static void MagneticField (const NewtonJoint* contactJoint, dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
		dFloat magnetStregnth;
		const NewtonBody* body0;
		const NewtonBody* body1; 
		const NewtonBody* magneticField;
		const NewtonBody* magneticPiece;

		body0 = NewtonJointGetBody0 (contactJoint);
		body1 = NewtonJointGetBody1 (contactJoint);

		// get the magnetic field body
		magneticPiece = body0;
		magneticField = body1;
		if (NewtonCollisionIsTriggerVolume (NewtonBodyGetCollision(body0))) {
			magneticPiece = body1;
			magneticField = body0;
		_ASSERTE (NewtonCollisionIsTriggerVolume (NewtonBodyGetCollision(magneticField)));

		// calculate the magnetic force field

		dMatrix center;
		dMatrix location;

		NewtonBodyGetMatrix (magneticField, &center[0][0]);
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix (magneticPiece, &location[0][0]);

		Magnet* magnet;
		magnet = (Magnet*)NewtonBodyGetUserData(magneticField);

		magnetStregnth = magnet->m_magnetStregnth;

		// calculate the magnetic force;

		dFloat den;
		dVector force (center.m_posit - location.m_posit);

		den = force % force;
		den = magnetStregnth / (den * dSqrt (den) + 0.1f);
		force = force.Scale (den);

		// because we are modifiing one of the bodies membber in the call back, there uis a chace that 
		// another materail can be operations on the same object at the same time of aother thread
		// therfore we need to make the assigmnet in a critical section.
		NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (magneticPiece));
		// add the magner force
		NewtonBodyAddForce (magneticPiece, &force[0]);

		force = force.Scale (-1.0f);
		NewtonBodyAddForce (magnet->m_magneticCore, &force[0]);

		// also if the body is sleeping fore it to wake up for this frame
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState (magneticPiece, 0);
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState (magnet->m_magneticCore, 0);

		// unlock the critical section
		NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (magneticPiece));
	static void PlaneCollisionCollideCallbackDescrete (NewtonUserMeshCollisionCollideDesc* const collideDesc)
		dInfinitePlane* const me = (dInfinitePlane*) collideDesc->m_userData;

		dVector p0 (collideDesc->m_boxP0[0], collideDesc->m_boxP0[1], collideDesc->m_boxP0[2], 0.0f);
		dVector p1 (collideDesc->m_boxP1[0], collideDesc->m_boxP1[1], collideDesc->m_boxP1[2], 0.0f);
		dVector suportVertex ((me->m_plane.m_x > 0.0f) ? p0.m_x : p1.m_x, (me->m_plane.m_y > 0.0f) ? p0.m_y : p1.m_y, (me->m_plane.m_z > 0.0f) ? p0.m_z : p1.m_z);

		dFloat dist = me->m_plane.DotProduct3(suportVertex) + me->m_plane.m_w;
		if (dist < 0.25f) {
			// calculate the aabb center
			dVector centre ((p1 + p0).Scale (0.5f));

			//find the projection of center point over the plane
			dFloat t = - (me->m_plane.DotProduct3(centre) + me->m_plane.m_w);
			centre += me->m_plane.Scale (t);

			//know calculate the scale factor
			dVector size (p1 - p0);
			dFloat s = dMax(size.m_x, dMax (size.m_y, size.m_z));

			dInt32 threadNumber = collideDesc->m_threadNumber;

			// initialize the callback data structure
#ifdef PASS_A_QUAD
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 1;
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 2;
			collideDesc->m_vertexStrideInBytes = sizeof (dVector);
			collideDesc->m_faceIndexCount = &me->m_faceIndices[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_faceVertexIndex = &me->m_indexArray[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_vertex = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0][0];
			dVector* const polygon = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				polygon[i] = centre + me->m_unitSphape[i].Scale (s);
			// save face normal
			polygon[4] =  me->m_plane;

			// show debug display info
			if (DebugDisplayOn()) {
				dMatrix matrix;
				dVector face[64];

				NewtonBodyGetMatrix (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody, &matrix[0][0]);
				matrix.TransformTriplex (&face[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), &polygon[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 4);

				NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody);
				// critical section lock
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (world, threadNumber);
				//DebugDrawPolygon (4, &face[0]);
				// unlock the critical section
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (world);
	static void PlaneCollisionCollideCallbackConstinue (NewtonUserMeshCollisionCollideDesc* const collideDesc, const void* const continueCollisionHandle)
		dInfinitePlane* const me = (dInfinitePlane*) collideDesc->m_userData;

		// build that aabb of each face and submit only the one that pass the test.
		if (NewtonUserMeshCollisionContinuousOverlapTest (collideDesc, continueCollisionHandle, &me->m_minBox[0], &me->m_maxBox[0])) {
			const dVector& p0 = me->m_minBox;
			const dVector& p1 = me->m_maxBox;
			dVector centre ((p1 + p0).Scale (0.5f));

			//find the projection of center point over the plane
			dFloat t = - (me->m_plane.DotProduct3(centre) + me->m_plane.m_w);
			centre += me->m_plane.Scale (t);

			//know calculate the scale factor
			dVector size (p1 - p0);
			dFloat s = dMax(size.m_x, dMax (size.m_y, size.m_z)) * 0.5f;

			dInt32 threadNumber = collideDesc->m_threadNumber;

			// initialize the callback data structure
#ifdef PASS_A_QUAD
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 1;
			collideDesc->m_faceCount = 2;
			collideDesc->m_vertexStrideInBytes = sizeof (dVector);
			collideDesc->m_faceIndexCount = &me->m_faceIndices[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_faceVertexIndex = &me->m_indexArray[threadNumber][0];
			collideDesc->m_vertex = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0][0];
			dVector* const polygon = &me->m_collisionVertex[threadNumber][0];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				polygon[i] = centre + me->m_unitSphape[i].Scale (s);
			// save face normal
			polygon[4] =  me->m_plane;

			// show debug display info
			if (DebugDisplayOn()) {
				dMatrix matrix;
				dVector face[64];

				NewtonBodyGetMatrix (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody, &matrix[0][0]);
				matrix.TransformTriplex (&face[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), &polygon[0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 4);

				NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (collideDesc->m_polySoupBody);
				// critical section lock
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (world, threadNumber);
				//DebugDrawPolygon (4, &face[0]);
				// unlock the critical section
				NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (world);
static void ShowMeshCollidingFaces (
	const NewtonBody* bodyWithTreeCollision, 
	const NewtonBody* body, 
	int faceID, 
	int vertexCount, 
	const dFloat* vertex, 
	int vertexstrideInBytes)

	// we are coping data to and array of memory, another call back may be doing the same thing
	// here fore we need to avoid race conditions
	NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (bodyWithTreeCollision));

	dVector face[64];
	int stride = vertexstrideInBytes / sizeof (dFloat);
	for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j ++) {
		face [j] = dVector (vertex[j * stride + 0], vertex[j * stride + 1] , vertex[j * stride + 2]);
	DebugDrawPolygon (vertexCount, face);

	// unlock the critical section
	NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (bodyWithTreeCollision));
void ShowMeshCollidingFaces (const NewtonBody* const staticCollisionBody, const NewtonBody* const body, int faceID, int vertexCount, const dFloat* const vertex, int vertexstrideInBytes)
	if (g_debugMode) {
		if ((g_debugDisplayCount + vertexCount * 2) < int (sizeof (g_debugDisplayCallback) / sizeof(g_debugDisplayCallback[0]))) {
			// we are coping data to and array of memory, another call back may be doing the same thing
			// here fore we need to avoid race conditions
			NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (staticCollisionBody), 0);

			int stride = vertexstrideInBytes / sizeof (dFloat);
			dVector l0 (vertex[(vertexCount-1) * stride + 0], vertex[(vertexCount-1) * stride + 1], vertex[(vertexCount-1) * stride + 2], 0.0f);
			for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j ++) {
				dVector l1 (vertex[j * stride + 0], vertex[j * stride + 1] , vertex[j * stride + 2], 0.0f);
				g_debugDisplayCallback[g_debugDisplayCount + 0] = l0;
				g_debugDisplayCallback[g_debugDisplayCount + 1] = l1;
				g_debugDisplayCount  += 2;
				l0 = l1;
			// unlock the critical section
			NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (staticCollisionBody));
void CalculatePickForceAndTorque (const NewtonBody* const body, const dVector& pointOnBodyInGlobalSpace, const dVector& targetPositionInGlobalSpace, dFloat timestep)
	dVector com; 
	dMatrix matrix; 
	dVector omega0;
	dVector veloc0;
	dVector omega1;
	dVector veloc1;
	dVector pointVeloc;

	const dFloat stiffness = 0.3f;
	const dFloat angularDamp = 0.95f;

	dFloat invTimeStep = 1.0f / timestep;
	NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (body);
	NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (world, 0);

	// calculate the desired impulse
	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body, &matrix[0][0]);
	NewtonBodyGetOmega (body, &omega0[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity (body, &veloc0[0]);

	NewtonBodyGetPointVelocity (body, &pointOnBodyInGlobalSpace[0], &pointVeloc[0]);

	dVector deltaVeloc (targetPositionInGlobalSpace - pointOnBodyInGlobalSpace);
	deltaVeloc = deltaVeloc.Scale (stiffness * invTimeStep) - pointVeloc;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
		dVector veloc (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		veloc[i] = deltaVeloc[i];
		NewtonBodyAddImpulse (body, &veloc[0], &pointOnBodyInGlobalSpace[0]);

	// damp angular velocity
	NewtonBodyGetOmega (body, &omega1[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity (body, &veloc1[0]);
	omega1 = omega1.Scale (angularDamp);

	// restore body velocity and angular velocity
	NewtonBodySetOmega (body, &omega0[0]);
	NewtonBodySetVelocity(body, &veloc0[0]);

	// convert the delta velocity change to a external force and torque
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	dFloat mass;
	NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (body, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

	dVector angularMomentum (Ixx, Iyy, Izz);
	angularMomentum = matrix.RotateVector (angularMomentum.CompProduct(matrix.UnrotateVector(omega1 - omega0)));

	dVector force ((veloc1 - veloc0).Scale (mass * invTimeStep));
	dVector torque (angularMomentum.Scale(invTimeStep));

	NewtonBodyAddForce(body, &force[0]);
	NewtonBodyAddTorque(body, &torque[0]);

	// make sure the body is unfrozen, if it is picked
	NewtonBodySetSleepState (body, 0);

	NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (world);
		void ApplyTracktionForce (dFloat timestep, const NewtonBody* track)
			dVector veloc;
			dVector omega;
			dMatrix matrix;

			NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_body0, &omega[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_body0, &veloc[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetMatrix (m_body0, &matrix[0][0]);

			// itetate over the contact list and condition each contact direction anc contact acclerations
			for (NewtonJoint* contactJoint = NewtonBodyGetFirstContactJoint (track); contactJoint; contactJoint = NewtonBodyGetNextContactJoint (track, contactJoint)) {
				_ASSERTE ((NewtonJointGetBody0 (contactJoint) == track) || (NewtonJointGetBody1 (contactJoint) == track));

				int contactCount;
				contactCount = NewtonContactJointGetContactCount(contactJoint);
				if (contactCount > 2) {
					// project the contact to the bounday of the conve hull o fteh trhread foot ptint 
					dFloat maxDist;
					dFloat minDist;
					void* minContact;
					void* maxContact;
					dMatrix matrix;
					minContact = NULL;
				    maxContact = NULL;
					NewtonBodyGetMatrix (track, &matrix[0][0]);

					maxDist = -1.0e10f;
					minDist = -1.0e10f;
					//find the best two contacts and remove all others
					for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact (contactJoint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact (contactJoint, contact)) {
						dFloat dist;
						dVector point;
						dVector normal;
						NewtonMaterial* material;

					    material = NewtonContactGetMaterial (contact);
						NewtonMaterialGetContactPositionAndNormal(material, &point[0], &normal[0]);
						dist = matrix.m_front % point;
						if (dist > maxDist) {
							maxDist = dist;
							maxContact = contact;
						if (-dist > minDist) {
							minDist = -dist;
							minContact = contact;

					// now delete all reduntact contacts
					void* nextContact;
					NewtonWorld* world;

					world = NewtonBodyGetWorld (track);
					for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact (contactJoint); contact; contact = nextContact) {
						nextContact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact (contactJoint, contact);
						if (!((contact == minContact) || (contact == maxContact))) {
							NewtonContactJointRemoveContact (contactJoint, contact);


				for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact (contactJoint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact (contactJoint, contact)) {
					dFloat speed;
					dFloat accel;
					dVector point;
					dVector normal;
					dVector dir0;
					dVector dir1;
					NewtonMaterial* material;

				    material = NewtonContactGetMaterial (contact);
					NewtonMaterialContactRotateTangentDirections (material, &matrix.m_front[0]);
					NewtonMaterialGetContactPositionAndNormal(material, &point[0], &normal[0]);
					NewtonMaterialGetContactTangentDirections (material, &dir0[0], &dir1[0]);

					dVector posit (point - matrix.m_posit);
					veloc += omega * posit;
					speed = veloc % dir0;
				//	accel = m_accel - 0.1f * speed + (((posit % m_matrix.m_right) > 0.0f) ? m_turnAccel : - m_turnAccel);
					accel = m_veloc + (((posit % matrix.m_right) > 0.0f) ? m_turnVeloc : - m_turnVeloc);

					accel = (accel - speed) * 0.5f / timestep;

			//		NewtonMaterialSetContactStaticFrictionCoef (material, 1.0f, 0);
			//		NewtonMaterialSetContactKineticFrictionCoef (material, 1.0f, 0);
					NewtonMaterialSetContactFrictionCoef (material, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0);

			//		NewtonMaterialSetContactStaticFrictionCoef (material, 0.5f, 1);
			//		NewtonMaterialSetContactKineticFrictionCoef (material, 0.5f, 1);
					NewtonMaterialSetContactFrictionCoef (material, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
					NewtonMaterialSetContactTangentAcceleration (material, accel, 0);

				// for debug purpose show the contact
				ShowJointContacts (contactJoint);