/* Subscribe for notifications about file changes. When a file changes, we'll
call observer->OnFileChanged().

We take ownership of observer object.

Returns a cancellation token that can be used in FileWatcherUnsubscribe(). That
way we can support multiple callers subscribing to the same file.
WatchedFile* FileWatcherSubscribe(const WCHAR* path, const std::function<void()>& onFileChangedCb) {
    lf(L"FileWatcherSubscribe() path: %s", path);

    if (!file::Exists(path)) {
        return nullptr;


    ScopedCritSec cs(&g_threadCritSec);
    return NewWatchedFile(path, onFileChangedCb);
/* Subscribe for notifications about file changes. When a file changes, we'll
call observer->OnFileChanged(). We take ownership of observer object.

Returns a cancellation token that can be used in FileWatcherUnsubscribe(). That
way we can support multiple callers subscribing for the same file.
FileWatcherToken FileWatcherSubscribe(const WCHAR *path, FileChangeObserver *observer)
    if (!file::Exists(path)) {
        delete observer;
        return INVALID_TOKEN;
    // TODO: if the file is on a network drive we should periodically check
    // it ourselves, because ReadDirectoryChangesW()
    // doesn't work in that case
    WatchedFile *wf = NewWatchedFile(path, observer);
    return wf->token;
/* Subscribe for notifications about file changes. When a file changes, we'll
call observer->OnFileChanged().

We take ownership of observer object.

Returns a cancellation token that can be used in FileWatcherUnsubscribe(). That
way we can support multiple callers subscribing to the same file.
WatchedFile *FileWatcherSubscribe(const WCHAR *path, FileChangeObserver *observer)

    lf(L"FileWatcherSubscribe() path: %s", path);

    if (!file::Exists(path)) {
        delete observer;
        return nullptr;


    ScopedCritSec cs(&g_threadCritSec);
    return NewWatchedFile(path, observer);