubgridIY(subgrid);
		  iz = SubgridIZ(subgrid);

		  nx = SubgridNX(subgrid);
		  ny = SubgridNY(subgrid);

		  dx = SubgridDX(subgrid);
		  dy = SubgridDY(subgrid);
		  dz = SubgridDZ(subgrid);
		  overland_sum_ptr = SubvectorData(overland_sum_subvector);
		  slope_x_ptr      = SubvectorData(slope_x_subvector);
		  slope_y_ptr      = SubvectorData(slope_y_subvector);
		  mannings_ptr     = SubvectorData(mannings_subvector);
		  pressure_ptr     = SubvectorData(pressure_subvector);
		  top_ptr          = SubvectorData(top_subvector);

		  int state;
		  const int inactive = -1;
		  const int active = 1;

		  for(i = ix; i < ix + nx; i++) 
		     j = iy - 1;

		     index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
		     int k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

		     if( k < 0 ) {
			state = inactive;
		     } else {
			state = active;

		     while( j < iy + ny) {
			if( state == inactive) {
			   index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			   while( k < 0 && j <= iy + ny) {
			      index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			      k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

			   // If still in interior
			   if( j < iy + ny) {

			      if ( k >=0 ) {
				 // inactive to active
				 index_slope_y         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_y_subvector, i, j, 0);
				 // sloping to inactive active from active
				 if( slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y] > 0) {
				    index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);
				    if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				       index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
				       index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
				       overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
					  (sqrt( fabs(slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
					  pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dx * dt;

			      state = active;

			} else {
			   index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j+1, 0);
			   k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			   while( k >= 0 && j <= iy + ny) {
			      index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j+1, 0);
			      k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

			   // If still in interior
			   if( j < iy + ny) {

			      index_top     = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			      k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

			      // active to inactive

			      index_slope_y         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_y_subvector, i, j, 0);

			      // sloping from active to inactive
			      if( slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y] < 0) {
				 index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);

				 if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				    index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
				    index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
				    overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
				    (sqrt( fabs(slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
				       pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dx * dt;

			   state = inactive;

#if 0
		  for(i = ix; i < ix + nx; i++) 
		     for(j = iy; j < iy + ny; j++) 
			index_top             = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);

			int k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			if ( !(k < 0)) 
			     Compute runnoff if slope is running off of active region
			   index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_x         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_x_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_y         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_y_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);

			   if( slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y] > 0 ) 
			      if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				 overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
				    (sqrt( fabs(slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
				    pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dx * dt;
			     Loop until going back outside of active area 
			   while( (j + 1 < iy + ny) && !(top_ptr[SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j+1, 0)] < 0) ) 
			      Found either domain boundary or outside of active area.
			      Compute runnoff if slope is running off of active region.

			   index_top             = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			   index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_x         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_x_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_y         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_y_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);

			   if( slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y] < 0 ) 
			      if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 

				 overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
				    (sqrt( fabs(slope_y_ptr[index_slope_y]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
				    pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dx * dt;

		  for(j = iy; j < iy + ny; j++) 
		     i = ix - 1;

		     index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
		     int k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

		     if( k < 0 ) {
			state = inactive;
		     } else {
			state = active;

		     while( i < ix + nx) {
			if( state == inactive) {
			   index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			   while( k < 0 && i <= ix + nx) {
			      index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			      k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

			   // If still in interior
			   if( i < ix + nx) {

			      if ( k >=0 ) {
				 // inactive to active
				 index_slope_x         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_x_subvector, i, j, 0);
				 // sloping to inactive active from active
				 if( slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x] > 0) {
				    index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);
				    if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				       index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
				       index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
				       overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
					  (sqrt( fabs(slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
					  pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dy * dt;

			      state = active;

			} else {
			   index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i+1, j, 0);
			   k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			   while( k >= 0 && i <= ix + nx) {
			      index_top = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i+1, j, 0);
			      k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

			   // If still in interior
			   if( i < ix + nx) {

			      index_top     = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			      k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];

			      // active to inactive
			      index_slope_x         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_x_subvector, i, j, 0);

			      // sloping from active to inactive
			      if( slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x] < 0) {
				 index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);

				 if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				    index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
				    index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
				    overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
				    (sqrt( fabs(slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
				       pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dy * dt;

			   state = inactive;

#if 0

		  for(j = iy; j < iy + ny; j++) 
		     for(i = ix; i < ix + nx; i++) 
			index_top             = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);

			int k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			if ( !(k < 0)) 

			     Compute runnoff if slope is running off of active region
			   index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_x         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_x_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_y         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_y_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);

			   if( slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x] > 0 ) 
			      if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				 overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
				    (sqrt( fabs(slope_x_ptr[index_slope_y]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
				    pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dy * dt;
			     Loop until going back outside of active area 
			   while( (i + 1 < ix + nx) && !(top_ptr[SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i+1, j, 0)] < 0) ) 
			      Found either domain boundary or outside of active area.
			      Compute runnoff if slope is running off of active region.
			   index_top             = SubvectorEltIndex(top_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   k = (int)top_ptr[index_top];
			   index_overland_sum    = SubvectorEltIndex(overland_sum_subvector,  i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_x         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_x_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_slope_y         = SubvectorEltIndex(slope_y_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_mannings        = SubvectorEltIndex(mannings_subvector, i, j, 0);
			   index_pressure        = SubvectorEltIndex(pressure_subvector, i, j, k);

			   if( slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x] < 0 ) 
			      if(pressure_ptr[index_pressure] > 0) 
				 overland_sum_ptr[index_overland_sum] += 
				    (sqrt( fabs(slope_x_ptr[index_slope_x]) ) / mannings_ptr[index_mannings] ) *
				    pow(pressure_ptr[index_pressure], 5.0 / 3.0) * dy * dt;

void          BCPhaseSaturation(
                                Vector *     saturation,
                                int          phase,
                                GrGeomSolid *gr_domain)
  PFModule       *this_module = ThisPFModule;
  PublicXtra     *public_xtra = (PublicXtra*)PFModulePublicXtra(this_module);

  Type0          *dummy0;
  Type1          *dummy1;
  Type2          *dummy2;

  int num_patches = (public_xtra->num_patches);
  int            *patch_indexes = (public_xtra->patch_indexes);
  int            *input_types = (public_xtra->input_types);
  int            *bc_types = (public_xtra->bc_types);

  Grid           *grid = VectorGrid(saturation);
  SubgridArray   *subgrids = GridSubgrids(grid);

  Subgrid        *subgrid;

  Subvector      *sat_sub;
  double         *satp;

  BCStruct       *bc_struct;

  int patch_index;

  int nx_v, ny_v, nz_v;
  int sx_v, sy_v, sz_v;

  int            *fdir;

  int indx, ipatch, is, i, j, k, ival, iv, sv;

   * Get an offset into the PublicXtra data

  indx = (phase * num_patches);

   * Set up bc_struct with NULL values component

  bc_struct = NewBCStruct(subgrids, gr_domain,
                          num_patches, patch_indexes, bc_types, NULL);

   * Implement BC's

  for (ipatch = 0; ipatch < num_patches; ipatch++)
    patch_index = patch_indexes[ipatch];

    ForSubgridI(is, subgrids)
      subgrid = SubgridArraySubgrid(subgrids, is);

      sat_sub = VectorSubvector(saturation, is);

      nx_v = SubvectorNX(sat_sub);
      ny_v = SubvectorNY(sat_sub);
      nz_v = SubvectorNZ(sat_sub);

      sx_v = 1;
      sy_v = nx_v;
      sz_v = ny_v * nx_v;

      satp = SubvectorData(sat_sub);

      switch (input_types[indx + ipatch])
        case 0:
          double constant;

          dummy0 = (Type0*)(public_xtra->data[indx + ipatch]);

          constant = (dummy0->constant);

          BCStructPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, ival, bc_struct, ipatch, is,
            sv = 0;
            if (fdir[0])
              sv = fdir[0] * sx_v;
            else if (fdir[1])
              sv = fdir[1] * sy_v;
            else if (fdir[2])
              sv = fdir[2] * sz_v;

            iv = SubvectorEltIndex(sat_sub, i, j, k);

            satp[iv       ] = constant;
            satp[iv + sv] = constant;
            satp[iv + 2 * sv] = constant;


        case 1:
          double height;
          double lower;
          double upper;

          double z, dz2;

          dummy1 = (Type1*)(public_xtra->data[indx + ipatch]);

          height = (dummy1->height);
          lower = (dummy1->lower);
          upper = (dummy1->upper);

          dz2 = SubgridDZ(subgrid) / 2.0;

          BCStructPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, ival, bc_struct, ipatch, is,
            sv = 0;
            if (fdir[0])
              sv = fdir[0] * sx_v;
            else if (fdir[1])
              sv = fdir[1] * sy_v;
            else if (fdir[2])
              sv = fdir[2] * sz_v;

            iv = SubvectorEltIndex(sat_sub, i, j, k);

            z = RealSpaceZ(k, SubgridRZ(subgrid)) + fdir[2] * dz2;

            if (z <= height)
              satp[iv       ] = lower;
              satp[iv + sv] = lower;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = lower;
              satp[iv       ] = upper;
              satp[iv + sv] = upper;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = upper;


        case 2:
          int ip, num_points;
          double  *point;
          double  *height;
          double lower;
          double upper;

          double x, y, z, dx2, dy2, dz2;
          double unitx, unity, line_min, line_length, xy, slope;
          double interp_height;

          dummy2 = (Type2*)(public_xtra->data[indx + ipatch]);

          num_points = (dummy2->num_points);
          point = (dummy2->point);
          height = (dummy2->height);
          lower = (dummy2->lower);
          upper = (dummy2->upper);

          dx2 = SubgridDX(subgrid) / 2.0;
          dy2 = SubgridDY(subgrid) / 2.0;
          dz2 = SubgridDZ(subgrid) / 2.0;

          /* compute unit direction vector for piecewise linear line */
          unitx = (dummy2->xupper) - (dummy2->xlower);
          unity = (dummy2->yupper) - (dummy2->ylower);
          line_length = sqrt(unitx * unitx + unity * unity);
          unitx /= line_length;
          unity /= line_length;
          line_min = (dummy2->xlower) * unitx + (dummy2->ylower) * unity;

          BCStructPatchLoop(i, j, k, fdir, ival, bc_struct, ipatch, is,
            sv = 0;
            if (fdir[0])
              sv = fdir[0] * sx_v;
            else if (fdir[1])
              sv = fdir[1] * sy_v;
            else if (fdir[2])
              sv = fdir[2] * sz_v;

            iv = SubvectorEltIndex(sat_sub, i, j, k);

            x = RealSpaceX(i, SubgridRX(subgrid)) + fdir[0] * dx2;
            y = RealSpaceY(j, SubgridRY(subgrid)) + fdir[1] * dy2;
            z = RealSpaceZ(k, SubgridRZ(subgrid)) + fdir[2] * dz2;

            /* project center of BC face onto piecewise linear line */
            xy = x * unitx + y * unity;
            xy = (xy - line_min) / line_length;

            /* find two neighboring points */
            ip = 1;
            for (; ip < (num_points - 1); ip++)
              if (xy < point[ip])

            /* compute the slope */
            slope = ((height[ip] - height[ip - 1]) /
                     (point[ip] - point[ip - 1]));

            interp_height = height[ip - 1] + slope * (xy - point[ip - 1]);

            if (z <= interp_height)
              satp[iv       ] = lower;
              satp[iv + sv] = lower;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = lower;
              satp[iv       ] = upper;
              satp[iv + sv] = upper;
              satp[iv + 2 * sv] = upper;
